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只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 1 专题限时集训(十四) 记叙文+夹叙夹议文 A (2016·苏北四市摸底考试) One of the most significant actions of your life is that you support someone when you help him or her through a challenging time.However,the best __1__ is that when you support others,you are also supporting yourself.When you __2__ to give support to others, it is usually a __3__ that you are also stopping giving support to yourself. I was hooked on a story about Donna,which clearly showed the __4__ of support. Several months ago,Donna had just broken up with her boyfriend and had a difficult time accepting the __5__.She refused to be accompanied and stayed at home __6__,weeping all the time,which certainly was not helping. Early one morning, Donna received a phone call with some __7__ news: her best friend's brother had been __8__ in an accident.Donna had known this friend, Mary, and her brother __9__ her entire life, and the news was devastating.Donna __10__ her sadness and got the __11__ soon and drove to Mary's house to be with her. At the __12__ and afterwards, she held Mary close while she cried __13__ tears, sat by her side as the waves of grief __14__ Mary, and slept next to her to make sure she did not wake up alone.During that time she hardly felt any __15__ in her heart. Several weeks later, when life began to return to normal, Donna __16__ that the level of support she had given Mary far overtook any support she had __17__ herself during her dark time.She was able to use the support she had given her friend as a __18__ for the support she needed. When you find yourself __19__ to support others, see if there's something within yourself that is not supporting.__20__, when you give complete support to others, it'll mirror those places within you that require the same level of attention. 本文是一篇夹叙夹议文。当 Donna 和男朋友分手时,她心情非常不好,整天一个人待在 家里不出门,以泪洗面。有一天早晨,她突然接到最好的朋友的电话,知道朋友的弟弟在事 故中去世了。Donna 听到消息后,赶紧驾车到好朋友家里去安慰她。而就在陪同好朋友的时 候,Donna 完全忘记了自己的不快。借此作者想要告诉我们这样一个道理:帮助别人等于是 在帮助自己。 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 2 1.A.policy B.part C.position D.pattern B [考查名词。句意:最重要的部分(part)是当你帮助别人的时候,其实也是在帮助自 己。根据句意可知,B 项正确。] 2.A.refuse B.pretend C.start D.decide A [考查动词。根据后半句话中的 you are also stopping giving support to yourself 可知,选 A 项符合语境,即当你拒绝(refuse)给别人帮助的时候,其实也是在拒 绝帮助自己。其他几项不符合语境。] 3.A.sight B.signature C.sign D.signal C [考查名词。sight 意为“情景;景象”;signature 意为“签名;署名”;sign 意 为“标志;迹象”;signal 意为“信号”。根据上下文语境可知,只有 C 项正确,即拒绝 帮助别人,便标志着也在拒绝帮助自己。] 4.A.example B.power C.function D.definition B [考查名词。根据故事下文内容可知,Donna 帮助好朋友以后,彻底地忘记了自己的 痛苦,由此可以看出帮助他人的力量(power),因此 B 项符合语境。] 