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‎2020届二轮复习 动词用法考点纵览学案 一、概述:动词是英语中最重要的一种词性,也是连接词法与句法的纽带,许多语法现象通过动词体现出来。本章着重体现了“以动词为纲”学语法的理念,打破了传统语法的习惯,提出了“六个为纲”,从而将时态、被动语态、主谓一致、反意疑问句、倒装和虚拟语气融为一体,归纳在动词一章进行阐述,体现了动词与它们不可分割的联系。这不仅是本单元的亮点,更是本书一大亮点,大胆创新,打破传统语法书的谋篇布局。‎ 本章的第一大部分就动词出发,介绍了动词的分类、变化形式、各类动词的用法、一些常见行为动词及词组的用法和比较以及动词的习惯搭配。在动词分类部分,阐述了一些重要的句法内容,如情态动词用法、非谓语动词、独立主格及悬垂分词等用法。第二大部分将动词放入具体的句法中,阐述了六个“动词为纲”。‎ 本章不仅内容详实,而且思路明确,体系完整。学好本章会对英语语法有个全新的认识。‎ 二、分类 ‎1、根据意义和句法作用,英语中的动词总的来说可以分为四类:‎ ‎①行为动词(实义动词)如:run、work、give、hit等。‎ ‎②助动词 如:do、did、does、have、has、had等。‎ ‎③情态动词 如:can、may、could、might、must、should等。‎ ‎④系动词 如:be、look、seem、feel、taste、sound等。‎ ‎2、对于上述四大类动词,还可以进一步细分。‎ ‎①在行为动词中,根据动词在句中是否需要宾语,可分为:及物动词和不及物动词。如:‎ Shall we go to fly kites together? (及物动词)‎ The bird flies happily in the sky. (不及物动词)‎ ‎②动词根据其是否为主语所限定,可分为限定动词与非限定动词,也可称为谓语动词与非谓语动词。‎ 限定动词在句子中起谓语作用,可有动词原形(do的形式)、动词单数(does的形式)、动词过去时(did的形式)以及各种情态动词与动词原形连用的形式。如:‎ I like English.‎ He smokes heavily in daily life.‎ He was a good student.‎ I can solve the problem very well.‎ He didn’t know what to do next.‎ 非限定有不定式、动名词、分词(现在分词和过去分词)三种。在句中起到非谓语的作用,可充当主语、宾语、补语、表语、状语、定语等,不受主语的人称或数的限制。如:‎ I came here to see you. (动词不定式作状语)‎ To see is to believe. (动词不定式分别作主语和表语)‎ Standing here all day makes me tried out. (动名词作主语)‎ The boy playing football on the playground is my brother. (现在分词作定语)‎ The girl enjoys eating meat. (动名词作宾语)‎ He came back, finding his bag lost. (现在分词作状语)‎ The driver injured in the traffic accident lay in hospital. (过去分词作定语)‎ He got very excited at the good news. (过去分词作表语)‎ ‎③对于系动词,可分为全系动词(即be动词)和半系动词(即除be动词以外的其他系动词。而对于半系动词又可分为感官类系动词(如:feel、taste、sound、seem、appear、smell等)和变成类系动词(如:become、get、turn、go、come、grow、fall、run等)。如:‎ He was a good student.‎ The food taste delicious.‎ The day gets longer and longer.‎ Water runs deep.‎ ‎④有的语法书和语法家认为英语中存在一种助动词叫做“半助动词”,由此可以将助动词分为助动词和半助动词,为了开阔读者眼界,深化认识在此仅作以介绍和了解。‎ 从形态上看可将半助动词分为三类:一类是以be为其中心成分;一是以have为其中心成分;另一类是以seem等为其中心成分。从能否与it…that结构进行转化的角度又可分为两小类:第一小类不可与it…that句型转换,而第二小类可作如此转换。列表说明如下:‎ 第一小类 第二小类 be about to be able to be certain to be apt to be bound to be likely to be due to be going to appear to be obliged to be supposed to seem to be to be willing to chance to be sure to be liable to happen to had better/best have (got) to Turn out to等 come to fail to ‎ get to tend to等 ‎ ‎3、复合动词 复合动词是由两个单词合成而来的动词。大多由“名词+动词”构成,有些由“形容词或副词+动词”构成,还有一些其他形式,大都要用连字符连接,但有些也不带连字符。复合动词有些用作及物动词,有些用作不及物动词,有些既可用作及物动词也可用作不及物动词。‎ ‎① 名词+动词 proof-read校对 water-ski滑冰 day-dream做白日梦 sleep-walk梦游 ice-skate溜冰 bottle-feed人工喂养 ‎② 形容词+动词 ill-treat虐待 dry-clean干洗 short-change少找钱 blacklist列入黑名单 ‎③ 副词+动词 oversleep睡过头 deep-fry炒 about-turn向后转 undergo经历 ‎④ 其他形式 blow-dry吹干 kowtow磕头 air-freight空运 double-cross欺骗 ‎4、短语动词 短语动词是由动词加介词、副词或其他词构成的固定词组。作用和动词差不多,有些短语动词是及物动词,有些是不及物动词。‎ ‎① 动词+介词 动词加at、into、for、from、of、to、with构成的短语动词相当于一个及物动词,其后必须有宾语(因为介词必须跟有宾语才完整),宾语(不管是代词还是名词)只能放在介词后,不能放在介词和动词之间,且中心动词一般为不及物动词。在被动语态中,整个短语动词要作为整体看待,不可拆开或漏缺(因为少了动词后的介词,该动词词组便失去了及物性)。常见的有:look at、break into、consist of、look after、amount to、refer to、come into、come across、apply for、believe in、deal with、agree to、part with、listen to、depend on、care about、resort to、dream of、allow for等。如:‎ We couldn’t refer to the dictionary during the English exam.‎ The problem must be dealt with immediately.‎ ‎② 动词+副词 动词加off、out、away、back、ahead、aside构成的这类短语动词,有些相当于及物动词,有些则相当于不及物动词。(我们知道副词是不可跟宾语的,且在动词+副词构成的短语动词中,副词只起到对动词的修饰限定作用。所以此类短语动词的及物性与不及物性最终由该动词的及物性决定,若该动词为及物动词,则这个短语便是及物的;反之,则是不及物的。)‎ ‎⑴ “及物动词+副词”相当于一个及物动词,可以有宾语,也可以用于被动语态。但应该注意:如果宾语是人称代词或反身代词,其结构只能是“动词+代词+副词”;如果宾语是名词或不定代词,既可以放在副词之前,也可以放在副词之后。如:‎ Please put the files away. (正)‎ Please put away the files. (正)‎ Please put them away. (正)‎ Please put away them. (误)‎ 常见的这类短语动词有:pick up、cut off、cut down、work out、turn on、turn up、throw away、think over、back up、bring up、carry out、give away、hand in、give up、put on、point out、set up、take off等。‎ ‎⑵ “不及物动词+副词”相当于一个不及物动词,所以此类短语动词不能接宾语,也不能用于被动语态。如:‎ The meeting will take place at 2 o’clock this afternoon.‎ The boy has grown up.‎ 常见的这类短语动词有:take place、break out、look at、run out、die away、die off、die down、give in、pass away、come out、fall off、come to、grow up、turn up、fall out、make up等。‎ 下面对“动词+介词”和“动词+副词”两种短语动词进行比较:‎ ‎① “动词+介词”和“动词+副词”都可以构成短语动词,区别究竟是介词还是副词可以用以下三种方法。‎ 第一, 观察宾语的位置,如果宾语只能放在短语动词之后,那一定是介词;如果宾语可以放在短语动词中间,那必然是副词。如:‎ We should look after our parents very well. (after为介词)‎ They will carry the plan out next month. (out为副词)‎ 第二, 考察动词的及物性与否,如果动词是及物动词其后应是副词;如果动词是不及物动词,其后应是介词。如:‎ Don’t throw away the rubbish everywhere on the ground. (away为副词)‎ He came in the dining room. (in为介词)‎ 第三, 介词与副词所表达的含义不同。如:‎ The two old friends talked over the telephone. (通过电话谈话,over为介词)‎ The salesgirl talked over the telephone with the customer. (谈论那部电话,over为副词)‎ ‎② 动词+by、across、around、through、off、over、on、down、up、round,既可构成动介型短语,也可构成动副型短语。但动词同off、up、around、about、in、down等多构成动介型短语。另外动介型短语之间可插入副词,而动副型短语之间一般不可插入副词。如:‎ He looked quickly at another student’s paper. (动介型)‎ He hurriedly put on his coat. (动副型)‎ He put hurriedly on his coat. (误)‎ ‎③ 动词+名词+介词 这类短语动词相当于及物动词,后必须跟宾语。既可作谓语动词,也可作非谓语动词;这类短语大多数可以构成被动语态,而且可有两种构成方式:把短语动词中的名词用作被动语态的主语(因为此类短语动词中的中心动词具有及物性,而且中的动词与名词有逻辑上的动宾关系)或把短语动词后的介词宾语用作被动语态的主语;这类短语动词中的名词前可有形容词作定语;这类短语动词的三个组成部分的词序有时可以变动,名词置于句首或介词连同其宾语置于句首。如:‎ He likes to make fun of others.‎ College students should make good use of the time to study.‎ Good use should be made of the time to study by college students.‎ The time should be made good use of to study by college students.‎ 常见的这类短语动词有:set fire to、pay attention to、find fault with、take notice of、take exception to、make fun of、take account of、get rid of、catch sight of、make use of、lay hold of、keep pace with、take part in、take advantage of等。‎ ‎④ 动词+副词+介词 这类结构的短语动词相当于一个及物动词。