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‎ 2019届一轮复习人教版选修六Unit3 A healthy life 单元学案设计 一、重点词汇总结 ‎1.stress: 压力,重音(n & v); stressful: 有压力的,紧张的; under stress: 在压力下; under the stress of …… 在……压力下; lay/ put/ place stress on sth. 把重点放在……上; stress the importance of : 强调……的重要性; in the stress of the moment: 一时紧张 He began begging under great stress of life.‎ ‎2.due to: 由于,归功于;be due to do sth.: 定于某时做某事;预期发生 be due to sb.:应支持/给予/归于某人;欠下 because of: 因为,由于,在句中一般作状语,后接名词或名词性短语。‎ due to/ owing to:意为“由于,因为”,在句中通常作状语。‎ thanks to: 意为“多亏了,幸亏,由于”等,它引导的短语可表达正面意义,也可表达讽刺意义。‎ The accident happened due to the heavy fog.‎ Because of his illness, he couldn’t attend the meeting.‎ They couldn’t cross the river owing to the flood.‎ Thanks to your help, I could solve the problem.‎ ‎3.addicted:入了迷的, 上了瘾的; addiction:n. 成瘾,吸毒成瘾; addictive:adj. 使人上瘾的; be addicted to sth.: 沉溺于某物; be addicted to doing sth.: 专心做某事 Many kids have now become addicted to surfing the Internet.‎ ‎4.become/be/get accustomed to: 习惯于……,to是介词,后接名词,代词或动词-ing形式; accustomed oneself to sth:使某人习惯于……‎ You will soon get accustomed to the job.‎ ‎5.do/cause damage to sth./sb.=damage伤害,损伤;do good to sb: 对某人又好处;‎ do wrong to: 冤屈,冤枉; be good to=be kind to 对……好心; do well in:擅长; be bad/poor at=be weak in: 不擅长 Pollution is doing damage to our health.‎ ‎6.decide on/upon: 决断,选定;decide against:决定不,决定反对; decide on a career: 选定职业 Don’t decide on important matters too quickly.‎ ‎7.feel like sth/doing sth= would like sth/to do sth 想,愿意; would like to do sth:想要做某事; prefer to do sth: 喜欢做某事; would rather do…than do…宁愿做……而不愿……; prefer doing(sth) to (doing) sth:宁愿做……而不愿……;prefer to do sth rather than do sth: 宁愿做……而不愿……‎ What would you like to do with it? 你想如何处理它?‎ ‎8.ashamed:感到惭愧的,羞耻的(常作表语);shameful:可耻的,不道德的(贬义词);shameless: 无耻的; be ashamed of doing sth:为(做)某事而感到羞愧;‎ I feel ashamed of having done so little for the people.‎ 二、 重点句型总结 1. It seems amazing that at my age I am still fit enough to cycle 20 kilometres in an afternoon.‎ 本句是复合句,it为形式主语,真正的主语是后面的that从句。此外,也可以是不定式短语、动名词短语或主语从句。It is +adj. +that从句,真正的主语是that从句,常见的it作主语的复合结构还有:‎ (1) it is a fact (a shame/ a pity/ no wonder) that…‎ (2) It is said (reported/ decided/ suggested…) that…‎ (3) It seems (happened/ doesn’t matter/ has turned out…) that…‎ It is hard to finish the work in two days.‎ 2. When I was taken off the school football team because I was unfit, I knew it was time to quit smoking. ‎ It was time to do sth. 表示“到……的时候了”‎ It is (high) time for sb to do sth=It is (high/about) time that sb. did/should do sth. 到某人做某事的时候了 It is high time for us to say good-bye.‎ ‎=It is high time that we should say goodbye.‎ 3. Every time you feel like smoking a cigarette, remind yourself that you are a non-smoker.‎ 该句是一个主从复合句,从句为every time引起的一个时间状语从句,词句中every time起到了连词的作用。英语中起连词作用的名词词组还有:each time(每次);next time(下一次);the first/ last time(第一次/ 最后一次);the moment/ instant/ minute(一……就……)等。‎ Each time I was in trouble, he could come to help me out. ‎ 三、 重点语法总结 Grammar: the use of “it”(I)‎ ‎(一)it用作人称代词和非人称代词 ‎ 1. 作人称代词 人称代词it一词是有实际意义的,是单数第三人称代词。主格与宾格相同。‎ (1) 指代人以外的一切生物或事物,如前文提到的事物或未指明但谈话双方都知道的那件事。