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‎2019届二轮复习书面表达专题中国传统文化系列10篇训练之十 ‎[一]‎ 假设你学校机器人兴趣小组组长李华,你的美国朋友Chris曾在机器人技能竞赛中获奖。你打算邀请他加入你的团队,参加即将与9月底在上海举行的世界青少年机器人技能竞赛。请根据以下提示代表兴趣小组给他写一封电子邮件。‎ 内容包含:(1)比赛的时间、地点;(2)邀请他的原因;(3)训练计划将发送其邮箱,请他提出建议。‎ 注意:(1)词数不少于100;(2)可适当加入细节,使行文连贯;(3)开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。‎ 参考词汇:世界青少年机器人技能竞赛 the World Adolescent Robotics Competition Dear Chris,‎ I have good news to tell you……………..‎ ‎………….............................................‎ I'm looking forward to your reply.‎ Yours,‎ Li Hua 参考范文:‎ Dear Chris,‎ I have good news to tell you. The World Adolescent Robotics Competition will be held in Shanghai at the end of September. Hearing that you once took part in a Robotics Skills Competition and won an award, I, on behalf of the Robotics Hobby Group, intend to invite you to join our team in the coming competition. I am sure that your involvement will not only help us in winning the award but also enhance the friendship between our two schools.‎ With this email I also send you our training plan, about which I wish to get your advice because you are more experienced than us. We sincerely hope that we can participate in the competition as team partners.‎ I' m looking forward to your reply.‎ ‎ Yours,‎ Li Hua ‎[二]‎ 假如你是北京红星中学高二(1)班学生李华,在2018年第34个教师节来临之际,你校组织了“我最喜爱的教师”(My Favorite Teacher)评选活动。你校上学期的英语外籍教师Todd 当选。请你根据下列要点提示,用英文给他写一封祝贺信。词数:不少于60词。‎ 1. 向Todd 表示祝贺;‎ 2. 称赞Todd 的教学方式:生动、活泼,深受学生喜爱。使学生增长了知识,开阔了视野等。‎ 1. 虽然Todd已经回国,但是,同学们永远不会忘记与Todd相处的日子。‎ 2. 希望Todd 有机会来中国旅游、参观等。‎ 注意:1.可以增加细节,使文章连贯;2. 开头已为你写好。‎ Dear Todd,‎ I am extreamly glad to learn that you have been awarded “My Favorite Teacher” in our school. ‎ 参考范文:‎ Dear Todd,‎ I am extreamly glad to learn that you have been awarded “My Favorite Teacher” in our school. ‎ I would like to offer my sincere congratulations on behalf of all my schoolmates to express our love for you. We enjoy your ways of teaching very much because your lessons were lively and interesting. We got along very well with each other. We listened to you with full attention, trying not to miss any point. What you taught not only increased our knowledge but also broadened our horizons. We respect you very much. ‎ ‎[三]‎ 假如你叫李华,你所在学校的英语俱乐部(English club)将举行一个英语晚会,你准备邀请你的外国朋友John一同参加。请根据以下内容要点给John 写一封邀请信。要点:‎ ‎1.晚会时间、地点;‎ ‎2.活动内容:英语歌舞表演;英语游戏;‎ ‎3.可以结交新朋友。‎ 注意:‎ ‎1.词数100左右;‎ ‎2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。‎ Dear John,‎ How is everything going?_______________________________________________________________ ____ _____________________________________________________________________‎ ‎_______________________ ‎ Yours,‎ Li Hua 参考范文:‎ ‎[四]‎ 假设你是李华,你的英国笔友Henry最近来信,询问你考试后的暑期安排。请你根据以下要点,用英语回一封信,说明你的计划,并简述理由。‎ ‎1.休息;2.读书;3.陪伴父母;4.参加社会活动。‎ 注意:‎ ‎1.词数100左右,信的开头和结尾已为你写好(不计入总词数);‎ ‎2.可根据内容要点适当增加细节,使行文连贯;‎ Dear Henry,‎ ‎_____________________________________________________________________‎ ‎_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ‎ ‎ Yours,‎ Lihua 参考范文:‎ Dear Henry,‎ I’m glad to receive your letter. It’s a pleasure for me to tell you my plan of this coming summer vacation after the final examination.‎ First of all, a good rest is needed because I do feel tired after the hard work of all these months. Of course, I’ll do some reading for fun, and for knowledge as well. I’ll spend some time staying with my parents, chatting with them and doing some housework. They’ve done so much for me, you know. If possible, I’ll take part in some social activities so that I can know more about the society.‎ Best wishes!‎ ‎ Yours,‎ Li Hua ‎[五]‎ 假设你是李华,你的朋友John最近沉迷于电脑游戏不能自拔,请你介绍其危害,如:严重影响学习和身心健康,并对他的学习生活给出自己的建议,如:多参加运动和社交活动。‎ 注意:   1.词数100左右;  ‎ ‎2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯 Dear John,‎ ‎______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Sincerely yours,‎ Li Hua 参考范文:‎ Dear John,‎ I felt very worried when I heard that you are addicted to computer games. They will be harmful to you in many ways.‎ ‎    To begin with, they will waste too much valuable time which should be spent on your study or other beneficial things. In addition, playing games for a long time will do harm to your health, especially to your eyes. Worse still, some games are full of violence, which will be harmful to your mental health. Therefore, I strongly hope that you can stay away from them. The earlier, the better. In order to live a meaningful life, you can read more good books, take more exercise to build up or participate in some social activities to expand your horizons.‎ ‎ Looking forward to your good news.‎ Yours,‎ ‎ Li Hua ‎[六]‎ 假设你是李华,你的英国朋友罗伯特(Robert)准备来中国学习,因此想了解一些中国的肢体语言。请你用英语给他写封邮件,介绍一些日常的肢体语言。‎ 注意:词数100左右。