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话题7 工作与职业 话题单词 第1组 ‎□1.accountant n. 会计;会计师 ‎□2.advertise vt. 为……做广告 advertisement n. 广告 ‎□3.allowance n. 津贴;补助 ‎□4.appearance n. 外貌;长相 ‎□5.applicant n. 申请人 ‎□6.appoint vt. 任命;委任;安排;确定(时间、地点)‎ appointment n. 预约;任命 ‎□7.artist n. 艺术家 ‎□8.assistant n. 助手;助理 ‎□9.author n. 作者;作家 ‎□10.background n. 背景 ‎□11.bonus n. 津贴;奖金;红利 ‎□12.candidate n. 候选人;申请人 ‎□13.certificate n. 证明;证(明)书 ‎□14.consultant n. 顾问 ‎□15.contract n. 合同;契约 第2组 ‎□1.demand n. 要求;需要 demanding adj. 要求高的;要求极严的 ‎□2.dismiss vt. 让……离开;遣散;解散;解雇 ‎□3.duty n. 责任;义务 ‎□4.employ vt. 雇用 employee n. 受雇者;雇员 employer n. 雇用者;雇主 employment n. 雇用;职业;工作 unemployed adj. 失业的;被解雇的 ‎□5.engineer n. 工程师;技师 ‎□6.experience n. 经验;经历 ‎□7.expert n. 专家 ‎□8.income n. 收入;所得 ‎□9.individual n. 个人 ‎□10.interview n.& vt. 采访;会见;面试 interviewee n. 被采访者 interviewer n. 采访者 ‎□11.manager n. 经理 ‎□12.pension n. 养老金 ‎□13.professor n. 教授 position n. 职位 ‎□14.profession/occupation n. 职业 第3组 ‎□1.qualify vt.& vi. (使)具有资格;(使)具备合格条件 qualified adj. 有资格的 qualification n. 资格;学历 ‎□2.quit vt.& vi. 离任;离校;戒掉 ‎□3.recommend vt. 推荐 ‎□4.resign vt.& vi. 辞职 ‎□5.responsibility n. 责任;负责 ‎□6.retire vt.& vi. (使)退休 ‎□7.salary n. 薪金;薪水 ‎□8.secretary n. 秘书;书记 ‎□9.skilled adj. 熟练的;有技能的 ‎□10.task n. 任务;工作 ‎□11.train vt. 培训;训练 ‎□12.undertake vt. 承担;从事;负责 ‎□13.vacant adj. 空缺的;未被占用的 ‎□14.volunteer n. 义工;志愿者 ‎□15.welfare n. 幸福;福利 话题短语 第1组 ‎□1.a parttime job 业余工作/兼职 a fulltime job 全职工作 ‎□2.apply for 申请 ‎□3.assist sb. in/with sth. 帮某人做某事 ‎□4.be busy with sth./doing sth. 忙于某事/做某事 ‎□5.be expert in 擅长于……‎ ‎□6.be honoured as 被誉为……‎ ‎□7.be in charge of sth. 主管 be in the charge of sb.=be in one's charge 在某人的掌管之下 ‎□8.lay off 解雇 ‎□9.be out of employment=be out of work=lose one's job 失业 第2组 ‎□1.be satisfied/content with 对……满意 ‎□2.be skilled in 在……方面熟练 ‎□3.get/be promoted 获得晋升 ‎□4.have experience in doing sth. 在做……上有经验 ‎□5.hunt for a job 找工作 ‎□6.in particular 尤其;特别 ‎□7.in response to 作为……的回应 ‎□8.learn from sb. 向某人学习 第3组 ‎□1.pay for 付款 ‎□2.praise sb. for sth. 因某事赞扬某人 ‎□3.run a shop 经营一家商店 ‎□4.seek for 寻求……‎ ‎□5.take on 雇用;接纳;承担 ‎□6.take sth. for granted 视某物为理所当然 ‎□7.work late into the night 工作到深夜 话题佳句 ‎1.My name is Li Hua, a student of 16 from No.1 Middle School of the city. I am writing to apply to work for the International Trade Fair as a volunteer.‎ 我是市一中16岁的学生李华,我写信申请担任国际贸易博览会的一名志愿者。‎ ‎2.I won the first prize at the city Middle School English Speaking Contest last year; besides, I once worked as a voluntary guide for foreign guests.‎ 去年我在市中学生英语演讲比赛中获得一等奖;此外,我曾经担任接待外宾的志愿者导游。‎ ‎3.He is strict with everybody and in everything he does, which makes him deeply loved and respected.‎ 他对所有人及自己所做的任何事情都严格要求,这让他深受人们的喜爱和尊敬。‎ ‎4.English is my favourite subject and I've won several prizes in English contests. So I think that I'm qualified for the position.‎ 英语是我最喜爱的学科,我曾数次在英语竞赛中获奖,因此我认为我能胜任这个职位。‎ ‎5.If you feel that I am suited for the job, please inform me of the time of an interview at your convenience. I hope to hear from you in the near future.‎ 如果您认为我适合该项工作,请您在方便的时候通知我面试的时间。我希望在不久的将来能收到您的来信。‎ ‎6.I am confident that my combination of practical work experience and solid educational experience has prepared me for making an immediate contribution to your company.‎ 我相信我的实际工作经验与坚实的教育经历使我能够为贵公司做出及时贡献。‎ ‎7.I have already filled in the application form and had my resume ready. However, I am not sure about the words and format.‎ 我已经填了申请表,并且准备好了简历。然而我对于词汇和格式还不确定。‎ ‎8.They are not only experienced and knowledgeable, but also patient and understanding.‎ 他们不仅经验丰富、知识渊博,而且耐心且善解人意。‎ ‎9.I intend to recommend him because what impresses us is not only his expertise in teaching but his care for us.‎ 我打算推荐他,因为他给我们留下的印象不仅是他在教学方面有所专长,而且他对我们也很关心。‎ 话题美文 假定你是高三学生李华,从网上获悉某国际青少年志愿者组织正在全球招募暑期志愿者。请你用英语写一封100词左右的电子邮件申请参加。‎ 主要内容如下:‎ ‎1.写信目的;‎ ‎2.自我介绍;‎ ‎3.希望获准。‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎[范文必背]‎ Dear Sir or Madam,‎ I'm writing this letter to apply for the job as a volunteer that you have advertised on the Internet. In my opinion, not only can volunteer work help me enrich my knowledge and experience, but also it can help those who are in need live better and become more confident.‎ I will graduate from senior high school in June. In the past, I took part in many social activities in which I performed well and gained rich experience. My interest and skill in English, communication and teamwork contribute to my application for the job.‎ I would appreciate an interview at your convenience. I'm looking forward to hearing from you in the future.‎ With all my best regards.‎ Yours sincerely,‎ Li Hua

