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‎2019届一轮复习人教版必修四Unit4Body Language单元学案 一单元基础训练 一、单元单词短语回顾 statement [ˈsteitmənt] n. 陈述;说明 greet [gri:t] vi. & vt. 迎接;问候 represent  [ˌrepriˈzent] vt. 代表;象征 association  [əˌsəusiˈeiʃən] n. 社团;联系;联想 dormitory [ˈdɔ:mitəri] n. 宿舍 canteen  [kænˈti:n] n. 食堂 flight [flait] n. 飞行;航班 curious  [ˈkjuəriəs] adj. 好奇的 curiously adv. 好奇地 ‎△Garcia 加西亚(姓)‎ Colombia n. 哥伦比亚(南美洲国家)‎ approach [əˈprəutʃ] vt. & vi. 接近;‎ 靠近;走近n. 接近;方法;途径 ‎ cheek  [tʃi:k] n. 面颊 defend  [diˈfend] vt. 保护;保卫 defend against  [əˈgenst] 保卫……以免受 defence  [diˈfens] n. 防御;保卫 major  [ˈmeidʒə] adj. 主要的 misunderstand  [ˌmisʌndəˈstænd] vt.‎ ‎ (misunderstood,misunderstood) ‎ ‎ 误解,误会 misunderstanding n. 误解;误会 ‎△Akira Nagata 永田明 ‎△Ahmed Aziz 艾哈迈德·阿齐兹 Jordan [ˈdʒɔ:dn] n. 约旦(西亚国家)‎ ‎△Darlene Coulon 达琳·库隆 ‎ dash [dæʃ] vi. 猛冲;突进 adult [ˈædʌlt] n. 成人;成年人 ‎ adj. 成人的;成熟的 ‎△simply  [ˈsimpli] adv. 简单地;只 ‎△Muslim n. & adj. 穆斯林(的);‎ 伊斯兰教信徒(的)‎ spoken [ˈspəukən] adj. 口语的 unspoken  ['ʌn'spəukən] adj. 未说出口的;非口语的 ‎△posture  [ˈpɔstʃə] n. 姿态;体态 Spain  [spein] n. 西班牙(欧洲国家)‎ Italy [ˈitəli] n. 意大利(欧洲国家)‎ likely [ˈlaikli] adj. 可能的 be likely to 很可能……;有希望……‎ in general  [ˈdʒenərəl]总的来说;通常 crossroads ['krɔsrəudz] n. 十字路口 ‎△employee [imˈplɔi-i:] n. 雇员 ‎△frown  [fraun] vi. 皱眉;蹙额 ‎△misread [mis'ri:d] vt. (misread /misread)读错;误解 facial [ˈfeiʃəl] adj. 面部的 function  [ˈfʌŋkʃən] n. 作用;功能;‎ 职能 vi. 起作用;运转 ease  [i:z] n. 安逸;舒适 ‎ vt. 减轻(痛苦;忧虑)‎ at ease 舒适;快活;自由自在 truly [ˈtru:li] adv. 真实地;真诚地;真正地 false  [fɔ:ls] adj. 错误的;假的 anger  [ˈæŋgə] n. 怒气;怒火 lose face 丢脸 turn one’s back to 背对;背弃 fist [fist] n. 拳头 yawn  [jɔ:n] vi. 打呵欠 ‎△respectful [riˈspektfəl] adj. 恭敬的 subjective  [səbˈdʒektiv] adj. 主观的 hug [hʌg] vi. & vt. 拥抱 rank  [ræŋk] n. 等级;军衔 cassette [kæˈset] n. 磁带 ‎ 二、单元重要句式回顾:根据括号内要求翻译句子 ‎1.不是所有鸟都会飞。(部分否定)‎ All_birds_can_not_fly./Not_all_birds_can_fly.‎ ‎2.他们很可能要求增加预算。(likely)‎ They_will_be_very_likely_to_ask_for_an_increase_in_the_budget.‎ ‎3.我们选出一个委员会来代表我们。 (represent)‎ We_chose_a_committee_to_represent_us.‎ ‎4.作为一个小女孩,她对人类起源很好奇。(curious)‎ As_a_little_girl,_she_was_curious_about_the_origin_of_human_beings.‎ ‎5.我们抵御敌人,保卫我们的国家。(defend)‎ We_defend_our_country_against_enemies.‎ ‎6.你必须悄悄地走近那只鸟, 否则它会飞走的。(approach)‎ You_must_approach_the_bird_very_quietly_or_it_will_fly_away._‎ ‎7.我必须为没能去接你向你道歉。(apologize)‎ I_must_apologize_to_you_for_not_being_able_to_meet_you.‎ ‎8.他是这个村里第一个上大学的人。(the first ...to do ...)‎ He_was_the_first_man_to_go_to_college_in_the_village.‎ ‎9.即使他知道这个秘密,也不会泄露。(even though)‎ He_will_not_let_out_the_secret_even_though_he_knows.‎ ‎10.那人抓住了小偷的胳膊。(动词+sb.+介词+the+身体部位)‎ The_man_caught/seized_the_thief_by_the_arm.‎ 单元综合知识运用 一 完形填空提速训练 I was cleaning out an old box when an old card caught my eye: Queen City Casket Company. “What is it?” I wondered. I __1__ it over. There, in faded ink, was a handscrawled (手写的)__2__. Immediately my mind traveled __3__ many years.‎ I was nine years old, walking down the cold, wet streets of Springfield, with a bag of magazines on my shoulder. On my __4__ that day, I came to that Company finally, whose owner, Mr Rader, had always taken me there to ask his workers ___5__ they wanted any magazines.