如:‎ He dropped out of school at the age of fifteen.‎ It’s time for me to get down to my homework.‎ 常见的这类短语动词有:keep up with、do away with、look out for、drop out of、get down to、get through with、make up for、go on with、look up to、look down upon、get along with、put up with、hold on to、break in on、look forward to等。‎ 三、变化形式 ‎1、英语中的动词有四种基本形式,分别是动词原形(do的形式)、第三人称单数(does的形式)、过去式(did的形式)、现在分词(doing的形式)、过去分词(done的形式)。这四种形式和助动词一起构成动词的各种时态、语态和语气。现列举说明如下:‎ 原级 第三人称单数 过去式 过去分词 现在分词 have has had had having do does did done doing ‎2、规则动词的各种变化形式如下表所示(对于第三人称单数的变化同名词变复数的规则相同,可参考名词一章相关部分,在此不再阐述):‎ 情况 过去式、过去分词 现在分词 举例 一般情况 加-ed 加-ing pick-picked-picking 以不发音之母e结尾 加-ed 去e加-ing live-lived-living 以辅音字母加y结尾 变y为i加-ed 加-ing fry-fried-frying 以重读闭音节结尾且末尾只有一个辅音字母 双写末尾的辅音字母加-ed或-ing plan-planned-planning occur-occurred-occurring 以辅音字母c结尾 后加k再加-ed或-ing picnic-picnicked-picnicking 下面对动词的各种变化形式补充说明几点特殊情况:‎ ‎① 少数几个以ie结尾的单音节动词,须变ie为y再加ing。如:‎ lie-lying die-dying tie-tying ‎② 注意上表中第二种情况,以不发音字母e结尾的动词须去掉e再加ing,但在下列两种情况下e应保留:一、当去掉e会引响原动词发音时。二、e前为元音字母时。如:‎ agree-agreeing singe-singeing canoe-canoeing hoe-hoeing toe-toeing dye-dyeing be-being see-seeing ‎③ 有些双音节词变成过去分词、过去式和现在分词时,在英语中要双写最后一个辅音字母,而在美式英语中则不双写。如:‎ travel—travelled—travelling (英式)‎ travel—traveled—traveling (美式)‎ 类似的动词还有:kidnap、label、level、panel、quarrel、equal、dial、devil、revel、shovel等。‎ ‎④ 有少数动词的过去式和过去分词均有两种形式,常可通用。如:quit—quit或quitted、bet—bet或betted、rid—rid或ridded、knit—knit或knitted、bid—bid或bade。‎ ‎⑤ 有少数动词其过去式和过去分词在英式英语及美式英语中拼法不同。英式拼法以t结尾,而美式拼法以ed结尾。如:‎ light—lit—lit(英式) light—lighted—lighted(美式)‎ learn—learnt—learnt(英式) learn—learned—learned(美式)‎ spell—spelt—spelt(英式) spell—spelle—spelled(美式)‎ burn—burnt—burnt(英式) burn—burned—burned(美式)‎ dream—dreamt—dreamt(英式) dream—dreamed—dreamed(美式)‎ 上述动词的过去式及过去分词有这种习惯用法:以t结尾的过去式及过去分词常在句中作谓语,而以ed结尾 常在句中作定语。现以lit和lighted为例予以阐述以下几点:‎ ‎① 一般来说,lit常作谓语,而lighted常作定语,但不能绝对化。如:‎ The old man lit a cigarette.‎ The candle was lit.‎ He talked with his friends, with a lighted cigarette in his mouth.‎ ‎② 一般来说lighted作前置定语,如果作后置定语仍可用lit ,相当于被动式的定语从句。但有时即使作前置定语如果前面有副词修饰则多用lit。如:‎ I saw a lighted window across the street.‎ I was taken into a room lit by candles (which is lit by candles).‎ a freshly llit cigarette, the dimly lit living-room.‎ ‎③ 由上述可知lighted相当于形容词,更多具有形容词特征,所以经常用very修饰,而不用very much或much(因为very much或much多用以修饰动词);而lit常作谓语,更多的具有动词特征,所以经常用very much或much修饰,而不用very(因为very用以修饰形容词或副词)。‎ ‎3、不规则动词的过去式和过去分词的变化形式 大多数动词的过去式和过去分词都由动词原形加-ed构成,这类动词叫做规则动词,但也有一些动词却不以加-ed方式构成过去式和过去分词,这类动词叫做不规则动词。现代英语中不规则动词大约有二百多个,可分为三类,列表如下:‎ 第一类:原形、过去式、过去分词三者相同 hit hit hit burst burst burst cut cut cut cost cost cost cast cast cast forecast forecast forecast spread spread spread hurt hurt hurt let let let put put put set set set shed shed shed shit shit shit shut shut shut slit slit slit split split split thrust thrust thrust bid bid/bade bid/bade/bidden bet bet/betted bet/betted knit knit/knitted knit/knitted Rid rid/ridded rid/ridded Wed wed/wedded wed/wedded wet wet/wetted wet/wetted 第二类:过去式与过去分词同形 have had had feed fed fed bend bent bent bind bound bound blend bled bled breed bred bred bring brought brought build built built buy bought bought catch caught caught cling clung clung creep crept crept deal delt delt dig dug dug fight fought fought find found found flee fled fled fling flung flung get got got grind ground ground hide hid hid hold held held keep kept kept kneel knelt knelt lay laid laid lead led led lend lent lent lean leant/leaned leant/leaned learn learnt/learned learnt/learned leap leapt/leaped leapt/leaped leave left left light lit/lighted lit/lighted make made made mean meant meant pay paid paid rend rent rent hang hung/hanged hung/hanged have had had hear heard heard send sent sent shine shone/shined shone/shined shoot shot shot sit sat sat sleep slept slept slide slid slid smell smelt/smelled smelt/smelled speed sped/speeded sped/speeded spill spilt/spilled spilt/spilled say said said seek sought sought sell sold sold stand stood stood stick struck struck sweep swept swept teach taught taught tell told told think thought thought weep wept wept win won won wind wound wound wring wrung wrung 第三类:原形、过去式和过去分词都不同 arise arose arisen awake awoke/awaked awoken/awaked bear bore born/bore begin began begun blow blew blown break broke broken choose chose chosen drink drank drunk do did done eat ate eaten fly flew flown forbid forbade forbidden forget forgot forgotten give gave given go went gone grow grew grown hew hewed hewn/hewed know knew known mow mowed mown/mowed overthrow overthrew overthrown ring rang rung rise rose risen see saw seen shake shook shaken show showed shown shrive shrove/shrived shriven/shrived sow sowed sown/sowed speak spoke spoken spring sprang sprung steal stole stolen strive strove/strived striven/strived swear swore sworn swim swam swum take took taken tear tore torn throw threw thrown wake woke/waked woken/waked weave wove woven write wrote written 此外还有少数不规则动词的过去分词与原形同形 come came come become became become run ran run 四、各类动词的用法 ‎1、行为动词(从句法和词汇意义两方面考虑)‎ ‎①及物动词 必须跟有宾语且可用于被动语态的一类动词称之为及物动词。及物动词必须跟有宾语或有逻辑上的宾语才完整。如:make、open、build、give等。如:‎ Open the door please.‎ The watch was made in China.‎ My mother gave me a nice gift on my birthday. (及物动词可跟有双宾语,在此a nice gift为直接宾语,me为间接宾语。)‎ ‎② 不及物动词 不可直接跟有宾语(但可借助适当的介词变为及物动词词组),且不可用于被动语态的一类动词称之为不及物动词。不及物动词本身就可以表达完整意思。如:go、come、rise、fall、arise等。如:‎ The sun rises in the east.‎ Summer will come.‎ 对及物动词与不及物动词予以补充说明以下几点:‎ ‎1、 有些通常用作及物动词的偶尔也可用作不及物动词,不带宾语;有些不及物动词在特定情况下也可用作及物动词。即及物动词和不及物动词并不是绝对的,二者有时是相通的。如:‎ Some people are building but others are destroying.‎ His ideal didn’t convince enough.‎ The hero died a great death.‎ The girl wept herself to sleep.‎ ‎2、 有些单词既可以是及物动词,也可以是不及物动词,场合不同,意思有所变化。