高中英语必修1 - Unit 4单元训练及解析

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高中英语必修1 - Unit 4单元训练及解析

Unit 4 ‎ ‎ (时间:40分钟 满分:45分)‎ Ⅰ.单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)‎ ‎1.On hearing the news that her son had won the game, she ________laughter.‎ ‎(2012·浙江宁海正学中学高三测试)‎ A.burst out B.burst with C.burst upon D.burst into ‎ 答案 D [答案 Burst into laughter“大笑起来”,为固定搭配,等于burst out laughing。句意:‎ 听到她儿子赢了比赛的消息,她大笑起来。]‎ ‎2.I have ________my husband to do regular exercise again and again,but I can't________him.‎ A.persuaded; advised B.advised; persuade C.suggested;persuade D.suggested; advise 答案 B [考查动词短语的辨析应用。advise sb to do sth建议某人干某事,但对方不一定接 受;persuade sb to do sth说服某人干某事,且事件已成功;suggest 后不接sb to do sth。句意:‎ 我不止一次的建议我丈夫进行有规律的锻炼,但是我说不服他。]‎ ‎3.China won't be a fastgrowing but fragile country.It has to develop its military strength in order ‎ to make any power think twice ________ trying to offend China's key interests.‎ ‎(2012·奉新三中高三周考)‎ A.before B.when C.while D.until 答案 A [考查状语从句。句意:中国并不是一个快速发展却容易被人欺凌的国家,她必须 发展其军事力量,以便让任何想侵犯其核心利益的国家都三思而后行。]‎ ‎4.It rained continuously for seven days, completely________ our holiday.‎ ‎(2012·福建南平市高三适应性考试)‎ A.ruined B.to ruin C.ruining D.ruins 答案 C [考查非谓语动词的用法。动词ruin与主句内容之间为逻辑上的主谓关系,故应用 现在分词形式,在句中作结果状语。句意:连续下了好几天的雨,把我们的假期全毁了。]‎ 9‎ ‎5.Broadly speaking, I would agree with Shirley, though not________.‎ A.entirely B.widely C.extremely D.eventually 答案 A [考查副词词义的辨析。entirely完全地;widely广泛地;extremely极端地; eventually 最后。句意:我大体上同意Shirley的话,尽管不完全同意。]‎ ‎6.—Jack fell off the bike yesterday, but he is all right now.‎ ‎ —What a lucky dog! He________himself badly.(2012·江西抚州市高三模拟)‎ A.should injure B.might injure C.should have injured D.could have injured 答案 D [考查情态动词的用法。由语境可知,空格处表示对过去情况的推测,故D项正确,‎ 意为“可能会……”;should have done意为“过去”应该干某事而没有干”。句意:——昨天杰克 从自行车上掉下来了,但现在没事了。——真幸运!他可能会受伤的。]‎ ‎7.Don't touch________live wire, or you will get________shock.(2012·山东实验中学高三模拟)‎ A.the; the B.the; a C./; a D./;/‎ 答案 B [考查冠词的使用。第一空由形容词live可知应表示特指,即“通电的电线”,应用 定冠词the;第二空get a shock 被电击,为短语搭配。句意:不要触摸火线,要不然你会被 电击的。]‎ ‎8.—Mike, our team will play against the Rockets this weekend.I am sure we will win.‎ ‎—________!‎ A.Congratulations B.Cheers C.Never mind D.Good luck ‎ 答案 D [考查情景交际。第一句话中用了一般将来时,表示该比赛还没有举行,故应用 Good luck (祝你们好运)来表示对对方的祝福。句意:——迈克,这周末我们队要和火箭队进 行比赛了,我肯定我们能赢。——祝你们好运。]‎ ‎9.A good story does not necessarily have to have a happy ending, but the readers must not be ‎ left________.‎ A.unsatisfied B.unsatisfying C.to be unsatisfying D.being unsatisfied 答案 A [考查形容词作补足语。leave +宾语+宾补,意为“使……处于某种状态。‎ Unsatisfied感到不满意的,常用来指人;unsatisfying令人不满意的,常用来指物。句意:一 9‎ 个好的故事不一定有一个好的结尾,但一定不要让读者觉得不满意。]‎ ‎10.A poweful earthquake________Yushu,which caused great loss.‎ A.happened B.seized C.frightened D.hit 答案 D [考查动词词义辨析。happen 发生;seize 抓住;frighten 使害怕;hit袭击。句意:‎ 强烈的地震袭击了玉树并造成了巨大的损失。]‎ ‎11.Among the competitors, there are three little girls,________is Mary.‎ A.the smallest of whom B.the smaller of whom C.the smallest of them D.the smallest one 答案 A [考查定语从句的用法。由three little girls可知,small应为最高级形式,排除B项;‎ C、D两项为并列句的主语,两个分句之间缺少并列词,故A项正确。