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‎2019届一轮复习人教版必修二Unit5Music单元学案设计 ‎【考纲解读】‎ ‎1. 了解各种各样的音乐形式,深化对音乐的全面认识,增添音乐欣赏趣味,提高音乐修养,正确认识音乐的作用。‎ ‎2. 谈论乐队以及明星生活,引导学生用辩证和理智的态度看待明星的生活。‎ ‎【高频单词】‎ ‎1.roll (vt. & vi) 滚动;(使)摇摆 (n.) 摇晃;卷;卷形物;面包圈 ‎2.musician (n.) 音乐家→music (n.) 音乐→musical (adj.) 音乐的 ‎3.pretend (vt.) 假装;假扮 ‎4.attach (vt. & vi.) 系上;缚上;附加;连接→attachment (n.)附件,附属物 ‎5.form (vt.) (使)组成;形成;构成 ‎6.passerby (n.) 过路人;行人→passersby (pl.)‎ ‎7.earn (vt.) 赚;挣得;获得→earning (n.) 薪水;工资 ‎8.extra (adj.) 额外的;外加的 ‎9.instrument (n.) 工具;器械;乐器 ‎10.perform (vt.& vi.) 表演;履行;执行→performance (n.) 表演;演奏→performer (n.) 表演者 ‎11.millionaire (n.) 百万富翁;富豪→ million (n.) 一百万 ‎12.actor (n.) 男演员;行动者→act (v.) 行动;行为→action (n.)行动;行为过程→active (adj.)活跃的;积极的→actress (n.) 女演员 ‎13.rely (vi.) 依赖;依靠→reliable (adj.) 可靠的;可信赖的 ‎14.broadcast (n. & vi. & vt.) 广播;播放→broadcast (过去式/过去分词)‎ ‎15.painful (adj.) 痛苦的;疼痛的→pain (n.) 疼痛 ‎16.humorous (adj.) 幽默的;诙谐的→humor (n.) 幽默 ‎17.familiar (adj.) 熟悉的;常见的;亲近的 ‎18.attractive (adj.) 吸引人的;有吸引力的→attract (vt.) 吸引;引起→attraction (n.) 吸引;吸引力;吸引人的事物 ‎19.dip (vt.) 浸;蘸→dipped (过去式/过去分词)‎ ‎20.confident (adj.) 自信的;确信的→confidence (n.) 自信;信任 ‎21.brief (adj.) 简短的;简要的(n.) 摘要;大纲→briefly (adv.) 简要地;短暂地 ‎22.devotion (n.) 投入;热爱→devote (vt.) 奉献;致力于→devoted (adj.) 献身的;忠诚的 ‎23.invitation (n.) 邀请;招待→invite (vt.) 邀请;招致→inviting (adj.) 诱人的;吸引人的 ‎24.sensitive (adj.) 敏感的;易受伤害的;灵敏的→sense (n.) 感觉;感官 ‎【重点短语】‎ ‎1.attach...to 认为有(重要性、意义);附上;连接 ‎2.be/get_familiar_with 熟悉;与……熟悉起来 ‎3.break_up 打碎;分裂;解体 ‎4.in_addition 另外;也 ‎ ‎5.above_all 最重要的是;首先 ‎6.to_be_honest 说实在地;说实话 ‎7.in_cash 用现金;有现钱 ‎8.play_jokes_on 戏弄 ‎9.rely_on 依赖;依靠 ‎10.or_so 大约 ‎11.sort_out 分类 ‎12.have_a_good_knowledge_of 精通;通晓 ‎【热点句型】‎ ‎1.“代词+of+which”构成的定语从句 The musicians were to play jokes on each other as well as play music, most_of_which (其中大多数)was based loosely on the Beatles.(教材P34)‎ ‎2.过去分词短语作定语 Each week on TV, the Monkees would play and sing songs written_by_other_musicians (由别的音乐家创作的).(教材P34)‎ ‎3.not... without...双重否定句式 Freddy and his band could_not_go_out_anywhere_without_being_ followed (无论走到哪里都会有人跟随).(教材P38)‎ ‎4.as if引导方式状语从句 Their personal life was regularly discussed by people who did not know them but talked ‎ as_if_they_were_close_friends (就像他们是密友).(教材P38)‎ ‎5.adj.+enough to do sth. ……足够……以至于……‎ Anyhow their performance were humorous_enough_to_be_copied (非常幽默以至于被模仿) by other groups.(教材P34)‎ ‎【单词冲关】‎ 例1、pretend vt.假装;假扮 Do you sing karaoke and pretend you are a famous singer like Song Zuying or Liu Huan?(P34)‎ 你唱卡拉OK并假装你是宋祖英或刘欢那样的著名歌星吗?‎ ‎【归纳拓展】‎ ‎【名师点睛】[来源:学。科。网Z。X。X。K]‎ pretend后接动词不定式作宾语时,根据不同的语境要求,不定式可以采用一般式、进行式、完成式来表达不同的时间概念。有类似用法的动词还包括:happen, appear, seem, claim及be said to do sth.等结构。‎ ‎【语境助记】‎ ‎①He pretended to_be_friendly to us.‎ 他假装对我们很友好。‎ ‎②The boy pretended_to_be_concentrating_on his lesson, but in fact his mind was wandering.‎ 那个男孩假装在专注于功课,但事实上他的思想在开小差。‎ ‎③Jacy pretended_to_have_known everything about it and said nothing.‎ 杰西假装已了解了一切,什么也没有讲。‎ ‎④单句改错 He would ask who we were and pretend not to knowing us.‎ knowing改为know 例2、attach vt.& vi.附上;系上;贴上;使依恋;连接 To be honest, a lot of people attach great importance to becoming rich and famous.(P34)‎ 说实在的,许多人把名和利看得很重。学科&网 ‎【归纳拓展】‎ ‎(1)attach...to...认为有(重要性、意义);附上;连接 attach importance/significance/value to认为……有重要性(或意义、价值等)‎ attach oneself to sb.与某人在一起;缠着某人 attach to sb./sth.(使)与某人/物有关系/有关联 ‎(2)attached adj.依恋;附属于 be attached to附属于;依恋 ‎【名师点睛】‎ ‎【语境助记】‎ ‎①My parents always attach_great_importance_to my getting a good education.‎ 父母一直认为我接受良好的教育非常重要。[来源:学#科#网Z#X#X#K]‎ ‎②Attach a recent photograph to your application form.‎ 申请表上请贴一张近照。‎ ‎③This hospital is_attached_to the medical college nearby.‎ 这家医院附属于附近的那所医学院。‎ ‎④He is deeply attached_to his mother.[来源:学科网]‎ 他深深地依恋着自己的母亲。‎ 例3、form n.形状;形态;外形;表格;形式 v.(使)组成;形成;构成;排列 But just how do people form a band?(P34)‎ 但是人们是怎样组成一个乐队的呢?‎ ‎【归纳拓展】‎ ‎(1)form the habit of养成……的习惯 form into组成……;编成……‎ ‎(2)be in/out of form处于良好的/不良的状态 in the form of以……的形式;呈……的状态 take the form of采取……的形式;表现为……的形式 fill in/out a form填表格 ‎【语境助记】‎ ‎①[2016·全国卷Ⅱ]Hundreds of people have formed_impressions of you through that little device (装置) on your desk.