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‎2018届二轮复习 情态动词、虚拟语气典题80题练与析 ‎1.Tom, you leave all your clothes on the floor like this!‎ A.wouldn’t B.mustn’t C.needn’t D.may not ‎〖答案〗B〖考点〗考查情态动词。〖解析〗wouldn’t用以提示客气的请求;mustn’t表示禁止, 不允许;needn’t表示没必要;may not表示不可以。根据语境要求Tom不许把衣服放在地板上。‎ ‎2.John, look at the time.________you play the piano at such a late hour? A.Must B.Can C.May D.Need ‎〖答案〗A〖考点〗本题考查情态动词的用法。〖解析〗must在此处显示出说话人的不快, 有 “难道非要”的意思。‎ ‎3.He______have completed his work; otherwise, he wouldn’t be enjoying himself by the seaside.‎ A.should B.must C.wouldn’t D.can’t ‎〖答案〗B〖考点〗考查情态动词表猜测的用法。〖解析〗由句意 “他一定是已经完成工作了;否则, 他就不会在海边玩得那么高兴。”可知是对过去发生事情的肯定推测。‎ ‎4.There______be any difficulty about passing the road test since you have practised a lot in the driving school. A.mustn’t B.shan’t C.shouldn’t D.needn’t ‎〖答案〗C〖考点〗本题考查情态动词的用法。【解析〗句意为:因为你在驾校已经训练了这么多, 通过路考一定没有什么困难。本句中表达出劝慰对方的语气。mustn’t表示 “禁止, 不允许”, 表示警告或命令; shan’t表示 “将不会”;shouldn’t表示据情况推测 “理应……”;needn’t表示 “不必……”。‎ ‎5.I________have been more than six years old when the accident happened.‎ A. shouldn’t B.couldn’t C.mustn’t D.needn’t ‎〖答案〗B〖考点〗考查对过去发生的情况的推测。〖解析〗couldn’t have done是对过去发生情况的否定推测, 其肯定形式同样是对过去发生情况的推测, 意为 “可能已……”。shouldn’t have done本来不应该……, 但实际已经……;needn’t have done本来不需要……, 但实际上已经……;must表示推测时, 只用在肯定句中。故选B项。‎ ‎6.This cake is very sweet. You ______a lot of sugar in it. A.should put B.could have put C.might put D.must have put ‎〖答案〗D〖考点〗本题考查情态动词的用法。〖解析〗句意为:这蛋糕, 非常甜。你一定放了许多糖在里面。‎ ‎7.The World Wide Web is sometimes jokingly called the World Wide Wait because it ‎________be very slow. A.should B.must C.will D.can ‎〖答案〗D〖考点〗本题考查情态动词的用法。〖解析〗此处表达一种可能性, 要用can, 其他三项都表示主观情态。should应该, 义务, must必须, 一定, will将会, 都与句意不符。‎ ‎8.—Catherine, I have cleaned the room for you. ‎—Thanks.You it. I could manage it myself. A.needn’t do B.needn’t have done ‎ C.mustn’t do D.shouldn’t have done ‎〖答案〗B〖考点〗考查情态动词的完成式和一般式的区别。〖解析〗needn’t do不需要做……;mustn’t禁止做……, 都用于现在的动作;needn’t have done表示做了本来不必去做的事;shouldn’t have done是本不该做却做某事。‎ ‎9.—Lucy doesn’t mind lending you her dictionary. ‎—She________.I have already borrowed one. A.can’t B.mustn’t C.needn’t D.shouldn’t ‎〖答案〗C〖考点〗考查情态动词的辨析。〖解析〗根据后面的句子 “I’ve already borrowed one”说明她没必要借字典给我了, 故选C项。‎ ‎10.—Do you know where David is? I couldn’t find him anywhere.‎ ‎—Well, he have gone far—his coat’s still here. A.shouldn’t B.mustn’t C.can’t D.wouldn’t ‎〖答案〗C〖考点〗本题考查情态动词的用法。