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牛栏山一中2019―2020学年度第1学期期中考试 高二年级英语学科试卷 ‎(考试时间90分钟,共100分)‎ 第一卷(三大题,共70分)‎ 听说(50分)‎ 第一题 A 语法填空 I had a similar experience the last time I visited China. The Chinese are the ___1___(friend) people I have ever met. After my visit to a Chinese family, my friend’s grandfather wouldn’t let me go to the bus station alone. He insisted on___2___(walk)me to the station to see me off. I kept saying that I knew the way myself, but it just did not work. What he did was amazing. This will not happen in many other___3___ (culture), I guess.‎ ‎【答案】1. frendliest ‎ ‎2. walking 3. cultures ‎【解析】‎ 这是一篇记叙文,主要以作者在中国的经历表达中国人是最友好的人。‎ ‎【1题详解】‎ 考察形容词最高级。句意:中国人是我所见到的最友好的人。我所见到的人很多,中国人是最友好的。people是名词,要用形容词friendly修饰,结合句意,应该用形容词的最高级。故填friendliest。‎ ‎【2题详解】‎ 考查非谓语动词。句意:他坚持走路陪我到车站给我送行。insist on意为坚持,后接动词的ing形式作宾语。故填walking。‎ ‎【3题详解】‎ 考查名词复数。句意:这在其他的许多国家不可能发生。many修饰可数名词的复数形式,这里的culture意为(拥有特定信仰的)国家,文化,是可数名词。故填cultures。‎ B 语法填空 The 89-year-old Shen Jilan is one of the eight people who___4___ (award)the Medal of the Republic. As a lifelong farmer, she is the only deputy in China to serve at all 13 National People’s Congress(人民代表大会)since 1954. She___5___ (witness) the development of the People’s Congress system. She has been engaged in enacting(制定) and amending(修改)national laws most of her life. It was she who proposed the clause on “equal pay for equal work” between men and women, ___6___was written into the first Constitution of PRC in 1954.‎ ‎【答案】4. were awarded ‎ ‎5. witnessed ‎ ‎6. which ‎【解析】‎ 分析】‎ 这是一篇说明文,主要介绍了获得共和国勋章的申纪兰的一些事迹。‎ ‎【4题详解】‎ 考查主谓一致和语态。句意:89岁的申纪兰是获得共和国勋章的八人之一。根据句子结构,在who引导的定语从句中,先行词是the eight people,who指代这里的八个人,应用复数,而且他们是被授予共和国勋章,要用被动语态。他们被授予共和国勋章是发生在过去的事情,要用一般过去时。故填were awarded。‎ ‎【5题详解】‎ 考查动词时态。句意:她见证了人民代表大会的发展。结合上文,自从1954年以来,她是唯一的从第一届到第13届全国人民代表大会都参加的代表。所以她见证了人民代表大会的发展,这是发生过的事情,应该用一般过去时。故填witnessed。‎ ‎【6题详解】‎ 考查定语从句。句意:就是她提出了“男女同工同酬”的倡议,被写入了中华人民共和国第一部宪法。分析句子结构,这里是非限制性定语从句, 指代部分主句的意思,从句中作主语,用关系代词which,故填which。‎ ‎【点睛】语法填空中定语从句的解题方法:首先确定先行词,然后分析定语从句句子结构,搞清楚所缺成分,填入相应的关系代词或关系副词。比如第3小题,分析句子结构,这里是非限制性定语从句, 关系词在定语从句中作主语,指代部分主句的意思,用关系代词which,故填which。‎ C 语法填空 From ancient myth(神话) to modern research, left-handed people have been labeled____7____society-for good and bad. Nowadays, “lefties” are ___8___(general) believed to be more talented.‎ According to Live Science, about 10 percent of the world’s population is left-handed. However, nobody has been quite sure ___9___determines a person’s dominant hand. In a new study published on Sep ‎5 in the journal Britain, scientists have pinpointed for the first time the part of our DNA that ___10___(relate) to left-handed.‎ ‎【答案】7. by 8. generally ‎ ‎9. what 10. relates ‎【解析】‎ 这是一篇说明文,主要说明了左撇子的一些情况。‎ ‎【7题详解】‎ 考查介词。句意:从古代神话到现代研究,左撇子都被社会标记为要么好要么坏。左撇子被标记,这是被动语态。被动语态表示动作的发出者时,用介词by。故填by。‎ ‎【8题详解】‎ 考查副词。句意:如今左撇子往往被认为更加聪明。believe是动词,应用副词generally修饰。故填generally。‎ ‎【9题详解】‎ 考查宾语从句。句意:然而,没有人确切知道是什么决定了一个人的惯用手。分析句子结构可知,这里是宾语从句,从句缺少主语。结合题意,故填what。‎ ‎【10题详解】‎ 考查时态。句意:‎9月5日发表在《英国》杂志上的一项新研究中,科学家们首次确定了我们的DNA中与左撇子有关的那部分。DNA中一部分跟左撇子有关,这是客观事实,应该用一般现在时。在这定语从句种,that指代先行词the part of our DNA,所以定语从句谓语动词要用第三人称单数形式,故填relates。‎ 第二题:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)‎ 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。‎ During my second year in high school, I got sick and missed a few days. When I ___11___, I ‎ was greeted with two essays,three days of math and history homework, plus several tests. ____12____ I went home from school that day exhausted, I had to stay up really late to finish them all.‎ The next day at school, I got a shock: I’d totally forgotten to prepare for the ____13____ on Romeo and Juliet, which I’d take ____14____ my lunch hour! Worse still, I had ____15____ the in-class discussion and all the notes. When lunch came, I went to the English room to face my certain doom(厄运). All I could do was try to ____16____ on the questions I didn’t know.‎ As it turned out, I didn’t know the majority of the questions. I was just about to give ___17___ when my pencil accidentally fell and broke. Standing by the blackboard sharpening my pencil, I ____18____ down and there in full view lay the answer sheet for the test! What good fortune! I can kiss good-bye to all my ____19____ of failing the test! My heart started beating, and my brain ____20____, Yes! Read over the answers — quickly! This was quickly followed by another voice, No! You’ll get caught! My mind turning back and forth, Yes! No! Yes! No! …This went on for ten of the ____21____ seconds in my entire life.‎ Finally, I decided to finish the test on my own, without ____22____! I was satisfied with my decision but pretty ____23____ I had failed the test.