高中英语外研版必修2课件:Module3 Section Ⅰ

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高中英语外研版必修2课件:Module3 Section Ⅰ

Module 3 Music Chimpanzees ( 黑猩猩 ) may share 96 percent of human DNA , but do they have the ability to appreciate music like humans ? Chimpanzees and apes turn a deaf ear to music , research shows.It makes no difference whether they are listening to Beethoven or Bieber— it is all just meaningless sound to them.This means that chimpanzees and apes would not appreciate listening to music , and certainly would not form a band. To carry out the study scientists at the University of York created a “chimpanzee jukebox” that allowed chimps to select their favorite classical , pop or rock ( 曲调 ), or simply tune into silence. The animals , housed at Edinburgh Zoo and the National Centre for Chimpanzee Care in Texas , got to listen to works by Mozart , Beethoven , Adele and Justin Bieber.But none of them showed any preference for any kind of music.Nor were they any more likely to choose a musical offering rather than silence. Lead scientist Dr.Emma Wallace , from the University of York’s Department of Psychology , said : “These results suggest that music is not something that is related to chimpanzees and are supported by recent work with zoo-housed orangutans ( 猩猩 ) that were unable to tell music from digitally scrambled ( 混杂的 ) noise. “These results also show the possibility that music appreciation is something that is a uniquely human characteristic.” 导读诱思 Are Chimpanzees Musical ? 答案 : Music appreciation is only a human activity . Chimpanzees don’t have the ability to appreciate music . They aren’t able to tell music from digital noise. Section Ⅰ  Introduction,Reading & Vocabulary 一 二 三 四 五   Pre-reading     一、将下列单词与相对应的释义搭配起来 1 .audience     a.to be unable to find something/someone 2 .classical b.widely accepted and used for a long time;traditional in style or idea 3 .composer c.(especially in the past,or in poorer countries)a farmer who owns or rents a small piece of land 4 .conductor d.a male member of a royal family who is not king,especially the son or grandson of the king or queen 5 .lose e.the group of people who have gathered together to hear or watch something/someone 6 .peasant f.a person who directs the performance of an orchestra,a choir,etc. 7 .prince g.a journey made for pleasure,visiting several different places in an area 8 .tour h.a person who writes music 一 二 三 四 五 答案: 1.e   2.b   3.h   4.f   5.a   6.c   7.d   8.g 一 二 三 四 五 二、短语互译 A. 温故 : 从文中找出下列短语并写出它们的汉语意思 1 .be different from            2 .change...into...              3 .of all time           4 .as well as         5 .encourage sb to do sth               B. 知新 : 从文中找出与下列短语对应的英文 6 . 某人的余生                7 . 以 …… 著称 ; 被称为             8 . 举办音乐会             9 . 对 …… 留下印象              10 . 变聋            和 …… 不同  将 …… 改变成 …… 有史以来 也  鼓励某人做某 事 the rest of one ’ s life be known as   give concerts   be impressed with go deaf 一 二 三 四 五   While-reading     三、阅读课文 , 选择正确答案 1 .How did Haydn change the form of symphonies? A.He changed them into a short piece for a large orchestra. B.He changed them into a long piece for a large orchestra. C.He changed them into a shorter piece for a larger orchestra. D.He changed them into a short piece for a shorter orchestra. 2 .How long did he work in eastern Austria? A.He had worked there after he moved to Vienna. B.He worked in eastern Austria for 35 years. C.He worked in eastern Austria for 30 years. D.He worked in London for more than 30 years. B C 一 二 三 四 五 3 .How long were Mozart and Haydn friends? A.They were friends for ten years. B.They were friends for fourteen years. C.They were friends for twenty years. D.They were friends for thirty-five years. 4 .Who taught Beethoven how to play the piano? A.Haydn taught him.      B.His father taught him. C.Haydn ’ s father taught him. D.Mozart taught him. A B 一 二 三 四 五 四、篇章 结构 peasant   director   London   symphony   一 二 三 四 五 composer   composing music By the time musical genius 一 二 三 四 五 encouraged   deaf 一 二 三 四 五   Post-reading     五、根据课文内容填空 Haydn,the father of the symphony,was the son of a 1.          .He changed the symphony into a long piece for a large orchestra. 2.           in eastern Austria for 30 years,Haydn moved to London,3.       he was very successful.Mozart was a composer,possibly the greatest musical genius 4.              .He had 5.          talent from a very early age . peasant   Having worked   where   of all time   musical   一 二 三 四 五 By the time he was 14,Mozart had composed many pieces for the harpsichord,piano and violin,6.              for orchestras.Haydn was deeply 7.         by Mozart when he first met him.   Beethoven was born in Bonn,Germany.He showed a talent for music when he was young.In his twenties,he met both Mozart and Haydn.However,it was Haydn 8.          encouraged him to move to Vienna.9.       he grew older,he began to 10.          .But he continued composing.   as well as impressed   who/that   As   go deaf 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1. Joseph Haydn ( 1732 — 1809 ) was an Austrian composer and is known as “ the father of the symphony ” . 约瑟夫 · 海顿 ( 1732~1809 ), 奥地利作曲家 , 以 “ 交响乐之父 ” 著称。 ★ 考点   be known as 作为 …… 而出名 He is known as a great statesman. 众所周知 , 他是一位伟大的政治家。 考点延伸   阅读下列句子 , 体会黑体词相关短语的搭配和意义 ① This restaurant is known for its Chinese meals. 这家餐馆以中国菜而出名。 搭配 be known for   意义 因为 …… 而出名   1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ② He is known to everyone in this university. 在这所大学里 , 人人都知道他。 搭配 be known to   意义 为 …… 所熟知   ③ As is known to all,light travels faster than sound. 正如大家所熟知的那样 , 光 比 声音 传播 得快。 搭配 as is known to all...   意义 众所周知 ……  ④ As we all know ,the earth travels around the sun. 众所周知 , 地球 围 着 太阳转。 搭配 as we all know...   意义 众所周知 ……  ⑤ It is known that parents can deeply influence one ’ s childhood,even one ’ s whole life. 众所周知 , 父母对孩子有深刻的影响 , 甚至会影响他的一生。 搭配 It is known that...   意义 众所周知 ……  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ( 5 ) Mo Yan is almost known        all the people in China.  答案 : ( 1 ) As   ( 2 ) What   ( 3 ) It   ( 4 ) for   ( 5 ) to 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 2. Other composers had written symphonies before Haydn , but he changed the symphony into a long piece for a large orchestra. 在海顿之前 , 也有作曲家写过交响乐 , 但是他把交响乐曲改成了适合交响乐团演奏的长乐曲。 ★ 考点   change...into... 把 …… 变成 I need to change my dollars into francs. 我需要把美元换成法郎。 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 考点延伸   (1) 阅读下列句子 , 体会黑体词的词性和含义 ① In autumn the leaves change from green to yellow. 秋天 , 树叶由绿变黄。 词性 动词   含义 变化 ② I don ’ t have any small change on me. 我身上没有零钱。 词性 名词   含义 零钱 (2) 阅读下列句子 , 体会黑体词相关短语的搭配和意义 ① We tried to change his mind,but Bill held to his decision. 我们试图使他改变主意 , 但比尔坚持他的决定。 搭配 change one ’ s mind   意义 改变主意   1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ② Why can ’ t you get changed in your own office? 你为什么不能在自己的办公室里换衣服 ? 搭配 get changed   意义 换衣服   ③ If you prefer this seat,I ’ ll change it with you. 如果你喜欢这个座位 , 我可以跟你交换。 搭配 change sth with sb   意义 跟某人交换某物   ④ Where can I change my pounds for dollars? 我在哪儿可以把英镑兑换成美元 ? 搭配 change...for...   意义 把 …… 替换成 ⑤ The matter has changed for the better/worse. 情况已经好转了 / 更糟糕了。 搭配 change for the better/worse   意义 变好 / 坏   1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 3. Having worked there for 30 years , Haydn moved to London , where he was very successful. 在那儿工作了 30 年后 , 海顿移居伦敦 , 在那里他非常成功。 剖析 Having worked there for 30 years 为动词 -ing 短语的完成式作时间状语 , 强调分词的动作发生在谓语动词之前 ;where 引导非限制性定语从句。 Having finished her project,she was invited by the school to speak to the new students. 完成计划后 , 她被学校邀请去给新生做演讲。 The place where we ’ re to have the Speech Contest has not been decided yet. 我们举行演讲比赛的地点还未定下来。 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 4. He only lived 35 years and he composed more than 600 pieces of music. 莫扎特只活了 35 岁 , 却创作了 600 多首乐曲。 ★ 考点   compose v. 组成 , 作曲 , 写作 ; 作诗 She began to compose songs at an early age. 她年轻时就已开始创作歌曲。 考点延伸   (1) 阅读下列句子 , 体会黑体词的含义 ① The music was composed by him . 这 乐曲由他谱写而成。 含义 作曲 ; 谱曲 ② The class is composed of twelve boys and eight girls. 这个班由十二个男孩和八个女孩组成。 含义 组成 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ( 2) 阅读下列句子 , 体会黑体词的词性和含义 ① He is a composer of pop music.I like his music a lot. 