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高考英语模拟试卷(二)及答案 第一节 单项填空(共 15 小题:每小题 1 分,满分 15 分) 从 A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。 21.“ You shouldn't smoke in public. ” “____. ” A.It's very kind of you to say that B.I'll give it a try C.Thank you for your suggestion D.No, thanks 22.“ Excuse me, ____ ” “That's 108 yuan altogether, sir. ” A.can I order, please B.could I have the bill, please C.how much is the meal we've had D.please count the money, will you 23.“ Is everything going all right ” “Well, ____as we expected, though. ” A.not so smoothly B .not so smooth C.as smooth D.as smoothly 24.____weather in Xi'an is very hot in ____ summer. A./;the B.The;/ C.The; the D./; / 25.He knows ____of physics, and still less of chemistry. A.few B.a few C.little D.a little 26.I don't believe him. He ____be serious. A.can't B.mayn't C.mustn't D.shouldn't 27.It will be some time ____they know the final results. A.before B.when C.than D.until 28.A new building is to be built here and now the old houses ____. A.are pulling down B.are pulled down C.are being pulled down D.have pulled down 29.“ She isn't a dancing teacher, is she ” A.No, she is B.No, but her sister is C.Yes, she isn't D.Yes, I think so 30.John got beaten in the game, ____had been expected. A.as B.that C.what D.who 31.“ Have you started writing your composition yet ” “No, I really don't know ____. ” A.what to write B.how to write C.what to write on D.how to write in 32.Our teacher encourages us not to be afraid when ____difficulties. A.have met B.we are met C.meet D.meeting 33.I have no place to go, ____to take to and ____to do. A.anybody; anything B.nobody; nothing C.everybody; everything D.somebody; something 34.He worked ____a teacher and did a lot ____free. A.as; for B .on; of C.like; for D.at; for 35.He me to keep away from cigarette and do morning exercises every day. A.agreed B.suggested C.promised D.wished 第二节 完形填空(共 20 小题:每小题分,满分 30 分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从 36~55 各题所给的四个选项中,选出 一个最佳答案。 When people discuss education they insist that preparation for examination is not the important purpose. They are right in theory (理 论) , but in 36 , we all realise 37 important examinations are. 38 do you know about the examinations 39 at English secondary schools Here are a few facts 40 some of them. Pupils who remain at school 41 they are sixteen normally take what 42 the General Certificate (证书) of Education at Ordinary Level. The examination is a subject examination. This means you can take a number of subjects. Some pupils take as 43 as ten. The 44 subjects the better chance a pupil has of 45 a job 46 leaving school. For short, this examination is called G. C. E“A”Level. This certificate in five or six subjects is, 47 you like, the requiring starting point for some types of work and also for many types of professional training. Pupils who remain at school until they are eighteen 48 nineteen generally take the General Certificate of Education at Advanced Level popularly 49 G. C. E “A”Level. This examination 50 in two, three or four specialized (限定的) subjects. And because it is 51 the specialist (专家) you have to study each subject intensively (深入仔细 地) . A pupil who 52 two or three “A”levels can apply for admission (许可) to 53 university. These two examinations are 54 ones. Many English children take one or the other or 55 . Not all of them pass. 36.A.action B.act C.practice D.e xercise 37.A.too B .what C.how D.very 38.A.What B.Which C.Whichever D.Who 39.A.take B .took C.taking D .taken 40.A.about B.of C.from D.on 41.A.when B.until C.before D .after 42.A.calls B.called C.calling D .is called 43.A.many B.much C.such D.same 44.A.less B .more C.many D .fewer 45.A.making B.having C.getting D. losing 46.A.at B.before C.in D.after 47.A.when B.for C.since D.if 48.A.and B .or C.to D.even 49.A.known well B.well-known C.known as D.as well-known 50.A.usually take B.takes as usual C.is usually taken D.has usually taken 51.A.to B.about C.in D.for 52.A.passes B .has passed C.passed D.is passing 53.A.a B.an C.the D.this 54.A.writing B.to write C.written D.for writing 55.A.either B.neither C.all D.both 第三部分 阅读理解 (共 20 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 40 分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项中选出最佳答案。 