‎ The next day when I walked into the English room, my great joy of having been an ___24___ soul changed into a wave of doom as I saw my test paper lying face down on my desk. I knew what awaited me. I stared at it a few seconds before I took the ____25____ to turn it over.‎ You can only imagine my ____26____ when I learned that I had passed the test! I have never in my whole life been so happy to see my ____27____ a C-.‎ My mom says the victories that ____28____ the most courage are won within. Now I know ____29____ what she means. Now not only can my conscience (良心) rest easy, but I don’t have to worry about getting caught and meeting a sad ____30____ like Romeo and Juliet.‎ ‎11. A. arrived B. appeared C. returned D. finished ‎12. A. Although B. Because C. Until D. If ‎13. A. lecture B. essay C. test D. play ‎14. A. by B. over C. upon D. toward ‎15. A. carried B. lost C. dropped D. missed ‎16. A. depend B. guess C. agree D. improve ‎17. A. in B. off C. out D. away ‎18. A. wrote B. settled C. looked D. calmed ‎19. A. boredom B. loneliness C. tiredness D. worries ‎20. A. warned B. persuaded C. chanted(唱歌) D. whispered ‎21. A. coldest B. saddest C. longest D. fastest ‎22. A. suffering B. cheating C. checking D. thinking ‎23. A. regretful B. glad C. certain D. relieved ‎24. A. honest B. open C. optimistic D. energetic ‎25. A. wisdom B. encouragement C. intention D. courage ‎26. A. anxiety B. shock C. fear D. appreciation ‎27. A. paper B. credit C. rate D. grade ‎28. A. take B. put C. find D. gain ‎29. A. gradually B. exactly C. willingly D. seemingly ‎30. A. ending B. film C. fact D. love ‎【答案】11. C 12. A 13. C 14. B 15. D 16. B 17. A 18. C 19. D 20. D 21. C 22. B 23. C 24. A 25. D 26. B 27. D 28. A 29. B 30. A ‎【解析】‎ ‎【分析】‎ 这是一篇夹叙夹议文。主要讲了作者生病后,错过了一些课程而担心不同通过考试,在考试过程中想作弊但最后放弃了。进而明白了母亲说的话:最需要勇气的胜利是战胜自己的内心。‎ ‎【11题详解】‎ 考查动词词义辨析。句意:当我回来时,迎接我的是两篇要交的论文,三天的数学和历史作业,还有几次考试。A. arrived到达;B.appeared出现;C.returned返回;D.finished完成。作者因为生病缺席,所以回来时发现有考试。故选C项。‎ ‎【12题详解】‎ 考查连词词义辨析。句意:虽然那天我放学回家时已经筋疲力尽,但是为了完成作业,我不得不熬夜到很晚。 A.Although虽然;B.Because因为;C.Until直到;D.If如果。结合下文,虽然作者累,但是还要完成作业,前后是转折关系。故选A项。‎ ‎【13题详解】‎ 考查名词词义辨析。句意:第二天在学校,我猛然醒悟:我完全忘了准备午餐期间的《罗密欧和朱丽叶》的考试。 A. lecture讲座;B. essay论文;C. test测试;D. play戏剧。结合上下文,上文第一段出现了plus several tests,下文主要就是讲的测试中的心里挣扎,故选C项。‎ ‎【14题详解】‎ 考查介词词义辨析。句意:第二天在学校,我猛然醒悟:我完全忘了准备午餐期间的《罗密欧和朱丽叶》的考试。A.by凭借;B.over在…期间;C. upon一……就;D. toward朝向。结合下文When lunch came, I went to the English room to face my certain doom(厄运).可知,午餐时分来临,我去英语教室直面自己的厄运。可见考试是午餐时分进行的。故选B项。‎ ‎【15题详解】‎ 考查动词词义辨析。句意:更糟糕的是我错过了课堂讨论和所有的笔记。A. carried 携带;B. lost丢失;C. dropped掉落;D. missed错过。作者生病缺席,所以自然错过了课堂讨论。故选D项。‎ ‎【16题详解】‎ 考查动词词义辨析。句意:我能做的就是试着去猜那些我不知道的问题。 A. depend依靠;B. guess猜测;C. agree同意;D. improve改善。结合上文,作者生病缺课,病好后忙着补作业之类的忘记准备考试,所以很多题不会只能靠猜。故选B项。‎ ‎【17题详解】‎ 考查动词短语辨析。句意:我正要妥协,这时候我的铅笔不小心掉地上摔断了。A.(give) in屈服,让步;B. (give) off 释放(气体);C. (give)out 分发;D. (give)away赠送。结合上文,作者准备靠猜测来应对不会的题目,对不会的题目完全听天由命,即妥协,让步。故选A项。‎ ‎【18题详解】‎ 考查动词词义辨析。句意:我站在黑板旁削铅笔,低头一看,试卷答案就在眼前。 A. wrote写;B. settled解决;C. looked看;D. calmed镇定。作者站着削铅笔,低头看,刚好看到试卷答案。故选C项。‎ ‎【19题详解】‎ 考查名词词义辨析。句意:太幸运了!我再也不用担心考试不及格了。 A. boredom厌倦;B. loneliness孤单;C. tiredness劳累;D. worries担心。结合上文,作者原本准备不足,担心自己的考试,现在看到了答案,无需担心了。故选D项。‎ ‎【20题详解】‎ 考查动词词义辨析。句意:我的心脏开始(因紧张快速)跳动,我的大脑在低语:对!看一下答案——快点! A. warned警告;B. persuaded说服;C.chanted(唱歌);D. whispered低声说。这里是作者的心理活动,好像大脑里有声音在说一样。故选D项。‎ ‎【21题详解】‎ 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:这是我一生中最长的十秒钟。 A. coldest最冷的;B. saddest最悲伤的;C. longest最长的;D. fastest最快的。这里作者在做思想斗争,可想而知,心理斗争的十秒中似乎是生命中看似短暂却最长的时间。故选C项。‎ ‎【22题详解】‎ 考查动词词义辨析。句意:最后,我决定自己完成考试,不作弊。A. suffering遭受;B. cheating欺骗,作弊;C. checking检查;D. thinking思考。作者思想斗争后,决定放弃看试卷答案的行为,自己考试,不作弊。故选B项。‎ ‎【23题详解】‎ 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我对我的决定很满意,但是我确信我考试会不及格。A. regretful后悔的;B. glad高兴的;C. certain确定的;D. relieved感到宽慰的。作者不作弊,凭自己的能力考试,对于这样的决定作者很满意。但是由于作者没有什么准备,所以很确定考试肯定过不了。故选C项。‎ ‎【24题详解】‎ 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:第二天,当我走进英语教室时,当我看到我的试卷面朝下躺在我桌上时,原本作为一个诚实的人的那种巨大的喜悦变成了一股厄运。 A. honest诚实的;B. open开放的;C. optimistic乐观的;D. energetic充满活力的。结合上文,作者考试没有作弊,所以是一个诚实的人。故选A项。‎ ‎【25题详解】‎ 考查名词词义辨析。句意:我盯着它看了几秒钟,才鼓起勇气把它翻过来。 A. wisdom智慧;B. encouragement鼓励;C. intention意图;D. courage勇气。结合上文,作者确信自己考试会不及格,所以要面对这种考试失利,需要勇气。故选D项。‎ ‎【26题详解】‎ 考查名词词义辨析。句意:你可以想象当我得知自己考试通过的那种震惊。A. anxiety焦虑;B. shock震惊;C. fear害怕;D. appreciation感激。作者确信自己考试是过不了的,所以看到分数,发现自己过了后,只能用震惊来形容了。故选B项。‎ ‎【27题详解】‎ 考查名词词义辨析。句意:看到我的成绩是C,我从来没这么高兴过。 A. paper纸;B. credit信用;C. rate比率;D. grade成绩。作者翻开试卷,看到的是自己的考试成绩,故选D项。‎ ‎【28题详解】‎ 考查动词词义辨析。句意:我妈妈说:最需要勇气的胜利是战胜内心。 A. take花费;B. put放置;C. find找到;D. gain获得。