句意:在这些参赛选 手中有三个小女孩,其中最小的那个是玛丽。]‎ ‎12.By the end of last week, the price of garlic(蒜) ________13.5 yuan per kilo, quite beyond most ‎ people's consumption ability.‎ A.had risen to B.has risen to C.has got to D.had reached to 答案 A [考查时态及短语的搭配。rise to上升到;get to达到;reach后不接介词to;由句 中的时间状语 by the end of last week 可知,空格处应用过去完成时。句意:到上周末为止,‎ 大蒜的价格上升到每公斤13.5元,远远超出了大部分人的消费能力。 ] ‎ ‎13.108 hours after the earthquake in Turkey,a 19yearold boy was________from under the fallen ‎ buildings ,which excited many people.‎ A.dug out B.taken out C.held out D.found out 答案 A [考查动词短语辨析。 dig out 挖出;掘出;take out 取出;拿出;hold out 伸出;‎ find out查明,发现(事情的真相)。由语境可知A项正确。句意:土耳其地震发生108个小时 之后,一个19岁的男孩被从倒塌的房屋下救出来,这使得许多人感到很兴奋。]‎ ‎14.________in the newspaper,I didn't notice the bus had left.‎ A.Having buried B.Burying 9‎ C.Buried D.To be buried 答案 C [考查非谓语动词的用法。be buried in专心致志于;埋头于,作状语时常省略be 动 词。若选B项,则其后应加 myself。句意:由于专心致志的看报纸,我没有注意到汽车已开 走了。]‎ ‎15.________the happy look on her face,she must have known the news that her son had been ‎ admitted to Beijing University.‎ A.Judged from B.Judging from C.To judge from D.Judge from 答案 B [考查独立成分作状语。judging from根据……来判断,是一种固定的表达方式。句 意:从她脸上幸福的表情来判断,她一定已经知道了她儿子被北京大学录取了这一消息。]‎ Ⅱ.完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)‎ Four years ago,I felt lucky after escaping one of those terrible 2mile runs.I hated __16__;it ‎ was just something that __17__ came easily to me.At that time,if you had told me that I would one ‎ day run a marathon,I'd have told you in all honesty that I had a better __18__ of winning the ‎ lottery(彩票).‎ The turning __19__ came when I met Mrs.Green.She was fifty years old,going through ‎ chemotherapy(化学疗法)for her cancer,and still __20__ to run 30 miles a week.I __21__ that if ‎ Mrs.Green could run 6 miles at a time,I could run at least two.In February,in cold weather,I ‎ started to walk a 2mile __22__ around my neighborhood.Two months later,I __23__ the whole ‎ route,running for the first time.I felt exhausted,__24__ I felt happy.‎ Over the next several years,I continued to push each run for a few __25__ minutes,slowlybuilding my endurance(耐力).I didn't need to __26__ against other runners, for my most ‎ important competitor was myself.‎ After continuing to __27__ myself,I knew it was time to step my training up.I __28__ I would ‎ train for the Detroit Free Press/Flagstar Marathon.‎ The race day __29__ came,and I was filled with excitement and worry.It was final time to see ‎ what I was made of.The __30__ ended up incredibly.I did __31__ through the last few miles,but ‎ after my journey,there was no doubt in my mind that I'd finished.As I __32__ the finish line,I ‎ experienced the strongest sense of __33__ and happiness I had ever had in my life.I am now a ‎ 9‎ marathoner.‎ As John Bingham once said,“The __34__ isn't that I finished.The miracle(奇迹)is that I had ‎ the __35__to start.”‎ ‎【解题导语】 本文作者一开始讨厌跑步,但看到得了癌症的格林太太一个星期跑30英 里,于是自己也每天坚持跑步,最后竟然参加了马拉松比赛。‎ ‎16.A.studying B.thinking C.running D.teaching 答案 C [考查语境理解。由上下文的语境可知作者讨厌跑步,故选C。]