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Unit 4 Helping people around the world 一、课前基础自查 ‎(一)分类记单词——省时高效 Ⅰ.阅读单词(知其意)‎ ‎1.troublesome adj. 麻烦的,讨厌的,棘手的 ‎2.victim n. 受害者 ‎3.vacant adj. 空着的,未被占用的;(职位)空缺的 ‎4.staff n. 全体员工 ‎5.political adj. 政治的;政府的 ‎6.chaos n. 混乱,杂乱,紊乱 ‎7.mountainous adj. 多山的 ‎ ‎8.assistant n. 助理,助手 adj. 助理的,副的 ‎9.shelter n. 住所;藏身之处 ‎10.wage n. (通常指按周领的)工资 ‎11.damp adj. 潮湿的 ‎12.muddy adj. 多泥的,泥泞的 ‎13.heating n. 供暖;供暖系统,暖气设备 ‎14.bacteria n.(pl.) 细菌 ‎15.angle n. 角度 Ⅱ.重点单词(写其形)‎ ‎1.urgent adj.    紧急的,紧迫的 ‎2.expand vi.& vt. 扩展,发展(业务);扩大,增强 ‎3.possession n. 个人财产;拥有,具有 ‎4.worthy adj. 令人敬重的;值得的,相称的;有价值的 ‎5.alternative adj. 可供替代的 n. 可供选择的事物 ‎6.means n. 手段,方法 ‎7.acquire vt. 购得;获得,得到;学到 ‎8.worthwhile adj. 重要的;令人愉快的;值得花时间 ‎9.obtain vt. (尤指经努力)获得;赢得 ‎10.barrier n. 障碍,隔阂;屏障,障碍物 ‎11.colleague n. 同事 ‎12.fetch vt. 售得,卖得(某价);取来,去拿来 ‎13.remote adj. 偏远的,偏僻的 ‎14.export n. 出口产品,输出品;出口,输出 vt.& vi. 出口,输出 ‎ Ⅲ.拓展单词(通其变)‎ ‎1.lack n.& vt.缺乏→lacking adj.缺乏的;短缺的 ‎ ‎[语境活用]‎ ‎1.All men are born equal,_so everyone hopes to be treated equally because ‎ ‎2.description n.描写(文字),形容,说明→describe vt.描述,形容;描绘→describer n.描写者 ‎3.addition n.增加;添加→add vt.& vi.添加;相加,求和;增加→additional adj.附加的;另外的 ‎4.equal adj.平等的;同等的n.同等的人;相等物vt.与……相同或相等→equality n.平等;同等→equally adv.相等地 ‎5.voluntary adj.志愿的;自愿的,主动的→volunteer n.志愿者v.自愿做,无偿做 ‎6.contribute vt.& vi.捐献,捐赠,捐助;贡献;促成,导致→contribution n.贡献;捐献;投稿→contributor n.贡献者;捐献者;投稿人 ‎7.starvation n.饥饿;挨饿;饿死→starve vt.& vi.(使)饿死,(使)挨饿 ‎8.commitment n.承诺,保证;投入,奉献;不得不做的事→commit v.犯罪,做错事;把……托付给;使……承担义务 ‎9.crowd n.人群 vi.& vt.挤满,塞满,使拥挤→crowded adj.拥挤的 ‎10.remind vt.提醒,使想起→reminder n.暗示;提醒人的事物 equality is the basic demand.(equal)‎ ‎2.The volunteers contributed much time to the project. Dr Win was a major contributor to the project and he made a great contribution.(contribute)‎ ‎3.Studies show farmland in Africa is often lacking in important nutrients. Lack of nutrients makes the soil poor.(lack)‎ ‎4.His generous donation filled our need for additional funds, and in addition,_it encouraged more and more people to give a hand.(addition)‎ ‎5.After three days without food, the men were close to starvation. If we had come later, they would have starved to death.(starve)‎ ‎6.You reminded me of my deadline to hand in my paper. Thanks for your reminder.(remind)‎ ‎7.This girl described what she had seen and heard, giving a vivid description of the event as if she had attended it herself. So she was a good describer.(describe) ‎ ‎8.My son makes a commitment to me that he won't commit the same mistake any more.(commit) ‎ ‎(二)练中记短语——记牢用活 写准记牢 语境活用(选用左栏短语填空)‎ ‎1.refer_to    谈及,提到;与……相关,涉及;查阅,参考 ‎2.in_addition 除……以外(还),此外 ‎3.draw_someone's_attention_to 使(某人)察觉到 ‎4.under_the_umbrella_of 在……的保护下,在……的管理下 ‎5.if_only 但愿 ‎6.break_down 出故障;抛锚 ‎7.in_chaos 处于混乱状态 ‎8.get_hold_of 得到;抓住 ‎9.remind_sb._of 让某人想起……,提醒某人……‎ ‎10.think_back_to 回想 ‎11.make_a_difference 有作用(关系、影响)‎ ‎12.contribute_..._to_... 把……捐献给……‎ ‎13.far_from 离……远;远非,远不是 ‎14.put_up 建造,搭起;张贴 ‎15.take_on 雇用,承担,呈现 ‎16.stop_sb._from_doing_sth. 阻止某人做某事 ‎17.look_up 查阅,向上看 ‎18.be_made_up_of 由……构成/组成 ‎1.This garden has the best collection of native plants. In_addition,_it contains numerous trees and flowers from overseas.‎ ‎2.As is known to us all, shoes play an important role in our life, for our feet are under_the_umbrella_of them to avoid being hurt.‎ ‎3.I was forgetting the matter he had told me if you hadn't reminded me of it.‎ ‎4.He was on his way to the airport when his car broke_down.‎ ‎5.His study is in_chaos and it will take a long time for him to put his papers in order.‎ ‎6.It is necessary to draw readers' attention_to the catalogue.‎ ‎7.Join us! We will contribute some money to the orphans on Christmas Eve.‎ ‎8.If he was able to get others' encouragement, it would make_a_difference to him.‎ ‎9.A notice was put_up in order to remind students of the changed lecture time.‎ ‎10.The problem he referred_to in the report was difficult to understand.‎ ‎(三)仿写明句式——以用为本 教材原句 句式解读 句式仿写 ‎1.This land was difficult to farm but now water has been pumped into the fields.‎ ‎ 这块地过去难以耕种,但现在水已经被抽进了地里。 ‎ ‎“主语+be+adj.+动词不定式”句式,动词不定式用主动形式表示被动意义。 ‎ ‎(2017·全国卷Ⅰ满分作文)外国学习者很难理解唐诗的真正含义和文化。‎ The true meaning and the culture of Tang poems are_difficult_to_understand for a foreign learner.‎ ‎2.I would rather you hadn't told me about it.‎ 我宁愿你还没有把那件事告诉我。‎ would rather that ...意为“宁愿,更喜欢……”,从句用虚拟语气。‎ ‎(2016·全国卷Ⅲ满分作文)我宁愿我现在在北京,这样我就会陪你去书店了。‎ I would rather I were_in_Beijing now, in which case I would accompany you to the bookstore.‎ ‎3.If only there were more people donating money to charities!‎ 但愿有更多的人给慈善机构捐款!‎ if only意为“但愿/要是……就好了”,常引导虚拟语气条件句或感叹句。‎ ‎(2015·重庆高考写作佳句)要是我能回到过去重新设定我的目标该多好!‎ If_only_I_could_go_back and reset my goals!‎ 二、课堂重点深化 ‎1.lack n.& vt.缺乏 ‎ [自主体验]‎ 单句语法填空 ‎①More and more highrise buildings have been built in big cities for lack of space.‎ ‎②Though lacking (lack) money, his parents managed to send him to a university.‎ ‎③Lack of exercise can lead to feelings of depression and exhaustion.‎ ‎④You will not lack for money while I am alive.‎ ‎⑤Though Jack was lacking in experience, he made up for it in enthusiasm.‎ 一句多译 她不受欢迎的原因是缺乏幽默。‎ ‎⑥A_lack_of_humor accounts for her unpopularity. ‎ ‎⑦The reason why she is not popular is that she_lacks_humor.‎ ‎⑧Lacking_in_humor,_she is not popular.‎ ‎ [系统归纳]‎ ‎(1)lack+n.        缺乏……‎ not lack for sth. 某物应有尽有,不缺某物 ‎ ‎(2)(a) lack of+n. 缺乏……‎ for lack of+n. 因缺乏……‎ ‎(3)lacking adj. 短缺的;缺乏的 be lacking in (在抽象事物方面)缺乏 ‎ [重点强化]‎ 易错处处防 ‎⑨Lack in perseverance (毅力) can and in most cases will affect your effective time management.第一个in→of 佳句时时写 ‎⑩(2013·重庆高考书面表达)由于缺乏人类保护,长江江豚(Yangtze Finless Porpoise) 的数量正变得越来越少。