5.A.disaster B.truth C.divorce D.loss D [考查名词。loss 本意为“损失;遗失;失去”,符合语境,即 Donna 无法承受失 去男朋友的痛苦。] 6.A.quietly B.worriedly C.alone D.along C [考查副词。根据该空前面的部分可知,Donna 拒绝别人的陪伴,所以选择 C 项符合 语境,即她不想和别人在一起,只是一个人待在家里。] 7.A.terrible B.amazing C.dangerous D.surprising A [考查形容词。根据后半句话可知,她最要好的朋友的弟弟出车祸去世了,因此这是 一个很可怕的消息。故选 A 项正确。] 8.A.claimed B.killed C.injured D.caught B [考查动词。根据下文有关 Donna 好朋友伤心欲绝的表现的描述可推知,朋友的弟弟 应该是在事故中去世了。所以选 B 项。] 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 3 9.A.really B.barely C.exactly D.nearly D [考查副词。句意:Donna 自幼就熟识这两姐弟,这个消息对她来说太可怕了。根据 句意可知选 D 项正确。] 10.A.removed B.overcame C.recognized D.changed B [考查动词。overcome 意为“克服”,符合语境,即 Donna 克制住自己难过的情绪, 开车前往好朋友的家去安慰她。] 11.A.door B.gate C.car D.bus C [考查名词。根据后面的 drove to Mary's house to be with her 可知,Donna 是 开车去好朋友家的。因此选 C。] 12.A.pray B.party C.funeral D.break C [考查名词。funeral 意为“葬礼”,符合语境,即在 Donna 好朋友弟弟的葬礼上(上 文提到她好朋友的弟弟因事故去世了)。] 13.A.endless B.enough C.permanent D.consistent A [考查形容词。endless 意为“无止境的;不停的”;enough 意为“足够的”; permanent 意为“永久的”;consistent 意为“一致的;始终如一的”。根据上下文语境可 知,这句话的意思是 Mary 因为弟弟的去世而伤心欲绝,每天不停地流着眼泪。因此 A 项正 确。] 14.A.ran over B.turned over C.washed over D.looked over C [考查动词短语辨析。run over 意为“撞到”;turn over 意为“打翻”;wash over 意为“泼溅;淹没”;look over 意为“仔细检查”。根据该空前面的名词 the waves of grief 可知,C 项符合语境,即 Mary 被难过的情绪所淹没(包围)。] 15.A.sadness B.horror C.panic D.thrill A [考查名词。根据上下文语境可知,Donna 开始时由于失恋而感到很痛苦。但是当她 去陪失去弟弟的好朋友时,便完全忘记了自己的痛苦。因此选 A 项。] 16.A.recalled B.realized C.reminded D.remembered B [考查动词。句意:几周后,当生活恢复正常的时候,Donna 意识到自己给好朋友 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 4 Mary(心理上)的支持,胜过失恋痛苦时自己给自己的支持。根据句意可知 B 项正确。] 17.A.presented B.provided C.favored D.offered D [考查动词。offer sb.sth.意为“给某人提供某物”,符合语境,即她给自己提供 的支持。] 18.A.mirror B.candle C.challenge D.gift A [考查名词。mirror 意为“镜子;真实的写照”;candle 意为“蜡烛”;challenge 意为“挑战”;gift 意为“礼物;天赋”。根据文章最后一段 it'll mirror those places within you...可知,A 项符合语境,mirror 在这里表示“真实的写照”,即她给予好朋友 的无私支持其实正反映了她自己内心对这种支持的需求。] 19.A.incredible B.inadequate C.unable D.unlikely C [考查形容词。incredible 意为“难以置信的”;inadequate 意为“不充足的”; unable 意为“不能的”;unlikely 意为“不可能的”。句意:在你发现自己不能够支持别 人的时候,你要看看是不是自己内心就不想这么做。根据句意可知 C 项符合语境。] 20.A.In short B.In other words C.On the whole D.On the contrary D [考查介词短语。on the contrary 意为“相反的是”,符合语境,因为前面一句话 说的是不能够帮助别人,而后面一句话则说的是如果全力帮助别人。其他几项不合语境。in short 意为“简而言之”;in other words 意为“换句话说”;on the whole 意为“大体 上”。] B (2016·湖南东部六校联考) I was about to open the door of my car when I saw a man approaching.The man pointed a(n) __21__ at me.“Give me your purse!” “I don't have a purse,” I said. He kept coming.