〖解析〗由句意可知, “他肯定没走远”, 此处是对过去的否定推测, 而且语气最强, 故用can’t have done。‎ ‎11.—Don’t you think it necessary that he to Miami but to New York?‎ ‎—I agree, but the problem is he has refused to.‎ A.will not be sent;that  B.not be sent;that C.should not be sent;what D.should not send;what ‎〖答案〗B〖考点〗本题考查虚拟语气中情态动词的用法。〖解析〗not be sent是虚拟语气, 相当于should not be sent。‎ ‎12.He paid for a seat, when he ______ have entered free.‎ A. could B. would C. must D. need ‎〖答案〗A〖考点〗本题考查虚拟语气中情态动词的用法。〖解析〗根据题干可看出此处句意为 “他本来可以免费入场”, 因此应用could have done。‎ ‎13.If I_______plan to do anything I wanted to, I’d like to go to Tibet and travel through as much of it as possible.‎ A.would B.could C.had to D.ought to ‎〖答案〗B〖考点〗本题考查情态动词的用法。〖解析〗句意为:如果我能计划做任何想做的事, 我想去西藏尽可能地游览一番。观察一下句中的时态, 因为都是过去时, 句意表示与现在事实相反的虚拟语气, 因此此处应用情态动词的过去时, 表示的意思是 “假如我们现在能够……”, could表示不存在的可能性。‎ ‎14.I was on the highway when this car went past followed by a police car.They at least 150 kilometers an hour.‎ A.should have been doing  B.must have been doing  C.could have done D.would have done ‎〖答案B〖考点〗本题考查情态动词的用法。〖解析〗must have done用于肯定句中, 表示对过去事情的推测, 意为 “想必是, 一定是”。否定句、疑问句中对过去情况的推测, 要用can/could have done的形式。‎ ‎15.He paid for a seat, however, he________have entered free.‎ A.could B.would C.must D.need ‎〖答案〗A〖考点〗本题考查情态动词的用法。〖解析〗paid暗示时间上指的是过去, could have done用于肯定句中表示本可以做而未做的事情;肯定句中不用need have done; must have done与语境不吻合。据题干可看出此处句意为 “他本来可以免费入场”, 因此应用could have done。‎ ‎16.—Tom is never late for work.Why is he absent today?‎ ‎—Something to him. A.must happen B.should have happened ‎ C.could have happened D.must have happened ‎〖答案〗D〖考点〗本题考查情态动词的用法。〖解析〗must have done的意思是 “一定发生了某事”。由对话所提供的情景可知:汤姆从不迟到, 所以他 “一定有事”。因此D项正确。‎ ‎17.Helen________go on the trip with us, but she isn’t quite sure yet. A.shall B.must C.may D.can ‎〖答案〗C〖考点〗此题考查情态动词的用法。〖解析〗may表示一种可能性。如果没有具体的语境的话, B、D两项也可以选, 但是意思就不同了。‎ ‎18.—The woman biologist stayed in Africa studying wild animals for 13 years before she returned.‎ ‎—Oh, dear!She________a lot of difficulties!‎ A. may go through  B.might go through B. C.ought to have gone through D.must have gone through ‎〖答案〗D〖考点〗考查 “情态动词+have done”。〖解析〗从语境分析, 表示某人一定干过某事, 而且是对过去情况肯定的推测, 故应用must have done。C项相当于should have done表示对对方的责备, 意思是 “应该做而未做”, 在此不符合题意。‎ ‎19.There’s no light on—they________be at home. A.can’t B.mustn’t C.needn’t D.shouldn’t ‎〖答案〗A〖考点〗考查情态动词的用法。