‎ For_lack_of_human_protection,_the_number_of_Yangtze_Finless_Porpoise_is_becoming_smaller_and_smaller._‎ ‎[名师指津] lack作名词时常与介词of连用;作动词时可用作及物动词直接加宾语(不用被动语态),也可用作不及物动词;形容词lacking常与in连用。‎ ‎2.worthy adj.令人敬重的;值得的,相称的;有价值的 ‎ [自主体验]‎ 选词填空(worthy/worth/worthwhile)‎ ‎①This article is well worth reading, but it is not worthy of being translated. So I feel that all your effort isn't worthwhile.‎ 一句多译 这本参考书值得买,因为它对你的学习很有帮助。‎ ‎②The reference book is_worth_buying,_because it is a great help for your study.(worth)‎ ‎③The reference book is_worthy_to_be_bought,_because it is a great help for your study.(worthy)‎ ‎④The reference book is_worthy_of_being_bought,_because it is a great help for your study.(worthy)‎ ‎⑤It_is_worthwhile_buying/to_buy the reference book, because it is a great help for your study.(worthwhile)‎ ‎ [系统归纳]‎ ‎(1)be worthy ‎(2)worth adj.         值……钱;值得……的 be worth ‎(3)worthwhile adj.      值得花时间/金钱/精力的 值得做某事 ‎ [重点强化]‎ 易错处处防 ‎⑥She said she was not worthy of honored the honor.honored前加being 佳句时时写 ‎⑦(2015·全国卷Ⅱ书面表达)既然你对传统的中国文化感兴趣,我认为这个节日很值得你体验。‎ Since_you_are_interested_in_traditional_Chinese_culture,_I_think_this_festival_is_well_worthy_to_be_experienced/of_being_experienced.‎ ‎3.equal adj.平等的;同等的,相同的;胜任的 vt.与……相同或相等 n.同等的人;相等物 ‎ [自主体验]‎ 单句语法填空 ‎①Any man will be equal to the task, so long as he is careful.‎ ‎②It's said that nobody can equal him in intelligence.‎ ‎③Men and women must be treated equally (equal) in education and employment.‎ ‎④We Chinese people have persistently urged the equality (equal) of nations, big or small.‎ 完成句子 ‎⑤I am_not_equal_to (不能胜任) the position, so I don't apply for it.‎ ‎⑥His paintings are without_equal (无与伦比) in the Western world.‎ ‎ [系统归纳]‎ ‎(1)be equal to (doing) sth. (in ...)     (在……方面)等于;能胜任(做)某事 equal sb./sth. in (doing) sth. 在(做)某事上比得过、敌得过某人/物 without equal 无与伦比 ‎(2)equality n. 平等,同等;均等 equally adv. 相等地,相同地 ‎ ‎ [重点强化]‎ 易错处处防 ‎⑦She was equal in performing the duty the company had put on her.in→to 佳句时时写 ‎⑧(2014·江西高考书面表达)其次,要积极向上、心情愉快,因为你的心理健康和身体健康同等重要。‎ For_another,_be_positive_and_cheerful,_for_your_mental_health_is_equal_to_your__physical_health.‎ ‎4.contribute vt.& vi.捐献,捐赠,捐助;贡献;促成,导致;投稿 ‎ [自主体验]‎ 单句语法填空 ‎①(2017·江苏高考)Located where the Belt meets the Road, Jiangsu will contribute more to the Belt and Road construction.‎ ‎②Failure can make a positive contribution (contribute) to your life once you learn to use it.‎ ‎ [系统归纳]‎ ‎(1)contribute ... to/towards ...   (把……)贡献给……;(向……)捐款;投稿 contribute to    促成,导致;有助于;是……的原因 ‎(2)contribution n. 贡献;捐款;稿件 make contributions/a contribution to/towards (doing) ...‎ ‎ 对(做)……作出贡献 ‎ [重点强化]‎ 易错处处防 ‎③Reading may contribute to find solutions to our own problems.find→finding 佳句时时写 ‎④(2015·全国卷Ⅰ书面表达)如果你想给我们的报纸投稿,请在最后期限前把文章寄给我。‎ If_you_want_to_contribute_to_our_newspaper,_please_send_me_your_article_before_the_deadline.‎ ‎[名师指津] (1)contribute to和make a contribution/contributions to中的to都是介词,后面要接名词、代词或动名词。‎ ‎(2)表示“引起;导致;有助于”的词语还有:cause, lead to, result in, bring about等。‎ ‎5.alternative adj.可供替代的,供选择的;其他的n.可供选择的事物;选择对象 ‎ [自主体验]‎ 单句语法填空 ‎①Natural gas is another abundant fuel that experts consider an alternative to gasoline.‎ ‎②If you don't like the school lunch, you will have the alternative of bringing your own.‎ ‎③Come with us, alternatively (alternative), meet us there.‎ 完成句子 ‎④If he wants to go to Hong Kong tonight, he has_no_alternative_but_to_go by air.‎ 如果他今晚想去香港,除了坐飞机外别无选择。‎ ‎ [系统归纳]‎ ‎(1)have no alternative but to do sth. 别无选择只好做某事 have the alternative of doing sth. 有做某事的选择 an alternative to ... ……的替代品 ‎(2)alternatively adv. 可供选择地 ‎ [重点强化]‎ 易错处处防 ‎⑤Having missed the last bus, Peter had no alternative but take a taxi home though he didn't like the idea.take前加to 佳句时时写 ‎⑥(2011·北京高考书面表达)在追求梦想的过程中,我们可能只关注实现梦想的一种方式,忘记可能有其他选择。‎ In_pursuing_a_dream,_we_might_focus_on_only_one_way_of_making_it_come_true,_forgetting_that_there_may_be_alternatives.‎ ‎[名师指津] “别无选择只好做……”的其他表达形式还有: have no choice but to do sth.; can't do sth.but do sth.; can do nothing but do sth.。在这些结构中若but之前出现实义动词do的某种形式 (does, did, done), but之后要用省略to的动词不定式。‎ ‎6.means n.手段,方法 ‎ [自主体验]‎ 句型转换/完成句子 ‎①The problem is by no means as simple as we first thought.‎ ‎→By no means is the problem as simple as we first thought.‎ ‎②Students build up their vocabularies by_means_of_reading_more.‎ 学生们通过更多的阅读来积累词汇。‎ ‎③—Can I come and have a look at your house?‎ ‎—Yes, by_all_means.‎ ‎——我能过来看看你的房子吗?‎ ‎——好的,当然可以。‎ ‎ [系统归纳]‎ ‎(1)a means of (doing) sth.  (做)某事的方法、途径 means of production/transport/communication ‎      生产工具/运输工具/通信手段 ‎(2)by means of 用,依靠;通过 by all means 无论如何;当然可以(口语)‎ by no means 决 不;无论如何都不(位于句首时,句子要倒装)‎ ‎ [重点强化]‎ 易错处处防 ‎④Chester is easily accessible by many meanses of transport — whether you are travelling by rail, car, bus or plane.meanses→means 佳句时时写 ‎⑤(2013·重庆高考书面表达)与父母交谈不仅是了解他们和避免误解的一种手段,而且是学习如何爱他们以作为回报的完美方式。‎ Talking_to_parents_is_not_only_a_means_of_knowing_them_and_avoiding_misunderstanding_but_also_a_perfect_way_to_learn_how_to_love_them_in_return.‎ ‎[名师指津] means是单复数同形的名词,类似的单词还有series(系列),species(种类)等。‎ ‎7.remind vt.提醒,使想起 ‎ [自主体验]‎ 单句语法填空 ‎①You must remind him to_take (take) his medicine, in case he forgets.‎ ‎②Passengers are_reminded (remind) that no smoking is allowed on this train.‎ ‎③This reminds me of what we did together during our holiday.‎ ‎④I always remind myself that time and tide waits for no man.‎ 完成句子 ‎⑤Please remind_me_to_write an email to my mother tomorrow, for it's her birthday.‎ 请提醒我明天给我母亲写一封电子邮件,因为明天是她的生日。‎ ‎ [系统归纳]‎ remind sb. of sth.        使某人想起某事 remind sb. to do sth. 提醒某人做某事 remind (sb.) that/how/what ... 