新人教英语选修10Unit3 《Fairness for all》测试

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新人教英语选修10Unit3 《Fairness for all》测试

Unit 3 Fairness for all 单元测试 一、单项填空(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分) 从 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 1. They ______ many horrible crimes against the American people since a few years ago. A. have committed B. committed C. have made D. made 2. The police are questioning the young man _______ murdering that old man. A. suspected B. suspected of C. doubted D. doubted of 3. Half of the medical supplies have already been _______ to the victims of the earthquake. A. separated B. divided C. allocated D. allowed 4. — What is Tom like? — He is polite and _______ to the old. A. respected B. respectable C. respecting D. respectful 5. The thief was caught by some customers and _______ to the police. A. handed over B. handed in C. handed out D.handed down 6. It was _______ I had time to speak that he rang off. A. after B. when C. before D. until 7. The old couple _______ their son; what would they do without him? A. adore B. admire C. envy D. respect 8. — I will turn to another topic. Can you follow me well? — _______. Please go on. A. Yes, I will B. Yes, perfectly C. No, I won’t D. No, I can’t 9. I have decided to _______ my proposal for urban development to the city council. A. negotiate B. confirm C. prove D. submit 10. To the people’s delight, the _______ official has been sentenced to ten years’ imprisonment. A. flattery B. innocent C. corrupt D. mistaken 11. The position in that company is still _______ and you can apply for it now. A. empty B. vacant C. blank D. hollow 12. All of the students are curious about his success in the Olympics. Please tell us _______. A. in detail B. in brief C. in all D. in turn 13. Do you think the proposed new airport _______ the local residents? A. will be opposed by B. will be opposed to C. has opposed to D. has opposed by 14. Tom was in low spirits because he _______ by the boss for his fault. A. was scolded B. has been scolded C. had been scolded D. will be scolded 15. The old man bent with a heavy _______ on his back. A. pressure B. responsibility C. force D. burden 二、完形填空(共 20 小题;每小题 1. 5 分,满分 30 分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出可以填入空白处 的最佳选项。 Family is the most important part of human life. There, we 16 and learn to show 17 like: love, fondness, responsibility and friendship. We 18 a lot of time with our family members—in a daily life and during 19 days like festivals or something like that. In our century the model of one-child family began to be fashionable. 20 there are many extended families, too, where grandmother, grandfather, uncles, aunts, nieces, daughters, sons etc. live under the same 21 . That situation, when children live with their parents, has both advantages and disadvantages. Grandparents can help their 22 children with looking after and bringing up their grandchildren. Grandparents may read fairy tales, talk fascinating stories about the past, 23 cards or chess with one another, walk a dog, help in the 24 ... It is very good, when a family is full of love. Sometimes living together makes many serious 25 . Teenagers, who are very naughty and quarrel with each other and 26 unpleasant situations and atmosphere( 气 氛 ) at home. They often 27 loud or strong music, 28 annoys the elders. A lot of people nowadays rent even a small flat to save some 29 , which they lacked living with their parents. 30 , mother-in-law can teach her daughter-in-law many necessary things, but 31 she does not interfere with(干涉) her marriage affairs. I think that living together with family 32 be very enjoyable and cheerful, but only in case when we 33 our elders and we look in the future. 34 should be safe and feel comfortable in their home. It should be a place where we 35 and where we spend a lot of our leisure time. 16. A. use up B. grow up C. stand up D. stay up 17. A. skills B. thoughts C. ideas D. feelings 18. A. spend B. waste C. take D. cost 19. A. common B. difficult C. special D. important 20. A. Therefore B. So C. Although D. However 21. A. room B. cloud C. sky D. roof(屋顶) 22. A. adult B. young C. own D. unmarried 23. A. make B do C. play D. invent 24. A. living room B. sitting room C. garage D. kitchen 25. A. goals B. problems C. contributions D. friends 26. A. make B. bring C. produce D. cause 27. A. feel like B. talk about C. listen to D. look for 28. A. what B. which C. that D. who 29. A. privacy B. time C. face D. money 30. A. Such as B. And so on C. That is to say D. For example 31. A. so that B. now that C. on condition that D. with that 32. A. must B. can C. might D. will 33. A. have a gift for B. have pity on C. have patience for D. have respect for 34. A. Someone B. Everyone C. Anyone D. No one 35. A. work B. study C. relax D. play 三、阅读理解(共 20 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 40 分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出最佳选项。 