如:sit、fly、air、escape、miss、meet、play、spread、blow、win、follow、turn、move、pass、shoot、hold、reflect等。如:‎ Flies fly everywhere in summer. (不及物动词表示“飞”)‎ Let’s go and fly a kite. (及物动词表示“放风筝”)‎ I am glad to meet my old friend John. (及物动词表示“遇到”)‎ The two rivers meet here. (不及物动词表示“相会”)‎ The small river runs happily. (不及物动词表示“流淌”)‎ My uncle ran a small shop in this street. (及物动词表示“经营”)‎ ‎3、 有些动词可以作及物动词后面带宾语,也可以作不及物动词后面不带宾语,意思上没什么变化。如:change、drink、cook、save、ride、steal、marry、smoke、drive、sing、write、study、learn、eat等。如:‎ We often eat out. (不及物动词)‎ People here like to eat noodles. (及物动词)‎ He married at the age of 20. (不及物动词)‎ He married a country girl. (及物动词)‎ The bird sings happily in the tree in the morning. (不及物动词)‎ She sings a beautiful song at the party. (及物动词)‎ ‎4、 有些动词通常用作及物动词,但其宾语可承上省略,这时就成了不及物动词。如:answer、join、know、begin、blow、notice、accept、fit、share、enter、watch、serve、choose、follow、remember、forget、understand等。如:‎ The teacher has explained the problem to him for several times, but he didn’t understand (it).‎ The boy bought a present for the girl, but the girl didn’t accept (it).‎ ‎5、 有些动词通常用作及物动词,但也可用作不及物动词。这时宾语向主语转变,有时这种动词以主动形式表示被动意义。这类动词有:open、close、break、dry、end、cook、burn、shut、Start、begin、stop、quicken、change、slow、bend、grow、continue、improve、decrease等。如:‎ He opened the door all of a sudden. (及物动词)‎ The door opened all of a sudden. (不及物动词)‎ After a short break, the teacher continued his class. (及物动词)‎ After a short break, our class continued. (不及物动词)‎ ‎6、有些动词用作及物动词或不及物动词。作及物动词时带宾语,作不及物动词时同介词连用。表达意义上有的相同,有的不同。常见的有:enter/enter for、play/play against、fight/fight against/with、brush/brush over/aside、gain/gain in、mour/mour for/over、jump/jump over等。如:‎ He was the first to enter the waiting room. (进入)‎ He entered for the examination. (报名参加)‎ She is brushing her teeth. (刷)‎ Please brush the dust aside on the desk. (擦去)‎ ‎③ 反身动词 反身代词通常与反身代词连用,以反身代词为宾语。常见的这类动词有:wash、express、pride、dress等。如:‎ He likes to wash himself in hot water.‎ He daren’t express himself in public.‎ The lady prides herself upon her gift for music.‎ The little boy dresses himself every morning.‎ ‎④ 相互动词 有些动词后常跟each other和one another表示相互关系,称为相互动词。有时候,这类动词后也可不跟each other和one another,这时就成为不及物动词。常见的这类动词有:embrace、kiss、marry、hug、match、fight等。如:‎ When they meet in the street, they embraced each other warmly.‎ The lovers kissed each other and said goodbye.‎ The skirt and the coat didn’t match each other well.‎ ‎⑤ 动作动词 ‎⑴ 活动动词:这类动词表示各种持续活动,可用于进行时态。如:play、do、drink、rain、eat等。‎ ‎⑵ 过程动词:这类动词表示情况的改变,可用于进行时态。如:become、get、turn、grow、change等。‎ ‎⑶ 非延续性动词和延续性动词 非延续性动词与延续性动词最本质的区别是:非延续性动词不可和一段时间状语连用,而延续性动词则可和一段时间状语连用。对于延续性动词比较简单,在此主要介绍几点非延续性动词的用法。‎ a、 有些动作动词表示的是短暂的动作,没有持续性,即“发生就结束”的动作,这类动词有:go、come、leave、arrive、lose、join、catch、find、occur、happen、start等。如:‎ He has joined the army for two years. (误)‎ He has been a member of the army for two years. (正)‎ b、 非延续性谓语动词后有非谓语动词时,可与表示一段时间状语连用;这时,时间状语所修饰的不是句中的谓语动词,而是非谓语动词。如:‎ He went to work there for a few years. (for a few years修饰to work)‎ The student started to read English for an hour. (for an hour修饰to read)‎ c、 如果非延续性谓语动词是否定完成时,表示的是一种状态,故可同一段时间状语连用。如:‎ The old man hasn’t take part in labor for weeks.‎ d、 在否定句中,尤其当非延续性动词是否定的时候,可同一段时间状语连用。如:‎ The meeting didn’t begin until 2 o’clock in the afternoon.‎ 在“not…until…”结构中,常用非延续性动词;而在“…until…”结构中,常用延续性动词。‎ e、 延续性动词常与时间段连用,而非延续性动词常同时间点连用。典型的介词for常表时间段,而since常表时间点。所以当since后跟有延续性动词时要译成否定形式。如:‎ It was two years since he lived here.他不住在这儿已经有两年了。‎ ‎⑥ 状态动词 状态动词表示非活动性的静止状态,不用于进行时态。但有些状态动词如果转义成为动态动词,又可以用于进行时。状态动词可分为以下几种。‎ ‎⑴ 感官感觉动词 此类动词表示的是不自觉的、无意识的活动。如:see、feel、taste、sound、smell、hear等。如:‎ I hear a noise upstairs.‎ ‎⑵ 情感、心理动词 常见的这类动词有:think、believe、suppose、except、desire、consider、like、know、imagine、hope、hate、remember、forget、doubt、want、wish、assure、regret、fear等。如:‎ I hope that the plan can go into effect soon. (正)‎ I’m hoping that the plan can go into effect soon. (误)‎ 注意:状态动词know等不可与long ago连用(因为know等类状态动词具有延续性,而long ago则表示时间点,因为延续性动词不可与时间点连用)。如:‎ I know the professor long ago. (误)‎ I got to know the professor long ago. (正)‎ ‎⑶ 拥有、关系动词 这类动词及动词词组有:have、belong to、concern、consist of、exist、depend on、benefit from、equal、deserve、fit、hold、contain、include、lack、matter、need、owe、own、possess、require、apply to、differ from、weigh、stand for等。如:‎ The room is belonging to the old man. (误)‎ The room belongs to the old man. (正)‎ The lecture hall is holding 500 people. (误)‎ The lecture hall holds 500 people. (正)‎ ‎⑦ 使级动词 使级动词一般为及物动词,常用不带to的不定式作宾语补足语。常见的使级动词有:let、make、have等。但变为被动语态时,要用带to的不定式作主语补足语(let除外,let后依然用不带to的不定式作主语补足语)。如:‎ His mother often has him do some housework.‎ That made me think of my childhood.‎ He was made to admit his crime.‎ The boy was let go into the Internet bar.‎ ‎⑧ 心理使级动词 所谓心理使级动词指那些使人产生某种心理反应、心理活动的动词。这类动词大都有“使”的意思,但不是“使级动词”,不是表示让人做什么,而是使人感到怎样、使人产生某种心理活动。‎ ‎⑴ 心理使动词有下列几种:‎ a、 表示喜悦、激动、满意:excite、thrill、amuse、satisfy、fascinate、encourage、delight、please、charm、interest等。‎ b、 表示惊讶、困惑:puzzle、surprise、startle、disappoint、upset、scare、shock、confuse、astonish、amaze、embarrass、overwhelm等。‎ c、 表示烦躁、厌恶:bore、harass、distress、worry、bother、among、irritate等。‎ ‎⑵ 心理使动词有如下几个特点:‎ a、 主语一般是物(偶尔也可以是人),宾语则只能是人(只有人才有各种心理感受)。‎ b、 有-ed和-ing两种形式,可作定语或表语。-ed形式作定语和表语时,句中主语或被其修饰的词应是表示人的名词;-ing形式作定语或表语时,句中主语或被修饰的词应是表示物的名词,偶尔可以是人的名词。‎ c、 在被动语态中,施行者多由at、with、in、about引导。‎ d、 这种动词的-ed形式状态行强,有些已经形容词化了,能用rather、more、very、quite等副词修饰,还可和系动词连用。如:‎ The game is exciting.‎ All of us are very excited at the party.‎ The girl was enchanted with (by) the picture.‎ I’m quite satisfied with the final result of the competition.‎ ‎2、系动词 ‎①系动词的三种词汇意义 ‎⑴ 示状态的持续。常见的动词有:stand、keep、stay、lie、continue、burn、hold等。如:‎ The soldiers on guard keep alert under all circumstances.‎ The fish stayed fresh.‎ ‎⑵表示具有某种性质、特征和处于某种状态。