〖解析〗句意为:(家中)没有亮灯, ——他们肯定不在家。此处要用情态动词表推测, 且用于否定句表示 “肯定不……”, 故can’t符合要求。must表推测时不用于否定句, mustn’t表示 “禁止, 不许”;needn’t表示 “不需要”;shouldn’t表示 “不应当”, 故A项符合要求。‎ ‎20.Eliza remembers everything exactly as if it_________yesterday. A.was happening B.happens C.has happened D.happened ‎〖答案〗D ‎〖考点〗考查虚拟语气的用法。‎ ‎〖解析〗as if仿佛, 好像, 其后的从句可出现虚拟语气。句意为:Eliza清楚地记得每一件事, 仿佛它是昨天发生的!句中remembers为一般现在时, 故as if从句中用一般过去时来表示虚拟语气。‎ ‎21.We hope that as many people as possible join us for the picnic tomorrow.‎ A.need B.must C.should D.can ‎〖答案〗D〖考点〗本题考查情态动词的用法。〖解析〗句意为:我们希望尽可能多的人能参加我们明天的野餐。用can.表示可能性。‎ ‎22.— What’s the name? ‎— Khulaifi.________I spell that for you? A.Shall B.Would C.Can D.Might ‎〖答案〗A〖考点〗本题考查情态动词的用法。〖解析〗shall在问句中征求对方意见, 主要用于第一人称。答语句意为: “我给你拼写一下好吗?”‎ ‎23.We______have proved great adventurers, but we have done the greatest march ever made in the past ten years. A.needn’t B.may not C.shouldn’t D.mustn’t ‎〖答案〗B〖考点〗本题考查情态动词的用法。〖解析〗句意为:我们或许还没有证明是伟大的探险者, 但我们已取得了在过去的10年里的最伟大的进展。故应用may not。‎ ‎24.— Could I have a word with you, mum? ‎— Oh dear, if you_______. A.can B.must C.may D.should ‎〖答案〗B〖考点〗考查情态动词的用法。〖解析〗句意为:妈妈, 我可以和你说句话吗?” “噢, 亲爱的, 如果你非要说的话。”must表示必须要做的事。‎ ‎25.If it were not for the fact that she_______sing, I would invite her to the party.‎ A.couldn’t B.shouldn’t C.can’t D.might not ‎〖答案〗C〖考点〗考查情态动词的用法。〖解析〗题中that引导同位语从句。 “she can’t sing”是一个事实, 是指在能力、技能等方面不能、不会。‎ ‎26.Some aspects of a pilot’s job______ be boring, and pilots often_______work at inconvenient hours. A.can;have to B.may;can C.have to;may D.ought to;must ‎〖答案〗A〖考点〗考查情态动词的用法。〖解析〗句意为:飞行员工作的某些方面可能是令人厌倦的, ‎ 并且飞行员经常在不方便的时候工作。第一空表示的是客观的可能性, 应用can;而第二空说在不方便的时候还要干, 因此表示客观上的必须, 用have to, 意为 “不得不”。‎ ‎27._______fired, your health care and other benefits will not be immediately cut off.‎ A.Would you be B.Should you be C.Could you be D.Might you be ‎〖答案〗B〖考点〗本题考查情态动词的用法。〖解析〗句意为:如果你被炒了, 你的医疗保险和其他利益并不会立即取消。与将来事实相反的假设, 从句用答案B项。‎ ‎28.— May I smoke here? ‎— If you_______, choose a seat in the smoking section. A.should B.could C.may D.must ‎ ‎〖答案〗D〖考点〗本题考查情态动词的用法。〖解析〗由本题语境可知, 空白处应表示 “非得……”之意, 故须用must。‎ ‎29.The weather turned out to be fine yesterday. I the trouble to carry my umbrella with me. A.should have taken B.could have taken ‎ C.needn’t have taken D.mustn’t have taken ‎〖答案〗C〖考点〗本题考查情态动词的用法。〖解析〗句意为:昨天天气不错, 我本没有必要不怕费事带把伞。could have done表示 “本能够做而未做”;should have done表示 “本应该做而未做”;mustn’t表示 “禁止, 不许”;needn’t have done表示 “本不必做而做了”。