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2019 届二轮复习语法专题 P5 Word Formation Do the exercises individually, and then check your answers with your partners. Now check your answers 1-5 life-style, underground, 易怒的,自我形象, 爆发 6-10 reasonable, natural, slowly, arrange, amazing Word-formation 合成法 派生法 转化法 缩写和简写 1. —I have a _______. —You shouldn’t eat too much candy. A. toothache       B. headache        C. backache D. stomachache 考点题例 1: 合成法 解析:合成名词 toothache 牙疼 headache 头疼 backache 背疼 stomachache 胃疼 2. My brother is really ________. He often works in his office far into the night. A. open-minded B. hard-working C. self-confident D. warm-hearted 解析: 合成形容词 open-minded 思想开明的 hard-working 勤奋的 self-confident 自信的 warm-hearted 热心的 3. It‘s our hope that we will play a greater role in the marketplace and, _______,supply more jobs A. however B. anywhere C. therefore D. otherwise 解析:合成副词 therefore 因此, however 不过, anywhere 无论如何 otherwise 否则 4. The food cost $3, but he was ________ by 50 cents. A. overcharged B. overwork C. undercharge D. outdo 解析:合成动词 overcharge 多要多收 overwork 工作过度 undercharge 低于要价 outdo 超过胜过 把两个或两个以上独立的词合成一个新词的方法。 考点梳理 合成法 合成 名词 class + room = classroom ( 名词 + 名词 ) black+ board= blackboard ( 形容词 + 名词 ) 合成 形容词 warm + heart + ed = warmhearted 热心肠的 ( 形容词 + 名词 +ed ) good + looking = good-looking 相貌好看的 ( 形容词 + 名词 ) 合成 动词 over + come = overcome ( 副词 + 动词 ) 合成 数词 fifty+ four= fifty-four 合成 代词 everyone, somebody, anything, nobody ( 不定代词 + 名词 ) 合成 副词 down+ stairs = downstairs 在楼下 ( 形容词 + 名词 ) whole+ heartedly =wholeheartedly 全神贯注地  ( 副词 + 副词 ) 选择合适的合成词填空,并注意形式变化。 absent-mind passer-by face-to-face dry-clean ill-treat peace-loving color-blind pickpocket notebook ready-made 1. Such expensive clothes need _____________. 2. The boy is __________ and cannot tell blue from yellow. 3. Some __________ lent me a hand when they saw me get into trouble. 4. The __________ was caught stealing the cellphone from a lady. 5. The __________ blacks took up struggles for equal human rights. dry-cleaning color-blind passers-by pickpocket ill-treated 举一反三 6. They agreed to have a ___________ interview next week. 7. The fat man can hardly find any __________ clothes that fit him well. 8. We Chinese are ___________ people and we’ll never declare war on others. 9. The _____________ professor is always losing his glasses when wearing them. 10. When I use my dictionary, I write down all the new words I learn in this little _________. absent-mind passer-by face-to-face dry-clean ill-treat peace-loving color-blind pickpocket notebook ready-made face-to-face ready-made peace-loving absent-minded notebook 考点题例 2: 转化法 说出下列各组词在句子中的词性并翻译: 1. book   The hotel is fully booked up.   It is the third time that he has read the book . 2. cool   Open the windows to cool the room.    What a cool day! book   预定 v. book   书 n. cool   使凉快 ; 使冷却 v. cool   凉爽的 adj. 3. face      He was afraid of risking failure because he didn't want to lose face .      I live in a house, the window of which faces south. 4. empty      The drawer is empty .      He emptied the bottle. 5. last      She was the last to arrive.      The hot weather lasted until September. face   面部;脸 n. face   面朝;面向 v. empty   空的 adj. empty   腾空;倒空, v. last   最后的, adj. last   持续, v. 常见的转化形式: 转化法 考点梳理 名词 → 动词 button 纽扣 → button 扣上纽扣 形容词 → 动词 correct 正确的 → correct 改正 动词 → 名词 feed 喂养 → feed 一餐,一顿 形容词 → 名词 native 本地的 → native 本地人 副词 → 动词 up 在上面 → up 提高 1 . You are not alone , and we are all ________ (back) you. 2 . He finished his task , walked out of the office and ________(head) for the coffee house. 3 . The little boy succeeded in ________(clear) the table. 4 . The green hand was ______(fine) many times for his breaking traffic laws. 5 . When you’re swinging , you should hold the rope ________(firm) . Fill in the blanks. firmly 举一反三 backing headed clearing fined 考点题例 3: 派生法 1. I was supposed to arrive at the airport on time. ______________ (fortunate), I was held up by the heavy traffic jam. 2. _______ (lucky), he also had a cow which produced milk every day. 3. However, the worst ____________ (impress) is that I was feeling hungry all the time. Unfortunately Luckily impression 4. In addition to their simple beauty, what makes the adobe dwellings admirable is their _______ (able) to “air condition” a house without using electric equipment. 5. There were many people waiting at the bus stop, and some of them looked very anxious and ______________ (disappoint). ability disappointed 常见的前缀 1. 表示 否定 的前缀: un -unfair,unhappy non -nonsmoker ( 常用在 n. adj. adv. 前 ) in -indirect ( 常用在 adj. 