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(一)课前自主学习 Ⅰ.阅读单词——————知其意 1.safari n.          (尤指在东非或中非的)游猎, 探险旅行 2.raft n. 木排,木筏 3.white­water rafting 激流漂流 4.horizon n. 地平线 5.bungee jumping n. 蹦极 6.snowboarding n. 单板滑雪 7.snowrafting n. 动力雪橇滑降 8.the Antarctic 南极地区_ 9.sledge n. 雪车,雪橇 10.Norwegian adj. 挪威的     n. 挪威人 11.Arctic n. 北极,北极区 12.philosophy n. 哲学 Ⅱ.重点单词——————写其形 1.adventure_ n. 奇遇,冒险的经历 2.major adj. 较重要的;较严重的 3.wild adj. 野生的;狂热的 4.extra_adj. 特别的;额外的 5.altitude n. 高度,海拔 6.exactly adv. 确切地,精确地 7.risk vt. 冒……的危险 8.excitement n. 兴奋,激动 9.statement_ n. 陈述 10.quantity n. [纵联 1] 量,数量 11.sadness n. 悲哀,忧伤 12.function vi. 运转;发挥作用 13.nationality n. 国籍 14.aim_n. 目标;目的 15.transport_ n. 运输,运送 16.disadvantage n. 不利,不利条件 17.staff n. 员工,全体工作人员 18.survival n. 幸存,残存 19.shelter n. 遮蔽,庇护所 20.observe vt.  [纵联 2] 观察,观测 21.cheerful adj. [纵联 3] 愉快的,高兴的 22.limit n. 边界;限度 Ⅲ.拓展单词——————通其变 1.distant adj.远处的;久远的→distance n.遥远 2.differ vi.不同于,有区别→difference n.不同之处→different adj.不同的 3.anxious adj.忧虑的,担心的→anxiety n.焦虑,不安 4.extreme adj.极度的,极端的→extremely adv.极其地,极端地 5.similarity n.相似性;类似性→similar adj.同样的;类似的→similarly adv.同样地; 类似地 6.amaze vt.使惊愕(惊奇)→amazed adj.惊愕的,吃惊的→amazing adj.令人惊异的 →amazement n.吃惊,惊愕 7.confuse vt.使困惑→confused adj.困惑的→confusing adj.令人困惑的→confusion n.混 乱;困惑 8.preparation n.准备,预备→prepare vt.准备;预备 9.patience n.耐心;忍耐力→patient adj.耐心的 n.病人→patiently adv.耐心地 纵联 1.由 quantity 想到的 ①several 几个 ②couple 一对 ③score 二十 ④dozen 十二个 ⑤numerous 许多的 ⑥none 没有 ⑦hundred 一百 ⑧million 百万 ⑨billion 十亿 ⑩trillion 万亿 纵联 2.“看”遍天下 ①notice 注意到,留心 ②observe 观察 ③watch 观看,关注 ④stare (at)凝视,盯着看 ⑤glance (at)匆匆看一眼;瞥 ⑥glare (at)怒视;瞪 ⑦witness 经历,见证 ⑧peer 窥视,凝视 ⑨look (at)看 ⑩gaze 凝视 ⑪glimpse 一瞥 纵联 3.今儿个真“高兴” ①cheerful ②happy ③glad ④pleased ⑤delighted ⑥joyful ⑦merry ⑧nice ⑨pleasant ⑩agreeable 单元话题——冒险活动 子话题 1 冒险活动的准备 ①visa n.签证 ②passport n.护照 ③insurance n.保险 ④suitcase n.小提箱 ⑤baggage n.行李 ⑥reserve vt.预订 ⑦destination n.目的地,终点 ⑧set out/off 出发 ⑨book a room 预订房间 ⑩put up 投宿 ⑪check in 登记入住 子话题 2 冒险活动的分类 ①expedition n.远征 ②journey n.旅行,行程 ③tour n.参观,观光,旅行 ④voyage n.航行,旅行 ⑤outing n.郊游,远足 ⑥trip n.短途旅行 [学考对接·活学活用] 高考采撷(一) 阅读中的词汇应用 1 . (2017· 天 津 高 考 阅 读 D)This one requires a bit of discipline. Properly preparing ❶ packaged noodle soup requires a Forced Wait. Directions are very specific❷. “Bring three cups of water to boil, add mix, simmer three minutes, remove from heat, let stand five minutes.” I have my doubts that anyone has actually followed the procedures strictly. After all, Forced Waiting requires  ❸  (patient). ①写出加黑词在本单元的同根名词:preparation,加黑词在此句中为动名词作主语 ②写出加黑词在本单元的同义副词:exactly ③用所给词的适当形式填空:patience 2.(2013·北京高考完形)Lola doesn't want to be treated differently❶ from the other girls on her team.At competitions, the judges don't know about her vision problems.She doesn't tell them, because she doesn't think they need to know.Her mom is amazed ❷ by her positive attitude❸. ①写出加黑词在本单元的同根动词:differ ②写出加黑词在本单元的同根动词:amaze ③写出加黑词在本单元的形近异义词:altitude 3.(2010·四川高考完形)About twenty minutes into the adventure❶, the entire airplane became very❷ quiet. There was now a sense of anxiety❸ and fear that could be clearly noticed. ①写出加黑词在此处的汉语意思:冒险的经历,加黑词也可作动词,意为冒险,大胆说 出 ②写出加黑词在本单元的同义形容词:extreme ③写出加黑词在本单元的同根形容词:anxious 该句为 there be 句型,其谓语动词的单 复数由后面的名词或代词来决定 高考采撷(二) 写作中的词汇应用 (根据汉语及提示词翻译句子) 1.(2018·北京高考书面表达)外国学生沉浸于我的每一个举动,他们再次惊讶于这种独 特的文化,忍不住不时拍照。