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人教新课标英语必修4教案 Book 4 Unit 1 Women of achievement Teaching goals 教学目标 ‎ ‎1. Target language 目标语言 ‎ a. 重点词汇 ‎ achieve, achievement, condition, welfare, institute, connection, campaign, organization, specialist, behave, behavior, worthwhile, nest, observe, observation, respect, argue, entertainment, inspire, support, devote ... to ‎ b. 重点句子 ‎ Watching a family of chimps wake up is our first activity of the day. P2 ‎ Everybody sits and waits while the animals in the group begin to wake up and move. P2 ‎ But the evening makes it all worthwhile. P2 ‎ ‎... we see them go to sleep together in their nest for the night. P2 ‎ Only after her mother came to help her for the first few months was she allowed to begin her project. P2 ‎ For forty years Jane Goodall has been helping the rest of the world understand and respect the life of these animals. P2 ‎ ‎2. Ability goals 能力目标 ‎ a. Learn Warming Up, and know how to tell the great women and the famous women. ‎ b. Learn the way to describe a person from what the person did, what she/he looks like and so on. ‎ ‎3. Learning ability goals 学能目标 ‎ Teach Ss how to describe a person. ‎ Teaching important points 教学重点 ‎ a. By reading A protector of African wildlife, students can learn from Jane Goodall in at least two aspects: one is what is the humane way to study animals; the other is that it was her great personality - universal love and mercy(博爱与慈悲 )that made her ‎ successful. If everyone had such kind of heart, they would give everything benefit for all living things. Then our world will be full of love and peace, without any war and starvation. ‎ b. Ask students to answer these questions: ‎ ‎1) What made her a great success? ‎ ‎2) What should we learn from Jane Goodall? ‎ Teaching difficult points 教学难点 ‎ Let everyone believe that all of us can become Jane Goodall. ‎ Teaching methods 教学方法 ‎ Inspiration, Questioning and Discussion. ‎ Teaching procedures & ways 教学过程与方式 ‎ Period 1. Warming up and pre-reading ‎ Teaching aims: ‎ To introduce six great women and their achievements. ‎ Teaching key points and difficult points: ‎ To explain some words: Quaker, China Welfare Institute, campaign, etc. ‎ Step 1. Lead in. ‎ ‎1. Discuss the following questions. ‎ ‎1)What are the differences between a famous person and a great person? ‎ great--- of excellent quality or ability ‎ important--- powerful or having influence ‎ ‎2) What makes a person great? (The quality of a great person) ‎ Hard working intelligent determined generous helpful honest kind brave. confident unselfish energetic passionate; make great contribution to man kind; get on well with others; never loss heart; be active in social activities; do public service without paid. ‎ Most of the great people are also important people. But important people may not also be great people. ‎ ‎3)Name some great women in Chinese history. What are they famous for? ‎ Step 2. Warming up ‎ T: In pairs discuss the six women on Page 1. Which of these women do you think is a ‎ great woman ? Give reasons for your choice. Before you decide, think about the following questions. ‎ ‎1. Did she follow her ideas and sacrifice anything so that her ideas could be realized? Did she unselfishly give up anything to achieve her goal? ‎ ‎2. Did she go through struggles and difficulties ?/ Did she suffer for her ideas ? ‎ Name Ambition Problem Sacrifices ‎ Elizabeth Fry to help improve prison conditions She was criticized for neglecting her family and enjoying fame. Less time was spent with her husband and family. ‎ Soong Chingling to work for civil rights,democracy and peace. Her relatives held political opinions completely different from hers. After her husband died, she lived alone. ‎ Jane Goodall to work with animals in the wild. She lived a hard life in the wild. She gave up the comforts of life to study the chimps. ‎ Jody Williams to prevent the making and use of landmines It isn’t easy to persuade governments to stop the making and use of landmines. She had lost her own personal time because of the demands of the job ‎ Joan of Arc to drive the English from France Women were not allowed ot fight like a man ‎ She lost her life. ‎ Lin Qiaozhi to help women and children with their illnesses an health Women had greater difficulties getting into medical college and getting further training She never got married or had a family of her own ‎ Step 3 Pre-reading ‎ ‎1. Why do you think Jane Goodall went to Africa to study chimps rather than to a ‎ university? ‎ ‎2. Do you think her work is important? Why? ‎ Period 2. Reading ‎ StepⅠReading ‎ Task 1 Pre-reading ‎ Ss read the passage in four minutes and give the main ideas to each paragraph. ‎ The first one is about a day in the park. ‎ The second one is her way of doing her research and some achievement. ‎ The third one is her attitude and feeling to the animals. ‎ The last one is a short summary to her. ‎ T: Thanks. Well, let’s draw a chart of the text together according to the main ideas we’ve found. ‎ Task 2 Making a chart ‎ A protector of African wildlife ‎ ‎↓ ‎ ‎① ② ③ ‎ ‎│ ∣ ∣ ‎ A day in the park Jane’s way to study chimps Her attitude to and her achievement the animals ‎ Period 3 Language points. ‎ Step 1.Difficult sentences: ‎ ‎1.Watching a family of chimps wake up is our… 今天我们的第一件事 ‎ ‎2.This means going back ….由定语从句修饰的place做go 的宾语 ‎ ‎3.Only after her mother came to help her for the first few months was she allowed to begin her project….only+副词 (部分倒装) ‎ Only in this way can we learn English better. ‎ ‎4.But the evening makes it all worthwhile ‎ Step 2.Words and expressions ‎ ‎1. mean的用法 ‎ Mean doing sth. … 意味着做… ‎ Eg. Doing such a thing means wasting time. ‎ mean to do sth… 打算做某事 ‎ eg. Do you mean to go without money? ‎ ‎2. leave sb. doing 让某人做某事 ‎ e.g They went off and left me sitting there all by myself. ‎ ‎3. wander的用法 ‎ ‎1)可以解释为漫步,逛,常与about搭配 ‎ e.g We love wandering about the hills ‎ ‎2)还可以解释为脱离,迷失 ‎ e.g Don’t wander off the point ‎ ‎4. worthwhile adj. 值得做的,值得花时间(金钱)的 ‎ It is worthwhile to do/ doing ‎ It was worthwhile to visit Paris. ‎ ‎= The visit to Paris is worthwhile. ‎ 去巴黎访问是值得的. ‎ It’s worthwhile discussing/ to discuss the question again. ‎ 这个问题值得再讨论一下。 ‎ It is a worthwhile book 那是一本值得一读的书. ‎ ‎5. observe 观察到,注意到 ‎ Eg.She observed his actions with interest. ‎ 她很感兴趣地观察他的行动 ‎ His neighbour observed a stranger go into his house ‎ 他的邻居看到了一个陌生人进入他的家. ‎ ‎6. “Only + 状语” 开头的句子要用倒装 ‎ Eg. Only in this way can we learn English better ‎ Only then did I realize my mistake. ‎ 直到那时我才知道我的错误. ‎ Only you understand me. ‎ I met her only yesterday. ‎ ‎7.work out ‎ Eg. I can’t work out the meaning of the poem.(理解,说出) ‎ Things have worked out badly. (进行,发展) ‎ Work out his income (算出) ‎ Work out a plan (制定,拟定) ‎ ‎8. have/ has been doing 现在完成进行时,表示动作从过去就已开始,一直持续到现在,可能还会继续下去. ‎ Eg. He has been reading since this morning.今早起,他一直在看书. ‎ He is very tired; he has been working hard all day ‎ He has been writing a letter.他一直在写信. ‎ He has written a letter.他已写过信了. ‎ ‎9. argue 争论;辩论;说服 ‎ argue for / argue against 主张/反对 ‎ argue about sth. ‎ argue with sb. ‎ argue sb. into doing sth. 说服某人做某事. ‎ ‎10. inspire sb. to do ‎ Eg. His speech inspired us greatly. ‎ The teacher inspired us to make greater efforts. ‎ The memory of his childhood inspired his first novel(促成;赋予灵感) ‎ inspired 有灵感的 ‎ inspiring 激励人心的 ‎ Period 4 Grammar points. ‎ Step I Revision ‎ Review the text by checking the answers for Exercises 2, 3 and 4 on Page 4 and 5. These exercises are about the useful words that appear in the text. ‎ Step II Word-formation ‎ There are two tasks in this part. One is leading in, in which teacher trys to give ‎ students as many words as possible. Let them guess the meanings of the words. The second one is to finish Exercise 1 on Page 4. ‎ Derivation is one of the most important word-formation. It is helpful in enlarging students' vocabulary. Teachers can give them enough words, and let them guess the meaning of these words. As a result of this, students will be interested in the word-formation, and begin to use the method to guide their word study in their daily life. ‎ T: Just now we reviewed some words in the text. Now please look at these words on the blackboard and say the meanings of them. ‎ Organize Organization‎ ‎State Statement ‎ Discuss Discussion Entertain Entertainment ‎ Direct Direction Consider Consideration ‎ Decide Decision Agree Agreement ‎ Prepare Preparation Achieve Achievement ‎ Inform Information Treat Treatment ‎ Deter- Determination Improve Improvement ‎ Express Expression Encourge Encouragement ‎ Examine Examination Enjoy Enjoyment ‎ Educate Education Govern Government ‎ Feel Feeling Find Finding ‎ Begin Beginning Mean Meaning ‎ T: From the above chart we can see that with knowledge of word-formation, we can enlarge our vocabulary. Today, we'll focus our attention on the Noun Suffix. There are many Noun Suffixes in English. In this unit, we'll learn -ment, -ing, -ation, -ist and so on. Now let's finish Step 3 Exercise ‎1 in Page 4. ‎ Let students finish Exercise 1. Check their answers with the whole class. ‎ T: Here are some other noun Suffixes on the screen. Read it and write down them in your note books. Noun Suffix ‎ ‎-er(fighter) -or(sailor) -ist(artist) ‎ ‎-ant(assistant) -ee(employee) -ian(librarian) ‎ ‎-tion(attention) -ment(government) -dom(freedom) ‎ ‎-ness(carefulness) -ism(socialism) -ship(friendship) ‎ ‎-ure(pleasure) -ty(society) -ence(reference) ‎ Let students do it, and then check the answers with the whole class. ‎ Step4 Discovering useful structures ‎ Tell students what they should do next. Ask them to read the EXAMPLE in Exercise 1 on Page 5. Make sure that they know what they should do. Finish Exercise 1, and check the answers. ‎ Step 5 主谓一致 ‎ ‎1.两个或两个以上做主语的单数名词用and连接,谓语用复数. ‎ Tom and Dick _______ (be) good friends. ‎ 但若表示一个集合体时则用单数。 ‎ A singer and dancer ______ (be) present at the party. ‎ The worker and writer ___ (be) talking to the students. ‎ Bread and butter ________ (taste) good. ‎ ‎(a needle and thread, a horse and cart, a watch and chain, a coat and tie, truth and honesty, medical help and cure) ‎ ‎2.用 and 连接的两个名词若被 no, each, every, many a 修饰,则谓语动词用单数。 ‎ No bird and no beast ______ (be) seen in the bare island. ‎ Many a boy and many a girl ______ (have) made such a funny experiment. ‎ At Christmas each boy and each girl _____(be) given a present. ‎ ‎3.两个主语由not only…but also, or, either…or, neither…nor 等连接时,谓语动词与第二个主语保持一致. ‎ Either he or I _____ (be) to go there. ‎ ‎______ (be) either you or he going to attend the meeting? ‎ ‎4.主语后有as well as, like, with, together with, but, except, ‎ besides,等,谓语应于前面主语保持一致. ‎ A professor, together with some students, _____ (be) sent to help in the work. ‎ No one but the teachers _____ (be) allowed to use the room. ‎ ‎5.