他是个流行音乐的作曲家 , 我非常喜欢他的音乐。 词性 名词   含义 作曲家 ② Practice is the best way to improve our skills of English composition . 练习是提高我们英语作文技巧的最好方法。 词性 名词   含义 作品 , 作文 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 (3) 阅读下列句子 , 体会黑体词相关短语的搭配与意义 ① The sea water is mainly composed of water and salt. 海水主要由水和盐组成。 搭配 be composed of   意义 由 …… 组成   ② She composed herself to answer the letter. 她镇静下来写回信。 搭配 compose oneself   意义 使自己镇静下来   1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 5. By the time he was 14 , Mozart had composed many pieces for the harpsichord , piano and violin , as well as for orchestras. 莫扎特到 14 岁的时候 , 不仅已经谱写了很多管弦乐曲 , 还谱写了许多拨弦键琴曲、钢琴曲和小提琴曲。 ★ 考点一   by the time 到 …… 为止 By the time you read the letter,I ’ ll have been in Canada. 当你读到这封信时 , 我已经在加拿大了。 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 考点延伸   (1)by the time 引导的从句为一般过去时 , 主句用过去完成时。 ① By the time he got there,his friends had already gone. 当他到达那里的时候 , 他的朋友们已经走了。 ② By the time it was dark,they had finished their task. 在天黑前 , 他们已经完成了任务。 (2)by the time 引导的从句为一般现在时 , 主句通常用将来完成时。 By the time we graduate from this school,we will have learned English for 6 years. 到我们从这所学校毕业为止 , 我们已经学了六年英语了。 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ★ 考点二   as well as 不但 …… 而且 …… , 也 They sell books as well as newspapers . 他们 既卖报也卖书。 考点延伸   阅读下列句子 , 体会黑体词组的意义 ① She studies as well as her deskmate does. 她和她的同桌学习一样好。 意义 与 …… 同样好 ② The parents, as well as the children,were invited to the party. 父母和孩子们都被邀请参加聚会。 意义 也 , 除 …… 之外 归纳 as well as 连接并列主语时 , 谓语动词和前面的名词或代词一致 , 类似结构还有 :with,along with,together with,but,besides,rather than 等。 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 翻译句子 ( 2 ) 她不但是个摄影师而且还是个天才的音乐家。 答案 : ( 1 ) as well as   ( 2 ) She is a talented musician as well as a photographer. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 6. Haydn met Mozart in 1781 and was very impressed with him. 海顿在 1781 年与莫扎特相遇 , 莫扎特给他留下了深刻的印象。 ★ 考点   be impressed with 对 …… 留下印象 I was impressed with what he said the first time I saw him. 我第一次见到他 , 就对他的言谈留下了深刻的印象 。 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 考点延伸   (1) 阅读下列句子 , 体会黑体词的词性和含义 ① The sights of the city never fail to impress foreign tourists. 外国游客无一不对该市的风景留有深刻印象。 词性 动词   含义 使铭记 ; 使有深刻印象 ② My first impression was that she was lively. 我 的第一印象是她很有活力。 词性 名词   含义 印象 ③ His speech is really impressive . 他的演讲给人以深刻的印象。 词性 形容词   含义 印象深刻 的 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 (2) 阅读下列句子 , 体会黑体词相关短语的搭配和意义 ① She impressed us with her patience. 她的耐心给我们留下了深刻的印象。 搭配 impress sb with sth   意义 某事给某人留下印象   ② My father impressed the value of hard work on me. 我父亲让我铭记艰苦劳动的价值。 搭配 impress sth on/upon sb   意义 使某人铭记某事   ③ What is his first impression of our school? 他对我们学校的第一印象如何 ? 搭配 one ’ s first impression of...   意义 某人对 …… 的第一印象   ④ The assistant made a good impression on us. 这个助理给我们留下了一个好印象。 搭配 make an impression on   意义 给 …… 留下印象   1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ( 2 ) My first impression       him was that he was a kind and thoughtful young man.  ( 3 ) Li Kang is very impressed       the teachers in his new school.  ( 4 ) His first speech made a deep impression       his audience.  答案 : ( 1 ) with   ( 2 ) of   ( 3 ) with   ( 4 ) on 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 7. As he grew older , he began to go deaf. 随着年龄的增长 , 他的耳朵变聋了。 ★ 考点   go deaf 变聋 After the accident,he began to go deaf . 那次事故后 , 他的耳朵变聋了。 考点延伸   (1) 阅读下列句子 , 体会黑体词相关短语的搭配和意义 ①Doctors think he will go blind. 医生认为他会失明。 搭配 go blind  意义 失明   ② He went almost mad hearing the news. 听到这个消息他几乎疯了。 搭配 go mad   意义 变疯   1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ( 2) 辨析 :go,become,grow 与 turn go 是系动词 , 常接形容词 , 多指由好变坏。 become 既可指由好变坏 , 也可以指由坏变好 , 侧重过程完成。 grow 强调变成新状态 , 有渐变过程。 turn 变成完全不同的东西 , 强调结果完成 。 ① The meat will go bad if you leave it in the sun. 如果你把肉放在太阳下晒 , 它会变质的。 ② She was becoming confused. 她开始糊涂了。 ③ Nick ’ s grown almost an inch in the last month. 尼克这一个月以来长高了差不多一英寸。 ④ The leaves were turning brown. 叶子正变成黄色 。 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

