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‎2020届一轮复习人教版选修六Unit2 Poems单元教案 Period 1 Warming up, Pre-reading & Reading Teaching goals ‎1. Target language a. Important words and phrases Poem, poetry, recite, aspect, convey, nursery, rhyme, diamond, cottage, balloon, sparrow, tease, salty, endless, translate, nursery rhyme, take it easy, run out of, make up of b. Important sentences Which poem is about things that don’t make sense?‎ Poets use many different forms of poems to express themselves.‎ I hadn’t taken my eye off the ball.‎ We hadn’t taken it easy.‎ The poem is made up of five lines.‎ A lot of Tang poetry has been translated into English. The translations have a free form that English people like to copy.‎ ‎2. Ability goals a. Enable Ss to talk about different types of poems: nursery rhymes; list poems; cinquain,; haiku; Tang poems ‎ b. Enable Ss to talk about different purposes of writing poems.‎ c. Understand the main theme of each poem.‎ d. Enable Ss to chant some of their favorite poems.‎ ‎3. Learning ability ‎ Enable Ss to distinguish different types of poems.‎ Teaching important points ‎1. Talk about five main types of poems.‎ ‎2. Understand the main purpose of writing the poems.‎ Teaching difficult points ‎1. Find the rhythm of each poem.‎ ‎2. Chant the poem.‎ ‎3. Understand the main purpose of writing the poems.‎ Teaching methods ‎1. Skimming and scanning.‎ ‎2. Asking-and –answering activity ‎3. Discussion ‎4. Chant Teaching aids Multimedia Teaching procedures & ways Step 1. Greetings Step 2. Presentation Ask Ss to think back and try to remember poems from their early ‎ childhood, either in Chinese or in English.‎ Talk about some famous poets both home and abroad, either ancient ones or modern ones.‎ Brainstorming: What will you think of when we talk about the word “poem”?‎ Step 3. Warming up Read the questions in this part, reminding Ss what they notice about the above poems.(e.g. they have a strong beat, or they have rhyme, or they play with words and sounds, or perhaps some of them are funny because they make no sense.)‎ Tell Ss that there are many reasons why people write poetry. Give the examples on the Bb. Ask Ss why they think the poets wrote the poems they have just recited.. Write their suggestions on the board.‎ Give Ss a time limit of a few minutes. Divide the class into groups of four to discuss the purpose of writing poems. Ask one person from each group to read their group’s list and add their suggestions to the list on the board. (Suggested reasons: to create certain feelings or images in the reader; to share a feeling or experience; to describe something in detail or give an impression; to get the reader to think about an idea; to express a point of view; to make the reader experience the sight, sounds, smells, feel and tastes of something; to create a mood, to play with words--- their sounds, rhyme and rhythm.)‎ If time permits, in small groups or as a class, discuss the kinds of topics that poets write about.( people, animals, nature, landscapes, the sea, the seasons, stories, death, war, youth and old age, feeling and experiences, emotions like love, hate, sadness, regret and desire, etc.)‎ Step 5. Reading Scanning Get the Ss to read the passage quickly and accurately and meanwhile help the Ss to form a good habit of reading. Teacher gives Ss a couple of minutes to look through the whole passage. Tell them to read the text silently and then ask some detailed questions about the text on the slide show . Teacher should encourage Ss to express their ideas.‎ Q1. Why do people write poetry?‎ Q2. How many forms of poems are mentioned in the passage? What are they?‎ Q3. What does “nursery rhyme” mean? Why do they delight small children?‎ Q4. What’s the characteristic of “list poems”? What about “cinquain”?‎ Q5. Why do English People like “Haiku”?‎ Q6. Are you familiar with Tang Poems? Do you know the title of the last poem in the text?‎ Listening Before Ss read the text, have them close their books and listen to the ‎ text with their eyes closed. This gives Ss the opportunity to listen to the sounds or “music” of the poems before reading them in detail. Tell them that it doesn’t matter if they don’t understand every word.‎ First reading Get Ss to read the text carefully, finding the one sentence that sums up the paragraph of each part.. Underline the topic sentence.