A Good health is the most valuable possession a person can have, but one can not regard good health as certain to happen. It's important to remember that a body needs proper care in order to be healthy. There are three things that a person can do to stay in good shape: one should eat the right foods, get enough sleep, and exercise regularly. Proper nutrition (营养) is important for good health. Your body can not function (起作用) well unless it receives the proper kind of “fuel ”. Avoid (避免) foods with lots of sugar and fat. Eat plenty of foods high in protein (蛋白质), like meat, fish, beans and nuts. Vegetables and fruits are especially important because they provide necessary vitamins (维生 素) and minerals. However, don't overeat. It's not healthful to be overweight. Getting the proper amount(总量) of sleep is also important. If you don't get enough sleep, you feel tired and irritable (急躁的) . You have no energy. Over a long period of time a little amount of sleep may even result in a change of personality (个性) . Be sure to allow yourself from seven to nine hours of sleep each night. If you do, your body will feel strong and refreshed, and your mind will be sharp. Finally, get plenty of exercise. Exercise firms the body, strengthens the muscles(肌肉), and prevents you from gaining weight. It also improves your heart and lungs. If you follow a regular exercise program, you will probably increase your lifespan (寿命) . Any kind of exercise is good. Most sports are excellent for keeping the body in good shape: basketball, swimming, bicycling. Gymnastics and running are good examples. Sports are not only good for your body, but they are enjoyable and interesting, too. If everybody were to eat the right foods, get plenty of sleep and exercise regularly, the world would be a happier and healthier place. We would all live to be much older and wiser. 56.In keeping good health, ____. A.we should eat a lot of sweets B.one needs a large amount of fat C.people should eat according to the foods nutrition D.we must try to sleep now and then 57.The underlined word in the third paragraph probably means ____. A.heavy B .comfort able C.sensitive (灵敏的) D.puzzled 58.The writer tells us ____ in the passage. A.how to eat B.what to eat C.the time we need to sleep D.how to keep healthy 59.The title of this Passage should be ____. A.Eating and Sleeping B.Staying Healthy C.Sleeping Well D.Good Foods B For more than fifty years, a small piece of carved deer bone rested in a dim (not bright) coner of a French museum. It had never been closely examined. When I put it under my microscope (显微镜) on that July day in 1965, I suddenly felt that I was looking into the mind of the man who had made it and used it more than thirty thousand years ago. A series (系列) of carved marks, made with many different tools, had been carved on the surface of the bone. They formed a pattern. It seemed to be a record of some sort. After many months, I found out the shapes, made during the Late Ice Age, match perfectly with the phases of the moon (月相) over a period of more than two months. I had discovered the earliest known human note. They were made twenty thousand before the beginning of writing, or calendars (日历) . 60.When the writer put the bone under his microscope, A.he found some words on it B.he saw some prints on it C.some English words came to his eyes D.he was puzzled by the strange words 61.As a result, the writer ____. A.got to know a strange language from other planets B.understood how ancient (古代的) people made notes about their daily-life C.know that the words on the bone was a calendar D.copied some words down from the calendar 62.The first sentence makes it clear that ____. A.French museums are poorly lighted B.the bone was a valuable museum piece C.the deer bone was thought to be worthless D.no one realized the importance of the object C We need never feel dull (单调的) in the courtry. No matter how often we walk down the same road, over the same field, or through the same woodland paths, there is always something new, something fresh to see. It may be a little plant that has come up since last we visited the place; a hedge(篱笆) that was just a lot of brown sticks may now be covered with flowers. We may find a bird's nest deep in a bush, and if we are careful not to frighten the birds, as they pass, see first the little eggs,and then baby birds. We never know what we may see, or find when we start out for a country walk. But we must walk. We must learn to use our eyes, keep them wide open, or we shall pass by many a pretty or interesting plant, or miss the sight of some little wild animals, who see us well enough, and will keep perfectly still and quite so that we should not notice him, until we are quite out of wild children of the woods and fields are easily frightened, and if we want to get to know them, we must do as they do, and learn to be quiet and keep very still when watching them at work or play. All the year round, from the first warm breath of spring till the last icy wind of winter, we shall always find something to please and interest us in the country. 