牛津上海英语高一第一学期Unit3 话题词汇拓展(共23张PPT)

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牛津上海英语高一第一学期Unit3 话题词汇拓展(共23张PPT)

It's a long long journey Till I know where I'm supposed to be It's a long long journey And I don't know if I can believe When shadows fall and block my eyes I am lost and know that I must hide It's a long long journey Till I find my way home to you Many days I've spent Drifting on through empty shores Wondering what's my purpose Wondering how to make me strong I know I will falter I know I will cry I know you'll be standing by my side It's a long long journey And I need to be close to you Rules The class will be divided into 4 groups. You may earn points for your group. The best group will get gift and honor. 1 3 2 Group Competition Journey to the West Unit 3 A Taste of Travel 话题词汇拓展 Crossword puzzle 填字游戏 根据所给提示在空白处填上字 母组成所需单词 r a p i d s a t e m p l e c u i v i e w b d a a b n l t o i f l a m e r g e r n h y f t c a v e l l 1 1 2 2 5 5 Across (横向) : 1. 急流 2.Monks live in___ . 3.scenery 4. 火焰 5. a large hole in the side of the hill Down (纵向) : 1. 步调 2.He is ___and won’t change his mind. 3 . 峡谷 4.Huang guo shu Falls is the biggest __ in China. 5.12:00 at night 3 4 4 rapids temple view flame cave pace stubborn valley waterfall midnight prefer graduate mind persuade reliable give Mind Map determine 12. 偏爱 A 而非 B 7.adj . ________ 10.n . _____ 11. 毕业 于 … 8.n . _____ 9. 决定 做 … 5.v . __ 6. 劝说 某人做 … 4. 放弃 … 3. 屈服 … 2. 改变 主意 1. 下定决心 make up one’s mind change one’s mind give in (to) give up rely persuade…to do determined determination determine to do graduation graduate from prefer A to B 阅读短文 My journey to the west 并 用本课单词短语替换画线 部分。 Ever since childhood I have 1. _______________the story Journey to the West. After 2.________________ college,I 3._____________ to take my journey to the west with my good friends. My parents 4.___________ _________me . They thought that we couldn’t forecast what would happen. They 5.__________________ me to 6.________________, but I was determined . I told them that I could make use of this chance to recognize my strengths and 7.________________. Besides , I have taken out insurance to cover any problems. Finally they had to 8.__________________.We have made our schedule carefully. We 9._________cycling 10 ._______ than driving. loved determined were concerned about give up my plan weaknesses change their attitude liked better advised leaving been fond of graduating from made up my mind cared about give in shortcomings change my mind prefer to tried to persuade Choose a lucky number and finish the task. Easy ●2 points Medium ●3 points Challenging ●4 points 5 1 2 3 4 6 中译英( 2 points ) ※ 你 的态度 决定了你的高度。 Your attitude determines your altitude . 改错( 4 points ) 1.The scientist prefers going to work on foot every day to drive his car . 2. The mother insisted that he finished his homework first, which made him angry. driving finish 1.If you don’t speak good English, you will be at a big _______ when you try to get a job. A. journey B. disadvantage C. attitude D. pillow 2.Nobody can _______ him to do that because he is so stubborn. A. persuade B. promised C. accepted D. advised 单选题 ( 2 points ) 英译中 ( 4 points ) Why do I love travel? Because in our life there is not only compromise (妥协) but also poetry and future . 因何爱远游?因为生活不仅有苟且,还有诗和远方。 单词拼写( 3 points ) 1.According to the weather f ________ , it will be sunny tomorrow. 2. You can get a better v ________ of the city from the top of the hill. 3. Did he tell you what school he g________ from? orecast iew raduate 语法 填空( 3 points ) 1. I found him an honest and _______ (rely) man. 2. They talked about it for hours. ________ ( final), they decided not to go . 3.Ever since 1990, the Green s __________ ( live) a peaceful life in this village . reliable Finally have lived 请根据下面提示写一篇 游记。 1 . 自从 大学 毕业 后, 我 一直 梦想 有机会去印度旅行 。 现在,终于得到了一个机会; 2 . 说服 好朋友一起去; 3 . 定好了 时间表 和 路线 ; 4 . 印度和中国在许多方面都 相似 。 5. 它们都有许多如 寺庙 、 洞穴 之类美丽的 风景 。 6 . 两国都有很多的人口,都很 关注民生 。 Suggested Words( 提示词 ) ever since graduate from dream of persuade…to do prefer schedule route be similar in view temple cave care bout livehood disadvantage be fond of Writing 请根据下面提示写一篇 游记。 1 . 自从 大学 毕业 后, 我 一直 梦想 有机会去印度旅行 。 现在,终于得到了一个机会; 2 . 说服 好朋友一起去; 3 . 定好了 时间表 和 路线 ; 4 . 印度和中国在许多方面都 相似 。 5. 它们都有许多如 寺庙 、 洞穴 之类美丽的 风景 。 6 . 两国都有很多的人口,都很 关注民生 。 Suggested Words( 提示词 ) ever since graduate from dream of persuade…to do prefer schedule route be similar in view temple cave care bout livehood disadvantage be fond of Writing My journey to India Ever since I graduated from college, I have been dreaming of having a chance to go to India for a long journey. Finally I got a chance to go there. First, I tried to persuade my friend to go with me because she preferred to stay at home. Because of my determined request, she changed her mind and gave in to me. After carefully drawing up our schedule and our route, we started off. Compared with China, India is similar in many ways. They both have many beautiful views to see, such as temples and caves. The two countries both have a large population and care more about the people's livehood. Though there were many disadvantages during our journey, we were still fond of it . Polish your composition Life is also like a journey. If we want to enjoy the beautiful view s of life, we must be determined and never give in to difficulties !