提醒(某人)……‎ ‎ [重点强化]‎ 易错处处防 ‎⑥Writing reminds you your dreams and keeps you moving toward them.your前加of 佳句时时写 ‎⑦(2015·广东高考书面表达)这个结果有助于你预测一些重大疾病和食物偏好,并提醒你合适的锻炼方式。‎ The_result_will_help_to_predict_some_major_and_severe_diseases_and_your_preference_for_diet_and_remind_you_of_suitable_ways_to_exercise.‎ ‎1.refer to指的是;谈及,提到;与……相关,涉及;查阅,参考 ‎ [自主体验]‎ 写出下列句中refer to的含义 ‎①When I study English, I like to put my dictionary within my reach so that I can refer to it when necessary.查阅,参考 ‎②I mention this point now in passing and shall refer to it again.提到 ‎③The new law does not refer to land used for farming.涉及 ‎④What does the underlined word “them” in Paragraph 2 refer to?指的是 单句语法填空/完成句子 ‎⑤The scientist referred to the discovery as the most exciting new development in this field.‎ ‎⑥The textbooks and dictionaries can be used as reference (refer) books while the magazines serve as reading materials.‎ ‎⑦We were completely in the dark in/with_reference_to his future plans.‎ 关于他的未来计划我们全然不知。‎ ‎ [系统归纳]‎ ‎(1)refer to ...as ...      把……称作……‎ refer ... to ... 把……提交给……‎ ‎(2)reference n. 谈到,提及;参考,查阅 in/with reference to 关于 ‎ [重点强化]‎ 易错处处防 ‎⑧We have referred on his former employer for information about his character.on→to 佳句时时写 ‎⑨(2011·安徽高考书面表达)当我遇到困难时,我通常会选择参考相关的学习资料或网页。‎ When_I_am_faced_with_a_difficulty,_I_usually_choose_to_refer_to_relevant_learning_materials_or_web_pages.‎ ‎[名师指津] (1)refer的过去式、过去分词和现在分词都要先双写“r”,再加上“ed”或“ing”。类似的词还有prefer。‎ ‎(2)“查词典”的表达方式有:refer to a dictionary; look sth. up in the dictionary。‎ ‎2.break down出故障,抛锚;(身体、精神)垮掉;坍塌;崩溃;(谈判、计划等)失败,破裂;(化学)分解;将……分成若干部分;消除,破除 ‎ [自主体验]‎ 写出下列句中break down的含义 ‎①Martin Luther King tried to break down racial discrimination.消除 ‎②Let's break down the project into smaller parts in order to deal with them one by one. 将……分成若干部分 ‎③Men are left idle when machines break down.出故障 ‎④You will break down if you take on more work than you can.(精神、身体)垮掉 ‎⑤Peace talks between the two countries have broken down with no agreement reached.失败,破裂 ‎ [系统归纳]‎ break in      破门而入;打断(谈话等)‎ break into 强行闯入;突然……起来 break out (战争、火灾等)爆发;发生(无被动语态)‎ break up 破裂,分手;结束;拆分,分裂 break through 突破 break away from 脱离,挣脱 ‎ [重点强化]‎ 用法条条清(选用上述短语填空)‎ ‎⑥We arrived at work in the morning and found that somebody had broken_into the ‎ office during the night.‎ ‎⑦Dark clouds were gathering in the skies over Europe. War was soon to break_out.‎ ‎⑧Only then did I realize that it was foolish of me to break_away_from all of my friends and never contact them. ‎ ‎⑨Scientists think they are beginning to break_through in the fight against cancer.‎ 佳句时时写 ‎⑩(2014·北京高考书面表达)我的自行车半路出了故障,我从上面摔了下来,使得左脚受伤了。‎ My_bike_broke_down_halfway_and_I_fell_off_it,_making_my_left_foot_injured._‎ ‎3.make a difference有作用(关系、影响)‎ ‎ [自主体验]‎ 完成句子 ‎①The sea air has made_some/a_difference_to her health. ‎ 海上的空气改善了她的健康状况。‎ ‎②That will make_no_difference_to him, whatever you may decide.‎ 无论你做什么决定,对他都没有影响。‎ ‎③Johnson didn't seem to be able to tell_the_difference between right and wrong.‎ 约翰逊似乎不能分辨是非曲直。‎ ‎ [系统归纳]‎ make no/little difference to  对……没有影响/作用 make some/much difference to 对……有些/很大影响/作用 tell the difference between A and B  辨别A和B ‎ [重点强化]‎ 易错处处防 ‎④What you told me may have difference to my decision.have后加a 佳句时时写 ‎⑤(2013·安徽高考书面表达)我不仅不会到处乱丢垃圾和吐痰,而且无论何时都会帮忙清理路边的垃圾。我希望我的行为能起到作用。‎ Not_only_will_I_keep_from_littering_or_spitting_anywhere,_but_I_will_also_help_clean_up_the_roadside_litter_whenever_possible._I_hope_my_behavior_will_make_a_difference.‎ ‎4.主语+be+adj.+动词不定式 ‎ [教材原句] This land was difficult to farm but now water has been pumped into the fields. ‎ ‎ [自主体验]‎ ‎①The story is very interesting for the students to_read.‎ 这个故事对学生来说读起来很有趣。‎ ‎②Although the lady looks elegant, actually she is hard to_get_along_with.‎ 尽管这位女士看上去很优雅,但实际上却很难与之相处。‎ ‎ [归纳点拨]‎ 用法规则 本句属于“主语+be+adj.+动词不定式”结构,在此结构中,动词不定式用主动形式表示被动意义。常见的用于此结构的形容词有:difficult, hard, easy, comfortable, (im)possible, pleasant, interesting, exciting等。‎ 注意事项 动词不定式和句子的主语之间构成逻辑上的动宾关系;若动词不定式为不及物动词,其后必须要加相应的介词。‎ The armchair looks rather hard, but in fact it is very comfortable to sit in.‎ 这把扶手椅看上去很硬,但坐上去很舒服 ‎ [佳句背诵]‎ ‎①(增分要点句)(2018·北京高考写作佳句)Beijing Language and Culture University is ideal for you to learn Chinese culture.‎ ‎②(增分要点句)(2014·四川高考写作佳句)Though some of the questions seem unfamiliar to me, they are easy to answer.‎ ‎5.if only引导的虚拟句 ‎ [教材原句] If only there were more people donating money to charities!‎ ‎ [自主体验]‎ ‎①If only she would_listen_to_me carefully at the meeting tomorrow.‎ 但愿在明天的会上她能仔细听我讲话。‎ ‎②If only it were possible for me to see her once more!‎ 但愿我还能再见她一次!‎ ‎③It's too bad that I failed in the math exam. If only I had_worked hard at it!‎ 我数学考试不及格真是太糟糕了。要是我之前努力学习就好了!‎ ‎ [归纳点拨]‎ 用法规则 if only意为“要是……就好了,但愿”,常用来表示强烈的愿望和遗憾,它引导的句子要用虚拟语气。if only句式中虚拟语气的三种情况:‎ ‎(1)表示与将来事实相反的愿望时使用if only sb. would/could do ...‎ ‎(2)表示与现在事实相反的愿望时使用if only sb. did/were ...‎ ‎(3)表示与过去事实相反的愿望时使用if only sb. had done sth. ...‎ 注意事项 only if表示“只有……”,引导条件状语从句。only if本身不是一个固定词组,only是副词,用来修饰整个if从句。若其引导的从句置于句首,且与主句之间没有逗号隔开,则主句要用倒装语序。‎ In a word, only if you learn English by using it can you learn it well.‎ 总之,只有通过使用英语的方法学英语,你才能学好它。‎ ‎ [佳句背诵]‎ ‎①(增分要点句)(2013·北京高考写作佳句)If only he had kept on trying, he would have got a bigger fish.‎ ‎②(精彩收尾句)(2011·江苏高考写作佳句)If only I had seen the picture earlier, I would have helped my parents more.‎ Ⅰ.单词拼写 ‎1.Would you tell me the general description (描写) of your present job?‎ ‎2.Many young workers gave up their days off to do voluntary (志愿的) labor.‎ ‎3.If you want to acquire (学得) profound knowledge, you must start from the ABC.‎ ‎4.China exports (出口) many raw materials to foreign countries every year.‎ ‎5.The matter is urgent (紧急的) and something has got to be done about it at once.‎ ‎6.All over the world many people still suffer from starvation (挨饿).