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必修三Unit 8 Adventure单元复习学案 Lesson 1 Adventure Holidays ‎ 一. 单词 1. major ①. ‎ He played a major role in the development of this company.‎ ②. ‎ Never mind. It’s not major.‎ ③. ‎ He’s a major in the army.‎ ④. ‎ Her major is English ⑤. ‎ She’s a French major.‎ ⑥. ‎ She majored in History of Chinese Literature.‎ 用法归纳:‎ ①. adj. 主要的,重要的 ②. adj. 严重的 ③. n. 少校 ④. n. 主修课程,专业课程 ⑤. n. 主修生,主修学生 ⑥. vi. 主修 派生:‎ majority n. 大多数,大部分 minor adj. 次要的,较小的 ‎ n. 辅修科目,辅修学生 ‎ vi.辅修 manority n. 少数 ‎2.tiring ‎ It had been a long tiring day.‎ adj. 令人疲倦的,使人疲劳的,累人的 短语:‎ be tired of doing sth. 厌倦做某事 tire sb./sth. out 筋疲力尽 be tired out 筋疲力尽 误区点拨:‎ tired & tiring I’ tired of his tiring speech.‎ tired 作定语或表语,修饰人,人的表情,声音等 tiring 作定语或表语,修饰物 ‎ 二,词组 1. get across ①. You meaning didn’t really get across.‎ ②. ‎ He’s not very good at getting his ideas across.‎ ③. ‎ The bridge was destroyed so we couldn’t get across.‎ 用法归纳:‎ ①. 被理解 ②. 把。。。讲清楚 ③. 通过,渡过 短语拓展:‎ get away form 逃脱,离开 get around/round 传开来 get on 开始认真做某事 get over 克服困难 get through 完成,使通过 get along with 和。。。相处,进展 get up 起床 get back 回来,取回 get off 下车,从下来 2. break out ① Fire broke out during the midnight.‎ ② SARS broke out in 2003.‎ 战争,火灾,疾病暴发 短语拓展:‎ break away form 脱离 break down 出毛病 break in 闯入,打断 break into 闯入,破门而入 break up 分解,解散,拆开 break off 打断,折断,突然终止 三,重难点句型 1. As well as the group guide, all teams have cooks and porters.‎ 除了随队导游外,每个队都有厨师和搬运工。‎ 解析:‎ As well as 相当于besides.‎ I can speak English as well as a native. 我讲英语跟当地人一样好。‎ as well as his parents has gone to Beijing ‎ as well as 连接并列主语时,谓语动词的单复数取决于前者。‎ 四,练习 ‎(一),单项填空 ‎1. The __________ aim of the air raid was the complete destruction of all means of communications by bombing.‎ A. most B. mostly C. major D. majority ‎2. The ____________ engineer had planned to design the blueprint the way no one else had ever done.‎ A. main B. chief C. major D. total ‎ ‎3. ______________ of reading, he put down the book and stopped ________.‎ A. Tired, to watch TV B. Tired, watching TV C. Tiring, watching TV D. Tiring, to watch TV ‎4. We all felt _________ of the ____________ child.‎ A. tired, tiresome B. tired, tiring ‎ C. tireless, tired D. tiresome, tiring ‎ ‎5. John as well as his classmate ___________ one exam after another.‎ A. are tired of having B. are tired to have ‎ C. is tired of having D. is tired of have ‎ ‎(二),完成句子 ‎1. 他在大学主修英语。‎ ‎2.大多数人支持戒烟。‎ Keys:‎ CBAAC 1. His major is English at college. / He majors in English at college.‎ 2. The majority of people are in favor of banning smoking.‎ Lesson 2 Extreme Sports 学案 一, 单词 1. imagine ①. I cannot imagine him living so simple a life.‎ ②. Don’t imagine yourself to be always correct.‎ 用法归纳:‎ ①. vt. 想象,设想 ②. Vt. 猜测,认为 同根词语:‎ Imagination n. 想象力 ‎ imaginable adj. 可想象的 imaginative adj. 具有想象力的 imaginary adj. 虚构的,幻想的 短语拓展:‎ imagine + n./pron. 想象 imagine sb/sb’s doing sth. 想象某人干某事 imagine sb/sth + to be + 其他( adj./ n. / prep.) 认为。。。是。。。‎ imagine that/ how 想象 beyond one’s imagination 超出某人的想象 ‎2. uncomfortable adj.‎ ‎①. I couldn’t sleep because the bad was so uncomfortable.‎ ①. I was sitting in an extremely uncomfortable positon.‎ ②. He looked distinctly uncomfortable when the subject was mentioned.‎ 同根词汇:‎ comfortable vt. 使安慰 ‎ n. 安慰,宽慰,舒适 uncomfortably adv. 令人不安的,难受地 comfortable adj. 舒服地,舒适地 comforting adj. 令人安慰的 comforter n. 令人感到安慰的人/事物 短语拓展:‎ Uncomfortable shoes 不舒适的鞋子 An uncomfortable truth 令人头痛的事实 In comfort 舒适地 一, 词组 1. On one’s way ‎ ①. The letter should be on the way to you.‎ ②. ‎ He stopped for his breakfast on the way.‎ ③. ‎ They’ ve got three kids and one on the way.‎ 用法归纳:‎ ①. 即将去/来 ②. 在路上,在进行中 ①. 尚未出生的 短语拓展:‎ In this way 用这种方式 In a/one way 在某种程度上 In the way 挡道,碍事 Make one’s way 前进 ‎ Feel one’s way 摸索着前进 On one’s way to 在某人去某地的路上 三。