“Give me your purse!” He __22___ the gun in my stomach.He reached over,seized my __23__ and opened the trunk (汽车尾箱).He __24__ me to the back of my car.I hesitated. “Get in,” he shouted,“now!” I did it,only __25__ I knew exactly where the trunk release was. “Don't move; don't make a noise ,” he __26__. He slammed the trunk shut.Everything went __27__.Right there in the trunk,my eyes were adjusting to 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 5 the darkness.My fear started to __28__ and my mind cleared.I knew whatever direction he turned,he would have to slow down.I waited for my __29__. He drove the car forward and then stopped.I heard another car honk behind.He then __30___ and the car quickly reached 80 miles an hour.I couldn't tell where we were going.As soon as he slowed down,I pulled the __31__ release,pushed it open and jumped out.I __32__ through people's yards and tried to put distance and objects between the kidnapper and me. I ran back to my apartment complex and __33__ doors.One finally opened and an older lady let me in.I __34__ closed the door and locked it.While I was on with the 911 __35___,there was a knock at the door.Standing there was a hulking figure, a Daytona Beach police officer.He was in the neighborhood and __36__ immediately. Officers __37__ the kidnapper the next day.“You have no idea how __38__ you are,” one of the officers told me.“Carjackings that developed into kidnappings __39__ turn out well.” I knew it wasn't luck that had saved me.It was the __40__,both of mind and of soul.Remember chances only favor those who are prepared! 本文是一篇记叙文。作者在开车途中遭遇抢劫,在危急时刻,作者冷静思考,用机智和 勇敢巧妙地自救,从而告诉我们:机会总是留给有准备的人。 21.A.finger B.camera C.arrow D.gun D [根据第三段中的“He ____the gun in my stomach.”可知,劫匪用枪指着“我”, 故选 D。] 22.A.stuck B.threw C.fired D.hid A [他用枪抵住“我”的肚子。stick“刺,戳”;throw“扔”;fire“点火”;hide“躲 藏”。故选 A。] 23.A.hands B.phone C.keys D.wallet C [根据后面的“opened the trunk(打开汽车尾箱)”可知,他拿起“我”的钥匙 (keys)。故选 C。] 24.A.assisted B.guided C.persuaded D.forced D [根据语境可知,此处表示劫匪强迫“我”进入尾箱。assist“帮助”;guide“指 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 6 导”;persuade“劝服”;force“强迫”。故选 D。] 25.A.though B.because C.unless D.until B [“我”进了尾箱,只因为“我”准确地知道尾箱开启处在哪儿。故选 B。] 26.A.warned B.questioned C.explained D.repeated A [劫匪警告“我”不要动,不要发出声音。warn“警告”;question“质问”; explain“解释”;repeat“重复”。故选 A。] 27.A.smooth B.dark C.silent D.natural B [根据空后一句中的“my eyes were adjusting to the darkness”可知,选 B。] 28.A.spread B.increase C.appear D.lift D [根据后面的“my mind cleared(思维清晰)”可知,此处指“恐惧开始消失(lift)”。 spread“传播”;increase“增加”;appear“出现”。故选 D。] 29.A.result B.chance C.choice D.idea B [此处表示“我”在等待机会。result“结果”;chance“机会”;choice“选择”; idea“想法”。故选 B。] 30.A.continued B.slowed C.accelerated D.remained C [根据空前面的“then stopped”和后面的“the car quickly reached 80 miles an hour”可知,劫匪把车加速了。 continue“继续”;slow“减速”;accelerate“加速”; remain“停留”。