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第三讲 背景常识 高考完形填空往往以自身的内容提供相对完整的语篇信息,但其间交织渗透着各类相关的文化背景知识和常识,如文化、风俗、生活常识以及科学知识等,考生在做题时可充分利用社会文化知识和生活常识,并注意中西方文化方面存在的差异将会大大简化复杂的分析与判断过程,节省宝贵的时间,顺理成章地选出正确的答案。 1. 生活常识 [ 典例 1 ]   (2019· 江苏卷 ) He might not have done this particularly well , 46.but the teacher told Gabriel that he had a good __ 47 __ and suggested that Gabriel go into the music store-room to see if any of the instruments there 48.appealed __ to him. 47.A.ear B.taste C.heart D.voice 答案  A   [ 老师认为 Gabriel 有着很好的辨音能力,并建议他去挑一件称心的乐器。 ear 辨音力,灵敏的听力; taste 鉴赏力,欣赏力,指对作品的欣赏能力。由于 Gabriel 没有经过专业的训练,不能说他有很好的音乐鉴赏能力, taste 不符合语境。 ] [ 典例 2 ]   (2019· 全国卷 Ⅱ ) Ehlers 52.called the number of Jeff and Lisa to tell them he had __ 53 __ their dog. 53.A.fed B.adopted C.found D.cured 答案  C   [ 根据前面的 Ehlers ________ the number of Jeff and Lisa to tell them 并结合生活常识可知, Ehlers 当然是打电话告诉狗的主人,他发现 (find) 了他们的狗。 ] 2. 文化背景 [ 典例 3 ]   ( 天津卷 ) Roberta appeared on the stage.She took a deep breath and began to speak.Now she was Portia , a strong-willed __ 17 __ in Shakespeare’s The Merchant of Venice .The theater was filled with people.She was speaking with a power she had never before experienced , the words flowing smoothly from her. 17.A.member B.actress C.player D.character 答案  D   [ 莎士比亚是英国文学巨匠,他的作品人们耳熟能详,尤其是《威尼斯商人》。其中,主要人物 (character) 有:乐于助人的 Antonio( 安东尼奥 ) ,贪婪自私的 Shylock( 夏洛克 ) ,还有意志坚强的 Portia( 鲍西亚 ) 。表示小说或戏剧等中的 “ 人物 ” 或 “ 角色 ” ,用 character 。故选 D 。 ]