take the courage意为需要勇气,符合题意。故选A项。‎ ‎【29题详解】‎ 考查副词词义辨析。句意:现在我确切地知道她的意思了。A. gradually逐渐;B. exactly确切地;C. willingly愿意地;D. seemingly似乎。通过自己的这次经历,作者是确切地知道母亲那句话的意思。故选B项。‎ ‎【30题详解】‎ 考查名词词义辨析。句意:我不仅内心平静,而且也不用担心被抓,遇上像Romeo 和Juliet的结局。 A. ending结局;B. film电影;C. fact事实;D. love爱。作者经历了考试的思想斗争,战胜自我,内心得到安宁,不需要担心像《罗密欧和朱丽叶》那样的悲剧结局。故选A项。‎ ‎【点睛】完形填空的解题技巧之一就是要根据上下文来学会“推理”出最佳选项。同学们要遵循“上下求索”的原则来查找信息。例如,第3题,要求填准备什么,结合上下文,上文第一段出现了plus several tests,下文主要就是讲的测试中的心里挣扎,所以应该是作者忘记准备午餐期间的《罗密欧和朱丽叶》的考试,故选C项。‎ 第三题、阅读理解(每小题2分,共30分)‎ 第一节:阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。‎ A Amsterdam's Best Flea MarketsIjhallen Flea Market First or second weekend of every month Perhaps the most impressive of them all is Ijhallen, located in the north of Amsterdam. With more than 1,500 stands and 3,000 free parking spaces, the monthly market ‎ attracts visitors from not only the Netherlands, but Europe-wide.‎ There is a five euro admission fee, but you can be pretty sure that you can browse second-hand treasures for most of the day. Anything and everything can be found here; old guitars and antique chairs, art prints and military gear.‎ Noordermarkt Flea Market Saturday, 9am-4pm Monday, 9am-2pm In the centre of the Jordaan, the Noordermarkt Flea Market on Saturdays includes vintage(老式的) goods and organic food produce from local farmers.‎ On Mondays, the market transforms into an antique-hunter's goldmine. There are piles of vintage clothes, antique books, coins and furniture.‎ Waterloopein Market Monday-Saturday, 9am-6pm The most centrally located of all flea markets in Amsterdam, Waterlooplein Market offers visitors a range of snacks, second-hand clothes and vintage treasures.‎ There's a maze of second-hand goods, from old globes and hanging lamps, to African drums, antique rugs and used bikes.‎ Spui Book Market Friday 10am-6pm Ideally situated among bookstores, you'll find a collection of tents sheltering second-hand and antique books at the book market on Spui.‎ You can find a variety of literature from biographies and poetry to fantasy-fiction, history, psychology and geography. While most books are from the Netherlands, some English and international titles are for sale. As well as antique maps, prints and record.‎ ‎31. Which flea market do you need to pay some extra money? ______‎ A. Ijhallen Flea Market. B. Noordermarkt Flea Market.‎ C. Waterlooplein Market. D. Spui Book Market.‎ ‎32. What can you pick up at Noordermarkt Flea Market? ______‎ A. You can get enough parking space. B. You can choose a range of snacks.‎ C. You can buy some fresh vegetables. D. You can dig some gold mines here.‎ ‎33. When is a good time to visit a favorite market for a crazy book fan? ______‎ A. First weekend of every month. B. Friday, 10am-6pm.‎ C. Monday, 9am-6pm. D. Saturday, 9am-4pm.‎ ‎【答案】31. A 32. C 33. B ‎【解析】‎ 这是一篇应用文。文章主要介绍了几个阿姆斯特丹最好的跳蚤市场。‎ ‎【31题详解】‎ 细节理解题。根据第一则信息Ijhallen Flea Market的There is a five euro admission fee可知,Ijhallen Flea Market是要额外收取门票费的,故选A。‎ ‎【32题详解】‎ 细节理解题。根据Noordermarkt Flea Market信息的the Noordermarkt Flea Market on Saturdays includes vintage(老式的) goods and organic food produce from local farmers. 可知,在Noordermarkt跳蚤市场可以买到新鲜的蔬菜,故选C。‎ ‎【33题详解】‎ 细节理解题。根据Spui Book Market的You can find a variety of literature from biographies and poetry to fantasy-fiction, history, psychology and geography. 可知,疯狂书迷最喜欢的市场是Spui Book Market,它开放的时间时Friday 10am-6pm,因此,书迷去这里的最好的时间是Friday 10am-6pm,故选B。‎ B When young, I loved going on trail(小路) runs. It was my favorite way to escape stress. So, when I was back in my hometown after a tough first year of my Ph. D. program, I thought a trail run was just what I needed. But instead of helping me relax, the run did just the opposite.‎ After I moved to the city for college, where my runs were on flat concrete paths instead of winding dirt trails, I used a GPS watch. When I went on trail runs again in the country, it constantly reminded me of the fact that I wasn’t keeping up with my usual pace. I turned my watch off, thinking that would allow me to enjoy my surroundings and find the peace I expected, but I worried I was underperforming. “Why can’ t I let go and just enjoy myself?” I wondered. But after some introspection(反省), I realized why I was struggling—both on trail runs and in graduate school.‎ Going into my Ph. D. , I had thought that my solid undergraduate track record would set me up for instant success. To my surprise, I was wrong. I lacked confidence in my research abilities which ‎ I thought stopped me performing well and I constantly felt my progress was too slow. Other students’ self-confidence and their excellent results made me feel insecure. Finally, one day I broke down in tears in my adviser’ s office.