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2018 届二轮复习 书面表达之 说明文 说明文就是对事物的发生、结果、特征、性质、状态和功能进行解释、介绍和阐述。目的在于提供知识、表明观念。可以采用举例、比较、对比、类比、分类、分析、说明和叙述的方法。 知识梳理 写说明文时要注意以下几点: 1. 要抓住事物的特征。所谓“特征”,就是这一事物区别于其他事物的标志。说明事物,不仅要抓住其外部形态特征,更重要的是要揭示其本质特征。 2. 要合理安排说明顺序。对于实体事物的建造过程、产品的生产过程、事物的演变过程等往往按时间顺序来说明;对于实体事物的形状、构造应按空间顺序来说明;介绍事物的性质、种类、功能或阐述事物的含义、原理、特点等应按逻辑顺序来说明。 3. 要灵活地采用不同的写作手法。说明文常用的写作手法有罗列法、举例法、分类法、比较法、因果法等。 4. 说明文多采用一般现在时态,用于强调客观事实。 5. 要注意语言的客观性。说明文一般是对客观存在的说明与介绍,因此语言的表述也应该尽可能地给人以客观可信的感觉。在英语中可以使用被动语态或引进权威的信息来源来避免主观色彩,增加文章的客观性。 一、事理说明文 介绍如何做某事的说明文属于事理说明文,比如如 何使用新产品、如何做食物、如何保持身体健康 等。写这类说明文应注意: 1. 说明顺序要合理。事理说明文是阐述事理的,用逻辑顺序便于说明得清楚明白,所以事理说明文多采用逻辑顺序。常见逻辑顺序包括:从因到果、从主到次、从整体到部分、从概括到具体、从现象到本质、从具体到一般等。常用过渡词有 first, at first, firstly, in the first place, first of all, to begin with, above all, then, next, besides, in addition, apart from that, what’s more, finally, furthermore, last but not least 等。 2. 说明方法要灵活。事理是比较抽象的,要将其解说得通俗易懂,就要尽量利用人们熟悉、明白的东西来说明。常用的说明方法包括下定义、举例子、列数字、引用、比较、分类等。 3. 说明知识要准确。事理说明文都是以一定的科学依据为基础的,说明时一定要根据事物科学性来揭示其本质。 二、事物说明文 介绍事物特点的说明文属于事物说明文,其说明对象是具体事物,目的是使读者了解该事物的特点和优势,如产品介绍、建筑物介绍等。 介绍产品时,可以从该产品的形状、规格大小、颜色和功能几个方面进行概括说明。在说明过程中,可借助举例法和细节描述法使内容清晰丰满。结尾段要突出题目要求,重申说明目的,使文章完整。 常用表达有: ... is a new kind of ... produced by ... Made of ..., it is light, small, and easy to carry. ... is famous for its excellent quality and reasonable price. 介绍建筑物时,首先要点明功用:学校还是工厂,图书馆还是公园。按照从外到内,从上到下,从前到后,由远及近的顺序具体说明,也可按顺时针或逆时针的方向来介绍。在介绍规则排列的多个建筑时,可先选定中心坐标,然后介绍沿中心线排列于其左右的其他建筑。当然也可以按照参观的顺序,选择好起点,然后逐一进行介绍。 常用表达有: It is located / situated in ... It lies between ... and ... In front of it is ..., with ... on its left and ... on its right. Opposite to the ... stands ... The door on your left leads you to ... Turning to the right, you’ll see ..., behind which is ... Walking past ..., the building that appears in front of you is ... Along the road are lines of trees, from which... can find shade from the hot sun. 说明原因型 Nowadays, there are more and more _____ in some big cities. It is estimated that _ ____ (具体数据说明 …… 现象) . Why have there been so many XX? Maybe the reasons can be listed as follows. The first one is that ____ ( 原因一 ). Besides, ____( 二 ). The third reason is ____ ( 三 ). 写作模板 To sum up, the main cause of XX is due to _____ ( 主要原因 ). It is high time that something were done upon it. For one thing, _____ ( 建议一 ). On the other hand, ____ ( 二 ). All theses measures will certainly reduce the number of ____. 现象解释型    Today, it is widely acknowledged that  相关观点 . Therefore, 提出现象 . However, as for this  phenomenon, opinions vary from person to person.   Some 人群   insist that  支持观点 . However, many other  涉及人群  do not agree. They say  反对观点 .  From my perspective, 自己的观点 . On the one hand, 观点一方面 , but on the other hand, 观点另一方面 . What’s more, 最终结论 .   问题解决型   As is known to all, 导入命题 . However, it is quite worrying that  提出问题 .   Therefore, 相关各方   should be greatly  responsible for  问题内容 . Firstly, 解决方法 1 . Secondly, 解决方法 2 . Thirdly, 解决办法 3.  But  相关方面 . alone cannot ensure the final  success in  问题内容 . Students should also take an active part in  怎么做 1 . They/ We should  做 2 . 必备词句 1. 描述现象。 With the development of society, heavy traffic has aroused great concern. Some people think..., while the others think... 随着网络的发展,网络广告已经引起了广泛的关注。一些人认为, …… ;而其他人认为, …… 解题指导 2. 说明原因。 There are many reasons involved. Among them, the increase of private cars plays an important role. 这涉及到许多原因。其中,私家车猛增是主要原因。 3. 解决办法。 The first measure is to limit the number of private cars running on the street every day. Immediate after that, we should... Only in this way can we solve the problem. 第一个重要措施是限制每天在路上的私家车的数量。之后,我们应当 …… 只有这样,我们才能解决这个问题。 调查报告 调查报告属于说明文,一般是引出调查的时间、对象和主题,接着讲述调查的结果,然后分析其中的原因,提出作者的希望等。 