练习 ‎1.---- There is a story here in the paper about a 110-year-old man.‎ ‎ ----- My goodness! I cannot imagine __________ that old.‎ A. to be B. to have been C. being D. having been ‎2. It is difficult to imagine his _____________ the decision without any consideration.‎ A. accept B. accepting C. to accept D. accepted ‎3. Can you imagine the astronauts’___________ in space?‎ A. to walk B. to be walking C. walking D. to have walked ‎4. The doctor is trying to save the patient by every _________________ means.‎ A. imaginary B. imaginable C. imaginary D. imagination ‎5. He _____________ a meeting for his company when I saw him for the first time.‎ ‎6. I don’t like the place. The house is __________ to live in;besides, the surrounding is not satisfying.‎ A. comfortable B. uncomfortable C. interested D. interesting Keys:‎ C B C B D B Lesson 3 Macro Polo 一, 单词 ‎1. preference ‎①. She has a preference for blue.‎ ‎②. In considering people for jobs, we give preference to those with some experience.‎ 用法归纳:‎ ①. 更加的喜爱,偏爱,偏爱的事物 ②. 优待,优惠,优先权 短语拓展:‎ In preference to sb./sth 更喜欢。。。‎ prefer + n./ pron. 宁愿做某事 prefer doing sth. 宁愿做某事 prefer to do sth. 宁愿。。。不愿。。。‎ prefer sth to sth 宁愿做。。。而不愿做。。。‎ prefer doing sth to doing sth 宁愿做。。。而不愿做。。。‎ prefer to do sth. rather than do sth. 宁愿做。。。‎ ‎2.quantity ‎ 许多:‎ many / many a / a few / a great/good many / a great/ large number of + 可数名词 much/ a great/ good deal of/ a large amount of / large amounts of + 不可数名词 lots of / a lot of / plenty of / a large quantity of/ large quantities of + 可数/不可数 ⑴. amount, quantity 修饰名词作主语时,谓语动词的单复数取决于amount, quantity的数,而与其所修饰的名词的数无关。‎ ⑵. many a/ an 加单数名词表示复数概念,但谓语动词用单数 二。练习 ‎1. As a result of destroying the forest, a large ______________ of desert ____________ covered the land.‎ A. number, has B. quantity, have C. number, have D. quantity, has ‎ ‎2. I hear _______________ boys in your school like playing football in their spare time, though others prefer basketball. ‎ A. quite a lot B. quite a few C. quite a bit D. quite a little ‎ ‎3. We must keep ____________ spare paper, in case we run out.‎ A. too much B. a number of C. plenty of D. a good many ‎4. As you can see, the number of cars on our roads _____________ rising these days.‎ A. was keeping B. keep C. keeps D. were keeping ‎ ‎5. Please go and _____________________ a good meal. We shall have the honor of Mr. White’s saying for supper.‎ A. prepare for B. prepare C. get ready for D. have ‎ Keys:‎ D B C A B ‎ Lesson 4 Journey to the Antarctic ‎ 一, 单词 1. associate ‎ ①. ‎ Many European associate China with silk and tea.‎ ②. ‎ We associate with him in the project.‎ ③. ‎ The associate manager will chair the meeting today.‎ 用法归纳:‎ ① ‎ vt. 把。。。联系起来,由。。。联想到 ② ‎ vi. 交往,结交 ③ ‎ adj. 副的 短语拓展:‎ associate sth. with sth 将某事与另一事联系起来 associate…with… 联系,合作 associate oneself with 加入,参与,与…发生联系 associate professor 副教授 in association with 与…联合 2. carry on Carry on working while I’m away. ‎ Carry out 实施计划,履行,进行 Carry forward 使发展,发扬 Carry off 夺走,运走 Carry sb. Through 使某人度过 Carry away 一, 练习 1. His money _________________. So he can’t afford such an expensive present.‎ A. has been run out B. has run out of ‎ C. is running out D. is running out of ‎ ‎2. I’ m glad to see the plan I stick to ________________.‎ A. carrying to B. carrying on ‎ C. carried to D. carried on ‎3. Once you make a plan, you must ___________________.‎ A. carry it on B. carry out it ‎ C. carry on it D. carry it on ‎4. The heavy storm ________________ his son’s life.‎ A. carried out B. carried on ‎ C. carried off D. carried through ‎5. The driver as well as the two children who _______________ injured in the accident _____________ out of danger now.‎ A. were, is B. were, are C. was, is .D. was, are Keys:‎ C A A C A