A Fresh out of Barnard College, I was hired as a secretary to the editor of Coupon Magazine. Tiny circulation, but a real job. So now I had an income and an apartment in Manhattan—heaven for a young woman from a small town on Long Island. Like so many women of my generation, I went straight from college to secretarial school to learn speedwriting, despite the fact that I had already co-written a book called New York on $5 a Day. So I learned the ropes, or at least I tried. As a former lefty(左撇子) turned righty, my handwriting was hard to recognize—so bad that after taking notes, I couldn’t translate it. The magazine was making advertisements, so in letters to the heads of the company which wanted to advertise in our magazine, I was told to offer them the opportunity to place their ads in four colors in our magazine for the price of $10,000. Unknowingly, the “d” in ads became an “s”, and the president of one of those big companies was invited to “have his ass (臀部) in four colors” in our publication. Guess what? He didn’t like it, and I was fired, but luck showed her face. The editor was looking for a copywriter (广告文字撰稿人) eagerly. I was heading for the door, depressed, when I heard her call out, “You—Joan! Can you write better than you can type?” I said, “Yes, of course.” A copywriter was born. 36. According to the first paragraph, we can know that the author _____. A. was satisfied with her job as a secretary B. was an ambitious woman C. was successful at college D. had a dream to become a famous writer 37. In which order did Joan do the following things? a. She was hired as a secretary of a small magazine. b. She worked as a copywriter. c. She was fired because of the mistake of spelling. d. She learned speedwriting at secretarial school. e. She wrote a book called New York on $5 a Day. A. a, b, c, d, e. B. e, d, a, c, b. C. e, d, b, c, a. D. d, a, c, b, e. 38. According to the passage, we can infer that _____.[来源:Z|xx|k.Com] A. the author had talent for writing B. the author was very unlucky C. the author’s parents were very strict with her D. the magazine which the author worked for had no future 39. Why did the boss intend to fire the author? A. She was a former lefty. B. She didn’t work seriously. C. She made a mistake about the price of the ads. D. Her wrong spelling annoyed a big customer. B Japanese professor Yoji Kimura believes laughter is a weapon that in healthy doses(剂量)can end the world’s wars. To measure it, the expert on communications has invented a machine to chart out laughter—and a new unit of “aH” to calculate it. “We have found that children laugh more freely, releasing(释放)10 aH per second, which is about twice as much as an adult,” Kimura, a professor at Kansai University in the we stern city of Osaka, told reporters. “Adults tend to calculate whether it’s appropriate to laugh and under those restraints(克制) they eventually forget how,” he said. “Laughing is like a restart function on a computer. Laughing freely is very important in the course of human development,” he said. Kimura, who believes in “ a change from a century of wars to a century of humor and tolerance,” has studied the science of laughter for decades in Osaka. In his theory, human laughter is produced in four emotional stages. “I believe there is a circuit(回路) in the human brain that creates laughter,” Kimura said confidently. To measure laughter, he attaches sensors on the skin of a tested people ’ s stomach, particularly the diaphragm(横膈膜), and detects muscle movements.“I have a theory that humor detected in the brain gets directly released through the movement of diaphragm,” he said. By checking the movement of the diaphragm and other parts of the body, it will be possible to see if a person is only pretending to laugh while also telling different types of laughter, Kimura said. Kimura wants to make the measuring device as small as a mobile phone and possibly market it as a health and amusement device. Kimura said he planned to present his findings this summer to the US-based International Society for Humor Studies, adding that he looked forward to looking at differences in laughter internationally. 