【 范例 】 I recently surveyed my classmates about their views on the new English textbook. According to the survey, 80% of the students were quite satisfied with it, while 15%disliked it and 5% had no opinion. Students who liked it said the pictures with the texts were very attractive, which greatly aroused their interests in learning. Moreover, the book was very interesting, covering many hot topics and providing lots of cultural knowledge of the world. However, students who disliked it complained there were too many new words and difficult sentences , making the texts difficult to understand. In conclusion, the new English textbook has helped most students improve their English enormously. 【 解读 】 调查报告整个结构为:时间、对象和主题 — 调查结果 — 作者观点。用 while 从句表达对比;运用非限制性定语从句;运用过渡词 moreover 和分词作状语;运用了转折词作为过渡和运用了定语从句和分词结构。运用恰当的过渡词作总结。 注意审题, 转换图表。 撰写调查报告时, 通常需要结合图表, 观察、对比调查数据, 并把调查结果和数据转换为文字表达, 并按写作内容给出的要点按顺序进行写作。 2. 确定时态, 规范全文。 引出报告结果或数据时,发表议论和个人观点, 常用一般现在时。若出现具体时间状语, 如 last year, next year, recently 等时, 应根据时间使用适当时态。 3. 变换表达, 丰富语汇。 调查报告中多出现相同内容的描述或分析,为避免重复,建议使用不同语言和句式表达同类信息。例如,引出调查数据时,可使用 The survey /result shows that...; As the data shows, ...; As we can see from the chart, ...; According to the table, ...; From the data, we can learn that ... 等句型。 4. 相关短语。 make a survey 作了一次调查 as for how to 至于怎样 update the website 更新网站 50% of the girls 50% 的女生 next in line... 接下来, 位居第二 compared with... 同 …… 比起来 communicate with... 与 …… 交流 account for/take up 占 ( 多少比例 ) be in favor of... 支持 / 赞成 …… as far as sb . is concerned 就某人看来 have a lot in common 有很多共同点 get along well with... 与 …… 相处融洽 arouse their interest 激发了他们的兴趣 5. 相关句式。 1) Last week, we did a survey among 2, 600 students on “Who Is Your Idol” . 2) Recently our League Committee has carried out a survey, whose results are as follows. 3) According to the survey, about half of the students will go to their classmates or friends when in trouble. 4) Different persons may have different choices on how to spend pocket money. 5) A recent survey suggests that students are different from each other in learning styles. 6) As is shown in the survey, drunk driving may result in serious accidents. 上个月,我们公司以 35 岁以下的人群作为调查对象, 选取了 1000 人进行了关于“网上购物”的一项调查, 调查情况如下: 范例分析 你是否愿意在网上购物? 结果 64% 愿意 36% 不愿意 原因 1. 方便, 在家可买到所需物品 2. 网上商品比较便宜, 而且可选择的品牌多 1. 害怕买到赝品 2. 担心被骗钱 结论 只要防范网上购物的弊端, 将有越来越多的人选择网上购物。 【 写作内容 】 根据以上数据,写一篇调查报告, 内容包括: 1. 调查时间、调查问题以及调查对象; 2. 愿意网上购物的人占调查人数的百分比; 3. 人们愿意在网上购物的主要原因; 4. 人们不愿意在网上购物的主要原因; 5. 本次调查的结论。 Last month, our company carried out a survey about shopping on line among 1000 interviewees younger than 35 years old. 64% of those interviewed are willing to shop on line, mainly because they think the Internet makes it convenient for them to buy what they need although they are staying at home. Besides, they believe that goods on line are cheaper, with a variety of brands to choose from. The rest of the interviewees don’t want to shop on line, 【 参考范文 】 claiming that goods on sale on the Internet might be fake and that they are worried about being cheated out of money. In conclusion, only by guarding against the disadvantages of online shopping will more and more people choose the shop on line. 考生写作时必须排除不必要的信息干扰,因写作内容中并没有要求写“不愿意网上购物的人所占百分比为 32%” 这一信息点,所以不必把表格内容全部翻译。此外,写作时尽量使用与写作内容相对应的英语翻译,使文章表达更切题。 【 范文解析 】 例如, 写作内容中出现“主要原因”和“结论”这些重要的写作线索, 考生应该尽量使用与之相应的语句进行翻译,如“ ...for the main reason that...; ...mainly because; In conclusion; Finally, we arrive at the conclusion that...” ,使阅卷老师对写作信息一目了然,以获取高分。 学校正在组织科技创新大赛,你想为日常生活中某件物品 ( 如钢笔、书包、鞋子 ……) 设计添加新功能来参赛。请以“ My Magic ________” 为题写一篇英语短文,介绍你的创意。( 2014 湖南) 内容: 1. 说明设计理由; 2. 介绍新功能。 注意: 1. 词数不少于 120 个; 2. 不能使用真实姓名和学校名称。 真题再现 My Magic Shoes To make our life easier and the environment more beautiful, I have designed a pair of magic shoes. Compared to the traditional ones, they have three new unique functions. 1. The shoes are made from specially produced recycled paper which can stand high pressure and temperature and won’t ever tear. 2. You needn’t wash them forever, for they wash themselves. 3. The most magically, they can be used as a kind of transportation means. When you want to get somewhere as fast as possible, they will speed up of themselves and you will have a sense of flying. There being the pair of shoes, in the future fewer and fewer people will drive cars. In this way our world will be greener and cleaner.