take the trouble to do sth.表示 “不怕费事或困难尽力做某事”。‎ ‎30.— I think I’ll give Bob a ring. ‎— You________.You haven’t been in touch with him for ages. A.will B.may C.have to D.should ‎〖答案〗D〖考点〗本题考查情态动词的基本用法。〖解析〗will用于第二人称常用来表示命令、指示, 意为 “务必, 必须”;may表示 “可能, 也许”, 常用于请求许可;have to表示 “不得不”;should可用于表示主观看法、建议、劝说, 意为 “应当, 应该”。在此句中, 答话者表示同意对方的想法。答语句意为:你应该(打个电话), 你好长时间没与他联系了。故D项符合情景要求。‎ ‎31.— Must he come to sign this paper himself? ‎— Yes, he________. A.need B.must C.may D.will ‎〖答案〗B〖考点〗本题考查情态动词的用法。〖解析〗表示要求时, 肯定回答用must, 否定用needn’t。‎ ‎32.—Is Jack on duty today? ‎—It ________be him.It’s his turn tomorrow. A.mustn’t B.won’t C.can’t D.needn’t ‎〖答案〗C〖考点〗本题考查情态动词的用法。〖解析〗can’t表示否定推测, must表示肯定推测。‎ ‎33.As you worked late yesterday, you______have come this morning. A.mayn’t B.can’t C.mustn’t D.needn’t ‎〖答案〗D〖考点〗本题考查情态动词的用法。〖解析〗句意为:既然你昨天工作得那么晚, 今早上你就没必要来了。从意思上显示选择项表示 “没必要……”。‎ ‎34.—How’s your tour around the North Lake? Is it beautiful? ‎—It _______be, but it is now heavily polluted. A.will B.would C.should D.must ‎〖答案〗C〖考点〗考查情态动词的区别。〖解析〗will可用来表示 “意愿;客观必然性等”;would可表示 “意愿;过去常常(现 在也可能是那样的)”;should表示 “应该, 理应”;must表示 “必然;一定, 准是”。结合语境可知, 此处用should表示虚拟。句意为: “这本来应该是美丽的, 但是现在它被严重污染了。”‎ ‎35.In crowded places like airports and railway stations, you _______take care of your luggage. A.can B.may C.must D.will ‎〖答案〗C〖考点〗本题考查情态动词的用法。〖解析〗句意为:在像飞机场和车站这样拥挤的地方, 你一定要照看好自己的行李。must表示 “必须, 一定”符合句意 ‎36.The biggest problem for most plants, which______just get up and run away when threatened, is that animals like to eat them. A.shan’t B.can’t C.needn’t D.mustn’t ‎〖答案〗B〖考点〗本题考查情态动词的用法。〖解析〗句意为:对于绝大多数受到威胁时不能起来就逃跑的植物来说, 最大的问题是动物喜欢吃它们。Shan’t表将来;needn’t不必, mustn’t禁止, 都不正确。‎ ‎37.I told your friend how to get to the hotel, but perhaps I have driven her there.‎ A.could B.must C.might D.should ‎〖答案〗D〖考点〗本题考查情态动词。〖解析〗could have done(过去)可能做过;本能够做……;must have done(过去)肯定做过;might have done(过去)可能做过;should have done本应该做(而事实上没做)。由句意 “我告诉你朋友该怎么去旅馆, 但或许我应该开车送她去那儿。”可知应选D项。‎ ‎38.—What does the sign over there read? ‎— “No person______smoke or carry a lighted cigarette, cigar or pipe in this area.” A.will B.may C.shall D.must ‎〖答案〗C〖考点〗本题考查情态动词的用法。〖解析〗shall用于第二、三人称, 表示命令、允许、警告等, 此处表示警告。‎ ‎39.—What do you think we can do for our aged parents? ‎—You________do anything except to be with them and be yourself. A.don’t have to B.oughtn’t to C.mustn’t D.can’t ‎〖答案〗A〖考点〗本题考查情态动词的用法。