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‎2018-2019学年江西省奉新县第一中学高一下学期第二次月考英语试题 第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分)‎ 第一节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)‎ 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 3个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一个小题。每段对话仅读一遍。‎ ‎1. What day is it today?‎ A.Thursday.   B.Wednesday. C.Friday.‎ ‎2.When does the man start to work?‎ A.At 8:00. B.At 7:00. C.At 6:00.‎ ‎3.What’s the weather probably like now?‎ A.Sunny. B.Rainy. C.Cloudy.‎ ‎4.Why does the woman call the man?‎ A.To ask where he is. ‎ B.To ask him to pick her up. ‎ C.To ask him to leave now.‎ ‎5.What is the man probably doing?‎ A.Talking on the phone. B.Reading a newspaper. C.Doing his homework.‎ 第二节 (共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)‎ 听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。‎ ‎6. Where did the man probably work last summer?‎ A.At a school. B.In a hotel. C.In a restaurant.‎ ‎7. What does the man want to do this summer?‎ A.Study Chinese. B.Babysit kids. C.Teach English. ‎ 听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。‎ ‎8.Where is the man now?‎ A.In China. B.In England. C.In America.‎ ‎9.Which part of newspapers does the man like reading first?‎ A.Sports news. B.Local news. C.World news.‎ 听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。‎ ‎10.What does the woman want to do?‎ A.Confirm an appointment. ‎ B.Cancel an appointment. ‎ C.Change an appointment. ‎ ‎11.Who has been booked the whole week except tomorrow morning?‎ A.Mrs. Brown. B.Mrs. James. C.Mr. Green.‎ ‎12. When will the woman see Mr. James?‎ A.This afternoon. B.Tomorrow afternoon. C.Tomorrow morning.‎ 听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。‎ ‎13.What date is it today?‎ A.June 9th. B.June 8th. C.June 10th.‎ ‎14. What does the “OK” sign mean to somebody who lives in Japan?‎ A.“Money”. B.“Zero”. C.“The bad”.‎ ‎15. Why is the man going to France?‎ A.For travel. B.For work. C.For study.‎ ‎16. How will the man get to the airport?‎ A.By taxi. B.By car. C.By bus.‎ 听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。‎ ‎17. What color is the new bike?‎ A.Gray. B.Black. C.Blue. ‎ ‎18.How much will Mr. Green pay for the new bike?‎ A.$140. B.$120. C.$100.‎ ‎19.How long is the bike shop open every day?‎ A.Eight hours. B.Seven hours. C.Nine hours.‎ ‎20.Where is the main shop?‎ A.At King Street. B.At Yellow Street. C.At Park Street.‎ 第二部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)‎ 第一节.(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)‎ 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。‎ A Where to stay in Boswell? The following are some choices for you:‎ First Hotel. 222 Edward Road. Tel. 414-6433. Number of Rooms: 120.‎ Price: Single: $ 25; Double $ 35;‎ Special attractions: Air conditioned rooms, French restaurant, Night club, Swimming pool, Shops; Coffee shop and bar, Telephone, Radio and TV in each room, close to the city center.‎ Fairview Hotel. 129 North Road. Tel. 591-5620. Number of Rooms: 50.‎ Price: Single:$ 12; Double: $ 18;‎ Special Attractions: Close to the airport, Telephone in each room, Bar, Restaurant, Garage, Swimming-pool.‎ Orchard Hotel. 233 Edward Road. Tel.641-6641. Number of Rooms: 150.‎ Price: Single: $ 15; Double: $ 20;‎ Special Attractions: Facing First Hotel, European restaurant, Coffee shop, Dry-cleaning, Shops, TV, Night-club.‎ Osaka Hotel. 1264 Venning Road. Tel. 643-8206. Number of Rooms: 180.‎ Price: Single: $ 30; Double: $ 50.‎ Special Attractions: Air-Conditioned rooms, Japanese and Chinese restaurant, Shops, Swimming pool, Large garden.‎ ‎21.The number of the room in Osaka Hotel is _______:‎ A.50 B.120 C.180 D.150‎ ‎22.If a Japanese traveler likes to eat in French restaurant, _______ is the right place for him to go to.‎ A. 222 Edward Road B.1264 Venning Road C.233 Edward Road D.129 North Road ‎23.If you want to book a cheapest single room, which number will you call?‎ A.414-6433 B.591-5620 C.641-6641 D.643-8206‎ B In the US, people prefer waiting for a table to sitting with people they don’t know. This means a hostess may not seat a small group until a small table is available, even if a large one is. If you are sitting at a table with people you don’t know, it is impolite to light up a cigarette without asking if it will disturb them. ‎ At American restaurants and coffee shops you are usually served tap water before you order. You may find the bread and butter is free,and if you order coffee, you may get a free refill. Most cities and towns have no rules about opening and closing time for stores or restaurants, though they usually do make rules for bars. Especially in large cities, stores may be open 24 hours a day. ‎ Serving in restaurants is often large, too large for many people. If you can’t finish your meal but would like to enjoy the food later, ask your waitress or waiter for a “doggie bag”. It may have a picture of a dog on it, but everybody knows you’re taking the food for yourself. ‎ Supper and dinner are both words for the evening meal. Some people have “Sunday dinner”, which means an especially big noon meal. ‎ Tipping plays an important role in American people’s daily life. It reflects(反映) a kind of good manners and appreciation for the services provided. Usually tips are not added to the check. They are not included in the price of the meal, either. Generally speaking, a tip of about 15% is expected and you should leave it on the table when you leave. ‎ ‎24. Which of the following statements is true?