‎ Shaking off the __6__ like a wet dog, I entered Mr Rader's office. After a quick glance he __7__ me over to the fireplace. Noticing the __8__ in the top of my __9__, he said, “ Come with me !” pulling me into his pickup __10__. We pulled to a stop before a shoe store. Inside, a salesman __11__ me with the finest pair of Oxfords I had __12__ seen. I __13__ about 10 feet tall when I got up __14__ them. “We'd like a pair of new socks too,” Mr Rader said.‎ Back in his office, Mr Rader took out a __15__, wrote something on it, and handed it to me. With __16__ eyes, I read, “ Do to others as you would have them do to you.” He said affectionately (深情地), “Jimmy, I want you to __17__ I love ‎ you.”‎ I said goodbye, and for the first time I __18__ a flicker of hope that somehow things would be __19__. With people like Mr Rader in the world, there was hope, kindness and love, and that would always make a __20__.‎ 语篇解读:文章讲述了“我”小时候,在寒冷的冬天里卖杂志的时候,一位好心人对“我”的无私的帮助,让“我”觉得这世界是美好的。‎ ‎1.A.read         B.thought C.turned D.passed ‎ 解析:选C turn over“把……翻过来”。作者看到的是一张卡片,卡片的一面注有地址,要想看到内容,得把它翻过来。‎ ‎2.A.address B.list C.message D.information ‎ 解析:选C 根据后文,Mr Rader在卡片上写的是送给作者的赠言。address“地址”;list“目录,清单”;information“消息,信息”。‎ ‎3.A.forward B.so C.ahead D.back ‎ 解析:选D 作者见到这张卡片,思绪又回到了从前。‎ ‎4.A.return B.rounds C.trip D.arrival ‎ 解析:选B 根据下文提示可知,作者当时的工作是卖杂志,应来回沿街叫卖。‎ ‎5.A.if only B.how C.whether D.why ‎ 解析:选C 作者是卖杂志的,Mr Rader帮作者询问他的工人是否需要杂志。‎ ‎6.A.dust B.sweat C.tail D.rain ‎ 解析:选D 根据第二段首句和空格后面的wet dog可推出答案。‎ ‎7.A.led B.followed C.watched D.carried ‎ 解析:选A 作者是在Mr Rader的办公室,当时又冷又潮,故Mr Rader把他带到炉火旁取暖。‎ ‎8.A.hole B.mud C.water D.cover ‎ 解析:选A 下文提到Mr Rader给作者买的是一双鞋和袜子,因此可推测作者的鞋子坏了。‎ ‎9.A.magazine B.shoe C.sock D.bag ‎ 解析:选B 根据下文Mr Rader给作者买的东西可推出答案。‎ ‎10.A.truck B.factory C.home D.store ‎ 解析:选A pickup truck“皮卡,一种小型货车”。‎ ‎11.A.dressed B.fitted C.showed D.comforted ‎ 解析:选B dress“给……穿衣服”;show“展示”;comfort“安慰”;fit ...with“给……提供”。服务员给“我”拿出了一双最好的鞋。‎ ‎12.A.ever B.already C.never D.hardly 解析:选A 服务员给作者提供的鞋子是作者那时曾经见过的最好的鞋子。‎ ‎13.A.appeared B.seemed C.looked D.felt ‎ 解析:选D 这是作者当时曾经见过的最好的鞋子,又非常适合他,穿上一定感觉比穿那双已经坏了的鞋要舒服很多。‎ ‎14.A.for B.with C.on D.in ‎ 解析:选D 本题考查在特定语境下使用介词的能力。in ...“穿着……”。‎ ‎15.A.pen B.paper C.card D.notebook ‎ 解析:选C 根据第一段首句可得知答案。‎ ‎16.A.tearful B.unbelievable C.curious D.puzzled ‎ 解析:选A Mr Rader给了作者无私的帮助,令作者非常感动。‎ ‎17.A.admit B.know C.consider D.express ‎ 解析:选B 此处指Mr Rader想要作者知道。admit“承认”;consider“认为,考虑”;express“表达”。‎ ‎18.A.sensed B.received C.lost D.gained ‎ 解析:选A 作者当时的生活条件很差,九岁就沿街卖杂志,Mr ‎ Rader对他无私的帮助让他感到生活又充满了希望。‎ ‎19.A.mistaken B.right C.all right D.possible ‎ 解析:选C 此处意思为:一切事情都会好起来的。‎ ‎20.A.deal B.fortune C.choice D.difference ‎ 解析:选D 世界上有Mr Rader这样的好心人,就会有希望,生活就会出现转机,有所不同。‎ ‎二、高考题型组合练(限时50分钟)‎ Ⅰ.阅读理解 ‎(2018·金华十校第一次联考)There is a popular saying in the English language:“Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.” Well, that is not true. Unkind words, namecalling or even the socalled “the silent treatment” can hurt children as much as being physically hit, sometimes even more so.