‎ 成百上千的人会通过你桌子上的小装置,对你形成一定的印象。‎ ‎②A habit is difficult and sometimes almost impossible to get rid of once formed.‎ 习惯一旦形成,就很难、有时几乎不可能改掉。‎ ‎③To apply for a job, you must fill_in a form.‎ 要申请工作,你必须填份表。‎ ‎④You'd sound a lot more polite if you make a request in_the_form_of a question.‎ 如果你以问问题的方式提出请求,你听起来会更有礼貌。‎ 例4、familiar adj.熟悉的;常见的;亲近的 They were so popular that their fans formed clubs in order to get more familiar with them.(P34)‎ 他们如此受欢迎以致歌迷们为了更加了解他们而成立了俱乐部。‎ ‎【归纳拓展】‎ ‎(1)be familiar with熟悉;通晓 其主语通常是指人的名词,with的宾语是主语通晓的事物 ‎(2)be familiar to为……所熟悉 其主语通常是人们所通晓的事物,to的宾语通常是指人的名词 ‎(3)unfamiliar adj.不熟悉的 ‎(4)familiarity n. 熟悉;亲密;精通 ‎【语境助记】‎ ‎①After the foreign guests got_familiar_with the Chinese traditional festivals, they liked to live in China.‎ 外国客人在熟悉了中国传统节日后,便喜欢在中国生活。‎ ‎②The voice on the phone sounded_familiar_to me.‎ 电话里的声音我听起来很熟悉。‎ ‎③This peaceful nursery rhyme is_very_familiar_to me. That is to say, I _am_familiar_with this peaceful nursery rhyme.‎ 这首平和的童谣是我所熟悉的。也就是说,我很熟悉这首童谣。‎ ‎④Home to me means a sense of familiarity and nostalgia.‎ 家对我来说意味着一种熟悉和怀旧。‎ 例5、perform vt.& vi.上演;扮演;演奏;履行(约定、诺言、命令等)‎ His most exciting invitation was to perform on a TV programme called “Top of the Pops.”(P38)‎ 最令他兴奋的是受邀参加叫作“顶级流行歌手”的电视节目。‎ ‎【归纳拓展】‎ ‎(1)perform a(n)...role in 在……中起……作用 ‎(2)perform one's duty/promise 尽责任/履行诺言 perform an experiment 进行试验 perform an operation/a play进行手术/演一出戏 perform well/badly 表现得好/坏 ‎(3)performance n.执行;表演;演奏;表现 put_on/give a performance 表演;演出 a live performance一次现场演出 ‎(4)performer n. 演奏者;表演者 ‎【语境助记】‎ ‎①As everyone knows, she performed an_important_role_in our organization.‎ 大家都知道,她在我们的组织中发挥着重要的作用。‎ ‎②The surgeon is performing_an_operation,_so you just can't talk to him for the moment.‎ 那位外科医生正在忙着做手术,眼下你不能和他通话。‎ ‎③I consider the opportunity is of great importance and I have been preparing for it recently with the hope that I can perform it well.‎ 我认为这次机会很重要,最近我一直在准备着,希望我能表现出色。‎ ‎④[2016·全国卷Ⅲ]The season runs June through August, with additional performances in March and September.‎ 这个音乐季从六月持续到八月,而且在三月和九月也有额外的表演。‎ 例6、sensitive adj.敏感的;易受伤害的;灵敏的;明智的 At last feeling very upset and sensitive, Freddy and his band realized that they must leave the country before it became too painful for them.(P38)‎ 终于由于深感苦恼,神经高度紧张,弗雷迪和他的乐队意识到他们必须在自己感到太痛苦之前离开这个国家。[来源:学科网]‎ ‎【归纳拓展】‎ ‎(1)be sensitive to对……敏感 be sensitive about介意;在乎 ‎(2)make_sense有意义;说得通;是明智的 make sense of理解;明白 ‎(3)sensible adj. 明智的;明显的;意识到的 be sensible of知道;意识到 ‎【语境助记】‎ ‎①There is no doubt that the consumers are still very sensitive_to the price.‎ 毫无疑问,消费者仍对价格十分敏感。‎ ‎②She is very sensitive_about her overweight.‎ 她很忌讳别人说她胖。‎ ‎③It makes_sense to buy the most up-to-date version.‎ 买最新的版本是明智的。‎ ‎④I think that's a very_sensible idea.‎ 我看这个主意很妥当。‎ 高频考点二 短语 例1、rely on 依靠;依赖;指望 As some of these actors could not sing well enough, they had to rely on other musicians to help them.(P34)‎ 由于一些演员唱得不够好,他们只好依靠别的音乐人来帮助他们。‎ ‎【归纳拓展】‎ ‎【语境助记】‎ ‎①[2016·北京高考]If students rely_on administrators to regulate their social behavior and thinking pattern, they are not facing the challenge of finding an identity within a larger and complex community.‎ 如果学生们依靠管理人员来规范他们的社交行为和思维方法,那么在一个更大的且复杂的社团里,他们将无法面对识别自己身份的挑战。‎ ‎②I know I can rely_on_you to sort it out.‎ 我相信你会把它解决好的。‎ ‎③You may rely_on_it_that she won't be late.‎ 你尽管放心,她不会迟到的。‎ ‎④Many people now would rely_on_surfing the Internet rather than read newspapers for news.‎ 现在很多人宁愿依靠上网浏览新闻也不愿读报纸。‎ ‎⑤We're looking for someone who is reliable_and_ hardworking.‎ 我们在物色可靠而又勤奋的人。‎ 例2、break up 打碎;分裂;解体;结束;放假 The band broke up about 1970, but happily they reunited in the mid1980s.(P34)‎ 乐队大约在1970年解散了,但令人高兴的是,他们在80年代中期又重组起来了。‎ ‎【归纳拓展】‎ break down出故障;坏掉;失败;垮掉;垮下来;分解 break in破门而入;打断(谈话等)‎ break into强行闯入;突然……起来 break out(战争、火灾等)爆发;发生 break away from脱离;挣脱 break through突围;突破;冲垮;克服 break off中断;折断 ‎【语境助记】‎ ‎①[2016·北京高考]Norton Sound was covered with ice, which could sometimes ‎ break_up without warning.‎ 诺顿湾被冰层覆盖,而有时冰层会悄无声息地破裂。‎ ‎②What will happen to the children if Jim and Mary break_up?‎ 如果吉姆和玛丽离婚,孩子们怎么办呢?‎ ‎③Someone broke_in and took several computers.