一些集合名词做主语,如果看作一个整体,谓语动词用单数;如果指其中的成员,谓语用复数.如audience, committee,class(班级),crew(全体船员或机组人员), family, government, public(公众)等, ‎ 但people, police, cattle等只能用复数. ‎ My family _____ (be) a big family. ‎ My family _____ (be) listening to the radio. ‎ The police ____ (be) trying to catch the thief. ‎ ‎6.通常作复数的集体名词 ‎ 有些集体名词,如police, people, cattle, militia, poultry(家禽),)等,通常作复数,用复数动词。例如: ‎ Domestic cattle ______(provide) us with milk, beef and hides. ‎ ‎7.通常作不可数名词的集体名词 ‎ 有一些集体名词,如machinery, equipment, furniture, merchandise (商品),clothing 通常作不可数名词,随后的动词用单数。例如: ‎ The merchandise _____(have) arrived undamaged. ‎ All the machinery in the factory ____ (be) made in China. ‎ ‎8.表示时间、重量、长度等名词,尽管是复数形式,但作为一个整体看,谓语还是用单数。 ‎ Five minutes ______ (be) enough. ‎ One dollar and seventy eight cents _____ (be) what she has. ‎ ‎9. all 作为主语,代表人物时,一般用作复数;代表整个事件或情况时,一般 看作单数。 ‎ All that I want _____ (be) a good dictionary. ‎ All ______ (be) silent. 人人都缄口无言。万籁俱寂。 ‎ All ______ (be) out of danger. ‎ ‎10.形容词加定冠词 the 表示一类人时,谓语动词用复数。 ‎ What a life the poor were living! ‎ The young _____happy to give their seats to the old. ‎ ‎11.who, which, that 作定语从句的主语时,其谓语取决于先行词。 ‎ Those who want to go should sign your names here. ‎ He is one of the students who have passed the exam. ‎ He is the only one of the students who has passed the exam. ‎ ‎12. 以-ics结尾的学科名称 ‎ 某些以-ics结尾的学科名称,如physics(物理学)、mathematics(数学)、mechanics(机械学)、politics(政治学)、statistics(统计学)、economics(经济学)、linguistics(语言学)athletics(体育学)、等,通常作单数用。例如: ‎ ‎13. 其他以-s结尾的名词 ‎ 英语中有一些由两个部分组成的物体名称通常是以-s结尾,如scissors(剪子),pincers(钳子),glasses(眼镜),shorts(短裤),trousers(裤子),suspenders(吊裤带)等。这一类名词,如果不带"一把"、"一副"、"一条"等单位词而单独使用,通常作复数。例如: ‎ 如果带有单位词,则由单位词的单、复数形式决定动词的单、复数形式。 例如:One pair of scissors isn't enough. ‎ ‎14.以-s结尾的地理名称 ‎ 某些以-s结尾的地理名称,如果是国名,如the United States, the United Nations, the Netherlands等,尽管带有复数词尾,但系单一政治实体,故作单数用。但若不是国名,而是群岛、山脉、海峡、瀑布等地理名称、通常作复数用。例如: ‎ The West Indies, apart from the Bahamas, are commonly divided into two parts. The Himalayas(喜马拉雅山脉) have a magnificent variety of plant and animal life. ‎ The Straits of Gibraltar have not lost their strategic importance. ‎ ‎15. 英语中还有一些以-s结尾的名词,如: ‎ arms(武器), clothes(衣服), contents(内容,目录),fireworks(烟火), goods(货物), minutes(记录), morals(道德,品行), remains(遗体), stairs(楼梯), suburbs (郊区), thanks(谢意), wages(工资)等,通常作复数。 ‎ ‎16.凡是由-ings结尾的名词,如: clippings (剪下来的东西), diggings (掘出的东西), earnings (收入), filings (锉屑), lodgings (租住的房屋), surroundings (环境), ‎ sweepings (扫拢的垃圾) 等, 通常作复数用。例如: ‎ The clippings of the hedges are usually burnt. ‎ The sweepings of the godown(仓库) have been disposed of. ‎ ‎17. 还有一些以-s接的单、复数同形的名词,如: headquarters(总部), means(方法、手段), series(系列), species(种类), works(工厂)等,随后动词的单、复数形式取决于这些名称是作单数,还是用作复数。例如: ‎ A headquarters was set up to direct the operation (指挥作战). ‎ Their headquarters are in Paris. ‎ The only means to achieve success is to appeal to arms (诉诸武力). ‎ ‎18. remains用于"遗体"意义时,随后的动词通常作复数: ‎ His remains lie in the churchyard. ‎ The martyr's remains were buried at the foot of the hill. ‎ 但作"遗迹"或"剩余物"解释时,可作复数或单数用: ‎ Here is the remains of a temple. ‎ The remains of the meal were/was fed to the dog. ‎ ‎19. 如果作主语的名词词组由“分数(或百分数)+of-词组”构成,其动词形式依of-词组中名词类别而定。例如: ‎ Two thirds of the swampland(沼泽地) _____ (have) been reclaimed(开垦). ‎ Over sixty per cent of the city ____ (be) destroyed in the war. ‎ Thirty-five per cent of the doctors ______ (be) women. ‎ ‎20. 如果主语是all of ...,some of ...,none of ...,half of ...,most of ...等表示非确定数量的名词词组,其后的动词形式依of-词组中的名词类别而定。例如: ‎ Most of the money _____ recovered by Deputy Player. ‎ Most of the members ______ there. ‎ All of the cargo ______ lost. ‎ All of the crew ______ saved. ‎ ‎21.两数相减或相除,动词用单数;两数相加或相乘,动词可用单数,也可用复数。例如: ‎ Forty minus fifteen (40-15) leaves twenty-five. ‎ Forty divided by eight (40/8) is five. ‎ Seven and five (7+5) makes/make twelve. ‎ Five times eight (5+8) is /are forty. ‎ ‎22. 如果主语是由“a kind/sort/type of ,this kind/sort/type of +名词”构成,动词用单数。例如: ‎ This kind of man annoys me. ‎ 但若在kind/sort/type之前的限定词是these/those,同时,of-词组中的名词又是复数,则动词用复数: ‎ These kinds of men annoy me. ‎ Those types/sorts of machines are up to date. ‎ ‎23.如果主语是由“many a+名词”或“more than one +名词”构成,其意义虽属多数,但随后的动词仍遵循“语法一致”原则,用单数。例如: ‎ Many a man has done his duty. ‎ More than one game was lost. ‎ ‎24. 1)由who, why, how, whether等wh-词引导的名词性分句作主语,其后的动词通常用单数。 ‎ ‎2).两个由and连接的并列名词性分句作主语,如果主语表示两件事情,动词用复数。例如: ‎ What caused the accident and who was responsible for it remain a mystery to us. ‎ ‎3). 以what-分句作主语的SVC结构 ‎ 在以what-分句作主语的SVC结构中,主句补语是复数名词,如果主句谓语动词可用复数。 ‎ ‎25. 1).在“one of+复数名词+关系分句”结构中,关系分句动词通常依照语法一致原则用复数形式。例如: ‎ Joan is one of those people who go out of thier way to be helpful. ‎ ‎2). 在这类结构之前有定冠词the或者有the only 等限定词和强调词时,关系分句动词形式依one而定,用单数。例如: ‎ Selfishness is the one of her many faults which defeats itself. ‎ Period5 Listening ‎ Step1 Listening to the material on Page 7 ‎ There are three tasks in this step: the first listening, the second listening and the third listening. Teachers should ask students to glance the whole exercises before listening, so that they can realize what is the main task in listening. ‎ Task 1 The first listening ‎ T: Hello, everyone! Glad to meet you. These days the topic we are talking is important women & great women. We know women can achieve the same as men. But they have many difficulties in doing this. Today we'll have three listening materials to listen. The first one tells us some particular problems, which women have when they want a career of their own. The structure of this material is very clear. It is organized by the first, second and third paragraph. So when you listen for the first time, try to get the general idea of the material and think which sentences are the main ideas of the three paragraphs. Now let's listen for the first time. Play the tape for the first time for students to get the main ideas of the paragraphs. And then ask students to try to retell what they have heard. It doesn't matter whether theyare some details, such as words or sentences, or they are some main ideas. Because the purpose of doing this is to let students know they have caught some information. Everything is OK. ‎ Collect what they have heard and write down them on the blackboard. Teachers can let them discuss which are main ideas and which are details. ‎ Task 2 The second listening ‎ There are two purposes in this task. One is to let students finish Exercise 2; the other is to let students get some useful information to finish Exercise 1 and 3. So after the discussion, teachers can let students look through the Exercises on Page ‎7 in order to catch the useful information to finish the exercises when they are listening. Then play the tape again, and try to finish Exercise 1&2. Exercise 1 is about some details. Exercise 2 is about the main ideas of each paragraph. Teacher can make a pause, and repeat it where the main ideas appear to make sure students can catch it. ‎ Task 3 The third listening ‎ This is a good chance for students to check their answers. After listening twice, most students can have a good understanding about the material, and can write down the ‎ answers mostly. So this time is for their checking and adding their answers. ‎ If they still have some difficulties, play the tape for the fourth time to meet their needs. ‎ Step3 The listening material on Page 41 ‎ Teacher can ask students to guess the content of the material, according to the questions in exercises. And then have a listening and finish the exercises. The steps of the listening are the same with the above one. ‎ Unit 2 Working the land ‎ Period 1 Warming up and pre-reading. ‎ Step 1 Lead-in. ‎ Poem By Li Shen ‎ Farmers weeding at noon,Sweat down the field soon. ‎ Who knows food on a tray,Due to their toiling day. ‎ Step 2.Warming up (Questions) ‎ ‎1. Have you ever grown any plants? If so, what did you do to grow them? If not, what kind of plant would you like to grow? How will you grow it? ‎ ‎2. Have you ever been to the countryside? What did you do there? ‎ ‎3. Are you from a farmer’s family? What do you know about farming? ‎ Step 3 Pre-reading and talking ‎ ‎1. Rice is a main food in all East Asian and Southeast Asian countries. What do you think would happen if tomorrow there was suddenly no rice to eat? ‎ Tips: It is said that there are 2.4 billion people to eat rice every day throughout the world;suffer from starvation/die of hunger; panic, get into trouble ‎ ‎2. If you had the chance to help end hunger in the world, what would you do? ‎ ‎3. Do you know who Yuan Longping is ? ‎ A brief introduction: ‎ Yuan Longping is known as China’s “father of hybrid rice”. It’s said that in China, we eat depending on “Two Ping” ---- Deng Xiaoping, who made the policy of System of Production Responsibility, & Yuan Longping, who invented hybrid rice. ‎ Yuan Longping, who was born in September, 1930, graduated from Agriculture Department in Southwest Agricultural Institute. He has been working on agriculture education & the research into hybrid rice since he left the institute. ‎ In the 1960s, when China was suffering from serious famine, he came up with the idea of hybrid rice, which has a high yield ( or output). Ten years later, he succeeded in inventing a new species that produced a 20 percent higher yield than common types of rice. ‎ Yuan devoted himself to the research into agriculture, & was honored by UNESCO & FAO(联合国教科文组织). Although he is 74 years old, he is still working on the research into agriculture. ‎ Period 2 Reading ‎ Step 1 Lead-in。 ‎ ‎1. Listen to the tape carefully then answer these questions. ‎ ‎1)When and who did become the first agricultural pioneer in the world to grow rice that has a high output? ‎ ‎2)What did Yuan Longping invent? ‎ ‎2. Read the passage once again,then find out these sentences true or false. ‎ ‎1) Dr Yuan is more a farmer than a scientist. ‎ ‎2 )Dr Yuan’s kind of rice is the most suitable for China’s farmland. ‎ ‎3) Dr Yuan would rather work than relax. ‎ ‎4 )Dr Yuan has dreams when he is asleep and also when he is awake. ‎ ‎5 )Dr Yuan enjoys a simpler life than most rich and famous people. ‎ ‎3.Find out the topic sentences of each paragraph ‎ Para‎. 1: He became the first agricultural pioneer in the world to grow rice that has a high output. ‎ Para.2:He has devoted his life to finding ways to grow more and more rice.. ‎ Para.3:He cares little about spending the money on himself and would rather keep time for his hobbies. ‎ Para.4 Dr. Yuan’s dreams. ‎ ‎4.Write down Yuan Longping’s personal information ‎ ‎• Name: ‎ ‎• Nationality: ‎ ‎• Born: ‎ ‎• Age: ‎ ‎• Occupation: ‎ ‎• Education: ‎ ‎• Dream: ‎ ‎• Achievements: ‎ ‎• Hobbies: ‎ Period 3 Language points: ‎ ‎1. Struggle for…为争取……而斗争 ‎ Struggle against…为反对……而斗争 ‎ Struggle with… 与……争斗 ‎ ‎1)The swimmer struggled against the tide. ‎ ‎2)We had to struggle with/against all kinds of difficulties. ‎ ‎3)The slaves struggled for the freedom ‎ ‎2. 