常见的动词有:smell、sit、look、sound、mean、break、feel、ring、seem、appear、taste、read、remain等。如:‎ The actor looked the main part in the play.‎ She didn’t look her age.‎ The idea sounds great.‎ What he said appeared true.‎ ‎⑶表示动词的动作或过程所产生的结果或状态的开始.常见的有:go、come、grow、run、rise、wear、prove、turn、wash、fall、drop、blush、become、get、turn、out、come off等。如:‎ The food goes bad in hot weather.‎ Her great aim will come true one day in the future.‎ His money ran short.‎ The plan turned out wrong and useless in the end.‎ He came off second best.‎ The technology came in useful.‎ 根据以上系动词的三种含义,可将系动词分为三类:持续类系动词、感官类系动词和变成类系动词。‎ ‎② 系动词的五种语法结构 因为系动词是构成系表结构的先决条件,所以五种语法结构都是系表结构。只是表语可由不同的词,如:形容词、名词、副词、分词和介词短语充当。‎ ‎⑴ 系动词+形容词 这类结构最常见。常见的系动词有:sound、ring、prove、wear、come、look、feel、lie、smell、wash、fall、burst、burn、turn、eat、lick、remain、taste、read、keep、drop、break、hold、sell、rise、grow、play、appear、go、seem、stand、run、marry、become、blow、continue等。如:‎ The song sounds very beautiful.‎ The beef cooked delicious.‎ The sun rises red.‎ The man married young.‎ She died miserable in the war.‎ The little baby just dropped asleep.‎ He returned sound and good.‎ The door blew open.‎ He played deaf when someone said to him.‎ ‎⑵ 系动词+名词 常见的这类系动词有:seem、stand、prove、remain、look、die、become、turn、sound、go、commence等。如:‎ That seems a good way to solve this problem.‎ She looked a beautiful and wise girl.‎ She becomes a traitor. (=she turns traitor.)‎ It proves a serious problem.‎ Her face went the color of cream.‎ The man died a millionaire.‎ ‎⑶ 系动词+副词 常见的这类动词有:pass、keep、fly、prove、continue等。如:‎ They will keep together forever in the future.‎ ‎⑷ 系动词+分词 常见的这类动词有:come、become、get、feel、look、prove、stand、seem、appear、grow、remain等。如:‎ The soup smelt burnt.‎ He passed unnoticed.‎ The project remains uncompleted.‎ The man got hurt in the accident.‎ ‎⑸ 系动词+介词短语 常见的这类动词有:read、sound、look、prove、appear、smell、seem、grow、keep、continue、remain、taste、come等。如:‎ The coat had gone out of fashion.‎ She seemed in bad mood.‎ The dancers appear at their ease.‎ 对于系动词用法,补充说明以下几点:‎ ‎1、 系动词可有相应的非限定动词形式和逻辑上的主语或表语。如:‎ He arrived here, feeling tired.‎ I find the man getting fatter.‎ ‎2、 look、seem、appear等可跟as if从句作表语。如:‎ She looks as if she has got angry.‎ It seems as if it’s going to rain.‎ ‎3、 某些系动词同时也是实义动词,但要注意用法上的区别:作系动词时,后跟形容词不跟副词;作实义动词用时,后跟副词不可跟形容词。如:‎ He felt warm in the room.‎ He felt his son’s head carefully.‎ The food smells good.‎ The dog can smell very well.‎ He returned, worried and angry. (动状结构)‎ He returned worried and angry. (系表结构)‎ ‎4、 考察系动词的表层和深层 The day broke misty.‎ He left a boy, and retuned a husband and father.‎ 第一句中的misty不可换为mistly;第二句中的left a boy不是“留一个小男孩”,而表示“when he left home,he was a boy.”其中retuned a husband and father,意为When he returned, he had already got married and become a father。这两个句中的break、leave和return都具有系动词的性质,表示某种状态或结果,其后只可用形容词或名词,不可用副词。穿过表层的薄膜,我们不难发现其深层脉络:‎ The day broke, it was misty.‎ He left. He was a boy. He came back and he was a husband and father.‎ 再如下面几个句子中的动词都是作为系动词使用的,要努力去触摸其深层结构和含义。如:‎ After a good cleaning, the classroom came out clean. (不用cleanly)‎ The boy went to school disappointed.‎ He left college a good student.‎ He came back to his home, a rich man.‎ 变成类系动词在英语中是比较重要的一种系动词,下面我们将全面阐述变成类系动词及其搭配用法。‎ 常见的变成类系动词有:go、come、become、get、grow、fall、run、turn,都表示“从一种状态变到另一种状态”。‎ ‎1、 go、come是一对相反的词。“go+形容词”表示“令人不快”;“come+形容词”则表示“好的事情”。常同go连用的形容词有:bad、green、pale、hungry、dead、lame、mad、blind、deaf、sick、sour、insane、bankrupt等。相反地,come常和good、true、alive等积极的形容词连用。如:‎ In hot weather, meat goes bad.‎ Things will come right in the end.‎ ‎2、 run后接short、dry、low、deep等词。主语多为能活动能消耗掉的东西。如:‎ Their money is running short.‎ Still water runs deep.‎ ‎3、 grow和run相对,接表示人或物的静态形容词和表示天气的形容词,侧重于“逐渐变成”‎ ‎。常同grow连用的形容词有:cold、old、thin、fat、big、dark、serious、hot、tall、angry、rich等。如:‎ The girl grew thinner and thinner.‎ Soon, the key grew ling.‎ ‎4、 turn多接表示颜色的形容词,侧重于变得与以前完全不同。常同turn连用的形容词有:yellow、grey、pale、nasty、red、scarlet、black、green、sour、chilly、cold、crimson等。如:‎ The leaves turn yellower and yellower.‎ Her faces turn pale.‎ ‎5、 fall接asleep、silent等静态形容词和表示疾病的形容词,但不接形容词比较级。如:‎ She fell ill from cold.‎ The boy falls asleep every afternoon.‎ ‎6、 get+形容词,口语用得广泛,get能替代become;become较正式,get和become的主语可是人或物。get后一般接比较级,而become不能和将来时连用。如:‎ He became/got hungry.‎ The days are getting longer and longer.‎ ‎3、助动词和情态动词 助动词 情态动词 be(am、is、are、were、been、being) can、could、be able to have、has、had、having may、might do、does、did shall、should(ought to)、will、would shall(should)、will(would) dare、need、must、have to ‎① 情态动词的用法特征:推测性用法与非推测性用法。情态动词的可能性由低到高的排序为:might—may—could—can—should—ought to—would—will—must。‎ ‎② 情态动词的主观用法与客观用法 主观用法 客观用法 You may go now.(我批准)你可以走了。 You can go now.(按规定)你可以走了。‎ I must go now.(我认为)我该走了。 I have to go now.(客观情况)我该走了。‎ You should do it.(我认为)你应该做。 You ought to do it.(按规定)你应该做。‎ Will you buy it? 你愿意买吗? Can you buy it? 你能买吗?‎ 下面将逐一介绍各种助动词与情态动词的用法 ‎1、 be to do的用法 ‎① 表示计划或安排(相当于be going to)。如:‎ We are to discuss the report next Wednesday.‎ John and Marry are to be married in September.‎ ‎② 表示目的。如:‎ The prize was to honor him for his great discoveries.‎ ‎③ 表示命令或指示。如:‎ On one is to enter the room without permission.‎ The flowers in the park aren’t to be picked.‎ ‎④ 表示用途。如:‎ The knife is to cut things.‎ ‎⑤ 表示可能或不可能(相当于may、can)。如:‎ This book is to be found in the library.‎ ‎⑥ 表示应该或不应该(相当于should、ought to、must、have to)。如:‎ Thieves are to be put into prison.‎ What is to be done?‎ ‎⑦ 表示命中注定必然要发生的事。如:‎ Men are to die.‎ The summer is to come after spring.‎ ‎⑧ 表示“如果想,打算”,用于条件状语从句中。如:‎ If we are to be at the station by 9 o’clock, we must start off right now.‎ If you are to succeed, you must redouble your efforts.‎ ‎⑨ be to have done表示“本打算干…”,be动词一般过去式即was或were。如:‎ I was to have met him last Wednesday, but he didn’t come.‎ ‎⑩ have(has)been+不定式,可以表示“去做过某事”。