40. According to the passage, Professor Yoji Kimura _____. A. thinks banning weapon can end wars in the world B. has put his machine calculating laughter into market C. has been studying laughing for many years D. is an expert in people’s health problem 41. Why do adults laugh less freely? A. Because they are busy with their work. B. Because they are affected by some factors. C. Because they use computers too often. D. Because they don’t think it good to laugh much. 42. The measuring device of Yoji Kimura _____. A. has functions of a mobile phone B. can make people laugh more C. can recognize different kinds of laughter D. will be popular in the international market soon 43. The passage mainly tells us something about _____. A. how to measure laughter B. Yoji Kimura and laughing C. laughing as much as possible D. a device that is made to measure laughter C Yueyang Tower (岳阳楼) lies in the west of Yueyang City, near the Dongting Lake. It was first built for soldiers to rest on and watch out. In the Three Kingdoms Period, Lu Su, General of Wu State, trained his soldiers here. In 716, Kaiyuan of Tang Dynasty, General Zhang Shuo was sent to defend at Yuezhou and he rebuilt it into a tower named South Tower, and then Yueyang Tower. In 1044, Song Dynasty, Teng Zijing was stationed at Baling Jun, the ancient name of Yueyang City. In the second year, he had the Yueyang Tower repaired and had poems by famous poets written on the walls of the tower. Fan Zhongyan, a great artist and poet, was invited to write the well-known poem about Yueyang Tower. In his A Panegyric of the Yueyang Tower (《岳阳楼记》), Fan writes: “Be the first to worry about the troubles across the land, the last to enjoy universal happiness.” His words have been well-known for thousands of years and made the tower even better known than before. The style of Yueyang Tower is quite special. The main tower is 21.35 meters high with 3 stories, flying eave (屋檐) and wood construction, the helmet-roof of such a large size is a rarity (罕见之事) among the ancient architectures in China. Entering the tower, you’ll see “Dongting is the water of the world, Yueyang is the tower of the world”. Moving on, there is a platform that once used as the training ground for the navy of Three-Kingdom Period general Lu Su. To its south is the Huaifu Pavilion( 亭 ) in honor of Du Fu. Stepping out of the Xiaoxiang Door, the Xianmei Pavilion and the Sanzui Pavilion can be seen standing on two sides. In the garden to the north of the tower is the tomb of Xiaoqiao, the wife of Zhou Yu. 44. The passage mainly tells us _____. A. the history of Yueyang Tower B. some information about Yueyang Tower C. the architecture style of Yueyang Tower D. Yueyang Tower is a good place to see 45. In Three-Kingdom Period, Yueyang Tower was used as _____. A. a place where rich people enjoyed themselves B. the symbol of the Three Kingdoms C. a place where educated people often met D. an army-training place 46. Yueyang Tower was once named _____. A. South Tower B. Xianmei Tower C. Sanzui Tower D. Baling Tower 47. When did Yueyang Tower become more famous? A. In 1045. B. In 716. C. In the Three-Kingdom Period. D. In the Tang Dynasty. 48. Which of the following has nothing to do with Yueyang Tower? A. Huaifu Pavilion. B. Xiaoxiang Door.[来源:] C. Tomb of Du Fu. D. Tomb of Xiaoqiao. D As a tour guide, Ali is trying his best to introduce this unique land to us, with his rich knowledge and solid historical background. Whether in the Museum of Anatolian Civilizations, or at the well-known underground city, a strong sense of pride in Turkey can be found everywhere in his descriptions and explanations. Turkey’s location in the Middle East brings many concerns, especially relating to security, for foreign tourists. And every time foreign tourists change their fixed and somewhat negative views about Turkey on his tour, Ali feels that all his efforts have paid off. Ali Dede Coskuner, Tour Guide, said, “Guide makes bridge of peace, tourism brings peace to the world.” Aside from work, the biggest comfort for Ali is his happy family, with three sons and a loving wife. But as a tour guide, his time with his family is destined to be very limited. Ali Dede Coskuner said, “Tour guide is no timing; you don’t have fixed time to work. Sometimes, you have to work for 14—15 hours; sometimes, even more than 18 hours, and you can’t say ‘I am tired.’” Despite these challenges, Ali always sees the beauty of the job that he does. And his smiling face always makes him an affable host for his guests. According to Ali, there are about 10 thousand tour guides throughout Turkey, with only five thousand who are active. Because of certain legal loopholes( 漏 洞 ), not all the tour guides are licensed professionals, which results in some unfair competition. At the same time, tour guiding in Turkey is still not recognized as a profession, so guides are not i ncluded in the country’s insurance system. 49. Ali is always taking pride in _____. A. his rich knowledge and solid historical background B. changing foreign tourists’fixed and negative views about his country on his tour C. spending little time with his family D. his loving wife bringing his three sons up 50. Which of the following words can be used in place of the underlined word “affable” in the sixth paragraph?