‎ 有人闯入屋内,偷走了几台电脑。‎ ‎④She broke_off a piece of chocolate and gave it to me.‎ 她掰下一块巧克力给了我。‎ ‎⑤The biggest flood in recent years broke_out in July in Wuhan.‎ 武汉7月以来发生了近年来最大的洪水。‎ ‎⑥写出下列句子中break up的意思 a.—I'm surprised to hear that Sue and Paul have broken up.‎ ‎—So am I. They seemed very happy together when I last saw them.分手 b.The meeting didn't break up until deep at night.结束 c.The police came running and broke up the crowd.‎ 驱散 d.When does the school break up for the summer holidays?放假 ‎⑦用break短语填空 a.We had our car broken_into last week when we got to the supermarket.‎ b.The people of the province wished to break_away and form a new state.‎ c. He broke_off in the middle of a sentence at the meeting yesterday.‎ d.Scientists think they are beginning to break_through in the fight against cancer.‎ 例3、above all 最重要的是;首先 Above all, just have fun!(P40)‎ 最重要的是,一定要开心!‎ after all毕竟;终究 all in all整体说来;总而言之 in all全部;合计 at all(否定句)一点也(不);(疑问句)到底;究竟 first of all首先 ‎【归纳拓展】‎ above all重在强调所列举内容在所有事物中的位置最为重要。 first of all,first及firstly侧重于强调列举事物的顺序,用于举例时表示“首先,第一”。‎ ‎【语境助记】‎ ‎①To be great, you must be smart, confident, and, above_all,_honest.‎ 想要优秀,你必须聪明、自信,更重要的是诚实。‎ ‎②I found out that I have no artistic ability at_all. ‎ 我发现我一点艺术能力也没有。‎ ‎③All_in_all,_every road leads to Rome, and I do believe hard work pays off.‎ 总之,条条大路通罗马,我坚信努力总会有回报。‎ ‎④Don't believe the advertisement. After_all,_it is the customers who pay for whatever you are given.‎ 不要相信广告。毕竟是羊毛出在羊身上,还是顾客买单。‎ ‎⑤First_of_all,_you should not have scolded the boy _at_all;_he is a child after_all. Above_all he made only two mistakes in_all.‎ 首先,你根本不该责备那个男孩,毕竟他还是个孩子;最重要的是,他总共只犯了两处错误。‎ 高频考点三、句型 例1、The musicians were to play jokes on each other as well as play music, most_of_which was based loosely on the Beatles.(P34)‎ 组成乐队的音乐人演奏音乐,还彼此打趣逗笑。这些玩笑和音乐大多都在模仿“甲壳虫”乐队。‎ ‎【归纳拓展】‎ most of which是“名词/代词+介词+关系代词”结构引导定语从句。‎ 此类结构常见的有:‎ ‎(1)some/several/a few/a little/many/more/most...+of_which/whom ‎(2)the+n.+=whose+n.‎ ‎【名师点睛】‎ 在以上结构中,注意使用关系代词与代词时的差异性。使用代词时,两句中间有连词;如两句中没有连词,且又指代前文中的名词,则用关系代词。‎ eg: Tom has written two novels, both of which have been made into movies.‎ ‎→Tom has written two novels, and both of them have been made into movies.‎ ‎【语境助记】‎ ‎①I have many foreign language books, most_of_which are world-famous works.‎ 我有许多外语书,其中大多数是世界名著。‎ ‎②English is a language shared by several diverse cultures, each_of_which uses it differently.‎ 英语是一种被好几种不同的文化共同使用的语言,而且每一种文化使用它的方式也不同。‎ ‎③The books on the desk, the_covers_of_which are shiny, are prizes for us.‎ 桌上那些封面闪闪发亮的书是我们的奖品。‎ 例2、Freddy and his band could not go out anywhere without being followed.(P38)‎ 弗雷迪和他的乐队走到哪里都会有人跟随。‎ ‎【归纳拓展】‎ no练t...without... 没有……就不能……,双重否定表肯定。‎ 常见否定结构表示肯定意义的还有:‎ cannot...too/enough... 越……越……;无论怎样……也不为过 cannot wait to_do sth. 迫不及待地做某事 cannot help doing sth. 禁不住/忍不住做某事 ‎【语境助记】‎ ‎①[2016·浙江高考]However, a plan can bear no fruit without being actually carried_out.‎ 然而,一项计划如果不真正实施的话,是不会有结果的。‎ ‎②I could have never made so much progress without_your_help.‎ 如果没有你的帮助,我就不可能取得如此大的进步。‎ ‎③Hemingway wouldn't have written his famous novel A Farewell to Arms without_his_wartime_experience.‎ 海明威要是没有他的战争经历,不会写出著名小说《告别了,武器》。‎ ‎④You can't_be_too_careful while driving a car.‎ 你开车时再怎么小心也不为过。‎ ‎⑤Use your head and you will find nothing is impossible in the world.‎ 动动脑筋你就会发现世上无难事。‎ ‎⑥You can't leave the country without_a_passport.‎ 没有护照你就不能离开这个国家。‎ ‎⑦I can_hardly_wait_to hear the news.‎ 我迫不及待地想听到这个消息。‎ 高频考点四、语法 ‎“介词+关系代词”引导的定语从句 ‎(1)基本构成 ‎“介词+关系代词”引导的定语从句中,常用的介词有in, for, to, with等,关系代词则使用which或whom而不能用that。‎ ‎(2)关系代词前的介词选用的原则 ‎“介词+关系代词”引导的定语从句中介词的选用主要遵循以下三个原则。‎ ‎1.一先:根据先行词与介词的搭配关系选择介词。‎ In front of my house, there is a tree, in which some birds are singing.‎ 我的房子前面有一棵树,上面有鸟儿正在唱歌。(in the tree在树上)‎ ‎2.二谓:根据定语从句中的谓语动词与介词的搭配关系选择介词。‎ In the dark street, there wasn't a single person, to whom she could turn for help.(turn to sb. for help 向某人寻求帮助)‎ 在漆黑的街上,她没有一个可以求助的人。‎ ‎3.三意义:根据先行词、定语从句中的谓语动词共同的搭配关系或者说句子的意思来选择介词。‎ Wang Hong, with whom I went to the concert, enjoyed herself very much.‎ 和我一起去音乐会的王红玩得非常高兴。(go to the concert with sb.