2021届高考英语人教版一轮总复习课时跟踪练:Book 4 Unit 5 Theme parks Word版含解析

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2021届高考英语人教版一轮总复习课时跟踪练:Book 4 Unit 5 Theme parks Word版含解析

www.ks5u.com 课时跟踪练20‎ Ⅰ.阅读理解 A It's common knowledge that some countries have higher life expectancies than others, but the city you live in can also affect your health.‎ Some cities are hard on their residents.In places with poor city planning, for example Lagos, which was called out recently by the Economist Intelligence Unit, public spaces are few, making outdoor activities hard.Lack of infrastructure (基础设施) blocks the streets with cars and the air with pollutants, and residents work long hours for little money.‎ These are just some of the factors added up by Spotahome, a rental agency.They've analyzed data from a range of sources, including the World Health Organization, TripAdvisor and the CIA World Factbook to score each city on health, gym availability and quality, life expectancies, obesity, green space and other elements to make a list to work out which are the world's healthiest cities.‎ The list is certainly Eurocentric and sunshine is seen as a positive factor.It does go some way toward suggesting which cities are getting it right in providing a good life for their residents.It may not be surprising to learn that most of the healthiest cities are in northern Europe, known for its peoplefirst approach to city planning. The cities of Australia and Canada also do well.However, the first American city is only in 34th place.The UK doesn't fare too well either—its only city in the top 50 list is London, in 40th.‎ Whether you're planning a wholesome holiday, or simply ‎ wondering what your city can do better in its quest for happy citizens, the list of the 50 healthiest cities will give you pause for thought about the future of city planning.Here are the slender, healthyeating, cleanaired cities that are getting it right.‎ ‎1.What plays the key role in building a healthy city according to the text?‎ A.Local culture.    B.City planning.‎ C.Economic condition. D.Geographical position.‎ ‎2.What does Paragraph 3 mainly talk about?‎ A.How the list of healthiest cities came into being.‎ B.What Spotahome discovered in the recent study.‎ C.The reasons why Spotahome carried out the study.‎ D.The places where the data of the study came from.‎ ‎3.What may be the best title for the text?‎ A.The Best Places to Have a Rich Life B.The Happiest Lifestyle in the World C.The City Factors Affecting Your Health D.The Nice Countries to Keep Healthy ‎【语篇解读】 研究者们通过调查发现城市建设会影响居民的健康。通过分析健康、绿化、预期寿命等因素,研究者们还列出了一个世界上最健康的城市的清单。‎ ‎1.解析:细节理解题。根据文章第一段可知,大家都知道一些国家比其他国家拥有更高的预期寿命,但是人们居住的城市也会影响人们的健康,即城市规划在创建一个健康城市方面扮演着一个很重要的角色,故选B项。‎ 答案:B ‎2.解析:主旨大意题。第三段主要介绍了研究者们通过从各种来源中分析数据,然后根据健康、体育设备的利用率和质量、预期寿命、肥胖指数、绿化方面和其他一些因素对每个城市进行打分来制订清单并列出哪些是世界上最健康的城市。由此可知,本段主要介绍了这份最健康城市的清单是怎样形成的,故选A项。‎ 答案:A ‎3.解析:主旨大意题。综观全文可知,本文主要介绍了城市建设对居民健康的影响,故选C项。