‎ ‎7.He spent his childhood in the remote (遥远的) mountain area.‎ ‎8.Unfortunately, they lost all their possessions (财产) in the fire.‎ ‎9.We have obtained (得到) permission from the directors to use some of our funds.‎ ‎10.He did not want his life to be prolonged by artificial means (方式).‎ ‎11.Staff (全体员工) are encouraged to use the library for professional selfdevelopment.‎ ‎12.The government provides them with not only food and shelter (避难所), but also the basic skills for their living.‎ ‎13.We need to encourage more people to take up the project because it lacks (缺少) labor force.‎ ‎14.Apart from what you have mentioned above, do you have any alternative (供选择的) suggestions?‎ ‎15.Before my best friend went abroad, he sent me a book as a gift, which always ‎ reminded (提醒) me of him.‎ Ⅱ.单句语法填空 ‎1.He just graduated from the university last month, so he is lacking in working experience.‎ ‎2.I don't think I am worthy of such an honorable title.‎ ‎3.You must have a good education, but practical training is equally (equal) important.‎ ‎4.I have no alternative but to_report (report) him to the police.‎ ‎5.At every moment I was reminded of the difficulties we have.‎ ‎6.He has made an important contribution to the company's success.‎ ‎7.This is by no means a good way to make a living.‎ ‎8.I made a commitment (commit) to him to pay all of the debts.‎ ‎9.The house used to be in my possession, but now it is in the possession of an old lady.‎ ‎10.It's worthwhile reading/to_read (read) literary books because they can help us to know more about the society and life.‎ Ⅲ.单句改错 ‎1.She reminded me of that I had a meeting to attend that evening.去掉of ‎2.The fact that the miners there work in dreadful conditions attracts the public's attention and contributes to make laws to protect the miners' right.make→making ‎3.To be punctual one has to have selfdiscipline, and the lack for it affects others.for→of ‎4.When she was forty, she still kept a good figure by the means of exercising regularly and sticking to a diet.去掉the ‎5.I think your plan is very good, but do you have an alternative of it?of→to ‎6.He is a man worthy of to be trusted.We can count on his support.去掉of ‎7.There are many shops around the railway station.In addition to, there are some newlybuilt hotels.去掉to ‎8.If only I am a bird, I should fly through the thick clouds to my dream!am→were ‎9.After the failure of electricity supply the city was on chaos.on→in ‎10.The flat, which is near the sea, is comfortable to live.live后加in Ⅳ.完成句子 ‎1.In some poorest regions many children died for_lack_of_proper_nourishment.‎ 在一些极度贫困地区,许多儿童因缺乏必要的营养而死去。‎ ‎2.By_no_means_will I make the same mistake.‎ 我决不会再犯同样的错误。‎ ‎3.The pills might have cured him, if_only_he_had_taken_them_regularly.‎ 他要是按时服用这些药丸,本来是可能治得好的。‎ ‎4.Sometimes a small act of kindness can_make_a_difference_to others' life.‎ 有时候一个小小的善举可能对别人的生活产生影响。‎ ‎5.The problem you_referred_to_is_difficult_to_solve.‎ 你提及的这个问题难以解决。‎ ‎6.His suggestion put forward at the conference is_worth_considering.‎ 他在会议上提出的建议值得考虑。‎ ‎7.Finally, some good English study websites contribute a lot to my improvement in English.‎ 最后,一些好的英语学习网站对我英语水平的提高起了很大作用。‎ ‎8.We were downloading music when_our_computer_broke_down.‎ 我们正在下载音乐,就在这时电脑出故障了。‎ 本单元语篇话题与新课程主题语境“人与社会”中的“助人为乐”子话题相对应 一、话题语素积累多一点 子话题——助人为乐 ‎(一)浅易词汇温一温 ‎①support   ②supply   ③rescue   ④thought ‎⑤save ⑥disaster ⑦comfort ⑧grateful ‎⑨rebuild ⑩warmth ⑪behavior ⑫thankfully ‎⑬offer ⑭learn ⑮unusual ‎(二)生疏词汇记一记 ‎①catastrophic adj.灾难性的   ②donation n.捐赠,赠送 ‎③undergo vt.经历;遭受,承受 ④mood n.心情 ‎⑤upset adj.不安的 ⑥suffer v.遭受 ‎⑦organization n.组织 ⑧affect v.影响 ‎⑨devote vt.把……奉献(给) ⑩supportive adj.支持的 ‎⑪relief n.宽慰,安心 ⑫distribute vt.分配;分发 ‎⑬generosity n.慷慨,大方 ⑭financially adv.金融上 ‎⑮available adj.可获得的 ⑯promote vt.促进,推进 ‎⑰brainstorm n.奇想 ⑱heartless adj.无心的 ‎⑲peace n.和平 ⑳bright adj.明亮的 ‎(三)常用词块忆一忆 ‎①feel happy       感到幸福 ‎②as well as 和……一样 ‎③special attention 特殊关注 ‎④participate in 参加 ‎⑤free training lessons 免费培训课 ‎⑥get along with 相处 ‎⑦be interested in 对……感兴趣 ‎⑧voluntary service 助人为乐 ‎⑨be ready to 乐于做 ‎⑩take pleasure in 以……为乐 ‎(四)写作佳句背一背 ‎①Immediate measures must be taken to solve the difficult problems the victims are faced with.‎ ‎②We should work hard to cultivate in young people the revolutionary style of learning diligently and taking pleasure in helping others.‎ ‎③He made a suggestion that not only should we contribute money and food to them but also some volunteers be sent there to help those in great need of care.‎ 二、话题书面表达亮一点 假定你是新华中学的高三学生李华,打算做志愿者,参加假期中外学生交流活动。请给市国际交流中心写一封申请信,内容包括:‎ ‎1.性格特点;‎ ‎2.英语水平;‎ ‎3.乐于传播中国文化。‎ 注意:1.词数100左右;‎ ‎2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;‎ ‎3.开头和结尾已为你写好,不计入总词数。‎ Dear Sir/Madam,‎ I'm Li Hua, a student of Senior Three from Xinhua High School.‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ Looking forward to your early reply.‎ Yours sincerely,‎ Li Hua ‎  ‎ ‎[写作4步走]‎ 第一步:句写对——给词写句 apply for, position, volunteer, exchange program, be qualified for, friendly, easygoing, enable, get along well with, be good at, communicate with, easily, be interested in, Chinese calligraphy, be sure, gain  ‎ ‎1.我写信申请学生交流项目中的志愿者职位。‎ I'm_writing_to_apply_for_the_position_as_a_volunteer_in_the_students'_exchange_program.‎ ‎2.我认为我适合这份工作。‎ I_think_I'm__qualified_for_the_job.‎ ‎3.我善良、友好、随和。‎ I'm_kind,_friendly_and_easygoing.‎ ‎4.这让我和同学们相处得很融洽。‎ This_enables_me_to_get_along_well_with_my_classmates.‎ ‎5.我擅长英语。‎ I_am_good_at_English.‎ ‎6.我能和外国学生轻松交流。‎ I_can_communicate_with_foreign_students_easily.‎ ‎7.我对中国文化感兴趣。‎ I'm_interested_in_Chinese_culture.‎ ‎8.我能教外国学生书法。‎ I_can_teach_foreign_students_Chinese_calligraphy.