(amazed) Absorbed_in_every_move_of_mine,_the_foreign_students_were_once_again_amazed_by_th is_unique_culture_and_they_couldn't_help_taking_pictures_from_time_to_time. 2.(2018·江苏高考书面表达)排名的利与弊通常是紧密相关的,对排名保持客观的态度 很有必要。(disadvantage) The_advantages_and_disadvantages_of_ratings_are_often_closely_related.It_is_necessary_t o_hold_an_objective_attitude_towards_ratings. (二)课堂重点释疑 1.differ vi.不同于,有区别 [记牢] (1)differ from ... in ...      在……方面与……不同 differ with sb. 与某人意见不同 (2)different adj. 不同的,有差异的 be different from ... 不同于…… (3)difference n. 差异,差别 make a/no difference 有/无影响 tell the difference between A and B  指出 A 与 B 的不同 [练通] 单句语法填空 ①The style of the campus is quite different from that of most Chinese universities. ②I differ with him on that point where the bridge will be built, though he may be right. ③I knew it was the difference (different) between life and death. 完成句子 ④ Even though we completely_differ_from_each_other_in_character,_we are still great friends. 虽然我们在性格上完全不同,但我们仍然是很好的朋友。 ⑤ Only if we know what we do in our daily life and live a low­carbon life can we make_a_difference. 只有我们知道在日常生活中做什么,过一种低碳生活,我们才能有所影响。 [写美] ⑥(2015·湖南高考书面表达)从我个人的经验中我认识到几个赞美之词对有些人会产生 很大的影响。 From_my_own_experience,_I_learn_that_several_words_of_praise_can_make_a_great_diffe rence_to_someone. 2.risk vt.冒……的危险 n.冒险;危险;风险 [记牢] (1)risk (doing) sth.      冒险(做)某事 (2)at the risk of (doing) sth. 冒着(做)某事的风险 take/run the risk of (doing) sth. 冒……的危险;冒险做某事 take/run a risk/risks 冒险 at risk 处境危险;遭受危险 at all risks/at any risk 无论冒什么风险,无论如何 [练通] 单句语法填空 ①A rescue worker risked his life saving (save) two tourists trapped in the mountains for two days. ②He was determined to do it even at the risk of being_laughed (laugh) at. 完成句子 ③Whoever you are, don't take/run_the_risk_of_doing_a_job like that. 无论你是谁,都不要冒险做那样一份工作。 ④The captain was not willing to risk_taking_his_ship through the straits in such bad weather. 船长不愿意在这样恶劣的天气里冒险将船驶过海峡。 [写美] 句型转换 ⑤The passer­by saved the boy's life at the risk of losing his own life. →The passer­by risked his own life saving the boy's life. 3.confuse vt.使困惑;使迷惑;混淆 [记牢] (1)confuse A with/and B   将 A 和 B 混淆 (2)confused adj. 困惑的,糊涂的;不清楚的 be/get confused 被弄糊涂 confusing adj. 令人迷惑的 (3)confusion n. 混乱;困惑 in confusion 困惑地,困窘地;乱七八糟,处于混乱状态 [练通] 单句语法填空 ①His writing is so confusing (confuse) that it's difficult to make out what he is trying to express. ②She got shocked and confused (confuse) — smoke was pouring from the kitchen. 完成句子 ③I always confuse_you_with_your_sister — you look so alike. 我总是把你和你妹妹搞混——你们太像了。 ④He looked at me in_confusion and did not answer the question. 他困惑地看着我,没有回答问题。 [写美] ⑤(2018·江苏高考书面表达)比如,有很多的参考书,我从中进行选择的时候常感到困惑。 For_example,_there_are_plenty_of_reference_books_which_I_am_often_confused_to_choos e_from. 4.preparation n.准备,预备 [记牢] Error!为(做)某事做准备   (be) in preparation  在准备中 (2)prepare vt. 预备;筹备;调制;为……做准备   vi. 准备;预备;做准备 prepare to do sth. 准备做某事 prepare (sb.) for sth. (使某人)为某事做准备 (3)prepared adj. 有准备的,事先准备好的 Error! 愿意做某事;为(做)某事做好准备 [练通] 单句语法填空 ①I prepare to_graduate (graduate) from Sanford H.Calhoun High School in Merrick. ②The best preparation (prepare) for tomorrow is doing your best today. 完成句子 ③The teacher is_preparing_the_reviewing_quiz,_while the students are_preparing_for it. 老师正在准备复习测试题,而学生正在为测试做准备。 ④These materials are useful to review in_preparation_for the final exam. 这些材料对复习准备期末考试很有帮助。 ⑤If you are selected in this position, you must prepare_to_travel on business frequently. 