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2019 届二轮复习 介词中的错用 1. (2017 全国 Ⅰ 卷 ) It was a relief and I came to a sudden stop just in the middle on the road. 根据固定短语 in the middle of…“ 在 …… 的中间”可知要把 on 改成 of 。 of 真题再练 2. (2017 全国 Ⅱ 卷 )They have also bought for some gardening tools. “ 买 …… 东西”直接用 bought ,介词 for 是多余的。 3. (2017 全国 Ⅲ 卷 )When I look at this picture of myself, I realize of how fast time flies. 由语境可知,“我”意识到时间飞逝。 realize 后接从句, of 多余。 4. (2016 全国 Ⅰ 卷 ) My uncle says that he never dreams becoming rich in a short period of time. 因 dream of doing sth. 为固定搭配,意为“渴望、梦想做某事”。 of/about 5. (2016 全国 Ⅲ 卷 ) Now I am leaving home to college. 因 leave…for… ( 离开 …… 去 ……) 为固定搭配。 for 6.(2015 全国 I 卷 ) Unfortunately, on the development of industrialization, the environment has been polluted. 表示“随着”用 with 。另外, with the development of ( 随着 …… 的发展 ) 可作为固定词组来记。 with 7.(2015 全国 II 卷 ) Tony saw a toy on a shop window. He liked it very much. 根据常识,玩具应在橱窗里面,故用 in 。 in 8.(2014 全国 I 卷 ) Nearly five years ago, and with the help by our father, my sister and I planted some cherry tomatoes in our back garden. 固定词组: with the help of sb. 在某人的帮助下。 of 9.(2014 全国 II 卷 ) Therefore, we have more time with after-school activities. 表示有时间做某事,或有做某事的时间, time 后接 for 或 to do 。又如 :I don’t have more time for reading /to read. 我没有更多的时间来阅读。 for 10. (2014 全国 II 卷 ) We can lie on the grass for a rest, or sit by the lake listening music. 表示“听”什么,要用 listen to ,这是固定词组。 to 11. (2013 全国 I 卷 ) He was tall, with broad shoulders and a beard that turned from black towards gray over the years. 固定词组: turn…into ( 把 …… 变成 ……), from…to ( 从 …… 到 ……) 。 to/into 12. (2013 全国 II 卷 ) The book I’m reading of talks about afternoon tea in Britain. 因“看书”是 read the book ,不用 of 。 思路点拨 因介词是短文改错的必考点,且可能不止考 1 题,所以凡遇到介词,要高度警惕。 1. 意义通不通? 一遇到介词,就从介词的基本意义出发,看句意通不通或是否符合常识。 2. 搭配对不对? 一遇到介词,就要瞻前顾后,看它是否符合搭配习惯。如[真题再练]第 11 题,遇到 toward ,是否正确?看看前面,有 turn ,可想到 turn…into ,或由 from 想到 from…to 。 3. 念念顺不顺? 如果平时有大声朗读的习惯,并留意了固定搭配,考场中只需默默念一念,就可感觉出有没有错误。如你听熟或读顺了 listen to me, read a book ,当你念到 listen music, read of a book 时就觉得不顺了,肯定是错的。这种方法特别适合辨识不及物动词后漏掉介词或及物动词后又增加介词的错误。 考点归纳 介词是改错题中必考考点,且近 4 年 10 套题中考了 12 道,是重点考查内容,我们必须高度重视。从高考真题来看,考查内容有以下特征: 1. 常见的介词。 如 in, of, for, with, to, into 等。 2. 基本的用法。 如 in 表示“在 …… 里”, on 表示“在 …… 的表面上”, for 引导接受某物的对象,等等。但也有个别题相对较难,如 time for after-school activities ( 做课外活动的时间 ) 。 3. 固定的词组。 在历年试题中,有多道考查固定词组。因此,含介词的固定词组我们就不得不重视了。要收集,要熟读,读得朗朗上口。 考点练透 1. (2010 全国课标卷 )As the old man looked over the things on the yard that were to be sold, he stopped … 表示“在庭院里”,是 in the yard 。 in 2. (2007 全国课标卷 ) Then I invited Li Ming in my place. 表示“邀请某人到某个地方”是 invite sb. to someplace 。 to 3. The more friends we have, the more we can learn for one another. 固定词组: learn from sb. 向某人学习。 from 4. (2012 大纲卷 ) To begin with, all of us can start reducing to the use of oil by driving only when we have a real need. 因为 reduce( 减少 ) 是及物动词,其后直接接宾语。 5. (2012 大纲卷 ) Third, we should find ways to reuse the water used in washing, especially bath water, for which is quite a lot, and that will save much water. 因 which 在定语从句中作主语 , “for+ 关系代词”是不能作主语的。 6. (2011 大纲卷 ) My best friend, Aigulie, used to share her Nang to me. 因 share sth. with sb.( 同某人分享某物 ) 是固定搭配,故 me 前的 to 改为 with 。 with 7. (2011 大纲卷 ) I think over her a lot and I miss the food and the good time we had together. 表示“想起”用 think of 。而 think sth. over 意为“慎重思考”。 of 8. (2011 大纲卷 ) Thank you very much for showing us around your city and providing us for the wonderful meals. 由 provide sb. with sth.( = provide sth. for sb. 给某人提供某物 ) 可知 ,us 后的 for 改为 with 。 with 9. (2010 大纲卷 I) It was a chance of a lifetime to win the first prize on the Story Writing Show. 表示“在比赛中”用 in 。 in 10. (2010 大纲卷 II) From then on, we’ve kept touch with each other through e-mails. 固定词组: keep in touch with sb. 与某人保持联系。 in 11. (2009 大纲卷 I) After five years away in my hometown, I find that the neighborhood which I used to live in has changed a lot. 离某处多久或多远,用 away from ,故 away 后的 in 改为 from 。 from 12. (2009 大纲卷 II) I’m sorry that I wasn’t able to return to your bike on time yesterday. 因 return 作“归还 ( 某物 )” 解时是及物动词,后面直接接宾语,所以删除 to 。如果说“把某物还给某人”则说 return sth. to sb. 。 13. (2008 大纲卷 I) I have just got some good news to tell to you. 删除 tell 后的 to 表示告诉某人,是 tell sb. 。 14. (2008 大纲卷 I) I imagine you’ll be at vacation yourself by that time. 因 on vacation( 度假 ) 是固定词组。 on 15. (2008 大纲卷 II) If I have the honor to be chosen to work for the 29th Olympic Games, I will at first improve my English…Second, I will… 比较: at first 起初,在开始时; first 首先。由下面的 Second( 其次 ) 可知,这里用 first 。 16. (2008 大纲卷 II) I will first improve my English so that I can talk easily about foreign visitors. 表示“同,和”某人交谈是 talk with/ to sb. 。 with/ to 17. (2007 大纲卷 I) I asked him, “Grandpa, how come you have so many lines on your hand?”… he answered slowly, “Each these lines stands for a trouble in my life.” 因 each of… (…… 中的每一个 ) 才与谓语动词 stands 一致。 of 18. (2007 大纲卷 II) I’m the happiest in all! 表示“在所有人中”,用 of 。 19. (2007 大纲卷 II) It will be lots of fun for practising out in the playground in the afternoon… It is fun doing sth.( 做某事是开心的 ) 是固定句式。 of THANK YOU!