‎ ‎9.我确信他们会收获很多。‎ I'm_sure_they_will_gain_a_lot.‎ 第二步:量写够——语句扩充 ‎10.在句1中加入状语“在即将到来的暑假期间”。‎ I'm_writing_to_apply_for_the_position_as_a_volunteer_in_the_students'_exchange_program_during_the_coming_vacation. ‎ ‎11.在句8中加入并列成分“怎样庆祝中国传统节日”。‎ I_can_teach_foreign_students_Chinese_calligraphy_and_how_to_celebrate_traditional_Chinese_festivals.‎ 第三步:语写美——词句升格 ‎12.用which引导的非限制性定语从句合并句3和句4。‎ I'm_kind,_friendly_and_easygoing,_which_enables_me_to_get_along_well_with_my_classmates.‎ ‎13.用so ...that ...合并句5和句6。‎ I_am_so_good_at_English_that_I_can_communicate_with_foreign_students_easily. ‎ ‎14.用what引导的表语从句改写句7。‎ Chinese_culture_is_what_I'm_interested_in.‎ ‎15.用not only ...but also ...引导的倒装句改写句11。‎ Not_only_can_I_teach_foreign_students_Chinese_calligraphy_but_also_how_to_celebrate_traditional_Chinese_festivals.‎ ‎16.用高级词汇benefit升格句9中的gain。‎ 第四步:篇连顺——衔接成文 用what's more, above all等词汇连句成文 Dear_Sir/Madam,‎ I'm_Li_Hua,_a_student_of_Senior_Three_from_Xinhua_High_School.‎ I'm_writing_to_apply_for_the_position_as_a_volunteer_in_the_students'_exchange_program_during_the_coming_vacation.I_think_I'm_qualified_for_the_job.I'm_kind,_friendly_and_easygoing,_which_enables_me_to_get_along_well_with_my_classmates.What's_more,_I_am_so_good_at_English_that_I_can_communicate_with_foreign_students_‎ easily.Above_all,_Chinese_culture_is_what_I'm_interested_in.Not_only_can_I_teach_foreign_students_Chinese_calligraphy_but_also_how_to_celebrate_traditional_Chinese_festivals.I'm_sure_they_will_benefit_a_lot.‎ Looking_forward_to_your_early_reply.‎ Yours_sincerely,‎ Li_Hua Ⅰ.根据提示填空 While going to the office, I found an old man lying by the side of the bus stop.He seemed very sick and poor.I gave him some money without any ❶thought (think).After a few minutes, I realized that he was probably too weak to get up and buy something with that money.I was thinking about how to help him when my bus arrived.Having stopped my ❷brainstorm (奇想), I quickly got on and rode off.However, that night I couldn't sleep.I felt very angry at my own ❸heartless (无心的) and selfish ❹behavior (行为).How could I just walk away from that man without thinking about his ❺suffering (suffer)?I felt restless and very ❻upset (不安的).The next morning, while waiting at the bus stop, I hoped to run into him again.But he wasn't there.I thought he may have gone to the doorway nearby to sleep for the night.I looked around for him, but he had ❼disappeared (消失).Disappointed, I decided to check for him again on my way back.While returning from work at 5 pm that day, I came back to the bus stop and started my search for him again.❽Thankfully (thank), he was there.I quickly went to a nearby store and got him a blanket, some bread, and biscuits.When I handed them to him, he seemed very ❾grateful (grate). “Now I will be safe from the cold,” he smiled.I also gave him some more money and told him to keep it safely.After being able to help him, I felt very at peace (平和).‎ Ⅱ.片段选词填空 as well as, organization, bright, feel happy, special attention, affect, supportive, participate, mood, free dance lesson ‎ This amazing program is getting young hospital patients in California to boogie down.Kids in hospitals across the state are getting ❶free_dance_lessons,_thanks to the nonprofit ❷organization Dancing Power.Dancing Power got started in 2006 and has gotten ❸special_attention recently.‎ The lessons — in Hula, traditional Brazilian dance, hip hop and other forms of dance — are designed to make the children's days a little ❹brighter. “They are laughing, learning something new, having a good time, ❺feeling_happy together,” Vania Deonizio, the ‎ group's founder and president said.‎ Deonizio said it was important to involve the patients' loved ones ❻as_well_as the kids themselves.“We believe when a child is sick, it truly ❼affects the entire family,”she said.“By having the whole family, and at times their doctors and nurses too ❽participating,_we create a community, a very ❾supportive and fun one.”‎ ‎“It improves their mood and builds their confidence in the control they have of their own bodies when they feel completely out of control in medical situations,”she explained.‎ 一、复现单元考点——增强备考信心 Ⅰ.高考中的语法填空 ‎1.(2018·天津高考)It took him a long time to_acquire (acquire) the skills he needed to become a good dancer.‎ ‎2.(2017·天津高考)The hospital has recently obtained (obtain) new medical equipment, allowing more patients to be treated.‎ ‎3.(2017·江苏高考)In 1963 the UN set up the World Food Programme, one of whose purposes is to relieve worldwide starvation (starve).‎ ‎4.(2016·江苏高考)He did not compromise easily, but was willing to accept any constructive advice for a worthy (worth) cause.‎ ‎5.(2016·江苏高考)Many young people, most of whom were welleducated, headed for remote (remotely) regions to chase their dreams.‎ ‎6.(2016·天津高考)The manager put forward a suggestion that we should have an assistant (assist).There is too much work to do.‎ ‎7.(2014·天津高考)The two countries are going to meet to break down some barriers to trade between them.‎ ‎8.(2014·天津高考)In addition to the school, the village has a clinic, which was also built with government support.‎ Ⅱ.高考中的完形填空 remind, contribution, obtain, troublesome, difference  ‎ ‎1.(2015·广东高考)As our society grows old, we need the __14__ of our older citizens.With long lives ahead of them, they need to stay active and be devoted.____________‎ ‎2.(2014·新课标全国卷Ⅰ)And then, how many adults, who now complain (抱怨) about ‎ the long drives to work, eagerly drove for hours at a time when they first __54__ their driver's licenses (执照)?____________‎ ‎3.(2014·天津高考)Back home,I __29__ myself that what my mother could do, I could, too.If she managed to live in Rio all by herself, I, too, could learn to be independent.