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‎2018届二轮复习 介词考点典题讲与练 一个介词可能有多种不同的用法;一个相近的意思又可以用不同的介词表达。所以在一轮的备考中必须逐一掌握每个高频介词的用法;弄清楚易混介词的用法异同;能够根据具体语境灵活运用介词。常用介词、易错介词的辨析以及介词固定搭配的考查将介词考查的主要方向。‎ 一、介词的分类与语法功能 ‎ 介词分为:简单介词,如at,in,for等;合成介词,如within,inside,onto,throughout等;短语介词,如according to,out of,by means of,in spite of,instead of等; 双重介词,如from behind /above /under,until after等; 分词介词,如considering,including,judging (from/by) 等。‎ 二、介词的意义 ‎1. 表示时间的介词 ‎(1) in表示“在某一时间段”或“在某一时候”,如用在月、季、年份、时代、世纪等时间名词的前面,或用来泛指一天的某一段时间。in也可以指“在……之后”,表示从说话起的若干时间内。如:‎ ‎ in July/summer/2000/ancient times The bus will be here in ten ‎ minutes. ‎ ‎(2) on表示“在特定的某一天”,也可用于带有修饰语的一天的某个时间段之前。如: on Saturday, on Saturday morning, on the morning of August 1st ‎(3) at表示“在某一时间点”,或用来表示不确定的时间和短期的假日、时节等。如:‎ ‎ at six o'clock, at Easter ‎(4) over, through (out)两者均指“经过的全部时间”。如:Stay over the Christmas. ‎ ‎(5) for与since:for表示动作或状态延续的全部时间长度,为“长达……”之意;since用于指从过去特定的某个时刻到说话时为止的一段时间;含有since时间短语的句子要用完成时,但含有for时间短语的句子不一定要用完成时。如:‎ I have been there for six years. We have not seen each other since 1993. ‎ ‎(6) during指“在……时期/时间内”,必须接表示一段时间的词或词组作宾语。如:‎ ‎ She was ill for a week, and during that week she ate little. ‎ ‎2. 表示地点的介词 ‎(1) above, below,over, under,on, on top of, beneath, underneath: above和below分别表示“高于”和“低于”的意思,不一定指垂直方向上的上下;over和under分别表示垂直方向上的上下或高低;on/on top of和beneath/underneath表示“和表面相接触”意义上的上下。以上三组介词互为反义词。如:‎ The temple stands on top of the hill. The pen is beneath the book. There is a lamp on the desk. ‎ ‎(2) at, on, in:at指小地点或集会场合;on表示线或面上的位置;in表示在立体、区域或环境内,特别是那些较大,能够容纳相应事物的环境。如:‎ ‎ He works at Peking University. Your radio is on the desk. He's sitting in the sun. ‎ ‎(3) between与among:between用来说明“在……两者之间”或“三个以上人或事物中的每两者之间的相互关系”;among用来说明“在……三者以上之间”的相互关系;among可以用来表示没有确定数目的物体之间的相互关系。如:‎ ‎ There is a small river between the two villages. ‎ ‎ The book is the best among these modern novels. ‎ ‎ The relations between various countries are very important. ‎ ‎3. 表示原因的介词。‎ ‎(1) for常常表示褒贬、奖惩的原因或心理原因。如:‎ ‎ They will reward you for your help.‎ ‎(2) from和out of常常表示动机或原因;through表示消极或间接的原因。如:‎ ‎ He feels weak from lack of sleep. He broke down through overwork. ‎ ‎4. 表示目的的介词 ‎ for和to都可以引导目的地。for表示拟定的接收人或目的,for跟在含有出发或开始意义的动词后,如:leave, set out, start, depart, sail等;to表示实际的接收人或目的,to跟在含有方向性的动词后,如:go, come, run, walk, move, fly, drive, ride等。如:‎ ‎ We have left for Hong Kong. He flew to America via Hong Kong. ‎ ‎5. 表示“关于……”的介词 ‎ 一般about用于比较随便的谈话或非正式的文体;on用于正式的讲话、著作或报告中;of用于动词talk, read, know, hear等的后面。如:‎ ‎ What are you talking about? in terms of natural resources ‎6. 表示原料的介词 ‎ of和out of表示制成品的材料仍保持原材料的性质;from表示制成品已失去了原材料的性质。如:‎ ‎ His house was built of brick. He made these toys out of old cigarboxes. ‎ ‎ Steel is made from iron. ‎ ‎7. 表示价格的介词 ‎ at和for都可表示价格,at仅表示价格;for还表示“交换”。