‎ A recent study of middle school children showed that verbal (言语的) abuse by other children can harm development in the brain. The study was a project of researchers at Harvard Medical School in Massachusetts. Researcher Martin Teicher and his team studied young adults, aged 18 to 25. These young men and women had not ever been treated in a cruel or violent way by their parents. The researchers asked the young people to rate their childhood exposure to verbal abuse from both parents and other children. Then the researchers performed imaging tests on the brains of the subjects. ‎ The images showed that the people who reported suffering verbal abuse from peers in middle school had underdeveloped connections between the left and right side of the brain. The two sides of the brain are connected by a large bundle of connecting fibers called the corpus callosum. This was the area that was underdeveloped.‎ The middle school years are a time when these brain ‎ connections are developing. So, unkind, hurtful comments from children or adults during this period have the greatest effect. The researchers tested the mental and emotional condition of all the young people in the study. The tests showed that this same group of people had higher levels of fear, depression, anger and drug abuse than others in the study.‎ The researchers published their findings online on the American Journal of Psychiatry's website.‎ Parents cannot control what other people say to their children, but they can prepare their children.‎ 语篇解读:本文是一篇说明文。马萨诸塞州哈佛医学院的研究人员发现,语言暴力会干扰大脑神经的连接,对孩子的大脑发育造成不良影响。‎ ‎1.Why does the author use the popular saying at the beginning?‎ A.To show the power of words.‎ B.To introduce an opposite view.‎ C.To prove the author's argument.‎ D.To show ancient people's wisdom.‎ 解析:选B 作者意图题。引用名人名言、谚语等是文章开篇的常见写作方式,且大多用来引出文章的话题。但是根据此谚语后面的“Well, that is not true. Unkind words ... sometimes even more so.”可知,本文引用这个谚语恰恰是为了引出一个不同的或者说是相反的观点,故选B。‎ ‎2.What will be discussed in the next paragraph?‎ A.Comments on the findings.‎ B.Approaches to further studies.‎ C.Suggestions to parents.‎ D.Different opinions on the matter.‎ 解析:选C 推理判断题。根据文章最后一段的内容可知,作者接下来应该会就“父母如何帮助自己的孩子为可能遭受的语言暴力做好准备,使他们不会受到语言暴力的影响”给出一些方法或建议。故选C。‎ ‎3.What is the main idea of the passage?‎ A.The way we speak matters.‎ B.Verbal violence should be stopped.‎ C.Unkind words hurt the brain.‎ D.Words are worse than sticks and stones.‎ 解析:选C 主旨大意题。文章介绍了语言暴力对孩子的不良影响,再根据文中的“verbal (言语的) abuse by other children can harm development in the brain”可以看出,其影响主要体现在孩子的大脑发育方面。故选C。‎ Ⅱ.阅读七选五 ‎(2018·合肥第二次质量检测)‎ Empathy, the Key to Being Kind In science class, your teacher tells everyone to find a partner for a project. Out of the corner of your eye, you notice one girl sitting alone and not making eye contact with anyone. You think about asking her to be your partner, but you're afraid people will think you're uncool. You don't reach out to them.‎ ‎ __1__‎ Empathy is being able to understand and actually feel what someone else is feeling. For some people, this comes naturally; for others, it takes a bit more work. __2__ When you practice being empathetic, it gets easier to make kindness part of your everyday life. If you can understand why people are feeling down, you'll want to help them. Here are some ideas that can help you.‎ ‎__3__ Not being able to find a group in class might not seem like a big deal — but part of being kind is noticing when someone seems sad, hurt or uncomfortable. After all, you have to notice how people feel in order to feel empathy and want to help them!