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‎2020届一轮复习人教版必修五Unit 1 Great Scientists单元学案 语言要点 单元要点预览 词汇 部分 词语 辨析 1. character / characteristic 2. examine / check / test 3. cure / treat ‎ ‎4. blame / scold 5. reject / refuse ‎ 词形 变化 1. scientific adj.科学的 science n.科学 scientist n.科学家 ‎ 2. valuable adj.有价值的 value n. 价值 value v. 估价, 评价 ‎ 3. instruct v. 教导, 命令 instruction n. 指示,用法说明 instructive adj.有益的,教育性的 ‎ 4. enthusiastic adj.热心的,热情的 enthusiasm n.狂热,热心 enthusiast n.热心家,狂热者 ‎ 重点 单词 1. conclude v. 断定, 得出结论; 结束(正式);‎ ‎2. attend v. vt. 出席, 参加, 照顾, 护理, 注意 vi.专心, 留意 ‎3. expose vt. 使暴露, 受到, 使曝光 v揭露 ‎4. absorb vt. 吸收;使(精神)贯注;吞并 ‎5. blame n过失, 责备 vt.责备, 谴责 ‎6. instruct vt .教, 教导, 命令, 指示, 通知 ‎7. contribute vi.& vt.捐助,捐献,贡献;投稿 ‎ 重点 词组 put forward 提出:提议以供考虑 in addition/ apart from 除……之外;另外 make sense 有意义 重点句子 1. So many thousands of terrified people died every time there was an outbreak.‎ ‎2. Only if you put the sun there did the movements of the other planets in the sky make sense.‎ ‎3. He placed a fixed sun at the centre of the solar system with the planets going round it …..‎ 重点语法 过去分词做表语和定语 (见语法专题)‎ 词形变化 science n,科学 scientific adj.科学的 scientist n.科学家 announce v.宣布 announcement n.宣布 announcer n,广播员,告知者 instruct v..指导,命令 instruction n.指导,指示 instructive adj.有益的,教育性的 enthusiastic adj.热心的,热情的 enthusiasm n.狂热,热心 ‎ enthusiast n.热心家,狂热者 valuable adj.有价值的 value n. 价值 value v. 估价, 评价 ‎【练习】根据句子结构,用括号内所提供词的适当形式填空 ‎1) The _________ took a very ________ approach to _________.(science)‎ ‎2) The ______ make a(n) ________ that all the details should _______ through the broadcast.(announce)‎ ‎3) It is ______ and easy for the children to read some masterpieces with the _______ at the bottom of each ‎ ‎ page.(instruct)‎ ‎4) “You don’t seem very ______ about the idea.” “I don’t mind,” she said, without much ______.(enthusiasm)‎ ‎5) There is no any criterion to ______ whether it is _______ information. (value)‎ 重点词组 (旨在提供综合运用所需材料)‎ ‎1.put forward 提出(建议等);推荐某人或自己任职位;提名 He often _______ some useful advice.‎ ‎2.apart from 除……之外;另外 ‎[典例]‎ ‎1)________________a few faults,he is a perfect teacher.除了几个缺点之外,他是一个很好的老师。‎ ‎2)________________ the cost,the dress doesn't suit me.姑且不论价格,这件礼服也不适合我穿。‎ ‎[短语归纳]‎ ‎ in addition to除……之外(还有,包括在内)‎ ‎ besides 除……之外(还有,包括在内)‎ ‎ except (for)除……之外除……之外(还有,不包括在内)‎ ‎ except that 除了…除……之外(还有,不包括在内)‎ ‎[练习]选择以上短语填空。‎ ‎1) As a senior student, we study other subjects _________ English.‎ ‎2) Your article is well written ________ some spelling mistakes.‎ ‎3. make sense讲得通;有意义 ‎ [典例] ‎ What he says makes sense.他说的有道理。‎ Can you make sense of this poem? 你能明白这首诗的含义吗?‎ What you say is true in a sense.你所说的在某种意义上是真实的。‎ V重点句子 (旨在提供句子结构等所需材料)‎ ‎1. So many thousands of terrified people died every time there was an outbreak.‎ ‎[解释] every time可作连词使用,引导时间状语从句,意为“每次,每当”immediately,the moment,directly,instantly等都可以作连词引导时间状语从句,意为“一……就……”‎ ‎[典例]‎ ‎1)Every time I meet him,I always think of the things happened between us.‎ 每次见到他,我就想起发生在我们之间的事情。‎ ‎2)Immediately he saw the message, he knew he misunderstood his best friend.‎ ‎[练习] 汉译英 ‎1)每次我去找他,他都在专心看书.‎ ‎__________________________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎2)我一见到她就把这本书给了她。‎ ‎__________________________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎3)我一见到他就把这封信给他。‎ ‎__________________________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎4)我一接到你的信就来了。 ‎ ‎__________________________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎2. Only if you put the sun there did the movements of the other planets in the sky make sense. [解释]Only 引导的状语放在句首,句子需用半倒装.