〖解析〗don’t have to不必;oughtn’t to不应当;mustn’t禁止, 不允许;can’t不可能。答语句意为:“除了与父母呆在一起和做你自己以外, 你不必做任何事情。因此A项符合题意。‎ ‎40.—My cat’s really fat. ‎—You have given her so much food. A.wouldn’t B.couldn’t C.shouldn’t D.mustn’t ‎〖答案〗C〖考点〗考查情态动词。〖解析〗句意为:——我的猫真胖。——你本不应该给她那么多食物。shouldn’t have done sth.本不应该做某事(暗含做了)。‎ ‎41.My MP4 player isn’t in my bag.Where_________I have put it? A.can B.must C.should D.would ‎〖答案〗A〖考点〗考查情态动词。〖解析〗由句意 “我的MP4不在我包里。我可能把它放哪儿了?”可知应选A。can have done过去可能做过而must have done “过去肯定做过”, 只能用于肯定陈述句;should have done本应该做过(而事实上没做);would have done只能用于虚拟语气。‎ ‎42.—She looks very happy.She________have passed the exam. ‎—I guess so.It’s not difficult after all. A.should B.could C.must D.might ‎〖答案〗C〖考点〗本题考查情态动词的用法。〖解析〗must have passed the exam肯定是通过考试了, 由前句中的 “happy”和下句中的 “not difficult after all”可以推知。‎ ‎43.They______two free tickets to Canada, otherwise they’d never have been able to afford to go. A.had got B.got C.have got D.get ‎〖答案〗B〖考点〗本题考查情态动词的用法。〖解析〗 “otherwise they’d never have been able...”这一句用了与过去事实相反的虚拟语气;而 “他们弄到了两张去加拿大的免费票”却是事实, 故用一般过去时。‎ ‎44.—Guess what? I have got A for my term paper. ‎—Great!You_______read widely and put a lot of work into it. A.must B.should C.must have D.should have ‎〖答案〗C〖考点〗本题考查情态动词的用法。〖解析〗由 “have got A”可知是对过去发生事情的推测, 故用 “情态动词+have done”结构。must have done表示 “必定做过某事”, 符合题意。‎ ‎45.The teacher________have thought Johnson was worth it or she wouldn’t have wasted time on him, I suppose. A.should B.can C.would D.must ‎〖答案〗D〖考点〗本题考查情态动词的用法。〖解析〗must have done表示对过去所做事情的肯定判断, 表示 “一定……”。‎ ‎46.—Where is my dictionary? I remember I put it here yesterday. ‎—You_______it in the wrong place. A.must put B.should have put C.might put D.might have put ‎〖答案〗D〖考点〗考查情态动词表推测的用法。〖解析〗由yesterday可知A、C两项错误;should应该, 理应;might或许, 可能, 显然D项正确。‎ ‎47.Liza______well not want to go on the trip—she hates traveling. A.will B.can C.must D.may ‎〖答案〗D〖考点〗本题考查情态动词的用法。〖解析〗句意为:Liza极有可能不想去旅行——她讨厌旅行。may well很可能, 极有可能, 表示猜测。当表示猜测时, will和can不能与well连用, must只能用于肯定句中。‎ ‎48.John promised his doctor he_______not smoke, and he has never smoked ever since. A.might B.should C.could D.would ‎〖答案〗D〖考点〗本题考查情态动词的用法。〖解析〗句意为:约翰答应医生他不再吸烟, 从那以后, 他再也没有吸过烟。由句意可知空格处表示允诺, 故应选择D项。‎ ‎49.She________have left school, for her bike is still here.‎ A.can’t B.wouldn’t C.shouldn’t D.needn’t ‎〖答案〗A〖考点〗本题考查情态动词的用法。