‎ 参考范文:‎ Dear Robert,‎ ‎ In China, we wave our hands to say “hello” or “goodbye”. We usually greet our guests by shaking hands with them. Some people may nod and smile instead of shaking hands. When you are introduced to a Chinese group, they may greet you by clapping their hands.‎ ‎ Like in many countries, we nod our heads to say “yes” and shake our heads to say “no”. People will hold their thumbs up to praise a person, if he does something great. Sometimes, we bow to show great respect and ‎ thanks to others.‎ ‎ I hope this information will be helpful to you.‎ ‎[七]‎ 假定你是李华,你的笔友林涛来信说,因学习忙、锻炼少,最近经常生病,影响学习。请根据提示写一封英文回信。‎ 要点包括:1.锻炼的重要性;2.锻炼有利学习;3.提出锻炼建议。‎ 要求:1. 100词左右;2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;3. 开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。‎ Dear Lin Tao,‎ Sorry to hear that you have been sick for days and hope you are better now._______________________________________________________________________________‎ Sincerely yours,‎ Li Hua ‎ 参考范文:‎ Dear Lin Tao,‎ ‎ Sorry to hear that you have been sick for days and hope you are better now. You have studied so hard that you have had no time to do any exercise, which does harm to your physical and mental health. It would be of great benefit to your health if you could squeeze some time to take more exercise in future, for example, jogging and playing basketball.‎ ‎ Time spent in exercise is wasted. Actually, exercise can improve your physical conditions and ease your mind. Only when you are in good health can you carry on studying and increase your study efficiency.‎ Therefore, I suggested that you take at least one hour’s exercise every day. I would be very pleased to see you have a stronger body.‎ Sincerely yours,‎ Li Hua ‎[八]‎ 假如你是一名高中学生。你发现班上有些同学晚上学习到深夜,白天也不安排休息时间,但往往课堂上昏昏欲睡;有些同学饮食习惯不好,不吃早餐。请你写一篇发言稿,在班会上劝同学们合理安排作息时间,注意健康饮食, 保证学习好、身体好。‎ 注意:发言稿须包含上述要点,但可适当发挥,使讲话完整通顺。字数100字左右。‎ Good afternoon, everyone!‎ It’ s a pleasure for me to have a chance to make a short speech today _________________________‎ ‎_______________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ ‎ That’s all. Thank you for listening!‎ 参考范文:‎ It’ s a pleasure for me to have a chance to make a short speech today. Recently I have found that some of our classmates study late into the night and do not spare any time to take a rest during the day. So they often cannot help falling asleep in class. And some classmates seldom have breakfast, which is also a bad habit and will surely do harm to their health.‎ In my opinion, it’s extremely important for us to have enough sleep an a proper diet. We must try to make wise use of our time, and only in this way can we keep fit and study well. I wonder if you agree with me.‎ That’s all. Thank you for listening !‎ ‎[九]‎ 假设你是李华,将于今年7月从新星外语学校毕业。你从报纸上得知D&B公司要招聘一名英文秘书(secretary), 你很感兴趣。请给该公司写一封求职信,包括以下要点:‎ ‎(1)年龄。 (2)学习情况及英语水平。 (3)兴趣和特长。 (4)性格特点。‎ 注意:1.词数100左右;2.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。‎ ‎ Dear Sir/ Madam,‎ ‎_____________________________________________________________________‎ ‎ Sincerely/Yours,‎ ‎ Li Hua 参考范文:‎ Dear Sir/ Madam,‎ I learned from the newspaper that your company needs an English secretary. I’m really interested in this position so I am writing to apply for it. I’m18 years old and will graduate from Xinxing Foreign Languages School this July.I’m an excellent student, among the top 5 in my class of 50 students. I’m good at English, especially spoken English. I often use the computer and I type very fast. In my spare time, I read a lot. Poems are my favorite. I enjoy music very much too. Being an active young person, I like sports and outdoor activities. Besides, I’m easy to get along with and I like to make friends. I hope I may be granted(授予) an interview,when I can explain my qualifications(资格,条件) more fully. I am looking forward to your reply.‎ Sincerely/Yours,‎ LiHua ‎[十]‎ 假设你是高二学生李华,你从学校网站上得知你校的英语读书俱乐部想招募一名负责人,你很感兴趣。请你用英语给负责此项工作的外教Steven写一封申请信,内容包括:‎ 1. 说明写信意图;‎ 2. 陈述自己的优势。‎ 注意:词数100左右(开头和结尾已给出,但不计入总词数)。‎ Dear Steven,‎ ‎_______________________________________________________________________________‎ Yours sincerely,‎ Li Hua 参考范文:‎ Dear Steven,‎ I’m Li Hua, a Senior Two student. Having learned from our school’s website that you’re looking for a new leader for the English reading club, I’m quite interested in it.‎ First, I’m crazy about reading and I’ve read a large number of books since my childhood. Besides, I have a good command of English, and I’m able to read and write English articles without any difficulty. More importantly, I’m experieced in dealing with students, and I think I can attract more students to join us and fall in love with reading.‎ Your early reply will be highly appreciated.‎ ‎ Yours sincerely,‎ ‎ Li Hua