故选 C 。] 31.A.trunk B.light C.alarm D.motor A [根据语境可知,此处表示“我”拉开尾箱开关,与上文的“I knew exactly where the trunk release was”呼应。故选 A。] 32.A.walked B.raced C.wandered D.passed B [根据后面的“甩开劫匪”可知,此处指“我”快速地跑。walk“走”;race“快速 移动”;wander“闲逛”;pass“通过”。故选 B。] 33.A.pulled B.shut C.answered D.beat 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 7 D [根据后面的“One finally opened and an older lady let me in.”可知,此处 指“敲门”。pull“拉”;shut“关闭”;answer“回答”;beat“敲打”。故选 D。] 34.A.skillfully B.carefully C.rapidly D.silently C [根据语境可知,“我”快速地关上门并锁好它。skillfully “巧妙地”;carefully “仔细地”;rapidly “迅速地”;silently “沉默地”。故选 C。] 35.A.operator B.victim C.criminal D.organizer A [“我”跟 911 电话接线员取得联系。operator“电话接线员”;victim“受害者”; criminal“罪犯”;organizer“组织者”。故选 A。] 36.A.returned B.left C.withdrew D.responded D [那位警察就在隔壁,他立即做出反应。return“返回”;leave“离开”; withdraw“撤回”;respond“做出反应”。故选 D。] 37.A.educated B.arrested C.suspected D.dismissed B [第二天,警察逮捕了劫匪。educate“教育”;arrest“逮捕”;suspect“怀疑”; dismiss“解雇”。故选 B。] 38.A.calm B.dangerous C.lucky D.brave C [根据后面的“I knew it wasn't luck that had saved me.”可知,警察说“我” 幸运。calm“镇静的”;dangerous“危险的”;lucky“幸运的”;brave“勇敢的”。故 选 C。] 39.A.rarely B.usually C.probably D.generally A [抢劫发展成绑架,很少有好的结果。此处警察说“我”能活着是运气好。rarely“很 少”;usually“通常”;probably“很可能”;generally“一般地”。故选 A。] 40.A.fortune B.patience C.preparation D.courage C [根据后面的“Remember chances only favor those who are prepared!”可知, 是思想上的准备(preparation)救了“我”。故选 C。] C (2016·河北三市联考) 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 8 Each week,I give my elderly neighbor a ride to the store when I am going.She keeps trying to __41__ me for the ride,and I always __42__ refusing.I tell her that it doesn't cost any more for her to __43__ with me and it is __44__ for me to do this. Last week,she brought a(n) __45__ and said happily,“I have something for you and you must accept it.” I said,“If there is money in it,I don't want it.” But she __46__ it on a stand.Later,I opened it to find a “thank you” card with __47__ in it.That night,I stopped at her house to give a plate of __48__ fried chicken that I had.I took an envelope and put the $10 __49__ it along with a “__50__” card.When leaving,I left it __51__ in her door. The next day,she paid a(n) __52__ to my home to return my __53__.She said,“Look,I know you put that letter in my door this morning,didn't you?” I had __54__ forgotten about it,and I thought from the sincere __55__ on my face,she believed me when I said that I hadn't put any letter in her door that morning.Actually,it was the night before, __56__ I thought I wasn't lying.She went on to __57__ the envelope and enclosed (装入) the “smile” __58__, and told me how she was blessed with so many good things lately.I told her that I was so __59__ for her,and that I hope she __60___ to be so blessed. 