‎ Qingdao is a beautiful city, isn’t it?‎ It doesn’t matter.‎ ‎ (2)替代前文中的this,that This is your plan? Will you hand it in?‎ ‎ (3)指代婴儿,小孩或性别不明的人 The baby is crying. It might be hungry.‎ ‎----Someone is ringing. Who might it be?‎ ‎----It must be my friend Tom. He (不可用it) wants to see you.‎ 2. 作非人称代词 it用作无人称的主语,不指物,而表示时间、天气、环境、气候、季节、距离、金钱等自然现象,或指事物的状态。‎ It was very noisy at that time.(指代环境)‎ It is half past three now.(指代时间)‎ It is six miles to the nearest hospital from here.(指代距离)‎ It was very cold.(指代天气)‎ It is 5 dollars.(指代金钱)‎ 3. it, one, that, those和which的区别:‎ ‎1) it 指上文提到过的同一样事物,one则泛指上文提到过的同一类事物中的一个;‎ There are many dictionaries in that bookstore. So I bought one.(one泛指其中之一)‎ 2) that 作代词替代前面提到的事物(多用于比较),可数名词,不可数名词皆可,代替可数名词可用the one代替,that的复数形式为those,只可替代可数名词的复数,在句中相当于the ones.‎ The head teacher in your class is younger and more active than that in theirs.‎ The students who do best in the exam are not always those with the best brains.‎ 3) it和which都可用来指代某一事件,关键要看两个句子之间是否有并列连词,如果有就用it,反之用which。‎ He was badly ill, and it made his mother worried.‎ He was badly ill, which made his mother worried.(which指代前面整个主句,在定语从句中作主语)‎ ‎(二)it作形式主语 It is difficult to translate the article.(真正的主语是动词不定式短语,it为形式主语)‎ It is no use going there so early.(真正的主语是现在分词短语,it为形式主语)‎ It is obvious that he is a cheater.(真正的主语是that从句,it为形式主语)‎ it可充当形式主语,本身无意义,后面真正的主语通常是不定式结构,-ing分词结构,或名词性从句。‎ ‎(三)it用作形式宾语 I found it possible to do this regularly.(it 为形式宾语,真正的宾语是to do this regularly)‎ She thought it no use worrying about him.(it为形式宾语,worrying about him是真正的宾语)‎ He made it clear that his family is poor.(it为形式宾语,真正的宾语是that从句)‎ it作形式宾语常见的结构有:‎ 主+谓语+it+adj/n+动词不定式/动词-ing形式/从句 ‎(四)it用于强调句型中 It was him who/that you should ask.(被强调部分是人时,既可用who,也可用that)‎ It was on the street that I found the bag.(被强调部分是地点,只能用that)‎ it用于强调句型当中,强调句型的基本结构为:it is/was+被强调部分+that/who+句子其他成分。‎ ‎(五)it的其他固定搭配 ‎1. It is brave of her to go home alone at night.‎ It is/was+adj (of/for sb) to do sth;‎ 2. It is no use talking to him about it.‎ It is/was no use/good+doing; it is well worth doing sth;‎ 3. It was no wonder that she was so angry.‎ It is/was no wonder(a pity/a shame)that…;‎ 4. It is natural that he (should) say so.‎ It is/was+adj+从句;‎ 5. It is reported that the road was closed.‎ It is/was+过去分词+that从句(say,think,believe,hope,expect)‎ ‎6. It (so) happens that the ticket were sold out.‎ It (so) happened that…碰巧……‎ 7. It seems(seemed)/appears(appeared) that …似乎 8. It occured to sb that…,某人突然想起……‎ 9. It turned(s) out that …,结果是……‎ 四、巩固练习 I. 用所给词的正确形式填空。‎ 1. The doctor warned not to drink ___________(alcohol) drinks.‎ 2. Some ___________ (adolescent) have got into the habit of taking drugs.‎ 3. A ____________ is going to be invited to give us a talk about the _______ industry.(chemistry)‎ 4. What he has done ___________________ (disappointed) his mother a lot.‎ 5. Though he was a new-man, he got ________________(accustom) to the way of life here very soon.‎ 6. People can easily become ___________ (mental) addicted to drugs when they start taking them.‎ 7. If he does anything ___________(shame), I will not go away with him.