高考英语必修1导学案:(Unit1 Friendship the 1st period)

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高考英语必修1导学案:(Unit1 Friendship the 1st period)

Unit 1 Friendship 知识目标:‎ ‎(1)New words:survey,point,upset,ignore,calm,concern,loose,cheat,reason,list,share,feeling,Jewish,German,outdoors,crazy,nature,purpose,dare,thunder,entirely,power,trust,indoors,suffer,teenager,advice,questionnaire,quiz,situation,editor,communicate,habit Phrases:go without,go through,face to face,with so many clothes on,have some troubles,fall in love,hate gossiping,throw away,make a questionnaire,make an effort,pay no attention to ‎(2)Master the changes between Direct Speech and Indirect Speech.‎ ‎(3)Learn to use the following sentence patterns:I wonder if...,...before...,It’s the first time that...,There was a time when...‎ ‎(4)Understand the concept of friendship.‎ 能力目标:‎ ‎(1)Use language knowledge to describe oneself and one’s friends.‎ ‎(2)Master the skills of scamming and scanning.‎ ‎(3)Predict the contents of the listening material based on known knowledge.‎ ‎(4)Master the basic skills of the writing.‎ 情感目标: ‎ ‎(1)Let students know that every one of us must have a friend or some friends in our daily life.‎ ‎(2)Cultivate the spirit of cooperation by working in groups.‎ ‎●课时安排 本单元教学可以分为7课时。‎ 第一课时为warming-up,newwords,pre-reading,reading,comprehending 第二课时为important points,learning about language 1、2、3,using words and expressions 1、2(homework)‎ 第三课时为discovering useful structures(grammar),using structures,using language 第四课时为listening,listening(w.b),talking(w.b)‎ 第五课时为words in use(words left in vocabulary),reading task(w.b),listening task(w.b)‎ 第六课时为writing(s.b.),speaking task(s.b.and w.b.),writing task 第七课时为summing up,learning up,project,checking yourself(homework)‎ The First Period ‎●从容说课 This is the first period of this unit.In this period,students are required to make a survey about friendship,and read the passage:Anne’s best friend.The purpose is to improve the students’ reading ability—skimming and scanning,at the same time,they can have a general idea about ‎ what friendship is about,and the importance of having friends.What’s more,this is the first period of this unit,so it is necessary to deal with the new words and expressions in this part,so as to make it easy for students to begin and make them less anxious in study.‎ ‎●三维目标 ‎1.Knowledge:‎ words/phrases:upset,ignore,loose,cheat,Netherlands,German,dare,thunder,entirely,feeling,crazy,trust,indoors,calm down,be concerned about,walk the dog,go through,hide away,set down a series of...,on purpose,face to face sentence structures:There was a time when...‎ It was the first time that...‎ ‎...before...‎ I wonder if...‎ ‎2.Ability:‎ ‎(1)Use the words and phrases learned freely.‎ ‎(2)Improve the students’ reading ability.‎ ‎(3)Master the skills of skimming,scanning and guessing the meanings of the new words from the text.‎ ‎3.Emotion: ‎ ‎(1)Enable the students to value the friendship between friends by learning and reading the text.‎ ‎(2)Keep a clear view of the war.‎ ‎●教学重点 ‎(1)Improve the students’ ability of skimming and scanning.‎ ‎(2)Understand the contents of the diary by Anne and know the importance of having friends.‎ ‎●教学难点 ‎(1)How to make the students understand the reading text better.‎ ‎(2)How to master the skills of skimming and scanning.‎ ‎●教具准备 ‎(1)a computer connected to the internet.‎ ‎(2)a projector ‎(3)the blackboard ‎●教学过程 Step1 Greetings and lead-in T:Good morning/afternoon,everyone.‎ Ss:Good morning/afternoon teacher.‎ T:Sit down,please.I’m very glad to be your English teacher and willing to give you lessons.First,let’ s introduce each other.First I introduce myself to you now.My name is...My hobbies are... My purpose is...in this term.What about you?Hello,what’s your name?Nice to know you.(Go around the class and get individual Ss to introduce themselves.)‎ T:From now on,we have known each other.I hope I’m not only your teacher,but also your good friend in the future.Do you think so?‎ Ss:Yes.