使做…成为… make +it +adj./n. +to do ‎ 好天气使游泳成为可能 ‎ The fine weather makes it possible( for us )to swim. ‎ 他将每早跑步做为一个规则 ‎ He makes it a rule to run every morning. ‎ 其他可用这种结构的词: ‎ feel, find, think, consider… ‎ ‎3.搜查,搜索 search (sb. / sth.) for … ‎ He searched all the rooms for the missing person. ‎ They searched the man all over for money. ‎ ‎4.由于,多亏 thanks to 相当于 because of ‎ ‎5.是从前两倍那么多 twice as large as before ‎ 相当于once larger than before ‎ ‎6.对……感到满意 ‎ be satisfied with…相当于 be pleased with ‎ adj. satisfactory/satisfying ‎ n. satisfaction ‎ ‎7.在乎,在意 care about ‎ 比较 care for ‎ My aunt cared for me when my parents were away last week. ‎ Dr Yuan never cares about money and fame. ‎ ‎8. Indeed, his sunburnt face and arms and his slim, strong body are like those of millions of other Chinese farmers. ‎ e.g: The streets in Beijing are wider than those in my hometown. ‎ The number of students in our school is larger than that in their school. ‎ ‎9. Dr Yuan grows what is called super hybrid rice. ‎ e.g: He came to what is called America. ‎ ‎10. This special strain of rice makes it possible to produce one -third more of the crop in the same fields. ‎ e.g: That made it possible for life to begin to develop. ‎ The development of science makes it possible for us to know more about the universe. ‎ ‎11. Dr Yuan awoke from his dream with the hope of producing a kind of rice (that could feed more people). ‎ e.g: He went to the U.S with the hope of finding a better job there. ‎ Fill in the proper phrases or words to complete the following: ‎ ‎1.In a way,the accident was a good thing because it taught us a good lesson. ‎ ‎2.It was because of his advice that I succeeded. ‎ ‎3.I am satisfied with the result of the experiment. ‎ ‎4.They have struggled for years to drive the invaders out of their country. ‎ ‎5.We all wish that we could rid the world of crime. ‎ ‎6.In some less developed areas in China, some farmers are still lead a poor life. ‎ ‎7.The output of corn this year is double that of last year. ‎ After graduating from college, he went to Shenzhen with the hope of getting a chance to become rich soon . ‎ Unit‎3 A taste of English humour ‎ 单元教学目标 ‎ Talk about different types of humor;a taste of English humor ‎ Learn how to express one’s emotions ‎ Learn the –ing form as the Predicative, Attributive and Object Complement ‎ Learn to write humorous stories ‎ 目标语言 ‎ 话题 Different types of humor; a taste of English humor ‎ 词汇 1. 四会词汇: ‎ slide, skin, cruel, content, astonish, particular, entertain, entertaining, throughout, ‎ homeless, worn-out, failure, overcome, difficulty, boil, fortunate, snowstorm, chew, bottom, mouthful, direct, star, outstanding, Switzerland, fortune, swing, pancake, mountainous, whisper, vast, sense ‎ ‎2. 词组: ‎ be content with, badly off, pick out, cut off, star in, knock into ‎ 功能 情感 ( Emotion ) ‎ I enjoy this very much because… It surprises me that… ‎ I laugh at that kind of thing because… I felt happy because… ‎ This is fun because… I’m pleased we were both amused at… ‎ How wonderful / surprising! It’s amusing that… ‎ 语法 动词的-ing 形式作表语,定语和宾语补足语的用法 ‎ Their job is “panning for gold”. ‎ That was the problem facing Charlie Chaplin. ‎ Do you find it funny to see someone sliding on a banana skin? ‎ Period 1 Warming up and pre-reading. ‎ Teaching procedure: ‎ Step 1: Lead-in ‎ Show some pictures to students, let them talk about the pictures and then ask them ‎ what they think of the pictures, whether they are funny or not. ‎ Questions: 1) Do you know who these comedians are? What makes them funny? ‎ ‎2) Do you know other comedians who are funny in the same way? ‎ ‎3) Have you seen any of these comedians or programmers? What do you think of them? ‎ Step 2: Warming up ‎ Task 1. Brain-storming ‎ Ask students to name some types of humors they know. Write those they are not familiar with on the blackboard, then show some pictures and summarize. ‎ Types of humor Example of English humor Chinese humor ‎ Nonverbal Charlie Chaplin Pantomimes(哑剧)刘全和,刘全利 ‎ Mime and farce Mr. Bean Funny plays 陈佩斯,赵本山 ‎ Verbal jokes Play on words, usually Cross talk 马季, 姜昆 ‎ Funny stories Two lines Jokes ‎ Funny poems Edward Lear Doggerel(打油诗) ‎ Task 2. Talking ‎ Ask students to talk about some funny stories, any English or Chinese humors they know. ‎ Task 3. Reading on P22 ‎ The purpose of the reading is to introduce the kind of verbal jokes. They use a “play on words” to be funny. Let students read the three jokes and then match the joke with the explanation. Then check the answer. After that, teacher can show some other jokes on the screen. ‎ Joke 1: ‎ Patient: Doctor, I’ve lost my memory. ‎ Doctor: When did this happen? ‎ Patient: When did what happen? ‎ Joke 2: ‎ Garcia: Thank you doctor. My fever is gone. ‎ Doctor: Don’t thank me. Thank God. ‎ Garcia: Then I will pay the fees to God. ‎ Step 3 Homework ‎ Ask each student to give a joke and present it in class next period. ‎ Period 2 Reading. ‎ Step1 Reading. The purpose of this reading is to introduce nonverbal humor. This reading material takes Charlie Chaplin for example. It tells us what nonverbal humor means; what is Charlie Chaplin’s style of acting; how he made a sad situation entertaining and so on. ‎ Task 1.Fast reading.and do the true or false questions. ‎ ‎1).Humor is always kind. F ‎ ‎2).Charlie Chaplin was born in a rich family. F ‎ ‎3). His silent movies are not popular any more. F ‎ ‎4). He solved a sad situation by using nonverbal humor. T ‎ ‎5).He ate the shoes because he thought that it was very funny.F ‎ ‎6).Charlie Chaplin devoted his whole life to making films. T ‎ Task 2. Divide the text into several parts and give the main idea of each part ‎ Part one(1-2 ) It tells us that there are two kinds of humor. One is bad, while the other can inspire people. ‎ Part two (3-4): It tells us something about Charlie Chaplin’s acting style and how Charlie Chaplin made a sad situation entertaining. ‎ Part three (5): it gives us a short biography about Charlie Chaplin. ‎ Task 3. Discussion ‎ Let students have a discussion about the text, then answer some questions. ‎ Questions: (1) What is behind fun? ‎ ‎(2 ) Why did people like Little Tramp? ‎ ‎(3 ) Do you think Charlie Chaplin’s eating boiled shoes funny? Why? ‎ Step 2 Language points: ‎ ‎1.Do you find it funny to see someone sliding on a banana skin, bumping into ‎ someone else round a corner, or failing down a hole in the road? ‎ ‎……find it funny to see……中的it 在此句中是形式宾语,to see…… 才是find的宾语。当动词不定式作句子的宾语,同时,有一个形容词同宾语在一起时,我们常用it作先行宾语。 ‎ Eg: I find it difficult to understand him. ‎ We find it useful to learn a foreign language. ‎ slide ‎ The book slid off my knee. ‎ He slid over the question without answering it. ‎ She slid out of the room when no one was looking. ‎ bump into ‎ Unfortunately, the motorbike ~ed ~ a big tree. ‎ Mary was walking alone in the street when she ~ed ~ her teacher. ‎ cruel ‎ Don’t be ~ to animals. ‎ The death of their daughter was a ~ blow. ‎ ‎2.Perhaps it makes us feel more content with our life because we feel there is someone else worse off than ourselves. ‎ ‎1)content(adj):satisfied ,happy. ‎ 常见的搭配是:be content with sth: be satisfied with sth ‎ be content to do sth: be willing to do sth ‎ Eg: She is content to stay at home looking after her children. ‎ Are you content with your living conditions? ‎ ‎3.badly off: in a poor position. 潦倒;穷困。其反义词是well off。文中worse off是badly off的比较级形式。 ‎ eg:They are too badly off to have a holiday. ‎ Many people are better off than before. ‎ ‎4. astonish ‎ The news he brought ~ed everyone in the class. ‎ He looked at me in ~ment. ‎ it is ~ing to me that she was late. ‎ ‎5. However, some actors can astonish us with the deep feelings they can inspire in us for a character they are playing. ‎ Inspire(vt) ‎ ‎~ sth in sb ---- ~ sb with sth :to fill sb with thoughts,feelings or aims 激励或鼓舞某人。 ‎ The father ~d his son with confidence. ‎ ‎= The father ~d confidence in his son. ‎ 这个句子中有两个定语从句:they can inspire in us修饰the deep feelings, they are playing 修饰a character。 ‎ 不管怎样,有些演员能用他们所演的角色在我们身上鼓动起深深的感情来震撼我们。 ‎ cut off: to separate from others; to stop suddenly; ‎ 切断;隔离;突然中止 ‎ Eg: They cut off our food supply. ‎ cut in插嘴 cut out 剪除;删除 ‎ cut up切碎 cut through刺穿 ‎ ‎(名题赏析)He was in hospital for six months. He felt as ‎ if he was __C__from the outside world. ‎ A. cut out B. cut off C. cut up D. cut through ‎ ‎6.overcome 克服 ‎ eg:We should have the courage to ~ any difficulty in the world. ‎ It is not easy to ~ a bad habit in a short time. ‎ ‎7.be set in ‎ eg: The story is ~ ~ the early days of World war II. ‎ ‎8.mouthful ‎ He took a ~ of the bitter medicine and made a face. ‎ I felt so full that I couldn’t eat another ~. ‎ basketful , handful, cupful, dishful, spoonful ‎ ‎9.star ‎ Tonight, we are showing a film, ~ring Charlie Chaplin. ‎ The director wants to ~ Jim in his film. ‎ she has ~red in a lot of good films. ‎ The Third Period Grammar ‎ Teaching procedure: ‎ Step 1. Revision ‎ Check homework: the exercises on page 20 and 21. ‎ Step 2. Word formation ‎ Suffix Example ‎ ‎-able valuable lovable comfortable ‎ ‎-ing amusing misleading neighboring ‎ ‎-ful hopeful cheerful useful ‎ ‎-less endless homeless harmless ‎ ‎-ed excited interested moved ‎ ‎-ish Irish childish selfish ‎ ‎-ive active attractive expensive ‎ ‎-ate fortunate affectionate passionate ‎ ‎-ant important pleasant ignorant ‎ ‎-ly friendly orderly costly ‎ There are ten suffixes in the chart. And there are some new words in it. But the purpose of showing this chart is to let students learn more about the adjective suffix. ‎ Step 3. Discovering useful structures ‎ Task 1. Revision ‎ Have a revision about the –ing form used as the subject and object. Give students some sentences to translate: ‎ ‎(1) Talking to him is useless. ‎ ‎(2) Smoking does harm to your health. ‎ ‎(3) Walking is my sole exercise. ‎ ‎(4) Collecting stamps is my hobby. ‎ ‎(5) I suggested bringing the meeting to an end. ‎ ‎(6) He admitted taking the money. ‎ ‎(7) I couldn’t help laughing. ‎ ‎(8) Your coat needs washing. ‎ Task 2. New usage of the –ing form ‎ Ask students to look at the Exercises 4 on page 20. And then wake in pairs to finish the exercises. ‎ Teacher checks the answers and give the explanations. ‎ ‎1.A cooking pot: A pot that is used for cooking. ‎ ‎2.A drinking horse: A horse that is drinking water. ‎ ‎3.The man sitting on the sofa is a friend of my brother’s. ‎ Ø Here the –ing form are used as attribute. ‎ ‎1.I saw the man sliding on a banner skin yesterday. ‎ ‎2.Did you notice the man picking up that broken bottle and putting it in