牛津上海英语高一第一学期Unit4 Reading课件 (共20张PPT)

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牛津上海英语高一第一学期Unit4 Reading课件 (共20张PPT)

Welcome to my English class! At the studio a quiz show a quiz show audience host/hostess contestants Surprises at the studio Unit 4 Reading Read the excerpt from the novel Mandy and Angela Go to Europe. In this excerpt , Mandy and her friend Angela attend the filming of a TV quiz programme. 1 2 3 Line 1-4 I. The Pre-stage part II. The On-stage part Process of the show Line number Line 1-16 Line 17-36 Paragraphing boom ‘It’s time for Travel Quiz , and here’s your host, Lester Li!’ Signal I. The Pre-stage part II. The On-stage part Process of the show Line number Line 1-16 Line 17-36 Paragraphing The Pre-stage part (line 1-line16) W hen W here W ho W hat Five minutes before the show At a studio Mandy and Angela Angela volunteered to be a contestant. Summary: One of the contestants fainted. Summary Mandy and Angela attended the filming of a TV quiz programme at a studio. Just before the show, one contestant fainted and Angela volunteered to participate. How was Angela’s performance on the stage? terrific 1. She answered the questions easily. 2. She was soon ahead of the other two contestants. 3. 25minutes later, she had beaten the other contestants. 4. She answered 6 more questions and won the grand prize. The On-stage part (line 17-line36) Summary: 1 2 3 4 Summary Angela did such a terrific job that she got all the questions right and finally won the grand prize of a trip for two to Paris. fainted volunteered Surprise at the Studio won the grand prize s Story Line Contestants Audience Contestant 1 1 2 3 Mandy Angela What contributes to Angela’s success? Angela Mandy before the show during the show raised her hand “…glad I’m not...” “…would like to...” didn’t respond was terrific was tense Summary: _______________ while __________________. __________ leads to Angela’s final success. was excited seemed calm Summary Mandy was too excited to keep still while Angela seemed calm to perform excellently. Her positive personality leads to her final success. Summary Angela did such a terrific job that she got all the questions right . Mandy was too excited to keep still while Angela seemed calm to perform excellently. Finally, Angela won the grand prize of a trip for two to Paris. Her positive personality leads to her final success. Mandy and Angela attended the filming of a TV quiz programme at a studio. Five minutes before the show, one contestant fainted and Angela volunteered to participate. Assignment 1. Read aloud Surprises at the studio twice 2. Write down the summary in your writing exercise-book Retelling A: Angela B: Mandy 1 2 3 director contestants audience cameraman make-up artist announcer host Who are the people involved in this quiz show?