‎ Then came my visit home: I was having trouble because I hadn’ t properly adjusted my expectations to the differences between an urban run and a trail run.‎ A Ph. D. is like a trail run: Sometimes you can run fast. Sometimes you might find yourself climbing up a steep, winding trail at a snail’ s pace. And that’ s OK. Barriers are unavoidable, and success looks and feels different on a challenging trail than it does on a smooth, flat path. Sometimes it’ s best to take a deep breath and do your best to meet the challenge.‎ ‎34. How did the author feel when he was on trail runs again?‎ A. Relaxed. B. Tired.‎ C. Anxious. D. Happy.‎ ‎35. What resulted in the author’ s poor performance in Ph. D ‎ A. His lack of confidence. B. His lack of hard work.‎ C. His poor research abilities. D. His poor track record.‎ ‎36. What does the author want to show in the last paragraph?‎ A. His desire for success. B. His confidence of trail runs.‎ C. His expectations in his study. D. His realization after the trail run.‎ ‎37. What does the author want to tell us?‎ A. Failure is the mother of success.‎ B. Working out regularly is beneficial.‎ C. It’ s important to make necessary adjustments.‎ D. It’ s vital to turn to others for help.‎ ‎【答案】34. C 35. A 36. D 37. C ‎【解析】‎ ‎【分析】‎ 本文是一篇记叙文。主要讲述了作者在城市水泥路上和在乡村小路上跑步时的不同感受,反省了自己在博士课程方面不如意的原因,告诉读者要学会根据情况来调整自己的预期,去收获成功与满足。‎ ‎【34题详解】‎ 推理判断题。根据第二段的“but I worried I was underperforming”可知,跑步没能让作者放松,相反却感到焦虑,故选C。‎ ‎【35题详解】‎ 细节理解题。根据第三段中“I lacked confidence in my research abilities which I thought stopped me performing well and I constantly felt my progress was too slow.”可知,作者在学业方面差是由于自己对自己的研究能力缺乏自信,故选A。‎ ‎【36题详解】‎ 推理判断题。上文中作者对比了在城市水泥路上跑步和在乡村小路上跑步的不同,因此在文章末段作者表达了自己在经历这件事后的领悟,故选D。‎ ‎【37题详解】‎ 推理判断题。作者在文章中主要通过自己跑步时不同感受的对比,反省了自己在博士课程方面不如意的原因, 告诉读者要学会根据不同的情况来调整自己的预期,故选C。‎ ‎【点睛】细节理解题大多是根据文章中的具体信息如事实、例证、原因、过程、论述等进行提问的。抓住文段中的事实和细节是做好该题型的关键,也是做好其它类型问题的基础。该题型几乎都可以在文章中直接找到与答案有关的信息,或是其变体。在一篇短文里大部分篇幅都属于这类围绕主体展开的细节。做这类题一般采用寻读法,即先读题,然后带着问题快速阅读短文,找出与问题和选项有关的词语或句子,再对相关部分进行分析对比,找出答案。正确选项虽然一般不是原文照搬,但是一般是原文的改写,意思不变。如换一个同义词,把否定改为肯定,把肯定改为否定等。如第2小题,根据第三段中的“I lacked confidence in my research abilities which I thought stopped me performing well and I constantly felt my progress was too slow.”可知,作者在学业方面差是由于自己对自己的研究能力缺乏自信,故选A。‎ C Loud cheers and applause broke out at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Lab on Monday, November 25, 2018, as the unmanned lander, called Insight, touched down on Mars, after nearly seven years from design to launch to landing.‎ The great arrival of the spacecraft—designed to listen for quakes and shakes as a way to discover the Red Planet’s inner secrets, how it formed billions of years ago and, how other planets like Earth took shape—marked the eighth successful landing on Mars in Nasa’s history.‎ Minutes after InSight landed on the surface of Mars, the first image was sent back, showing a wide flat area as seen through a dirty camera.‎ The touchdown came after a nearly seven-month, 300 million-mile travel from Earth to Mars, during which the InSight spacecraft had to slow down from a speed of more than ‎12,000 mph. The spacecraft’s heat shelter helped the lander survive temperatures as high as ‎2,700℉‎.‎ Each step along the way was watched nervously at JPL, with updates delayed by the eight-minute light travel time between Earth and Mars. Mission controllers hugged each other with joy when the signals were received. “We are proud of everything that has gone on today,” they told us reporters.‎ The first picture of the surface of Mars was sent back to Earth by one of the MarCO nanosatellites (马可纳米卫星) that accompanied InSight during its travel to Mars. The dust from the landing made the view unclear. Pictures from it were expected to be clearer once the dust settled and the lens cover (镜头盖) was removed.‎ Hours later, InSight’s batteries were charging as expected. The InSight team also passed on another picture, taken by a different camera that’s fixed on the lander’s robotic arm. The view is clearer, showing the robotic arm and the seismometer, which is used to discover the actual movement of the ground.‎ ‎38. What do we know about InSight lander from the passage?‎ A. It has landed successfully on Mars eight times.‎ B. It travelled all the way at the speed of ‎12,000 mph.‎ C. Mission controllers helped it survive high temperature.‎ D. The task of it is to find out the inner mysteries of Mars.‎ ‎39. We know what Mars looks like by _______.