‎ Second reading ‎ Tell Ss that they are going to look at the rhythm of two of the poems. Make sure they know what rhythm is. Read the limerick aloud and have Ss listen for the strong beats. Then have them clap the strong beats as you read. Mark the strong beats on the limerick on the board.‎ There was an old man with a beard Who said “it is just as I feared”.‎ ‎“Four insects and then Two birds and a hen Have all made a home in my beard”.‎ Now read the poem A & B. Ask them to mark the strong beats on the two poems that have a strong rhythm. Check their answers . Then play the tape and get them to clap to the strong beats in those two poems.‎ Third reading Just as any scene can serve as the subject of a painting, so any part of daily life can provide material for a poem.. Of course, the choice that the ‎ artist or poet makes relates to his or her purpose. Poetry is usually short and compact, so it should be read several times, preferably aloud, to appreciate its meaning. Read the last poem (Poem H), and answer the following questions:‎ Q1. What parts of the poem suggest that the woman loves her husband?‎ Q2. How do you understand the sentence” Should the journeyer return, this stone would utter speech.”? Explain the sentence in your own words.‎ Q3. What picture do you have in your mind when you read the above sentences?‎ Q4. Do you know the Chinese title of this poem? Do you know the Chinese version of the poem?‎ Step 6. Make a short summary of this period.‎ Homework ‎1. Surf some websites to find out more information about poets.‎ ‎2. Review the content of the reading passage.‎ ‎3. Finish the exercises on Page 12& 13.‎ Period 2 Reading, Comprehending & Learning about language Teaching goals ‎1. Target language Important words and phrases joy, anger, sorrow, thread, appropriate, ending, compass ‎ ‎2. Ability goals Enable Students to deepen their understanding of the reading passage and learn some useful words and expressions.‎ Learn to use words and expressions in their right form.‎ ‎3. Learning ability ‎ Enable Ss to understand the rhyme and rhythm in English poems.‎ Teaching important points ‎1. Understand the passage and answer the questions about it.‎ ‎2. Learn the useful words and expressions in the passage.‎ Teaching difficult points ‎1. Discuss the poems and understand their deep meaning.‎ ‎2. Find the rhyme and rhythm in English poems and try to create them by students themselves.‎ Teaching methods ‎ Discussion, asking-and-answering activity, practice, task-based activity Teaching aids Multimedia Teaching procedures & ways Step 1. Greeting Step 2. Comprehending Task 1. Group work ‎ Ask students to read the passage together and then discuss in group which poem they like best and give reasons. ‎ ‎ After discussion, ask someone to present his/her idea to the class.‎ Task 2. Ask and answer ‎ Answer the questions about the passage on Page 11 – 12.‎ Step 3. Explanation ‎ ‎1. Others try to convey certain emotions.‎ ‎“convey” here means communicate (an idea, meaning, etc.).‎ I can’t convey how angry I feel.‎ ‎“emotion” means strong feeling Love and hatred are basic emotions.‎ His voice was shaking with emotion.‎ ‎2. They delight small children because they have strong rhythm and rhyme.‎ ‎“delight” means make sb. pleased greatly.‎ ‎ The gift of the child delighted his parents.‎ ‎ I am delighted to help you.‎ ‎ “rhythm” means a measured flow of words and phrases in verse determined by various relations of syllables.‎ ‎ the exciting rhythms of African drum music ‎ “rhyme” means identity for sound between words or the ‎ endings of words, esp. in verse. ‎ ‎ Shakespeare sometimes wrote in rhyme.‎ ‎ He made up funny rhymes to make us laugh.‎ ‎3. We would have won if we hadn’t taken it easy.‎ ‎“take it easy” means to proceed gently or carefully; to relax and avoid overwork.‎ You’ve done quite enough work for today; now take it easy for an hour.‎ ‎4. We would have won if we hadn’t run out of energy.‎ ‎“run out(of sth.)” means to use up; to come to an end.‎ The petrol is running out.‎ We are running out of out time. = Our time is running out.‎ ‎5. a poem made up of five lines ‎“make sth. up” means to put together; to compound What are the qualities that make up his character?‎ Society is made up of people of widely differing abilities.‎ Step 4. Learning about language ‎ Check the exercise on Page 12-13.‎ Task 1. Discovering useful words and expressions ‎1. Ask some students to list the words they find to rhymes with the words in the exercise. The teacher may make some addition if necessary.