‎ 答案:C B Some parts of the garden are for the rest of the world to admire.Others are for you to disappear to when you don't want to be found.Of course, that's easy enough to arrange when you have lots of land with space for the kids to run round and cozy “garden rooms” for the adults to enjoy.But when your garden is on the small side, you might think it's a tall order.Well, you're wrong.‎ To create a secret garden, people tend to take the routine: surrounding a small garden with high fences and then placing a lawn (草坪) in the middle and borders round the edge.Far from making the most of the area, that just makes it look a lot smaller and more boring.Dividing it up makes much more use of your space and means you can have your practical family area plus a secret garden.‎ When you're searching for the perfect secret site within your existing, setup, consider your present favourite spot.A secret garden needs to be special—a complete contrast to the more practical family parts of the garden.Perhaps you take a folding chair down to a quiet corner that gets evening sun; maybe you sit and watch the pond or ‎ simply slip out to the patio (露台) with a glass of wine.‎ It's quite easy to change an existing favourite feature into a secret place.You could top the patio with a pergola (藤架) pole and plant a grapevine for shade, or position a bench overlooking the pond and plant bamboos to screen it from the rest of the garden.‎ The areas you create needn't all be the same size—or even the same style—but if you're planning a major redesign, take your time and work it out on paper before committing time and money.Then when it's done, you'll really be able to relax and enjoy it.‎ ‎4.What assumption lies behind this passage?‎ A.Grapevines are widely used as shade in gardens.‎ B.People need their own space in the garden.‎ C.Family members should share everything.‎ D.Gardens are different in size and style.‎ ‎5.What does the underlined phrase “a tall order” in Paragraph 1 probably mean?‎ A.A difficult task.‎ B.A costly decision.‎ C.An unwise attempt.‎ D.An unfair business.‎ ‎6.What's the author's solution for a cozy space in a small garden?‎ A.Place a lawn in the middle.‎ B.Build borders around the lawn.‎ C.Surround the garden with high fences.‎ D.Have a separate space within the garden.‎ ‎7.What's the author's purpose in writing the passage?‎ A.To offer tips on a small getaway in the garden.‎ B.To share personal experience in gardening.‎ C.To recommend best plants for small gardens.‎ D.To advertise some new designs of gardens.‎ ‎【语篇解读】 花园中的一些部分是供他人欣赏的,另外一些是供自己躲避喧嚣的,如果花园够大的话,设计起来就容易一些,但是空间小的话也是有办法合理利用的。‎ ‎4.解析:推理判断题。文章第二、三、四段的第一句中都有一个关键词secret,由此可知,这三段是作者为追求私密空间的人提供的建议。故选B项。‎ 答案:B ‎5.解析:词义猜测题。根据第一段中的“Of course,that's easy enough to arrange when you have lots of land with space for the kids to run round and cozy ‘garden rooms’ for the adults to enjoy.But when your garden is on the small side,you might think it's a tall order.”可知,花园空间够大的话,设计起来很容易。但是如果花园小的话,你可能认为设计起来难度就大了。