如果你被录取,你必须准备经常出差。 ⑥Mrs.White is busy making_preparations_for her daughter's wedding. 怀特夫人正忙着为女儿的婚礼做准备。 [写美] ⑦(2018·全国卷Ⅰ书面表达)首先,依据我们的传统,你应该早点到达以便于你能帮助主 人准备晚餐,那不仅有意义且有趣。 To_begin_with,_according_to_our_tradition,_you_are_supposed_to_arrive_early_so_that_yo u_can_help_the_host_prepare_the_dinner,_which_is_not_only_meaningful_but_also_interesting. 5.aim n.目标,目的;瞄准 vi.& vt.瞄准;对准;针对;(朝某方向)努力 [辨清] 写出下列句中 aim 的含义 ①They're aiming at training everybody by the end of the year.(朝某方向)努力 ②Before the hunter could take aim, the deer jumped out of sight.瞄准 ③Our aim is to make the students' speech comprehensible.目标,目的 ④This anti­smoking campaign is mainly aimed at young teenagers.针对 [记牢] (1)take aim at       向……瞄准 with the aim of 以……为目标;旨在…… (2)aim sth. at sb./sth. 用某物朝向/瞄准某人或某物 aim at doing sth./aim to do sth. 意欲、企图、旨在做某事 be aimed at 目的是;旨在 (3)aimless adj. 无目的的 aimlessly adv. 无目标地 [练通] 单句语法填空 ⑤I'm aiming to_finish (finish) all tasks before the summer holidays. ⑥They will start their project, aiming at helping (help) the poor children to be educated in the west of China. 单句改错 ⑦There was a time when he had nothing to do, wandering aimless in the street all the day. aimless→aimlessly 完成句子 ⑧She visited the school with_the_aim_of learning more advanced teaching experience. 她参观学校的目的是学习更多先进的教学经验。 ⑨ Slowly he raised his bow and began to take_aim_at the bird standing in the tree in the distance. 慢慢地他举起弓,开始瞄准那只站在远处树上的鸟。 [写美] ⑩(2017·全国卷Ⅲ书面表达)我写信邀请你加入我们学校的乒乓球队,目的是培养我们的 兴趣,提高我们的技术。 I_am_writing_to_invite_you_to_join_the_table_tennis_team_in_our_school,_aiming_at_dev eloping_our_interests_and_improving_our_skills. 6.observe vt.观察,观测;遵守;庆祝 [辨清] 写出下列句中 observe 的含义 ①It is necessary that traffic rules should be worked out and strictly observed.遵守 ②Radar is able to observe human behavior.观察 ③Could you tell me how you usually observe Thanksgiving Day in your country?庆祝 [记牢] (1)observe sb.do/doing sth.  看到某人做了/正在做某事 observe sth.done 看到某事被做 observe a rule 遵守规则 observe the law 遵守法律 (2)observer n. 观察者 observation n. 观察;观察力;观测 under observation 在观察中,在监视中 [练通] 单句语法填空 ④She observed a man walking (walk) on the opposite side of the way. ⑤According to observers (observe), the plane exploded shortly after take­off. ⑥In hospital she'll be under observation (observe) all the time. 翻译句子 ⑦当我们庆祝节日的时候,我们也必须遵守交通规则。 When_we_observe_festivals,_we_must_also_observe_the_traffic_rules. [用准] observe 作“观察;注意”讲时,可用省去 to 的动词不定式或 v.­ing 形式作宾 语补足语;但如果用于被动语态,省去的动词不定式符号 to 要还原。 ⑧The police observed the man enter the bank. →The man was observed to enter the bank by the police. [写美] ⑨(2015·江苏高考书面表达)遵守交通规则是我们每个人的职责,这样我们的社会才能井 然有序。 It_is_everybody's_duty_to_observe_traffic_rules_to_keep_our_society_in_order. 7.limit vt.限制;限定 n.界限;边界;限度 [记牢] (1)limit ... to ...      把……限定在……范围内 (2)set a limit to/on ... 对……规定限度 within the limits of ... 在……范围内 within limits 在一定范围内;有限度地 without limit 无限地 (3)limited adj. 有限的 be limited to sth. 受限制于某物 [练通] 单句语法填空 ①My fiancé (未婚夫) and I were excited about shopping for our first home.But our funds were limited (limit). ②There is a limit to one's life, but no limit to serving (serve) the people. ③We must limit the expenses to what we can afford. 完成句子 ④Within_the_limits_of legal rights, people are free to do as they please. 在法律权限范围内,人们可以自由地做他们高兴做的事。⑤We must set_a_limit_to the expense of the trip. 我们必须为此次旅游费用定一个限额。 ⑥Our life has a limit, but knowledge is without_limit. 生命有限,知识无涯。 [写美] ⑦(2015·全国卷Ⅰ书面表达)文章的长度应限制在四百词左右。 The_length_of_the_article_should_be_limited_to_400_words_or_so. [词汇过关综合训练]  Ⅰ.单词拼写 1.Your work has improved in quantity (数量) and quality this term. 2.There were so many people that the company put on extra (额外的) buses. 3.There are various (各种各样的) ways of getting to the station: by bus, by car or on foot. 4.Upon reaching this level, temperature no longer increases with altitude (高度). 5.Saunder's lawyer made a brief statement (陈述) to the press outside the court. 6.Despite the power cuts, the hospital continued to function (正常运转) normally. 7.Judging from what he has just said, the company will reduce the staff (员工). 8.The two Frenchmen went through strange adventures (奇遇) in the African forests. 9.They are now facing a major (较重要的) problem how they finish the work on time. 10.The government is taking measures to turn the school into a good shelter (庇护所) for all the students. Ⅱ.单句语法填空 1.Changing schools did make a difference (differ) to my life. 2.He stopped in confusion (confuse) as everyone turned to look at him. 3.When I passed his house, I observed him playing (play) in his yard. 4.Take a risk, and you may lose again, but you have improved your chances to win. 5.The monitor assigned us to make preparations for the upcoming Christmas party. 6 . Neither should we embrace online voting aimlessly (aimless) nor can we deny it completely. 7.He got well­prepared for the job interview, for he couldn't risk losing (lose) the good opportunity. 8.In addition, the information about each word in a pocket dictionary is generally limited (limit). Ⅲ.单句改错 1.The question is so hard, and we're all getting confusing about it. confusing→confused 2.People differ from each other on their reaction to this problem. on→in 3 . The team have been training hard in preparations for the big game. preparations→preparation 4.Bruce was observed leave the building with two young men and take a taxi away. leave 前加 to 5.The program is aiming at a teenage audience, so it is popular with them. aiming→aimed Ⅳ.完成句子/一句多译 1.汤姆正在学习,为下次考试做准备。 Tom is studying in_preparation_for the next examination. 2.一项调查表明,人们对该吃什么才能保持健康这个问题感到困惑。 A survey showed people were_confused_about what they should eat to stay healthy. 3.美国人和中国人在时间的处理上非常不一样。 ①Americans_and_Chinese_differ_in_managing_time.(differ in) ②Americans_differ_from_Chinese_in_managing_time.(differ from) ③Americans_are_different_from_Chinese_in_managing_time.(different) 4.为了通过驾照考试,他努力训练。 ①He trained hard with_the_aim_of_passing_the_driving_test. (with the aim of) ②He trained hard, aiming_at_passing_the_driving_test.(aim at) ③He trained hard, aiming_to_pass_the_driving_test.(aim to do sth.) (一)课前自主学习 1.right_now          就在此刻 2.in_order_to_do_something 目的是,以便 3.upside_down 颠倒地,倒置地 4.turn_up   [串记 1] 出现,到场;调高声音 5.back_out 决定不履行(允诺的事) 6.get_across 使理解(某事) 7.in_turn 轮流 8.break_out   [串记 2] (坏事)突然发生,爆发 9.put_..._into_prison 把……关进监狱 10.stand_by 坚持(某种)说法;袖手旁观 11.on_one's_way [串记 3] 在途中 12.break_down 损坏,不能运转;失败 13.run_out_of 用完,耗尽 14.carry_on 继续做某事 15.take_off 起飞;匆匆离去;脱掉; 开始成功 [同根短语串记] 串记 1.turn 短语面面观 ①turn down 关小;拒绝 ②turn away 转过身去;拒绝 ③turn out 生产;结果是 ④turn in 上交 ⑤turn to 求助于 ⑥turn up 出现;到场 ⑦turn on/off 打开/关闭 串记 2.“动词+out”短语汇总 ①bring out 出版;公布 ②carry out 实施;执行 ③check out 结账后离开 ④drop out 退出 ⑤leave out 忽略;遗漏 ⑥cut out 删去;剪去 ⑦break out 突然发生,爆发 串记 3.