‎ ‎ Sample answers: ‎ ‎2 high sky pie my fly shy lie ‎3 sing ring wing thing king fling string ‎ ‎4 today away say play lay tray may ‎ ‎5 lace race face case chase place pace ‎6 true too new flew few shoe canoe ‎ Ask students to try to create more lists by themselves.‎ ‎2. Complete the passage using the correct words.‎ Ask students to finish the passage and explain why the form of the words must be changed.‎ Task 2. Discovering useful structures ‎1. Rewrite the poem about winning the match and the reasons.‎ ‎2. Rewrite the poem about the attempt to win the competition.‎ Offer students some time to discuss about it and present some samples for them to follow if they find it difficult to get through.‎ ‎3. Match the sentences.‎ Explain some rules of subjunctive mood if necessary.‎ ‎4. Complete the sentences using the correct forms of the verbs.‎ Step 5. Using words and expressions(Workbook)‎ Task 1. Make adjectives from nouns by adding suffix “ful” and then explain the meaning of the new adjectives. Encourage students to think of more examples that have the same form.‎ Task 2. Complete the table with the correct words.‎ Noun Verb Adjective Adverb ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ Task 3. Complete the sentences using the correct word from the table.‎ Task 4. Match the phrases appropriately and encourage students to create more of their own word pictures.‎ Step 6. Make a short summary of this period.‎ Homework ‎1. Remember important language points.‎ ‎2. Write a simple English poem by using rhyme and rhythm.‎ ‎3. Preview “Learning about language”.‎ Period 3 Learning about Language Teaching goals ‎1. Target language a. Important words ‎ Appropriate , ending , compass b. Important sentences If she had stueide harder , she would have passed the exam.‎ If she had been there , she would have met some really interesting people.‎ ‎2. Ability goals a. Enable Ss to grasp the ways of writing poems. ‎ b. Enable Ss to use subjunctive mood correctly.‎ ‎3. Learning ability ‎ Teach Ss how to write some poems and how to use subjunctive mood correctly.‎ Teaching important points ‎1. the way of writing poems.‎ ‎2. Subjunctive Mood Teaching difficult points Using subjunctive mood correctly in different situations.‎ Teaching methods ‎1. Task-based learning ‎ ‎2. instructions ‎ ‎3. practice ‎ Teaching aids Multimedia Teaching procedures & ways Step 1. Greetings Step 2. Warming up Task1: Free talk------ why do you enjoy learning English?‎ T: I’m glad to see you again and I’m happy because we can enjoy English ‎ together. Do you enjoy learning English?‎ S: Yes . Because English is a very beautiful language.‎ S2: Because we can enjoy a lot of funny stories if we know English.‎ S3: Because we can communicate with foreigners in English.‎ S4: Because we can introduce China to foreigners if we know English.‎ S5……‎ T: Well done. If we did well in some way , people would know us. Now let’s talk about some famous persons. (Yao Ming , Liu Xiang , Madame Curie, Yuan Longping, Chinese Women Football Team)‎ Step 3. Presentation Task2: Group talk-----Try to talk about the famous persons.‎ Q1: Why is Yao Ming famous ? S1: Because he played basketball very well. S2:…..‎ Q2: Why could Liu Xing succeed ? S1: Because he trained very hard. S2:……..‎ Q3: Why did Chinese Women Football Team lose the game? S1: Because they were tired…‎ Q4: Complete the sentence : They would win if they ……… S1:They would win if they had a good rest. S2:……‎ T: Just now we talked a lot about some persons .If we put these sentences together , they formed a kind of poem-----list poems.. ‎ Task3: Turn to page 13 , and do exercises 1 and 2.‎ Step 4. Grammar Task4: Present some sentences on the blackboard , and ask Ss to tell the difference among them.‎ a. If I knew it , I would tell you.‎ b. If I had known it yesterday , I would have told you .‎ c. If I had known it , I would have told you.‎ d. If I had finished my homework , I would have gone to bed.‎ e. If I had known his telephone number , I would have made a phone to him.‎ S1: In these sentences , they use different tenses.‎ S2: They describe different situations.‎ S3:………… ‎ ‎ T: Yeah . We can draw a conclusion as follows:‎ ‎ Verb forms ‎ ‎ If –clause The main sentence The present situation Ved would /could/should/might +V The past situation had Ved would/could/should/might +have Ved Task5: Compare some special sentences and draw a conclusion.