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阜新市第二高级中学2019-2020学年高一下学期第一次学考英语试卷 I阅读理解 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)‎ A Are you afraid of tests?What will you do to prepare for a test? The following suggestions will be helpful。‎ ‎ Pay attention to what your teacher gives about a coming test .Write down exactly what you will be tested on .Knowing what the test will cover is half done ‎ Make a review list that includes important points from class and reading material. Then your studying notes will be in one place. What's more, rewriting the material will help you to remember it. ‎ ‎ Don't cram (突击式学习)! Test preparation begins the first day of class, so keep on doing your reading and homework. Then you just need to review for the test -- not learn all the materials. Waiting until the night before to try to learn everything will only put more stress(压力) on you.‎ ‎ Get a good night's sleep before the test, but if you can't, don't pull an all nighter. Research shows that getting at least four hours of sleep produces the better test results Eat a healthy breakfast to keep your mind sharp (敏锐的). Avoid sugar, as it will weaken your ability to concentrate (全神贯注)‎ ‎1. How many suggestions have you got from the text?‎ ‎ A. Five B. Three C. Four D. Two ‎2 The suggestions are given to the students who are ________.‎ ‎ A. good at learning B. in fear of the test ‎ C. in need of sleep D. poor at reading ‎3. Where will students probably know something about a coming test?‎ ‎ A. From their classmates B. From studying notes ‎ C. From reading materials D. From their teachers ‎ ‎4. What do you think will weaken(削弱) your ability to concentrate? ‎ ‎ A. Eating a healthy breakfast.‎ ‎ B. Getting a good night's sleep ‎ C. Keeping your mind sharp D. Taking too much sugar.‎ B Table manners are very different in every country. For example, when you are in England you must not lift your soup plate to your mouth. This is very impolite. But when you are in Japan this is completely normal. Lifting your plate to your mouth in Japan is a traditional way of drinking your soup. And also in Japan you don’t have to worry about making a noise when you drink it. It just shows that you really like the food! But it is not the same in Britain, so you shouldn’t make a noise when eating there.‎ In Britain, people don’t put their hands or arms on the table during the meal. But in Mexico, guests keep their hands on the table all the time. In fact, you should watch what your hands do very carefully. In Arab countries, it is impolite when you eat with your left hand, so don’t do it!‎ In all the cultures it is impolite to speak when you are eating.‎ In Ukraine you should not start eating first; you should wait for all the others to start eating with you. You also have to say “please” and “thank you” every time you ask for and get something. If you don’t like some food, don’t make faces and don’t say: “Yuk! I hate that!” ‎ The best way to avoid making mistakes in other countries is to watch the host and try to do as he does.‎ ‎5.It is impolite to lift the soup plate to your mouth in _____.‎ ‎ A .Japan B. Mexico C . Ukraine D . England ‎ ‎6.When you are eating in Japan, making a noise means that _____.‎ ‎ A. you like the food B. you dislike the food ‎ C. you feel ill D. you are very hungry ‎7.Which of the following is TRUE according to the text?‎ ‎ A. Keeping your hands on the table is polite in Britain but impolite in Mexico.‎ ‎ B. Speaking when you’re eating is impolite just in some cultures.‎ ‎ C. In Arab countries you should eat with your right hand.‎ D. In Ukraine, it’s a tradition that the guest eats first.‎ ‎8.What is the text mainly about?‎ ‎ A. Food is delicious.‎ ‎ B. Table manners in different countries.‎ C. Speaking when eating is impolite.‎ D. When in Rome, do as Romans do. ‎ C Grandparents are important people in everyone’s life.They are those people who take care of you and love you. They are special persons who can give you wise advice.‎ ‎ My grandparents always teach me to respect others,and they show me that love and feelings are important things in life and that we shouldn't pay much attention to material things or what people look like.‎ My grandparents show a mixture of cultures and nationalities(国籍)because they come from different countries.For example,my grandfather on my mother's side is from Spain,and my grandmother is also from Spain,but from a different city.On my father's side,my grandfather is from Venezuela,and my grandmother is from Italy.A1though they are from different countries,my grandparents have a very good relationship.