‎ Step 2 Warming up T:Today we’re going to learn Unit 1 “Friendship”.What is a friend?A British newspaper once offered a prize for the best definition of a friend.If you were the editor,choose the best one from the following entries(条目),and explain why.‎ ‎□A friend is the one who comes in when the whole world has gone out.‎ ‎□One who understands my silence.‎ ‎□To have a good friend,you need to be a good friend.‎ ‎□A friend in need is a friend in deed.‎ ‎□Friends are just the people who share your happiness and sorrow.‎ ‎□Friends are there (or here) for two reasons:to be used,or to use you.‎ ‎□No putting you in a difficult position. ‎ ‎□True friendship does not exist.‎ ‎□Friends are the angels sent by God for you to love.‎ ‎□Friendship is like dating without the kissing and sex.‎ ‎□Knowing no matter what,you’ll always have a special place in their heart,and they’ll have one in yours;and loving them completely for who they are.‎ ‎□When you look at your watch at ‎4 a.m.,but still know you can call them and wake them up,and they’ll still want to talk to you,that’s friendship.‎ S1:In my opinion,“To have a good friend,you need to be a good friend.” is the best one.Kindness is a hard thing to give away.It keeps coming back to the giver.We often get back what we give.‎ T:OK.Any different idea?‎ S2:My feeling is that “A friend in need is a friend indeed.” is the best definition of a friend.We are living in a material society.Many people make friends to achieve their goals.They only want to share with your happiness.Only when we are in trouble can we tell whether they are sincere.‎ ‎……‎ T:Very good.Your opinions are all right.Do you all have friends?‎ Ss:Yes.‎ Step 3 ‎ T:But are you a good friend?Or,are you good to your friends?Let’s make a survey in Warming up.‎ T:OK,time is up.Ask several students how many points they can get.As we all see,most of you are good to your friends.‎ Step 4 ‎ T:Now I’d like you to discuss the following four questions:‎ ‎(show them on the screen) ‎ ‎1.Why do you need friends?‎ ‎2.What do you think a good friend should be like?‎ ‎3.Does a friend always have to be a person?Why?‎ ‎4.Do you think a diary can become your friend?Why or why not?‎ ‎(The students prepare the questions for a few minutes)‎ T:OK.Who’d like to answer the first question?‎ S1:If I’m in trouble,my friends will help me.‎ S2:I don’t feel lonely with a friend.‎ S3:A friend can make me happy.‎ T:Great.Who can answer question two?‎ S1:I think a friend should be loyal,wise and brave.‎ S2:A good friend is someone who shares sweet and sour with you.‎ S3:In my view,a good friend should be kind and funny.When I am bored,he can entertain me.When I am lonely,he keeps me company.‎ T:Wonderful.What about the third question?‎ S1:Let me try.I don’t think a friend has always to be a person.Anything that helps us can be our friend.‎ S2:A person may sometime hurt you,while the other things may not.‎ S3:...‎ T:Now let’s come to the last question.‎ S1:I think a diary can become my best friend.Because my human friends sometimes may bore us,but my diary never wearies me with its company.‎ S2:Whenever and wherever I am,I can share my secrets with it.‎ S3:Maybe someday a good friend will turn against you,but a diary will never be.‎ T:Great,you’ve done very well.‎ Step 5‎ T:You all did a good job.Just now we held a heated discussion about friends.We know a friend should be the person who laughs with you during the good times and have a shoulder for you to cry during those not-so-good times.Today we are going to learn a passage titled “Anne’s best friend”.First let’s look at some words.‎ ‎1.upset a.to cause to worry,not be calm,‎ e.g.Do what he wants,or you will upset him.‎ b.to make ill,usu.in the stomach e.g.The foreign food upset him/his stomach.‎ c.worried;anxious;felling unhappy about something ‎2.ignore:not to take notice of ‎ e.g.Ignore the child if he misbehaves,and he’ll soon stop.‎ ‎3.calm:free from excitement;untroubled e.g.Even after her husband died,she was calm.