‎ A. Had I not seen it with my own eyes , I would not have believed it.‎ Were it not to rain tomorrow , we would have a picnic.‎ Should it rain tomorrow , we would have a picnic.‎ ‎ Conclusion: connect subjunctive mood with inversion.‎ B. If the weather had been finer, the crops would be growing still better.‎ If you had followed the teacher’s advice, you wouldn’t be in hospital.‎ ‎ Conclusion: The situations in the clause and the main sentence are different.‎ C. If only I knew his name!‎ If only we had followed your advice!‎ If only I could see him again!‎ ‎ Conclusion: We should use different forms of verbs according to the different situations in the pattern: If only.‎ ‎ D. Without sunlight, people’s life would be different from today.‎ But for your help, I wouldn’t have finished the work.‎ ‎ Conclusion: If there are some special prepositions just like without , but for in the sentences, we sometimes should use subjunctive mood.‎ Step5. Practice Task6 : Do exercises 3 and 4 on page13.‎ Task7: Present some pictures and ask Ss to make up some sentences with subjunctive mood.‎ Picture1: A rocket ‎ e.g •If I were a designer , I would design a spaceship .‎ ‎•If I were clever enough , I would have designed a spaceship.‎ Picture2: the universe ‎ e.g.:•If I were an astronaut , I would travel into space.‎ ‎•If I had been to space , I would have known what were there in space.‎ Picture3:a lot of money ‎ e.g.:•If I had a lot of money , I would run a big company.‎ ‎•If I had earned a lot of money , I would have built a lot of houses for the poor Picture 4:the farmer and the snake ‎ e.g.:•If the farmer hadn’t seen the snake , he wouldn’t have put it in the arms.‎ ‎•If he hadn’t put it in the arms , the snake wouldn’t have bitten him.‎ ‎•If the snake hadn’t bitten him , he wouldn’t have died Task8: Do some exercises on screen.‎ Step6: summary and homework ‎ ‎ Do exercises 1-4 on page 50 and 51.‎ Period 4 Reading , and Writing Teaching goals ‎1. Target language a. key words and phrases: pattern, rhythmic, rhyme, rhythm, sunlight, darkness, warmth, underlined, load b. key sentences: ‎ I’m not going to do….‎ I plan to do…‎ I’ll do….‎ I am looking forward to do…..‎ If I were the ruler of the world, I would do….‎ If I had a million dollars, I would do….‎ I feel happy when….‎ Slowly the moon climbs in the sky….‎ ‎2. Ability goals a. Enable the students to understand the rhyme and rhythm of the poem and grasp the main idea.‎ b. Enable the students can get the information from the long passage by listening.‎ c. Enable the students can express their feelings by writing poems.‎ ‎3. Learning ability goals:‎ a. Enable the students to know how to get the key words to understand the poem.‎ b. Enable the students can find where the rhyme and the rhythm of the poem are.‎ c. Help the students learn how to get some skills in listening.‎ d. Enable the students to learn to present enough reasons to support their opinions.‎ e.. Help the students learn to write poems using the target language ‎ according to the writing steps. ‎ ‎4.Teaching important points a. Help the students to understand what the rhyme and rhythm are.‎ b. Train the students to get the key words by reading the question before listening.‎ c. Teach the students to write according to the writing steps.‎ ‎5.Teaching difficult points a. How to help the students can find where the rhyme and the rhythm of the poem are.‎ b. How to help the students to make up dialogues, using the target language.‎ c. How to help the students to write the poem to express their feelings.‎ ‎6.Teaching methods Cooperative learning and Task-based learning ‎7.Teaching aids A recorder, computer, slide and blackboard ‎8.Teaching procedure & ways:‎ Step1 Greetings and revision Teacher greets the whole class and checks the homework.‎ Task1.Rhyme Teacher asks the whole class to enjoy a poem (showing it on the screen by computer)‎ There was an old woman they say;‎ Who would eat an apple a day;‎ When asked she replied; ‎ It’s good for my inside;‎ For I am never ill anyway.‎ Teacher asks some questions:‎ Question1: Do you think poem is funny? What is main idea of the poem?‎ ‎(To tell us an apple is good for our health)‎ Question2: Could you find the rhyme of the last word in each line?‎ ‎(say//day; replied//inside; anyway)‎ The rhyme in this poem is “a a// b b //a ”.