如:‎ ‎ Eggs are sold at 95 cents a dozen here. I bought it for five pounds. ‎ 三、常见的介词搭配 ‎1. “介词+ 名词”型 ‎(1) in + 名词 ‎ in advance 在前头,事先,预先in case 如果,万一 ‎ in charge 主管,掌管,看管in common 共有,共同,公有 in demand 有需要的in doubt 感到疑惑的,难以确定的in effect 实际上,生效 in fact 事实上in order 按序,井然有序,情况良好; 恰 当in progress 进行中 in return 作为回报in turn 依次,替换地;相应地,转而in vain 徒劳 ‎(2) on+ 名词 ‎ on guard 在值勤on leave 在休假on holiday 在度假on strike 罢工on sale 出售on loan 借贷 ‎ on+the+名词 on the move 在移动,搬迁;离开 on the march 在行军on the flow 在涨潮on the increase/rise(decrease) 正在增加on the go 正在活动,正在奔走on the air 正在广播on the fly 正在飞行 ‎(3) beyond +名词 ‎ beyond one's power 是某人力所不及的beyond praise 夸不胜夸beyond one's reach 够不着 beyond description 难以形容beyond words 无法用语言形容 beyond doubt 无疑beyond one's understanding 无法理解 ‎(4) under + 名词 ‎ under development 在发展中under observation 在观察中 ‎ under test 在测试中under construction 在建设中under examination 在检查(调查)中 under consideration ‎ 在考虑中under repair 在修理中 ‎(5) at + 名词 ‎ at length 详细地,长时间at sea 茫然at will 任意地at work 在上班at lunch 在吃午饭 at rest 在休息at table 在吃饭at school 上学at church 做礼拜 ‎ ‎ at peace 处于和平状态 ‎(6) out of + 名词 ‎ out of breath 上气不接下气out of balance 失去平衡out of date 过时out of patience 不耐烦out of control 失去控制out of business 破产out of style 过时,不时髦out of the ordinary 不寻常的out of touch 失去联系 ‎2. 复杂介词型 ‎(1) 表示原因(通常在句中作状语), 意为“由于,因为”。‎ ‎ because of:表示实际原因(表达一种较强的因果关系);‎ ‎ on account of:常用来引述逻辑、理性和事实因素。‎ ‎(2) 表示“除……之外”。‎ ‎ with the exception of= except, except for“除……之外”;‎ ‎ apart from (=美式英语中的aside ‎ from)是个复合介词,既可表示“除……之外”,相当于except (for), 又可以表示“除……之外,(还,也)”,相当于besides;‎ ‎ in addition to“除……之外(还,也)”,相当于besides。‎ ‎(3) 表示“有关,关于”。‎ ‎ concerning=regarding“关于,就……而论,在……方面”;‎ ‎ with respect to“关于,就……而言”;‎ ‎ as for和as to用于句首时表示“至于”。‎ ‎(4) 表示“在……之前”。‎ ‎ ahead of=in advance of,可表示“(在空间或时间上比某人或某事物)更前,更早”, 还可表示“领先,优于”;‎ ‎ in front of 多指空间的前后关系,“在……前方”。‎ ‎(5) 表示“支持,赞成”。‎ ‎ in support of 维护,支持,支援;‎ ‎ in favor of 可指某人“支持,赞成”,也可指事物“有利于……”。‎ ‎(6) 表示“鉴于,由于;根据,按照”。‎ ‎ in the light of 按照,考虑到in terms of 就……而言,谈到 ‎ according to 根据;按照in view of 鉴于,因为 ‎(7) 表示“尽管”。‎ ‎ in spite of 尽管,不管 ‎3.“形容词+介词”型 at前的adj.:angry, good, bad, surprised, excited, puzzled等。‎ of前的adj.:afraid, sure, certain, full, tired, fond, proud, worthy等。‎ with前的adj.: angry, strict, busy, careful, popular, patient等。‎ in前的adj.:strict, weak, interested, successful, rich等。‎ to前的adj.:polite, kind, cruel, rude, close, available等。‎ for前的adj.:sorry, famous, fit, unfit, eager, anxious,(be) hungry/thirsty等。‎ from前的adj.:far, different, free, safe等。‎ about前的adj.:worried, anxious, careful,curious等。‎ ‎4. “名词+介词”型 ‎ the key/answer/visit/apology/introduction/way…to;‎ ‎ wish/desire/prize/respect…for;‎ ‎ pity/mercy/congratulation/effect/advice/impression/influence…on 重点考点点拨 ‎1. 【误】 Sometimes our opinions differ because what we choose to observe and how we deal with what we've observed. ‎ ‎ 【正】 Sometimes our opinions differ because of what we choose to observe and how we deal with what we've observed. ‎ ‎ 【解析】 because是连词,其后接句子;而because of是短语介词,其后接名词、代词、动名词或名词性从句等。‎ ‎2. 【误】 —How long have you been an actor?‎ ‎— In 1995, when I graduated from college. ‎ ‎ 【正】 —How long have you been an actor?‎ ‎— Since 1995, when I graduated from college. ‎ ‎ 【解析】 结合问句的语境,只有since能回答问句所提出的问题。