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‎2017-2018学年内蒙古赤峰二中高二上学期第一次月考 英 语 第一部分 听力略 第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)‎ 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)‎ 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 ‎ A How to save money to visit Shanghai Disneyland?‎ The “happiest place on earth” is a top destination on many families' bucket lists. But taking a vacation to Disney World can be difficult to do on a budget. There are some considerations that you can make to reduce the cost of your Disney World vacation.‎ ‎1. Buy Souvenirs in Advance ‎ Disney has influenced practically every industry, which makes it easy to find Disney items anywhere, from Walmart, Target, and your local grocery store to department stores and Amazon. You can save a lot of money by purchasing items before your trip at these less-expensive places than at Disneyland. ‎ ‎2. Make an Autograph Book ‎ An autograph book is seen as a must-have by many Disneyland enthusiasts and is a memory you can take home with you. These books can cost anywhere from $7.95 to $19.95 at the Disney Store and up to $30 for the latest-and-greatest autograph book at Disneyland, such as the park's 60th anniversary edition. Other choices can get the job done for under $5. For example, you can buy a small photo album; cute pads or notebooks.‎ ‎3. Eat Breakfast Before You Arrive Breakfast is almost as pricey as lunch or dinner if you eat inside the Disneyland parks. If you have a hotel with a free breakfast, take advantage of it. If you want to eat out, eat at a local restaurant that is inexpensive or has a kids' menu, such as McDonald's which is close to the park. 4. Take Advantage of Discounts Offered to Special Groups Disney offers a wide variety of discounts, including for military service members, college students, teachers, and youth groups. If you think you might qualify for a special discount or group rate, call ‎ the Disneyland Resort to book tickets. ‎ ‎1. It may take you more money to buy souvenirs at_____. ‎ A. Disneyland B. Department stores ‎ C. Walmart D. Amazon ‎2. How much do you pay for the park's 60th anniversary edition?‎ A. $7.95 B. $19.95 ‎ C. $5 D. $30‎ ‎3. What is one piece of the author’s advice on breakfast?‎ ‎ A. You had better eat at Disneyland. ‎ ‎ B. You can eat at a local restaurant.‎ ‎ C. You should prepare it well at home .‎ ‎ D. You can ask the hotel to supply it for free.‎ B The Arctic is not a safe place to be by any stretch of the imagination. Essentially a vast, floating block of ice, with only a small area of land, the landscape can be almost totally different from year to year. Even the most experienced explorers are lucky to return with all their fingers and toes, not to mention their lives.‎ Into this extreme environment stepped Nabil Al Busaidi. In fact, he didn’t just step—he stepped and skied his way across 650km, pulling 50kg of equipment. He also carried the flag of the Sultanate of Oman, which he held in the air at the North Pole, becoming the first Arab to achieve this impressive feat (壮举).‎ On the way to the North Pole, Nabil was driven by the reward of success and the pain at the thought of failure. “Through the 20-whatever days , every minute there was a different thing that kept me going, either the fear of failure, the fear of dying or the reward of finishing and getting somewhere warm. ”‎ The ever-present cold, averaging around -40℃ but dropping as low as a recorded -81℃, is his overriding (首要的) memory of the experience. As an Omani, Nabil had an additional 20℃ drop in temperature to get used to, compared to his British teammates. Apart from the extreme cold,‎ ‎ polar bears were a common feature of the journey, and Nabil and the team had their fair share of bear encounters. “Polar bears are dangerous, but they are not that threatening because they don’t intend to harm humans. They’re usually either curious or just don’t care. We saw five bears, and none were aggressive,” said Nabil.‎ One final problem Nabil faced was the stress put on team relations by the severity of the conditions, especially during the first three stages of the journey. However, during the fourth and final leg, the team worked so well together that they travelled 130km in only two and a half days.‎ ‎4. What does Paragraph 1 show?‎ A. Nabil’s hard-won success. B. The value of Arctic exploration.‎ C. Nabil’s good luck. D. The change of the Arctic.‎ ‎5. Which is the problem Nabil faced on his journey?‎ A. Gradually rising sea level. B. Frequent polar bear attacks.‎ C. Constantly changing climate. D. The heavy psychological burden.‎ ‎6. What can we know about Nabil?‎ A. He had gone on an Arctic journey before. ‎ B. He explored the Arctic with pretty light packs.‎ C. He finished the exploration of the Arctic all alone.