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‎ 2020届一轮复习人教版必修五Unit 4 Making the news单元教案 ‎ Teaching aims and demands:‎ 1. Topic:‎ The basic procedures of making the news; ‎ newspapers and TV programmes.‎ 2. Words and expressions:‎ 3. Functional items:‎ Making appointments:‎ A: Shall we make an appointment?‎ ‎ When are we free?‎ ‎ Is it possible to…?‎ ‎ Where is the best place?‎ ‎ When do you think is convenient for you?‎ ‎ How about…?‎ ‎ Which day would suit you best?‎ ‎ Where would you like to meet?‎ ‎ What time would be most convenient?‎ ‎ Please, can you tell me…?‎ B: I shall be busy at…and…but I can be free at…‎ ‎ Maybe we can meet at…‎ ‎ Perhaps we could…‎ ‎ I would like to arrange…‎ ‎ I suggest we meet…‎ ‎ I maybe able to see you at…‎ ‎ That will/won’t be convenient because…‎ ‎ I can/cannot do that because…‎ ‎ I look forward to seeing you.‎ 1. Grammar use: Inversion Never will Zhou Yang forget his assignment at the office of China Daily.‎ Only when you have seen what he or she does, can you cover a story by yourself.‎ Not only am I interested in photograph, but…‎ Only if you ask many different questions will you acquire all the information you need to know.‎ Teaching procedures:‎ The 1st period (Reading)‎ Step One 1. Present the following to the students: ‎ Journalist editor deputy editor desk editor reporter ‎ cartoonist critic sub-editor foreign correspondent ‎ 1. Ask the following questions:‎ 1) Which two words mean the same? (journalist/ reporter)‎ 2) Who gives opinions on plays and books? (critic)‎ 3) Who reports from abroad? (foreign correspondent)‎ 4) Who decides on the content of the newspaper? (writer and chief editor)‎ 5) Who writes news stories? (reporter and journalist)‎ 6) Who makes corrections to articles and design? (sub-editor)‎ 7) Who designs comic drawing with captions? (cartoonist)‎ 8) Who is in charge of the newspaper when the boss is away? (deputy editor)‎ 2. Get the students to fill in the chart in pairs on Page 25.‎ Types of jobs What it involves Reporter interviews people or finds out about events from onlookers ‎ Photographer takes photographs of important people or events Editor makes sure the writing is clear, concise and accurate; checks facts Designer lays out the article and photographs Printer prints the newspaper Step Two 1. Ask the following questions:‎ 1) What level of education should a good news reporter have?‎ 2) Does work experience play an important role in making the news?‎ 3) What do you think are good communication skills?‎ 4) Is being curious and active important? Why/ why not?‎ 5) Working hard or working smart, which would you prefer?‎ 6) Enthusiasm for the job is the key to success, do you agree? Why/ why not?‎ 2. Put the students into pairs to discuss these questions and tick the boxes on Page 25. Let them evaluate them together and arrive at some that are very important and others that are important qualities. They may also add their own suggestions for the last two spaces.‎ 3. Put all the qualities on the board in a list and alongside them put two columns: one for very important and one for important qualities. See chart below.‎ Qualities Very important Important 4. Ask one from each other to give their findings on very important and important qualities. Put a tick for each one in the correct column.‎ Step Three 1. Teaching new words and structures Remember to encourage students to pre-read the text and try to work out any unknown words or structures. Remind them to look carefully at the words before of after the unknown word. Use these to guess the unknown word. Only then should they look up the new word in the dictionary. Any problems they can check with you.‎ 2. Understanding ideas There are two important ideas for the students to understand:‎ 1) what is needed to become a reporter (see comprehending )‎ 2) how to conduct an interview.‎ To conduct an interview the students must look at the kinds of questions that Zhou Yang asks Hu Xin.‎ 3. Intensive reading:‎ 1) Encourage the students to find two formal sentences on their own and underline them. Discuss their choices and ask them to justify them..‎ 2) Encourage the students to find two informal sentences on their own and underline them. Discuss their choices and ask them to justify them.‎ 3) What sort of language do students think is appropriate to speak to the ‎ boss? Does Zhou Yang speak appropriately to his boss? Give your reasons.‎ Step Four 1. Finish the exercises in Comprehending.‎ 2. Ask the students to discuss the following questions:‎ 1) What is news?‎ 2) What is good news?‎ 3) What is bad news?‎ 4) What will make the news?‎ 5) What is a scoop?‎ Step Five Get the students to finish the Workbook exercises.‎ The 2nd period (Learning about language)‎ Step One: Revision ‎ Get students to retell the story using their own words.‎ Step Two: Language points ‎1. concentrate on= focus attention on 2 of special interest= very interesting 3 accuse sb of sth inform sb of sth rob sb of sth cure sb of sth warn sb of sth Step Three: discovering useful words and expressions 1. Read the passage again, find the idiomatic expressions to fill in the chart on Page 28. Add one more of their own.‎ 2. Complete Sentence B using a word or phrase from the reading passage which has the opposite meaning to the words underlined in Sentence A.‎ 3. Learning word formation: n.+ -al →adj.‎ The 3rd Period: Grammar use Inversion: Refer to pages 90-91 to find out what “inversion ” is like.‎ Step One:‎ Find three examples of inversion in the reading passage Step Two:‎ Rewrite the sentences using normal word order:‎ 1) I did not know how to use that recorder. Neither did he.‎ 2) Only when did I begin my work on designing a new bridge.‎ 3) Not only was there a Christmas tree, but also exciting presents under it.‎ 4) ‎“Is everything ready yet?” asked Hu Xin to the photographer.‎ Step Three:‎ Rewrite the sentences using inversion with exercise 3 on Page 30.‎ Step Four:‎ Finish the sentences in exercise 4.‎ Step Five: Practice Finish the Workbook exercises on Page 64.‎ The 4th Period Using language Step One: Revision Check the Workbook exercise 1 & 2 on page 64.‎ Step Two: Reading This reading is about the process of by which the reporter’s story is printed in the newspaper. As this is quite a complicated process there are several jobs and vocabulary specific to a newspaper that needs comment.‎ 1) the edition 2) international news department 3) sub-editor and chief editor 4) headline 5) polish the style 6) printing process Step Three: Practice 1. Get students to read the passage to work out the writing and printing process for an article. Then complete the chart on Page 31.‎ 2. imagine what the film star has done. Discuss how we might try to lie about it. Then pretend you are Zhou Yang and write an article for the newspaper.‎ The 5th Period: Listening and speaking Step One: Pre-listening Get students to review the useful expressions of offering help.‎ 1.) I would like to…‎ 2.) Can I help you? ‎ 3.) Is it possible to…‎ 4.) Thank you so much.‎ Step Two: Listening 1. Ss read the statement of part 1,on page 31.‎ 2. Ss listen to the tape and make their choice.‎ 3. Ss listen again and answer the questions of part 2, on page 32.‎ Step Three: Speaking ‎1. Practice in pairs making appointments. One of the students needs to have his picture taken for a magazine. The other is the photographer who wants to take the picture because he/ she won’t be free in the afternoon. See how well they can arrange the meeting.‎ ‎2. Get one or two pairs to present their dialogue in front of the class.‎ The 6th Period: Summing up 1. This is an opportunity to think about what you have learned, but also what you need to think more about.‎ 2. Finish the workbook exercises.‎