63.Which of the following statements is true A.If we are careful not to frighten the birds in a bird's nest, we may see little eggs. B.If we are careful not to frighten the birds in a bird's nest, we may first see baby birds. C.If we are careful not to frighten the birds in a bird's nest, we may first see little eggs and then big birds. D.None of the above is false. 64.We must keep our eyes wide open ____. A.in order to pass by interesting plants and see little wild animals B.so as not to miss the sight of pretty plants and little wild animals C.in order to pass by little wild animals and see the pretty plants D.so that we may pass by pretty plants as well as little wild animals 65.What must we do if we want to get to know the wild children of the woods and fields A.We must be quite out of sight of them. B.We must make it possible towards them at work and play. C.We must do everything as they do. D.We must not frighten them. 66.Which of the following points is not mentioned or implied (暗 示) in the passage A.There is always something fresh to see in the country. B.Animals are easily frightened. C.Little wild animals have a keen (锐利的) sense of sight. D.Little wild animals have a keen sense of hearing. D Many teachers believe that the responsibility (责任) for learning lies with the students. If a long reading assignment (布置的作业) is given, teachers expect students to be familiar with the information in the reading even if they do not discuss it in class or give an examination. (Courses are not designed merely for students to pass exams). The ideal (完美的) student is considered to be one who is motivated (目的明确的) to learn for the sake(原故) of learning, not the one interested only in getting high grades (分数) . Grade-conscious (清醒的) students may be frustrated (受挫) with teachers who do not believe it is necessary to grade (分等级) every assignment. Sometimes homework is returned with brief (short) written comments but without a grade. Even if a grade is not given, the student is responsible for learning the material assigned. When research is assigned, the professor in the United States expects the students to take the initiative (积极性) and complete the assignment with less guidance. It is the student's responsibility to find books,magazines, and articles in the library. Professors do not have the time to explain how a univesity library works,they expect students, particularly graduate students, to be able to use all the reference sources (资料) in the library. Professors will help students who need it, but prefer that their students not be over dependent on the United States, professors have other duties be sides teaching. Often they are responsible for management within their department. In addition (此外) , they may be required to publish articles and books. Therefore the time that a professor can spend with a student outside of class is limited. If a student has problems with classroom work, the student should either approach (接近) a professor during office hours or make an appointment (约会) . 67.“ Courses are not designed merely for students to pass exams. ” This means “____. ” A.teachers want students to fail exams B.teachers care only about exam grades C.teachers believe that passing exams is not the only purpose of a course D.teachers design courses for lectures only 68.Professors in the United States usually expect A.the students to know all the answers B.the students to take the initiative and be independent C.the students never to ask for their advice D.the students to work together 69.The main idea of this Passage is that ____. A.students should learn independently B.students should learn under close guidance of their professors C.students should learn how to work together D.students should not learn mainly for high grades 70.If a student has a problem with classroom work, he or she should ____. A.make an appointment with the professor a week before B.approach a professor after class C.turn to the professor for help in his office D.go to the professor's home 71.Who is considered to be a good student A.One who aims at getting good scores. B.One who is planning to get a degree. C.One who can memorize (记忆) knowledge. D.One who has the motivation to learn. E Snow and rain during the past two weeks came down as good news to farmers throughout China, since the country's agriculture suffered a drought (干旱) last year. Snow in the past two weeks affected all of North China and part of Northeast China and rain fell along the middle and lower reaches of Yangtze River. According to statitics (统计) , 5 millimetres of snow fell in Beijing on Tuesday and yesterday morning. Total snowfall in the first 10 days of January has reached 9 millimetres. The average snowfall from this same period in the past 50 years is only 1 millimetre. A researcher told China Daily that weather