‎ Task 2 .Rhythm Enjoy a song----Little Stars Teacher asks the students to listen to and follow it. After that, teacher asks them to find the rhyming words and share them. This time teacher tells students the poem not only has rhyme, but also has the rhythm so that people can sing it as well as read it.‎ Step2 pre-reading Teacher tells the students they will learn a new poem which is also a song written by Rod McKuen and asks the students to listen to the poem to feel and think about.‎ Task1. Speaking Show some questions on the screen before students listen.‎ ‎1.Do you think the speaker in the poem is more like to be a girlfriend /boyfriend or a parent?‎ ‎2.Does the poem have a rhythmic pattern?‎ ‎3.Does the poem have rhyming words?‎ After listening to the poem, the students have some minutes to speak and share their opinions.‎ Task2.Discussion Open question: When you were listening to the poem, did it make you feel something or think about something? What did it make you feel or think about?‎ This question has no standard answers , the students can discuss and express what they think freely.‎ Step3 While -reading Teacher asks the students open their books and turn to page14.‎ Task1 Read the text following the tape.‎ Teacher asks students to follow the poems in their books while listening to the tape again and asks them to read aloud in pairs.‎ ‎ Task 2 Find the words that rhyme and circle them.‎ ‎ Teacher asks students to find and circle the rhyming words and list them on the blackboard to share.‎ ‎ Task3 Clap the strong beats of the rhythm Teacher writes the first four lines on the board, and asks students to listen for the strong beats. Teacher plays the first four lines of the tape more than one time until the students are confident of hearing the strong beats and tap their tables in time to the strong beats. Teacher asks some students to underline the strong beats on the board and the teacher will tell them the correct answers by oral. After doing the example, the whole class will be divided into small groups and each group chooses one paragraph of the rest poem to underline the strong beats and reads them aloud. Some minutes later, teacher will check it in class.‎ Step4. Post –reading ‎ Teacher sets exercises 3 (on page 15) on the screen and asks students to discuss the poem’s meaning in more detail. After that, teacher will tell each group to present the group’s views to the class.‎ Question1: Who is the speaker in the poem and who is he/she speaking to? Give reasons to support your answer.‎ Question2: Which of the following is the closest to the speaker’s message? Give a reason for your choice.‎ A .If it’s cold, I’ll warm you; if it’s dark, I’ll give you light; if you’re hungry, I’ll feed you; if you want love, I’ll give it to you.‎ B. Although the future may be difficult for you, whenever you need warmth and love, remember I’ll have some to give you.‎ C. While you’re away I’ll remember your smile and I’ll love you always. When you return, I hope you will love me.‎ Suggested answers.‎ Answer1 :A partner (mother or father) speaking to a young adult child(son or daughter)‎ Many of the phrases imply that the speaker is an older person who has experienced their own journey through life and who is offering love to the young person to help him/her begin his/her journey through life. For example, I’ve saved the summer …and I’ve saved some sunlight….when the speaker says Till you’re older….‎ We know that the speaker is probably a parent because he/she is offering the child unconditional love ( But if you’ve a need for love, I’ll give you al I own.).we know that son/daughter is a young adult because the speaker refers to the time when you were but nineteen.‎ Answer2: B is the best answer.‎ Step5 Pre-listening Teacher tells students the listening is a conversation between a teacher and three of her students about a poetry competition. the students talk about when they are going to write their poems and how they become inspired to write poetry. Their discussion illustrates the function of intention.‎ Teacher first asks the students to discuss the following questions in ‎ groups about their experiences writing Chinese poetry.(show these questions by computer)‎ Question1: In what kind of place do you like to write poetry?‎ Question2: What conditions do you need to be able to write poetry? ( Does it have to be quite ,do you need to be alone, do you need to listen to music and so on?)