‎ ‎17.A.never B.always C.usually D.often 答案 A [考查上下文语境。由前文的“felt lucky after escaping”及“hated”可知,跑步对作者 来说从来不是件容易事,故选A。]‎ ‎18.A.chance B.belief C.suggestion D.hope 答案 A [考查语境。此处表示作者更可能会买彩票中奖,故选A,chance意为“机会”。]‎ ‎19.A.case B.point C.situation D.stage 答案 B [考查上下文语境。由后文可知作者遇到格林太太后情况便有了转机。turning point 意为“转折点”,为固定短语。]‎ ‎20.A.devoted B.applied C.led D.managed 答案 D [考查上下文语境。此处指尽管她生病了,但仍然一个星期跑30英里。manage to do ‎ sth“设法做成某事”,符合句意。devote to“专心致力于”;apply to“应用,运用”;lead to“导致”。]‎ ‎21.A.figured B.agreed C.proved D.ordered 答案 A [考查上下文语境。作者认为格林太太一次能跑6英里,那么作者就能跑至少2英 里。figure意为“认为,以为”,符合语境。]‎ ‎22.A.race B.route C.site D.test 答案 B [考查上下文语境,由第23空后的“route”及空前的“2mile”可知此处指2英里的路 程,故选B。]‎ ‎23.A.closed B.changed C.finished D.considered 答案 C [考查上下文语境。此处指作者第一次跑完了2英里的路程,故选C。]‎ ‎24.A.and B.or C.so D.but 答案 D [考查上下文语境。由“exhausted”和“happy”可知前后分句之间为转折关系,故选D。]‎ ‎25.A.perfect B.extra C.actual D.basic 9‎ 答案 B [考查上下文语境。由下文讲述的作者慢慢提升耐力可知,此处表示作者每一次跑 步的时间增加几分钟,故选B。]‎ ‎26.A.compete B.take C.rely D.argue ‎ 答案 A [考查上下文语境。由后半句“for my most important competitor was myself.”可知此 处应该是说作者不用与其他的跑步者竞赛。]‎ ‎27.A.treat B.entertain C.march D.challenge 答案 D [考查上下文语境。由前文提到作者一次次地增加跑步的时间可知作者是在挑战 ‎(challenge)自己。]‎ ‎28.A.forced B.decided C.doubted D.seemed 答案 B [考查上下文语境。后文提到作者要去参赛,此处应该是作者的决定,故选B。]‎ ‎29.A.certainly B.instantly C.finally D.regularly 答案 C [考查上下文语境。由语境可知,此处指出赛的日子最后(finally)到来了。]‎ ‎30.A.moment B.atmosphere C.experience D.reward 答案 C [考查上下文语境。由33空前面的“experienced”可知这是作者的一次体验。]‎ ‎31.A.struggle B.press C.break D.go 答案 A [考查上下文语境。由语境可知,在最后的几英里路程上,作者的确努力了。Struggle 意为“奋斗,努力”,符合语境。]‎ ‎32.A.toured B.moved C.crossed D.stopped 答案 C [考查常识。由常识可知,比赛时我们通常说穿过终点线,故选C,cross意为“穿 过”,符合语境。]‎ ‎33.A.touch B.pride C.humor D.award 答案 B [ 考查常识。穿过终点线后,作者应该感到自豪(pride),故选B。]‎ ‎34.A.miracle B.habit C.method D.plan 答案 A [考查上下文语境。由最后一句话中的“The miracle”可知此处意为“奇迹不是我完成 了(某事)”。]‎ ‎35.A.ability B.choice C.thought D.courage 答案 D [考查上下文语境。此处意为“奇迹是我有勇气(courage)开始”,故选D。]‎ Ⅲ.阅读理解(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)‎ The Ministry of Health has called for more awareness from the public on the mental health of ‎ the young,as part of efforts to mark World Mental Health Day.‎ 9‎ More than 15 percent of the Chinese youth have been found with mental problems,and about ‎ ‎30 million young people under 17 are suffering from depression,the Shanghaibased Wenhui Daily ‎ reported.‎ The World Health Organization estimated that before 2020,the rate of children with mental ‎ problems will increase to 50 percent,and mental problem will become a major factor behind death ‎ and illness in the young worldwide.‎ Deng Xiaohong,the spokesperson for the Beijing municipal health bureau,said rapid social ‎ change is one of the reasons behind the rising number of youngsters with psychological problems.‎ If these mental diseases are not addressed on time,occurrence of crime,drugtaking and other ‎ dangerous behavior is expected to rise.