observers(观察者) have used recent storms to experiment with artificial (非天然的) methods to increase the amount of snowfall. Only some regions (区域) in Beijing were affected. They include Changping and Fangshan, where the experiments took place. But not everyone in the streets was happy. By evening yesterday, the 122 hotline for traffic accident reports had taken more than 600 calls. Seven highways and expressways (快车道) in Beijing closed to traffic. Those included national highways 108,109 and110. The winter's first heavy snow in Northeast China's Liaoning Province blocked traffic, and sent people to the hospital with slip-and-fall injuries. Twenty-seven flights, including international ones, were delayed or cancelled (取消) at Shenyang's Taoxian International Airport. Most highways linking Shenyang to other cities were closed as well. Latest news also shows that snowfall last weekend killed five and injured four in Ili Prefecture (地区) , Northwest China, Xinjiang. In addition, more than 2,000 head of livestock (牲畜) died and more than 170 houses fell down. (Thursday. January 13, 2000, China Daily) 72.From the passage, we see that snow fell in many cities of China except ____during the first two weeks of January, 2000. A.Chengdu B .Shenyang C.Beijing D.Tianjing 73.Which of the following is Not true A.It was scientists who used a special ways to bring snow down in North China. B.This snowfall is the heaviest in Beijing from the same period in the past half of century. C.There was not enough snowfall or rainfall lastyear, so famers are very happy about the snow. D.People met with great trouble when they were walking on the street because of the heavy snow. And the traffic became very difficult as well. 74.The Passage did not tell us directly but we can infer (判断) that____. A.snowy and rainy days would continue for some time B.snow brought people great trouble, some even caused to die C.direct economic(经济的) losses caused by the heavy snow would be great D.the following year would be a harvest one 75.The best title for the Passage would be “____”. A.Good Sign for Harvest B.Terrible Snowfall C.Snowfall Causing Trouble D.Snowfall Helps Some, Hurts Others 第Ⅱ卷(共 35 分) 第四部分 写作 (共两节,满分 35 分) 第一节 短文改错(共 10 小题,每小题 1 分;满分 10 分) Language is always changing. In a society where life continues year after year with a few changes,the. language doesn't change much, too. The earliest known. languages had complicated (复杂的) grammar but a small,limit vocabulary. Over the centuries, the grammar . changed, and the vocabulary grew. For example, the English and Spanish people who came to America during 16th and 17th centuries gave names to all the new plants. and animals they found. On this way, hundreds of new. words introduced into English and Spanish vocabularies. Today, life is changing very soon, and the language is. changing fast, too. After thousands of years' time,. English will be so different as what it is like today. that people in the future might not be able to understand. English today. 76. ____________ 77. ____________ 78. ____________ 79. ____________ 80. ____________ 81. ____________ 82. ____________ 83. ____________ 84. ____________ 85. ____________ 第二节 书面表达(满分 25 分) 某外资企业招聘外语人才。 假设你是王玲, 前去应聘, 外方代表要你用英语 作一自我介绍。要求如下: 1.中学时,喜欢英语,英语成绩好,曾获全国英语听力竞赛一等奖。常受 到老师的称赞。 2.中学毕业后,利用业务时间自学英语,坚持每天收听英语广播、每天看 十五页的英语材料,并练习英语口语。 3.经过几年的努力学习,已经取得了很大的进步,现在能和外宾流利地用 英语交谈;去年为正大医药公司( Zheng Da Medical Company)翻译了一篇五百 字的文章,并出版了一本翻译小说( novel ); 4.若能录用( taken on),相信一定能把工作做好。注意:字数 80~120。 高考英语模拟试卷(二)参考答案 第一部分听力材料 1.M: I've got time to buy a magazine, haven't I W: The train is about to leave. 2.M: Good morning, Can I help you W: Yes, I bought this blouse here yesterday, but there seems to be something wrong with it. I would like you to change it. 3.W: What's the time, dear M: It's half past eight. W: Oh, we must hurry up .We have only twenty minutes left. M: Don't worry .We won't be late for the train .We can drive there in ten minutes. 4.W: Don't you think you'd better take a bus M: I prefer to walk because I feel better if I exercise often. 5.M: I've worked for four hours on this homework and still only half finished. W: Why don't you give up You could work another four hours and may finish it, but you would be too tired to go to class tomorrow. 第 6 段材料: Mrs Smith: Have you handed in your exercise-book, Jack Jack: I'm sorry I haven't, Mrs Smith .I've already finished the exercise, but I can't find my exereise----book anywhere now. Mrs Smith: Really I don't understand why you are always forgetting to hand in your exercisebook. You are lying. Jack: Mrs Smith, but it is true this time. Mrs Smith: I'm really angry with you.If you won't tell me the truth, I'll have to ring up your parents after class. Jack: I'm sorry my parents have gone to New York. They'll be back in half a year. Mrs Smith: I don't believe you.It was yesterday that I saw your parents in the supermarket. You are very clever, but you never spend your time doing your maths exercises. Sit down, please .Let's get down to business. 