2019-2020学年河北省泊头市第一中学高一上学期第四次月考英语试卷 Word版

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2019-2020学年河北省泊头市第一中学高一上学期第四次月考英语试卷 Word版

英语试题 第 I 卷 第一题; 听力(共 20 题,每小题 1.5 分满分 30 分) 第一节 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出 最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题 和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1. How many people will go to the woman’s party? A .10 B. 15 C. 25 2. What was the weather like yesterday? A .Snowy B. Foggy C. Sunny 3. What does the woman promise to do? A. Stay in Italy for another week. B. Come back in December. C. Bring the man some cheese. 4. How will the woman travel to the flower festival? A. By plane. B. By train. C. By car. 5. How did the girl feel? A. Surprised. B. Interested. C. Frightened. 第二节 听下面5段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C、三个选项中选出最 佳选项,并标在试卷相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。 6. What is the message mainly about? A. A movie B.A meeting C. A moive theater 7. Why does the woman ask the man to hold on? A. She has to find a pen B. She is on another line. C. She gets Maria to answer the phone. 听第 7 段材料,回答第 8--10 题 8. How long has Paul worked for Art and Design? A. 10 years B. 5 years C. 3 years 9. What kind of job is Paul looking for? A. A reporter B. An artist C. A designer 10. What will Paul do next? A. Attend an interview. B. Buy a magazine. C. Return to his office. 听第 8 段材料,回答第 11---13 题 11. What is the probable relationship between the speakers? A. Neighbors B. Husband and wife C. Workmates 12. Why can’t the woman join the barbecue on Saturday evening? A. She prefers to watch a ballet. B. She has to go on business. C. She will be too tired to go out. 13. What will the speakers do next? A. See a movie. B. Go for a drink. C. Work overtime. 听第 9 段材料,回答第 14 至 17 题。 14. Why is the man going to work in his dad’s restaurant? A. To take over the family business. B. To gain work experience. C. To make money. 15. What is man going to do on weekends? A. Help his friend. B. Relax himself. C. Repair a boat. 16. How long will the man stay in Italy? A. 1 week. B. 2 weeks. C. 3 weeks. 17. Why will the man move to an apartment the last week? A. To get ready for the new term. B. To live near the workplace. C. To get rid of his parents. 听第 10 段材料,回答第 18 至 20 题。 18. What is the speaker doing? A. Giving a lecture. B. Hosting a TV show. C. Reporting news. 19. What happened to Mary? A. She drove while sleeping. B. She was drunk driving. C. She lost her way. 20. Where was Mary found? A. At home. B. In the police station. C. In a store. 第二题; 阅读(3 篇阅读,共 10 小题,每小题 2.5 分,共 25 分) Sharon, Aged 22 The most important thing to keep in mind when going into high school is to be yourself. Besides, I don’t know what your middle school was like, but high school teachers will not care about things such as how much homework you already have in one night. It’s best to just learn to deal with things and manage your time wisely so you can achieve everything you need to. Frank, Aged 21 I think almost every kid feels both nervous and excited before their first day. You will probably love it. I know I did. You should join some sports or activities that will make your high school experience more enjoyable. Good luck! Eddie, Aged 20 When I started high school I was really nervous too, especially since I had been homeschooled all through middle school and didn’t really know anyone. I suppose the best advice would be to just relax. The first couple of days can be a little bit hard, but things will become easier before you know it. David, Aged 19 I’m not going to lie. The first day is kind of frightening (令人恐惧的). But you’ll get used to it. Don’t be afraid of anyone; upperclassmen will pick on you more if you let them know you’re afraid. Just take it easy. Making some friends and staying with them will greatly help you get used to high school quickly. After the first week it’s really not bad at all. Don’t worry. 21. What can we infer from Sharon about high school? A.Teachers are quite strict. B.Students often stay up at night. C.Teachers provide little care for students. D.Students should make good use of their time. 22. How did Eddie feel on his first day of high school? A.Excited. B.Bored. C.Worried. D.Relaxed. 23. Who mentions the importance of friends? A.Frank. B.David. C.Sharon. D.Eddie. B “Hey, Anna, do you want to play cards with us?” It was three o’clock in the morning. We were all tired but excited about the upcoming three-week trip to Europe without our parents. I was sitting on the ground with Savannah, a girl I met during the meetings we had when preparing for our trip. We were playing cards after Anna decided to join us. There were 49 of us in me San Jose group, and we would meet up with two other groups in Los Angeles. Totally, we had 147 students and six leaders. The trip was tiring, busy but fun. We learned about different cultures, ate different foods, and met new people. We went to a total of seven different countries in Europe like England, Austria, Germany, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Belgium, and France. We also had host families (寄宿家庭) in Germany where we spent three days. My host family was the most welcoming, and I also related to them well. We had a great time in Europe and did not know that it was all coming to an end. We learned a lot about its history, like Henry the Eighth and all his six wives. This life-changing trip helped me open my eyes. It was a big lift for me as my wings had been broken over the years because my family situation was not good. My mom said this People to People Student Ambassador Program really changed me as a person, a sister, and as a daughter. I greatly appreciated the trip, because it helped change and add more colors to my life. 24. What can we learn about the children from Paragraph l? A.They were too excited to sleep. B.They played cards after a day’s visit. C.They were all from the same school. D.They were tired after the overseas trip. 25. In which country did the author stay with a host family? A.England. B.Switzerland. C.Germany. D.The Netherlands. 