本文是一篇记叙文。“我”常顺便将邻居带到商店,她为此送给“我”一张“答谢”卡 和十美元。后来“我”回送给她十美元和一张“微笑”卡,并送给她一盘炸鸡。 41.A.cost B.pay C.spend D.take B [根据下句中的“it doesn't cost any more”可以判断,她想付钱给“我”。pay sb.for sth.为固定搭配,意为“为……付费”。] 42.A.keep B.admit C.enjoy D.stop A [根据语境可知,“我”一直拒绝她的付费。keep 意为“保持,持续”,符合语境, 故 A 项正确。B 项意为“承认”,C 项意为“喜欢”,D 项意为“停止”,都与语境不符。] 43.A.climb B.walk C.ride D.run C [根据上文中的“for the ride”可知,应选 C 项 ride“乘坐”。] 44.A.important B.useful C.troublesome D.convenient D [“我”顺车将邻居带到商店,对“我”来说,这是很方便的事。D 项意为“方便 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 9 的”,符合语境。A 项意为“重要的”,B 项意为“有用的”,C 项意为“讨厌的”,都与 语境不符。] 45.A.envelope B.choice C.basket D.chance A [根据第二段倒数第二句中的“I took an envelope”可知,邻居给“我”送了个信 封,故 A 项正确。] 46.A.lied B.laid C.contributed D.expressed B [根据语境可知,由于“我”拒绝接收,她便将信封放在了架子上。B 项意为“放置”, 符合语境。A 项意为“躺,说谎”,C 项意为“贡献”,D 项意为“表达”,都与语境不符。] 47.A.$1 B.$10 C.$100 D.$20 B [根据第二段倒数第二句中的“the$10”可知,邻居给了“我”十美元,故选 B 项。] 48.A.dark B.bright C.extra D.familiar C [根据上句可知,邻居送给了“我”一张“感谢”卡和十美元;根据下句可知,“我” 也送给了她一张卡和十美元;据此可以判断,“我”额外送给了她一盘炸鸡。C 项意为“额 外的”,符合语境。A 项意为“黑暗的”,B 项意为“明亮的”,D 项意为“熟悉的”,都 与语境不符。] 49.A.off B.about C.from D.in D [“我”拿出一个信封,将十美元放在里面。put sth.in someplace 为固定搭配, 意为“将……放在……里面”。] 50.A.smile B.love C.flower D.hug A [根据最后一段倒数第二句中的“smile”可知,“我”在信封里放了一张“微笑” 卡。] 51.A.appeared B.drawn C.placed D.written C [离开时,“我”将信封放在她家的门里。place 意为“放置”,符合语境。A 项意为 “显得”,B 项意为“绘画”,D 项意为“书写”,都与语境不符。] 52.A.attention B.fine C.reward D.visit D [第二天她拜访了“我”,归还了“我”的盘子。pay a visit to...为固定搭配, 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 10 意为“拜访……”。] 53.A.bike B.pen C.coat D.plate D [根据第二段中的“give a plate of”可知,“我”送了一盘炸鸡给邻居,她归还 “我”盘子。] 54.A.completely B.extremely C.roughly D.calmly A [“我”完全忘记了这件事。A 项意为“彻底地,完全地”,符合语境。B 项意为“极 端,非常”,C 项意为“粗略地”,D 项意为“平静地”,都与语境不符。] 55.A.mark B.look C.impression D.wound B [根据该句中的“on my face”可知,根据“我”脸上真诚的表情,她相信了“我” 所说的话。look 意为“表情”,符合语境。A 项意为“标志”,C 项意为“印象”,D 项意 为“伤口”,都与语境不符。] 56.A.if B.because C.so D.otherwise C [空处前文意为“事实上那是前天晚上”;空处后文意为“我没有撒谎”;根据空处 前后文的文意可以判断,前后文为因果关系,故 C 项正确。] 57.A.defend B.direct C.disturb D.describe D [她继续描述信封并装入“微笑”卡。D 项意为“描述,描绘”,符合语境。A 项意 为“防御”,B 项意为“指导”,C 项意为“干扰”,都与语境不符。] 58.A.stamp B.card C.letter D.book B [根据第二段倒数第二句中的“card”可以判断,装入信封的是“微笑”卡,故 B 项正确。] 59.A.surprised B.sorry C.happy D.sad C [根据空处上句中的“and told me how she was blessed with so many good things lately”可知,邻居告诉“我”她很有福气近来能遇到这么多好的事情;据此可以判断, “我”为她感到高兴。C 项意为“幸福的,高兴的”,符合语境。A 项意为“惊奇的”,B 项 意为“歉疚”,D 项意为“悲伤的”,都与语境不符。] 60.A.continues B.challenges C.rejects D.expects 只有比别人更早、更勤奋地努力,才能尝到成功的滋味。 11 A [根据上句中的“lately”表达的语境可以判断,“我”告诉她“我”为她感到高兴, 并希望她继续有福气。A 项意为“继续”,符合语境。B 项意为“挑战”,C 项意为“拒绝”, D 项意为“期望”,都与语境不符。]