‎ A. studying pictures InSight lander sends back B. reading reports sent back by the person on Mars C. collecting images sent back by MarCO nanosatellites D. analyzing information the robot on InSight lander sends back ‎40. How did the mission controllers feel when they received signals from Insight?‎ A. Unconcerned. B. Worried.‎ C. Amazed. D. Excited.‎ ‎41. The passage is most probably taken from _______.‎ A. a fiction novel B. a news report C. a travel magazine D. an official statement ‎【答案】38. D 39. C 40. D 41. B ‎【解析】‎ 这是一篇新闻报道。文章主要介绍了美国航天总局的InSight登陆和探测火星的相关情况。‎ ‎【38题详解】‎ 细节理解题。根据文章第二自然段中“The great arrival of the spacecraft—designed to listen for quakes and shakes as a way to discover the Red Planet’s inner secrets,”可知,设计Insight的主要目的是探测火星的内部秘密。故选D项。‎ ‎【39题详解】‎ 细节理解题。根据文章倒数第二自然段第一句“The first picture of the surface of Mars was sent back to Earth by one of the MarCO nanosatellites (马可纳米卫星) that accompanied InSight during its travel to Mars.”可知,马克纳米卫星能够把拍摄火星的照片传回地球,通过照片我们就可以知道火星的外表。故选C项。‎ ‎【40题详解】‎ 细节理解题。根据文章第四段中的Mission controllers hugged each other with joy when the signals were received.(当收到来自Insight的信号时,任务控制员们都高兴地抱在一起)可知接收到信号时任务控制人员很高兴。故选D项。‎ ‎【41题详解】‎ 推理判断题。文章主要介绍了美国航天总局的Insight登陆和探测火星的相关情况,所以可以推断出它最有可能是出自选项中的“a news report”(新闻报道)。故选B项。‎ D The latest data from the Office for National Statistics shows that one in every 12 kids is living in homes where no one has worked for at least a year. That may be due to unemployment or issues such as sickness or disability that mean they can’t work, and aren’t required to. This is known as being in a “long term workless” family.‎ The issues faced by children in workless families have very bad influence on their development and education, limiting their future employment prospects, and reducing their opportunities to succeed throughout their lives.‎ Not only does worklessness reduce family income, it can also damage families’ health and stability, and thus destroy children’s development. This is because many workless families are held ‎ back by disadvantages such as debt, drug and alcohol dependency, and by homelessness. Suffering from the family problems, many children face a greater and greater possibility of repeating the poor outcomes of their parents. Government research has shown that children in workless families are almost twice as likely not to reach the expected level at all stages of their education. For example, three-quarters of children from families where no one works failed to reach the expected level at General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE), compared to around half of children in lower-income working families.‎ So attention should be paid to children in out-of-work homes. Having working parents means a child is more likely to do better at school, to have better health, education and development, and also means they are less likely to fall into crime.‎ But for some families, worklessness, or not employment, is the norm. They just choose not to work. These families often face huge barriers to getting on with their lives but they take the opportunities offered by the society. Parents’ ability to work is frustrated by issues like low skills or poor mental or physical health, or drug and alcohol dependency, leaving children without the stability they need.‎ We all want to help workless families with complex problems so that their children can take advantage of the opportunities in Britain. We all want parents to have the chance to go out to earn a living and to enjoy the pleasure of work, so that their children can benefit from the good examples of working parents. In doing so, we should know the need to understand the complex issues that some families face and to develop a new approach to deal with poverty. Because the root causes are not financial. It is about helping families overcome the problems they face so that they can go as far as their talents and hard work will take them. We shouldn’t retreat from acting to deal with disadvantages, because we know the costs of inaction to individuals, communities and society.‎ ‎42. According to the author, children in workless families may _______.‎ A. have better performance at school B. take chances to go out to earn a living C. be more able to deal with their problems D. live the same lifestyles that their parents had ‎43. The underlined word “norm” in the fifth paragraph probably means _______.‎ A. a huge barrier B. a turning point C. a typical standard D. an unusual event ‎44. In the last paragraph the author mainly talked about _______.‎ A. raising of social welfare B. solutions to the problems C. development of the society D. reforming of the government ‎45. The main purpose of the passage is to _______.