〖解析〗句意为:她不可能离开了学校, 因为她的自行车仍然在这儿。can’t表示不可能;wouldn’t have done表虚拟;shouldn’t have done本不该做(却已做了);needn’t have done本没必要做(但已做了)。‎ ‎50.What a pity!Considering his ability and experience, he________better. A.need have done B.must have done C.can have done D.might have done ‎〖答案〗D〖考点〗本题考查情态动词的用法。〖解析〗句意为:太遗憾了!鉴于他的能力和经验, 他本可能做得更好。need have done本来有必要做(而没做);must have done是对过去发生的事情的肯定的推测, 表示 “过去一定做了”;can have done是对过去发生的事情的不肯定的推测;might have done表示 “本来可以”。‎ ‎51.You don’t have to know the name of the author to find a book.You______find the book by the title. A.must B.need C.can D.would ‎〖答案〗C〖考点〗本题考查情态动词的用法。〖解析〗句意为:要找到一本书你不一定非要知道作者的名字。你可以根据书的标题找到这本书。can表示 “可以, 能够”。‎ ‎52.—What sort of house do you want to have? Something big? ‎—Well, it be big—that’s not important. A.mustn’t B.needn’t C.can’t D.won’t ‎〖答案〗B〖考点〗本题考查情态动词的用法。〖解析〗句意为:“你想要什么样的房子?要大的吗?” “噢, 它不需要很大, 那不重要。”由...that’s not important.这一语境可知, 空格处应表示 “不需要”, 故须用needn’t。‎ ‎53.Although this________sound like a simple task, great care is needed. A.must B.may C.shall D.should ‎〖答案〗B〖考点〗本题考查情态动词的用法。〖解析〗句意为:尽管这听起来可能像一项简单的任务, 但是需要非常仔细。must一定, 必须;may可能, 可以;shall将要;should应该。各自表达的意义不同, 选may最妥当。‎ ‎54.—I can’t find my purse anywhere. ‎—You________have lost it while shopping. A.may B.can C.should D.would ‎〖答案〗A〖考点〗本题考查情态动词的用法。〖解析〗may表达推测之意, 意为 “可能……”。‎ ‎55.You________be hungry already— you had lunch only two hours ago! A.wouldn’t B.can’t C.mustn’t D.needn’t ‎〖答案〗B〖考点〗本题考查情态动词的用法。〖解析〗句意为:你不可能饿了, 你两个小时之前才吃的午饭!can’t指不可能;mustn’t表猜测时, 不能用于否定句;Needn’t指没有必要。‎ ‎56.It is usually warm in my hometown in March, but it be rather cold sometimes.‎ A.must B.can C.should D.would ‎〖答案〗B〖考点〗本题考查情态动词的用法。〖解析〗must必然, 一定;can可能;should应该;would(过去)将, 总会。本题提供的语境是 “有时可能会……”。‎ ‎57.Peter______be really difficult at times even though he’s a nice person in general.‎ A.shall B.should C.can D.must ‎〖答案〗C〖考点〗本题考查情态动词的用法。〖解析〗句意为:虽然彼得总体上来说是一个好人, 但有时真的难以相处。can在这里不表示主观的推测, 而表示客观的可能性。‎ ‎58.—I’m sorry.I _______at you the other day. ‎—Forget it.I was a bit out of control myself. A.shouldn’t shout B.shouldn’t have shouted C.mustn’t shout D.mustn’t have shouted ‎〖答案〗B〖考点〗本题考查情态动词的用法。〖解析〗句意为:“对不起, 几天前我本不应该朝你大喊大叫的。” “不要放在心上。我自己有点情绪失控。”shouldn’t have done sth.本不应该做某事(但已经做了)。‎ ‎59.Thank you for all your hard work last week.I don’t think we_______it without you. A.can manage B.could have managed ‎ C.could manage D.can have managed ‎〖答案〗B〖考点〗本题考查情态动词的用法。