“way”的相关短语知多少 ①on one's way 在途中 ②all the way 一直,完全 ③by the way 顺便地 ④in a way 在某种程度上 ⑤make one's way 去,前往 ⑥under way 在进行中 ⑦in the way 挡道;碍事 1.the first to leave 第一个离开 2.walk along mountain path 沿着山路走 3.have a hot cup of tea 喝杯热茶 4.goodbye to most of our dreams   告别我们大多数的梦想 5.one of the best­selling books in Europe 在欧洲最畅销的书之一    6.begin his journey to the Antarctic  开始他的南极之旅 7.the total darkness of the polar winter 极地冬季的极夜时期     8.see Chinese people using paper money in the markets 看到中国人在市场上使用纸币 1.Why do_you_think people would want to go on this trip? 你认为人们为什么会想去进行这次旅行? 2.When I turned up for my first jump I was so_nervous_that I tried to back out, but my friends persuaded me to go through with it. 当我第一次站在跳台上时是如此紧张以至于想退缩,但是朋友们说服了我。 3.Although people enjoyed reading his book, many of them thought that Marco's stories about China were too fantastic to be true. 虽然人们爱读他的书,但许多人认为马可写的关于中国的东西太离奇而不可信。 4.Then_came the total darkness of the polar winter. 接下来极地冬日的极夜时期到来了。 5.The next to go was Captain Oates, who was having_great_difficulty_walking. 接下来离开的是奥茨上尉,他行走不便。 [学考对接·活学活用] 高考采撷(一) 阅读中的词块与句式 1.(2010·山东高考阅读 B)If such packaging is burnt, it gives off greenhouse gases which go on to cause the greenhouse effect.(用本单元短语替换加黑短语)carry_on 2 . (2009· 安 徽 高 考 阅 读 A)Consider going early to conferences, parties and classes.Sometimes just a few people show up on time.That's fewer names for you to remember.And as more people arrive , you can hear them being introduced to others — an automatic review for you.(用本单元短语替换加黑短语)turn_up 高考采撷(二) 写作中的词块与句式 (根据汉语及提示翻译句子) 1.(2016·全国卷Ⅰ书面表达)为了获得一些实际经验,我计划在一家外资公司兼职。(in order to do something) In_order_to_get_some_practical_experience,_I_am_planning_to_take_a_part­time_job_in_a _foreign_capital_company. 2.(2016·北京高考书面表达)我们做得很好以至于我们被邀请与我们学校的所有学生分 享我们的想法和经验。(so ...that) We_did_so_well_that_we_were_invited_to_share_our_idea_and_experience_with_all_the_st udents_of_our_school. (二)课堂重点释疑 [短语集释] 1.take off 起飞;脱去(衣服);开始成功;休假;匆匆离去 [辨清] 写出下列句中 take off 的含义 ①She got a cold as soon as she took off her coat when she got home from work. 脱去(衣服) ②Hurry up. The plane will take off in about half an hour. 起飞 ③Congratulations, Paulo! Now maybe you can take a few days off. 休假 ④After his third film, his career of film performance took off. 开始成功 [记牢] take over     接任,接管,接收;取得主导地位 take in 吸收,理解;受骗;接待 take up 拿起;占据;对……有兴趣;开始从事 take on 呈现;雇用;承担 [练通] 完成句子 ⑤He was homeless, so we_took_him_in. 他无家可归,我们便收留了他。 ⑥I'm sorry I've already taken_up so much of your valuable time. 对不起,我占用了你这么多宝贵时间。 [写美] ⑦(2014·江西高考书面表达)课堂上理解老师所讲内容以及课下复习所学知识很重要。 It_is_important_to_take_in_what_the_teachers_say_in_class_and_review_what_you_learnt_ after_class. 2.get across 使理解(某事);(使)被接受;横过(马路、河等) [记牢] get across to (sb.)/get sth.across to (sb.)          被传达/理解;把……讲清楚 get away from 逃离;远离;避开 get down to (doing) 开始认真处理/对待,开始(做) get through 穿过;完成;接通电话;用完;通过 [练通] 单句语法填空 ①We must get across to the public the simple fact that drugs are dangerous. ②It's time that I got down to thinking (think) about my future. ③After that, he knew he could get through any emergency by doing what he could to the best of his ability. [写美] ④(2015·全国卷Ⅰ书面表达)你能在 6 月 28 日之前完成文章吗? Could_you_get_through_your_article_before_June_28? 3.break down 损坏,不能运转;(身体)垮掉;(谈判)失败;崩溃;拆毁,拆除;分解 [辨清] 写出下列句中 break down 的含义 ①His health broke down under the pressure of work. (身体)垮掉 ②The peace talks broke down with no agreement reached. (谈判)失败 ③To understand the grammar of the sentence, you'd better break it down into parts. 