26. We can infer from the last paragraph that . A.the author was injured during the trip B.the author benefited a lot from the trip C.the author’s mom went to Europe with her D.the author could hardly wait to return home 27. What would be the best title for the text? A.A difficult decision B.A life-changing journey C.A look at different cultures D.A friendship that will never end C Maurice Sendak’s children’s book, Where the Wild Things Are, came out in 1963.It has become very successful throughout the years and was made into a movie in 2009. The hero of the book is a boy named Max who gets into trouble with his mother and is sent to bed without any supper. Before long, Max’s room magically becomes a forest, and he walks to a land where monsters (怪 物 ) live. Max isn’t scared, though, and becomes the king of the wild things, but after a while, he wants to go home. When Max walks back home, his supper is still hot in his bedroom. Many teachers and professors like this story and use it to help children develop their imaginations. Melina Davis, a professor of education, said she likes how the book contains ( 包 含 ) a couple of pages that have only pictures on them. “This allows children to shape the story themselves,” she said. The book contains a few larger words. Some parents worry it may confuse (使迷惑) children, but experts (专家) say those words help improve children’s reading skills. Davis said the book is well written which helps kids become interested in the story. “The book talks about what all children go through, like ‘I wasnaughty (淘 气 的 ) but my mommy still loves me’,” said Davis. The book also encourages children to face their fears. “I think it’s really good to show that Max is friends with the monsters,” said Davis. “Kids can find out monsters aren’t always the things under the bed that are going to scare them. I think this is good because it shows children that they call go to scary places but still have a positive experience.” 28. What happens to Max in the story of the book Where the Wild Things Are? A.He becomes the king of the world. B.He and the monsters become friends. C.He is sent to the forest by her mother. D.He has a terrible dream and feels scared. 29. Teachers and professors like the book because it helps children . A.become more imaginative B.understand their own fears C.develop good habits of life D.learn to draw nice pictures 30. How do experts feel about the larger words in the book? A.Angry. B.Worried. C.Great. D.Confused 第三题;七选五(一篇,5 小题,每小题 2 分,共 10 分) Advice on how to help you beat (战胜) test stress(压力) Studying for your tests at school can sometimes make you feel a bit stressed or worried, so we’ve put together some top advice to help you feel calmer and more confident. Don’t compare yourself to your friends. Everyone learns things differently and some people find things easier than others. Choose a revision (复习) plan that works best for you. If your friends are different, then that’s fine. 31 If you are feeling stressed, talk to someone. It could be a friend, a teacher or your family. Don’t feel like you’re letting people down by admitting you are feeling stressed. 32 They will hopefully help you to feel better. Try to take regular breaks during your revision. Taking your mind off things will help give your brain time to deal with all the information you are learning. 33 You could go for a walk or even just close your eyes and relax for a few minutes. 34 It’s important to try to eat well and get lots of sleep during the lead-up to a test. If you don’t give your mind a rest or give your body the right energy, it might not work as well as it could. Doing exercise really helps! Whether you are playing football, going for a walk or a run, dancing, or even just riding your bike, exercise can really help to take your mind off things. 35 A.Get plenty of sleep. B.Look after your body. C.You could even bring a friend to talk about the exam. D.They will be happy you shared your feelings with them. E.So switch off your phone or get a drink from the kitchen. F.It could help you stay focused (集中精力的) and give you more energy. G.What works well for one person might not work well for another. 