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‎ 2019届二轮复习书面表达专题应用文10篇训练之六 ‎ [一]‎ 假定你是李华,上周日是你的外国朋友Anne 的生日。你本来答应参加她的生日聚会,但是你当时正忙于准备月考,不小心忘了赴约。请用英语写一封信向Anne表达你的歉意,说明原因,并提出补救办法。‎ 注意:1.词数100左右;‎ ‎2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。‎ 参考范文 Dear Anne,  ‎ I am very sorry that I didn’t attend your birthday party last Sunday. I feel awful about it and want to apologize to you.‎ It was nice of you to invite me to your party. I should have come and celebrated the precious moment with you,but the monthly test is around the corner,so I was so busy preparing for the test that I forgot the appointment. I hope you understand my situation and forgive me. Is it possible for you and me to have a private meeting after the test? I do long for a pleasant chat with you.‎ It is much to my regret that I missed the chance of a happy gettogether. Once again,please accept my sincere apology.‎ Yours,‎ Li Hua ‎ [二]‎ ‎5月1日,高三(3)班的学生志愿者李悦和张华去阳光敬老院(Sunshine Nursing Home)开展志愿者活动(送水果、打扫、聊天等)。假如你是校英语报的记者,请按下列要点用英语写一篇新闻报道。‎ ‎1.时间、地点、任务、活动。‎ ‎2.老人们的反应。‎ ‎3.简短评论。‎ 佳作欣赏 Student Volunteers Brought Sunshine to the Elderly On May Day,two senior middle school students—Li Yue and Zhang Hua,from Class Three,Grade Three,went to Sunshine Nursing Home and did some voluntary work. Upon their arrival,Li Yue and Zhang Hua were warmly welcomed,and respectfully,they presented the elderly with flowers and fruits. Then,they started working at once,cleaning the windows and sweeping the floor. Everything done,they sat in the yard chatting with the elderly people.‎ When it was time for the volunteers to leave,the elderly people thanked them for their kindness. They said it was such a beautiful day that they would remember it forever.‎ Li Yue and Zhang Hua were very happy. What they did has brought joy to others and enriched their own lives.‎ ‎ [三]‎ 请你(Kate)结合下列要点给你美国的笔友Helen写一封电邮,描述你对未来职业的畅想——做一名救死扶伤的医生。要点如下:‎ ‎1.你的祖父是位名医,是你的榜样;‎ ‎2.医生可以救治伤者,对社会贡献很大;‎ ‎3.你相信可以通过努力成为一名优秀的医生。‎ 佳作欣赏 Dear Helen,‎ How is it going? Today I’m writing to share my dream with you.‎ When I was a little kid,I made up my mind to become a good doctor who could save lots of people’s lives. My grandfather,who is a famous doctor in our city,is always my idol. I would like to be a perfect doctor like him and contribute my high medical skills to serving more people. By curing and saving patients,a doctor is able to help more families live a happy life. It is really a noble job for us to engage in. Of course,at first I have to pass the entrance examination to a good medical college. Please cheer me up!With great effort,I believe I ‎ can make my dream come true.‎ Best wishes!‎ Yours sincerely,‎ Kate ‎ ‎ [四]‎ 假如你是李明,你正在陕西省省会西安旅游。你的朋友彼得发来电子邮件,让你介绍一下当地情况。请根据下表所提供的要点作出回复,并希望他也能来此旅游。‎ 基本情况 ‎1.历史悠久,华夏文明的发源地,号称“自然历史博物馆”;‎ ‎2.四面临山傍水,风景优美。‎ 重要名胜古迹 ‎1.秦始皇兵马俑(世界第八大奇迹);‎ ‎2.周边有华山(五岳之一)、渭河、秦岭山脉等;‎ ‎3.……‎ 参考词汇:秦始皇兵马俑Terra Cotta Warriors and Horses 佳作欣赏 Dear Peter,‎ I am very glad to tell you about my trip in Xi’an,the capital city of Shaanxi Province. Its beautiful scenery is really a feast for the eyes and its long history has impressed me so much.‎ There is no denying that Xi’an is the origin of Chinese civilization. Maybe “the eighth major miracle of the world” alone,Terra Cotta Warriors and Horses,is enough to explain why it enjoys the title of “Natural History Museum”,not to mention other numerous historical sites,such as Famen Temple and the City Wall of the Ming Dynasty and so on. Furthermore,with Qinling Mountains to the south and the Weihe River to the north it is in a favorable geographical location surrounded by water and hills. Huashan Mountain in particular makes me love it at the first sight with its breathtaking cliffs and unique characteristics. No wonder that it is regarded as one of the five bestknown mountains in China.