‎ What’s more,my grandparents are people that always keep in touch with the new things in the world.For example,my grandmothers always care about fashion,how they dress and their personal appearance. And my grandfathers always care about the important events in the world.‎ ‎ I think I am very lucky that all of my grandparents are alive because I have learned so much from them,I would like to continue learning from them even though we are living in different countries now.I will always remember my grandparents as role models for me.‎ ‎9.The author’s grandparents would NOT agree that______________.‎ A.People should show respect for others B.Everyone should have lots of money C.people shouldn’t judge others by appearance D.love is a very important thing in people’s life ‎10.The author’s grandfathers ________________.‎ A.care about important events in the world B. care about fashion very much ‎ C.are from the same country D. don’t 1ike new things ‎11. In the writer’s opinion, how should we treat our grandparents?‎ A. We should treat them as children ‎ B. We should not spend too much time in looking after them because they are old.‎ C. We should live together with our grandparents. ‎ D. We should respect them and learn from them.‎ D A subway is not just an important form of transport. It is also a window for other people to learn about local culture. ‎ Beijing‎, ‎China‎ ‎ The Beijing Subway was opened in 1969 and is the oldest subway system in China. It has added some modern technologies. All stations now have touch— screen maps. In some stations, people can also see traditional Chinese culture. For example, on the walls of a few stations of Line 8, there are some pictures of blue and white porcelain(青花瓷). ‎ Stockholm‎, ‎Sweden‎ ‎ The first subway line for Stockholm was opened in 1950.The Stockholm Subway is well— known for its decoration of the stations. It is called the longest art gallery in the world . Over 90 percent of its stations are decorated with paintings. A few stations are decorated with red bedrocks(岩床). This makes you feel as if you are in a cave. ‎ London‎, ‎UK‎ ‎ The London Underground or the Tube is the oldest subway in the world . It was opened in 1863. During World War II, it was used to protect people form German plane attacks(袭击)on London. Now, it is a symbol of the city. There is no air conditioning in the trains, so it is very hot in summer. ‎ New York‎, ‎US‎ ‎ The New York City Subway runs 24 hours a day. It has an express train on almost every line. You can get to your destination(目的地)quickly. The trains themselves are full of fun; you will see people doing moonwalk dances like Michael Jackson, playing the guitar and singing. ‎ ‎12. Which subway is called the longest art gallery in the world? ‎ A. The Beijing Subway B. The London Underground ‎ C. The New York City Subway. D. The Stockholm Subway ‎ ‎13. From the passage, we can know that the London Underground. ‎ A. is the symbol of the UK B. is also called the Tube ‎ C. was well protected during the war D. is the oldest transport in the world ‎ ‎14. The introduction of the subways mainly shows the______ of different cities. ‎ A. great changes B. long history ‎ C. public transport D. local culture ‎15. The passage may come form______ . ‎ A. a story book B. a newspaper advertisement ‎ C. a science book D. a travel magazine ‎ II 七选五 (共5小题;每小题2分, 满分10分)‎ Everyone needs to know how to be nice to their own pets! Your pet sometimes just wants attention. Make sure you not only feed it and give it water, but give it lots of love and attention. Here are a few tips to being nice to your pets and other animals. ‎ ‎ ·16_______ You have to tell the difference between the times they’re hungry and the times they’re just trying to get food. Clean their food and drink bowls at least once a day. 17______ You wouldn’t eat out of the same plate for a whole week, and you wouldn’t drink out of the same plate or cup for a month! ‎ ‎ ·18_______ Pets want as much of your attention as possible, dogs especially. In general, admit your pet’s existence, even saying “Hi” , how are you doing?” Clearly he won’t understand what you’re saying, but it shows that you see him. ‎ ‎ ·Take dogs on walks. Most dogs don’t like to be kept in a house or in the same place all day long.19________ They can also meet other dogs this way. ‎ ‎·Take it to the vet (兽医) regularly. Your pet may not like it, but in the end, it’s better to cause a bit of discomfort now than to find out later that it has a disease. 