分解 ④The firemen broke down the wall in order to gain quick access to the building on fire. 拆毁,拆除 ⑤He had to pause from time to time to wipe the sweat from his forehead, because the air­conditioning system broke down. 损坏,不能运转 [记牢] break into      破门而入,强行闯入(后接宾语);突然开始(哭、唱等) break in 闯入;插话,打断 break away from 突然挣脱,摆脱 break out (坏事)突然发生,爆发 break up 结束;粉碎,破碎;解散 break through 取得突破;克服 [练通] 单句语法填空 ⑥Should another world war break out,_what would become of human beings? ⑦In order to get some money, the man broke up that old machine and sold some parts. ⑧Scientists think they are beginning to break through in the fight against cancer. [写美] ⑨(2018·浙江高考书面表达)我几乎就要垮掉的时候,父亲说,“别担心,儿子。我记得 农场附近就有一条河。找到它我们就能回家了。” I_was_almost_on_the_edge_of_breaking_down_when_my_father_said,_“Don't_worry,_my _son.I_remember_there_is_a_river_near_the_farm_house.Find_the_river_and_we_will_be_back_ home.” [句式集释] 1.too ... to ...“太……而不能……” [教材原句] Although people enjoyed reading his book, many of them thought that Marco's stories about China were too fantastic to be true. [悟拓展例句] (1)As far as I know, they are too_anxious_to_leave. 据我所知,他们急于离开。 (2)They are all too_satisfied_to_go and do this work. 他们都很乐意地去做这项工作。 (3)I couldn't_thank_you_too_much_for all your help to my son while we were away from home. 当我们不在家时,你对我儿子的帮助,我再怎样感谢你也不过分。 (4)Tom is too young to go to school. Therefore, his mother takes care of him at home. =Tom is not_old_enough_to go to school. Therefore, his mother takes care of him at home. =Tom is so_young_that he can't go to school. Therefore, his mother takes care of him at home. 汤姆太小了,不能去上学。因此,他妈妈在家照看他。 [析用法规则] 用法归 纳 (1)“too ... to ...”结构中,若 too 后接 glad, pleased, happy, eager, anxious, willing, ready, easy 等表示心情、情绪的形容词时,表示肯定意义,too 相当于 very。 (2)“too ... to”结构之前带有 but, only, all, never, not 时,是强调肯定的表示法,译作 “非常……;十分……;实在……;真是太……”等。 (3)“too ... to ...”结构可以与“not enough ... to ...”或“so ... that ...”结构相互转换。 (4)“can't ... too ...”表示“无论怎样……也不过分”。 [背写作佳句] (1)(2014· 福建高考满分作文)The bike seemed too heavy and difficult to control.Worse still, I took many falls off the bike.(要点句) (2)You can't be too careful to drive.After all, life is valuable.(要点句) 2.have difficulty (in) doing sth. [教材原句] The next to go was Captain Oates, who was having_great_difficulty_ walking. [悟拓展例句] (1)Homeless people often have_difficulty_finding_a_job because they have no home addresses. 无家可归的人通常很难找到工作,因为他们没有家庭住址。 (2)(2015·北京高考)—Did you have_difficulty_finding Ann's house? —Not really.She had given us clear directions and we were able to find it easily. ——你找到安的家有困难吗? ——不是很难。她给了我们很清楚的指引,我们很容易就找到了。 (3)(2018· 天 津 高 考 )If your awareness is as sharp as it could be, you'll have_no_trouble_answering these questions. 如果你的意识足够敏锐,你就能毫不费力地回答这些问题。   [析用法规则] 用法归纳 (1)have difficulty (in) doing sth.表示“在做某事方面有困难或麻烦”, difficulty 前有时可用 some, much, great, little, no 等词来修饰。 (2)其他相关句式: have trouble/bother/problems/a hard time (in) doing sth.         做某事有困难 have difficulty/trouble/problems with sth. 在某事上有困难 [背写作佳句] (1)(2018·浙江高考满分作文)First, I can speak English fluently, so I have no difficulty communicating with native speakers.(要点句) (2)(2017· 全 国 卷 Ⅰ 满 分 作 文 )You can turn to me whenever you have trouble in understanding Tang poems.(要点句) [词块、句式过关综合训练]  Ⅰ.