如:‎ I have been to see a doctor.‎ The student has been to enter for the examination.‎ ‎? 用于第一人称的疑问句,表示询问对方该怎么办。如:‎ Where am I to fix up the tent, opposite the rock or just under the tree?‎ ‎2、 Have to和must Have to和must在表示“必须”,这个意思时是很接近的,但也有一定的区别。‎ ‎① have to强调客观需要,表示因客观环境或事态促使而不得不做某事;must强调主观看法,表示主观上认为有必要做某事。如:‎ I’m hungry. I must leave.‎ I have to leave, for the train is at 2 o’clock.‎ You must stay for supper (because I want you to).‎ You have to stay for supper (because of nowhere else to eat).‎ ‎② must表示“偏偏,偏要”;而have to则不可。如:‎ He must leave on a rainy day.‎ The girl must love such a bad boy.‎ ‎③ have to多表示义务或习惯动作;must多表示一种重要或急迫的事情。如:‎ We have to obey the traffic rules.‎ As adults, we have to care for the old and young.‎ You must finish your work on time, or else, you will be fired.‎ ‎④ have to可有多种时态(现在时、过去时、进行时、将来时等),也可同情态动词连用,也可用于被动语态,后面有时可跟不定式进行时。must一般只用于现在时(但也可以表示将来情况,在间接引语中也可以表示过去时)。在现代英语中,即使不是在间接引语中,must有时也可表示过去的情况。如:‎ I have to/must go now.‎ He’ll have to catch the first bus for the meeting.‎ I’m having to be equal to what I said.‎ They had to stop the construction because of the world warⅡ.‎ He may have to leave his home.‎ He told me that I must study hard.‎ ‎⑤ must表示一种推测,而have to则不能,如:‎ He must be at home.‎ The man must be joking.‎ Damage must follow after a war.‎ 应注意must be的否定形式是can’t be,而不是mustn’t be。‎ ‎⑥ “must have done”可以用来表示对过去情况的揣测,而have to则不能,且还有完成进行时,即must have been doing的形式。如:‎ He wasn’t at home, he must have gone out.‎ It must have rained last night.‎ 对此应注意以下两点内容:‎ ‎1、 must have done的否定形式为can’t/couldn’t have done,而不是mustn’t have ‎ done。must表示推测的时候,否定形式一般为can’t或couldn’t’。只有当must表示“必须”,强调一种义务时,否定形式才为mustn’t,表示“禁止”。如:‎ The light was still on, he couldn’t/can’t have gone out.‎ ‎2、 must have done的反意疑问句有两种情况:一、当句中没有过去时间状语时,用have反意(单数用has反意);二、当句中出现过去时间状语时,用did反意。如:‎ It must have rained, hasn’t it?‎ It must have rained last night, didn’t it?‎ ‎⑦ must表示客观必然性,意为“必然(会),总是会”,而have to不可。如:‎ Fish must die out of water.‎ Truth must be out.‎ ‎⑧ had had to+动词原形可用于表示过去情况的虚拟条件句中。如:‎ If I had had to do it again, I would have tried another way. (=had been obliged to)‎ ‎⑨ 在虚拟条件句或主句中,可用must代替had to、would、should等。如:‎ If I must catch the first bus, I would get up earily.‎ If I were you, I must try my best to do it.‎ 为了更好地清楚地区别must和have to,可以从以下几点考虑:①主观性与客观性的区别。②时态多样性与单一性的区别。③推测性与非推测性的区别。④must的几种特殊含义。⑤虚拟语气中的联系。‎ ‎3、have to和have got to 在英式英语中多用have to,而在美式英语中多用have got to。两者都表示“必须、不得不”。在现代英语中,have to的否定式和疑问句式即可按照助动词的变化规则(即直接用have、has或had),也可以按照行为动词的变化规则构成(即借助助动词do、does和did)。而have got to则一律运用have构成疑问句、否定句和反意疑问句(因为have got to中的have相当于助动词)。如:‎ Do you have to leave now?‎ Have you to leave now?‎ He hadn’t have to take a bus to school.‎ He hadn’t to take a bus to school.‎ He hasn’t got to take a bus to school.‎ 虽然have to和have got to意义相同,一般情况下可以通用。但在用法上还是存在较大差异的。下面我们将从动词的时、体、态能与否情态动词连用及是否有非限定动词五个方面予以辨析。(理解者五种区别的关键核心是:抓住have got to的本质,在此我们可以将have got to简单认为是一个现在完成时的动词词组,而have则是助动词。)‎ ‎① 时:have to可有多种时态,而have got to只能有完成时这一时态。如:‎ She’ll have to leave early. (不可说will have got to,因为不能同时出现两个助动词)‎ She has got to leave by tomorrow.‎ ‎② 体:have to可有进行体、完成体,而have got to不能有进行体。如:‎ People are having to find a shade in such hot weather.‎ The government has had to take some measures to solve the problem. (或has had got to)‎ ‎③ 态:have to可有被动态,have got to不能有被动态。如:‎ As the entrance examination comes nearer, all the subjects have to be reviewed.‎ ‎④ 情态动词:have to前可有情态动词,而have got to则不能。如:‎ You may have to go there in person.‎ ‎⑤ 非限定形式:have to可有不定式、分词、动名词等非限定形式,而have got to不能有非限定形式。如:‎ I regret having to refuse your offer.‎ 综上,在此予以补充说明三点内容:‎ ‎① must not和need not must not表示“禁止”,是说话人强有力的命令或劝告,意为“一定不要,禁止”,因此在回答由must引起的问题时,如果是肯定回答,仍用must;如果是否定回答,表示“不必,没有必要”,不能用mustn’t,而要用need not或don’t have to。对need引起的问题,肯定回答也用must,否定回答用needn’t或don’t have to。如:‎ You mustn’t read the letter of others. (警告,表示“禁止”)‎ You needn’t read the letter of others. (没有必要)‎ ‎—Must I come to your office for myself?‎ ‎—Yes, you must. /No, you needn’t/don’t have to.‎ ‎—Need I do it at once?‎ ‎—Yes, you must. /No, you needn’t/don’t have to.‎ ‎② must四种不同的否定形式 The boy must be Jim.‎ The boy can’t be Jim.‎ He must take a bus to go there. (表示有必要,意为“应当,必须,有必要”)‎ He needn’t take a bus to go there.‎ The man must park the here. (表示命令、必须)‎ The man mustn’t park the here. (禁止)‎ The man needn’t park the here. (没必要,暗示可以停在别的地方)‎ He must have finished his homework.‎ He can’t/couldn’t have finished his homework.‎ ‎③ must needs和needs must needs为副词,相当于necessary、of necessity。所以needs只起到对must的修饰作用,所以must needs和needs must仍是情态动词,意思相当于must,表示“必须、必定、不得不”,在这层意义上可通用。但must needs还可表示“偏偏,偏要”,含有讥讽的意思。而needs must则一般无这层意思。如:‎ I must needs/ needs must leave now.‎ She must needs leave when I need her. (must needs在此表示“偏偏、偏要”,不可用needs must)‎ ‎4、助动词need和行为动词need need表示“需要,有必要”‎ 时可以作助动词,也可以作行为动词。作助动词时,need没有人称和数的变化,所以疑问句、否定句及反意疑问句直接由need构成。作行为动词时,need同别的行为动词一样,有人称和数的变化,后接带to的不定式、否定式、疑问句和反意疑问句均有相应的助动词(do、does、did)构成。‎ ‎① 动词need常用于疑问句、否定句(或含有否定意义的句子中),而行为动词need常用于肯定句中(这是判断need是助动词还是行为动词的常用方法)。如:‎ He needs to do some housework for his mother today.‎ You needn’t come so early.‎ He never need know.‎ Need you have an examination?‎ I don’t think he need come.‎ He need only wait. (=He need not do anything else.)‎ ‎② 助动词need可以用来表示过去情况,用于过去时中。如:‎ He need not come back so late last night.‎ Need you go to the market yesterday?‎ The teacher told the student that he need study hard.‎ ‎③ 助动词need可用于if、unless等引导的状语从句中。如:‎ If you need me, I will come to you at once.‎ You will make progress unless you need make the best of time.‎ I want to know whether I need choose the job.‎ ‎④ 助动词need可用于虚拟语气中,相当于would或should。如:‎ If I were you, I need tell him the truth.‎ If I had followed his suggestions, I needn’t have failed.