‎ ‎4.concern:‎ a.serious care or interest ‎ e.g.a nurse’s concern for a sick man b.to worry;cause anxiety ‎5.loose:made of parts that are not tight together e.g.a loose weave/soil ‎6.cheat:‎ a.take from someone unfairly,dishonestly e.g.He cheated the old woman out of her money.‎ b.to act dishonestly to win an advantage e.g.I always cheat at cards,it’s the only way I can win.‎ ‎7.reason:the cause of an event e.g.The reason for the flood was all that heavy rain.‎ ‎8.list:a set of names of things written one after the other,so as to remember them e.g.a list of things to buy/a shopping list ‎9.share:use,pay,have,etc.,with others e.g.We haven’t enough books for everyone;some of you will have to share.‎ ‎10.feeling:a belief or opinion not based on reason e.g.I have a feeling that he’ll come soon.‎ ‎11.German:of or from Germany;the language of Germany ‎12.set down:to put down;make a record of ‎13.series:a group of the things of the same kind or related in some way e.g.a series of concerts;a television series/a series of television ‎14.crazy:mad;ill in the mind e.g.a crazy idea She is crazy about dancing.‎ ‎15.spellbind:hold the complete attention of ‎16.thunder:the loud explosive noise that follows a flash of lightning e.g.steal somebody’s thunder先发制人 ‎17.entirely:adj;entire:with nothing left out ‎18.power:the ability to do something or produce a certain effect;force;strength e.g.He did everything in his power to comfort her.‎ You can really feel the power of the sun sitting out here.‎ ‎19.trust:to believe in the honesty and worth of someone/something e.g.You shouldn’t trust him,his dishonest.‎ T:OK.Now so much for the words.‎ Step 6‎ T:Well,I’m glad to know you have previewed the text.What do you know about Anne?I’ll ask you to work in groups of six to collect information about Anne by surfing the internet,reading books,magazines and so on.‎ S1:Anne is a Jewish girl.‎ S2:She lived a hard life because of her nationality.‎ S3:She was killed by Nazi.‎ S4:...‎ T:OK.Which team is the best?They worked together to find more information.Now you have learned some information about her.But would you like to know more about her?‎ Ss:Yes.‎ Step 7 ‎ T:First,listen to the tape and try to tick the things mentioned in the passage.‎ ‎(1)Anne’s family ‎(2)The history of Jew ‎(3)The reason for her hiding away ‎(4)Her love for nature ‎(5)The cruel deeds of German Nazis ‎(6)Hitter T:Are you ready?‎ Ss:Yes.‎ T:Begin please.‎ ‎(A few minutes later) Let’s check the answers with the whole class.‎ Possible answers:(1)(3)(4)‎ Step 8 ‎ T:Now,I’m sure you have a general understanding of the text.Next you are asked to read the text quickly.Tick the sentences that are true according to the text and correct the false ones.‎ ‎1.(F) A friend would never laugh at you.‎ ‎2.(T) Anne lived in Amsterdam in the Netherlands during World WarⅡ.‎ ‎3.(F) She and her family hid away for one year before they were discovered.‎ ‎4.(F) She kept a diary as others did.‎ ‎5.(T) She was fond of nature. ‎ ‎6.(F) She stayed awake in the night because she couldn’t sleep well.‎ ‎7.(T) She couldn’t go out as she liked.‎ Possible answers:‎ ‎1.A friend would laugh at you.‎ ‎3.She and her family hid away for two years before they were discovered.‎ ‎4.She didn’t want to write a series of facts in a diary as most people do.‎ ‎6.She stayed awake because she could have a good look at the moon without being noticed by Nazis enemies.‎ Step 9 ‎ T:Wonderful.This time I’d like you to read the passage carefully to fine detailed information.‎ ‎1.Fill in the table.‎ ‎2.Answer the following questions:‎ ‎(1)Why did Anne hate Nazi?‎ ‎(2)Why did Anne treat a diary as her friend?‎ ‎(3)Why was she so crazy about nature?‎ Possible answers:‎ ‎(1)Because Nazi forced Jewish to leave their homes even killed them.‎ ‎(2)Because at that special time she had no chance to make friends with persons.She even couldn’t go out.‎ ‎(3)Because she had lost touch with nature for a long time,worrying she could be caught.‎ ‎3.Please find out sentences to express Anne’s love for nature.‎ ‎4.Finish comprehending on Page 3.‎ Possible answers:C,A,B,E,D,B,C D,A Step 10 Conclusion ‎1.Work in pairs of two to tell each other something about Anne.