‎ ‎[练习]汉译英 ‎1) 只有用这种方法,你才能轻松地解决这个问题.‎ ‎__________________________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎2) 就在你失去它的时候,你才会懂得时间的宝贵.‎ ‎__________________________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎3. He placed a fixed sun at the centre of the solar system with the planets going round it …..‎ ‎ [解释]with + 宾语+ v. –ing / v. –ed / to do / adj. / adv. / prep. phrases构成的复合结构在句中通常作为状语,表示背景情况,为方式,原因或条件等.‎ ‎[典例]‎ ‎1)With the old man leading the way, we started towards the forest. 在老者的带路下,我们向森林进发。‎ ‎2)She ran and ran with beads of sweat running down her face. 她不停地奔跑,汗珠顺着脸颊流下来。‎ ‎[练习] 汉译英 ‎1) 老师微笑地走进教室,身后还跟着一群小朋友.‎ ‎__________________________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎2) 随着考试的结束,我们的假期开始了.‎ ‎__________________________________________________________________________________________‎ 课文要点(模块)‎ Ⅰ课文词汇等填空(旨在复习本课文中的单词拼写和主要词语等)‎ 根据课文内容完成下面语法填空,注意单词拼写和词语用法:‎ ‎ In the times of Queen Victoria, so-called "King Cholera" hit Londoners, which often 1 (导致)large numbers of 2 (dead). Thanks to John Snow, a then well known 3 , this deadly disease finally got controlled. John Snow thought 4 most important was to find its 5 . So he began to gather the information, for which he made a map, on which he marked 6 the 7 (受害者)had lived. As a result, he found out that the 8 (污染) water was the cause of cholera and suggested that the source of all water supplies 9 (检查)immediately. Finally "King Cholera" 10 (defeat). ‎ Ⅱ课文大意概括 (旨在训练用30个单词概括大意的能力)‎ 阅读课文,试着用30来个单词概括课文大意或将下面的短文译成英语 ‎ 这篇短文的主要意思是说斯诺找到了一种叫做霍乱疾病的起因,这是19世纪发生在伦敦的一种致命的疾病。在斯诺的努力,该疾病终于得到控制。‎ The main idea of this passage is that ‎ ‎_______________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎_______________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎_______________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎_______________________________________________________________________________‎ Ⅲ课文佳句背诵与仿写 (旨在培养对难句的理解和运用能力)‎ ‎1【原句】John Snow was a well-known doctor in Landon-( and he was) so famous, indeed (插入语), that he attended Queen Victoria to ease the birth of her babies. ‎ ‎[模仿要点]两个简单句合并成一句,很好地运用了插入语和符号来压缩句子。‎ ‎【模仿1】. 张老师是个热心的老师,他那么善良我想当他的学生生病时他一定乐意帮助他们的。‎ ‎__________________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎【模仿2】李平是我们班一位用功的学生。他那么勤奋我想晚上不到 ‎11点他不会上床睡觉的。‎ ‎__________________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎2【原句】Although he had tried to ignore them, all his mathematical calculations led to the same conclusion: that the earth was not the centre of the solar system.‎ ‎[模仿要点] 冒号加that从句 ‎【模仿1】虽然她不相信别人说的话,可她所收集的证据得出这样的结论:她的男朋友骗了她。‎ ‎__________________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎【模仿2】尽管他很聪明,但他不勤奋。他这学期所经历的失败得出这样的结论:不劳不获 ‎__________________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎3【原句】He placed a fixed sun at the centre of the solar system with the planets going round it and only the moon still going round the earth.‎ ‎ [模仿要点] 句子结构:with 的复合结构作定语修饰前面的名词。‎ ‎【模仿1】当你步入校园,在你面前是一个种着各种花草的大花坛。在花坛的两边是两个高大的楼房:左边是教学楼,右边是图书馆。‎ ‎__________________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎【模仿2】 井底之蛙,永远看不到天空的广阔,“好男儿志在四方”,让我们踏歌而行,看高高的灯塔照亮我们远航的路。(with 结构作状语)‎ ‎__________________________________________________________________________________‎ 单元自测 (模块)‎ 对应练习—包涵第二单元的 ‎(一)用框内所给词组的适当形式完成下列句子 ‎ consist, of; divide into; leave out, take the place of, break down, ‎ in memory of, have influence on ‎1. This word is wrongly spelt. You have ___________ a letter.‎ ‎2. The professor has suddenly fallen ill. Who can ___________ to give the lecture?