his bag? ‎ Ø Hear the –ing form are used as object complement The structure of the sentence with an object complement is: Subject + Predicate + Object + Object complement ‎ ‎1.Her job is looking after babies. ‎ ‎2.What he likes is playing chess after supper. ‎ Ø Here the –ing form are used as predictive. Pay attention to the differences between –ing form used as predicative and present continuous tense. ‎ ‎(1) Her hobby is painting. ‎ ‎(2) Her favorite sport is skiing. ‎ ‎(3) This was very disappointing. ‎ ‎(4) The test results are very discouraging. ‎ ‎(5) She was very pleasing in her appearance. ‎ ‎(6) His concern for his mother is very touching. ‎ ‎(7) The photograph is missing. ‎ ‎(8) The article was misleading, and the newspaper has apologized. ‎ In the first two sentences, the –ing form is used to show the character of the subject. In the next four sentences the words of the –ing form are all about the feelings. In the last two sentences, the words of the –ing form show some states and qualities. ‎ ‎(9) It is snowing hard. ‎ ‎(10) She is teaching in a night school. ‎ In these two sentences, the –ing form are used as the predicate in the present continuous tense. ‎ Step 4. Using Structures ‎ Turn to page 56. Look at the Using Structure. There are two exercises in this part. Exercise 1 is to let students correct some errors in the sentences. This is not an easy job for most students, because it needs other knowledge, besides what the students learned today. So better leave them more time to do this exercise. For exercise 2, let students finish it in a short time. With the help of the pictures, students can easily understand the meaning and correctly use the –ing form to finish the blanks. Teacher can check the answers in class. ‎ Step 4. Homework ‎ Finish all exercises on page 56. ‎ The Fourth Period Listening ‎ Teaching procedure: ‎ Step 1. Revision:Check homework: ‎ ‎(1) Ask a couple of students to tell their jokes in class. ‎ ‎(2 ) Ask some students to come to the blackboard to write their translation. After they have finished, teacher correct some errors with the whole class. ‎ Step 2. Listening ( page 23 ) ‎ This is a funny story. Mary made some plum jam and left some in the pan. Five days later, her husband came home and poured the jam into the chicken. Later Mary came home and found all of her chickens were behaving strangely. What had happened? Give students two chances to listen to the story. First, go through Exercise1 and 2 to know what are the things they will do while listening. After that teacher plays the tape for them to finish Exercise 1. The second listening is to check the answers. For Exercise 2, teacher should leave some time for students to discuss the question. ‎ Questions: (1) Did you find this story funny? Give the reason. ‎ ‎(2 ) What do you think of John’s behavior? ‎ Step 2. Listening ( page 55 ) ‎ This is a story about a thief and a man. The situation is very interesting. Before listening, ask students what they would do if they find a thief in their home one day; whether they will be afraid of the thief and so on. ‎ There are three steps for this listening. At first let students read the questions to make sure that they know what they should do in this listening. Next, play the tape for the first time to let students finish Exercise 1. Then play the tape again and let the students finish the questions in Exercise 2. After that, let the students check their answers with each other. At last, listen to the tape again, teacher can make a pause where there is an question to the question, in this way students can check all the answers. ‎ Step 3. Listening ( page 58 ) ‎ There are four exercises in this listening. The first one requests students to get the general idea of the material. The second one is to ask the students to know some details of the material. The third one is a question that asks the students to speculate the teacher’s feeling. And the last one is a good exercise, it gives the students another chance to practice their oral English. ‎ Step 4. Homework ‎ Collect as many funny stories as possible, do some preparations for the writing in the next period. ‎ Unit 4 Body languages ‎ Period one Teaching goals 教学目标 ‎1. Target Language目标语言 a. 重点词汇和短语 misunderstand, similar, facial, expression, agreement, yawn, chest, gesture, adult, punish b. 重点句型或交际用语 Act out the following meanings, please.‎ Please guess what I mean.‎ Please show the actions, using body language.‎ Now it is your turn to show the action / gesture.‎ Please use either spoken words or body language to express your ideas.‎ Please use both spoken words and body language to express your ideas.‎ ‎2. Ability goals能力目标 a. Enable the students to understand what a certain gesture of the body language means in a given situation.‎ b. Enable the students to act out some meanings, requirements, requests or situations given in the target language.‎ c. Enable the students to express with the target language the meanings given in body language.‎ ‎3. Learning ability goals 学能目标 a. Help the students learn how to express themselves in body language when needed.‎ b. Help the students understand others when body language is being used.‎ Teaching important points教学重点 a. Teach the students how to understand body language used in different countries or cultures as well as in different occasions.‎ b. Teach the students how to use body language in the most appropriate occasions.‎ Teaching difficult points 教学难点 a. Enable the students to realize the importance of body language in communication so that little or no misunderstanding may occur.‎ b. Let the students know that there is both positive body language and negative body language.‎ Teaching methods教学方法 a. Individual work, pair work and group work.‎ b. Acting out by imitation, mime or with gestures and body movement.‎ Teaching aids教具准备 A computer, a projector and some pictures.‎ Teaching procedures & ways教学过程与方式 Step I Lead-in The teacher shows some pictures on screen. These pictures are from the Evening Party Celebrating the coming Lunar New Year of the Rooster of 2005.‎ ‎ ‎ Ss: Yes, Thousands of Hands Kwan-yin.‎ ‎ ‎ T: But do you know who she is? Yes, she was the leading dancer of the program. Her name is Tai Lihua(邰丽华). She is called a Fairy of Peach blossom(桃花仙子) by people. You know she is a deaf girl, but she is a wise, diligent, charming and energetic girl. She studied very hard and got two degrees of bachelors in university. She was famous as an artist for her wonderful performance. She is deaf and dumb. But how did she get that great achievement and became a successful person? She loves life very much. We should learn from her spirit. Besides her hard working, body language plays a very important part in her life. We are all healthy people, sometimes we can use body language to express ourselves. So we should pay more attention to learning body languages. ‎ Step II Introduction T: Now let’s do some TPR (Total Physical Response) activities together, I hope you will enjoy them and have fun as well.‎ Touch your head / face / eyes / nose / mouth / ears / cheeks / forehead / shoulders / stomach / legs / feet / toes ...‎ Shake your head / arm / hand ...‎ Wave your arm / hand ...‎ Open your eyes / arms /mouth ...‎ Close your eyes / mouth ...‎ Twist your wrist / waist.‎ Cross your arms / fingers.‎ Nod your head. Bow your head. ‎ Make a face to each other.‎ Bend / cry / shout / scream / smile / laugh ...‎ T: All right. Now let’s do them a little bit difficult. Let’s play a game together. Those who fail to follow the rule of the game will be dropped out. The game is: “Simon says”. For example, if I say “Simon says, touch your head”, then you touch your head. If not, you shouldn’t touch your head but remain still. Clear? Ready? Now let’s start.‎ ‎3 or 5 minutes for the game.‎ T: Ok. It’s time to take up the lesson. Please look at the screen. Let’s take a look at the following gestures:‎ Gesture ‎ Action Meaning A handshake ‎ You are welcome.‎ A clap of hand Come on; be cheerful.‎ A V-shape of the fore-finger and middle finger May you succeed!‎ Or congratulations on your success!‎ A half-closed hand with thumb down I am not in favor of your idea or I’ll have to refuse you.‎ A wrinkling of the brow in thought or displeasure or a scowl She is worried.‎ Tears coming out of his eyes.‎ He is very sad.‎ All smiles on her face She is very happy.‎ Waving their hands They are waving goodbye to people around.‎ A hand stretched out forward with strength He is stopping a tank.‎ People jump with their both hands stretched open in the air.‎ They are cheering for the victory.‎ T: What are the actions of the above gestures? What do they mean?‎ S4: The first gesture is a handshake, which means “You’re welcome”.‎ S5: The second is a handclap, which means “Come on” or “Be cheerful” or something like that.‎ S6: The third one is a V-shaped posture of the first finger and the middle finger, which suggests a wish for the other or others to succeed.‎ S7: The fourth is a half-closed hand with the thumb down. It means the one who gives this gesture is against the other’s idea or simply refuses the request.‎ S8: The fifth is a worried look of a woman. She wrinkles her brows or frowns. It also seems that she scowls. It shows that she is worried or sad. In other words, she is unhappy.‎ S9: The sixth is a man shedding tears. Tears were running down his cheeks. He is very sad for losing his relatives or sad for his failure.‎ S10: The seventh is a smiling face. It is easy to see that she is very happy.‎ S11: The eighth is a gesture of waving hands. They are waving goodbye to people who are around to see them off.‎ S12: The ninth is a hand stretched out forward with great strength. The boy is trying to stop a tank from entering into his homeland. ‎ S13: The tenth is hands stretched out upward. They are all very cheerful. They are wild with joy; maybe they have just won a game. So we can see that they are cheering for their victory.‎ T: You have all done a good job. So you see that there are many cases or situations in which body language can convey meanings as well as spoken or written languages. If you want to know more about it, let’s come to Unit 4 Body Language.‎ Step Ⅲ Practice T: Look at Page 25. ‎ What are these people communicating?‎ Step Ⅳ Time for Fun T: Now let’s play a game in groups of four. One thinks of a situation and asks the others to show some actions using body language. When the one chooses the action that is most likely, it is his or her turn to think of some other situation for the others to show the actions so that the game may go on for a few rounds. Clear? ‎ Ss: Yes. That’s funny!