‎ The discussion gives a context for the listening, prepares them for what they will hear and will help them understand the listening more easily.‎ Exercises:‎ A. Multiple Choices ‎1.When do the students have to have their poems completed? (B)‎ A. By the 23th of the month B. By the 24th of the month C. By the 20th of the month ‎2. Who had decided not to write a poem for the competition but then changed is or her mind? (C)‎ A. Lucy B. Jack C. Tom B. True or False ‎1.Lucy is satisfied with the poem she has written. (F)‎ Explanation: She thinks that if she had an extra week to work on it, she could improve it.‎ ‎2.Tom has used music before while studying. (T)‎ Explanation: he works best when he is listening to his favorite music, but ‎ he has never tried writing poetry to music.‎ C. Complete the sentences ‎1. Why does Jack like to go into the countryside to write?‎ Because he finds that he notices all sorts of the things and he has interesting thoughts.‎ ‎2. Why does Lucy stay at home to write?‎ Because she likes the quiet and likes to have her own things around her.‎ Task3 Third listening This time the students are listening for a different kind of detail. They must listen for the expressions listed in Exercise 3.These sentences are model ways of expressing intention.‎ A. Filling the blanket Teacher asks students close their books and show the sentences on the screen. Then Teacher plays the tape again and asks the students listen for these sentences.‎ ‎1___________ enter a poem this.(I’m not going to)‎ ‎2. ___________ do it this weekend.(I plan to)‎ ‎3.How_____________become inspired to write this weekend?(are you going to)‎ ‎4.__________________go on a hike into the countryside and sit quietly somewhere by myself.(I am going to)‎ ‎5.____ also try out his way some time.(I’ll)‎ ‎6.________________ try it tonight.(I ‘m going to)‎ ‎7.__________________________ reading all your poems.(I’m looking forward to)‎ Check the answers together.‎ B. Repeating and Practicing Imagine that the class has to enter poems in a competition next week. In small groups discuss the question :How are you going to become inspired to write your poem?‎ Teacher asks students to use some of the expressions in Exercise3 to talk about their plans. Students practise by oral and share in pairs.‎ Step 7 Writing Task1.Revise the grammar Students work in groups. Write a list poem starting with If I like poem C on page 10.write one line each .It doesn’t have to rhyme. Each group can choose one of these lines to start their group poem. Then share these poems in class.‎ Sentences pattern:‎ ‎1. If I were the ruler of the world, I would….‎ ‎2. If I had a million dollars, I would…‎ ‎3. If I had taken your advice, I would have/wouldn’t have…‎ Task2 Write a poem Teacher asks students to write a poem that starts with I feel happy ‎ when .The lines do not have to rhyme. Or write a poem that starts with Slowly. Start each line with Slowly and make each pair of lines rhyme. To show the students what to do, teacher list the first four lines of the two poems. Now teacher asks students to write own poem of eight to ten lines.‎ Eg: A I feel happy when…‎ The sky is blue, ‎ You smile at me with your sparking black eyes,‎ It’s my birthday.‎ Eg B Slowly the moon climbs in the sky,‎ Slowly the black-tailed bird lets out a cry,‎ Slowly the dog crosses the road,‎ Slowly the old man carries his load.‎ If time permitting, the teacher asks students to finish their poems and share in class. If not, the task 2 of writing can be as homework.‎ Step8 Summary In this period, all the students revise the key points of a poem-----Rhyme and rhythm. And they also enjoy a beautiful poem ----I’ve saved the summer. Students can understand the deep meaning in the poem and the parents’ love to the children. It’s good to help students how to ‎ appreciate poems. Meanwhile, Listening is important. Students enhance their listening skills by a conversation about the poems competition. In the end part, writing exercises helps students review the grammar and give them chances to express their thoughts by poem.(Teacher makes a list of some important points on the blackboard.)‎ Stop 9 Homework ‎1. Finish their poems after class.‎ ‎2. Reread the poem “I’ve saved the Summer” and appreciate the beauty of the poem.‎ ‎3. Make more sentences with If I had done….., I would….‎ Period5 Summary Teaching goals ‎1.Target language All useful words and structures in this unit.