‎ D. He suffered more from extreme cold than his teammates.‎ ‎7. What is the passage mainly about?‎ A. Life in the Arctic. B. Climate of the Arctic.‎ C. The first Arab to step into the Arctic.D. Achievements scientists made in the Arctic.‎ C The digital revolution is both launching us into a no-handwriting future, and also sending us backwards in time to when the spoken words ruled. But that’s not necessarily a bad thing. ‎ ‎“I don’t think kids should be assessed on their ability to master cursive(草书). It’s not something that they are going to use much in their lives as they grow older. It’s not something most of us adults use in our lives today. ” Anne Trubek, an author, suggests that schools offer handwriting or cursive as an elective or art class in the future.‎ ‎ “Focus on how to teach kids to express their ideas, how to organize their thoughts, how to make arguments” she says. “The forming of the letters are less important. And there are certainly many ways to individualize what you write beyond the way you’ve circled the ‘I’ or crossed your ‎ ‘T’.”‎ ‎ “This myth that handwriting is just a motor skill is just plain wrong,” Virginia Berninger said. “We use motor parts of our brain, motor planning, motor control, but what’s very critical is a region of our brain where the visual and language come together and actually become letters and written words.”‎ ‎ “A lot of people are very stubborn about the importance of handwriting, but at the same time will admit they never write themselves,” Trubek says.‎ ‎ Trubek suggests, however, that handwriting keeps some value – for now. “ For us today, in the 21st century America, handwriting represents something individual and unique about a person. It doesn’t always mean that in previous times in history, and it won’t always mean that in the future, but right now for us we relate our sense of self to our handwriting.”‎ ‎8. How does Trubek feel about the handwriting?‎ ‎ A. It’s useless. B. It’s only an art. ‎ C. It’s less important. D. It’s meaningful. ‎ ‎9. Virginia Berninger’s attitude to the use of handwriting is ______.‎ A. indifferent B. doubtful C. favorable D. disapproving ‎10. What do we know from the last paragraph?‎ ‎ A. Handwriting still keeps some value today.‎ ‎ B. Handwriting represents previous times in history.‎ ‎ C. Handwriting reflects the past and the future.‎ ‎ D. The computer makes handwriting out of date. ‎ ‎11. What is the author’s purpose in writing the text?‎ ‎ A. To show people’s worry about future.‎ ‎ B. To discuss the importance of handwriting.‎ ‎ C. To introduce something about handwriting.‎ ‎ D. To encourage people to practice handwriting.‎ D ‎ Nothing is more tiresome than being stuck in a boring class. Every second takes ages to tick by. A recent survey of American kids revealed that 91 percent experience boredom. In fact, adolescence is considered a peak period for the problem. One study showed that roughly one in three teenagers was bored at school.‎ Peter Stromberg, professor at the University of Tulsa says, “Our brains adapt really quickly to certain levels of stimulation(刺激). We get used to the media providing levels of highly emotional stimulation, and when we’re not getting them we feel bored. As our society develops various ways of keeping us entertained, we may discover that rather than getting rid of boredom, ‎ we’re multiplying it.” Luckily, new research is implying a way that we can battle the trend.‎ Professor John D. Eastwood of the University of York developed a new theory of boredom, which links it to the brain’s attention system—the part of the brain that we use to focus. Anything the attention system in your brain locks onto will be automatically sucked up into your conscious awareness—it might be a bird outside the window, the pleasant smell of lunch, or even someone sleeping in the back of the class.‎ The problem is that your attention system doesn’t like being told what to do. It wants to focus on stuff that you find fun and interesting. For the parts of school that you enjoy, this isn’t a problem. But for those classes that don’t interest you, or present too much or too little challenge, the story is very different. In those situations, you’re going to have to spend a lot of effort constantly redirecting your attention system to focus on things it would rather ignore. And the effort is going to wear you out. Eastwood describes it as “wanting, but being unable, to be involved in a satisfying activity.” It’s like a block in the system. And it’s the awareness of that block combined with a sense that the environment is to blame that leads to feelings of boredom.