‎ T: Try to make the situations as interesting and enjoyable as you can. And show the situation as lively as possible. Besides, make sure that everyone has a turn.‎ Ss: All right.‎ S1: What are you likely to do if it rains?‎ ‎(Actions) S2: reads a book; ‎ S3: puts on a raincoat; ‎ S4: cleans the house.‎ S1: Ok. I think S3 seems the most likely, so it is his turn.‎ S3: What are you likely to do if the river floods?‎ ‎(Actions) S1: runs away as fast as he can; ‎ S2: helps the younger or elder to escape as soon as possible; ‎ S4: climbs on to a tree.‎ S3: Ok. I think S2 seems the most likely, so it is her turn.‎ S2: What are you likely to do if the house catches fire?‎ ‎(Actions) S1: fetches some water; ‎ S3: tries to put it out with blooms; ‎ S4: runs away as quickly as he can.‎ S2: Ok. I think S4 seems the most likely, so it is his turn.‎ S4: What are you likely to do if you meet with a fierce dog?‎ ‎(Actions) S1: remains where he is and bends down, looking at the dog; ‎ ‎ S3: tries to scare it away with small stones; ‎ ‎ S4: runs away as quickly as possible.‎ S2: Ok. I think S1 seems the most likely, so we all have done a good job.‎ T: Yes. I couldn’t agree with you. Now, one more group.‎ Step V Role Play (Speaking task on P67)‎ T: Now, there’s still a little time left. Let’s come to Speaking Task on Page 67. ‎ Homework ‎1. Team work: Discuss the importance of body language.‎ ‎2. Go over the Reading: ‎ ‎1) Communication: No Problem? ‎ ‎2) Showing our feeling.‎ T: I think you must have known something about these pictures. Yes, they are from a program of CCTV, the Evening Party Celebrating the Spring Festival of 2005, the coming Lunar New Year of the Rooster. I think that was the best program. Do you remember the name of this program?‎ Period two Teaching goals 教学目标 ‎1. Target language目标语言 a. 词汇和短语 major, local, represent, curious, Columbia, introduce, approach, touch, cheek, stranger, spoken, express, action, Jordan, nod, general, avoid, comedy b. 重点句子 Yesterday, another student and I , representing our university’s student association, went to the Capital‎ International ‎Airport to meet this year’ international students.‎ ‎…I saw several young people enter the waiting area looking around curiously.‎ She stepped back appearing surprised and put up her hands, as if in defence.‎ ‎2. Ability goals能力目标 a. Enable the students to realize the importance of body language.‎ What is the purpose of language?‎ What is the purpose of body language?‎ How can you tell if someone is sad even if they do not speak?‎ How can you communicate a feeling to someone who does not speak your language?‎ b. Enable the students to understand the text.‎ Where are the visitors from?‎ How do Mr. Garcia from Columbia and Julia Smith from Britain response when they are introduced to each other?‎ What do Mr. Cook and the Japanese visitor do as they are introduced?‎ How can people express themselves besides their spoken language?‎ Do all cultures greet each other the same way?‎ Do English people and other Europeans act the same when they first meet?‎ Is a handshake very common in Japan?‎ Is a kiss often used in France when people meet?‎ Why are there different kinds of body language?‎ c. Enable the students to retell the text in their own words.‎ ‎3. Learning ability goals 学能目标 Help the students learn how to explain the common idea—“different cultures, different body languages” with the target language in this unit.‎ Teaching important points 教学重点 ‎ How does body language differ among people from different cultures?‎ Teaching difficult points 教学难点 The understanding of the poorly-written reading text, especially the relationship awkwardly built up between “you” and the other people in the text, who are met by the awkward arrangement of the compilers of the textbook.‎ Teaching methods 教学方法 Skimming method, task-based method, role-play method.‎ Teaching aids 教具准备 A recorder, a projector and a computer.‎ Teaching procedures & ways教学过程与方式 StepⅠ Revision Free talk about the topic: the Importance of Body Language. While the student on duty gives the presentation, the teacher can simultaneously approve his or her performance by using the body language learned or familiar to the students such as nodding the head, stretching out the hand with thumb up, shrugging the shoulders, etc.‎ Step Ⅱ Pre-reading T: Our text is about a special means of communication—Body Language. Now please look at the screen. And discuss these questions with your partner first. And then some of you will be asked to report your work. Are you clear?‎ Ss: Yes, sir/madam.‎ ‎1. What is the purpose of language?‎ ‎2. How can you tell if someone is sad even if they do not speak?‎ ‎3. What would you do if you need the other’s help urgently while you two speak different languages?‎ ‎4. Give an example of how you can communicate a feeling to someone who does not speak your language.‎ After a few minutes.‎ T: Now who’d like to answer the first question? Volunteer! S1: Let me try. The purpose of language, of course, is to be used as a tool of communication. That is, to exchange with others ideas, feelings, information, and so on.‎ T: Perfect! Body language is used anytime and anywhere to convey people’s ideas, feelings, information, and so on and so forth. Next question?‎ S2: Even if they don’t speak, I can tell if they are sad by looking at their facial expressions. I’m a good mind-reader. (Smiling)‎ S3: Yes, that is quite easy. Just by watching their frowned brows, their long faces, we know that they are unhappy.‎ T: Very good. We have got two “mind readers” in our class; I’m sure there are more than two! Now who’d like to give the answer to the third question?‎ S4: Let me try, Sir / Madam. I’ll try to use body language to tell the other what I need urgently. I’ll do it by miming, by any proper posture, or gestures, even by drawing pictures.‎ T: You are smart! Now who’d like to do the last one. It is more challenging, right?‎ S5: I’d like to have a try, sir. Last summer I went on a study tour in the States. When I was on the way to Los Angeles‎ on the flight of the United Airlines, we stopped at Tokyo / Narita Airport in Japan for 3 hours. So I went into the shop at the airport, for I wanted to buy a digital camera. Of course I knew no Japanese, so I spoke to her in Chinese first and then in English. It seemed that she was at a loss when I spoke to her. Then I decided to try it in body language. I just pointed to the camera that I like most-Sony Cyber-shot DSC-P100. The salesgirl spoke to me in Japanese this time but I couldn’t understand a word of it. So I shook my head and kept pointing at the camera. Finally I reached her understanding and she took out the camera I wanted to buy. I examined it for a little while and asked her the price of it by drawing a big “?” in the air with my forefinger. She took out her calculator and put in the price. The price was reasonable and I decided to take it. I paid for it and the salesgirl bowed to me again and again.‎ T: Wonderful! Thank you for telling us so interesting a true story and giving us so good an example of body language.‎ Step Ⅲ While-reading ‎1. Scanning ‎ While reading, please try to divide the whole passage into several parts and find out the main idea.‎ Part 1 Para 1 ‎ ‎ You are sent to Capital‎ International ‎Airport to meet this year’s international students.‎ Part 2 (para. 2 and 3 )‎ Examples of learned or cultural “body language”.‎ Part 3. (para. 4 ) ‎ ‎ Different peoples have different body languages.‎ Part 4. (para. 5) ‎ Summary of body language.‎ Read the text carefully, then decide if the following statements are true (T) or false (F). ‎ • Englishmen often stand close to others or touch strangers as soon as they meet. ‎ • ‎ Most people around the world now greet each other by kissing .‎ • Japanese will bow to others as greeting.‎ • ‎ People from Jordan will move very close to you as you introduce yourself to them.‎ • ‎ Some body languages in some countries are good while some countries’ body language are bad.‎ Step IV Post reading ‎1. Is the author of this passage male or female? How do you know ?‎ ‎ The author is male. Ahmed Aziz will not shake hands with women, but he shakes hands with the author.‎ ‎2.What were the two mistakes that the author noticed? ‎ ‎ He noticed that the Colombian man kissed the British woman, but in her culture, a kiss from a stranger is not acceptable. He also noticed that the Japanese man bowed just as the Canadian man started to shake hands, so one man’s nose touched the other man’s hand. ‎ ‎3. Who seemed to prefer to keep more physical distance from others? Who seemed to prefer closer physical distance ?‎ ‎ The British woman, Julia, and probably the Canadian man, George, seemed to prefer to keep more physical distance from others. The Colombian man, Tony, and the Jordanian man, Ahmed, seemed to prefer closer physical distance . ‎ ‎4. Did any students have similar greeting customs? If so, which ones?‎ ‎ Yes. Tony from Colombia and Darlene from France had a similar greeting custom-a kiss. George from Canada and Ahmed from Jordan also had a similar greeting custom-a handshake, but Ahmed shakes hands only with men.‎ ‎5. “ When in Rome, do as the Romans do.” What do you think this famous saying means?‎ ‎ This saying means that when we are in a certain place, we should follow the customs of the people who live in that place, not our own customs.‎ ‎6. Do you agree with the author’s statement that body language is not good or bad? Why or why not?‎ ‎ Students will give their own answers.‎ Step Ⅴ Homework ‎1. Get ready to retell the text in your own words.‎ Period three Teaching goals 教学目标 ‎1. Target language目标语言 a. 词汇和短语 unspoken, facial, function, at ease, lose face, turn one’s back to, fist, subjective b. 重点句子 Body language is one of the most powerful means of communication, often even more powerful than spoken language.‎ ‎2. Ability goals能力目标 a. Enable the students to know more about body language.‎ What is the function of body language?‎ What is the similarity of body language?‎ How can you understand the universal facial expression “smile”? Does “a smile” always mean the same thing?‎ What is the difference of body language between various cultures?‎ b. Enable the students to understand better body language.‎ What is the proper attitude towards body language?‎ What would happen if we knew nothing about body language?‎ ‎3. Learning ability goals 学能目标 How we can “show our feelings” with the body language learned in this unit or gained in our social life.‎ Teaching important points 教学重点 ‎ How body language shows the same or different feelings among people from different cultures.‎ Teaching difficult points 教学难点 How to tell that the same body language shows different feelings in different cultures.