第四题;完形填空(共 20 小题,每小题 1.5 分,共 30 分) I deliver ( 派 送 ) meals on wheels every Friday. A week ago, I had the pleasure of 36 one of my customers. She was in her eighties and was very 37 and I always brought her lunch on Fridays. She looked 38 when she opened the door one day. She told me her phone was 39 and that she couldn’t receive the call from her doctor. She went to her neighbors, 40 they were not at home. She had 41 to ask the mailman to help her, but he didn’t come for several days. She was 42 . Having heard 43 story, I took matters into my own hands. I called the phone company 44 and made sure they knew that getting this phone 45 was urgent(紧急的). I took down her phone number and her 46 just to make sure I could 47 later to see if the phone had been fixed. She was so 48 that she was in tears, 49 me for my help. I called the 50 twice that day. They told me they had checked the phone line and got the phone 51 . After that I called her every day to make sure she was 52 and didn’t need anything. Just being able to help her in her time of 53 filled my heart with such 54 and happiness. It does not take much time or 55 to help a neighbor. Sometimes, all that is needed is a smile, a hug or a helping hand. 36. A.respecting B.helping C.saving D.imaging 37. A.weak B.poor C.dirty D.wise 38. A.shocked B.angry C.shy D.worried 39. A.changed B.repaired C.broken D.lost 40. A.for B.or C.so D.but 41. A.regretted B.planned C.remembered D.agreed 42. A.tired B.curious C.disappointed D.patient 43. A.her B.my C.his D.your 44. A.suddenly B.finally C.generally D.immediately 45. A.discovered B.fixed C.sent D.protected 46. A.money B.request C.suggestion D.name 47. A.leave B.report C.call D.return 48. A.lucky B.grateful C.polite D.proud 49. A.hugging B.Paying C.visiting D.inviting 50. A.factory B.hospital C.phone company D.police station 51. A.appearing B.shaking C.rolling D.running 52. A.fine B.safe C.awake D.free 53. A.hunger B.danger C.need D.service 54. A.humor B.love C.truth D.advice 55. A.knowledge B.trust C.courage D.effort 第五题;语法填空(共 10 小题,每小题 1.5 分,共 15 分) Jim was a shy boy. He was afraid of talking to 56.______(strange). As a result, he didn’t have any friends after he entered high school. One day, when Jim 57______(walk) on his way back home from school, it suddenly began to rain 58._______(heavy).He saw a boy walking in front of him. The road was so wet that 59______boy slipped and fell on the ground, Jim quickly ran to the boy and helped60._____ (he)get up. The boy was wet all over. Jim61._____ (think)the boy must feel cold, so he asked the boy where he lived. When Jim 62_____ (tell) about the address, he found it was a bit from there. Jim lived nearby, 63_____he invited the boy to his home. After they arrived, Jim gave him some clean cloths and asked him to changed. The boy was so grateful64._____Jim that he thanked Jim again and again. The following day, the boy saw Jim at school. He thanked Jim again for 65_____ (help)him out. From then on, they often spent time together became best friends. 第六题;第一部分;应用文写作(满分 15 分) 假如你是李华,你的网友 Joe 因与好朋友发生争执而苦恼,在国外某交友网站上发帖 求助。请你用英文给他回复,内容主要包括: 1. 表示安慰和鼓励;2.你的建议。 注意:1.词汇 100 左右; 2.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯 3.开头已给出,但不计入总词数。 Dear Joe, I have read about your situation 第二节;读后续写(共 25 分) A funny thing happened to Arthur when he was on the way to work one day. As he walked along Park Avenue near the First National Bank, he heard the sound of someone trying to start a car. He tried again and again but couldn’t get the car moving. Arthur turned and looked inside at the face of a young man who looked worried .Arthur stopped and asked , ”It looks like you’ve got a problem, ”Arthur said. “I’m afraid so. I’m in a big hurry and I can’t start my car.” “Is there something I can do to help?” Arthur asked. The Young man looked at the two suitcase sin the back seat and then said, “Thanks. If you’re sure it wouldn’t be too much trouble, you could help me get these suitcases into a taxi.” “No trouble at all. I’d be glad to help.” The young man got out and took one of the suitcases from the back seat. After placing it on the ground, he turned to get the other one. Just as Arthur picked up the first suitcase and started walking, he heard the long loud noise of an alarm. It was from the bank. There had been a robbery(抢劫)! Park Avenue had been quiet a moment before. Now the air was filled with the sound of the alarm and the shouts of people running from all directions. Cars stopped and the passengers joined the crowd in front of the bank. People asked each other , “What happened?” But everyone had a different answer.. Arthur, still carrying the suitcase the, turned to look at the bank and walked right into the young woman in front of him. She looked at the suitcase and then at him. Arthur was surprised. “Why is she looking at me like that?” He thought. “The suitcase! She thinks I’m the bank thief!” Arthur looked around at the crowd of people. He become frightened, and without another thought, he started to run. 注意;1.所续写短文的词数应为 150 左右; 2.应使用 5 个以上短文中划线的关键词语; 3. 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好; 4. 续写完成后,青用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。 Paragraph1: As he was running Arthur heard the young man shouting behind, “Stop, stop!” Paragraph2: The taxi stopped in front of the Police Station and Arthur… 英语答案 听力:1-5 AACBC 6-10 BBACA 11-15 CBBCA 16-20 BABAC 阅读 :21-25 DCBAC 26-30 BBBAC 七 选 五 : 31-35 GDEBF 完 形 填 空 ; 36-40 BADCD 41-45 BCADB 46-50 DCBAC 51-55 DACBD 语法填空题:56.strangers 57.was walking 58.heavily 59.the 60.him 61.thought 62.was sold 63.so 64.To 65.helping 写作 第一节 应用文; Dear Joe, I have read about your situation. It is common for everyone to have arguments or even quarrels with friends. So take it easy, and find a way out. You may follow my suggestions. First, try to find out who did wrong and caused the arguments. If it is you, be brave enough to say sorry to your friend. And if it is your friend, you shouldn't be too hard on him or her either. Instead, try to take it easy and be kind. Second, give yourself and your friend some time to calm down, as it is not necessary to deal with the arguments immediately. Good luck and best wishes for you! Yours Li Hua