____________‎ ‎4.(2012·天津高考)Over three days we collected about 6,000 pounds of trash.It was amazing how much we were able to accomplish.I couldn't believe the __30__ we made — the park looked clean!____________‎ ‎5.(2012·重庆高考)However, my parents showed no interest in my garden.My father even shouted at me because he found it was __47__to move around my garden to the driveway.____________‎ 答案:1.contributions 2.obtained 3.reminded ‎4.difference 5.troublesome ‎二、复现话题词汇——提高阅读准度 新高考下的命题新视角:助人为乐是每个人须具备的优秀品质,是社会主义核心价值观的重要部分之一。这一话题也是高考,特别是完形填空选材的热点。‎ ‎[话题感悟]‎ 学习目标 ——语篇复现词汇,活学活用记忆更深 ‎(加彩词汇为本单元话题词汇,读文时请揣摩其用法)‎ ‎(2014·广东高考)Like many new graduates, I left university full of hope for the future but with no real idea of what I wanted to do. My degree, with honors, in English literature had not really prepared me for anything practical. I knew I wanted to make a difference in the world somehow, but I had no idea how to do that. That's when I learned about the Lighthouse Project. ‎ ‎ I started my journey as a Lighthouse Project volunteer by reading as much as I could about the experiences of previous volunteers. I knew it would be a lot of hard work, and that I would be away from my family and friends for a very long time. In short, I did not take my decision to apply for the Lighthouse Project lightly. Neither did my family. ‎ ‎ Eventually, however, I won the support of my family, and I sent in all the paperwork needed for the application. After countless interviews and presentations, I managed to stand out among the candidates and survive the test alone. Several months later, I finally received a call asking me to report for duty. I would be going to a small village near Abuja, Nigeria. Where? What? Nigeria? I had no idea. But I was about to find out. ‎ After completing my training, I was sent to the village that was small and desperately in need of proper accommodation. Though the local villagers were poor, they offered their homes, hearts, and food as if I were their own family. I was asked to lead a small team of local people in building a new schoolhouse. For the next year or so, I taught in that same schoolhouse. But I sometimes think I learned more from my students than they did from me. ‎ ‎ Sometime during that period, I realized that all those things that had seemed so strange or unusual to me no longer did, though I did not get anywhere with the local language, and I returned to the United States a different man. The Lighthouse Project had changed my life forever. ‎ 语篇解读:本篇为记事的记叙文。全文讲述了作者做志愿者的经历。刚毕业的那段时间,作者不知道自己该何去何从,后来在家人的支持下参加了志愿者活动,并从中收获了许多。‎ ‎36.What do we know about the author? ‎ ‎ A.His university education focused on the theoretical knowledge.‎ B.His dream at university was to become a volunteer. ‎ ‎ C.He took pride in having contributed to the world. ‎ D.He felt honored to study English literature. ‎ 解析:选A 细节理解题。由第一段中“My degree, with honors, in English literature had not really prepared me for anything practical.”可以知道,作者认为自己在大学里学的是理论的东西,并不实用。‎ ‎37.According to Paragraph 2, it is most likely that the author ________.‎ ‎ A.discussed his decision with his family ‎ B.asked previous volunteers about voluntary work ‎ C.attended special training to perform difficult tasks ‎ D.felt sad about having to leave his family and friends 解析:选A 细节理解题。由第二段中的“In short, I did not take my decision to apply for the Lighthouse Project lightly. Neither did my family.”可以知道,作者与家人商量了他的决定。‎ ‎38.In his application for the volunteer job, the author ________.‎ ‎ A.participated in many discussions B.went through challenging survival tests ‎ C.wrote quite a few papers on voluntary work D.faced strong competition from other candidates ‎ 解析:选D 推理判断题。由第三段中“After countless interviews and presentations, I managed to stand out among the candidates and survive the test alone.”可以知道,想参加志愿者服务的人员竞争非常激烈,只有作者一人入选。‎ ‎39.On arrival at the village, the author was________.‎ ‎ A.asked to lead a farming team ‎ B.sent to teach in a schoolhouse ‎ C.received warmly by local villagers ‎ D.arranged to live in a separate house 解析:选C 细节理解题。由第四段中“Though the local villagers were poor, they offered their homes, hearts, and food as if I were their own family.”可以知道,作者受到了热情的接待。‎ ‎40.What can we infer from the author's experiences in Nigeria? ‎ ‎ A.He found some difficulty adapting to the local culture.‎ B.He had learned to communicate in the local language. ‎ ‎ C.He had overcome all his weaknesses before he left for home. ‎ D.He was chosen as the most respectable teacher by his students.‎ 解析:选A 推理判断题。由最后一段中“...all those things that had seemed so strange or ‎ unusual to me no longer did ...”可以知道,作者在适应当地文化方面遇到了一些困难。 ‎ 学习目标 ——题后把脉规律,练后得法理解更透 理清6要素,快解记叙文 记叙文就是叙述经历或讲述故事,一般是按时间顺序,或按事件的重要性来展开,最后经常会用一两句话来抒发作者的情感与感悟,这是记叙文的精华,是阅读的难点所在,可谓“一篇之妙,在于落句”。阅读这类文章,一定要理清6要素,即何人、何时、在何地、因何原因、做了何事、结果怎么样,有何启示或感悟。命题者通常会根据这些要素命题,突出考查考生对事件发生的时间、地点、原因、方式和结果等细节的认知和理解,故考生要通过记叙文训练,弄懂问题,找准根据,从而做到正确解题。‎ 本文讲述的是作者(何人)在刚毕业时(何时)因对未来感到茫然(何因)而去了一个小村庄(何地)做志愿者(何事)并收获颇多(结果)的故事。文章按时间顺序展开,尾段点题。文后设题依次对6要素的相关细节进行由浅及深的考查。‎ Ⅰ.阅读理解 A ‎(2019·长春调研)A cycling session at Queen Mary homeless women's hostel (寄宿舍) in London starts.Eleven women discuss what they' re hoping to achieve in today's session.Then they push their bikes to a basketball court to practise in an offroad environment.Supported by instructors, they practise riding by themselves.Sometimes these women feel a little tired because they take medicine, but they have all made up their mind for cycling training.