‎ ‎3. 【误】 In those days, we had no phones, so we had to keep in touch with writing often. ‎ ‎ 【正】 In those days, we had no phones, so we had to keep in touch by writing often. ‎ ‎ 【解析】by在这里表示方式,by writing 意为“通过写信”。‎ 实战演练 ‎1. The fashion show was ____________ being a failure. It was a success. ‎ ‎ A.far from B.along with C.next to D.in case ‎ 2. It saves time in the dining room to have things you use a lot _________ easy reach. ‎ ‎ A.near B.upon C.within D.around ‎ ‎ ‎3. —How amazing it is that astronauts are exploring outer space! ‎ ‎— It's a challenge, I guess,______ man against nature. ‎ ‎ A.of B.for C.by D.about ‎ 4. Everybody was touched ______ words after they heard her moving story. ‎ ‎ A.beyond B.without C.of D.in ‎ 5. Try on this red skirt; you will look great ____ it. ‎ ‎ A.on B.by C.in D.for ‎ 6. He invited me to a dance after the show _____ Christmas Eve.‎ ‎ A.at B.on C.in D.by ‎ 7.Modern equipment and no smoking are two of the things I like ‎ _________ working here.‎ ‎ A.with B.over C.at D.about ‎ 8.If you really have to leave during the meeting, you'd better leave ______ the back door. ‎ ‎ A.for B.by C.across D.out ‎ 9. Alice entered silently and sank ____ a chair. ‎ ‎ A.on B.off C.into D.to ‎ 10.—When did you last hear _____ Jay?‎ ‎ —He phoned me this morning,and we agreed _____ a time and place to meet. ‎ ‎ A.of;to B.about;with ‎ C.from;with D.from;on ‎ 11. Tired,Jim was fast asleep with his back ______ a big tree. ‎ ‎ A.in B.below C.beside D.against ‎ 12. Nowadays some hospitals refer to patients ____ name,not case number. ‎ ‎ A.of B.as C.by D.with ‎ 13.If you do not use your English _____ the classroom you will ‎ forget that English you know. ‎ ‎ A.within B.beyond C.in D.over ‎14.Would you mind not picking the flowers in the garden?They are _____ everyone's enjoyment. ‎ ‎ A.in B.at C.for D.to ‎15. _______ all kinds of difficulties, the workers have made rapid progress in the construction of the World Expo 2010 in Shanghai.‎ ‎ A.With B.For C.Under D.Beyond 答案与解析:‎ 1. A far from远非……。along with与……一道(又), 连同……一起, 随同……一起; next to次于,紧挨着;in case如果,万一。‎ 2. C 考查固定用法:within easy reach在容易够到……的地方;在……的附近。句意为:在餐厅里把常用到的东西放到容易够到的地方会节省很多时间。‎ 3. A答句中的I guess是插入语,因此所填介词与challenge连用,构成a challenge of结构。‎ 4. A 句意为:听到她感人的故事后,人人都感动得难于言表。beyond超出;越过。‎ 5. C sth. be on sb.衣服穿在某人身上;sb. be (look) in ‎ sth.某人穿着什么衣服。由此可知答案为C。‎ 1. B 2. D 句意为:关于在这里工作,我喜欢的两件事情是现代化设备和禁止吸烟。about“有关,关于”,符合题意。‎ 3. B 句意为:如果你确实要在会议期间离开,那么你最好从后门离开。“从后门”用by the back door。for表示原因;across意为“穿过,横穿”;out意为“在外面”,三者均不符合句意。‎ 4. C 句意为:爱丽斯默默地进来,坐在了椅子上。sink into a chair颓然坐在椅子上。‎ 5. D hear about/of听到有关……,听说;hear from收到……的来信,得知某人的消息;agree on sth.在……方面取得一致意见;agree to do sth.同意做某事;agree to sth.同意(计划、安排、方案等);agree with sb.同意某人(的意见)。‎ 6. D 背靠着树睡着了,against表示“倚,靠”。‎ 7. C by name按名字叫。句意为:现在一些医院提到病人叫名字而不是病例号。‎ 8. B within等于in都表示“在……里面”; over指“在……上面”;beyond表示位置,意为“在……之外”。根据句意“走出教室你如果不用英语的话,……”可知答案为B。‎ 1. C 根据句子意思“这些花是让每个人欣赏的”,可知用for表示目的。‎ ‎15. A 句意为:尽管有很多困难,工人们在上海的世博会建筑中取得了很大的进展。with尽管,虽然。‎