与某人一起去音乐会)‎ ‎【名师点睛】‎ 有些“动词+介词”构成的短语动词,如look for, look after, call on等, ‎ 用在定语从句中作谓语动词时不可拆开,也就是说其中的介词不能置于关系代词之前。‎ He has a little daughter, who is looked after by her grandma.‎ 他有一个小女儿,由她的奶奶照顾着。,该句中的look after是不可拆开的短语动词,after不可置于关系代词who之前。‎ ‎(3)关系副词与“介词+关系代词”的互换 引导定语从句的关系副词常可以和“介词+关系代词(which)”互换。‎ I often think of the moment, when/at which I saw the UFO.‎ 我常常想起我看见不明飞行物的那一刻。‎ The police searched the house where/in which the thief had stayed.‎ 警察搜查了小偷待过的那个房子。‎ I don't know the reason why/for which the house is so dirty.‎ 我不知道这栋房子为什么这么脏。学科&网 ‎【2018·全国III】阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。‎ When most of us get a text message on our cell phone from an unknown person, we usually say "sorry, ___41___ number!" and move on. But when Dennis Williams ____42____ a text that clearly wasn’t intended for him, he did something ____43____.‎ On March 19, Dennis got a group text ____44____ him that a couple he didn’t know were at the hospital, waiting for the ____45____ of a baby.‎ ‎"Congratulations! But I think someone was mistaken," Dennis ____46____. The baby was born and update texts were ____47____ quickly from the overjoyed grandmother, Teresa. In her ____48____, she didn’t seem to realize that she was ____49____ the baby’s photos with a complete stranger. "Well, I don’t ____50____ you all but I will get there to take pictures with the baby," replied Dennis before asking which room the new ____51____ were in. ‎ Much to the family’s surprise, Dennis stuck to his ____52____! He turned up at the hospital ____53____ gifts for the new mother Lindsey and her baby boy. Lindsey’s husband was totally ____54____ by the unexpected visit. "I don’t think we would ‎ have randomly invited him over but we ____55____ it and the gifts."‎ Teresa ____56____ a photo of the chance meeting on a social networking website ____57____ by the touching words: "What a ____58____ this young man was to our family! He was so ____59____ and kind to do this." The post has since gained the ____60____ of social media users all over the world, receiving more than 184,000 shares and 61,500 likes in just three days.‎ ‎41. A. unlucky B. secret C. new D. wrong ‎42. A. received B. translated C. copied D. printed ‎43. A. reasonable B. special C. necessary D. practical ‎ ‎44. A. convincing B. reminding C. informing D. warning ‎ ‎45. A. wake-up B. recovery C. growth D. arrival ‎46. A. responded B. interrupted C. predicted D. repeated ‎47. A. coming in B. setting out C. passing down D. moving around ‎48. A. opinion B. anxiety C. excitement D. effort ‎49. A. comparing B. exchanging C. discussing D. sharing ‎50. A. accept B. know C. believe D. bother ‎51. A. parents B. doctors C. patients D. visitors ‎52. A. dream B. promise C. agenda D. principle ‎53. A. bearing B. collecting C. opening D. making ‎54. A. discouraged B. relaxed C. astonished D. defeated ‎55. A. admit B. need C. appreciate D. expect ‎ ‎56. A. found B. selected C. developed D. posted ‎ ‎57. A. confirmed B. simplified C. clarified D. accompanied ‎58. A. pity B. blessing C. relief D. problem ‎59. A. smart B. calm C. sweet D. fair ‎60. A. sympathy B. attention C. control D. trust ‎【答案】41. D 42. A 43. B 44. C 45. D 46. A 47. A 48. C 49. D 50. B 51. A 52. B 53. A 54. C 55. C 56. D 57. D 58. B 59. C 60. B ‎42. 考查动词。根据文章第一句When most of us get a text message on our cell phone from an unknown person可以推知,他接到了电话。A. received收到;B. translated翻译;C. copied复制;D. printed印刷。故选A。‎ ‎43. B.考查形容词。根据后文内容可知,他做了与众不同的事情,所以用special合适。A. reasonable合理的;B. special特别的;C. necessary必要的;D. practical现实可行的。‎ ‎44. C 考查动词。根据后句a couple he didn’t know were at the hospital, waiting for the ____ of a baby.可知,这对陌生夫妇是在告诉他这个消息。A. convincing让人信服的;B. reminding提醒;C. informing通知;D. warning警告。故选C。‎ ‎45. D 考查名词。根据下文The baby was born 可知,他们在等候新生儿的到来。A. wake-up醒来;B. recovery恢复;C. growth成长;D. arrival到来。故选D。‎ ‎46. A 考查动词。根据前句内容可知,这是Dennis的回复。A. responded回复;B. interrupted打断;C. predicted预料;D. repeated重复。故选A。‎ ‎47. A 考查动词短语。根据本句The baby was born and update texts were 47 quickly from the overjoyed grandmother, Teresa.可知,消息很快再次进来。