A项意为“一个很难的任务”,符合题意。‎ 答案:A ‎6.解析:推理判断题。根据第二段最后一句“Dividing it up makes much more use of your space and means you can have your practical family area plus a secret garden.”可知,把小花园分隔开,能够更充分地利用空间,这就意味着可以拥有一个实用的家庭区域和一个神秘花园。故可推知,作者在小花园中追求舒适空间的办法是:在其中分隔出一个空间。故选D项。‎ 答案:D ‎7.解析:推理判断题。综观全文可知,作者就如何在小花园中开辟秘密空间提供了一些建议。故选A项。‎ 答案:A Ⅱ.完形填空 Years ago, we celebrated our oldest son's first birthday by holding a super party.I spent months 1 , cutting out handmade banners (横幅) and making all kinds of decorations.I kept 2 my husband's work as he built a cardboard city background.And I would lose 3 of my emotions when it didn't progress exactly as I 4 .‎ I didn't know exactly why I stuck to 5 a party like that, but I felt this unspoken 6 .It was a feeling that my 7 as a mum and my love for my son were tied to how 8 this party was.Actually my son was turning one year old, and he had no idea what was going on. 9 , this clearly meant nothing to him.‎ I tried to 10 other people and maybe even prove something to myself, only to find it made me 11 .On his birthday, I put on a ton of makeup (化妆品) to 12 my stress and smiled to our 13 even though I nearly broke down.It was the 14 party because of the memories attached to it! I ruined a 15 memory for me as a mother and decided to make a 16 .‎ Last weekend, we celebrated my other son Hudson's sixth birthday.He asked for a Ninjago theme, so a week before the party, I searched Amazon (a shopping website) and 17 a banner and some basic party materials as he 18 .On that day, we ordered a big meal and used disposable (一次性的) plates to avoid hours of cleaning up.The party was 19 but perfect.As Hudson went to bed that night, he told me it was his best birthday ever.‎ Parents' 20 for kids does not lie in the complexity of celebrating kids' birthday.‎ ‎1.A.researching B.preparing C.thinking D.studying ‎2.A.ignoring B.doubting C.finding D.checking ‎3.A.control B.count C.sight D.track ‎4.A.learned B.explained C.expected D.promised ‎5.A.damaging B.arranging C.attending D.leaving ‎6.A.fear B.concern C.question D.pressure ‎7.A.dream B.career C.identity D.post ‎8.A.personal B.difficult C.familiar D.brilliant ‎9.A.However B.Therefore C.Anyhow D.Besides ‎10.A.persuade B.remind C.inspire D.impress ‎11.A.delighted B.annoyed C.tired D.astonished ‎12.A.create B.cover C.express D.experience ‎13.A.neighbors B.relatives C.colleagues D.guests ‎14.A.worst B.newest C.best D.biggest ‎15.A.clear B.bitter C.precious D.accurate ‎16.A.mess B.deal C.joke D.change ‎17.A.designed B.purchased C.made D.wanted ‎18.A.taught B.did C.demanded D.commanded ‎19.A.splendid B.complicated C.plain D.boring ‎20.A.affection B.praise C.sympathy D.advice ‎【语篇解读】 本文记叙了作者通过对两次给孩子过生目的描述得出了一个结论——父母对孩子的爱并不在于给他们庆祝生日的复杂程度。‎ ‎1.解析:根据前一句“Years ago,we celebrated our oldest son's first birthday by holding a super party.”和设空处后的“cutting out handmade banners and making all kinds of decorations”可知,几年前为了庆祝大儿子的一岁生日,“我们”举办了一个超级派对,为此作者做了很多准备,prepare意为“准备”,符合语境。