‎ ‎3. The Roman Empire __________ in 476 AD.‎ ‎4. The museum was built _____________ the great writer –Lu Xun.‎ ‎5. The country _____________ nearly 200 islands.‎ ‎6. The cake ____________ four parts for us to share.‎ ‎7. My teacher ______________ me. Without his instruction, I doubt if I could be so successful.‎ ‎(二)根据句子意思写出括号内所给单词的恰当形式。‎ ‎1. Mr Zhang is really a ________________(inspire) teacher. He can always inspire us to try our best to study.‎ ‎2. Lincoln’s death was a piece of _______________(astonish) news. The whole nation was _____________(shock) at the sad news.‎ ‎3. I was ______________(disappoint) for he didn’t keep his promise to study hard.‎ ‎4. You are really _____________(disappoint), how can you break your word again and again.‎ ‎5. The ____________(damage) car is beyond repair.‎ ‎6. I think the _____________(affect) patient needs to be isolated(隔离).‎ ‎7. Look at the ___________(fly) kite. How beautiful it is!‎ ‎8. Don’t disturb the ______________(sleep) baby.‎ ‎(三)根据括号内所给的提示翻译下列句子。‎ ‎1. 现在很有必要马上通知他们会议取消了。‎ ‎2. 为了不让野兽接近,我们让火通宵达旦地燃烧着。(keep, have )‎ ‎3. 在那种场合下你还惹麻烦真是丢人。‎ ‎4. 当被问到为什么旷课时,他低着头不说话。‎ ‎5. 他建议教室一天打扫两次。‎ ‎6. 只有用这种方法你才能解决问题。‎ ‎7. 孩子们不应受到谴责。(不用被动形式)‎ ‎8. 你刚才说的话很有道理。‎ ‎1. 完形填空 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从21—30各题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。‎ 字数:212 完成时间:15分钟 难度:***‎ Lang Lang went to a piano school in Beijing when he was just eight. “You need 1 ,” his father said. “But if you don’t work hard, no fortune will come.”‎ What made him sad was that his piano teacher in Beijing didn’t like him. As a nine-year-old boy Lang Lang was badly 2 . He decided that he didn’t want to be a 3 any more. For the next two weeks he didn’t touch the piano. 4 , his father didn’t push, but waited.‎ Luckily, the day came when his teacher asked him to play some holiday songs. He didn’t want to, but as he placed his fingers on the piano key, he 5 that he could show others that he had talent after all.‎ In the 1994 International Young Pianists Competition, when it was 6 that Lang Lang had won, he was too 7 to hold back his tears. Soon it was clear that he couldn’t stay in China forever—he had to play on the world’s big 8 . In 1997 Lang Lang 9 again, this time to Philadelphia, U. S. There he spent Two years practicing. After his 10 performance at Chicago’s Ravinia Festival, gigs(特邀演出) in Lincoln ‎ Center and Carnegie Hall started pouring in. Lang Lang finally worked to reach the place where fortune spots him, and lets him shine.‎ ‎1. A. exercise B. fortune C. knowledge D. wealth ‎2. A. hurt B. weakened C. ruined D. frightened ‎3. A. singer B. pianist C. conductor D. player ‎4. A. Hopefully B. Patiently C. Wisely D. Painfully ‎5. A. seemed B. admitted C. noticed D. realized ‎6. A. told B. mentioned C. announced D. recognized ‎7. A. excited B. encouraged C. shocked D. satisfied ‎8. A. conceits B. tours C. competitions D. stages ‎9. A. started B. left C. moved D. performed ‎10. A. successful B. cheerful C. respectful D. meaningful ‎2. 语法填空 阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空,并将答案填写在答题卡标号为31-40的相应位置上。‎ 字数:178 完成时间:9分钟 难度:**‎ ‎ In the past, there lived a foolish man in a small kingdom called Zheng. One day he wanted to buy 31 a pair of new shoes. He measured his feet with a ruler first and wrote down his size. 32 he was in such a hurry to set out 33 he left it at home.‎ ‎ When he arrived at 34 shoe shop, he felt in the pocket only 35 (find) that it was not there. So he said apologetically, "I have left the measurement at home and don't know the size. I'll fetch it in one minute." 