A. coming in进来;B. setting out着手;C. passing down使流传;D. moving around走来走去。故选A。‎ ‎48. C. 考查名词。根据本句In her 48 , she didn’t seem to realize that she was 49 the baby’s photos with a complete stranger.可知,这位妈妈太兴奋,没有意识到把照片分享给了陌生人。A. opinion观点;B. anxiety焦虑;C. excitement兴奋;D. effort努力。故选C。‎ ‎50. B 考查动词。根据前文Dennis got a group text 44 him that a couple he didn’t know可知,Dennis不认识他们。A. accept接受;B. know认识,了解;C. believe相信;D. bother打扰,麻烦。故选B。‎ ‎51. 考查名词。根据前文可以推知,这对夫妇为新父母。A. parents父母;B. doctors医生;C. patients病人;D. visitors游客。故选A。‎ ‎52. B 考查名词。根据后文He turned up at the hospital 53 gifts for the new mother Lindsey and her baby boy.可知,他坚守了自己对于新妈妈Lindsey和她的孩子礼物的承诺。A. dream梦想;B. promise承诺;C. agenda会议议程;D. principle原则。故选B。‎ ‎53. A 考查动词。根据语境可知,他是拿着礼物来的。A. bearing携带,拿;B. collecting收集;C. opening打开;D. making制造。故选A。‎ ‎54. C 考查形容词。根据unexpected可知,她丈夫是十分惊讶。A. discouraged沮丧;B. relaxed放松的;C. astonished吃惊的;D. defeated打败的。故选C。‎ ‎55. C 考查动词。根据语境以及后文往网上发帖可知,Teresa夫妇十分感激Dennis的到来以及带来的礼物。A. admit承认;B. need需要;C. appreciate感激;D. expect期望。故选C。‎ ‎56. D考查动词。根据后文The post has since gained the 60 of social media users all over the world, receiving more than 184,000 shares and 61, 500 likes in just ‎ three days.可知,她把照片贴到了网上。A. found发现;B. selected选择;C. developed发展;D. posted发帖。故选D。‎ ‎57. D考查动词。根据语境可知,照片后面附着一段感人的文字。A. confirmed确定;B. simplified简化;C. clarified分类;D. accompanied伴随着。故选D。‎ ‎60. B考查名词。根据文章最后一句The post has since gained the 60 of social media users all over the world, receiving more than 184,000 shares and 61, 500 likes in just three days.可知,三天里有184,000人分享,61,500点赞,所以是引起了极大关注。A. sympathy同情;B. attention关注;C. control控制;D. trust信任。故选B。‎ ‎ 17.【2017·天津卷】A Suppose you’re in a rush, feeling tired, not paying attention to your screen, and you send an email that could get you in trouble.‎ Realisation will probably set in seconds after you’ve clicked “send”. You freeze in horrors and burn with shame.‎ What to do? Here are four common email accidents, and how to recover.‎ Clicking “send” too soon Don’t waste your time trying to find out if the receivers has read it yet. Write another email as swiftly as you can and send it with a brief explaining that this is the correct version and the previous version should be ignored.‎ Writing the wrong time The sooner you notice, the better. Respond quickly and briefly, apologizing for your mistake. Keep the tone measured: don’t handle it too lightly, as people can be offered, especially if your error suggests a misunderstanding of their culture(I.e. incorrect ordering of Chinese names).‎ Clicking “reply all” unintentionally You accidentally reveal(透露)to entire company what menu choices you would prefer at the staff Christmas dinner, or what holiday you’d like to take. In this instance, the best solution is to send a quick, light-hearted apology to explain your awkwardness. But it can quickly rise to something worse, when everyone starts hitting “reply all” to join in a long and unpleasant conversation. In this instance, step away ‎ from your keyboard to allow everyone to calm down.‎ Sending an offensive message to it’s subject The most awkward email mistake is usually committed in anger. You write an unkind message about someone, intending to send it to a friend, but accidentally send it to the person you’re discussing. In that case, ask to speak in person as soon as possible and say sorry. Explain your frustrations calmly and sensibly—see it as an opportunity tic hear up any difficulties you may have with this person.‎ ‎36. After realizing an email accident, you are likely to feel _______.‎ A. curious B. tired C. awful D. funny ‎ ‎37. If you have written the wrong name in an email, it is best to ________.‎ A. apologise in a serious manner B. tell the receiver to ignore the error C. learn to write the name correctly D. send a short notice to everyone ‎38. What should you do when an unpleasant conversation is started by your “reply all” email?‎ A. Try offering other choices.‎ B. Avoid further involvement.[来源:学。科。网Z。X。X。K]‎ C. Meet other staff members.‎ D. Make a light-hearted apology.‎ ‎39. How should you deal with the problem caused by an offensive email?