‎ When you're trying to make kindness second nature, really getting other people's feelings is important. __4__ Think about a time when you felt that way. Didn't you wish someone would reach out to you? If someone had offered you a few words of comfort, wouldn't it have made you feel so much happier?‎ So, when you find people around you who are feeling down next time, do not hesitate to put yourself in their shoes and reach out to them with a kind gesture. __5__ There is always a time when you expect others to relate to you and feel what you feel.‎ A.And your kindness will be finally rewarded.‎ B.But empathy is super important to being kind.‎ C.Be open to learning more about what you don't ‎ understand.‎ D.One way to practice empathy is to pay attention to the people around you.‎ E.However, you never know showing empathy may make all the difference to her.‎ F.You don't have to have a similar background to someone else to feel empathy for them.‎ G.Whenever you find someone might be feeling lonely or sad, put yourself in his shoes.‎ 语篇解读:本文是一篇说明文,主要介绍了“移情”的作用和定义,并介绍了如何让自己更好地帮助别人、理解别人。‎ ‎1.选E 分析文章结构可知,本空用来引入本文的话题,在这里起到承上启下的作用。结合标题“Empathy, the Key to Being Kind”可知,空处说明你可以通过“移情”解决问题,引出对“移情”的作用的介绍,所以选E项。‎ ‎2.选B 根据空后一句中的“it gets easier to make kindness part of your everyday life”可以判断,“移情”对使善良成为每日生活的一部分非常重要,故B项正确。‎ ‎3.选D 根据本段内容可知,本段介绍的是如何实现“移情”;结合本段尾句可知,本段主要陈述“关注周围的人”这一方法,故D项正确。‎ ‎4.选G 根据空前的“really getting other people's feelings”和空后的“Think about a time when you felt that way.”可知,理解别人的情感十分重要,据此可以判断,G项与此处匹配。‎ ‎5.选A 根据空前一句中的“do not hesitate ...with a kind ‎ gesture”及空后一句可知,当你遇到沮丧的人时,应当毫不犹豫地设身处地为他们着想并伸出援助之手,因为总会有一些时候,你也期待别人能理解你;据此可以判断,A项符合语境。‎ Ⅲ.语法填空 Wu Zetian, the only woman emperor to rule ancient China, is considered __1__ one of the most powerful women in Chinese history.‎ She was born into a(n) __2__ (wealth) family with great beauty and intelligence.This beautiful girl, unlike others in ancient China, __3__ (be) in favour of reading and often travelled around the country with her father when she was young, __4__ increased her knowledge and developed her talents.When she was about fourteen, she __5__ (send) to the palace and married to the Emperor.After many difficulties and hardships, she __6__ (successful) made herself queen.A few years after Emperor Gaozong died, Wu Zetian changed the name of the Dynasty Tang to Zhou, and became Empress.__7__ seemed like a hard task for women to be rulers in ancient times, but Wu Zetian succeeded.When she ruled the country, she supported economic and cultural __8__ (develop) and improved people's living quality.She also encouraged girls to go to school __9__ (study).Before then, girls were not allowed to go to school.‎ Wu Zetian died at the age of 82, __10__ (leave) a gravestone without any words on it.Although the Zhou Dynasty ‎ only lasted for one generation, it marked an important period in Chinese history.‎ 语篇解读:本文介绍了中国历史上唯一的一位女皇帝——武则天。‎ ‎1.as be considered as ...意为“被认为是……”。‎ ‎2.wealthy 设空处作定语修饰family,表示“富裕的”,故填wealthy。‎ ‎3.was 设空处所在句主语为This beautiful girl,谓语应用单数形式,且由“when she was young”可知,此处应用一般过去时,故填was。‎ ‎4.which 设空处引导非限制性定语从句,补充说明“This beautiful girl ...when she was young”这件事,故填which。‎ ‎5.was sent she与send之间是被动关系,且由“When she was about fourteen”可知,send所表示的动作发生在过去,故填was sent。‎ ‎6.successfully 设空处作状语修饰made,故填successfully。