四川省仁寿一中南校区2021届高三上学期第一次调研考试英语试题 图片版含答案

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四川省仁寿一中南校区2021届高三上学期第一次调研考试英语试题 图片版含答案

2018 级高三第一次调研考试 英语试卷答案 听力答案:1-5 CBBAC 6 -10 B ACAC 11-15 BABCA 16-20 CBAAB 阅读:21-40ABD CBBA AABD DABD 七选五:36-40 EDBAG 完型:41-45CDACB46-50 ADACD 51-55 CBADB56-60BACDB 语法填空:1.which 2.traditional 3. an 4. named 5. fell 6. Unfortunately 7. when 8. were separated 9. loyalty 10. to meet 改错: 第一行:去掉 have 第二行:better---best 第三行:facing---faced ; In--On 第四行:me--myself 第五行:work--works 第六行:delightful--delight ; 第七行:a(huge success); both--all: wish--wishing Dear Mom and Dad, Entering Senior Three,I really hope to have a heart-to-heart talk with you! During the years,I always feel grateful for your unselfish care and love.Thanks to your constant encouragement,I have been making remarkable progress in my study.(高分句型一)Since it will be less than one month before the exam,I'm under great pressure now.I would appreciate it if you can have a frequent talk with me and provide me with timely help,which contributes to my staying in a good state.(高分句型二) I am fully aware of the responsibilities I am shouldering.I have made up my mind to make every effort to study,for I believe hard work is the key to success.Just as the saying goes,"no pains,no gains."Meanwhile,I will spare some time to participate in sports activities,aiming to build up my body and free myself from the heavy load of studies.(高分句型三)Mom and Dad,I am quite confident about my future. Wish you good health and a happy life. Yours sincerely, 二、内容要点认定及计分参考标准 1. 写信目的(阐述清楚,表达正确,计 5 分) 2. 感谢父母(鼓励,照顾,帮助…) (说明清楚,表达正确,计 10 分) 3. 学习打算(刻苦努力,考入梦想大学,锻炼身体…) (阐述清楚,表达正确,计 10 分) 三、扣分参考依据 1. 其表达未能达成正确句意的,不给分。如:写出了主语或谓语等关键词,但未能达成符合要点要 求,意义正确的句子。 2. 句子结构完整,但关键点出现错误或漏掉部分关键词,扣半个要点分。如:主谓一致错误,或关 键词拼写错误,或谓语动词时态、语态错误等。 3. 凡使用铅笔答题,或答题中使用了涂改液或不干胶条,一律不给分。 4. 凡多次出现非关键性单词拼写错误或其它同类错误,原则上每四处扣 1 分。 5. 文章内容要点全面,但写出了一些多余内容,原则上不扣分。 6. 凡书写超出规定的答题区域,全卷不给分。 7. 书写潦草凌乱,但基本不影响阅卷的,酌情扣卷面分 1~2 分。