‎ A. By promising not to offend the receiver again.‎ B. By seeking support from the receiver’s friends. ‎ C. By asking the receiver to control his anger.‎ D. By talking to the receiver face to face.‎ ‎40. What is the passage mainly about?‎ A. Defining email errors.‎ B. Reducing email mistakes.‎ C. Handling email accidents.‎ D. Improving email writing.‎ ‎【解析】这是一篇说明文。介绍了因为失误而发错信息的补救方法。‎ ‎36.【解析】A. 谨慎的 B. 劳累的,厌倦的 C. 糟糕的,极坏的 D. 滑稽的。根据第二段第二句:You freeze in horrors and burn with shame.可以判断出:在你意识到邮件发生了意外时,你的感觉很糟糕, 故选C。‎ ‎【考点】考查细节理解。‎ ‎37.【解析】根据第二个标题句Writing the wrong time后面内容Respond quickly and briefly, apologizing for your mistake. Keep the tone measured: don’t handle it too lightly, as people can be offered, especially if your error suggests a misunderstanding of their culture(I.e. incorrect ordering of Chinese names).可以拍判断出:你在邮件上写错了名字,最好以认真的方式道歉,故选A。‎ ‎39.【解析】据最后最后一个标题句下面内容In that case, ask to speak in person as soon as possible and say sorry,在这种情况下尽快的去当面说声和道歉,故选D。‎ ‎【考点】考查细节理解。‎ ‎40.【解析】前三段内容通过问问题和说明情况以及引出主题,处理邮件问题的四个具体方法可以判断出本文主要讲的是处理邮件问题。故选C。‎ ‎【考点】考查主旨大意。‎ ‎18.【2017·天津卷】B Fifteen years ago, I took a summer vacation in Lecce in southern Italy. After climbing up a hill for a panoramic(全景的) view of the blue sea, white buildings and green olive trees, I paused to catch my breath and then positioned myself to take the best photo of this panorama.‎ Unfortunately, just as I took out my camera, a woman approached from behind, and planted herself right in front of my view. Like me, this woman was here to stop, sigh and appreciate the view.‎ Patient as I was, after about 15 minutes, my camera scanning the sun and reviewing the shot I would eventually take, I grew frustrated. Was it too much to ask her to move so I could take just one picture of the landscape? Sure, I could have asked her, but something prevented me from doing so. She seemed so content in her ‎ observation. I didn’t want to mess with that.‎ Another 15 minutes passed and I grew bored. The woman was still there. I decided to take the photo anyway. And now when I look at it, I think her presence in the photo is what makes the image interesting. The landscape, beautiful on its own, somehow coms to life and breathes because this woman is engaging with it.‎ This photo, with the unique beauty that unfolded before me and that woman who “ruined” it, now hangs on a wall in my bedroom. What would she think if she knew that her figure is captured(捕捉) and frozen on some stranger’s bedroom wall? A bedroom, after all, is a very private space, in which some woman I don’t even know has been immortalized(使……永存). In some ways, she lives in my house.‎ Perhaps we all live in each others’ space. Perhaps this is what photos are for: to remind us that we all appreciate beauty, that we all share a common desire for pleasure, for connection, for something that is greater than us.‎ That photo is a reminder, a captured moment, an unspoken conversation between two women, separated only by a thin square of glass.‎ ‎41. What happened when the author was about to take a photo?‎ A. Her camera stopped working.‎ B. A woman blocked her view.‎ C. Someone asked her to leave D. A friend approached from behind.‎ ‎42. According to the author, the woman was probably_______.‎ A. enjoying herself B. losing her patience C. waiting for the sunset D. thinking about her past ‎43. In the author’s opinion, what makes the photo so alive?‎ A. The rich color of the landscape.‎ B. The perfect positioning of the camera.‎ C. The woman’s existence in the photo.‎ D. The soft sunlight that summer day.‎ ‎44. The photo on the bedroom wall enables the author to better understand ________.‎ A. the need to be close to nature B. the importance of private space C. the joy of the vacation in Italy D. the shared passion for beauty ‎45. The passage can be seen as the author’s reflections upon _______.‎ A. a particular life experience B. the pleasure of traveling C. the art of photography D. a lost friendship ‎【语篇解读】这是一篇记叙文。本文讲述了作者一次旅行的特殊经历带给作者的深思和感悟。‎ ‎【解析】本文属于说明文。作者通过讲述作者在无奈的情况下拍摄的一张被一位女士干扰的照片的故事,向读者描述了这样的照片反而显得更生动,我们应该懂得共享美丽,理解分享美丽的重要性。