2019学年高一英语下学期第二次月考试题 新版-人教版

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2019学年高一英语下学期第二次月考试题 新版-人教版

‎2019学年第二学期第二次月考试题 高一英语 第I卷 ‎(考试说明:满分150分,考试时间120分钟)‎ 第一部分 听力(共两节, 满分30分)‎ 第一节 (共5小题,每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) ‎ 请听下面5段对话,选出最佳选项。每段对话仅读一遍。‎ ‎1. What does their mum probably like to drink?‎ A. Milk. B. Beer. C. Orange juice.‎ ‎2. Why did Jane quit her job?‎ A. She lost interest in the job.‎ B. She earned too little from the job.‎ C. She didn’t want to work so many hours.‎ ‎3. What are the two speakers mainly talking about?‎ A. Their friend Jane. B. A weekend trip. C. A radio program.‎ ‎4. How long will the man stay in the hotel?‎ A. Two nights. B. Four nights. C. Six nights.‎ ‎5. What did the man intend to do at first?‎ A. To visit an exhibition. B. To buy some books. C. To buy some artwork.‎ 第二节 (共15小题,每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)‎ 请听下面五段对话或独白,选出最佳选项。每段对话读两遍。‎ 听第六段材料, 回答第6、7题。‎ ‎6. What does Mr. Smith teach?‎ A. History. B. Science. C. Humor ‎7. Why does the boy dislike Madam Curie?‎ A. She speaks with an accent.‎ B. She laughs at him when he speaks.‎ C. She is not beautiful.‎ - 14 -‎ 听第七段材料, 回答第8至10题。‎ ‎8. What does Lily invite Mike to do?‎ A. She invites him to have a party together.‎ B. She invites him to have dinner together.‎ C. She invites him to watch TV together.‎ ‎9. Why does Mike NOT go out on Saturday evening?‎ A. Because he has to have a party.‎ B. Because he must work on Saturday evening.‎ C. Because he always watches the football match.‎ ‎10. When do they decide to have dinner together?‎ A. This Friday. B. Next Tuesday. C. Next Wednesday.‎ 请听第8段材料,回答第11至13题。‎ ‎11. What does the man offer to do?‎ A. To clean the floor. B. To clean the dishes. C. To fix some coffee.‎ ‎12.What’s the man’s advantage?‎ A. He’s good at cooking. ‎ B. He’s good at making drinks.‎ C. He knows a lot about food.‎ ‎13. What does the woman do to make quick dinners on weekdays?‎ A. Only have eggs for supper.‎ B. Take courses on quick cooking.‎ C. Cook more meals on weekends.‎ 请听第9材料,回答第14至17题。‎ ‎14. What did Hunter and Mary do last summer?‎ A. They listened to a talk by Professor Smith.‎ B. They went to visit Yale University.‎ C. They started to learn childhood education.‎ ‎15. Who is Ms Yang?‎ A. Mr. White’s wife. B. Mr. White’s new secretary. C. Mr.‎ - 14 -‎ ‎ White’s teacher.‎ ‎16. What do we know about Professor Smith?‎ A. He is an expert in childhood psychology.‎ B. He now works in a prison.‎ C. Problematic children like him very much.‎ ‎17. What are Professor Smith’s two children doing now?‎ A. They are studying in middle school.‎ B. They are being kept in a prison in the west.‎ C. They are learning child psychology in college.‎ 请听第10段材料,回答第18至20题。‎ ‎18. Where does Victoria Great come from?‎ A. England. B. Italy. C. Australia.‎ ‎19. How many years has Italian Nicole Beath been living in Singapore?‎ A. About five. B. Seven. C. More than ten.‎ ‎20. What languages can Danya Goll’s four-year-old child use?‎ A. English and Italian. B. English and Chinese. C. Italian and Chinese.‎ 第二部分 阅读理解 (共两节,满分40分)‎ 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)‎ 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项。‎ A Music Opera at Music Hall: 1243 Elm Street. The season runs June through August, with additional performances in March and September. The Opera honors Enjoy the Arts membership discounts. Phone: 241-2742. http://www.cityopera.com.‎ Chamber Orchestra: The Orchestra plays at Memorial Hall at 1406 Elm Street, which offers several concerts from March through June. Call 723-1182 for more information. ‎ http: //www.chamberorch.com.‎ Symphony Orchestra: At Music Hall and Riverbend. For ticket sales, call 381-3300.‎ - 14 -‎ ‎ Regular season runs September through May at Music Hall in summer at Riverbend.‎ http://www.symphony.org/home.asp.‎ College Conservatory of Music (CCM): Performances are on the main campus(校园) of the university, usually at Patricia Cobbett Theater. CCM organizes a variety of events, including performances by the well-known LaSalle Quartet, CCM’s Philharmonic Orchestra, and various groups of musicians presenting Baroque through modern music. Students with I.D. cards can attend the events for free. A free schedule of events for each term is available by calling the box office at 556-4183. http://www.ccm.uc.edu/events/calendar.