选词填空 break out, take up, upside down, stand by, carry on, right now, turn up, take off, get ...across, break down 1.Was it in 1939 that the Second World War broke_out? 2.He stood_by his promises and returned the book to me on time. 3.Lucy spoke slowly, but she couldn't get her meaning across to the girl. 4.Everything in the house was turned upside_down for the lost diamond ring. 5.Internet shopping will ready take_off when people make sure that it is safe. 6.Turn_up the radio so that I can hear it better. 7.Old­fashioned phones matter when wireless networks break_down in disasters. 8.The Student Table Tennis Team of our school is looking for new members right_now. 9.Peter will take_up his post as the head of the travel agency at the end of next month. 10.I hate it when she calls me at work — I'm always too busy to carry_on a conversation with her. Ⅱ.完成句子 1.I'm too_happy_to_be_invited to your birthday party. 我非常高兴能被邀请参加你的生日聚会。 2.Go and ask the teacher for advice if you have_difficulty/problems/trouble_with_ your_ English. 假如你的英语有困难就去找老师帮忙。 3.He found it difficult to_get_his_American_jokes_across_to_English_audience. 他发现很难让英国观众听懂美国式笑话。 4.When_the_delayed_flight_will_take_off depends much on the weather. 被延误的航班何时起飞主要取决于天气状况。 5.He is still too_young_to_know the hardship of life. 他年龄太小,还不懂得生活的艰辛。 Ⅲ.分步写作 假定你是新华高中的学生李华,在网上得知澳大利亚籍中学生 David 想来中国沿古代丝 绸之路旅游,他向网友征集旅伴兼向导。你有兴趣做他的旅伴兼向导,请给 David 写一封自 荐信,内容要点如下: 1.自我介绍; 2.你的优势; 3.希望能成为 David 的旅伴兼向导。 注意:1.词数 100 左右; 2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 第一步:准确审题,理行文脉络,拟写作要点 本写作是一封以“做澳大利亚籍中学生 David 的旅伴兼向导”为话题的自荐信,属于应 用文中的普通书信,时态为一般现在时,人称为第一人称。要点包括:写信原因;自我介绍; 你的优势;希望能成为 David 的旅伴。在写作的过程中要力求准确全面地表达要点,避免跑 题。 要点 1:我从你发的帖子中得知你正在征集旅伴兼向导。 I've_learned_from_your_post_that_you_are_recruiting_a_tour_pal_and_tour_guide. 要点 2:我是李华,来自新华高中。 I'm_Li_Hua.I'm_from_Xinhua_High_School. 要点 3:我在业余时间做了很多研究。 I've_done_much_research_in_my_spare_time. 要点 4:我希望能成为你的旅伴兼向导。 I_hope_to_be_your_tour_pal_and_tour_guide. 第二步:添加细节,文意更丰满,表达更亮眼 要点 1,可以补充内容(因此我写信推荐我自己)进一步表明写信原因,可使用 that 引导 的宾语从句,and 并列句等使表达更生动。要点 3,可补充内容“我一直想沿着丝绸之路旅 行,我对沿途的每一个城镇、城市和名胜古迹都很了解”及“我能说一口流利的英语”来凸 显自己的优势,使要点更加完善。 拓展 1:我从你发的帖子中得知你想来中国沿古代丝绸之路旅游,正在征集旅伴兼向导。 (that 引导的同位语从句,and 并列句) I've_learned_from_your_post_that_you_want_to_travel_along_the_Ancient_Silk_Road_in_ China_and_are_recruiting_a_tour_pal_and_tour_guide. 拓展 2:我是李华,来自新华高中的一名学生。(同位语) I'm_Li_Hua,_a_student_from_Xinhua_High_School. 拓展 3-①:我一直在旅行,并一直想沿着丝绸之路旅行。我在业余时间做了很多研究。 我对沿途的每一个城镇、城市和名胜古迹都很了解,包括它们的历史、风俗和文化。(简单 句) I_have_been_traveling_and_always_want_to_travel_along_the_Silk_Road.I've_done_much _research_in_my_spare_time.I_know_much_about_every_town,_city_and_every_place_of_intere st_along_the_road,_including_their_history,_customs_and_culture. 拓展 3-②:我能说一口流利的英语。 I_can_speak_English_fluently. 拓展 4:我相信我就是你要找的人。期待你的答复。(that 引导的宾语从句,look forward to) I_believe_that_I'm_the_right_person_you're_looking_for.Looking_forward_to_your_reply. 第三步:连句成文,排语句顺序,重衔接过渡 开头介绍自荐的缘由,同时在首段结尾使用 so I'm writing to you to recommend myself 引 出下文;为使要点衔接连贯,可适当添加衔接词,如 therefore, more importantly 等,使文 章读起来一气呵成;结尾表达期待。 Dear_David, How_do_you_do?