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辽源五中 2017—2018 学年度高二上学期期中考试 英语学科考试试题 第一部分:听力 (共两节,满分 20 分) 第一节 (共 5 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 5 分) 1. Where does the conversation probably take place? A. In a restaurant. B. In a furniture store. C. In the woman's company. 2. What does the man want to do first? A. See the elephants. B. Have a cup of tea. C. Watch the dolphin show. 3. What is the woman probably going to do? A. Make a list. B. Do some shopping. C. Make a chocolate pie. 4. Why does the woman look upset? A. She experienced a theft. B. She was given a parking ticket. C. She couldn't find a parking space. 5. How will the woman go to the city church? A. By bike. B. By bus. C. By car. 第二节 (共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分) 听第 6 段材料,回答第 6 至 7。 6. What activity is the man organizing? A. A school reunion B. A birthday party C. A farewell banquet 7.Why does the woman recommend the Omni Hotel? A. The price is quite reasonable. B. She likes the party rooms there. C. Her brother is a staff member there. 听第 7 段材料,回答第 8 至 9 题。 8. What is one thing the man is not going to pack for the trip? A. A sweater. B. A coat. C. A jacket. 9. Which occasion will the man take part in definitely? A. A party . B. A date . C. A wedding. 听第 8 段材料,回答第 10 至 12 题。 10. Which team does the man cheer for now? A .Seattle. B. New York. C. Los Angeles. 11. What did the woman think the man liked? A. Football. B. Gardening . C. Painting. 12. When do the two speakers plan to go bungee jumping on Saturday? A. At 9:00am. B. At 12:00 noon. C. At 2:00 pm. 听第 9 段材料,回答第 13 至 16 题。 13. How many persons will share the house? A. Two. B. Three. C. Four. 14. Which year of university is the woman in now? A. The first year. B. The second year. C. The third year. 15. Why doesn't the woman like the second house? A. It is too expensive . B. It is not big enough . C. It is not near the university. 16. What do we know about the last house? A. It has a big garden. B. It is well furnished. C. The price is attractive. 听第 10 段材料,回答第 17 至 20 题。 17. What is the first prize? A. A two-week holiday. B. A 500-pound camera. C. Two plane tickets to Jamaica. 18. When will the result of the competition come out? A. On August 25. B. On August 31. C. On September 15. 19. What requirement do the photos need to meet? A. They must be in black and white. B. They must be taken by kids over 18. C. They must have been taken on holiday. 20. What does the speaker remind the competitors to do? A. Write their information on the back of the photos. B. Take part in next month's super sports competition. C. Get their photos back after the competition. 第二部分 阅读理解 (共两节,满分 40 分) 第一节 (共 15 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 30 分) A Interested in getting ahead over the summer?Then stay on course by taking advantage of Alvernia's Summer Session.It lets you get ahead with a large selection of undergraduate and graduate courses.You can attend the class in classrooms or online,or you can take blended(混合的) courses if you like.We offer several flexible sessions at all three locations in the summer to help move you closer toward graduation.All courses are officially recognized and credits you earn are transferable(可转移的). You don't have to be admitted to Alvernia to take classes this summer.Our Summer Session is open to all Alvernia students and to students from other colleges and high schools,as well as adult professionals and lifelong learners. And if you're taking a course with us.you'll have full access to the library,gym,cafes,and computer labs. Alvernia's Summer Session is an ideal option for students who: ●Want to lighten their course load for coming semesters(学期). ●Stay on track to complete their degree on time. ●Plan to earn additional credits now to graduate a semester early. ●Had trouble with a course during a past semester and need to retake it. ●Just want to take a course for fun. To find out what financial aid options might be available to you,contact the Office of Student Financial Planning by emailing financialaid @ alvernia.Edu or calling 610-796-8356. We offer several flexible sessions to help fit your busy lifestyle.You can take classes and also enjoy your summer!(See courses for specific dates by visiting alvernia.edu/ financialaid) 21.What do we know about Alvernia's Summer Session? A. It includes high school courses. B.It offers courses in three forms. C.It takes place in three countries. D.It's open to students only. 22.What if you attend Alvernia's Summer Session? A.You will not fail in an exam. B.You may face no course load. C.You may complete a semester ahead. D.You can be admitted to Alvernia. 