‎ Riverbend Music Theater: 6295 Kellogg Ave. Large outdoor theater with the closest seats under cover (price difference).Big name shows all summer long! Phone:232-6220. ‎ http://www.riverbendmusic.com.‎ ‎21. Which number should you call if you want to see an opera?‎ A. 381-3300. B. 723-1182. C. 241-2742. D. 232-6220.‎ ‎22. When can you go to a concert by Chamber Orchestra?‎ A. February. B.November. C. August. D. May. ‎ ‎23.Where can students go for free performances with their I.D. cards?‎ A. Patricia Cobbett Theater. B. Memorial Hall.‎ C. Music Hall. D. Riverbend Music Theater.‎ ‎24. How is Riverbend Music Theater different from the other places?‎ A. It offers membership discounts. B. It gives shows all year round.‎ C. It has seats in the open air. D. It presents famous musical works.‎ B Last night I was driving from Harrisburg to Lewisburg,distance of about eighty miles. It was late. Several times I got stuck behind a slow-moving truck on a narrow road with a solid white line on my left, and I became increasingly impatient.‎ - 14 -‎ At one point along an open road, I came to a crossing with a traffic light. I was alone on the road by now, but as I drove near the light, it turned red and I made a stop. I looked left, right and behind me. Nothing. Not a car, no suggestion of car lamps, but there I sat, waiting for the light to change, the only human being for at least a mile in any direction.‎ I started wondering why I refused to run the light I was not afraid of being caught, because there was clearly no policeman around, and there certainly would have been no danger in going through it.‎ Much later that night, the question of why I'd stopped for that light came back to me. I think I stopped because it's part of a contract(契约)we all have with each other. It's not only the law, but it is an agreement we have, and we trust each other to honor it: we don't go through red lights.‎ Trust is our first inclination(倾向).Doubting others does not seem to be natural to us. The whole construction of our society depends on mutual(相互)trust, not distrust. We do what we say we'll do; we show up when we say we'll show up; and we pay when we say we'll pay. We trust each other in these matters, and we're angry or disappointed with the person or organization that breaks the trust we have in them.‎ I was so proud of myself for stopping for the red light that night.‎ 25. Why did the author get impatient while driving?‎ A. He was lonely on the road. B.He came across too many traffic lights. ‎ B. C.He got tired of driving too long. D.He was slowed down by a truck. ‎ ‎26. What was the author's immediate action when the traffic light turned red?‎ A.Looking around for other cars. B.Driving through it. ‎ C.Stopping still. D.Checking out for traffic police. ‎ ‎27. The event made the author strongly believe that __________. ‎ A.traffic rules may be unnecessary B.a society needs mutual trust ‎ - 14 -‎ C.patience is important to drivers D.doubting others is human nature ‎ ‎28. Why was the author proud of himself ?‎ A.He kept his promise. B.He made a right decision. ‎ C.He followed his inclination. D.He held back his anger. ‎ C I am Peter Hodes , a volunteer stem cell courier. Since March 2012, I’ve done 89 trips—of those , 51 have been abroad. I have 42 hours to carry stem cells(干细胞)in my little box because I’ve got two ice packs and that’s how long they last. In all, from the time the stem cells are harvested from a donor(捐献者) to the time they can be implanted in the patient, we’ve got 72 hours at most. So I am always conscious of time.‎ I had one trip last year where I was caught by a hurricane in America. I picked up the stem cells in Providence, Rhode Island, and was meant to fly to Washington then back to London. But when I arrived at the check-in desk at Providence, the lady on the desk said:“Well, I’m really sorry, I’ve got some bad news for you—there are no flights from Washington.” So I took my box and put it on the desk and I said:“In this box are some stem cells that are urgently needed for a patient-please, please, you’ve got to get me back to the United Kingdom.” She just dropped everything. She arranged for a flight on a small plane to be held for me, re-routed(改道)me through Newark and got me back to the UK even earlier than originally scheduled.