‎ A. introduce a study on children in workless families B. appeal to the readers to help children in workless families C. present a new approach to deal with poverty of workless families D. compare children’s performances in workless families and low-income ones ‎【答案】42. D 43. C 44. B 45. B ‎【解析】‎ 这是一篇议论文。文章主要就家庭成员没有工作的状况会给孩子在学习,就业和生活上带来负面影响这一问题进行了讨论。‎ ‎【42题详解】‎ 细节理解题。根据文章第三自然段中“Suffering from the family problems, many children face a greater and greater possibility of repeating the poor outcomes of their parents.”(很多遭遇家庭孩子更有可能重蹈父母的覆辙)可知,这些孩子很有可能过和父母一样的生活。故选D项。‎ ‎【43题详解】‎ 词义猜测题。But for some families, worklessness, or not employment, is the norm.(但是对于一些家庭来说,失业和不就业是一个典型的例子。)联系上文可知,一般的失业家庭是因为疾病,就业压力等外部原因。但此处提到的家庭是“they just choose not work”自己选择不工作,所以这种家庭是典型例子。故选C项。‎ ‎【44题详解】‎ 主旨大意题。根据本段的 In doing so, we should know the need to understand the complex issues that some families face and to develop a new approach to deal with poverty. Because the root causes are not financial. It is about helping families overcome the problems they face so that they can go as far as their talents and hard work will take them ‎(在这样做的时候,我们应该知道有必要了解一些家庭面临的复杂问题,并制定一种处理贫穷问题的新办法。因为根本原因不是经济原因。它是帮助家庭克服他们所面临的问题,使他们能够尽其所能地发挥他们的才能并努力工作。可知,本段主要讲帮助那些失业家庭的方法。故选B项。‎ ‎【45题详解】‎ 推理判断题。根据文章前面叙述“无就业”家庭给孩子带来的伤害,以及最后一段的内容,尤其是前两句We all want to help workless families with complex problems so that their children can take advantage of the opportunities in Britain. We all want parents to have the chance to go out to earn a living and to enjoy the pleasure of work, so that their children can benefit from the good examples of working parents.(我们想要帮助情况复杂的“无就业”家庭,这样他们的孩子就可以利用在英国的机会。我们想要父母出去挣钱,享受工作的乐趣,这样孩子也可以从父母的榜样中受益)表达了想帮助这些家庭的强烈愿望,和殷切希望。所以短文的目的是呼吁读者帮助无就业家庭的孩子。故选B项。 ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ 第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,共10分)‎ 根据短文内容,从短文后的七个选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。‎ For more than six million American children, coming home after school means coming to an empty house. ___46___ Some may hide. But all of them have something in common. They spend part of each day alone. They are called latchkey children. They are children who look after themselves while their parents work. ___47___‎ Lynette Long was once the headmaster of an elementary school. She said, “We had a school rule against wearing jewelry. A lot of kids had chains around their necks with keys attached. I was constantly telling them to put them inside shirts. There were so many keys. It never came to my mind what they meant.” ___48___‎ She and her husband began talking to the children who had them. They learned of the impact working couples and single parents were having on their children. ___49___One in every three latchkey children the Logs talked to reported being scared. Many had nightmares and were worried about their own safety.‎ The most common way latchkey children deal with their fears is by hiding. ___50___‎ The second is TV. They’ll often play it at high volume. It’s hard to get statistics(情况)on latchkey children, the Longs learned. Most parents are slow to admit they leave their children alone.‎ A. Slowly, she learned they were house keys.‎ B. But they don’t mind.‎ C. Fear is the biggest problem faced by children at home alone.‎ D. Some deal with the situation by watching TV.‎ E. Some go to their friends or their relatives.‎ F. And their bad condition has become a subject of concern.‎ G. It might be in a shower stall, under a bed or in a closet.‎ ‎【答案】46. D 47. F 48. A 49. C 50. G ‎【解析】‎ ‎ 本文讲述的是在美国特别常见的一种儿童:自带钥匙的儿童。自带钥匙的儿童是父母双方均在外工作的孩子,他们必须得照顾自己,从学校回来面对空落落的房子,该学校的校规禁止学生佩戴任何挂饰,由此引起了班主任Lynette Long的关注,并且针对这些孩子进行了些调查,通过与这些孩子的谈话,得知这些父母给这些自带钥匙的儿童带来的影响之一是:孩子会感到害怕,而父母却很少发现自己给孩子带来的这些影响。‎ ‎【46题详解】‎ 前句介绍的是在美国超过六百万的儿童从学校回到家中意味着独自面对虚无一人的空房子,后文说一些儿童会把这种情况隐藏起来,可推断另外些孩子不会介意,故选D。‎ ‎【47题详解】‎ 前文讲述这些自带钥匙的孩子由一些共性—在父母工作的时候必须照顾自己,下文是班主任Lynette Long所在的这所学校禁止任何学生佩戴挂饰,因此自带钥匙的孩子违反了校规,所以推理出佩戴钥匙的孩子的不好的状况已成为令人关切的问题。故选F。‎ ‎【48题详解】‎ 前文It never came to my mind what they meant.讲述Lynette Long从来没有想过如此多钥匙意味着什么,下文讲述Lynette Long针对这些孩子进行了调查,故推理出Lynette Long慢慢的了解这些钥匙的背后的含义,故A项符合。故选A。‎ ‎【49题详解】‎ 前文讲述Lynette Long夫妇了解到父母双方均在外工作以及单亲父母的孩子给孩子造成的影响,下文One in every three latchkey children the Logs talked to reported being scared.‎ ‎ 说明每三个锁钥匙的孩子中就有一个在日志上说他们害怕。可见恐惧是孩子独自在家面临的最大问题,故选C。‎ ‎【50题详解】‎ 前句讲述这些孩子处理恐怖最常见的办法是躲藏,下文讲述了两种躲藏的办法,故此处是其中一种方法:可能是在沐浴室,被子里或者壁橱里,故选G。‎ 第二卷:(共三大题30分)‎ 第一题:单词拼写, 每空一词,写在答题卡上(10分)‎ 单词填空 ‎51. The beauties of the West Lake in spring were beyond his e___________(预期).