‎ ‎⑤ need not be和need not have+过去分词,表示“不一定”。如:‎ That boy need not be Jim.‎ He was in the room, but he need not have broken the glass.‎ ‎⑥ need not have+过去分词,还可表示“不必做某事,但实际却做了”。如:‎ You need not have said sorry to her.(但却道谦了)‎ You didn’t need to say sorry to her.(没道谦)‎ You need not have attended the meeting.(但却参加了)‎ You didn’t need to attend the meeting.(没参加)‎ Need have done用于比较级结构中具有否定含义,同样表示“本不必要做某事(但事实上做了)。如:‎ You got up earlier that you need have done.‎ The teacher was more hard-working than he need have been.‎ ‎⑦ 在表示将来时中,will或shall要同行为动词need连用。如:‎ You will need to make a plan for your future.‎ I shall need to invite the opinions of others.‎ ‎5、 助动词dare和行为动词dare dare表示“敢于”,dare既可用作助动词,又可作行为动词。作助动词时,dare通用于所有人称,后接动词原形,疑问句、否定句和反意疑问句直接用助动词dare构成。作为行为动词时,过去式为dared,现在完成式是have dared。在这两种时态下,后接带to的不定式,但有时可省去。dare作为行为动词时,疑问句、否定句和反意疑问句要借助助动词do(does、did)构成。(dare的用法同need的用法在诸多情况下是相通的,可以结合学习。)‎ ‎① 助动词dare+动词原形,通常表示现在或将来时间。可用于肯定句、疑问句、否定句和if、unless等引导的从句。如:‎ He dare swim across the river.‎ Dare you dive deep into the water?‎ The shy girl dare not say to others.‎ No one dare do this dangerous job.‎ She never dare speak English in front of the foreigners.‎ If you dare go deep into the mountains, I will accompany you.‎ I don’t think he dare talk back to his father.‎ I wonder whether she dare open her breast to the boy.‎ ‎② 助动词dare有时也可用于过去时中。如:‎ The man dare go out alone at night as a child.‎ ‎=The man dared go out alone at night as a child.‎ The man made a promise to the girl that he dare do anything to protect her.‎ ‎=The man made a promise to the girl that he dared do anything to protect her.‎ ‎③ 行为动词dare可同will、shall、would、should、have、had等助动词连用。作为行为动词用,后面有接to。如:‎ I won’t dare to say such rude words to others.‎ He has dared to jump down from the second floor.‎ ‎④ dare have+过去分词,表示“过去敢做某事”。如:‎ He dare have accepted the challenge in his thirties.‎ I daren’t have entered without permission.‎ ‎⑤ dare可用于虚拟语气中(这里的dare作助动词用)。如:‎ If you dare run the company, you would be a millionaire.‎ If you had had more authority and money, he daren’t have bullied you. (=wouldn’t have dared to bully you)‎ ‎⑥ dare用作行为动词时,常作及物动词,表示“敢于,敢于面对,向…挑战”。如:‎ He dares any challenge in his daily life.‎ The man dares the boy to swim across the river.‎ He doesn’t dare (to) jump over the wall.‎ Does he dare (to) jump over the wall?‎ He dared (to) jump over the wall.‎ He has dared (to) jump over the wall.‎ 对dare的用法再进一步补充说明几点内容:‎ ‎1、 用作助动词时,dare在现代英语中也可以有过去式为dared.(此点可以帮助我们很好地理解为什么上句He dared (to) jump over the wall.中的to可省去。如:‎ On one dared go against the decision made by the manger.‎ How dared you offend him?‎ 所以以后见到dared这种形式不能机械地认为其是行为动词dare的过去时,也可以是助动词dare的过去式形式。‎ ‎2、 在行为动词dare出现的句子中,动词不定式宾语中可省略动词不定式符号的四种情况:‎ a、 行为动词dare用在否定句中(即don’t、doesn’t/didn’t dare (to)的形式)。‎ b、 行为动词dare用在疑问句中(即do、does/did…dare (to)的形式)‎ c、 行为动词dare的过去式dared在句中出现(即dared(to)do的形式)。(对于此点也可将dared看作助动词dare的过去式,这样问题便可迎刃而解。)‎ d、 行为动词dare为完成式(即have、has/had dared (to) do的形式),如上述dare用法⑥中的例句。‎ He doesn’t dare (to) jump over the wall.‎ Does he dare (to) jump over the wall?‎ He dared (to) jump over the wall.‎ He has dared (to) jump over the wall.‎ ‎3、 “How dare you (he)…?”表示“愤怒或责备”,不表示怀疑,意为“怎么敢”。如:‎ How dare you speak to him in such a rude way?‎ ‎4、 I dare say为惯用语,表示“我敢说,我认为”。如:‎ He will perform his promise, I dare say.‎ I dare say she isn’t such a bad girl.‎ ‎6、ought to ought to与must、have to、should的含义比较接近,但不完全相同。ought to表示义务或责任,用以提醒某人应尽的义务。must强调的是主观愿望,指必须做某事。have to则表示由某种情况、环境,决定不得不做某事。should同ought to同义,ought to口气稍重一些,在实际运用中多用should,且ought to具有一定的针对性,而should则表示一般忠告。‎ ought没有人称和数的变化,可用于现在时、过去时和将来时。否定式为ought not(oughtn’t) to,疑问句式把ought放在句首主语前。‎ ‎① 表示理应做的事,应该做的事,表示“应该、应当”。如:‎ You ought to do it by the rules.‎ She ought to put more energy into her study.‎ Ought you to do it?‎ He oughtn’t to look down upon the poor.‎ ‎② 表示推测,意为“应是,应该,会是”。如:‎ What she said ought to be true.‎ He had taught for so many years. He ought to have gained a lot of experience in his teaching.‎ ‎③ ought to have+过去分词,相当于should have done。表示与过去事实相反的情况。肯定式表示“应该做某事而没有做”,否定式表示“不应该做某事但却做了”。如:‎ You ought to have told the truth to her.‎ He oughtn’t to have refused her directly.‎ ‎④ ought to have+过去分词,还表示过去更早的时间应该如何。如:‎ He ought to have married her five years ago.‎ As usual, the hot weather ought to have come a month ago.‎ ‎7、 used to和would used to和would都表示过去习惯性的动作,但两者之间存在很大的差别和各自的使用规则。‎ ‎① used to 结构中可将used看作助动词,相当于ought to中的ought;也可将used看作是行为动词use的过去式。所以,used to的疑问句、否定句和反意疑问句都有两种形式:一是直接用助动词used,二是借助助动词did。如:‎ He used to live there.‎ Used he to live there? 或Did he use to live there?‎ He usedn’t to live there.或He didn’t use to live there.‎ He used to live there, usedn’t/didn’t he?‎ ‎② would只能与动态动词连用,表示重复的习惯动作,且常和always、often等副词连用,如果与静态动词连用,只能用used to。如:‎ He would often go to see his old grandpa.‎ He used to be a sailor but now he is a businessman.‎ ‎③ used to说明过去存在而现在已经不在了;而would则与现在没有联系,过去发生的动作有可能仍然存在,也有可能已不存在。如:‎ He used to be a heavy-smoker but he has got rid of the bad habit.‎ He would walk in the park with his lovely pet.‎ ‎④ would不能用于存在句中,而used to可以。如:‎ There used to be a school here. (不用would,因为存在句表示一种状态,可结合②予以分析理解)‎ ‎⑤ would不能用于无人称句,而used to则可以。如:‎ It used to be said that the sun went around the earth.‎ ‎⑥ used to若用在从句中,则主句必须是否定句。如:‎ He isn’t what he used to be.‎ The girl didn’t get angry so often as she used to.‎ ‎⑦ 如果主句是肯定句,从句就不能再用used to。因为used ‎ to暗含有否定意义,否则,主句与从句便矛盾了。如:‎ The man is what he used to be. (误)‎ The man is what he was before. (正)‎ ‎⑧ used to和would不能说明具体次数。如:‎ He used to/would go to Beijing three times. (误)‎ He went to Beijing three times. (正)‎ ‎⑨ used to/would不能与具体的时间段状语连用。