‎ 8. He is not good at _____________(manage) his money.‎ 9. It was a very ___________(stress) time for all of us.‎ 10. It’s ________ (legal) to drive through a red light.‎ II. 句型转换 ‎1. 36 students are said to have passed the exam in our class.‎ ‎ ____ ____ _____ ______36 students passed the exam in our class.‎ 2. To give up smoking is not easy.‎ ‎ ____ ______ not easy to give up smoking.‎ 3. Debating about it is useless.‎ ‎ _____ ______ useless debating about it.‎ 4. I became stronger and stronger, which made my parents glad.‎ ‎ I became stronger and stronger, and _____ ______ _____ ______ _______.‎ 5. When and where to hold the match hasn’t been decided.‎ ‎ _____ ______ ______ ________ when and where to hold the match.‎ References: it is said that; it is; it is; it made my parents glad; it hasn’t been decided 二 单元知识链接高考试题 阅读理解分类指导 类型9| 政经史地 考查要点 方法技巧 ‎1.常识,基本概念、原理,现实意义。‎ ‎2.地理现象的形成、影响,自然灾害的起因、后果、预防。‎ ‎3.名胜古迹、文化遗产的形成、特点及其保护。‎ ‎1.弄清文章诸要素之间的内在关系,并据此展开推理判断。‎ ‎2.把握诸如位置、方位等细节,绘制简易地图。‎ ‎3.掌握一些政经史地方面的常识。‎ ‎[经典案例分析]‎ ‎(2017·江苏高考·A)‎ ‎【语篇解读】 本文是一篇应用文。文中作者向读者推荐了一本有关历史的书并介绍了其相关信息。‎ ‎【长难句解读】 Travel through 100 of the most unbelievable years in world history and learn why being a Roman Emperor wasn't always as good as it sounds, how the Hundred Years' War didn't actually last for 100 years and why Spencer Perceval holds a rather unfortunate record.‎ ‎[分析] 本句为并列复合句。learn前面的and连接两个祈使句,第二个祈使句中有三个由why,how,why引导的宾语从句作learn的宾语。‎ ‎[译文] 穿越世界历史上最令人难以置信的100年,并且了解为什么做罗马的皇帝并没有像听起来那样好,百年战争实际上怎么并未持续100年,以及为什么斯宾塞·珀西瓦尔保持一个相当不幸的记录。‎ ‎1.What is CHRONOLOGICA according to the text?‎ A.A biography.    B.A travel guide.‎ C.A history book. D.A science fiction.‎ ‎[考查细节理解。由倒数第二段中的“While CHRONOLOGICA tells the stories...this book also gives...”可知CHRONOLOGICA是一本书,再根据文章开头所说的这是一次穿越时间的迷人旅行(a fascinating journey through time)可判断这是一本历史书,故选C项。]‎ ‎2.How does the writer recommend CHRONOLOGICA to readers?‎ A.By giving details of its collection.‎ B.By introducing some of its contents.‎ C.By telling stories at the beginning.‎ D.By comparing it with other books.‎ ‎[考查推理判断。通读文章可知,作者提到了这本书的部分内容——罗马的建立(the foundation of Rome),因特网的缔造(the creation of the internet),罗马皇帝及百年战争等,故选B项。]‎ ‎[题材对点训练]‎ ‎(2017·广州市综合测试一)Dujiangyan is the oldest manmade water system in the world,and a wonder in the development of Chinese science.Built over 2,200 years ago in what is now Sichuan Province in Southwest China, this amazing engineering achievement is still used today to irrigate over 6,000 square kilometres of farmland, take away floodwater and provide water for 50 cities in the province.‎ In ancient times, the region in which Dujiangyan now stands suffered from regular floods caused by overflow from the Minjiang River. To help the victims of the flooding, Li Bing, the region's governor, together with his son, decided to find a solution. They studied the problem and discovered that the river most often overflowed when winter snow at the top of the nearby Mount Yulei began to melt as the weather warmed.