‎ ‎52. The suggestion was voted down by large m_________(大多数).‎ ‎53. We have been friends for a long time, so we are very f________(熟悉) with each other.‎ ‎54. She waited in her hotel to welcome her children on their a_________(到达) from London.‎ ‎55. He was very c________(谨慎) for fear that he should be blamed for anything wrong.‎ ‎56. Several students were i________(受伤) in the car accident.‎ ‎57. I shall never f________(原谅) myself for failing to help you when you were in danger.‎ ‎58. The relations between our two countries have improved markedly in every a_______(方面).‎ ‎59. This argument sounds r________(有道理的), but actually it's incorrect.‎ ‎60. I get so a_____ ( 吸收)in doing something that I am unaware of things happening round me.‎ ‎61. I'm afraid I will have no chance to p_______(参加) in the coming contest.‎ ‎62. The Festival Of Asian Arts& Music will include several live p_______(表演).‎ ‎63. It is strongly r_______(推荐) that you should see your doctor.‎ ‎64. I am so glad to know that he has fully r________(康复) from the illness.‎ ‎65. L_________(幸运地是), I brought my umbrella along, otherwise I would surely get wet.‎ ‎66. If your action i__________激励) others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.‎ ‎67. As a teenager, we should play a big role in garbage c_________(分类) and garbage recycling.‎ ‎68. Each time you finish a task you will feel a sense of p________(骄傲) for a job well done.‎ ‎69. I felt the p_________(压力) of being the first woman in the job.‎ ‎70. We need to take r______________(责任) for looking after our own health.‎ ‎【答案】51. expectation ‎ ‎52. majority ‎ ‎53. familiar ‎ ‎54. arrival ‎ ‎55. cautious ‎ ‎56. injured ‎ ‎57. forgive ‎ ‎58. aspect 59. reasonable ‎ ‎60. absorbed ‎ ‎61. participate ‎ ‎62. performances ‎ ‎63. recommended ‎ ‎64. recovered ‎ ‎65. Luckily ‎ ‎66. inspires ‎ ‎67. classification ‎ ‎68. pride 69. pressure ‎ ‎70. responsibility ‎【解析】‎ ‎【51题详解】‎ 考查名词。句意:春天西湖的美超出了他的预期。his是形容词性物主代词,后面应接名词。故填expectation。‎ ‎【52题详解】‎ 考查名词。句意:这个建议被大多数人否决了。majority意为大多数,符合题意。故填majority。‎ ‎【53题详解】‎ 考查固定短语。句意:我们是好长时间的朋友了,所以我们很熟悉彼此。be familiar with是固定短语, 意为熟悉….,符合题意。故填familiar。‎ ‎【54题详解】‎ 考查名词。句意:她在旅馆里等着迎接她的孩子们从伦敦回来。their 是形容词性物主代词,后面应接名词。故填arrival。‎ ‎【55题详解】‎ 考查形容词。句意:他很谨慎,唯恐因任何错误而受到责备。根据句子结构,这里是作表语,very是副词,来修饰形容词cautious,此处作表语。故填cautious。‎ ‎【56题详解】‎ 考查动词被动语态。句意:好几个学生在车祸中受伤了。injure意为伤害,学生在车祸中是被伤害,要用被动语态。故填injured。‎ ‎【57题详解】‎ 考查动词。句意:你有危险时我没有能够帮助到你,这一点我永远不会原谅自己。shall是情态动词,后接动词原形。故填forgive。‎ ‎【58题详解】‎ 考查名词。句意:我们两国的关系在每个方面都有了显著的改善。every是形容词,修饰名词单数形式。故填aspect。‎ ‎【59题详解】‎ 考查形容词。句意:这个论点听起来有理,但其实不对。sound是联系动词,后接形容词作表语,故填reasonable。‎ ‎【60题详解】‎ 考查固定短语。句意:我是如此专注于某样事情以至于都没注意到周围发生的事。be/get absorbed in…是固定短语,意为:被……吸引住,专心致志,符合题意。故填absorbed。‎ ‎【61题详解】‎ 考查动词。句意:我恐怕我没机会参加即将到来的竞赛了。have no chance to do sth,意为:没机会做……,所以这里填动词原形。故填participate。‎ ‎【62题详解】‎ 考查名词。句意:亚洲艺术音乐节将有几场现场演出。several是形容词,意为几个,后接名词复数形式。故填performances。‎ ‎【63题详解】‎ 考查动词。句意:强烈建议你去看医生。根据句子结构,it是形式主语,真正地主语是后面的that从句,看医生这件事是被建议,所以要用被动语态。故填recommended。‎ ‎【64题详解】‎ 考查动词。句意:我很高兴得知他已完全康复。结合题目中的has 可知,是现在完成时,所以动词要用过去分词。故填recovered。‎ ‎【65题详解】‎ 考查副词。句意:幸运是,我带了伞,否则的话我肯定会淋湿。修饰整个句子,应该用副词,而且在句首,首字母要大写 。故填Luckily。‎ ‎【66题详解】‎ 考查动词。句意:如果你的行动能激发别人更多的梦想、学习更多的知识、做更多的事、成就更多,那么你就是一个领导者。结合you are a leader,这里应该用一般现在时。因为这里的主语是your action,所以动词要用第三人称单数形式。故填inspires。‎ ‎【67题详解】‎ 考查名词。句意:作为一个青少年,我们应该在垃圾分类和垃圾回收方面发挥更大的作用。play a big role in这个短语中,in是介词,后接名词。故填classification。‎ ‎【68题详解】‎ 考查名词。句意:每次你完成一项任务,你都会为自己的出色表现而感到自豪。of是介词,后接名词。故填pride。‎ ‎【69题详解】‎ 考查名词。句意:我感受到了成为职场第一名女性的压力。定冠词修饰名词,空格处填名词。故填pressure。‎ ‎【70题详解】‎ 考查固定短语。句意:我们需要对自己的健康负责。take responsibility for是固定短语,意为:承担责任,up购买,take后接名词作宾语,故填responsibility。‎ 第二题 用短语的适当形式填空 ‎71. Everyone knew she didn’t like him, but she _____________________ mind her manners so that she wouldn’t disappoint her parents.‎ ‎72. We shouldn’t ____________________ believing that the environment will recover by itself. It takes everyone’s efforts to make it happen.‎ ‎73. I think all the players ____________________ the team’s poor performance tonight. We were ‎ all rather disappointed.‎ ‎74. He ___________________ checking everything himself, because he didn’t trust anyone else.‎ ‎75. The scientists have conducted an experiment, from which we will _____________________ what is happening to the earth’s atmosphere.‎ ‎76. In the past, people often ___________________ the labels on food, not knowing what was safe to eat.‎ ‎77. The grand military parade drew many people’s attention ______________________.‎ ‎78. Business is good now, but there are a few problems ___________________. And we need to solve them before they grow worse.‎ ‎79. George ___________________ this morning, for which I am very grateful. Without him, I would have been late for the meeting.