如:‎ The professor used to/would live in America for two month. (误)‎ The professor lived in America for two month. (正)‎ 在此特别提醒,要能明确区分used to do,be/get/become/grow used to doing和be used to do三种结构。used to do表示“过去经常做某事”;be/get/become/grow used to doing表示“习惯于做某事”;而be used to do是use sth to do的被动形式,动词不定式表目的,意为“被用来干某事”,主语常为物。Used to和be used to do中to为不定式符号,而be/get/become/grow used to doing中to为介词。‎ ‎8、 shall shall除在一般将来时中用于第一人称外,还有以下特殊用法。‎ ‎① shall用在第一人称中,表示将来,相当于will。如:‎ I shall go to the bank and withdraw some money in the afternoon.‎ Shall we go shopping together?‎ ‎② 表示征求对方意见或请求指示,多用于第一人称。如:‎ Shall we have dinner together at 7 o’clock?‎ What shall I say to her?‎ Shall征求意见时,不同于may、might和can等。Shall只表示“愿意按照对方的意见或指示去做”,而may、might和can则表示“征求对方的同意”,表示“行不行,行吗,好不好”。如:‎ Shall I come in? 你要我进来吗?‎ May(might、can)I come in? 我可以进来吗?‎ ‎③ 用于第二、三人称表示“意志、警告、允诺、命令、威胁、命运和必然结果”等。但shall所表示的是说话人的意志,而不是句中主语的意志。在法律、条约、协定等文件中,shall表示义务、规定等。如:‎ You shall realize your dream. (意图)‎ Everyone shall obey the rules of the library. (规定)‎ Nobody shall be absent from the meeting. (命令)‎ You shall not smoke. (禁止)‎ The project shall be completed on time. (允诺)‎ He shan’t hurt you. (威胁)‎ Dows shall not be ill-treated. (法律规定)‎ Whoever succeeded shall make great efforts. (必然结果)‎ ‎9、 will和would will和would除在将来时态中用于第二、三人称(will用于一般将来时,would用于过去将来时)外,还有以下几种特殊用法。‎ ‎① 表示请求。这里will和would通用,而would更委婉,也可用won’t,但这里的won’t并不表示否定含义,而表示一种请求。如:‎ Will you come with me?‎ Would you please tell me the way to the cinema?‎ Won’t you change the seat with me?‎ ‎② 表示推测。Will表示推测时把握性较大,但没有must大(对此可参照前面提到过的情态动词推测性由低到高的排序)。否定推测则用won’t。如:‎ It will be the baby of Susan crying in the room.‎ It would be 8 o’clock when he arrived at the school.‎ He is just a little boy. He won’t know so much about our society.‎ ‎③ 表示命令。只用will,不可用would,此种用法的will通用于所有时态。如:‎ Anyone won’t be late for the lecture.‎ You will hurry to finish the task earlier.‎ ‎④ 表示意愿或坚持要做某事。用于非人称主语时,表示固有的性质 或倾向。如:‎ The stubborn man won’t listen to my advice.‎ He is such a man as will go his own way.‎ The door won’t open.‎ I would take a walk outside.‎ ‎⑤ 表示必然性的客观事实。如:‎ All men will die.‎ Oil will float on the water.‎ ‎⑥ 表示拟人化的能力。如:‎ The lecture hall will hold 500 people.‎ The bird will sing a beautiful song.‎ ‎⑦ 表示意图和许诺。如:‎ You will get your right.‎ I will live up to your expectation.‎ He won’t make you angry again.‎ ‎⑧ will/would do表示“行、够了”。如:‎ That will do.‎ It won’t do to waste a lot of time playing rather than studying.‎ Will the way do for the problem?‎ ‎⑨ 用于让步状语从句中,表示“不管”。谓语动词常放在句首,运用倒装结构。如:‎ Come that will, I will try to achieve my aim.‎ Go where you will, I will accompany you.‎ Say who will, he will do it in his own way.‎ Be it as difficult as it will, I will find the proper way to solve it.‎ ‎⑩ Will用在条件状语从句中 在if引导的条件状语从句中,主语常用will或would引导的将来时,虽然从句表示的是一般将来时或过去将来时,也不可用will或would,而用一般现在时和一般过去时去代替相应的一般将来时和过去将来时。但是,will可用于if从句中,表示各种“愿望”,如“请求、意愿、同意、能够、坚持、拒绝”等。如:‎ If you will help us, we’ll solve the problem quickly. (请求)‎ If you will accept me, I’ll treat you very well. (意愿)‎ If you will agree with me, we can cooperate with each other. (同意)‎ Will和be going to都表示将来要发生的动作。下面将比较说明两者间的区别。‎ ‎1、 be going to一般不是计划要做某事,而will一般不表示计划。如:‎ What are you going to do tomorrow?‎ ‎2、 在表示即将要发生的动作时,be going to一般可根据事先迹象、前兆推断出,而will具有客观必然性。如:‎ Look at the black cloud, it’s going to rain.‎ I’ll be twenty years old next year.‎ ‎3、 在if引导的条件状语从句中,只能用will表将来,不能用be going to。如:‎ If you do it, I’ll help you.‎ ‎4、 Be going to表示的“意图”通常是事先考虑的,而“will+不定式”所表示的意图则是说话时刻临时想到的。因此在某些语境中,这两种结构不可以交替使用。如:‎ ‎—Why are you taking down all the pictures?‎ ‎—I’m going to repaper the room. (这里不用will repaper)‎ ‎—What a heavy box!‎ ‎—I’ll help you to carry it. (这里不用am going to)‎ ‎10、 had better(best)和would rather ‎① had better(best)表示“最好”,后跟动词原形作宾语,否定式为had better not,疑问句把had放在主语前,反意疑问句借助had或hadn’t反意。had better通用于所有人称。如:‎ He’d better start out immediately.‎ Had he better start out immediately?‎ He’d better not start out immediately.‎ He’d better start out immediately, hadn’t he?‎ What had I better do now?‎ ‎② 当had better用于祈使时,省去had,只用better。如:‎ Better stay inside today, Tom.‎ ‎③ 否定疑问表示“难道(不),莫非”。有两种句型:Had I better not?或Hadn’t I better?如:‎ Had we better not give up now?‎ Hadn’t we better give up now?‎ 我们现在放弃难道不好吗?‎ ‎④ 为了表示强调,better有时可放在had前面。如:‎ ‎—I promise I’ll pay you back.‎ ‎—You better had.‎ ‎⑤ Would rather表示“宁愿、宁可”,后接动词原形,否定式为would rather not,疑问句把would放在句首主语前,反意疑问句用would或wouldn’t。would rather(sooner)…than…表示“宁愿…而不…”,两部分均接动词原形。Would rather后接从句时要用虚拟语气。如:‎ He would rather drop out of school.‎ The hero would rather(sooner)die than give in to the enemy.‎ I would rather you had followed his advice.‎ ‎⑥ Had better和would rather后可接动词完成式,表示过去未完成的动作。如:‎ You had better have finished your work. (并没有完成)‎ I would rather have told it to her. (并没有告诉)‎ ‎11、 can、could和be able to ‎① 表示能力。can表示能力时(由于拥有某种知识和技能而能办到)可与be able to换用。be able to指人体力、智力、性格上的主观可能,也指性质上可能。但在将来时和完成时中必须用be able to结构(因为can只有现在时和过去时两种时态);表示经过努力而成功地办到了某个具体是事情时,只能用be able to,不可用can,这种用法的be able to相当于manage to和succeed in。如:‎ Can you understand the meaning of the word?‎ Are you able to understand the meaning of the word?‎ He could swim across the river.‎ He was able to swim across the river.‎ I think he’ll be able to realize his big aim.‎ The boy has been able to speak English.‎ After great efforts, he was able to make great progress in his work.(不可用could)‎ ‎② 表示“许可”,不过这种用法的can没有may正式。如:‎ You can help yourself at my home.‎ You could contact us in order to book a room.‎ ‎③ 表示可能性,常用于疑问句和否定句中,表示“有可能或绝对不可能”;在肯定句中要用may。如:‎ Can the answer be right?‎ Can he be a gentleman?‎ There can’t be any person beyond law in China.‎ ‎④ 表示温和的命令或轻微的批评。如:‎ You can go upstairs and answer the telephone.‎ You can think more about your study.‎ You could be earlier to arrive.‎ ‎⑤ can表示多种情绪,如困惑、不解、不满、不耐烦等。