〖解析〗could have done本能够做某事(但没做)。‎ ‎60.Some people who don’t like to talk much are not necessarily shy;they just be quiet people.‎ A. must B. may C. should D. would ‎〖答案〗B〖考点〗本题考查情态动词的用法。〖解析〗有些人不喜欢讲话are not necessarily shy, 他们可能是安静的人, 表示 “可能”之意。‎ ‎61.One of the few things you ____ say about English people with certainty is that they talk a lot about the weather.‎ A. need B. must C. should D. can ‎〖答案〗D〖考点〗本题考查情态动词的用法。〖解析〗关于英语的话题中, 你绝对有把握谈论的极少几个话题之一, 就是很多时候都在谈论天气。‎ ‎62.— It’s the office! So you _______ know eating is not allowed here.‎ ‎— Oh, sorry.‎ A. must B. will C. may D. need ‎〖答案〗A〖考点〗本题考查情态动词的用法。〖解析〗句意为:这是办公室!因此你必须知道吃的不允许带到这里。must表示 “绝不”的意思。‎ ‎63.What do you mean, there are only ten tickets? There _____ be twelve A. should B. would C. will D. shall ‎〖答案〗A〖考点〗本题考查情态动词的用法。〖解析〗你这是什么意思, 只有十张票吗?应该有十二人。should表示 “应该, 应当”。‎ ‎64.It_____ have been Tom that parked the car here, as he is the only one with a car.‎ A. may B. can C. must D. should ‎〖答案〗C〖考点〗考查情态动词表推测。〖解析〗通过意思我们知道是表示可能的推测, 而且是过去的可能, 表达的是一定是….比较肯定的推测, 所以我们用must have done 的形式。‎ ‎65.—I don’t care what people think.—Well, you _______‎ A. could B. would C. should D. might ‎〖答案〗C〖考点〗考查情态动词的用法。〖解析〗答话的人提了一个建议——你应该关注别人对你的评价的。should可以用来向别人提建议, 所以答案为:C ‎66.This printer is of good quality. If it _______ break down within the first year, we would repair it at our expense.‎ A. would B. should C. could D. might ‎〖答案〗B〖考点〗考查情态动词的用法。〖解析〗句意为:这个打印机的质量很好, 如果在一年内出现故障, 我们将免费维修。‎ ‎ ‎ ‎67.—Hi, Tom. Any idea where Jane is?‎ ‎—She_____in the classroom. I saw her there just now.‎ A. shall be     B. should have been C. must be      D. might have been ‎〖答案〗C〖考点〗考查情态动词表推测的用法。〖解析〗根据题意, 我刚刚看见她在教室, 可以肯定推测她一定在那儿。‎ ‎68.I can’t leave. She told me that I _______stay here until she comes back.‎ A. can B. must C. will D. may ‎〖答案〗B〖考点〗考查情态动词的用法。〖解析〗根据前文, “我不能走”, 可以判断她告诉我 “必须”呆在这儿。‎ ‎69.He did not regret saying what he did but felt that he______ it differently.‎ A. could express                        B. would express C. could have expressed                 D. must have expressed ‎〖答案〗C〖考点〗虚拟语气。〖解析〗could have expressed it differently.他要是用另一种方式来说该多好呀。‎ ‎70.But for the help of my English teacher, I ______the first prize in the English Writing Competition.‎ A. would not win B. would not have won C. would win D. would have won ‎〖答案〗B〖考点〗虚拟语气。〖解析〗此处虚拟语气表示与过去事实相反, 句子谓语动词用would/should/could/might + have done结构, 故选B。