‎ For this courier job, you’re consciously aware that in that box you’ve got something that is potentially going to save somebody’s life.‎ ‎29. Which of the following can replace the underlined word “courier” in Paragraph1?‎ A. provider B. medical doctor C. collector D. delivery man ‎30. Why does Peter have to complete his trip within 42 hours?‎ A. He cannot stay away from his job too long.‎ B.The ice won’t last any longer.‎ C. The operation needs that much time.‎ D. The donor can only wait for that long.‎ - 14 -‎ ‎31. Which flight did the woman put Peter on first?‎ A. To London. B. To Washington. C. To Providence. D. To Newark.‎ D As more and more people speak the global languages of English, Chinese, Spanish, and Arabic, other languages are rapidly disappearing. In fact, half of the 6,000-7,000 languages spoken around the world today will likely die out by the next century, according to the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). ‎ In an effort to prevent language loss, scholars from a number of organizations — UNESCO and National Geographic among them—have for many years been documenting dying languages and the cultures they reflect.‎ Mark Turin, a scientist at the Macmillan Center, Yale University, who specializes in the languages and oral traditions of the Himalayas, is following in that tradition. His recently published book, A Grammar of Thangmi with an Ethnolinguistic Introduction to the Speakers and Their Culture, grows out of his experience living, working, and raising a family in a village in Nepal.‎ Documenting the Thangmi language and culture is just a starting point for Turin, who seeks to include other languages and oral traditions across the Himalayan reaches of India , Nepal, Bhutan, and China . But he is not content to simply record these voices before they disappear without record. ‎ At the University of Cambridge Turin discovered a wealth of important materials-including photographs, films, tape recordings, and field notes—which had remained unstudied and were badly in need of care and protection.‎ Now, through the two organizations that he has founded— the Digital Himalaya Project and the World Oral Literature Project —Turin has started a campaign to make such documents, found in libraries and stores around the world, available not just to scholars but to the younger generations of communities from whom the materials were originally collected. Thanks to digital technology and the widely available Internet, Turin notes, the endangered languages can be saved and reconnected with - 14 -‎ ‎ speech communities.‎ ‎32. Many scholars are making efforts to ______.‎ A. promote global languages B. set up language research organizations.‎ C. search for language communities D. rescue disappearing languages ‎33. What does “that tradition” in Paragraph 3 refer to ?‎ A. Telling stories about language users. B. Writing books on language teaching.‎ C. Having full records of the languages. D. Living with the native speakers.‎ ‎34. What is Turin’s book based on?‎ A. The cultural studies in India. B. His personal experience in Nepal. ‎ C. His language research in Bhutan. D. The documents available at Yale. ‎ ‎35. Which of the following best describe Turin’s work?‎ A. Collect, protect and reconnect. B. Record, repair and reward.‎ C. Write, sell and donate. D. Design, experiment and report.‎ 第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)‎ 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。‎ Every child is a good seed of the future. Children are gifts that God has given to parents to faithfully care for. But whether you are a mom or a dad, it isn’t easy to raise children to be adults. 36 ‎ Walk the walk, but don’t just talk the talk. 37 That’s to say, they don’t like it when you are just telling them to “Do as I say, not as I do”. So, set an example to them.