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‎2019届二轮复习完形填空解题技巧之词汇复现(2018高考全国卷试题为例)‎ ‎ “词汇复现(Reiteration)”是指某一词汇以原词、同义词/近义词、反义词、同畴词等重复出现在语篇之中,使得语篇中的句子相互衔接和连贯,意义统一完整。词汇复现通常包含:原词复现、同义词/近义词复现、反义词复现、同畴词复现。‎ 词汇复现是高考英语试卷中题型覆盖面非常广和运用较多的一种测试手段,尤其是在完形填空题中。在把握语篇,依托语境的基础上,运用词汇复现技巧能更快的找出正确答案。下面我们利用这一解题技巧,揭秘2018全国卷完形填空的词汇复现。‎ ‎     2018全国I卷完形填空:‎ During my second year at the city college, I was told that the education department was offering a “free” course, called Thinking Chess, for three credits. I   41 jumped at  the idea of taking the class because, after all, who doesn't want to    42    a few dollars? More than that, I' d always wanted to learn chess. And, even if I weren't    43 excited   enough about free credits, news about our   44 instructor  was appealing enough to me. He was an international grandmaster, which   45 meant   I would be learning from one of the game’s     46   . I could hardly wait to  47 meet   him.‎ ‎     I managed to get an A in that    53    and learned life lessons that have served me well beyond the   54 classroom  .‎ ‎ ‎ ‎42. A. waste    B. earn             ‎ ‎     C. save      D. pay ‎46. A. fastest  B. easiest          ‎ ‎     C. best      D. rarest ‎53. A. game   B. presentation  ‎ ‎    C. course   D. experiment ‎【答案分析】‎ ‎42.C 近义词复现。根据前文的a “free” course 中的free(免费)就是save(节约,节省钱)。   ‎ ‎46.C 近义词复现。best最佳的,国际象棋领域最棒的人之一,是前文的an international grandmaster(国际大师)的同义表述。‎ ‎53.C 原词复现。我在那门课程中取得了A的成绩。那个课就是文章第一句中的 a “free” course 中的course(课程)。‎ ‎2018全国II卷完形填空:‎ Getting a little   46 closer  , I realized one kayak (皮筏艇) was in   47 trouble . “Something’s not   48   !”‎ The instructors called for an ambulance.  55 Fortunately , after a brief stay in hospital, Ben was well enough to be allowed to   56   and later the family met up for dinner.‎ ‎46. A. real        B. right     C. fair       D. fit ‎56. A. return    B. relax     C. speak    D. leave ‎【答案分析】‎ ‎48.B 近义词复现。作者意识到一艘皮艇遇到了麻烦,才会在心里想“某事不对劲”。本句跟前一句说的是一回事,not right是trouble 的近义词。‎ ‎56.D 反义词复现。经过短暂的住院治疗后,Ben已经可以离开(leave)医院了。leave是前半句stay in hospital中stay的反义词。‎ ‎2018全国III卷完形填空:‎ When most of us get a text message on our cell phone from anunknown person, we usually say “sorry,   41   number!” and move on But when Dennis Williams   42   a text that clearly wasn’t intended for him, he did something    43    .‎ The baby was born and update texts were  47 coming in quickly from theoverjoyed grandmother, Teresa. In her  48  ,she didn' t seem to realized that she was   49 sharing  the baby' s photos with a complete stranger.‎ ‎“What a   58 blessing   this young man was to our family! He was so    59   and kind to do this.”‎ ‎41. A. unlucky      B. secret        ‎ ‎     C. new            D. wrong ‎42. A. received     B. translated  ‎ ‎     C. copied        D. printed ‎43. A. reasonable  B. special      ‎ ‎     C. necessary    D. practical ‎48. A. opinion      B. anxiety      ‎ ‎     C. excitement  D. effort ‎59. A. smart         B. calm          ‎ ‎    C. sweet           D. fair ‎【答案分析】‎ ‎41.D 同畴词复现。根据上文中的“When most of us get a text message on our cell phone from an unknown person”“sorry”可知,此处表示“错误的号码”,所填词的词义与“unknown”是同一范畴,故选D选项。‎ ‎42.A 同义词复现。根据上文中的“get a text message”可知,此处所填词的词义与“get”相同,所以选A. received意为“收到”。‎ ‎43.B 反义词复现。根据句中的“But”及下文内容可知,D所做的事有别于常人,故选special“不寻常的”跟usually say “sorry…”, 形成对照。‎ ‎48.C 同畴词复现。根据上文中的的“The baby was born and… the overjoyed grandmother, Teresa”可知,此处填入的词应与 “overjoyed(欣喜若狂的)”在语义范畴上一致,故选excitement。‎ ‎59.C 同畴词复现。根据语境可知,此处填入的词应与其后的 ‎“kind”在语义范畴上保持一致,故选sweet(好心的,善良的)。‎