‎ ‎80. He could have laughed at your failure, but, __________________, he pitied you.‎ ‎【答案】71. made efforts to ‎ ‎72. fool ourselves into ‎ ‎73. owed us an apology for ‎ ‎74. insisted on ‎ ‎75. gain new insight into ‎ ‎76. got confused about ‎ ‎77. both at home and abroad ‎ ‎78. on the horizon ‎ ‎79. gave me a lift ‎ ‎80. on the contrary ‎【解析】‎ ‎【71题详解】‎ 考查固定短语和时态。句意:大家都知道她不喜欢他,但她还是努力注意自己的举止,以免让父母失望。make efforts to是固定短语,意为努力做……,符合题意。而且结合整个句子,应该用一般过去时。故填made efforts to。‎ ‎【72题详解】‎ 考查固定短语。句意:我们不应该自欺欺人地相信环境会自行恢复。这需要每个人的努力才能实现。fool sb. into是固定短语,意为愚弄某人做……,‎ 结合主语,这里应该是欺骗我们自己做……,即自欺欺人做….。should是情态动词,后接动词原形。故填fool ourselves into。‎ ‎【73题详解】‎ 考查固定短语和时态。句意:我认为所有的球员要为球队今晚的糟糕表现向我们道歉。我们都很失望。owe sb. an apology for是固定短语,意为:因为……而向某人道歉,结合题意,应该是要向我们道歉。结合下文时间和时态,这里要用一般过去时。故填owed us an apology for。‎ ‎【74题详解】‎ 考查固定短语和时态。句意:他坚持自己检查一切,因为他不信任任何人。insist on是固定短语,意为坚持……,符合题意。结合后面从句时态,这里要用一般过去时。故填insisted on。‎ ‎【75题详解】‎ 考查固定短语。句意:科学家们进行了一项实验,从中我们将对地球大气的变化有了新的认识。gain new insight into是固定短语,意为:获得新的认识,符合题意。will是助动词,后接动词原形。故填gain new insight into。‎ ‎【76题详解】‎ 考查固定短语和时态。句意:在过去,人们经常对食物的标签感到困惑,不知道什么是安全的食物。get confused about是固定短语,意为:对……困惑,符合题意。结合这句话的时间状语in the past,这里应该用一般过去时。故填got confused about。‎ ‎【77题详解】‎ 考查固定短语。句意:盛大的阅兵式吸引了国内外许多人的注意。both at home and abroad是固定短语,意为:国内外,符合题意。故填both at home and abroad。‎ ‎【78题详解】‎ 考查固定短语。句意:现在生意很好,但将会出一些问题。我们需要在它们恶化之前解决它们。on the horizon是固定短语,意为:即将来临,符合题意。故填on the horizon。‎ ‎【79题详解】‎ 考查固定短语和时态。句意:今天早上乔治让我搭车,对此我非常感激。如果没有他,我开会就迟到了。give sb. a lift是固定短语,意为让某人搭便车,结合题目,这里是让我搭便车。而且是今天早上发生的事,所以要用一般过去时。故填gave me a lift。‎ ‎【80题详解】‎ 考查固定短语。句意:本可以他会嘲笑你的失败,但相反,他同情你。on the contrary 是固定短语,意为相反,符合题意。故填on the contrary。‎ 第三题 翻译句子 ‎81. 得知他在这学期后要去欧洲旅行一周, 我预计春节前见不到他了。‎ ‎82. 我建议穿暖和点。‎ ‎83. 他看起来很惊喜,说这是他至今为止收到的最好的礼物。‎ ‎84. 虽然有些数学题十分难, 但是绝大多数都非常简单, 而且我已算出了一些题。‎ ‎85. 当我刚开始使用手机做作业的时候, 我有段时间难以阻止自己在它上面玩游戏。‎ ‎86. 我知道你看书看得快,我认为你应该考虑从图书馆多借两本书。‎ ‎87. 每次读《老人与海》时,我都会对那位老人有更好的理解。(The Old Man and the Sea)‎ ‎【答案】81. Knowing that he is going to travel in Europe for one week after this semester, I don’t expect to see him before the Spring Festival. ‎ ‎82. I suggest wearing something warm. ‎ ‎83. He looked rather amazed/surprised, saying that it was the best gift he had received so far. ‎ ‎84. Even though some math questions are quite difficult, the majority of them are easy and I’ve worked out some. ‎ ‎85. When I first did my homework with a mobile phone, I had a difficult time preventing myself from playing games on it. ‎ ‎86. I think you should consider borrowing two more books from the library as I know you are a fast reader. ‎ ‎87. Every time I read The Old Man and the Sea, I have a better understanding of the old man.‎ ‎【解析】‎ ‎【81题详解】‎ 考查动词非谓语动词和时态。分析句子可知,得知他这个学期后去旅行是原因状语,所以用knowing…作状语,后接的宾语从句发生在将来,用一般将来时he is going to travel in Europe for one week after this semester。主句部分我预计不能见到他,要将否定转移到前面,即I don't expect to see him before the Spring Festival。故翻译为:Knowing that he is going to travel in Europe for one week after this semester, I don’t expect to see him before the Spring Festival.‎ ‎【82题详解】‎ 考查动词和时态。分析句子可知,该句没有任何时间状语,视为一般情况,用一般现在时。主语为I, 谓语动词为suggest,后接动词ing作宾语,即wearing something warm。故翻译为:I suggest wearing something warm.‎ ‎【83题详解】‎ 考查非谓语动词和定语从句。分析句子可知,讲述过去的事情用一般过去时。主句是个系表结构,主语为He,谓语动词为系动词looked,表语是rather amazed/surprised。他跟说之间是主动关系,所以状语用saying,后面的宾语从句中,最好的礼物用最高级it was the best gift。gift后接的定语从句中,短语至今为止so far原本跟现在完成时连用,这里结合前面的时态,应该要用过去完成时he had received so far。根据其他汉语提示,故翻译为:He looked rather amazed/surprised, saying that it was the best gift he had received so far.‎ ‎【84题详解】‎ 考查状语从句。分析句子可知,讲述一般情况用一般现在时。even though引导状语从句,从句的主语是some math questions,谓语部分为are quite difficult。主句中主语为the majority of them,谓语部分为are easy。而且表示递进关系,用and连接。我已经算出了一些题,用现在完成时。根据其他汉语提示,故翻译为:Even though some math questions are quite difficult, the majority of them are easy and I’ve worked out some.‎ ‎【85题详解】‎ 考查状语从句,时态和固定短语。分析句子可知,讲述发生过的事情用一般过去时。这是一个包含有when引导的时间状语从句的主从复合句。从句主语为I, 谓语部分为first did my homework with a mobile phone,做某事很难用have a difficult time doing…;阻止某人做用prevent sb. from doing…是固定短语。根据其他汉语提示,故翻译为:When I first did my homework with a mobile phone, I had a difficult time preventing myself from playing games on it.‎ ‎【86题详解】‎ 考查状语从句和时态。分析句子可知,讲述一般情况用一般现在时。我知道你看书快是原因状语,用as来引导,考虑做某事consider doing。根据其他汉语提示,故翻译为:I think you should consider borrowing two more books from the library as I know you are a fast reader.‎ ‎【87题详解】‎ 考查状语从句,时态和固定短语。分析句子可知,每次做的事用一般现在时。时间状语由every time来引导。have a better understanding of 是固定短语,意为:对……有更好的理解。根据其他汉语提示,故翻译为:Every time I read The Old Man and the Sea, I have a better understanding of the old man.‎