‎ Teaching methods 教学方法 Fast reading: dealing with the “true” or “false” questions.‎ Discussion: the importance of body language.‎ Teaching aids 教具准备 A recorder, a projector and a computer.‎ Teaching procedures & ways教学过程与方式 ‎1 Pre-reading ‎1. What is the function of body language?‎ ‎2. How do you find body language in our daily life?‎ ‎3. How can the same body language express different feelings or ideas in different cultures?‎ ‎4. How can different body language express the same feeling or idea in different cultures?‎ ‎2 Fast reading TURE OF FALSE ‎1. Body language is never as powerful as spoken language. ‎ ‎2. If you are angry at a person, you might turn your back to him or her.‎ ‎3. You can threaten a person by refusing to speak.‎ ‎4. You should not greet your new boss by giving her or him a hug.‎ ‎5. Body language is the same all over the world.‎ ‎6. Most people can understand each other if they try.‎ Then ask the students to do it one by one and ask them to explain why some of the statements are wrong.‎ ‎3 Further reading T: We have just read a passage entitled “Showing Our Feelings”, which tells us more about body language. Now let’s read another passage in the Workbook on P66. The title of the reading text is: The Open Hand - A Universal Sign. You will be given 3 minutes to read through the text as quickly as you can, trying to get as much information from the text as possible. ‎ Ss: Yes, Sir.‎ T: What information have you got?‎ S1: More about body language, sir. We have learned how people are communicating or getting along with each other besides using spoken language. We are also asked to think about some new situations in which we will communicate in body language.‎ S2: And we have to think about the following questions: It is known that a smile is a sign that people feel friendly and happy. But we have to consider: 1. What if we don’t know who the new person is? 2. What if we are not introduced by a friend? 3. What if we are meeting a stranger in an unfamiliar place?‎ S3: And the most important of all is that we have to make sure whether we can trust people we do not know, and we have to show that we are not dangerous.‎ S4: Quite true. We have different ways to show our hands —our open hands, which means that we are not armed and we are friendly.‎ S5: In many cultures today, the Western custom of the handshake is used. Besides this, traditionally, Chinese greet others by covering the left hand with the right ‎ hand and bowing; the Japanese cover on hand with the other and bow slightly or quite low, depending on whom they greeted; Hindu people join their hands in front of their faces and bow their heads; Muslims will touch their heart, mouth and forehead to show respect.‎ S6: Now young people in the West give each other the “high five” when they clap each other’s hands in the air.‎ S7: You have taken the words out of my mouth. And I believe that in almost all cultures, to smile and show an open right hand is the most common way to show the goodwill greeting.‎ T: I am more than happy to hear you can get so much information from the passage when you do the reading! Now let’s act out some of the gestures in the reading material, OK?‎ Some students are asked to act out the body language which appears in the reading text is: The Open Hand - A Universal Sign, such as a handshake, the traditional greetings in China, the Japanese way to greet people, the ways Hindu people and Muslims use to greet people, and the way young people in the West use now.‎ Several minutes later.‎ T: Before we come to the end of this period, let’s take up the last item, doing the arrangement of the information under the passage on Page 67.‎ S8: It can be dangerous to meet people you do not know.‎ S9: Many Asian people do not usually physically touch strangers.‎ S10: If we show an open hand, it means that we are not holding anything dangerous.‎ S11: The right hand is usually used because it is almost the stronger.‎ S12: People shake their hands when meeting to show that they can be trusted.‎ S13: To show respect, people will touch their heart and mouth when greeting someone.‎ Homework ‎1. Read aloud all the reading texts in this unit.‎ ‎2. Get ready to retell the two reading passages learnt in this period.‎ Period four ‎ Structure Study ‎ 一: V-ing 形式由 “do+ing” 构成, 其否定形式是 “not doing”, V-ing 可以带宾语或状语构成 V-ing 短语, 没有人称和数的变化, 但有时态和语态的变化。‎ ‎ V-ing 形式在句中作定语和状语是本单元的学习重点。‎ ‎1. 作定语 ‎ ‎ V-ing 形式可以单独充当名词的前置修饰语, 这时有两种情况。‎ 1) ‎-ing形式表示 “供作......之用”的意思, 这类作定语的-ing形式过去叫动名词。‎ ‎ A swimming pool ‎ = a pool for swimming ‎2) -ing形式表示 “......的” 意思, 过去叫现在分词 ‎ A sleeping child ‎ ‎ working people ‎ ‎ the rising sun ‎ -ing形式短语作定语时一般放在它所修饰的名词之后, 相当于一个定语从句。如:‎ ‎ They are visitors coming from several countries. ‎ ‎ The boy standing there is a classmate of mine.‎ ‎2. 作状语 ‎ 可以表示时间, 原因, 结果,条件, 行为方式或伴随动作等。‎ Attention Please ‎ ‎ -ing形式作状语时, 它的逻辑主语必须与主句的主语是一致的。‎ Time permitting, I will pay a visit to the whole city. ‎ ‎ (分词的逻辑主语是time , 而句子的主语是I , 两者不构成主谓关系, 所以只能用独立主格结构, 也就是给现在分词补充一个主语。)‎ Homework Do “Using Structures” on Page 64.‎ 文化背景知识 ‎1. Some more information about Body Language:‎ to nod consent 点头表示同意,‎ to nod one’s farewell 点头表示告别,‎ to nod as a sign of agreement or as a familiar greeting 点头表示赞同或打招呼,‎ to hold one’s head high 昂首挺胸(表示趾高气扬),‎ to shake one’s fist 挥动拳头(表示威胁),‎ to shake one’s head 摇头(表示不知道),to show a V sign 由食指和中指构成字母“V”,而“V”是victory的第一个字母。因此,这一手势是祝愿胜利或庆祝胜利之意。‎ to wink at a person 向某人眨眼睛,‎ to make a face 面部露出厌恶的表情,‎ to shrug one’s shoulders 耸耸肩膀 (表示冷淡或怀疑),‎ to keep (or have) one’s fingers crossed 把中指叠在食指上交叉着,作十字状。这是暗中希望上帝保佑自己正在做的事成功。‎ to crook a finger 朝某人弯曲食指。是招人过来的意思。‎ 更有趣的是英美人用大拇指 (thumb) 做出许多不同的表示。‎ to thumb one’s nose 以大拇指按鼻,其余四指张开,表示轻视。在英美等国家,你会看到这种手势经常用在调皮的孩子们中间。他们用大拇指点着自己的鼻子,而其他四指张开不停地摇动,表示轻蔑或嘲弄。也可以说“to cock a snook at somebody”.‎ to twiddle one’s thumbs 无聊地绕动着两个大拇指,表示无所事事,懒散。‎ thumbs down 大拇指朝下,表示反对或拒绝。‎ thumbs up 翘起大拇指,表示赞成或夸奖。‎ 但值得一提的是在英美等西方国家,有时会看到有人站在马路边,朝驶过来的车辆伸出一只翘起大拇指的拳头。这是请求搭便车的意思。所以搭车也可以说“to thumb a lift”。‎ ‎2. Introduction of a book about body language of horses:‎ ‎ Horses communicate with remarkable accuracy in a language of posture, gesture and sound. They express their needs, wishes and emotions to each other and to the rare human being who understands them. After reading this unprecedented (空前的), exciting and up-lifting book, you will understand the equine (horse’s) language.‎ ‎ You therefore will know how to recognize:‎ ‎ A happy horse. A frightened horse. An angry horse. A bored horse. A grieving (令人忧伤的) horse. A frustrated (受挫折的) horse. A horse in pain. A playful horse. A proud horse. An eagerly competitive horse. And many horses more! ‎ ‎ Moreover, you will know how to reassure the frightened, calm the angry, comfort the grieving, divert (使解闷)the bored-and deal with most other human-equine difficulties. You will know how to educate a foal (驹) or rehabilitate (挽救) a rogue (无赖). You will know how to look at race horses on their way to the starting gate and tell the likely winners from the losers.‎ ‎ You even will know how to buy a horse.‎ ‎ But best of all, you will finally understand what these grand animals are all about, and you will know better than ever before how they (and we) fit into nature’s scheme (plan)of things.‎ ‎3. An extra reading passage about Body language:‎ ‎ When we communicate with other people it is not only our words that contain the meaning. An important part of that meaning comes from what is called “non-verbal (非言辞的) communication”. By this we mean facial expression; gestures with hands, arms, legs; the way we sit or stand; the way we touch other people; the distance we keep between ourselves and the people we are talking to; our dress and our appearance. All these say something to other people.‎ ‎ Facial expressions and gestures are used by everyone often spontaneously (自发地), even unconsciously. Smiling, for example, is found in most cultures as a sign of happiness or pleasure. Gestures such as pointing, waving, shaking or nodding the head are also widely used, although the gestures themselves do not always mean the same in every culture. I once asked a Portuguese student why bank officials in Lisbon seemed so dour (gloomy)-sorry Lisbon bank clerks, but it’s true-and he told me that if they smiled too much they would not seem serious about their work.‎ ‎ Because many non-verbal messages are “culture specific (special, distinctive, or unique)”, they can cause a lot of misunderstanding between people from different backgrounds. Northern Europeans and Americans, for example, like to keep a certain ‎ “personal space” between themselves and others and feel uncomfortable if people come too close to them. In these same cultures it is considered impolite to stare, but Greeks, it is said, feel ignored if people do not stare at them in public. Europeans usually change their facial expression to show happiness, anger, boredom, and sadness.‎ ‎4. Some information about the countries maybe less known to students in the Text:‎ ‎① Columbia: ‎ ‎ Colombia is located in the northwest part of South America, and is the only country on South America with coasts on both the Caribbean Sea and the Pacific Ocean. The most distinguishing feature (显著的特点)of the country is the Andes Mountains chain, which is in the central western part of the country and extends almost its entire length, north and south.‎ ‎ In contrast to snow-capped mountains are the rain forests, located in the torrid (热带的) lowlands of Colombia, where the animal life and vegetation make it a unique place in the world. The country is rich in minerals and natural resources, and although known for its splendid coffee, it is also a major source of the world’s emeralds (绿宝石) and flowers. Mahogany (桃花心木), oak, walnut, and pine trees are also plentiful, as are plants such as rubber, vanilla (香草), and ginger. Agriculture is an important part of the Colombian economy.‎ ‎ Colombia has a diverse population, although over half are of Spanish descent (血统). The heritage of the Spanish colonial period is still very well preserved in many areas, where family life and dress still hold to traditional norms. However, cultures vary greatly from region to region, each adding to the country’s variety.‎ ‎ One of the world’s most noted authors, Literature Nobel Prize winner, Gabriel Garcia Marquez, is a native of Colombia.‎ ‎ The largest cities in Colombia are Santafe de Bogota (the capital city), Cali, Medellin, and Barranquilla.‎ ‎② Jordan:‎ ‎ Jordan, officially Hashemite (哈桑王族) Kingdom of Jordan, with an area of 37,737 sq ms (97,740 sq kms) and a population of 4,101,000 (estimated in 1995), is ‎ located in the southwest Asia, bordered by Israel (W), Syria (N), Iraq (NE), and Saudi Arabia (E, S). Amman is the capital and largest city.