‎ ‎71.Jack described his father, who _______a brave boy many years ago, as a strong– willed man A. would be B. would have been C. must be D. must have been ‎〖答案〗D〖考点〗本题考查情态动词推测用法。〖解析〗句意为 “杰克把他的父亲描述为一个意志坚强的人, 他的父亲多年前肯定很勇敢。”用must have been表示对过去事情的肯定推测。‎ ‎72.Bob would have helped us yesterday, but he-_______‎ A. was busy B. is busy C. had been busy. D. will be busy ‎〖答案〗A〖考点〗本题考查虚拟语气与时态。〖解析〗前句表示对过去的虚拟, 而but之后表示过去的客观事实, 故用一般过去时态。‎ ‎73.You______ buy a gift, but you can if you want to.‎ A. must B. mustn’t C. have to D. don’t have to ‎〖答案〗D〖考点〗本题考查情态动词。〖解析〗don’t have to 意为 “没有必要”, 符合语境, 句意为:“你没有必要买礼物, 但如果你想买的话, 你也可以买。”‎ ‎74.If he _______my advice, he wouldn't have lost his job.‎ A. followed B. should follow C. had followed D. would follow ‎〖答案〗C〖考点〗考查虚拟语气。〖解析〗根据 “wouldn’t have lost”可判断if引导的状语从句表示与过去事实相反的虚拟, 故选C项。‎ ‎75.I have told you the truth. ______ I keep repeating it?‎ A Must B Can C May D Will ‎〖答案〗A〖考点〗考查情态动词的用法。〖解析〗must 必须, 一定 can 可以, 能够 may 也许 will 意愿, 倾向性动作, 前半句说我告诉你事实了, 这里用的是现在完成时, 表示过去的动作对现在造成了影响, 既然我已经说了, 我还必须重复一遍吗?‎ ‎76.I_______ have watched that movie —it’ll give me horrible dreams. ‎ A. shouldn’t B. needn’t C. couldn’t D. mustn’t ‎〖答案〗A〖考点〗本题考查情态动词的用法。〖解析〗句意应为 “我本来不应该看那部电影的----它会使我做噩梦的。”表示 “本来不应该做而做了某事”用shouldn’t have done, 所以A项正确。‎ ‎77.Mark _______have hurried. After driving at top speed, he arrived half an hour early.‎ A. needn’t B. wouldn’t C. mustn’t D. couldn’t ‎〖答案〗A〖考点〗考查情态动词。〖解析〗句意:迈克本来不必要那么忙的。这么高速驾驶之后, 他早半个小时到达了。根据后面的语境, 提前半个小时到达, 说明Mark本来不必那么匆忙, 所以用needn’t have done 结构, 表示 “本来不必要做某事的而实际上做了”。‎ ‎78.John went to the hospital alone. If he _______me about it, I would have gone with him.‎ A. should tell B. tells C. told D. had told ‎ ‎〖答案〗D〖考点〗考查虚拟语气。〖解析〗句意:约翰独自去了医院。如果他告诉我的话, 我会跟他一起去的。前一句是陈述语气, 说明动发生在过去, 而且后一句的主句已经是would have gone说明是与过去事实相反的虚拟语气。与之对应的从句结构, 应该用had +过去分词。‎ ‎79.— ________I take the book out? w_w w. k#s5_u.c o*m ‎—I’m afraid not.‎ A. Will B. May C. Must D. Need ‎〖答案〗B〖考点〗考查情态动词。〖解析〗表请求可用情态动词can, may, could, might ,表允许用can, may.句意为: “我可以将这本书带出去吗?” “恐怕不行”。故应选表情请求的情态动词may。正确答案为B。‎ ‎80.Just be patient .You ______ expect the world to change so soon .‎ A. can’t B. needn’t C. may not D. whether ‎〖答案〗A〖考点〗考查情态动词。〖解析〗句意:耐心一点儿, 你不能期望世界变化如此快。通过选项此题考查情态动词, can’t在否定句中可以表示推测, 译为不可能,可以表示能力, 译为不能够, 也可以表示命令, 不允许, 但是语气比mustn’t弱, 具有劝慰的意思, 根据句意此题中选择A, can’t表示劝慰。‎

