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2018 届二轮复习 连词 连词:是连接单词、短语或句子的一种虚词,在句中不单独作任何成 份,一般不重读。 一. 连词的分类 1. 按连词的构成可将其分为以下几类: ○1 简单连词,如 and, if, or, because, but, so ○2 关联连词,如both … and …, not … but …, not only … but also … ○3 分词连词,如 supposing, providing, provided, given ○4 短语连词,如 as if / through, even if / through, as / so long as 2. 按连词的性质可将其分为以下几类: ○1 并列连词,如 and, but, or, nor, so, for, as well as, while, when, not only … but also …, both … and …, either … or …, neither … nor, therefore, yet, nevertheless, however 等。它们 用来连接平行的词、词组或分句。 ○2 从属连词,如 after, when, before, as, while, since, until, till, although, though, if, even if, unless, lest, because, than, that, whether, so that, as soon as, as long as, in order that, as though, suppose (that), provided (that), in case (that), now (that), on condition (that), seeing that, so … that, such … that, as … as, so …as 等。它们用来引导从句。 温馨提示:除连词外,连接代词、连接副词、关系代词、关系副 词也可以来引导一个从句。 二. 并列连词 1. 表示并列关系的连词:主要表示“和,补充,增加”之意,包括等。 如 and, both … and, neither … nor, not only … but (also), as well as 等。 如 Neither Mary nor Tom came to our party yesterday. She plays both the piano and the guitar. He has been to all the countries in the Middle East as well as Europe. He is not only our teacher but also our friend. 温馨提示:在连接三个或三个以上的名词或相当于名词的短语时, 一般应在最后两者之间加 and。如 He got up,washed his face, had breakfast and rushed to school. 2. 表示转折关系的连词:主要有 but, only, while, when, whereas 等。 如 A great deal has been accomplished, but more remains to be done. He is riding, while his father is walking in the dust. Why did you borrow the book when you had one? He is ill, whereas I am only a little tired. only 表示意义转折,只见于非正式文体。如 You may go, only come back early.(only = but) 温馨提示:○1 有些词或短语在句中也表示转折意义,如 still, yet, however, all the same, after all 等。通常作连接性状语。 如 The problem was a little hard, yet I was able to work it out I explained twice, still he couldn’t understand. ○2 whild 在表示转折关系时,往往连接内容和结构对称的句子。 如 I love strong tea while my father loves coffee. ○3 both … and … not 结构和 neither … nor …的区别在于前者表示 部分否定,而后者表示全部否定。如 Both you and I are not correct. Neither you nor I am right. 3. 表 示 选 择 关 系 的 连 词 : 主 要 有 or, either … or, or else, whether … or, otherwise 等。如 Which do you like better, tea or coffee? Either you leave this house or I’ll call the police. Do it at once, or else! = Do it at once, otherwise you will suffer in some way. Take a taxi, otherwise you won’t get there in time. 4. 表示因果推理关系的连词:主要有 so, for, then, therefore 等。 如 The air here is polluted, so the crops are dying. It must be late, for I have been here a long time. 温馨提示:for,because,as,since 在用法和意义上的区别: ○1 for 引导的句子是并列分句,只能后置,并用逗号与前面的句子 隔开。主要用来表示推测性原因,或附带解释、说明前一分句的情 况。 如 The electric current must have been turned off, for the light went out. ○2 because 用来引导表示直接原因的从句,语气很强,明确地说 明因果关系。其引导的从句可置于句首、句末或句中。如 He is absent today because he is ill. for 引导分句表示因果关系时,它可以和 because 互换使用。 如上句也可以说成:He is asent today, for he is ill. 但表示推测性原因,就不能互换使用。如 He must be ill, for he is absent today. ○3 since,as 都是不讲自明的原因,是已知的原因,as 的语气比 since 要弱。 如 Since (As) you don’t feel well, you had better stay at home. 三. 从属连词:用来连接分句,表示各分句之间的关系。其可分为引 导名词性从句、状语从句的连词和引导副词性从句的连词。用法详 见“主从复合句部分”。