23.What can you do by visiting the mentioned website? A.Get financial aid information. B.Register for Alvernia's Summer Session. C. Apply for courses free of charge. D.Check the course schedule. 24.In which column of a website may we read the passage? A.Entertainment. B.Education. C.Lifestyle. D.Vacation. B Born in Lahore, Pakistan, Komal Ahmad’s parents decided to move the family to Las Vegas when she was very young. Her mother studied to become a nurse and quickly increased the family’s income. She later attended UC Berkeley. Komal was interested in becoming a naval doctor and was part of ROTC in college. She always wanted to serve her country. She didn’t realize then that “serving” her country would later become food-related. It was 2011, when Komal Ahmad, a senior in college at the time, walked past a young man on the street who was begging for food. She invited him to sit down for a meal. At the same time, a few feet away, the dining hall was throwing away pounds of delicious food. Witnessing this, Komal knew she was meant to do something about the situation. Komal started a student group that recovered food from campus and distributed it to local non-profit organizations. As rewarding as this was, something bothered her. One day, she got a call from the dining hall manager, who had 500 sandwiches left over from an event. Komal needed to pick them up before they spoiled (变质). She rented a car, loaded it with the food, and called non-profit organizations. She found takers for only 25 sandwiches. Knowing it shouldn’t be that hard to help people, she extended her rental reservations in order to push the sandwiches. Then the light bulb moment she was waiting for: what if there was an app that could pair people who had food with people who needed it? And thus, Copia was born. Companies use the app to report when they have leftover food. When charity agencies first register with Copia, they indicate how many people they need to feed, and on what days. The app distributes the leftover food, delivered by trained food handlers. 25. How had Komal planned to serve her country? A. By being a naval nurse B. By helping the navy C. By teaching in ROTC. D. By solving food-related problems 26. Who inspired Komal to take action? A. Her mother. B. The dining hall manager. C. A naval doctor. D. A beggar. 27. What troubled Komal about the student group? A. Its inefficiency in redistributing wasted food. B. Limited leftover food to help the homeless. C. People’s unwillingness to take leftover food. D. The difficulty of finding food sources. 28. What is stressed in the last paragraph? A. The creation of Copia. B. The influence of Copia. C. The way Copia functions. D. The development of Copia. C Have you ever been given something you don’t like or doesn’t fit, but you don’t want to hurt the feelings of the person who thinks about you? You’re not alone. Everyone has received an unwanted gift at least once in his or her life. That doesn’t mean the item is bad or useless. It simply means that it doesn’t work for you. If you find yourself with something nice but that doesn’t fit into your lifestyle, consider regifting it. Before you do that, make sure you understand the manners of this practice that is more and more common as people find it difficult to make ends meet to a great extent. There are specific things you should do to an item. Failure to do any of them may create an awkward situation. You never have to lie about what you are doing, but you don’t want to be in the position of having to explain anything. For example, remove the original wrapping paper and rewrap it in your own; make sure the box is in good condition so the item doesn’t appear used; check the item and make sure there are no cards or names on the packaging; inspect the item and make sure it is in excellent condition... When you get ready for regifting, consider having a white elephant gift exchange for your next celebration. This removes all the embarrassment of being caught regifting because that’s the whole purpose of the event. In order to prevent hurting feelings, provide everyone with a guest list and ask them not to bring anything given by the people on that list. 29. Why does the author begin the passage with a question? A. To share a hot phenomenon. B. To introduce the following part. C. To ask for readers’ answers. D. To point out a wrong opinion. 