‎ ‎7.It 设空处作形式主语,真正的主语是to be rulers in ancient times,故填It。‎ ‎8.development 设空处作宾语,表示“发展”,故填development。‎ ‎9.to study 女孩子们去上学的目的是学习,girls与study之间是逻辑上的主谓关系,故填to study。‎ ‎10.leaving 设空处作状语,Wu Zetian与leave之间是逻辑上的主谓关系,且leave所表示的动作与谓语动作同时发生,故填leaving。‎ Ⅳ.读后续写 阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。‎ Everything seemed to be going great. I was a successful businessman. I had a family I loved. I'd traveled all over the world. I'd even written a few books. What was the problem? Why did I feel so unhappy?‎ One night my wife, Sue,_and I rented Groundhog Day. I'd seen the film before and knew it was very funny, just something I needed to distract (使分心) me from that strange sense of unhappiness. There is a badtempered TV weatherman, Phil Connors, who is sent to Punxsutawney to report on the nation's most famous groundhog. The strangest things happen though. The day repeats itself again and again. Phil is stuck in a seemingly endless circle of unhappiness.‎ Several days later Sue and I headed to Hawaii for vacation. I figured this would make me feel better. But when I came back I was still wondering what was wrong with my life. “Why am I so unhappy?” I wrote in my diary one day. “What's the future about? What will happen to my children?”‎ For six years I had kept that diary, all of my accomplishments were in it, the business successes, the books I had written and the places we had traveled to. But as I turned the pages, I found that time after time, the same questions made me tired. I was stuck.‎ The next morning, I put the DVD in the player and watched ‎ Phil experience his terrible Groundhog Day over and over. Then one morning he wakes up and tells himself, “Hey, if I'm supposed to repeat this day again and again, let me make it the very best day possible.” And slight change in attitude changes everything. Instead of being unhappy, Phil chooses to be grateful, to look for things to appreciate. I thought back to all of the successes that I had recorded in my diary and my family. I had never given thanks for them.‎ 注意:‎ ‎1.所续写短文的词数应为150左右;‎ ‎2.应使用5个以上短文中标有下划线的关键词语;‎ ‎3.续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好;‎ ‎4.续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。‎ Paragraph 1:‎ I didn't need to change my life.  ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ Paragraph 2:‎ My diary reads differently now.  ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ 参考范文:‎ Paragraph 1:‎ I didn't need to change my life.I needed to change the way I saw it. There was no reason for my unhappiness. The next morning I sat down to breakfast and simply took in everything around me in my_family,_my kids drinking their milk and smiling, the gentle press of Sue's hand on my shoulder as she poured me a cup of coffee. If I lived the day with a positive attitude,_there was no what I could see.‎ Paragraph 2:‎ My diary reads differently now. I've come to appreciate all of my_accomplishments,_all that I've been given and all that I can give to others. I've learned to appreciate all the people appearing and all the things happening in my life. These go back to what I learned from Groundhog_Day,_especially the weatherman Phil Connors, and that choice I make every morning: Let me make today the best day possible.‎

