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选修六 Unit 4 高考拆组训练 阅读理解组块专练——练速度 ‎(限时:30分钟)‎ Ⅰ.阅读理解 A In many parts of Africa, communities have electricity service that sometimes does not operate.And many rural (农村的) settlements are cut off from electricity producing centers.Therefore, offgrid (离网) solar power is becoming available to many communities.Offgrid solar energy is energy that is captured from the sun without being connected to a main electricity center.The International Energy Agency says more than 600 million people in Africa have no way to get electricity.New technology, however, could help solve this problem.‎ Lumos Global is among the companies offering solar energy services in Nigeria.The company's Chief Operating Officer, Nir Marom, says, “You need to put the system on the roof, and put the indoor unit in the home.There is a cable (电缆) to connect them.You don't need to be an electrician or anything like this.The sun charges the electricity, but you need to provide the credit to power the system up, and you do this using your mobile phone.” The price of offgrid solar energy systems has decreased sharply.Today, people can rent solar equipment for less than 50 cents a day.And they can pay for the electricity as they need it.‎ Senegal opened one of Africa's largest solar factories last year.The company paid for the construction of the solar factory in Senegal.A manager says a solar farm in Senegal can produce twice the amount of electricity that a farm of the same size in Britain or in northern France could produce.The International Energy Agency predicts that almost a billion people in subSaharan Africa will have ongrid electricity by 2040.But the agency says 50 million people will still be offgrid.Investors believe solar power could serve those people while also helping to reduce gases linked to climate change.‎ 语篇解读:本文是一篇说明文。在非洲的许多地方,社区配有电力服务,不过有时候无法运行。并且,发电中心切断了许多村落的电力。幸运的是,新技术——离网太阳能可以解决这一问题。‎ ‎1.Why is the offgrid solar power popular in Africa?‎ A.Many people have difficulty in getting electricity.‎ B.There is no electricity producing centers.‎ C.It's a fashion among the communities.‎ D.It's convenient to put the energy into use.‎ 解析:‎ 选A 推理判断题。根据第一段可知,在非洲很多地方人们都无法用上电,这使得offgrid solar power在非洲得以流行起来。‎ ‎2.What does Nir Marom say about the offgrid solar energy system?‎ A.It's complex to change sunlight into energy.‎ B.It's simple to put the equipment in place.‎ C.It's beyond the reach of ordinary people.‎ D.It's free for people to use the system.‎ 解析:选B 细节理解题。根据文中第二段Nir Marom所说“You don't need to be an electrician or anything like this.”可知,安装太阳能设备非常简单。‎ ‎3.What can we learn from the last paragraph?‎ A.The solar energy system in Africa develops faster than that in Europe.‎ B.Half of the people in Africa have no access to electricity.‎ C.The usage of solar power is good for the environment.‎ D.All the people in Africa can use electricity by 2040.‎ 解析:选C 细节理解题。根据最后一段最后一句可知,太阳能的使用不仅可以满足人们需要,还可以减少与气候变化有关的温室气体的排放。即太阳能的使用对环境有益。‎ ‎4.What may be the best title for the text?‎ A.This is the best way to get electricity B.Africa is facing severe energy shortages C.Solar electricity production grows in Africa D.Offgrid solar energy is better than ongrid solar energy 解析:选C 标题归纳题。纵观全文,文章主要介绍了太阳能发电在非洲非常流行。‎ B Arctic sea ice is melting faster than expected, and that means big changes in Earth's climate system.‎ That warning comes from the World Meteorological Organization (WMO). Its scientists are calling for the establishment of an Arctic observatory to help deal with possible dangerous changes resulting from the melting ice.‎ The WMO believes changes in the Arctic area are likely evidence of a coming disaster. It noted that temperatures around the world continue to rise. The next year is predicted to be the hottest year since modern recordkeeping began 150 years ago.‎ The Arctic is warming at least two times as fast as the world average, the WMO said. The highest Arctic sea levels in March were said to be the lowest on record.