research意为“调查,研究”;think意为“想;认为”;study意为“学习”。故选B项。‎ 答案:B ‎2.解析:根据下文语境可知,作者为了派对的完美,便想要一切符合预想,check意为“检查”,符合语境。ignore意为“忽略;忽视”;doubt意为“怀疑”;find意为“找到;发现;认为”。故选D项。‎ 答案:D ‎3.解析:根据语境及句意可知,lose control of(控制不住……)符合语境。lose count of意为“不知道……的确切数目”;lose sight of意为“看不见……”;lose track of意为“不知道……的动态”。故选A项。‎ 答案:A ‎4.解析:根据上文语境可知,为了超级派对,作者准备了几个月,一定有自己的预想,expect意为“预想”,符合语境。learn意为“学习;了解”;explain意为“解释”;promise意为“承诺;预示”。故选C项。‎ 答案:C ‎5.解析:根据上文中的“holding a super party”可知,他们在准备超级派对,arrange意为“安排”,符合语境。damage意为“破坏;损坏”;attend意为“出席;参加”;leave意为“离开;留下;遗忘”。‎ 答案:B ‎6.解析:结合前文可知,作者花几个月准备超级派对,说明并不容易,再根据下文中的“my stress”可知,作者在筹办这场超级派对的过程中感受到了一种说不出来的压力。pressure意为“压力”,符合语境。fear意为“恐惧;害怕”;concern意为“关心;担心”;question意为“问题”。故选D项。‎ 答案:D ‎7.解析:根据设空后的“as a mum”以及上文中提及的“our oldest ‎ son's first birthday”可知,作者初为人母,感觉自己作为母亲的这个身份与这场派对举办的精彩程度有关。identity意为“身份”,符合语境。dream意为“梦;梦想”;career意为“事业”;post意为“岗位;职位”。其他三项均不符合语境。故选C项。‎ 答案:C ‎8.解析:根据上文语境可知,作者想要办一个超级派对,想把这个派对办得精彩,因为她觉得自己作为母亲的这个身份和对儿子的爱都与这个派对举办的精彩程度有关。brilliant意为“精彩的;出色的”,符合语境。personal意为“个人的;亲自的”;difficult意为“困难的”;familiar意为“熟悉的,亲近的”。故选D项。‎ 答案:D ‎9.解析:根据设空处前一句“Actually my son was turning one year old,and he had no idea what was going on.”可知,作者的孩子才刚要满一岁,他不知道周围发生的一切,这与设空处后的“this clearly meant nothing to him”之间为因果关系,therefore意为“因此”,符合语境。however意为“然而”;anyhow意为“尽管如此”;besides意为“此外;除了……以外”。故选B项。‎ 答案:B ‎10.解析:根据上文语境以及下文中的“and maybe even prove something to myself”可知,作者安排这场超级派对是努力让其他人对这场派对印象深刻,甚至是向自己证明些什么,impress意为“(使)印象深刻”,符合语境。persuade意为“说服;劝说”;remind意为“提醒;使……想起”;inspire意为“激励;鼓舞;启迪”。故选D项。‎ 答案:D ‎11.解析:根据上文语境及下文中的“my stress”‎ 可知,几个月来作者为儿子准备盛大的派对,力求完美,最后却发现这场派对令人疲惫不堪,tired意为“疲惫的”,符合语境。delighted意为“高兴的;快乐的”;annoyed意为“恼怒的”;astonished意为“惊讶的;吃惊的”。故选C项。‎ 答案:C ‎12.解析:根据语境可知,作者虽然疲惫,但仍要装作轻松,因此需要用大量化妆品去掩盖,cover意为“掩盖”,符合语境。create意为“创造”;express意为“表达”;experience意为“经历;体验”。故选B项。‎ 答案:B ‎13.解析:根据常识可知,举办派对必定会请许多客人,作为主人,即使再累,也要笑对客人,guest意为“客人”,符合语境。neighbour意为“邻居”;relative意为“亲戚”;colleague意为“同事”。故选D项。‎ 答案:D ‎14.解析:根据后一句中的“ruined”可知,这并不是好的体验,worst意为“最糟糕的”,符合语境。newest意为“最新的”;best意为“最好的”;biggest意为“最大的”。故选A项。‎ 答案:A ‎15.解析:句意为:我毁了自己作为母亲的一次珍贵的(precious)记忆,并且由此决定做出改变(change)。本来一个母亲给孩子过生日应该是一件快乐的事,会留下美好而珍贵的记忆,可这次却不是这样。precious意为“珍贵的”,符合语境。clear意为“清楚的”;bitter意为“苦的;痛苦的;愤愤不平的;寒冷的”;accurate意为“精确的”。故选C项。‎ 答案:C ‎16.解析:根据下文中的“...I searched Amazon (a shopping website) and...some basic party materials as he...”可知,作者在举办孩子生日派对这件事上做出了些改变,由此可知,此处指作者决定做出改变,change意为“改变”,符合语境。mess意为“混乱”;deal意为“协定;交易”;joke意为“笑话”。‎ 答案:D ‎17.解析:据此空前的“a shopping website”可知,作者上网买东西,purchase意为“购买”,符合语境。design意为“设计”;make意为“做;制造”;want意为“想要”。故选B项。‎ 答案:B ‎18.解析:根据上文中的“He asked for a Ninjago theme”可知,作者的儿子要求派对以忍者为主题,所以一些派对用品一定要符合主题,也就是儿子的要求,demand意为“要求”,符合语境。teach意为“教”;do意为“做”;command意为“命令;指挥”。故选C项。‎ 答案:C ‎19.解析:根据上文的内容可知,这次派对作者并没有花费太多的精力在上面,只是纯粹地享受着和儿子在一起的快乐时光,虽简单却完美,plain意为“简单的;朴素的”,符合语境。splendid意为“极好的;辉煌的;壮丽的”;complicated意为“复杂的”;boring意为“无聊的”。‎ 答案:C ‎20.解析:根据文章第二段内容可知,作者刚开始认为给孩子的生日派对办得越大越好,就越能体现对孩子的爱,可后来却发现并非这样,故结合全文内容可知,affection意为“慈爱;喜爱”‎ ‎,最符合语境。praise意为“表扬;赞扬”;sympathy意为“同情”;advice意为“建议”。故选A项。‎ 答案:A