‎ Experts said mental disease could be caused by many factors,such as the inability to handle ‎ interpersonal relations well,unstable emotions and pressure from the overload of study.A number ‎ of experts have also said the onechild policy is another reason leading to poor mental health in the ‎ young.‎ Children were said to be too “spoiled” and “selfish” in onechild families.Schools in many ‎ cities were reported rolling out measures to help students maintain their mental wellbeing,Yin ‎ Jingmiao,a teacher of the Beijing No.105 Middle School,told China Daily that the school invites ‎ psychologists to provide counseling to students three times a month.“Students can be arranged to ‎ have 40minute counseling sessions,”Yin said.The school also gives lectures on mental health to ‎ senior grade students before they take the national college entrance exams,to help ease any anxiety ‎ arising from the tests.‎ ‎36.What is the purpose of the passage?‎ A.To urge awareness on mental health of the young.‎ B.To give the details of the problems the Chinese youth are facing today C.To recommend that schools should invite more psychologists to help solve the mental problems ‎ among the youth.‎ D.To show us the causes of the mental problems among students.‎ 答案 A [考查写作意图。参照文章第一段中“The Ministry of Health has called for more ‎ awareness from the public on the metal health of the young,”可知,作者写作的意图是希望人们 对青少年的心理健康引起高度的重视。]‎ 9‎ ‎37.The underlined word “addressed” in the fifth paragraph most probably means “________”.‎ A.talked about B.dealt with C.satisfied D.introduced 答案 B [考查词义猜测。根据后半句提到犯罪、吸毒等不良行为会有所上升,可推断出上 半句意为“如果青少年的心理疾病得不到有效的处理。”address意为“deal with”。]‎ ‎38.From the passage we can know that the causes of mental problems are mainly the following ‎ EXCEPT ________.‎ A.onechild policy B.lack of ability to handle interpersonal relations well C.lack of special training in mental health D.heavy burden from study 答案 C [考查细节理解。参照文章第六段可知引起青少年心理问题的原因包括独生子女问 题,不能处理人际关系,学业负担过重,不包括缺少心理健康方面特殊培训。]‎ ‎39.Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?‎ A.By 2020,about 50 percent of the students in China will have mental problems.‎ B.Mental problems mainly appear among the youth while they are seldom seen among adults.‎ C.China has the largest number of youngsters with psychological problems.‎ D.Many schools have realized the problem and taken measures 答案 D [考查细节理解。结合文章第三段可知,到2020,青少年心理问题的比率在世界范 围内将达到50%,而并非在中国,判断A项错误;B、C两项文中无判断依据,故错误;根 据文章最后一段中“Schools in many cities were reported rolling out measures to...”可判断D项正 确。]‎ ‎40.We can infer that to bring down the occurrence of mental problems among the youth,‎ ‎________.‎ A.attention should be paid to the education of the only child B.psychologist must be a necessary part of school C.the government will cancel tests to ease the pressure on the students D.rapid social change plays the leading part in causing mental problems 答案 A [考查推理判断。结合文章最后两段,可知专家强调独生子女政策是引起心理健康 问题的主要原因,以及在城市 中许多学校针对青少年心理健康所采取的一些措施,从而推断 9‎ 出要特别关注青少年的教育问题,所以答案选择A。]‎ 写作素材集锦 单词 ‎1.win赢 ‎2.incredibly令人难以置信 短语 ‎1.be filled with充满 ‎2.turning point转折点 ‎3.in all honesty说实话 句子 I felt exhausted,but I felt happy.‎ 我感到很累,但是我感到很快乐 。 ‎ 9‎