‎ ‎【考点】考查细节理解。‎ ‎42.【答案】A 【解析】根据第三段的句子She seemed so content in her observation.她好像那么的满足于她的观察(欣赏风景),即在作者看来,那个妇女很可能很愉快。故选A。‎ ‎【考点】考查细节理解。‎ ‎43.【答案】C【解析】根据第四段的句子 The landscape, beautiful on its own, somehow coms to life and breathes because this woman is engaging with it可以判断出作者认为是因为照片中有了这个妇女的存在使这张照片有了活力和生机.。故选C。‎ ‎45.【答案】A 【解析】通读全文可知,前四段讲述这次印度旅行的特殊经历,后三段讲述这次特殊经历带给作者的感悟, 所以这篇文章可以看做是作者对于一次特殊经历的深入思考。故选A。‎ ‎【考点】考查推理判断。‎ ‎19.【2017·天津卷】C This month, Germany’s transport minister, Alexander Dobrindt, proposed the first set of rules for autonomous vehicles(自主驾驶车辆). They would define the driver’s role in such cars and govern how such cars perform in crashes where lives might be lost. ‎ The proposal attempts to deal with what some call the “death valley” of autonomous vehicles: the grey area between semi-autonomous and fully driverless cars that could delay the driverless future.‎ Dobrindt wants three things: that a car always chooses property(财产) damage over personal injury; that it never distinguishes between humans based on age or race; and that if a human removes his or her hands from the driving wheel — to check email, say — the car’s maker is responsible if there is a crash.‎ ‎“The change to the road traffic law will permit fully automatic driving,” says Dobrindt. It will put fully driverless cars on an equal legal footing to human drivers, he says.‎ Who is responsible for the operation of such vehicles is not clear among car makers, consumers and lawyers. “The liability(法律责任) issue is the biggest one of them all,” says Natasha Merat at the University of Leeds, UK.‎ An assumption behind UK insurance for driverless cars, introduces earlier this year, insists that a human “ be watchful and monitoring the road” at every moment.‎ But that is not what many people have in mind when thinking of driverless cars. “When you say ‘driverless cars’, people expect driverless cars.”Merat says. “You know — no driver.” ‎ Because of the confusion, Merat thinks some car makers will wait until vehicles can be fully automated without operation.‎ Driverless cars may end up being a form of public transport rather than vehicles you own, says Ryan Calo at Stanford University, California. That is happening in the UK and Singapore, where government-provided driverless vehicles are being launched.‎ That would go down poorly in the US, however. “The idea that the government ‎ would take over driverless cars and treat them as a public good would get absolutely nowhere here,” says Calo.‎ ‎46. What does the phrase “death valley” in Paragraph 2 refer to?‎ A. A place where cars often break down.‎ B. A case where passing a law is impossible.‎ C. An area where no driving is permitted. ‎ D. A situation where drivers’ role is not clear.‎ ‎47. The proposal put forward by Dobrindt aims to __________.‎ A. stop people from breaking traffic rules B. help promote fully automatic driving C. protect drivers of all ages and races D. prevent serious property damage ‎48. What do consumers think of the operation of driverless cars?‎ A. It should get the attention of insurance companies.‎ B. It should be the main concern of law makers.‎ C. It should not cause deadly traffic accidents.‎ D. It should involve no human responsibility.‎ ‎49. Driverless vehicles in public transport see no bright future in __________.‎ A. Singapore B. the UK C. the US D. Germany ‎50. What could be the best title for passage?‎ A. Autonomous Driving: Whose Liability?‎ B. Fully Automatic Cars: A New Breakthrough C. Autonomous Vehicles: Driver Removed D. Driverless Cars: Root of Road Accidents ‎【语篇解读】这是一篇记叙文。文章记叙了德国交通部长的对于自主驾驶车辆的规章制度的一个提议,引出说明了位于科技前沿的无人驾驶的自动化车辆在英国、新加坡和美国的不同前景。‎ ‎【答案】‎ ‎46.D ‎47.B ‎48.D ‎49.C ‎50.A ‎【解析】这是一篇记叙文。文章记叙了德国交通部长的对于自主驾驶车辆的规章制度的一个提议,引出说明了位于科技前沿的无人驾驶的自动化车辆在英国、新加坡和美国的不同前景。‎ ‎【考点】考查词义猜测。‎ ‎47.【解析】根据第二段的句子The proposal attempts to deal with what some call the “death valley” of autonomous vehicles:和第四段内容The change to the road traffic law will permit fully automatic driving,” says Dobrindt. It will put fully driverless cars on an equal legal footing to human drivers, he says.