‎ Last year Queen Mary approached Sustrans (a charity) to set up a cycling club for women.Many of them have low levels of fitness.All have survived challenging situations ranging from social isolation (孤立) to abusive (虐待的) relationships.The hostel staff, who are experienced mental health experts, try to develop cycling to build the women's confidence and give them access to other fields of society.The hostel is moving away from traditional treatment of mental health with the belief that cycling could be a really useful tool in helping the women live on their own.After the success of a 10week pilot project, the cycling club received financial support of £10,000 to continue the club.‎ In modern society, homelessness and mental health problems often go hand in hand.Studies have shown that physical activity, including walking and cycling, can be used to overcome and even prevent stress, depression and anxiety.It can be more effective than medical treatment.‎ Women, however, are less likely than men to take part in physical activity.Women in the UK make nearly three times fewer cycling journeys than men.Two main causes of this are traditional barriers — mostly because women still undertake most household tasks — and fear of judgment.The network of bike routes has been expanded yet the “build it and they will come” approach ignores the fact that not all people start from the same point.Social interventions (干预) are a useful way to achieve equality of access to cycling.‎ 语篇解读:本文是记叙兼说明文。Queen Mary无家可归妇女旅馆联合慈善组织Sustrans,成立了自行车俱乐部,为这些无家可归的女性提供骑行培训,目的是帮助她们树立自信,使她们能够重新融入社会,独立生存。‎ ‎1.What can we learn about the women at Queen Mary?‎ A.They are quite determined.‎ B.They used to be good athletes.‎ C.They committed serious crimes.‎ D.They teach themselves cycling.‎ 解析:选A 细节理解题。根据第一段中的“but they have all made up their mind for cycling training”可知,这些女性很有决心,积极参加骑行训练。‎ ‎2.What's the main purpose in setting up the cycling club?‎ A.To raise money for the poor.‎ B.To advocate the benefits of cycling.‎ C.To help homeless women get a good job.‎ D.To make homeless women better fit into society.‎ 解析:选D 细节理解题。根据第二段中的“The hostel staff ...give them access to other fields of society”可知,建立骑行俱乐部的主要目的在于帮助这些女性树立自信,融入社会的不同领域,获得独立生存的能力。‎ ‎3.What does the author stress in the third paragraph?‎ A.The harm of mental problems.‎ B.The causes of different mental states.‎ C.The various treatments for mental illness.‎ D.The positive effect of sports on mental health.‎ 解析:选D 推理判断题。根据第三段的内容可知,本段主要介绍体育运动能够克服甚至预防精神方面的各种问题,可能比药物更有效。因此可推断本段旨在强调运动对精神健康的重要性。‎ ‎4.What is suggested for encouraging women to cycle?‎ A.Building more bike routes.‎ B.Starting purposeful activities.‎ C.Providing support in housework.‎ D.Strengthening education on equality.‎ 解析:选B 推理判断题。根据最后一段的内容尤其是“Social interventions (干预) are a useful way to achieve equality of access to cycling”可知,为了让更多的女性骑行,文中给出的建议是要进行社会干预,开展针对性的活动。‎ B My daughter was in Grade 10 in high school.Her life had been followed by her dyslexia (阅读障碍).‎ She battled with her schoolwork and her teachers in high school.Her math teacher, seemingly the only teacher who understood and empathized with her dyslexia, unexpectedly offered to read her the questions in a math exam.As a result, she got a previously unheardof B for math.The act of one thoughtful teacher had, perhaps for the first time in my daughter's public life, made her heart open to enjoy life to the full, and she could now start to believe in herself and her abilities.‎ I could of course want to contact and thank the math teacher.I phoned the school and when I asked to speak to the math teacher, I received a very guarded “why” from the receptionist who had long been the gatekeeper, fending off (抵挡) angry parents for teachers.The surprise in her voice was obvious when I replied “I want to thank him”.“Oh ...of course, just a moment,” she responded.The teacher came on the line with the same sense of caution, knowing only that a parent was on the line.I said, “I just want to thank you for reading the questions to my daughter for her math exam.Not only did she get a B but you have no idea the positive impact your action has had on my daughter's selfbelief and hopes for her future.”‎ My daughter's struggles with dyslexia continue to this day.However, she is now an experienced fullyqualified worker who believes in herself and has helped many people in Family and Youth Care Organization.Doing something positive to help a person will make you feel good.Of far greater importance, however, it might change the life of the person you helped and, through his/her renewal, impact positively on the lives of hundreds of other people.‎ 语篇解读:本文是夹叙夹议文。作者的女儿有阅读障碍,数学老师的一次善意举动使她考出了好成绩,并且获得了自信。现在,她开始传递爱心,在工作岗位上帮助更多的人。‎ ‎5.What can we infer about the math teacher?‎ A.He is brave and intelligent.‎ B.He is patient and sympathetic.‎ C.He is friendly and respectable.‎ D.He is generous and kindhearted.‎ 解析:选B 推理判断题。根据第二段中的“Her math teacher, seemingly the only teacher who understood and empathized with her dyslexia”可知,在学校只有数学老师理解并同情作者女儿的阅读障碍;并根据数学老师在一次考试中帮她读试卷上的问题这件事可以推知,数学老师是一位有耐心和同情心的人。‎ ‎6.What can we learn from the second paragraph?‎ A.The author's daughter was only interested in math.‎ B.The author's daughter used to lack selfconfidence.‎ C.The author's daughter performed well in every exam.‎ D.The author's daughter didn't get her teachers into trouble.‎ 解析:选B 推理判断题。根据第二段最后一句可知,在数学老师的帮助下,作者的女儿考出了好成绩,而且开始自信了。由此推知,作者的女儿以前缺乏自信心。‎ ‎7.Why was the receptionist cautious when the author telephoned?‎ A.The author was a complete stranger.‎ B.The teachers were busy working then.‎ C.Some parents were unfriendly to teachers.‎ D.She had been disturbed by the author.‎ 解析:选C 细节理解题。根据第三段中的“fending off (抵挡) angry parents for teachers”可知,有些家长对老师不友好。