36 these words, he hurried off as fast as his legs could carry him.‎ ‎ He ran back home, found it and then to the shop again. But still 37 took him quite a while and the shop was already 38 (close) then. He had gone to all this trouble for nothing and did not get his shoes.‎ ‎ Then someone asked him with 39 (curious), “Did you buy the shoes for yourself or someone 40 ?” “ For myself, of course." he answered. "Then why don't you try the shoes on by yourself?”‎ ‎3. 信息匹配 ‎ 阅读下列应用文及相关信息,并按照要求匹配信息。‎ ‎ 以下是世界各地一些大学的简介:‎ A. John Douglas University-- Located in the United States, this small university is well known for it's low cost and excellent science education.‎ B. Oxford University--Located in England, this is one of the world's oldest and most famous universities. The rich history and beautiful scenery comes at a high cost, but the quality of the classes is excellent.‎ C. Brown College-- This three year technical school is located in Australia. It' s a very modem campus, which opened only two years ago. The courses focus mainly on computers and multimedia.‎ D. Saint Francis University-- This religious university is located in the United States, and asks that all students have a good knowledge of religion and American history. The school isn't the most modern, but it offers scholarships to poor students who wish to study but can't pay.‎ E. Concordia University--This comprehensive university is popular with students who wish to pursue further studies after having completed their undergraduate work. The campus has more than 25,000 students.‎ F. Delta College-- This online school offers many degree programs through correspondence, so students can work at home on their free time for their degree. The cost is moderate, but the convenience is worthwhile for many.‎ ‎ 以下是一些学生的情况和求学想法的简介:请匹配学生所感兴趣 的学校。‎ ‎41. Michael is a young student who has always received excellent grades, but his family may ‎ not be able to pay for his studies, they are hoping he can receive financial aid somehow.‎ ‎42. Sarah comes from a wealthy family, so money isn't a problem. She loves history and hopes to ‎ get the best education possible.‎ ‎43. David is married, and must work to support his family. He hopes to get a higher education to ‎ improve his salary.‎ ‎44. Rachel loves computers and hopes to find a job in the information technology field. She lives ‎ in London and would love to travel abroad for her studies.‎ ‎45. Johnson has completed a bachelor degree in economics, and wants to continue his studies so ‎ that he can someday teach at a famous university.‎ ‎4. 基础写作 ‎ 假设你是李华,你所在学校拟在下周开一个“如何高效地学习英语”的讲座。请你根据以下要点给史密斯教授写一封信,邀请他给学生做这次讲座。信的内容包括:‎ ‎ 讲座目的:让学生了解英语学习策略;‎ ‎ 讲座内容:如何高效学习英语,如何提高学习英语的兴趣,如何自主学习;‎ ‎ 讲座时间:1小时30分钟左右。‎ ‎ [写作要求)‎ ‎ 1.必须使用5个句子介绍全部所给的内容。‎ ‎ 2.将5个句子组织成连贯的一篇短文,使用必要的连接词。 ‎ ‎ 3.开头语与结束语已给出,不计入句子总数。 ‎ ‎ 4.参考词汇:策略strategy。 ‎ ‎ Dear Professor Smith, ‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎[答案]‎ Dear Professor Smith,‎ ‎ Our school is planning to have a lecture on how to learn English effectively for middle school students next week and I'm writing to ask you to come and give a talk on English learning strategies. It will help us understand how to learn English in effective ways and also increase our interest in learning it, thus making us learn it actively. Do you think one and a half hours will be enough for such a lecture? Please let me know as soon as possible so that I can make arrangement.‎ ‎ Looking forward to seeing you and enjoying the talk.‎ ‎ With best wishes .‎ ‎ Yours,‎ ‎ Li Hua

