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A Trip Along the Three Gorges Module 5 单元话题链接 SectionⅠ   Reading (Introduction & Reading and Speaking) 课前教材预案 课堂深度拓展 课末随堂演练 目 录 Contents 课前教材预案 peak plain shore valley flat colleague goods trade remote legend deck exploit wood wooden surround surrounding surroundings downstream upstream hilly hill narrow narrowly distant distance at the edge of at least be heavy with have four weeks off be impressed by go through take advantage of to spend setting On a distant mountain was 块块巨石形象各异,条条支流流淌着 传说,座座小山承载着过往。 我们拍照片,指着工地,但我们不可以下船。 课堂深度拓展 [ 词汇点击 ] surround   vt . 围绕;环绕 surrounding   adj . 周围的,附近的 surroundings   n .环境 1 with surrounding by/with at the edge of  在 …… 的边缘 2 at the edge of on the edge of trade   vt .& vi . 做生意  n .交易 3 with for in narrow   v .使变窄 ;缩小 adj . 狭窄的;勉强的;狭隘的,不够全面的 narrowly   adv . 勉强地,差一点儿;狭隘地 4 down to had a narrow escape at (the) least  至少;起码 5 Last but not least at most go through  穿过;通过;完成;经历;仔细检查;审查;浏览,翻阅 6 仔细检查;审查 完成;做完 遭受;经受;经历 穿过;通过 用完;用光 浏览;翻阅 distant   adj . 遥远的;远亲的;冷漠的 distance   n .距离 7 遥远的 冷漠的 远亲的 a in the distance at a distance be heavy with  有大量的 …… 8 is full of/is filled with were loaded with [ 句型解读 ] be to do sth 即将做某事 1 to meet is to leave 介词短语位于句首的完全倒装 2 is sat hangs 课末随堂演练 surrounded narrowed distance exploited trade woods downstream remote colleague legend in the distance trading with at least on the edgeof Go through is heavy with take advantage of is surrounded by