20________ And he will be happy for what he gets. ‎ A. Feed them not too little, and not too much either. ‎ B. They like to get out and enjoy the fresh air. ‎ C. Make sure it has warm places to live in. ‎ D. Reward it once in a while.‎ E. Give your pets attention.‎ F. Ask someone to share it. ‎ G. It’s the same as us.‎ III完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)‎ Mr. Clarke works in a middle school. He likes reading and often 21 some books from the 22___. He keeps 23 to the radio every morning and reading 24 after supper. So he knows much and teaches well. His 25 like him very much. Mike, Mr. Clarke’s little son, is only nine. He 26 likes reading books. And he often asks his father some questions. Mr. Clarke always thinks he’s too 27 to understand him and chooses _ 28 ones to answer. Of course the boy is not 29 with it.‎ One day Mike read 30 about the electric lights and was 31 it.When his father told him to do some housework,he went on thinking of it.He asked him 32 questions,and his father answered all.Then his father said 33,“Fathers always know 34 than sons!”‎ The boy thought for a while and said,“ 35 !”‎ ‎“Oh? Why?”‎ Mike didn’t answer and 36 ,37,“Who 38__ the electric lights?”‎ ‎“Thomas Edison.”answered Mr. Clarke.‎ ‎“Why didn’t his father invent 39 ,then?”‎ Looking at his son,Mr. Clarke didn’t know 40 to answer!‎ ‎21. A. finds B. sells C. buys D. borrows ‎22. A classroom B reading room C dining room D library ‎23 A‎. watching B. listening C. going D. touching ‎24. A. newspapers B. letters C. stories D. messages ‎25. A. teachers B. parents C. students D. classmates ‎26. A. also B. never C. even D. only ‎27. A. old B. young C. clever D. able ‎28. A. more difficult B. the most difficult C. easy D. the easiest ‎ ‎29. A. satisfied B. strict C. patient D. energetic ‎ ‎30. A. everything B. nothing C. something D. anything ‎31. A. worried about B. interested in C. afraid of D. angry with ‎ ‎32. A. few B. little C. a few D. a little ‎33. A. seriously B. friendly C. proudly D. loudly ‎34. A. more B. most C. less D. least ‎35. A. So do I B. Neither am I C. I agree D. I don’t think so ‎36. A. asked B. told C. worked D. walked ‎37. A. instead B. however C. but D. so ‎38. A. invited B. invented C. appeared D. covered ‎39. A. their B. it C. them D. its ‎ ‎40. A. when B. what C. where D. which IV语法填空(共10小题,每个1.5分,共15分)‎ 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。‎ Would you like to travel? How many resorts have you been to? Now please allow me to share my wonderful experiences in Yangshuo(阳朔 地名)of China ‎  It was raining lightly when I 41 (arrive) in Yangshuo just before dawn. But I didn't care. A few hours 42,I'd been at home in Hong Kong,with 43 (it) choking smog(雾霾). Here,the air was clean and fresh,even with the rain.‎ ‎  I' d skipped nearby Guilin,a dream place for tourists seeking the limestone mountain tops and dark waters of the Li River 44 are pictured by artists in so many Chinese 45 (painting).Instead,I'd headed straight for Yangshuo. For those who fly to Guilin,it's only an hour away 46 car and offers all the scenery of the better-known city.‎ Yangshuo 47(be) really beautiful. A study of travelers 48 (conduct) by the website Trip Advisor names Yangshuo as one of the top 10 destinations in the world. And the town is fast becoming a popular weekend destination for people in Asia. Abercrombie & Kent,a travel company in Hong Kong,says it 49(regular) arranges(组织) quick getaways(短途游) here for people 50(live) in Shanghai and Hong Kong.‎ V 作文 满分25分 健康的生活习惯对于成长中的我们是非常重要的。你认为健康的生活习惯应当是怎样的呢? 信息提示:‎ ‎1健康饮食,多吃蔬菜和水果;‎ ‎2早睡早起,不熬夜;‎ ‎3参加运动,强身健体;‎ ‎4养成良好的生活习惯。‎ 注意:1字数在100词左右。‎ ‎2 注意行文的连贯。‎ ‎ 3.开头及结尾已为你写好,不计人总词数。‎ I think healthy habits are very important for us.‎ ‎______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎_______________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ 答案 一 阅读 ‎ 1-----4 ABDD 5----8 DACB 9---11 BAD 12—15 DBDD ‎ 二 七选五 ‎16----20 AGEBD 三 完形填空 ‎ 21-----25 DDBAC ‎ 26-----30 ABCAC ‎ 31-----35 BCCAD ‎ 36-----40 AABBB 四 语篇语法 ‎ ‎41 arrived 42 before/earlier 43 its 44 that/ which 45 paintings ‎ ‎46 by 47 is  48 conducted  49 regularly 50 living 五 作文 All of us want to be healthy. First, we should get enough sleep during the night. We can go to bed early and get up early. Staying up late is bad f or our health. Second, we must have the right kinds of food. We should eat more fruit and vegetables and less meat. We should drink a lot of water. We should have healthy eating habits. Third, we should do more exercise to build up our bodies. Finally, we should wash hands before meals and brush our teeth twice a day. ‎ In a word, If we don’t feel well, we should go to see the doctor at once.‎