第 7 段材料: John Smith is in the sitting-room .His wife, Mary, is in the kitchen .She is calling him. Mrs Smith: Is the baby with you, John He's not in the kitchen. Mr Smith: He isn't here, Mary .Perhaps he's upstairs. Mrs Smith: Please go and see .He's very quiet. Mr Smith: All right .I'll go and see .(He goes upstairs) Mary, he's not in his room. Mrs Smith: Is he in our room Mr Smith: No, he's not here, either. Mrs Smith: Good heavens! Where is he then Mr Smith: Oh, he's here, in the washroom. Mrs Smith: In the washroom What's he doing there Mr Smith: He's cleaning his shoes with your tooth brush! 第 8 段材料: W: Who were those two men you were talking to M: They own a shopping centre. W: A shopping centre Where is it M: It's that new one down on the Paninsula, about ten miles from here. W: Oh, yes, I've heard about it. M: They'd like to have someone open another restaurant, in the centre. W: You're not thinking of moving the restaurant again, are you M: No, I'm thinking about opening a branch. W: I've heard that business is quite good there. M: Those men have made a study of the number of people who pass through the centre each day, and the result is good. W: Well, why don't we look into it M: But do you think we'll have enough time to manage another branch W: We could get George and Jane to manage it. M: Do you think they have enough experience W: They're old enough.And we've trained them as your parents trained us. 第 9 段材料: Mr. Grey had a nice shop in the main street of a small town. He sold jewelry, watches, clocks and other such things. All went on well for some years, and then Mr Grey's shop was broken into at night twice in one month, and a lot of jewelry was stolen each time. The police had still not managed to catch the thief three weeks later, Mr Grey decided that he would try to do something about it. He therefore bought a camera,fixed it up in his shop so that it could photograph anyone who broke in at night, and put some very cheap jewelry in front of it for the thief. A few nights later,the thief did come again, but he didn't touch any of the cheap jewelry that Mr Grey had put out for him. He took the camera. It was worth $15, 000. 第 10 段材料: Once two good friends were spending their holidays in the country. One day they went for a walk in a forest. They loved its fresh air and the beautiful they were sitting under a large tree to have a rest, they suddenly found an elephant standing by. The animal was not happy with the strangers. These two men were frightened and began to run. The elephant ran after them. Finally, one of the two climbed up a tree and the other jumped into the hole. Soon, the man who jumped into the hole came out. Very quickly the elephant drove him back into the hole. Soon the man came out again, and it drove him right back. This went on five or six times. The man in the tree, who was very angry, finally cried to his friend in the hole, “You fool!Stay in the hole for a while. Otherwise, it will keep us here all day. ”As the other came out of the hole, he said: “That's all right for you to say that, but there is a bear in this hole. ” 听力部分答案 1.A 2 .B 3 .A 4 .A 5 .C 6.C 7 .B 8 .B 9 .C 10 .C 11.A 12 .C 13 .B 14 .C 15 .A 16.C 17 .B 18 .A 19 .B 20 .A 第二部分、第三部分笔试答案 21.C 22 .B 23 .A 24 .B 25 .C 26.A 27 .A 28 .C 29 .B 30 .A 31.C 32 .D 33 .B 34 .A 35 .C 36.C 37 .C 38 .A 39 .D 40 .A 41.B 42 .D 43 .A 44 .B 45 .C 46.D 47 .D 48 .B.49.C 50 .C 51.D 52 .B 53 .A 54 .C 55 .D 56.C 57 .C 58 .D 59 .B 60 .B 61.B 62 .D 63 .A 64 .B 65 .B 66.B 67 .C 68 .B 69 .A 70 .C 71.D 72 .A 73 .A 74 .C 75 .D 76.去掉 a 77 .too →either 78 .limit →limited 79.行首加 the 80 .On→In 81 .words 后加 were 82.soon→fast 83 .After →In 84 .as→from 85.√ One possible version: I'd like to introduce myself to you. My name is Wang Lin. When I was in middle school, I liked English very much. Once in an English competition, I won the first prize. I was often praised by my teacher because I did well in English. After I graduated from middle school, I have been teaching myself English in my spare time. I keep on listening to English broadcast and reading English materials for 15 pages each day. I keep on practising spoken English as well. After several years of hard study, I've made great progress in English. Now I can talk to foreigners in English freely. Last year I translated a 30, 000-word article for Zheng Da Medical Company. I also translated a novel and had it published. I'm sure I can do my work well if I am taken on.