‎ ‎ Before 1967 Jordan fell into three main geographical regions: East Jordan, which includes about 92% of the country’s land area, the Jordanian Highlands (highest point, ‎5,755 ft/‎1,754 m), and West Jordan (the West Bank, part of historic Palestine. In the Arab-Israeli War of 1967, Israel captured and occupied the West Bank, and Jordan has since given up its claim to the area). ‎ ‎ Jordan’s economy has traditionally been based on agriculture, although less than 5% of the land is arable (适于耕种的). The principal crops are vegetables, wheat, and citrus (柑橘类) fruits; olives are grown for oil. Manufactures are limited to such items as foodstuffs, clothing, and cement, and there is some oil refining. Phosphate (磷酸盐) rock and potash (碳酸钾) are the only minerals produced in quantity. ‎ ‎ The annual cost of Jordan’s imports far exceeds its earnings from exports. Aqaba (亚喀巴), on the Gulf of Aqaba, is the only seaport. The inhabitants of Jordan are mostly of Arab descent (over half are of Palestinian descent), and Arabic is the official language, although English is also spoken among the higher socio-economic groups. About 95% of the people are Sunni (逊尼派) Muslims.‎ ‎ Under the 1952 constitution (宪法), the king is the most powerful figure in the country; he appoints a cabinet (headed by a prime minister). The bicameral (两院制的) parliament has been convened and dissolved by the king several times since 1974; the 1989 elections were the first in 22 years. Political parties were again permitted to field candidates in 1993.‎ ‎③ Muslim countries:‎ ‎ Most people in the West think of Muslim or Moslem countries, where people believe in Islam, a monotheistic (一神论的) religion characterized by the acceptance of the doctrine of submission to God and Mohammed (穆罕默德) as the chief and last prophet (先知)of God, as a Middle Eastern religion. Nevertheless, Islam is clearly a South Asian, South East Asian, Central Asian, African, and Middle Eastern religion, with a growing presence in Europe and North America.‎ ‎ There are about 40 Muslim countries in the world, such as Afghanistan, Pakistan, Turkey, Kuwait, Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Indonesia, Libya, Malaysia, Morocco, Nigeria, Somalia, Yemen and so on and so forth. People in these countries mostly believe in Islam.‎ ‎ The name for the religion of Islam, as its publicity (宣传) goes, is much more than just a name, because it expresses a deep spiritual meaning as well as an overall outlook on life and concept of worship. The word “Islam” is an Arabic word which means “complete submission(服从) to the will of Almighty God”. Other religions are named after their founders, such as Christianity and Buddhism; after a tribe or ethnic group, such as Judaism (犹太教); or after a specific geographical region, such as Hinduism (印度教). Islam, however, is unique because its name represents its outlook on life and reflects its universal nature. Besides, the name “Islam” was not thought up by its followers or applied by other people, as is the case with the names of other religions, but was revealed (显示) by Almighty God. This name expressed nothing new, because submission to the will of God, i.e. “Islam”, has always been the true religion of God. Due to this fact, and since the teachings of Islam are straightforward, profound and logical, Islam is the “Natural Religion” of all human beings. The name of no other religion carries any significant message, or conveys the true sense of its outlook on life, as does the name “Islam”.‎ Unit 5 Theme parks The fifth period Words and expressions ‎ I. Words for Reading (THEME PARKS —FUN AND MORE THAN FUN)‎ theme n. a favourite theme for poetry, a theme park amuse v. amuse oneself by …, be amused at [by, with]…‎ amusement n. find much amusement in…, an amusement park various a. too various to form a group, various opinions variety n. for a variety of reasons, have a great variety to choose from, in a variety of ways ride n. give sb. a ride, go for a ride, take a long ride shuttle n. the space shuttle Columbia broke up over Texas, carry shuttle audio during space shuttle missions.‎ charge v. charge double for… 对……加倍收费,charge a fee for a service,He is charged with heavy responsibility. ‎ admission n. Admission by ticket only. Grant sb. admission, gain admission to/ into…‎ profit ① n. bring a handsome profit to…, divide profits 分红利,increase profits ② v.‎ make big profits (on sth.), sell sth. at a profit, do sth. for profit souvenir n. This book ekes out souvenir of my life in the United States. 这本书帮助我追 忆在美国的生活。‎ involve v. You'd like to meaningfully involve students., the right of Congress to involve the nation in war athletic a. an athletic meeting, athletic sports brand n. Do you like this brand of coffee? a famous brand, the most popular brand on the market equipment n. lab equipment, military equipments, the necessary equipments for a trip sneaker n. wear a new pair of sneakers minority n. The minority is subordinate to the majority. 少数服从多数 fantasy n. fantasy sports and gaming site, the work of fantasy artist Amy Brown Fantasyland n. living in a fantasyland, the Guide to Fantasyland settler n. the early settlers of America, the first white settlers, The settlers were soon acclimated.‎ marine a. develop a mercantile marine 发展商船 experiment n. attempt the experiment of…, carry out an experiment, make an experiment on sb., prove sth. by experiment imaginary a. an imaginary enemy, imaginary number 虚数 advanced a. most advanced branches of science and technology, a man advanced in years 老年人 technique n. developed a technique for remotely fingerprinting, a Swimming Technique Magazine, developing a practical technique for solving voice problems II. Words for Learning about Language(Word formation)‎ imagination n. have a good/ poor imagination test n. provides test preparation services for college admissions, Preparing for a test isn't easy. do well on the test vary v. Opinions vary on this point. vary with… 与……一起变化 cloth n. lay the cloth 铺桌布、准备开饭, cut one’s coat according to one’s cloth量布裁衣 ‎,量入为出 III. Words for Using Language (UTUROSCOPE—EXCITEMENT AND LEARNING)‎ jungle n. Jungle refers usually to a forest. It originated from a Sanskrit word jangala, meaning wilderness. In many languages of the Indian subcontinent, including Indian English it is generally used to refer to any wild, untended or uncultivated land, including forest, scrub, or desert landscapes.‎ creature n. The term creature refers to an animal.The term can be used to dehumanize a person. For example, in the fictional novel Frankenstein, or The Modern Prometheus by Mary Shelley, Dr. Frankenstein’s hideous construction is often referred to as a "creature." The term literally means "a created thing," and is sometimes used in theology to contrast a created object with a divine Creator under discussion. ‎ volunteer n. a. v. A volunteer is a person who performs or offers to perform a service out of his or her own free will, often without payment. The year 2001 was the International Year of the Volunteer. 2005 is the UK Year of the Volunteer ‎ People may volunteer to perform some work, e.g., of charitable character. Some volunteer for clinical trials or other medical research, and may even donate their bodies to science after their death.‎ Part One: Teaching Design ‎ Teaching goals ‎ ‎1. Target language ‎ a. 重点词汇和短语 theme park, provide ... with ... , amuse oneself, various, a variety of, shuttle, charge ... for, admission, make a profit, souvenir, base on, involve ... in, athletic, b. 重点句子 ‎1) In these parks, people sit chatting, play games, listen to birds’ singing, or just relax a bit.‎ ‎2) They are such huge places that visitors often use shuttles to get around.‎ ‎3) The big companies that own theme parks expect to make a profit not just by the charges for admission, but also by selling souvenirs in their shops and advertising them on television.‎ ‎2. Ability goals ‎ Enable the students to know something about the various theme parks all over the world, to understand the difference between a theme park and a traditional park and try to finish the comprehending exercises.‎ 1. Learning ability goals ‎ 2. Learn how to generalize and compare the similarities and differences.‎ Teaching important points ‎ To solve the questions in Comprehending, and let the students find out the main idea of each paragraph, give a summary of the text.‎ Teaching difficult points ‎ How to give a general instruction/ description of a place.‎ Teaching methods ‎ Listening;Skimming;Scanning;Task-based.‎ Teaching aids ‎ A recorder and a computer.‎ The first period reading Step I Revision T: Good morning/ afternoon, boys and girls! First let’s have a dictation about the words and phrases in Unit 4. Take out a piece of paper, please.‎ major, local, represent, Columbia, introduce, approach, touch, strange, express, be likely to, general, avoid spoken, misunderstand, punish, at ease T: Now, hand in your paper please; I’ll check your work after class.‎ Step II Warming up T: Let’s look at the pictures on P33. These are four pictures of different parks — A garden in Suzhou, Hyde Park in London, World Waterpark in Canada, Disneyland. What kind of parks are they?‎ T: Very good. So what about World Waterpark in Canada?‎ T: Which one of these parks would you like to visit most if you have the chance?‎ Sa: Of course I would go to Disneyland. I have watched so much about it on TV and I’ve been dreaming about shaking hands with those lovely cartoon characters and taking pictures with them.‎ Sb: I would like to go to Waterpark, because I like swimming and I like to take part in the activities in water in this park.‎ Sc: I would go to Hyde Park. I want to go horse-riding, and above all, have the experience of making a speech in front of a crowd of people like a president. That’ll be really exciting.‎ ‎…‎ Step III ‎Reading Skimming T: It’s interesting to listen to your ideas. Today we are going to study a passage about theme parks. The title is THEME PARKS—FUN AND MORE THAN FUN. I would like you to read the passage quickly for the first time to get a general idea of the passage. At the same time, please find out the topic sentence of each paragraph.‎ ‎(3 minutes later)‎ T: Have you got the main idea of the passage? Who can tell me the topic sentences of six paragraphs?‎ Topic sentences Paragraph 1. Parks provide people with a place to amuse themselves and to escape their busy lives for a while.‎ Paragraph 2. In recent decades, however, many parks have been designed to provide entertainment.‎ Paragraph 3. Theme parks have a certain idea—a certain theme—that the whole park is based on.‎ Paragraph 4. Some are history or culture theme parks.‎ Paragraph 5. The oldest theme park in the world is Disneyland, built near Los Angeles‎, ‎California in 1955.