‎ ‎2.T:Try to complete the following sentences.‎ It is Hitler’s ambition that____________.‎ It is the war that____________.‎ It is our responsibility that____________.‎ Possible answers:leads to wars;makes many people lose their lives;lose their relatives and friends;putting an end to war;working hard to defend our country;fighting against terrorism.‎ Step 11 Summary T:In this class,we’ve read a passage about Anne’s best friend.We’ve learned a lot from it and we know friendship can help us understand what kind of people we are,why we need each other and what we can do for each other.At the same time we’ve also learned war is terrible.After class,read the passage again and again until you can recite some sentences.‎ Homework:‎ ‎1.Review the new words and expressions in the text.‎ ‎2.Use the Internet to find an e-pal.‎ T:Well,that’s all for today.Class is over.‎ ‎●板书设计 Unit 1 Friendship The First Period Words:upset,ignore ... ‎ Phrases:set down,calm down ...‎ Sentences:Do what he wants,or you will upset him.‎ The foreign food upset him/his stomach.‎ ‎...‎ ‎●活动与探究 This activity is to write an e-mail to find an e-pal.Work in teams to make standards of good friends.‎ e.g.Hello everyone,I’m Jane.I live in South Carolina.I like painting.I am 15 and I’m a student.I like talking and joking around and I like to listen to rock music!I am looking for e-pals from any country.‎ ‎●备课资料 ‎1.My Four Best Friends Anyone has his own friend.Some think their teachers,classmates or neighbors are their best friends.Others think books,dictionaries,computers and so on are their best friends.However,you’ll never guess what my best friend is unless I tell you.That’s four words—wisdom,courage,dream and confidence.‎ Wisdom means doing things with my head but not without a certain way or purpose.When we do something,we should think it over before we start.As Karl Marx said, “The chance is always falling on those who are prepared.”We should always make up our minds and get ready for the chance as we don’t know when it will come.And what’s more,“It’s never too old to learn” should be known.In order to make myself wiser and wiser,I have already read many books such as books about history,literature,science and I think I will read more.‎ Courage does not mean thinking and doing as a hero does,it means whenever I decide to do what I think is right or worth doing,I’ll do it and never stop until I do it well.For example,last month,our teacher of labor skills offered us materials for making a radio.As it was difficult for ‎ us,many gave up.I thought it was a good chance to improve skill and I spent a long time doing it.Though I assembled it successfully,it couldn’t give out a single sound,even noise.I was just about to give it up when my friend― “courage” encouraged me to try again,finally I made it work.‎ Dream means being full of pretty dreams for the future.As a middle school student,it’s certain that I have a lot of dreams for the future.I dream that I will become a political leader,a boss of a big company,a pop star,a student of a world famous university and so on.Some of my dreams are difficult to realize,but I think what I have to do is just make myself dream.Just as a proverb says,“Living without an aim is just like sailing without a compass.” If a man has not even one dream,I think he will lose his aim.No matter whether my dream will come true or not,I am always working hard for it,because the only way to realize a dream is to work and try.The dream is not the purpose,but the realization is the most important.‎ Confidence means being confident but not to be too proud.I’m not the best student in my class,yet when I have to take exams,I always tell myself “Come on!I can do it well and I will get a good mark!I’m the best!” Finally,my total mark is usually as good as I expected.Being confident helped me a lot not only in my study but also in my daily life.‎ To end my artist,I’d like to say,“Thank you,my best friends—wisdom,courage,dream,and confidence.With your help,I’ll make greater progress in my life.”‎