‎ Petteri Taalas is the WMO's SecretaryGeneral. He said that the changes in the climate were having a serious result. For example, he said, the tree line in mountain areas is moving ‎ upward. “There are also some species of animals who have difficulties in coping with these changes,” Taalas said. These include polar bears, Arctic seals, and even some birds. He said the changing climate will also have an effect on fisheries. Taalas also warned that the melting of the Arctic's frozen permafrost could release large amounts of greenhouse gases. Those gases are the ones that speed up the rise of temperatures.‎ But the melting of the Arctic sea ice is also opening up new transportation, travel and exploration possibilities. Taalas said that less ice could cut the time it takes for ships to sail between Europe and East Asia.‎ Opening the Arctic would also increase the risk of accidents in hazardous waters and oil spills. The cold, undeveloped environment is more difficult to clean up than other areas.‎ Taalas called for the establishment of an Arctic observatory to study, predict and react to climate change. He said this would keep transportation in Arctic waters safe.‎ ‎5.What's the advantage of the melting Arctic sea ice according to the passage?‎ A.It prevents the greenhouse gases producing.‎ B.It will make summer not as hot as before.‎ C.An Arctic observatory needs to be set up.‎ D.It broadens traffic and science research.‎ 解析:选D 细节理解题。根据第六段第一句“But the melting of the Arctic sea ice is also opening up new transportation, travel and exploration possibilities.”可知,北极冰川的融化扩大了交通和科学研究的领域。故选D。‎ ‎6.What does the underlined word “hazardous” in Paragraph 7 mean?‎ A.Deep and freezing.      B.Involving risk or danger.‎ C.Smooth and balanced. D.Safe and slow.‎ 解析:选B 词义猜测题。画线词所在句中的“hazardous waters and oil spills”和下句中的“The cold, undeveloped environment”应属同一类环境。hazardous与“寒冷和未开发的”相对应,应意为“危险的”。故选B。‎ ‎7.Where is the passage probably taken from?‎ A.A geography book. B.A school booklet.‎ C.A travel guide. D.A science report.‎ 解析:选D 文章出处题。本文主要介绍了北极冰川加速融化及其带来的影响和应对措施,并且文中列举了相关人士的观点,因此本文可能出自科学报告。故选D。‎ C We have a problem, and the strange thing is that we not only know about it, but also celebrate it. Just today, someone boasted to me that she was so busy she's averaged four ‎ hours of sleep a night for the last two weeks. She wasn't complaining; she was proud of the fact. She is not alone.‎ Why are typically rational people so irrational in their behavior? The answer is that we're in the midst of a bubble. I call it “The More Bubble”.‎ The nature of bubbles is that something is absurdly overvalued until — eventually — the bubble bursts, and we're left wondering why we were so irrationally animated in the first place. The thing we're overvaluing now is the opinion of doing it all, having it all, achieving it all.‎ This bubble is being enabled by a combination of three powerful trends: smartphones, social media, and extreme consumerism. The result is not just information overload, but opinion overload. We are more aware than at any time in history of what everyone else is doing and, therefore, what we should be doing. In the process, we have been sold a bill of goods: that success means being supermen and superwomen who can get it all done. Of course, we boasted about being busy — it's code for being successful and important.‎ And our answer to the problem of more is always more. We need more technology to help us create more technologies. We need to shift our workload to free up our own time to do yet even more.‎ Luckily, there is a solution to the pursuit of more: the pursuit of less, but better. A growing number of people are making this change. I call these people Essentialists.‎ These people are designing their lives around what is essential and removing everything else. These people arrange to have actual weekends (during which they are not working). They create technologyfree zones in their homes. They trade time on Facebook with calling those few friends who really matter to them. Instead of running to different meetings, they put space on their calendars to get important work done.