‎ The simplest fix was to build a dam, but this would have ruined the Minjiang River. So instead, Li designed a series of channels built at different levels along Mount Yulei that would take away the floodwater while leaving the river flowing naturally. Better still, the extra water could be directed to the dry Chengdu Plain, making it suitable for farming.‎ Cutting the channels through the hard rock of Mount Yulei was a remarkable accomplishment as it was done long before the invention of gunpowder and explosives. Li Bing found another solution. He used a combination of fire and water to heat and cool the rocks until they cracked and could be removed. After eight years of work, the 20metrewide canals were carved through the mountain.‎ Once the system was finished, no more floods occurred and the people were able to live peacefully and affluently. Today, Dujiangyan is admired by scientists from around the world because of one feature — unlike modern dams where the water is blocked with a huge wall, Dujiangyan still lets water flow through the Minjiang River naturally, enabling ecosystems and fish populations to exist in harmony.‎ ‎【语篇解读】 本文是一篇说明文,主要介绍了都江堰这一水利工程。‎ ‎1.What are the benefits of Dujiangyan according to the first paragraph?‎ A. Reducing flooding and watering farmland. ‎ B.Protecting the mountain and reducing flooding.‎ C.Watering farmland and improving water quality.‎ D.Drying the river and supplying cities with water.‎ A [考查细节理解。根据第一段的第二句“Built over 2,200 years ago in what is now Sichuan Province in Southwest China,this amazing engineering achievement is still used today to irrigate over 6,000 square kilometres of farmland,take away floodwater and provide water for 50 cities in the province.”可知,都江堰灌溉着6 000多平方千米的农田,泄洪的同时还为四川省50个城市供水。故A项正确。]‎ ‎2.What was the main cause of the Minjiang River's flooding? ‎ A.Heavy rain.‎ B.Melting snow.‎ C.Low river banks.‎ D.Steep mountains.‎ B [考查细节理解。根据第二段的第三句“They studied the problem and discovered that the river most often overflowed when winter snow at the top of the nearby Mount Yulei began to melt as the weather warmed.”可知,岷江泛滥的原因是天气转暖时附近山顶的积雪融化,故B项正确。]‎ ‎3.How was Li Bing able to break the rocks of Mount Yulei?‎ A. By using gunpowder.‎ B.By flooding the rocks with water.‎ C.By applying a heating and cooling technique.‎ D.By breaking the rocks with hammers and spades.‎ C [考查细节理解。根据第四段的第三句“He used a combination of fire and water to heat and cool the rocks until they cracked and could be removed.”可知,李冰综合使用火加热和水冷却的技术开凿岩石,故C项正确。]‎ ‎4.Why is Dujiangyan greatly admired by scientists today?‎ A. It preserves much of the natural river life.‎ B.It took very little time to complete the project.‎ C.The building techniques used were very modern.‎ D.It has raised the living standard of the local people.‎ A [考查细节理解。根据第五段的最后一句“Today,Dujiangyan is admired by scientists from around the world because of one feature—unlike modern dams where the water is blocked with a huge wall,Dujiangyan still lets water flow through the Minjiang River naturally,enabling ecosystems and fish populations ‎ to exist in harmony.”可知,都江堰工程至今仍然受到全世界科学家称赞的原因是该工程使用了疏导法,让洪水从岷江自然流出,保证了生态系统和鱼群的和谐共存,故A项正确。] ‎