‎ A. American people like sitting with people they don’t know.‎ B. A hostess will seat a small group at a large table if it’s available.‎ C. Americans think it impolite to smoke without asking when sitting with people they don’t know.‎ D. American people never sit with people they don’t know even if they have to wait.‎ ‎25. What is served before you order?‎ A. Cold water B. Butter C. Bread D. Coffee ‎26. What do American people always do when servings are too large for them?A. They take the food home with a “doggie bag” for their dogs. ‎ B. They take the food home with a “doggie bag” and enjoy it later. ‎ C. They ask the waitress or waiter to keep the food for them. ‎ D. They just leave the food on the table and go away. ‎ ‎27. What can you learn about “tips” according to the last paragraph?‎ A. The price of the meal usually includes the tip.‎ B. People are not always expected to pay tips after a meal.‎ C. Customers should give a tip of about 25% of the price of the meal.‎ D. Tips are supposed to be left on the table when customers leave.‎ C My favorite book is The Adventure of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain. Tom lives with his aunt Polly in a quiet street of St. Petersburg, Missouri. He’s a lively and clever young boy, and he finds himself in many exciting adventures. He runs away ‎ with his two friends, Huck Finn and Joe, to an island in the middle of the Mississippi River for several days. With Huck he goes looking for treasure, with Becky he gets lost in a cave. And finally, they find a box of gold.‎ My favorite scene in the book is when everyone thinks Tom is dead. He decides to go to his own funeral. He hides and watches for a time and then suddenly he appears. Everyone is amazed to see him but they’re also pleased to see him alive.‎ Tom is the hero of the story, but there are other important characters. Huck is an outsider and everyone is afraid of him. Becky is pretty with fair hair, Joe is Tom’s best friend. And Injun Joe is the bad man of the story.‎ The theme of the story is about children growing up. It describes how strangers are seen in small towns of America. Finally, it talks about freedom, social rules and how people are punished for bad behavior.‎ Why do I think The Adventure of Tom Sawyer is a great book? Mark Twain wrote the story in 1876, but it’s still read and loved by people all over the world today. And although it’s only a story, Twain wrote it in the everyday English of the southern states of America in the 19th century, so it sounds very real. Today it’s thought to be one of the greatest books in American literature. Go on—read it! I know you’ll enjoy it, too.‎ ‎28.Where does Tom run away with his two friends?‎ A.To a quiet street. B.To a small town.‎ C.To an island. D.To a forest.‎ ‎29.Who is the bad man in the story?‎ A.Huck Finn. B.Injun Joe. C.Becky. D.Polly.‎ ‎30.How did people feel when Tom appeared at his own funeral?‎ A.They were surprised and happy.‎ B.They were surprised and sad.‎ C.They were worried and excited.‎ D.They were frightened and happy.‎ ‎31.The writer writes the article to ________.‎ A.ask us to read the book B.tell us how popular the book is today C.tell us when Mark Twain wrote the story D.tell us why the story sounds very real D A few months ago, Jason asked his parents to buy him a computer. All his friends already had one, so his mom and dad agreed. During the first few weeks, Jason spent a lot of time in front of his computer because he had to learn how it worked. He was really interested in learning all about it and he even started writing computer programs himself.‎ One day Jason found a website where he could play chess either against the computer or against other people from all over the world. From then on, Jason seemed to have just one interest in life, his computer. Whenever his parents told him that he was spending too much time with his computer, Jason went into denial. He did not think that he had a problem at all.‎ Then the unthinkable happened: Jason's computer broke down. But his parents decided not to buy him a new one. Jason said that he needed a computer for school, and he promised that he'd spend less time with it. But his parents refused to give in. Finally, Jason felt so hopeless that he took the only way out and killed himself.