‎ So we have two choices: We can be among the last people caught up in “The More Bubble”, or we can join the growing community of Essentialists and get more of what matters in our one precious life.‎ 语篇解读:本文是一篇议论文。受智能手机、社交媒体和极端消费主义的影响,许多人乐于说自己很忙,这掩盖了生活的本质。我们应当关注生活中最重要的部分,屏蔽那些无关紧要的事物。‎ ‎8.When the woman said for two weeks she only slept for four hours a night, ________.‎ A.she was unsatisfied with her lifestyle B.she was asking for suggestions C.she took pride in doing so D.she knew few people were like her 解析:选C 细节理解题。根据第一段第三句“She wasn't complaining; she was proud of ‎ the fact.”可知,当这个女士说自己最近两周每晚只睡四个小时时,她对自己这样做感到自豪。故C项正确。‎ ‎9.What is Paragraph 4 mainly about?‎ A.The cause and result of “The More Bubble”.‎ B.The advantages of “The More Bubble”.‎ C.The solutions to “The More Bubble”.‎ D.The new trends of “The More Bubble”.‎ 解析:选A 段落大意题。通读第四段可知,该段首先分析了“The More Bubble”的起因:受智能手机、社交媒体和极端消费主义的影响;接着又分析了“The More Bubble”的后果:信息太多、观点太多,吹嘘忙就是成功和重要的秘诀。故A项正确。‎ ‎10.We can infer from the article that the author ________ “The More Bubble”.‎ A.is supportive of      B.is undecided about C.disapproves of D.wonders about 解析:选C 推理判断题。根据第四段第二句“The result is not just information overload, but opinion overload.”并结合第四段内容可知,“The More Bubble”导致信息膨胀、观点泛滥,从而掩盖了真实的生活;据此可以判断,作者对此持反对态度。故C项正确。‎ Ⅱ.阅读七选五 ‎(2019·杭州六校联考)There are so many things we do in our daily lives that have become a “habit”. __1__ How you answer the phone is a habit. The way you sit in the car when you drive is a habit. Have you ever tried to change the way you do something, after you've done it in a certain way for so long? It's not very easy to do. The minute your mind drifts to something else, you go right back to the old way of doing things. __2__ It's a way of doing things that has become routine or commonplace. To change an existing habit or form a new one can be a tedious task.‎ Let's pick something fairly easy to start with, like spending 15 minutes in the morning reading the Bible. If you want to turn something into a habit that you do every day, you have to WANT to do it. __3__ Make a firm decision to do this on a daily basis.‎ Imprint it in your mind. Write several notes to yourself and put them in places where you will see them. By the alarm clock, on the bathroom mirror, on the refrigerator door, in your briefcase, and under your car keys are good places to start.‎ After the newness wears off, then you will have to remind yourself, “Hey, I forgot to ...” Keep using the notes if you have to, __4__ Some people say it will take over a month to solidify it and make it something you will do without having to think about it. I tend to agree with the last statement. Two to three weeks will help you to remember, but thirty days or more will make it a part of your everyday routine.__5__‎ A.What is a “habit” anyway?‎ B.Is doing things in an old way good?‎ C.Brushing your teeth is a habit.‎ D.Forming a bad habit is easy.‎ E.It takes 16 to 21 times of repeating a task to make it a habit.‎ F.If you don't, you will find a way to do everything but that.‎ G.That's something you won't necessarily have to think about before you do it — habit.‎ ‎1.选C 根据空格上一句“There are so many things we do in our daily lives that have become a ‘habit'.”可知,我们日常所做的许多事情已经成了习惯;由空格下一句“How you answer the phone is a habit.”可知,接电话的方式也成了习惯;据此可以判断,空格处应列举日常生活中已经成为习惯的行为。C项“刷牙是一种习惯”紧密衔接上下文,符合语境。故C项正确。‎ ‎2.选A 根据空格下一句“It's a way of doing things that has become routine or commonplace.”可知,该句阐述了习惯的定义;据此可以判断,空格处应提问“习惯是什么”。故A项正确。‎ ‎3.选F 根据空格上一句“If you want to turn something into a habit that you do every day, you have to WANT to do it.”可知,如果你想将某件事变成你每天都要做的习惯行为,你就必须想要做它,此处强调的是想要做的重要性;据此可以判断,空格处应谈论如果你不想做会发生什么情况。故F项正确。‎ ‎4.选E 根据空格下一句“Some people say it will take over a month to solidify it and make it something you will do without having to think about it.”可知,该处陈述的是养成习惯的一种方法。空格处应陈述养成习惯的另一种方法。E项中的“16 to 21 times”与下文中的“Two to three weeks”相照应。故E项正确。‎ ‎5.选G 根据空格上一句“Two to three weeks will help you to remember, but thirty days or more will make it a part of your everyday routine.”并结合空格处所在的位置可知,空格处总结全文,再次阐述什么是习惯。G项“那是你在做之前不必考虑的事——习惯”符合文意。故G项正确。‎