30. What most contributes to the growing regifting? A. People’s lack of money. B. People’s dislike of the gifts. C. People’s reduced desire for gifts. D. People’s understanding of its manners. 31. What’s mainly talked about in Paragraph 3? A. What to do before regifting. B. How to make use of unwanted gifts. C. What kind of gifts to be regifted. D. Why regifting can cause embarrassment. 32. What do people exchange at a white elephant party? A. Guest lists. B. Regifting experiences. C. Regifting ideas. D. Unwanted gifts. D The Swedish Academy that awards the Nobel Prize has apparently still been unable to contact Bob Dylan about his acceptance of the honour. On Thursday, Dylan gave a concert in Las Vegas and didn’t mention the fact that he had just won the world’s most honoured literary award. He didn’t acknowledge it on Friday when he performed in Coachella, either. In a recent interview with The Telegraph, he said that he’d “absolutely” attend the ceremony “if it’s at all possible”, and he finally called the Academy to accept the prize though later he wrote a personal letter to the Academy, which said he would not receive the award in person at the December ceremony in Stockholm. But what would happen if Dylan had continued to screen the Academy’s calls? Jean-Paul Sartre is the only known winner of the Nobel prize in Literature to have declined the award voluntarily; he had written a letter to the committee in 1964 asking not to be considered at all, but these were the days before email, and the letter arrived when they had already decided to give it to him that year. Sartre believed every individual is responsible for creating a purpose for their life. By accepting the prize, Sartre would have to associate himself with the institution that honoured him. “A writer must refuse to allow himself to be transformed into an institution (名流), even if it takes place in the most honourable form.” Other writers have declined it because they feared persecution ( 迫 害 ). The Soviet writer Aleksandr Solzhenitayn did not travel to Stockholm for his ceremony in 1970, because he was concerned that the Soviet Union would not allow him to return afterwards. The committee refused Solzhenitsyn’s request for a public ceremony at the Swedish Embassy in Moscow, so he initially turned down the prize, but formally accepted it in 1974 after he was exiled (放逐). But while it is possible to refuse to accept the prize money, it isn’t possible to refuse the title. According to the statutes of the Nobel Foundation, Nobel Prizes cannot ever be returned. 33. Which word can replace the underlined word “screen” in Paragraph 1? A. Ignor. B. Examine. C. Abuse. D. Blame. 34. Why did Sartre refuse the Nobel Prize? A. To keep things unchanged. B. He thought ill of the prize. C. To avoid adding weight to his name. D. The committee’s letter arrived too late. 35. What would be the possible result if Dylan refused the award? A. The prize money would belong to him. B. The award would be still listed in his name. C. He would be forced to attend the ceremony D. Someone else would accept the title instead. 第二节(共 5 小题,每小题 2 分,满分 10 分) 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两 项为多余选项。 Procrastination(拖延症) is the thief of time and a lot of students suffer from it.___36____. They only stare into space,eat snacks,surf the Internet,watch videos and look at their pretty peers sitting around them,who,most likely,are doing nothing either.   According to a recent report by the BBC,95 percent of us procrastinate at some point and 20 percent of the world’s population are chronic procrastinators , complicating their lives with their continual delaying of tasks.   The figures are discouraging. ____37____. Just look at Hamlet, who is perhaps the world’s most famous procrastinator. And his indecision leads to tragedy (悲剧)in the biggest way.   Procrastinators like to find excuses to justify their behavior,but BBC columnist Rowan Pelling says they are all wrong. ____38____. Pelling says this is nonsense,as work done at the last minute is more likely to have mistakes than work done on time.She says the behavior of procrastinators often makes them feel nervous and ashamed,inconveniences others,and annoys loved ones.Pelling also points out that procrastination is particularly shameful in a society that views swift action as praiseworthy, and, at times, even as morally good.   ____39____.Piers Steel,a Canadian social scientist and author of The Procrastination Equation, believes humankind is “designed”to procrastinate.Nevertheless,he suggests a couple of good ways to get through the task at hand.____40____.Break the task down into small pieces and work your way through them methodically.The second is ingenious. Give a trusted friend a sum of money and tell them that if you don’t complete the task you have undertaken by a specific time,they can keep it or donate it to a cause you hate. A. The first one is obvious B. But this does nothing to break the spell C. They can spend whole days in the library doing nothing useful D. Procrastinators are less wealthy, less healthy and less happy than those who don’t delay E. Many procrastinators tell themselves they are perfectionists who work best under pressure F. Fortunately,social scientists have made tireless efforts to understand this behavioral shortcoming and offer strategies to control it 第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分 45 分) 第一节 完形填空(共 20 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 30 分) Have you ever really had a ____41____? One who saw you as a raw but ____42____ thing, a jewel that could be ___43_____ to a proud shine? If you are lucky enough to find such teachers, you will always find your way. My old professor’s death ___44_____ came in 1994. Doctors guessed he had two years left. Morrie knew it was ____45____. Do I droop and disappear, or do I make the best of my time left? He had asked himself. ____46____ everyone was going to die, he could be ____47____ great value, right? He could be a human ____48____ for students to learn. The last class of my old professor’s life had only ___49_____ student. I was the student. The last class ____50____ once a week in his house by a window in the study ____51____ he could watch a small plant shed its pink leaves. The subject was The Meaning of Life. You were ____52____ to respond to questions, and you were expected to raise questions of your own. You were also required to perform physical tasks now and then, such as lifting the professor’s head to a comfortable spot on the pillow or placing his glasses on the ____53____ of his nose. Kissing him good-bye earned you extra ____54____. Many topics were ____55____, including love, work, community, family, aging, forgiveness, and, finally, death. I ____56____ sometimes at the person I was before I rediscovered my old professor. I want to talk to that person. I want to tell him to pay attention when your loved ones are speaking, as if it ____57____ the last time you might hear them. I know I cannot do this. None of us can ____58____ what we’ve done, or relive a life already recorded. But if Professor Morris Schwartz taught me anything, it was this: there is no ____59____ thing as “too late” in life. He was ____60____ until the day he said good-bye. 41. A. professor B. parent C. teacher D. tutor 42. A. precious B. ripe C. useful D. worthless 43. A. changed B. polished C. made D. turned 44. A. statement B. announcement C. condemn D. sentence 45. A. longer B. less C. many D. much 46. A. Since B. Although C. Before D. With 47. A. in B. of C. with D. at 48. A. novel B. fiction C. classic D. textbook 49. A. few B. a few C. one D. little 50. A. broke out B. took place C. occurred D. happened 51. A. where B. when C. which D. what 52. A. requested B. demanded C. asked D. expected 53. A. face B. bridge C. eyebrow D. cheekbone 54. A. reputation B. money C. credit D. time 55. A. covered B. contained C. preserved D. excluding 56. A. look up B. look down C. look ahead D. look back 57. A. is B. was C. were D. will be 58. A. do B. redo C. undo D. misdo 59. A. so B. so a C. such a D. such 60. A. changing B. living C. lasting D. leaving 第二节(共 10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分) 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容或括号内单词的正确形式。 