因此,接待员并不是因为作者是陌生人而谨慎,而是为了帮老师挡住不友好的家长。‎ ‎8.What would be the best title for the text?‎ A.The power of one gesture B.A thoughtful teacher C.A girl's progress D.My daughter's struggle with dyslexia 解析:选A 标题归纳题。综合全文,本文主要讲述数学老师对作者女儿小小的帮助和关爱,使患有阅读障碍的女儿考出了好成绩,而且获得了自信,并将这份爱心传递下去。所以,一次善意的举动会对人产生很大的影响,A项符合文章主旨。‎ C ‎(2019·青岛模拟)Throughout my educational years, despite the kind teachers I had met, I never felt interested in writing until I met her, Mrs.Kelley.At first, I believed that writing would still be my worst class.Gradually, my fondness increased.She taught the lesson in such a lively way and her word choice impressed me.But that was not what made her my favorite.Unlike other teachers, after instructions, she gave an enormous amount of freedom in what we wrote, allowing us to create our own stories using our imagination.And that ‎ mattered most.‎ There was one really revolutionary event: the historical fiction unit.We were to invent our own stories using the period we were given.World War Ⅱ was mine.At that point, I was just looking for a good grade.Rather than creating a mundane (平淡的) story, I wanted to make a story that I felt was meaningful.As I progressed, I was pulled further and further into the reality that I had made.Grammar no longer existed, as my hands gained acceleration.When I typed the final word, my hands trembled with excitement.Briefly, I read it over and then submitted the draft.‎ In the midst of anxiousness, Mrs.Kelley responded.She pointed out some mistakes and gave some suggestions.Sadly, there were no comments of recognition.I fixed the errors and moved on.But when waiting for the final grade, I erased all the unrealistic thoughts that wandered in my mind.‎ In the next class, surprisingly, after handing back my paper, Mrs.Kelley mentioned that my story was very good.I looked at her in confusion.Soon excitement stirred inside me.I found a “+5” attached to the score.She had given an extra point in “Plot”, adding an “Excellent!” No other teacher had done this.On that day, I felt what it means to be a writer.Mrs.Kelley introduced me to the beauty of literature and made writing so enjoyable.‎ 语篇解读:本文是一篇记叙文。作者以前一直对写作不感兴趣,在Kelley老师的引导下,他逐渐感受到写作的乐趣,继而全身心投入其中,最终获得了老师的肯定。‎ ‎9.What made Mrs.Kelley so special according to the author?‎ A.Her patience and kindness.‎ B.Her confidence in students.‎ C.Her creative teaching style.‎ D.Her professional knowledge.‎ 解析:选C 细节理解题。根据第一段中的最后两句可知,Kelley老师最大的优点在于她的授课方式很有创意,她给予学生充分的自由,允许他们发挥自己的想象力进行写作。‎ ‎10.What does the author mainly want to tell us in the second paragraph?‎ A.He was interested in war themes.‎ B.He should have polished the fiction.‎ C.He was anxious to finish the assignment.‎ D.He devoted himself to the writing process.‎ 解析:选D 推理判断题。根据第二段的第三至五句可知,本段作者主要介绍他在接到写作任务后,决心要写一篇有意义的作文,于是奋笔疾书,全身心投入写作中。‎ ‎11.How did the author feel when Mrs.Kelley responded at first?‎ A.Excited.       B.Worried.‎ C.Surprised. D.Disappointed.‎ 解析:选D 细节理解题。根据第三段的“Sadly, there were no comments of recognition.”可知,Kelley老师只是指出了写作中的错误,并提出建议,并没有认可性的评论,这令作者有些沮丧。‎ ‎12.What was the biggest benefit the author got from Mrs.Kelley's class?‎ A.Recognizing his talent.‎ B.Finding the joy of writing.‎ C.Determining his lifetime career.‎ D.Acquiring practical writing skills.‎ 解析:选B 推理判断题。根据全文内容特别是最后一段的最后两句可知,在Kelley老师的教导下,作者由原来的反感到逐渐爱上写作这门课,感受到文学的魅力以及写作的快乐,这是他最大的收获。‎ Ⅱ.阅读七选五 If you have plenty of important tasks to accomplish and can't get anything done, then you are not working efficiently.__1__ You just need to know the following little secrets to increasing your productivity at work.‎ Focus on your own work.__2__ Don't be afraid to say no to your boss and coworkers.When you are overwhelmed (招架不住的), you might make lots of mistakes and fail to complete an important project.‎ Organize your desk.If the place where you work is in a mess, it will be difficult for you to find important notes.__3__ Tidy your desk up to save time and work more efficiently.‎ ‎__4__ Nowadays, the Internet and social networks will make you wander in work.I know it's hard to stop looking at them while at work, but you may end up wasting lots of time on social media websites instead of doing your work.Remember, you get your salary for good work, not for looking at social media.Try to avoid chatty coworkers as well.‎ Take short breaks.When you have a lot of tasks to accomplish, you may not even think about having a rest.__5__ Consider taking a few short breaks throughout the day or taking a short nap to feel more energetic and refreshed.This will help you to accomplish more tasks and avoid making mistakes.Don't eat at your desk; it's better to go elsewhere to have your lunch.‎ A.Avoid checking your email constantly.‎ B.Accomplish the more urgent tasks first.‎ C.Avoid things that prevent your concentration.‎ D.However, you won't be more productive if you feel tired.‎ E.Try not to take on too many responsibilities, especially if you feel stressed.‎ F.You will spend lots of precious time looking for them and delay your work.‎ G.Actually, you can get more tasks done and even have some free time meanwhile.‎ 语篇解读:本文是一篇说明文。文章介绍了几种有效的方法帮助你成为一个高效工作的人。‎ ‎1.解析:选G 第一段第一句提出了工作效率低的问题,空格后说“...the following little secrets to increasing your productivity at work”,那么中间肯定是一个过渡句,由此推断选G。‎ ‎2.解析:选E 由空后提到的“Don't be afraid to say no to your boss and coworkers”可知,此处建议不要去承担太多的工作,专注于自己的工作就好。‎ ‎3.解析:选F 本空前的“it will be difficult for you to find important notes”有提示,此处意为“如果你工作的地方乱的话,你不容易找到重要的笔记,你会浪费宝贵的时间寻找它们,耽误你的工作”。故选F。‎ ‎4.解析:选C 本空为段落的中心句,后面的内容“网络和社交网很容易让你工作时分心,你可能会浪费很多时间在社交媒介上而不是做工作”围绕中心句展开。故选C。‎ ‎5.解析:选D 根据空后的“Consider taking a few short breaks throughout the day ...”可知,该空要表达的意思为“如果你感到累,那么效率就不会高” 。‎