‎ Xi’an is really worth your visiting.I look forward to your coming.‎ Yours,‎ Li Ming ‎ [五]‎ 请你结合下面要点提供的信息,给某英语晚报写一篇新闻报道,简单介绍研究油菜花的父子农民科学家。要点如下:‎ ‎1.沈克泉、沈昌健是湖南一对普通的农民父子;‎ ‎2.40年前,沈克泉立志培育出优质杂交油菜(hybrid rape);‎ ‎3.父子二人靠自学、肉眼观察、记录和总结规律,经1 000多次实验后培育出优质品种;‎ ‎4.“油菜花父子”用实际行动证明农民也能变成科学家。‎ 佳作欣赏 Shen Kequan and his son Shen Changjian who used to be two common farmers in Hunan Province have become famous because they developed hybrid rape with good quality.40 years ago Shen Kequan made up his mind to cultivate a kind of good hybrid rape. To reach his goal,the farmer together with his son taught themselves agriculture knowledge,observed the rape with their eyes,kept records and drew conclusions themselves. Although they hadn’t got professional education,they used their way to find out how to solve the problems they met. Finally,they produced a kind of hybrid rape with excellent quality after more than 1,000 experiments. The father and his son’s achievement tells us that farmers can also become scientists.‎ ‎ [六]‎ 随着科技的发展,人类对外层空间的探索越来越深入。你们班据此展开了一次讨论,请根据表格中的内容写一篇短文,并谈谈你的观点和想法。‎ 支持(多数学生)‎ ‎1.探索太空是中国人一直以来的梦想;‎ ‎2.有助于未来中国参与国际竞争。‎ 反对(部分学生)‎ ‎1.探索太空需要大量的金钱,增加国家的负担;‎ ‎2.中国是一个发展中国家,应努力解决其他社会问题。‎ 你的观点和感想 ‎……‎ 佳作欣赏 A survey about the exploration of outer space is conducted in our class. The result shows that different students have different opinions.‎ The majority are in favor of space exploration because the Chinese people have been dreaming of going into outer space for a long time. Exploring space will help China to take part in the international competition in the future. However,some students argue against it. In their opinion,space exploration increases the economic burden,which calls for a large amount of money. In addition,as a developing country,China is supposed to make every effort to solve other social problems.‎ Personally,it’s necessary for us to explore space,and we not only feel happy but also proud of the great achievements made in this field. As a student,I will study hard so that I can make a great contribution to our country.‎ 名师点睛 本文结构清晰:第一段引出话题;第二段说明我们班同学对太空探索两种截然不同的观点;第三段总结自己的观点。文章特色如下:‎ 巧用被动语态引出话题;运用宾语从句表明我们班同学对太空探索有分歧,为下面两种观点的陈述作铺垫;运用原因状语从句、动名词作主语整合信息,说明观点,运用定语从句进一步提出所支持观点的根据运用not only...but also...及结果状语从句总结自己的观点;写作过程中巧妙地使用过渡和衔接词语,如however,in addition,personally等,确保行文连贯,过渡自然。‎ ‎ [七] ‎ 请根据下列表格的内容,写一篇影评。‎ 电影名 A Father with His Twentyfive Children (《25个孩子一个爹》)‎ 剧情简介 改革开放以来,人民的生活水平有了极大的改善,赵光也成了富户。在一次大会上,面对媒体,善良的赵光说,愿为所有的孤儿当爹。不料,这句话为他带来了不小的麻烦,一共来了25个孤儿。但他还是下定决心建一所小学来教育他们。最后在政府的帮助下,25个孤儿终于有了自己的归属。‎ 你的看法 该片讲述了一段真实、感人的故事,表现了人们在当今社会对真情的渴望,也告诉我们只要人人都献出一点爱,整个世界就会更美好。这确实是一部好电影,值得一看。‎ 佳作欣赏 The film is about Zhao Guang who has become rich since the reform and opening up in China. At one meeting,he says in front of the media that he’d like to be the father of every orphan and take care of them. To his surprise,there are 25 children in all turning to him. It causes lots of trouble for him,but he is determined to set up a primary school to educate them. The film has a happy ending and these children settle down with the help of the local government.‎ The film shows us that we need real love and care in our society. Only when everyone offers his love can the whole world become better. I think highly of this film because it is funny and moving. In my opinion,the film is well worth watching.‎ 名师点睛 文章在谋篇布局上分了两部分,一部分是影片的简介,另一部分是影片的亮点、主题以及作者对此片的评价。结构上显得非常紧凑。作者善于运用承上启下的词汇或句型,如to his surprise,in my opinion等。