‎ Robert Johnson, a psychologist (心理学家) on the subject, says, “Computer addiction (沉溺) is an illness that can influence anyone of us. Nowadays, increasing numbers of people are spending more and more time working with computers. While this isn't a problem for most users, some people, especially teenagers, often use the computer to get away from the real world. This is especially true of shy people. For them, meeting people online is a way of hiding their true selves. In cyberspace, they can be whoever they want to be and create their own virtual (虚拟的) world. But what happens when they can no longer enter their virtual world?”‎ ‎32. Why did Jason want to buy a computer according to Paragraph 1?‎ A. Because all his friends had one.    ‎ B. Because he want to make friends.‎ C. Because he want to play chess.  ‎ D. Because he want to write computer programs.‎ ‎33. By saying “Jason went into denial”, the author means _____.‎ A. Jason would not listen B. Jason enjoyed himself C. Jason would turn it off D. Jason changed his mind ‎34. What was Jason's relationship with his parents like when his computer broke down?‎ A. Fine.              B. So-so.    C. Terrible.           D. Unknown.‎ ‎35. In Robert Johnson's opinion, _____.‎ A. it is impossible to beat computer addiction B. shy people get addicted to computers easily C. teenagers should stay away from computers D. computers are getting us into serious trouble 第二节(共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分)‎ ‎ 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两项为多余选项。‎ ‎ Healthy habits that stick Here are five rules that helped me develop good habits.‎ ‎1.Pick habits you honestly want to have I didn’t choose habits I thought I should add because of what anyone else was doing. 36  It was about listening to myself. ‎ ‎2.Build your habit your own way When I started to build up an exercise routine(习惯),I only went when I wanted to go. For me, that was around 2 pm every day. 37  If I wanted to do 20 minutes on the bike, I’d do only 20 minutes and then leave. ‎ ‎3.Start small I knew that if I tried to take on too much, I’d find a way to make an excuse. 38  I started with two minutes of exercise, which were finally built up to 10,then 20 minutes. I realized that just doing something, no matter how small, meant I was more likely to do it again the next day. ‎ ‎4.Be kind to yourself ‎ 39  When I got a cold and missed several days of exercise, I didn’t beat myself up. Instead of punishing myself, I tried to love myself—and that had a more enjoyable and lasting effect(效果). ‎ ‎5.Celebrate every small victory When I began keeping a diary every morning, I put a number in the corner of each page to show how many diaries I had written. 40  Finally, after I filled up a notebook, I celebrated buying a new notebook. ‎ A. If I missed a day, I let it go.‎ B. I can make exercise less boring.‎ C. So my daily purposes were very small.‎ D. I celebrated my pen running out of ink.‎ E. It wasn’t about keeping up with other people.‎ F. I should celebrate my success with my friends.‎ G. It also meant that I would do whatever I wanted to do once I got there.‎ 第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)‎ 第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每题1.5分,满分30分)‎ 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A, B, C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。‎ English is one of the most widely spoken languages in the world. Learning English well is very important. Here are some  41  that can help you learn English well. ‎ Do a lot of  42 .Listen to recordings of your teacher, the radio, TV video cassettes(盒式磁带)—anything that you can  43 .Just listen to English as  44  as you can and you will learn a lot. ‎ Every time you learn something  45 ,write it down in a notebook. This will help you  46  what you have learned. Buy a notebook and use it  47  for practicing English. ‎ Try to read English one hour every day. Yes, this is  48 ,but English has many words, and a good way to enlarge your  49  is to read them. ‎ ‎ 50  you have the chance, speak English. This will be hard to do  51  you don’t live in an English-speaking country; 52 ,the Internet provides new  53  to practice speaking English through chat rooms and audio-video chat technology(技术).You can also  54  your voice using a recorder. ‎ Find a few different  55  that you can go to daily. Don’t  56  anything on the Internet. Some websites  57  monthly or yearly fees but they aren’t  58  it. ‎ Learn from a teacher. If it’s possible, you  59  try to learn from as many different teachers as possible, or at the very least find  60  and learn from him. ‎ ‎41.A.usages B. customs C. signs D. methods ‎42.A.listening B. speaking C. writing D. reading ‎43.A.reach B. buy C. get D. make ‎44.A.much B. many C. fast D. well ‎45.A.special B. common C. new D. interesting ‎46.A.recognize B. request C. realize D. remember ‎47.A.also B. still C. already D. only ‎48.A.easy B. helpful C. difficult D. wise ‎49.A.vocabulary B. phrase C. relationship D. expression ‎50.A.Whoever B. Whichever C. Whatever D. Wherever ‎51.A.unless B. though C. if D. until ‎52.A.therefore B. however C. besides D. instead ‎53.A.accents B. chances C. items D. decisions ‎54.A.save B. report C. record D. collect ‎55.A.cinemas B. websites C. apartments D. universities ‎56.A.pay for B. give away C. hand out D. believe in ‎57.A.spend B. require C. provide D. offer ‎58.A.worthwhile B. worthless C. worthy D. worth ‎59.A.will B. should C. might D. could ‎60.A.one B. the one C. ones D. the ones 第二节(共10小题:每小题1.5分,满分15分)‎ 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确 形式。‎ Last autumn, Li Daiyu and her cousin Liu Qian went on a trip to Montreal to visit their cousins, the distance measuring approximately 5,000 kilometers. The thought 61 they could cross Canada from west to east was exciting.‎ Their train started from Vancouver, a city 62 (surround) by mountains. After confirming their baggage was aboard the train, the cousins settled down in 63 (they) seats. Having a gift 64 communication, they started chatting with another passenger within 5 minutes. Their topics included the Canadian traditions, the Prime Minister, the 65 (mix) of races, and the terrifying Great Fall. After two day’s travel, they were pleased to find that the scenery was 66 (impress). They saw beautiful harbors in the distance, wealthy urban areas and farms 67 wheat was growing. They even managed 68 (catch) sight of an eagle flying upward over bushes.‎ They reached Montreal which lies 69 (slight) near the border at a misty dawn. There was frost and the broad downtown streets were very quiet. 70 it was early, they couldn’t wait to phone their cousins in a booth nearby instead of waiting for them to come. They had a good time together.‎ 第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)‎ 第一节 短文改错(10分)‎ ‎ 文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。‎ ‎ 增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧),并在其下面写出该加的词。‎ ‎ 删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。‎ ‎ 修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。‎ ‎ 注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;‎ ‎ 2.只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。‎ Today, when I walked to home after school, I found the sunset was very beautifully. I stopped at the park and sit on a bench to appreciate the scenery. There was so many people at the park, most of whom were old couples, but they went for a walk. There was a special couple walk hand in hand, which caught my attention. The old woman couldn’t walk well because there was something wrong with her right legs. The old man took care of them carefully. They set good example to the young couples, showing that true love is. Against the sunset, they made up a beautiful scene.‎ 第二节 书面表达(满分25分)‎ 加拿大高中生David在互联网上登出启事(notice),希望结识一位中国朋友,以便学习中国的语言、文化(culture)。假设你是北京学生李华,请在看到这则启事后,用英文给David发出一封电子邮件,‎ 主要内容包括:‎ ‎1.你怎样得知他的愿望 ‎ ‎2. 你愿意成为他的朋友 ‎3.你打算如何帮助他 ‎ ‎4.你盼望他的回复 ‎ 注意:1词数:100词左右 ‎ 2可以适当添加细节,以使行文连贯。‎ ‎2021届高一下学期第二次月考英语答案 听力 1-5 BACBC 6-10 CBBCC 11-15 CCBAA 16-20 BCCAB 阅读理解 21-23 CAB 24-27 CABD 28-31 CBAA 32-35 AACB ‎ 七选五 36-40 EGCAD 完形填空 41-45 DACAC 46-50 DDCAD 51-55 CBBCB 56-60 ABDBA 语法填空 ‎61.that 62. surrounded 63. their 64. for 65. mixture 66.impressive 67. where 68. to catch 69. slightly 70. Although/Though 短文改错 Today, when I walked to home after school, I found the sunset was very ‎ ‎ beautifully. I stopped at the park and sit on a bench to appreciate the scenery. There beautiful sat was so many people at the park, most of whom were old couples, but they went for a were and walk. There was a special couple walk hand in hand, which caught my attention. The ‎ walking old woman couldn’t walk well because there was something wrong with her right legs. The old man took care of them carefully. They set/ good example to the young leg her a couples, showing that true love is. Against the sunset, they made up a beautiful scene.‎ ‎ what 书面表达 One possible version:‎ Dear David,‎ I am glad to read your notice on the internet and I know that you want to make friends with a Chinese in order to learn the Chinese language and culture.To tell you the truth,I am eager to be your friend. Now I’d like to introduce myself to you. I was born in 2001, a senior high school student from Beijing , and I am good at English.I think I can help you to know more about China by sending you some e-mails.What’s more, we can have chats on the Internet in Chinese or English. Besides, I’ll tell you something about the customs,the festivals,and the foods of China. I sincerely hope that we can keep in touch with each other.‎ I am looking forward to your reply.‎ ‎ Yours ‎ Li hua