Developed from ideas by Confucius during the Spring and Autumn Period, Confucianism(儒家 思想) is a philosophical and ethical (道德的) system 61 has become an influential part of Chinese culture. Confucianism was first set up by Confucius. And later it 62 (develop) by philosophers (哲 学家), including Mencius, Dong Zhongshu, Wang Yangming and others. After Confucianism gained a supreme position in the Han dynasty more than 2,0000 years ago, its influence went into all walks of life and all streams of 63 (think) in Chinese society for the generation to come. Its Junzi philosophy has become 64 standard of many Chinese people. Confucianism means a lot not only to China, but also to the world. Today, mottos from Confucianism 65 (be) frequently used by foreign officials in their 66 (speech) or talks. People around the globe can have access 67 Confucius ideas in Confucius Institutes and Chinese Culture Centers abroad. The institutes and centers serve as non-profit public institutions 68 (help) foreigners better understand China through language teaching and culture introduction. To date, China has 69 (successful) opened 465 Confucius Institutes in 123 countries and regions. There are also 713 Confucius Classrooms operating in middle and primary schools. Chinese Culture Centers are introducing China by opening training classes, building libraries, and 70 (hold) cultural activities. 第四部分:知识要点检测(共 10 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 10 分) 71. Follow the ________ (instruct) when you operate the machine. 72. In April, thousands of holidaymakers remained ________ (stick) abroad due to the volcanic ash cloud. 73. The room was ________ (布置) in warm reds and browns. 74. The painting is not ________ (有代表性的) of his works of the period. 75. She is not very ________ (乐观的) about the outcome of the talks. 76. Remember that the best relationship is one ________ your love for each other is greater than your need for each other. 77. Surrounded by green hill on the north and a clear river on the east, this village really enjoys nice ________(surround). 78. Smith is ________ (年长的) to Mike by three years. 79. The committee ________ (评定) that the building was worth preserving. 80 With his attention ________ (concentrate) on his book, he didn’t notice someone entering his room. 第五部分:写作(共两节,满分 35 分) 第一节 短文改错(共 10 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 10 分) Dear friends, It is a great honor to share with you my experience in making English speeches. To tell a truth, my spoken English used to be a big headache for me. Due to my terrible pronunciation, I often got misunderstood or even laughed by others. I never succeed in speech competitions. Therefore, I refused to give up. Every day I spent two hours listen to English programs to improve my oral skills. To my joy, my effort was finally paid off. I made steadily progress and managed to win prizes in some speech competition. So problems can help us grow if we deal with it bravely and properly. This is which I've learned from my experience. 第二节:书面表达(满分 25 分) 假定你是李华,你的留学生朋友 Peter 计划来你所在的城市旅游。请你给 Peter 写封信,向他 推荐骑共享单车(sharebike)这种流行的城市旅游方式。信的内容应包括: 1. 使用共享单车旅游的好处; 2 共享单车的使用:下载 App 并注册,扫描自行车上的二维码后得到一个密码,输入密 码便可开锁; 3.提醒 Peter 注意安全。 注意:1.词数 100 左右;2.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;3.开头和结尾已给出,不计入 总数。 参考词汇:二维码:2D barcode 密码:password Dear Peter, I'm pleased to hear that you've finally decided to pay a visit to_______________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ __________ Yours, Li Hua 辽源五中 2017—2018 学年度高二上学期期中考试 英语学科答案 听力:1--5 BCCAB 6--10 ACBCC 11--15 ACBBA 16--20 CACBA 阅读理解:21. BCDB 25. BDAC 29. BAAD 33. ACB 36. CDEFA 完型填空:41. CABDB 46. ABDCB 51. ADBCA 56. DCCDA 语法填空: 61. which/that 62. was developed 63. thought 64. the 65. are 66. speeches 67. to 68. to help 69. successfully 70. holding 知识要点: 71. instructions 72. stuck 73. furnished 74. representative 75. optimistic 76. where 77. surroundings 78. senior 79. assessed 80. concentrated 短文改错: 1. a----the 2. laughed 后加 at 3. succeed---- succeeded 4. Therefore---- However 5. listen----listening 6. was 删去 7. steadily---- steady 8. competition----competitions 9. it----them 10. which----what 参考范文: Dear Peter, I'm pleased to hear that you've finally decided to pay a visit to the city where I live. Actually, you've got a brand new choice for travelling around the city—riding a sharebike. Riding a sharebike is absolutely convenient as you'll find a large number of sharebikes around your hotel and you may leave the bike at any public place after you have used it. Besides, it's easy for you to use a sharebike. What you need to do is to download an App and complete the registration process. The App can even help you locate sharebikes nearby. After scanning the 2D barcode on the bike, you can get a password to unlock the bike. It costs only one yuan an hour. By the way, please ride on the cycle track and watch out for vehicles. Hope you will have fun travelling around the city, riding the sharebike. Yours, Li Hua