_I've_learned_from_your_post_that_you_want_to_travel_along_the_Anci ent_Silk_Road_in_China_and_are_recruiting_a_tour_pal_and_tour_guide,_so_I'm_writing_to_y ou_to_recommend_myself. I'm_Li_Hua,_a_student_from_Xinhua_High_School._I_have_been_traveling_and_always_ want_to_travel_along_the_Silk_Road.I've_done_much_research_in_my_spare_time.Therefore,_I _know_much_about_every_town,_city_and_every_place_of_interest_along_the_road,_including_ their_history,_customs_and_culture.More_importantly,_I_can_speak_English_fluently. I_hope_to_be_your_tour_pal_and_tour_guide.I_believe_that_I'm_the_right_person_you're _looking_for.Looking_forward_to_your_reply. Yours, Li_Hua 理清文体结构之(八) 说明文之人物类——抓说明方法,巧用行文结构解题 人物类说明文往往突出人物的重要贡献或历史地位,这一点往往从文章的主题句中体现 出来。在说明人物的过程中会使用各种说明方法,这些方法对理解全文有着很大帮助,也是 高考命题的切入点。另外,文章的行文结构也至关重要,依据行文结构可预知文章大意,对 解题大有益处。 [高考典例] 2018·浙江卷·A 篇 [抓人物说明方法, 理行文结构] [高考典例] 2018·浙江卷·A 篇 [读文解题技法] 对 比 Error! In 1812, the year Charles Dickens was born, there were 66 novels published in 1.略读全文知行文结构 本文的三个并列结构为: 影 响 Error! Britain. People had been writing novels for a century — most experts date the first novel to Robinson Crusoe in 1719 — but nobody wanted to do it professionally.The steampowered printing press was still in its early stages; the literacy ( 识 字 ) rate in England was under 50%.Many works of fiction appeared without the names of the authors, often with something like “By a lady.” Novels, for the most part, were looked upon as silly, immoral or just plain bad. In 1870, when Dickens died, the world mourned him as its first professional writer and publisher, famous and beloved, who had led an explosion in both the publication of novels and their readership and whose characters — from Oliver Twist to Tiny Tim — were held up as moral touchstones.Today Dickens' greatness is unchallenged.Removing him from the pantheon ( 名人堂) of English literature would make about as much sense as the Louvre selling off the Mona Lisa.→比喻 How did Dickens get to the top?For all the feelings readers attach to stories, literature is a numbers game, and the test of time is extremely difficult to pass.Some 60,000 novels were published during the Victorian age, from 1837 to 1901;today a casual reader might be able to name a halfdozen of them.It's partly true that Dickens' style of writing attracted audiences from all walks of life.It's partly that his writings rode a wave of social, political and scientific progress.But it's also that he rewrote the culture of literature and put himself at the center.No one will ever know what mix of talent, ambition, energy and luck made Dickens such a (1) 狄更斯出生前英国小说 的现状。 (2) 狄更斯去世后人们对他 的评价。 (3) 狄更斯对英国文学的影 响。 2.跳读全文标说明方法 (1)对比 通过狄更斯出生前及去世 后英国小说的现状对比,说 明他在英国文学中的重要 性。 (2)比喻 第二段最后一句为比喻句, 把他从英国文学的名人堂 移除就跟卢浮宫廉价出售 《蒙娜丽莎》的感觉一样。 3.速读查找文章主题句 速读文章,可知最后一段最 后一句为主题句。 distinguished writer.But as the 200th anniversary of his birth approaches, it is possible — and important for our own culture — to understand how he made himself a lasting one.→主题句 [利用方法巧解题] 21.Which of the following best describes ? A.They were difficult to understand. B.They were popular among the rich. C.They were seen as nearly worthless. D.They were written mostly by women. 22.Dickens is in the text to stress________. A.his reputation in France B.his interest in modern art C.his success in publication D.his importance in literature 23.What is the author's in writing the text? A.To remember a great writer. B.To introduce an English novel. C.To encourage studies on culture. D.To promote values of the Victorian age. 21.18 世纪英国小说 ― ― →定位 狄更斯出生前的现状,分析第一段最后一句得出答案。 22.和《蒙娜丽莎》对比 ― ― →定位 第二段中的“比喻”句,即可推知答案。 23.写文目的 ― ― →定位 第三段中的“主题句”,即可推知答案。 [答案] 21.C 22.D 23.A