‎ When we’re bored we blame the world around us, but Eastwood’s theory challenges this assumption: Boredom doesn’t exist out there; it exists inside your brain. What that means is—hard as it may be to hear—boring lessons aren’t only the fault of your teacher or the subject, they’re your fault too. ‎ ‎12. According to Peter Stromberg, ________.‎ A. teenagers are victims of boredom ‎ B. our brains demand much stimulation ‎ C. we’ve grown dependent on media for fun ‎ ‎ D. the way we have fun makes us become bored ‎13. According to Paragraph 4, the attention system ________.‎ ‎ A. doesn’t like challenges ‎ B. enjoys interesting things ‎ C. does what you want it to do ‎ D. can make our efforts fruitless ‎14. What might the author suggest about a boring class?‎ A. Focusing more attention on it.‎ B. Changing the way we look at it.‎ C. Employing various teaching methods.‎ D. Challenging the disturbing environment.‎ ‎15. What might be the best title for the passage?‎ A. Escape Your Boredom ‎ B. Battle Your Attention ‎ C. Fun or Boredom?‎ D. Who Is to Blame?‎ 第二节 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分) ‎ 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。‎ 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。‎ College visits are important.16.Also,before you commit years of your life and thousands of dollars to a school,make sure you're choosing a place that suits you best.Below are a few tips for getting the most out of your college visit.‎ ‎●Explore on your own ‎17. So try to walk the extra miles and get the complete picture of the campus on your own.When you visit the student center, academic buildings and residence halls,take a few minutes to read the bulletin boards(告示板).They provide a quick and easy way to see what’s happening on campus. ‎ ‎●Eat in the dining hall and sleep in the dorm You can get a good feel for student life by eating in the dining hall.Is the food good? Are there adequate healthy options? And if it's at all possible,spend a night at the college. 18 .‎ ‎● 19‎ ‎ If you know what you want to study, have a conference with a professor and students in that field.You’11 get to observe other students in your field and see how engaged they are in classroom discussion.They will give you an opportunity to see if the major really matches you. 20 .‎ ‎ Lastly,if you're comparing several schools,be sure to record your feelings during the visit.They may help you carry on further study before making your final decision.‎ A.You can't get the “feel”of a school from any guidebook.‎ B.For one,they help show your interest in a school.‎ C.The trained tour guides will show you a school’s selling points.‎ D.Most colleges don’t allow visitors to drop in on class unannounced.‎ E.Visit a class in your major and talk with a professor and lots of students.‎ F.Nothing will give you a better sense of student life than a night in the dormitory.‎ G.If you haven’t decided on a major yet,more visits to different major classes are necessary.‎ 第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分45分)‎ 第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)‎ 阅读下面的短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。‎ It was my pre-medical student days when I was highly motivated to be a doctor. However, I was diagnosed with auto-immunity disease(自身免疫疾病). This led me to be in __21__ for almost 3 months, unwell and writing sad poems. ___22___, I heard the doctor tell my parents that medicines couldn’t improve my ___23___. Slowly and sadly, I __24___ dreaming to be a doctor. Rather, I became a sad poet in the state where I would ___25___ move or talk but write.‎ A(n) __26__ happened after 3 months. I could walk out of the bed and ___27___ recovered. This was a time when I fell ___28___ other classmates. With no aim I joined a BA degree and later an MA. I wrote almost 300____29___ and romantic poems! Poetry books in MA inspired me; 30 , I came out to top the Master’s degree.‎ I also wrote articles and was ___31___ as student editor of the college magazine. I went ahead to do Mass Communication with a(n) ____32___ now! My aim was to read my bylines(标作者名字的一行), ___33___ that was my dream. I later was___34___ a job as a copy-editor and correspondent(通讯员) in one of the leading daily newspapers. ___35___ then, I have never looked back and felt hopeless.‎ I always ___36___, I was a loser who couldn't serve people by being a doctor. But this new life and new ___37___ taught me that I was still serving others by being their tongue and voice. I was a(n) ___38___! There are many advisers around us, but life itself is the ___39___ teacher that teaches us in the most beautiful manner. We need to understand things patiently and stay strong to ____40___.