可以判断出这个提议被提出是为了推动完全自动化的驾驶。故选B。‎ ‎【考点】考查推理判断。‎ ‎48.【解析】根据第七段内容But that is not what many people have in mind when thinking of driverless cars. “When you say ‘driverless cars’, people expect driverless cars.”Merat says. “You know — no driver.” 可知消费者认为对于无人驾驶车辆的运行不应该牵涉到人的责任。故选D。‎ ‎【考点】考查细节理解。‎ ‎49.【解析】根据最后一段That would go down poorly in the US, however. “The idea that the government would take over driverless cars and treat them as a public good would get absolutely nowhere here,” says Calo.可知公共交通工具中无人驾驶车看不到未来是在美国。故选C。‎ ‎20.【2017·天津卷】D I read somewhere that we spend a full third of our lives waiting. But where are we doing all of this waiting, and what does it mean to an impatient society like ours?‎ ‎ To understand the issue, let’s take a look at three types of “waits”.‎ The very purest form of waiting is the Watched-Pot Wait. It is without doubt the most annoying of all. Take filling up the kitchen sink(洗碗池) as an example. There is absolutely nothing you can do while this is going on but keep both eyes fixed on the sink until it’s full. During these waits, the brain slips away from the body and wanders about until the water runs over the edge of the counter and onto your socks. This kind of wait makes the waiter helpless and mindless. ‎ A cousin to the Watched-Pot Wait is the Forced Wait. This one requires a bit of discipline. Properly preparing packaged noodle soup required a Forced Wait. Directions are very specific. “Bring three cups of water to boil, add mix, simmer three minutes, remove from heat, let stand five minutes.”I have my doubts that anyone has actually followed the procedures strictly. After all, Forced Waiting requires patience. ‎ Perhaps the most powerful type of waiting is the Lucky-Break Wait. This type of wait is unusual in that it is for the most part voluntary. Unlike the Forced Wait, which is also voluntary, waiting for your lucky break does not necessarily mean that it will happen. ‎ Turning one’s life into a waiting game requires faith and hope, and is strictly for the optimists among us. On the surface it seems as ridiculous as following the directions on soup mixes, but the Lucky-Break Wait well serves those who are willing to do it. As long as one doesn’t come to rely on it, wishing for a few good things to happen never hurts anybody. ‎ We certainly do spend a good deal of our time waiting. The next time you’re standing at the sink waiting for it to fill while cooking noodle soup that you’ll have to eat until a large bag of cash falls out of the sky, don’t be desperate. You’re probably just as busy as the next guy.‎ ‎51. While doing a Watched-Pot Wait, we tend to ___________.‎ A. keep ourselves busy B. get absent-minded C. grow anxious D. stay focused ‎52. What is the difference between the Forced Wait and the Watched-Pot Wait?‎ A. The Forced Wait requires some self-control.‎ B. The Forced Wait makes people passive.‎ C. The Watched-Pot Wait needs directions.‎ D. The Watched-Pot Wait engages body and brain. ‎ ‎53. What can we learn about the Lucky-Break Wait?‎ A. It is less voluntary than the Forced Wait.‎ B. It doesn’t always bring the desired result. ‎ C. It is more fruitful than the Forced Wait.‎ D. It doesn’t give people faith and hope.‎ ‎54. What does the author advise us to do the next time we are waiting?‎ A. Take it seriously.‎ B. Don’t rely on others.‎ C. Do something else.‎ D. Don’t lose heart.‎ ‎55. The author supports his view by _________.‎ A. exploring various causes of “waits”.‎ B. describing detailed processes of “waits”.‎ C. analyzing different categories of “waits”‎ D. revealing frustrating consequences of “waits”‎ ‎51.【答案】B【解析】根据第二段的句子During these waits, the brain slips away from the body and wanders about until the water runs over the edge of the counter and onto your socks. 可知我们在等待一壶水煮开的时候我们总是心不在焉的。故选B。‎ ‎53.【答案】B【解析】根据第四段的句子which is also voluntary, waiting for your lucky break does not necessarily mean that it will happen.可知等待你的好运不一定意味着就会发生,即不一定带来渴望的结果 。故选B。‎ ‎【考点】考查细节理解。‎ ‎54.【答案】D【解析】根据第最后一段中The next time you’re standing at the sink waiting for it to fill while ‎