‎ Listen to your teens. This takes more than just hearing and needs paying close attention and sincerely caring about what they have to say. If teens do not come to their parents for advice or support when they face difficult situations in life, there’s usually a reason. 38 ‎ Be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to get angry. Often, young people ‎ - 14 -‎ simply need to talk and express their sadness, questions, or concerns. Trying to solve their problems simply adds more trouble to the situation. 39 But before that, show them that you care for them by listening. ‎ ‎ 40 In a society where so many marriages break up, countless teens have no loving parent or role model that they need, Whether you believe it or not, parents are the biggest influence in their teens’ life.‎ A. Being a good student takes practice.‎ B. They will ask for advice when they are ready for it.‎ C. Most likely, it is because the parent is not a good listener.‎ D. Here are some practical steps you can take to be a good example.‎ E. They are watching you closely and modeling their lives after you.‎ F. Realize that you influence your teens beyond your own imagination.‎ G. But it is easier for parents to raise children today than over 50 years ago.‎ 第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分45分)‎ 第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)‎ 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项。‎ Once upon a time, there lived two parent parrots. Every morning they flew out to 41 food for their two young birds. One day, a hunter 42 the young birds. The young birds 43 to free themselves from the hands of the hunter. One 44 from the hunter, while the other was taken in a cage by the hunter to his house. He gave it to his 45 .‎ The other parrot flew away and came to a place where some holy men(圣人)lived. They did not 46 the young parrot, so it stayed there. It 47 their talk and learned to say a few words.‎ Several years later, a traveler was walking near the hunter’s hut. He sat near the hut, extremely 48 . He heard the parrot that lived there say, “ 49 , why have you come here? I will cut your throat.” The traveler 50 got up and left the place in a hurry. Then he happened to reach the place where the other parrot lived. The parrot was sitting on a tree. Seeing the traveler, it said, “Welcome, traveler. Welcome to this hermitage(偏僻的寺院). We have a lot of good 51 in this ‎ - 14 -‎ forest, which looks sweet and delicious. Eat whatever you like. The holy men will 52 you well.”‎ The traveler was 53 . He couldn’t understand why this parrot was so polite 54 the other one was so rude. They were both parrots, after all. 55 it wasn’t strange. The parrot he met first lived with the hunter’s children who often spoke 56 words, while the parrot he met later had learned the 57 of holy people.‎ Our growing environment is of great 58 . It is the company(陪伴) that shapes our words and deeds. Good company helps us learn good things while bad company 59 the contrary. Therefore, choose the 60 people to grow up with.‎ ‎41. A. get B. save C. cook D. buy ‎42. A. beat B. threatened C. caught D. observed ‎43. A. flew B. screamed C. advanced D. struggled ‎44. A. disappeared B. learned C. escaped D. died ‎45. A. cousins B. kids C. neighbors D. parents ‎46. A. harm B. follow C. know D. demand ‎47. A. looked for B. cared for C. referred to D. listened to ‎48. A. disappointed B. tired C. concerned D. excited ‎49. A. Father B. Officer C. Fool D. Sir ‎50. A. suddenly B. gradually C. hardly D. immediately ‎51. A. rice B. fruit C. meat D. bread ‎52. A. treat B. understand C. guide D. protect ‎53. A. interested B. excited C. surprised D. relaxed ‎54. A. though B. unless C. as D. while ‎55. A. Necessarily B. Actually C. Fortunately D. Strangely ‎56. A. dirty B. short C. dishonest D. amazing ‎57. A. language B. joy C. attitude D. experience ‎58. A. difference B. shock C. value D. importance ‎59. A. picks up B. devotes to C. leads to D. makes up - 14 -‎ ‎60. A. lucky B. right C. kind-hearted D. educated 第II卷 第二节 语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)‎ 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。