‎ ‎2. Ability goals a. Help students master the usage of the words and expressions in the unit.‎ b. Translate some sentences on Page 51.‎ c. Enable students to summarize what they learned by answering the questions in Summing up (P16) and Checking Yourself (P54).‎ ‎3. Learning ability goals ‎ Help students learn how to summarize what they have learned in this unit.‎ Teaching important and difficult points ‎ How to review and conclude what students learned.‎ Teaching methods Let students do the exercises, and then collect their answers. Ask them to conclude the rules and then give them some explanation.‎ Teaching aids A projector and a recorder Teaching procedures & ways Step1 Revision Check the homework left before. Ask some students to present the poems that they have written. Teacher can give them some remarks if necessary.‎ Step2 Ex on Page 49-50‎ This part is a consolidation of the words and expressions learned in this unit.‎ ‎1. Let students finish part 1 and part2 ( 5 minutes )‎ T: Now please open your books and turn to page 49. Let’s use words and expressions. Make adjectives from the nouns and complete the table with the correct nouns, verbs, adjectives or adverbs.‎ ‎2. Give the students 3 minutes to finish part 3 on next page.‎ T: Try to complete each sentence using the correct word from the table you have completed within 3 minutes.‎ ‎3.Check the answers with the whole class.‎ Suggested answers: ‎ Exercise 1 on P49‎ ‎1.beauty beautiful 2.joy joyful 3.sorrow sorrowful 4.delight delightful ‎ ‎5. dread dreadful 6. hope hopeful 7. peace peaceful 8. power powerfu Exercise 2 on P49‎ ‎1. expressively 2. darkness 3. translation 4. repeat ‎ ‎5. inspirational 6. anger 7. impressed 8. enjoyably ‎ ‎9. transformed 10. warm ‎ Step3 Translation on page 51‎ T: Please turn to page 51 and translate some sentences into English, using the word and phrases in bracket. This part is a consolidation of the grammar item in this unit. You should pay more attention to the sentence structure. Are you clear?‎ S: Yes.‎ For the exercise, teacher can ask some of them to go to the blackboard ‎ to write down their translations. And then check them with the whole class. If there are some problems, teacher can ask the students to discuss and give them some suggestions to solve them.‎ Suggested answers: ‎ ‎1. 如果我们的糖没有用完, 我是不会去商店的。(run out of )‎ If we hadn’t run out of sugar, I wouldn’t have gone to the shops.‎ ‎2. 如果刘思嘉没有考上大学, 她就不用离别父母搬到千里以外的地方去了。(thousands of)‎ If Liu Sijia hadn’t gone to university, she wouldn’t have moved to thousands of kilometres away from her parents.‎ ‎3. 他会为你准备一杯由果汁、酸奶和鸡蛋制成的特殊饮料。(be made up of)‎ He’ll prepare for you a special drink that is made up of fresh fruit juice, yoghurt and eggs.‎ ‎4. 如果你当时留心看着她,你就不会在人群中把她弄丢了。(keep an eye on)‎ If you had kept your eye on her, you wouldn’t have lost her in the crowd.‎ ‎5. 如果你放松一段时间,你就会康复得更快一些。 (take it easy)‎ You ‘ll get better more quickly if you take it easy for a while.‎ ‎6. 如果埃米莉没有逗那只猫,它就不会打翻那个漂亮的花瓶了。(tease; knock over)‎ If Emily hadn’t teased that cat, it would not have knocked over that ‎ beautiful vase.‎ Step4 Summary T:Today we have done a lot. We have finished using words and expressions and done some translations. We have also reviewed what we have learned in this unit. Now let’s fill in the chart on Page 16. Think about what you have read and practised in this unit. Then tick the boxes.‎ SUMMING UP Think about what you have read and practised in this unit. Then tick the boxes.‎ ‎ I have learned I need to ‎ ‎ this well learn more I have learned about :‎ l some simple types of poetry ; o o l rhythm and thyme; o o l some new words and phrased; o o l how to write some simple poetry; o o l how to use the subjunctive mood; o o l how to talk about intentions and plans; o o Step5 Project ( on Page 54)‎ Teacher can ask the students to find their favourite English poem or a translation of their favourite Chinese poem. Get them to read it or write it on a poster and put it on the wall for the rest of the class to share.‎ ‎ ‎ Step6 Check yourself This is a chance for students to collect knowledge they have learned in the unit. Teacher can leave them some time to finish the questions in the chart. Doing this task can improve students ability of teaching by oneself. If they like they can have a discussion in pairs, teacher can walk among them and give them some help.‎ Step7 Homework