如:‎ What can it mean? (困惑)‎ What can make her angry? (不满)‎ Where can the boy run? (不解、困惑)‎ How can you say like this? (不耐烦)‎ ‎⑥ be able to可同情态动词连用,并可有自己的非谓语动词形式。如:‎ You might be able to do the job very well.‎ The girl seemed to be able to dance very beautifully.‎ I hope to be able take part in more activities.‎ 注意be able to不可同can或could连用,以避免重复。‎ ‎⑦ 在can’t help/bear等习语中的can’t或couldn’t不能变成be able to。因为can’t help/bear表示的是一种不自觉的行为,而且be able to作谓语时,主语只能是人且一般不用于被动语态,如不能说It is able to rain.或The door wasn’t able to be shut.‎ ‎⑧ could是can的过去式,除具有can的各种功能外,还可以表示比较委婉、客气地提问或陈述观点。应注意,肯定回答could提出的问题时,要用can不能用could,因为can的语气更肯定。如:‎ ‎—Could you give me a cup of tea?‎ ‎—Of cause, I can.‎ I’m sorry but I couldn't drive you to the airport.‎ ‎⑨ can和could还以表示某人或某物一时的特点,表示“有可能,有时会”‎ ‎,但有别于前面提到的在疑问句或否定句中表推测的用法。如:‎ The dog can be very dangerous.‎ The place can be very cloudy in the afternoon.‎ He can be very indifferent to others.‎ ‎⑩ can(could)have+过去分词相当于may(might)have+过去分词,表示“可能”。can(could)not have done表示“过去不可能”。如:‎ He could have passed the driving test.‎ Can he have come back?‎ She couldn’t have cooked the supper.‎ ‎? can(could)be后可接possible作表语,possibly也可同can或could连用,表示强调。如:‎ That can’t be possible.‎ I can’t possibly follow his advice, it breaks the rule.‎ ‎12、 may ‎① 示许可、允许,常译为“可以”。如:‎ You may overnight in my family.‎ People may not throw rubbish in the street.‎ ‎② 表示推测可能要发生的事情,常用在肯定句和否定句中。如:‎ He may come here today.‎ Tom may not be at home.‎ ‎③ 表示祝愿。如:‎ May you succeed.‎ May you be happy everyday.‎ May God bless you.‎ Long may you live.‎ Happy may your birthday be.‎ ‎④ 用在目的状语从句中,表示目的。如:‎ He studied hard so that he might go to college.‎ The man runs a shop in order that he may earn more money.‎ She got up earlier that she might (should/could) take the first bus.‎ ‎⑤ 用在表示让步的状语从句中,表示“尽管”。如:‎ Whoever may say so, you couldn’t believe him.‎ Come what may, I’ll think about my future.‎ ‎⑥ might是may的过去式,在表示“可能”的时候可以换用,但might语气较弱,可能性较小,且语气较委婉。如:‎ Might I come in?‎ He might help you when you are in trouble.‎ ‎13、 may well和may/might (just) as well may well+动词原形表示“理应、有足够理由做某事”;may/might as well+动词原形,为了加强语气也可加上副词just,相当于had better,表示“不妨,还不如”。如:‎ You may well stick to your opinion.‎ Everyone may well perform their right.‎ There’s little chance to succeed, you might/may as well give up.‎ The problem is too difficult, you may/might (just) as well as turn to your teacher for help.‎ ‎14、 Should ‎① 表示征求意见。作为shall的过去式,用于第一、三人称,多用于间接引语中以征求对方意思。如:‎ Mr Lee asked if he should get his visa tomorrow.‎ ‎② 用于疑问句或感叹句中,表示意外、惊异等情绪。常与why、how、who、what连用,表示“怎么会,想不到”。如:‎ Why should you be so late?‎ How should I know?‎ Who should come to see us but our parents?‎ ‎③ 用在状语从句中,表示目的。如:‎ He bought the ticket early so that he should have a seat. (也可用might或could)‎ ‎④ Should表示委婉、谦逊的语气,具有“可,倒”之意。如:‎ Should you like tea?‎ I should advise you not to do that again.‎ ‎⑤ 表示应该做,具有一种义务和责任。如:‎ I think today’s children should really learn to respect their elders.‎ You should keep the date because you had promise her.‎ ‎⑥ 表示对现在情况、将来情况的某种推测,意为“可能,该”。如:‎ He should be at home.‎ The film should be developed.‎ The train should arrive at 9 o’clock.‎ ‎⑦ 表示“困惑、惊奇、愤怒、失望、惋惜、欢欣等情绪”。如:‎ It’s surprising that Marry should love such a person as Jack.‎ It’s unthinkable that the boy should sing such a beautiful song.‎ 此种用法常用于以下句型结构。如:‎ I’m surprised(worried/anxious/sorry/glad等)+that从句 I’m afraid(anxious/uneasy/worried等)+least从句 I think it important(consider it a pity/a good joke)+that从句 I regret/rejoice/can’t bear/can’t imagine/can’t believe+that从句 It’s proper(likely/possible/probable/unthinkable)+that从句 It’s a pity(a marvel/a misfortune/no wonder)+that从句 此外在than、that引导的比较从句中以及由why或where引导的从句中也常用should表示某种情绪。如:‎ Nothing is worse that a person should lose confidence in his life.‎ There’s no place where you should park your car.‎ ‎⑧ 在结果状语从句中,表示“竟会…”。如:‎ What kind of education he received that he should become such a person?‎ What have I said that you should get angry?‎ ‎15、 情态动词+动词完成式 ‎① may和might+动词完成式 ‎⑴ 此结构常用于推测过去的行为,表示“可能已经”。如:‎ He may have arrived yesterday.‎ The man may have married two years ago.‎ ‎⑵ may have+过去分词也表示将来某时之前的情况。如:‎ Your uncle may have left when you return home.‎ His mother may have had breakfast when the boy gets up.‎ ‎⑶ might have+过去分词也可表示现在的情况,表示推测。如:‎ He might have started out now.‎ She might have got on the bus now.‎ ‎⑷ might have done还可表示过去应该做而没做的事或未做的事。如:‎ He might have studied hard in school.‎ The patient might have listened to the doctor’s suggestions.‎ ‎② can和could+动词完成式 ‎⑴ 表示过去能做而没做的事,表示一种惋惜之情。如:‎ He could have passed the exam.‎ ‎⑵ 推测过去的某种行为,表示“可能”,可同过去时间状语连用。如:‎ Where can (could) she have gone?‎ ‎③ must+动词完成式 表示对过去行为的推断,表示“一定…想必…”。如:‎ He must have made great efforts.‎ must的三种推测:一、must+动词原级,对现在的推测。二、must be+现在分词,对未来或现在进行时的推测。三、must+完成式,对过去的推测。‎ ‎④ needn’t+动词完成式和didn’t need to ‎⑴ needn’t+动词完成式,表示“过去没有必要做某事,而实际上做了”。如:‎ You needn’t have put clothes out to dry, for it is cloudy.‎ ‎⑵ didn’t need(have)to do结构表示“没有必要做某事,实际上也没有做”。如:‎ My mother was at home, my father didn’t need to cook.‎ ‎⑤ shall+动词完成式 ‎⑴ 此结构肯定形式表示“应该做的事,而没有做”,否定式表示“本不该做某事,而实际上做了”。(此种用法相当于ought to have done)‎ You should have taken part in the party.‎ He shouldn’t have cheated in the exam.‎ ‎⑵ 表示推测,意为“可能”,但可能性较小。如:‎ He should have got up by now.‎ ‎⑶ Should(would)have thought意为“本以为,本认为”。如:‎ I should have thought he wouldn’t do the hard job.‎ ‎⑷ Should have thought有时意为“认为、以为”,相当于should think,但表示更为委婉、谦逊和不肯定的语气。如:‎ I should have thought you might pay special attention to do it.‎ ‎⑥ 情态动词+动词进行时和完成进行时 这两种结构表示“应当正在,可能正在,应当一直在,可能一直在”等。如:‎ He must be joking.‎ He must have been studying English abroad these years.‎ What can (could/may/might) she be doing?‎ Can he have been hiding the fact?‎