后 ) dis -disagree, disappear im -impolite, impossible ( 用在 b,p,m 开头的词前 ) 2. 表示 错误 或 失当 的前缀 : mis-misunderstand, misdirect( 误导 ) 考点梳理 3. 表示 两个 , 双边 的前缀: bi - bicolor ( 双色的 ), bicycle 4. 表示 相互 ,  交互 ,  在一起 的前缀 inter —interview, international, internet 5. 表示 又 , 再 , 重新 的前缀 re —review, return, rewrite 6. 表示 远 的前缀 tele – telephone, television 常见的后缀 -tion educa tion , invita tion , predic tion -ment develop ment , move ment , disappoint ment -er teach er , work er , run ner , sing er -or visit or , sail or , tut or , act or 名词后缀 补充 : -ist ( 人 ,  名词后缀 ) physicist, terrorist -ese ( 民族 , 语言 , 名词后缀 ) Chinese, Japanese 1. 动词变名词: 2. 形容词变名词 - ness happiness, meanness, carelessness - ity ability, possibility 3. 动词变形容词 - al traditional international natural 4. 名词、形容词变动词: - ify beautify, simplify - ize realize - en quicken, widen, sharpen - y windy, rainy, healthy, funny, cloudy - ish foolish, feverish - some handsome, troublesome - ous dangerous, humorous - ful helpful, careful, peaceful, colorful - less homeless, helpless, careless - ed surprised, balanced, talented - ing interesting, outstanding 5. 名词变形容词 举一反三 1. Abercrombie & Kent, a travel company in Hong Kong, says it ________ (regular) arranges quick getaways here for people living in Shanghai and Hong Kong. 2. I can’t control my body well. My legs become ________ (pain). 3. For some reason he sat beside Mary. Mary felt _______ (please), because there were many empty seats in the room. regularly painful pleased Fill in the blanks. 4. And if you have a good __________ (appear) and also original or expensive clothes to show off at your concerts…. 5. They fly faster, are much larger, and have television sets built in for passengers’ __________ (enjoy). 6. I won’t do the purchase because the price of this dress is _____________ (reason). appearance enjoyment unreasonable 缩写和简写 缩写和简写 ( 也被称为截断法或缩短法 ) 。主要采取“截头”、“去尾”或者“既截头又去尾”的方法生成新词。 telephone---phone airplane---plane laboratory---lab Mathematics---math advertisement --- ad examination --- exam 考点梳理 另外还有许多缩写词是由各个单词的首字母组成。  CD ( compact disk) CCTV( China Central Television) NBA (National Basketball Association) UFO( unidentified flying object) UN( United Nations) ID( identification) USA( United States of America) I. Fill in the blanks with the words. 1. The river was so polluted that it ________ (actual) caught fire and burned. 2. Even if I eat nothing but beans, I can live __________ (peace). 3. I was about to give up when my father came and ___________ (encouragement) me to keep going. 4. Parents _________ (arrangement) everything for their children and spare no effort to pave the way for their success. actually peacefully encouraged arrange 5. Very early the next morning, amazingly, we got completely satisfied in a totally __________ (expect) way. 6. Fresh fruits and vegetables can provide much of our daily ____________ (require). 7. As is known to us all, the Entrance Exam is a great ___________, and the students are ___________ (compete). unexpected requirement competition competitors John and his father never made an __________ (agree) on one thing, so they often _____________ (approve) of each other, for there was some _______________ (understand) between them. Once on a _____ (sun) day , John and his parents went to dinner at his aunt's _________ (invite). On their ________ (arrive), John didn't say “hello” for ____ (fear). When they left after dinner, John said “Bye-bye!” to his aunt in a low voice. However, his father didn't hear it. He thought John was ________ (polite), and ___________ (behave) himself, without saying goodbye. II. Fill in the blanks. agreement disapproved sunny invitation arrival fear impolite misbehaved misunderstanding From then on , John's father made complaints ___________ (continue), and John was __________ (friend) to his father, and didn't back him, which makes his father extremely unhappy. Undoubtedly, it is _____ (wise) of John to do so. After all, they are father and son. His father sent him to a class of manners to enrich his __________ of manners , which his father believed would _____ (able) him to be a _______________ (good-manner) boy. continuously unfriendly unwise enable good-mannered knowledge John's father said he was ______ (anger) at his son's __________ (honest), which would __________ (certain) endanger his future. His father's _______ (stop) nonsense caused John much discomfort. John had to go to the http://www. wendangxiazai.comter on, he did everything against his father's _____. nonstop angry dishonesty certainly will Thank you.