‎ ‎21. A. home B. bed C. house D. school ‎22. A. Exhausted B. Surprised C. Disappointed D. Heart-broken ‎23. A. health B. grade C. mind D. life ‎24. A. enjoyed B. minded C. stopped D. denied ‎25 A. merely B. nearly C. partly D. hardly ‎26. A. miracle B. symptom C. phenomenon D. accident ‎27. A. in all B. by chance C. in a short time D. in this way ‎28. A. from B. behind C. among D. beyond ‎29. A. happy B. special C. reasonable D. sad ‎30. A. finally B. instead C. however D. though ‎ ‎31. A. selected B. welcomed C. mistaken D. collected ‎32. A. reason B. ambition C. excuse D. idea ‎33. A. but B. while C. for D. yet ‎34. A. compared B. related C. offered D. opposed ‎35. A. After B. Before C. Until D. Since ‎36. A. imagined B. promised C. meant D. hoped ‎37. A. approach B. mark C. success D. performance ‎38. A. failure B. example C. talent D. winner ‎39. A. exact B. greatest C. easiest D. sharp ‎40. A. leave alone B. move on C. set aside D. turn around ‎ 第Ⅱ卷 注意: 将答案写在答题卡上。写在本试卷上无效。‎ 第三部分 英语知识运用 (共两节,满分45分)‎ 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。‎ ‎ Clean Your Cup I recently started a new job in a small office, where four of us shared a water cooler(饮水机). One of my 41___ (colleague) complained the water tasted "dirty". It went on for a few days. She urged that the water __42 (test) out. She was 43 (astonish) I could drink the water without any trouble. I started to doubt my taste buds, but the water really tasted fine.‎ Finally, she became aware 44 the problem was actually her cup. She simply forgot to clean it for a long time, 45 affected the water inside it. She cleaned her cup, and drank the water with no problem.‎ I can't help but think about the world we live in. Too often we quickly blame other people, other things, anything else ___46_____ ourselves. The world isn't perfect, but I think we should take a step back sometimes and ask __47__ (us) some tough questions. Can I be better? Is my heart ____48 _ (real) pure? Can I help this situation with___49 (kind) ?‎ I want to tell you this: please clean your cup. Because when you do, the water will taste much ___50___ (good). ‎ 第四部分 写作 (共两节,满分35分)‎ 第一节 ‎ 短文改错 (共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) ‎ ‎ 假定英语课上,老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。作文 中共有10处错误,每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。‎ ‎ 增加:在缺词处加一个漏词符号(∧),并在其下面写出该加的词。‎ ‎ 删除:把多余的词用斜线(\)划掉。‎ ‎ 修改:在错的词下面画一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。‎ ‎ 注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词:‎ ‎ 2.只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。‎ Without goals, we will lose ourselves. Just like sail without a compass, we will never reach the destination. When I was in junior high school, I hate school and had no motivation. But I got five Cs in the final exams. My head teacher had private talk with me. After hearing that I wanted to be an engineer, she told me about the ten best university for engineering and their admission rules. She also told me that I should study hard if I wanted to realize to my dream. After the conversation, I set a goal — to get into a university what ranks among the top ten for engineering. Now, I have a clearly direction and have also become interesting in school.‎ Goal setting is an important part on my motivation to study. I believe I can get what I want.‎ 第二节 书面表达(满分25分)‎ 假定你是李华。你刚从英国为期五天的旅游回来,感谢好友Rick的款待。得知他对中国的文化非常的感兴趣,特别是对近几天的国庆节,请你写一封信介绍中国的国庆节。‎ 内容要点: ‎ ‎1、感谢他的招待。 ‎ ‎2、介绍中国的国庆节(时间,意义等) ‎ ‎3、欢迎他来中国。‎ 注意: ‎ ‎1、词数100左右; ‎ ‎2、可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; ‎ ‎3、开头和结尾已为你写好。‎ Dear Rick,‎ How is everything going?_______________________________________________‎ ‎____________________________________________________________________________________________‎ Best wishes.‎ Yours sincerely,‎ ‎ Li Hua 赤峰二中高二十月月考答案 阅读 ‎1-3 ADB 4-7 ADDC 8-11 CCAB 12-15 DBBA ‎16—20 BAFEG 完形 ‎21-25BDACD 26-30ACBDA 31-35ABCCD 36-40ACDBB 语法填空 ‎41. colleagues 42.(should) be tested 43.astonished 44.that 45.which ‎ ‎46.on/upon 47.ourselves 48.really 49.kindness 50.better 改错 ‎1. sail — sailing 2. hate — hated 3. But — And/So 4. had 后面加a ‎ ‎5. university — universities 6. realize 后面to去掉 7. what — that/which ‎8. clearly — clear 9. interesting — interested 10. on — of 作文 Dear Rick,‎ How is everything going? I had a five-day trip to London last week. I would like to express my gratitude for your hospitality and kindness when I was in London.‎ Knowing that you take a great fancy to Chinese culture, especially National Day, I would love to introduce it to you. National Day, one of the most significant festivals in China, falls on October1st every year. People celebrate this festival in celebration of the foundation of People’s Republic of China, the so-called New China dating back to 1949. People in China will hold a variety of activities to honor that day, such as holding grand military parade, having a travel.‎ Welcome to China. You will have an unforgettable experience if you come to China before this festival.‎ Best wishes.‎ Yours sincerely,‎ Li Hua