[来源:] A. open-minded. B. honest. C. approachable. D. easy. 51. Ali is not satisfied with _____. A. his descriptions and explanations about the Museum of Anatolian Civilizations B. his job as a guide C. the policy that guides are not included in the country’s insurance system D. his working for 14—15 hours sometimes E WASHINGTON—More than one in 10 of the nation’s airline pilots are cleared to carry a handgun while flying, and the number will continue to grow, according to a Transportation Security Administration projection. The Federal Air Marshal Service, a TSA agency that runs the armed-pilots program, reports that 85,000 to 90,000 pilots and crewmembers flying domestic passengers and cargo planes are eligible(符合条件的) to carry a gun. That puts the number of armed pilots at about 9,500. The TSA projects the program to grow to 16.5% of eligible pilots by the year 2011. Aviation experts were surprised and alarmed that so many pilots are toting guns in the sky. “ That’s a big number compared to what I thought it would be,” said aviation-security consultant Rich Roth, who said he had predicted there would be fewer than 1,000 armed pilots. The 5-year-old program trains pilots for one week and arms them with 40-caliber semiautomatic pistols. “That’s a scary number,” said Joseph Gutheinz, a former Transportation Department special agent and aviation attorney in Houston. “By allowing so many pilots the opportunity to fly armed, we’re giving terrorists opportunity to identify somebody who has a gun and overpower him.” Capt. Bob Hesselbein, head of security for the Air Line Pilots Association, said the number of armed pilots is “a tremendous deterrent(威慑)” to hijackings. “The challenge of an organized terrorist team is to take control of the cabin, then the flight deck.” Armed pilots have come under scrutiny(审查) s ince March 22 when the gun of a US Airways pilot fired in the cockpit(驾驶座) of Flight 1536 as it approached Charlotte from Denver. No one was hurt, and the plane landed safely after the bullet pierced(穿透) the fuselage. 52. The best title for this passage is “_____”. A. More than 10% of pilots allowed to fly armed B. Less than 10% of pilots allowed to fly armed C. More than 16.5% of pilots allowed to fly armed D. No chances for terrorists to hurt pilots 53. From this passage we can infer that about 9,500 pilots in the USA are allowed to carry _____ while flying. A. shotguns B. 40-caliber automatic pistols C. handguns D. all the above 54. Joseph Gutheinz’s attitude towards pilots’ carrying guns while flying is _____. A. positive B. negative C. angry D. surprised 55. Why did the US Airways pilot fire his gun in the cockpit of Flight 1536 as it approached Charlotte from Denver? A. To kill the terrorists who tried to hijack the plane. B. To escape from the hijackings. C. To tell the hijackers that he had a gun. D. The passage doesn’t give the reason. 四、写作(共两节,满分 35 分) 第一节 短文改错(共 10 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 10 分) Last week, I shopped online and buy some clothes from Nordstrom 56. _____ and Fashionbug, two very different department store. Nordstrom is 57. _____ expensive while Fashionbug is more cheaper. I used to shop online a 58. _____ lot because there isn’t any mall nearby. One disadvantage is I can’t try 59. _____ them on. Sometimes I have to send some back if they neither don’t fit 60. _____ or look very old. Send them back can cost another five or six dollars. 61. _____ Nordstrom and Fashionbug are two of my favourite stores because 62. _____[来源:] their clothes turn out to be very satisfactory when I got the package. 63. _____ Seldom I have to send anything back. The reason why I shop online 64. _____ is to reward myself. There are things worth celebrating in a life. If 65. _____ you just let it go, you are probably not treating yourself well enough. 第二节 书面表达(满分 25 分) 请根据下面的材料,写一篇有关英国诗人拜伦(Byron)的简介,题目自拟,词数 100 左右。 1. 英国著名诗人,1788 年出生于伦敦。 2. 10 岁时开始接受良好教育,1807 年,他的第一本诗集《闲暇的时刻》(Hours of Idleness) 出版,但没有得到好评。 3. 1809 年他开始了自己的欧洲之旅,到过希腊、西班牙等许多国家。 4. 1812 年他因诗集《恰尔德·哈罗尔德游记》(Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage)而闻名。后来, 拜伦又写了许多著名的诗歌,如《唐璜》(Don Juan)和《审判的幻景》(The Vision of Judgment) 等。 5. 36 岁时去世。作为一名伟大的诗人,他对欧洲文学的影响是巨大的。 参考答案: 1-15 ABCDA CABDC BAACD 16-35 BDACD DACDB DCBAD CBDBC [来源:.Com] 36-55 ABADC BCDBD AACBC CACBD 56. buy →bought。 57. store →stores。 58. more →much。 59. I 前面加 that。 60. neither →either。61. Send →Sending。 62. √。 63. got →get。 64. seldom 后面加 do。 65. 去掉冠词 a。 One possible version: Byron, a Great Poet Byron, a famous English poet, was born in London in 1788. He didn’t receive a good education until he was ten. His first book of poems Hours of Idleness was published in 1807 but didn’t receive good reviews. It was in 1809 that he began his European tour, traveling to Greece, Spain and some other European countries. He became famous in 1812 because of his book of poems Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage . Later Byron wrote many famous poems, such as Don Juan and The Vision of Judgment. He passed away at 36, but as a great poet, his influence on European literature was great.