文章也运用了较复杂的句式,如who引导的定语从句及“only+状语从句”位于句首构成的倒装句等,给文章增色不少。还有些短语的运用,如take care of,be determined to do,think highly of,be worth doing等也给文章增加了色彩。‎ ‎ [八]‎ 目前,食品安全问题引起了人们的广泛关注。一些生产厂商为了降低成本追求利润,削减了必要的安全措施,致使一些劣质或有害食品流入市场,对人们的健康产生了极大的危害。请你就此事给一家英文报刊写封信,谈谈个人看法并呼吁整个社会关注此事。‎ 参考词汇:利润profit;安全措施safety measures 佳作欣赏 Dear Sir,‎ I’m writing to talk about the problems of food safety nowadays. To reduce the cost and make more profits,some food companies don’t take necessary safety measures to guarantee the food quality. As a result,more and more lowquality food flows into the market,doing a lot of harm to consumers’ health.‎ In my opinion,food is essential to human beings. We can not live without proper food. If no notice were taken of food safety,the health of the whole nation would suffer. So I call on the whole society to take action and put an end to the lowquality food. Only in this way can we live a healthier life.‎ Yours truly,‎ Li Hua 名师点睛 本文结构清晰,层次分明。第一段提出问题、分析原因,第二段提出了应对食品安全问题的建议。分析原因时,作者运用了动词不定式短语作目的状语,take necessary safety measures,guarantee the food quality等高级词汇;在造成的后果方面,作者使用了as a result衔接,同时使用了现在分词短语作结果状语及do a lot of harm to等短语;在提出建议的描述中作者运用了条件状语从句、倒装句等复杂句式及in my opinion,be essential to,not...without,take notice of,call on,take action,put an end to等高级词汇,增强了表达效果。‎ ‎ [九]‎ 每年6月的第三个星期日,很多人都会庆祝父亲节,请根据以下提示以“Father’s Day”为题,用英语写一篇网络日志(blog),介绍一下父亲节在中国的庆祝情况,并发表自己的观点和看法。‎ ‎1.父亲节是一个表达爱和亲情的日子;‎ ‎2.为父亲准备一份礼物,给父亲选张贺卡,通个电话。‎ 佳作欣赏 Father’s Day Today’s Father’s Day. We all know that Father’s Day is a festival on which sons and daughters will show their love and respect to their father. On the third Sunday of June every year,children will choose a gift for their father no matter how busy they are. Then all the family members will get together to have a delicious dinner to celebrate Father’s Day. Some children,especially those who are working far away from home,may post a card with best wishes to their father. Sometimes,they can make a telephone call to send their best regards.‎ In my opinion,in whatever way we celebrate it,our father will be pleased and very satisfied with it. I usually choose a card or a smart gift for my father,and my father will always be moved when I present it to him on that day.‎ 名师点睛 本文能写明全部的提示要点,叙述客观准确,语言地道。写作时有效地使用了语句和段落间的连接成分,如:then,especially,sometimes,in my opinion等,使得文章内容紧凑,过渡自然,行文连贯;用词准确,富于变化,使用了一些较高级的词汇和结构较复杂的句子,如在表达“给父亲送祝福”时使用了多种不重复的方式,如: “post a card with best wishes to their father”和 “send their best regards”等,同时使用了定语从句、让步状语从句、时间状语从句等,这些充分显示了作者具有较强的驾驭语言和综合运用语言的能力。‎ ‎[十]‎ 你校计划进行一次宣传活动,主题是保护人类共同的朋友——动物。现请你就此写一份宣传材料,内容包括动物的生存现状、动物对于人类的重要性等,并且在最后提出倡议。‎ 佳作欣赏 Dear friends,‎ Have you noticed that the number of rare animals is on the ‎ decrease?With our environment going worse,many animals can’t adapt themselves to the new changes so that many species are endangered or have even died out. Besides,human activity also has a great influence on them. For example,people often kill them in order to get their meat or fur.‎ Animals are our friends. They play an important role in keeping the balance of nature. We can’t live without them. What’s more,both humans and animals should share the earth equally. To show our love to animals can definitely help us live more happily.‎ To conclude,please remember your care can make a difference. Join us in protecting our best friends—animals.‎ 名师点睛 本文层次清楚,第一段描写动物受到威胁的现状,第二段是动物对人类的重要性,第三段提出了倡议。作者的遣词造句还有以下特点:(1)短语的有效运用。文中出现了大量的短语,如:on the decrease,adapt oneself to,die out,have a great influence on,in order to,play an important role in,make a difference等,这些短语的恰当使用丰富了文章的语言,也有助于准确地表达文意。(2)较复杂句式的使用也是该文的一个亮点,如:with复合结构和so that句型。(3)作者成功地使用了多个副词来表达强烈的感情,如:equally,definitely等。‎