‎ Diets have changed in China and so too has its top crop. Since 2011, the country has grown more corn than rice. Corn 61 (produce) has jumped nearly 125 percent over the past 25 years, while rice 62 (increase) only 7 percent.‎ A taste for meat is 63 (actual) behind the change: An important part of its corn is used to feed chickens, pigs, and cattle. Another reason for corn’s rise: The government encourages farmers to grow corn instead of rice 64 (improve) water quality. Corn uses less water 65 rice and creates less fertilizer runoff. This switch(改变)has reduced pollution in the country’s major lakes and made 66 (drink) water safer for people.‎ According to the World Bank, China accounts 67 about 30 percent of total 68 (globe) fertilizer consumption(消费). The Chinese Ministry of Agriculture finds that between 2005 when the government 69 (start) a soil-testing program 70 gives specific fertilizer recommendations(推荐) to farmers and 2011, fertilizer use dropped by 7.7 million tons. That prevented the emission(排放) of 51.8 million tons of carbon dioxide. ‎ 第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)‎ 第一节:短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)‎ 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。‎ ‎ 增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧),并在其下面写出该加的词。‎ ‎ 删除:把多余的词用(\)划掉。‎ ‎ 修改:在错的词下画一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。‎ ‎ 注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;‎ 2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。‎ - 14 -‎ Dear Mr Smith,‎ Knowing that you’ll return back to your hometown, I as well as all my classmates are very upset. All of us still remember the days when we spent together happily, which left a deep impression to us. We all know it is with your help which we have made great progress in English learning. We also know your patience and consideration have made possible for us to get a clear idea of that you said at class. Besides, you often tell us the message which anyone can succeed if he/she tries his /her best. We feel so luckily to have such an amazed teacher like you. All of us wish you a good trip.‎ 第二节:书面表达(满分25分)‎ 假设你是高一三班的学生李华,请针对我校学生在校的不文明行为用英语给校长写一封信。要点包括:‎ 1. 存在的问题(男女同学之间举止不端;在楼道大声喧哗;在校园内骑车等);‎ 2. 提出整改建议(至少2条);‎ 3. 期望采纳。‎ 注意:词数100---120‎ Dear Sir, ‎ I’m Li Hua, a student from Class 3, Senior 1. I’m writing to draw your attention to some improper behaviors among us students. ___________________________________________________‎ ‎____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎______________________________________________________________________________________‎ - 14 -‎ ‎__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎ Yours sincerely, Li Hua - 14 -‎ ‎2019学年第二学期第二次月考试题 高一英语答案 一. 听力(每小题1.5分,满分30分)‎ ‎1-5 CCBAA 6--10 BCBCC 11---15 BCCAB 16---20ACACB 二.阅读理解(每小题2分,满分40分)‎ A篇21-24CDAC B篇25-28DCBB C篇29-31DBD D篇32-35DCBA 七选五36-40DECBF 三.完形填空(每小题1.5分,满分30分)‎ ‎41-45 ACDCB 46-50 ADBCD 51-55BACDB 56-60AADCB 四.语法填空(每小题1.5分,满分15分)‎ ‎61. production 62. has increased 63. actually 64. to improve 65. than ‎ ‎66. drinking 67. for 68. global 69. started 70 which/that 五.短文改错(每小题1分,满分10分)‎ ‎71.删掉back 72. are — am 73. when — which/that(或删掉when) 74. to — on 75.which — that 76. made it possible 77.that — what 78.which — that 79. luckily — lucky 80. amazed — amazing 六.书面表达(25分)‎ Dear Sir, ‎ I’m Li Hua, a student from Class 3 , Senior 1. I’m writing to draw your attention to some improper behaviors among us students. Some boys and girls don’t behave themselves (behave badly) , hugging and even kissing in our campus, which makes others rather uncomfortable. We can’t bear some students shouting in the passage. Riding bikes in the schoolyard also leads to much trouble.‎ I think it is high time that our school should take some measures to solve these problems. First, some rules should be made to rid ourselves of poor behaviors. Whoever breaks the rules cannot get away with their poor behaviors. Besides, theme class-meetings should be held to educate us students as well as build up our sense of discipline. Only in this way can we create a better learning atmosphere. ‎ I’d appreciate it if you could take my advice into consideration. ‎ ‎ Yours sincerely, Li Hua ‎ - 14 -‎