‎ Paragraph 6. Other theme parks including marine or ocean parks, science theme parks, and future theme parks.‎ Scanning T: After the first reading, we have all got a general idea of the passage. So I would like you to read it carefully again and try to find the answers to these detailed questions.‎ Teacher shows the questions on the screen.‎ ‎1. What is the basic purpose of theme parks? What do people do there?‎ ‎2. Do these parks charge people for admission?‎ ‎3. What is the purpose of a theme park?‎ ‎4. What is the differences between a theme park and an ordinary park? ‎ Differences ‎ Ordinary parks ‎ Theme parks Activities ‎ Size ‎ Facilities ‎ Charges ‎ Souvenirs ‎5. What activities will be offered to visitors in a sports theme park?‎ ‎6. Can they do shopping there? What can they buy?‎ ‎7. What can visitors see and do in history or culture theme parks?‎ ‎8. What is Disneyland like? What can visitors do there?‎ ‎9. What can people do in marine or ocean theme parks, science theme parks and future theme parks?‎ ‎(10 minutes later)‎ T: Have you got the answers? I would like some of you to answer the questions. Let’s listen and check whether they have got them correctly.‎ Teachers check some students for the answers.‎ suggested answers ‎1. The basic purpose of a park is to provide people with a place to amuse themselves and to escape their busy lives for a while. In these parks, people sit chatting, play games, listen to birds’ singing, or just relax a bit. And families go there to have picnics or have fun together in other ways.‎ ‎2. These parks charge people little or no money for admission.‎ ‎3. The purpose of a theme park is to provide entertainment.‎ ‎4. See the following table.‎ Differences Ordinary parks ‎ Theme parks Activities rides such as a Ferris wheel, merry-go-round of a roller coaster. ‎ a variety of things to see and do Size usually not very large ‎ huge places that visitors often use shuttles to get around Facilities ‎ no restaurants or hotels restaurants, hotels and shops Charges charge little or none charge for admission Souvenirs ‎ sell no souvenirs sell souvenirs in their shops ‎5. A sports theme park will offer visitors sports to play or watch.‎ ‎6. Yes. They can buy sports equipment or clothing, such as basketballs, footballs, sneakers and so on.‎ ‎7. Visitors can see how our ancestors dressed, worked and lived; and how special groups of people dress today, what they eat and what their homes look like. They might go for rides on animals, help cook cultural foods or have their pictures taken in the clothing of emperors or of minority people.‎ ‎8. Disneyland is so different from other parks that it seemed like a place of fantasy. Visitors can enjoy seeing the characters from Disney films, go on exciting rides, visits to castles and get close to life-size cartoon figures. They can also see model villages of life in the past which show how the early settlers in America lived.‎ ‎9. People can see and swim with dolphins and learn about ocean life in an ocean park; They can take an active part in experiments in a science theme park; They can go on ‎ imaginary trips to space and use advanced computer techniques to experience life in the future park.‎ Step IV Comprehending (P34)‎ Part 1‎ T: Let’s look back at the title of the passage. THEME PARKS— FUN AND MORE THAN FUN. Why does the writer think that theme parks are places fun and more than fun? I would like you to think about this question and tell me your opinions.‎ S: In my opinion, it means that theme parks are more than amusement parks with rides, such as a Ferris wheel, merry-go-round or a roller coaster, they are such huge places that visitors often use shuttles to get around, and they have a lot of things to see and do. So they are places fun and more than fun.‎ Part 2‎ T: We have read about some of the different theme parks in the world. Have you ever thought of this question: Why do people build so many different theme parks? I would like you to have a class discussion and tell me 3 purposes for people building theme parks according to this passage.‎ ‎(Some time later)‎ T: Please express your ideas.‎ Suggested answers Purpose 1 : to provide entertainment.‎ Explanation 1: because they have a variety of things to see and do.‎ Purpose 2: to make a profit by charging for admission and selling souvenirs.‎ Explanation 2: because they all charge money for admission of the hotels, restaurants, and for the rides and shows in the parks as well, and they sell a lot of souvenirs.‎ Purpose 3: to provide people with some unusual experiences.‎ Explanation 3: because there are parks for people to experience the life in the past, in the future, in the ocean and so on.‎ Part 3‎ T: Let’s sum up the main idea of each paragraph.‎ Suggested answers Paragraph 1: Parks provide people with a place to amuse themselves and to escape their busy lives for a while.‎ Paragraph 2: Theme parks have been designed to provide entertainment with a variety of things to see and do.‎ Paragraph 3: Theme parks have a certain idea/ theme that the whole park is based on.‎ Paragraph 4: The history and culture theme parks.‎ Paragraph 5: The Disneyland.‎ Paragraph 6: The ocean parks and the science theme parks.‎ Theme of the passage: Theme parks Step V Discussion T: If you have enough time and money, would you like to go traveling to see the natural beauty of the country or go the theme parks to enjoy the exciting experiences? Give reasons for your choice.‎ a) Teacher divides the class into groups of four. Each group tries to reach an ‎ agreement and to collect as many reasons as possible from the group members.‎ b) After the discussion, the teacher asks a student from each of the groups to report the decision of their group and to give their reasons for the decision.‎ Step VI Homework Remember all the new words and phrases in the reading passage.‎ Write a summary of the reading passage using the new words.‎ The fourth period ‎ ‎1.A text structure analysis of THEME PARKS —FUN AND MORE THAN FUN I. Type of writing and summary of the idea Type of writing This is a piece of descriptive writing.‎ Main idea of the passage Theme parks are amusing places. Visitors may have fun and more than fun there.‎ Topic sentence of 1st paragraph Parks provide people with a place to amuse themselves and to escape their busy life for a while.‎ Topic sentence of 2nd paragraph In recent decades, many parks have been designed to provide entertainment.‎ Topic sentence of 3rd paragraph Theme parks have a certain idea—a certain theme.‎ Topic sentence of 4th paragraph There are history and culture theme parks,too.‎ Topic sentence of 5th paragraph There are also marine and ocean parks.‎ II. A tree diagram of the text THEME PARKS —FUN AND MORE THAN FUN Parks provide people with a place to amuse themselves and to escape their busy life for a while.‎ In recent decades, many parks have been designed to provide entertainment.‎ Theme parks have a certain idea—a certain theme.‎ There are also marine and ocean parks.‎ There are history and culture theme parks, too.‎ ‎ ‎ III. A retold passage of the text A possible version:‎ Theme parks provide visitors with lots of things to amuse themselves. People escape their busy life for a while by going to a theme park. They find interesting things to do in the park.‎ They may simply sit chatting, playing games, listening to birds’ singing, relaxing a bit, having picnics and having fun there. It costs some money to be there. In recent decades, theme parks are beginning to provide more entertainment. Visitors may use shuttles to get around and have a variety of things to see and do in the park. Theme parks charge money for every activity they provide. They make a big profit by selling souvenirs, too. Sometimes a theme park gets itself advertised on television. A theme park is indeed a place of fantasy. ‎ ‎2.Background information on theme parks I. Definition of theme park What is a theme park? ‎ · A term used to describe an amusement park that is designed to carry a theme in one or more areas of the park. The theme may carry over to the rides and attractions in that area as well. Examples of theme parks include Holiday World, Islands of Adventure, Disneyland, Magic‎ ‎Kingdom and Knott's Berry Farm.‎ · An amusement park, that has been divided into several sub-sections, each with a distinctive concept, such as the Old West, or the future.‎ · A theme park is a park that uses themeing to take guests to a new world.‎ · An amusement park which has one or more "themed" areas, with rides and attractions keyed to the theme of their location within the park. Disneyland, Knotts Berry Farm, and Busch Gardens Williamsburg are examples of theme parks.‎ · an amusement park that is organized around some theme (as the world of tomorrow)‎ II. Old Aircraft Carrier Turned Into Military Theme Park in ‎China An old aircraft carrier from the former Soviet Union navy has been turned into a military theme park and will be stationed at Dapeng Bay in Shenzhen, south China' s Guangdong‎ ‎Province. The 40,000-ton ship, known as the Minsk, first arrived at the Wenchong Shipyard in Guangzhou, capital of Guangdong‎ ‎Province, in November 1998 as scrap iron, the Shanghai-based Wenhuai Daily reported on May 8. It is about triple the size of a standard football field, 18 stories high, and has more than 2,000 cabins, the paper said. The carrier, which was poorly maintained by the Russian navy after the collapse of the Soviet Union, retired in 1993 and was initially sold to a South Korean businessman as scrap steel after key military components were removed, the paper ‎ said. The Minsk was later resold to an undisclosed Chinese business. (From: People’s Daily)‎ III. 12 theme park strategies Tips to make the most of your vacation By Terry Riley Travel columnist How can you get the most from your theme park visit? For an answer, I turned to Robert Obenour. He's spent his career in the theme park business and is currently vice president of operations for Baker Leisure Group, an international theme park consultancy. Here’s the advice he gave me to pass on to you.‎ 1. Plan your visit. ‎ Buy a guidebook. Read reviews. Check out the park’s Web site. Then plan what you want to see and do. Unless the park is small, you shouldn’t expect to see or do everything in one day, so set your priorities. The investment you make in planning will pay handsome dividends on “park day.”‎ 1. Have a “Plan B.” ‎ It is not uncommon that an attraction will be closed. In that case, just move on to the next on your list. Also, in the unlikely — but not unheard of — event that the entire park is closed, have a backup plan that includes another, nearby activity

