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2019 届二轮复习短文改错中已考的和可能要考的 易混词辨析 30 例 在高考英语全国卷的短文改错中,常会考查一些常用的易混词辨析,现将其归纳如下: 1. many 与 much ( 不定代词 ) many 修饰或代替可数名词 ( 复数 ); much 修饰或代替不可数名词 ( 单数 ) 。 (1)Too _______ after-class activities take up too much of our precious time for study. (2)I have some classical novels but not _______. (3)There was so _______ traffic that we got to school an hour late. (4)The children never eat very _______, but they seem quite healthy. much many many much 2. ago 与 before ( 作副词 ) ago 放在时间段后,表示离现在多久 之前,常与一般过去时连用; before 是相对过去某个时间或动作来 说多久以前,常与过去完成时连用。 before 还可单独使用,与现在完成时 连用。 (5) We toured France about three years _______. (6) He said he had seen the film two days _________. (7) I have seen you________ , but I can’t remember where. before ago before 3. very 与 much( 作副词 ) very 修饰形容词或副词的原级 ; much 修饰动词,以及形容词或副 词的比较级。 (8) I know he hasn’t finished, but, after all, he is _______ busy. (9) He adjusted himself _______ quickly to the heat of the country. (10) She looks ______ prettier with long hair than with short hair. much very very 4. very much 与 very well( 修饰动词 ) very much 意为“非常”; very well 意为“十分 , 完全 , 彻底”。 (11) I’m sure that everybody will miss him very_______ . (12) I don’t know these people very ______. well much 5. such 与 so such 是形容词,用来修饰名词 ( 名词前面可以加形容词,也可以不加 ) 。如果修饰单数可数名词,其后加不定冠词 a 或 an 。 so 是副词,用来修饰形容词或副词;此外, so 还可用于 think, believe, suppose, hope, say, do 等后面,代替前句内容,以避免重复。 (13) He told them about the job he had left. _______ information was just what they needed. (14) This isn’t the only story of starving children. Many _______ cases are reported. such Such 5. such 与 so such 是形容词,用来修饰名词 ( 名词前面可以加形容词,也可以不加 ) 。如果修饰单数可数名词,其后加不定冠词 a 或 an 。 so 是副词,用来修饰形容词或副词;此外, so 还可用于 think, believe, suppose, hope, say, do 等后面,代替前句内容,以避免重复。 (15) She is ______ a nice girl that everyone likes her very much. (16) The girl is ____ nice that everyone likes her very much. (17) I’m sorry to disturb you ____ early. (18) I’m not sure if I’ll succeed, but I certainly hope ______. so such so so 6. ever 与 never ever 表示“在任何时候;曾,曾经” ( 用于疑问句、否定句,或表示怀疑或条件的句中;与比较级 than ever 或最高级连用 ) ; never 表示“从未,永不”。 (19)If you _______ need any help, just let me know. (20)“Have you ______ thought of changing your job?” “No, never.” (21)This is the most interesting novel that I have ______ read. (22)He has ________ been abroad. never ever ever ever 7. no 与 not no (=not any, not a) 是形容词,修饰名词 ( 不可数、可数名词单复数 ) 。 not 是副词,与情态动词、助动词、 be 构成否定式;与非谓语动词构成否定式;用于 believe, hope, except, trust 等后替代 that 引导的否定从句。 (23) She could ______ account for her mistake. (24) We do _____ think such an abnormal phenomenon will last long. (25) I’m _____ accustomed to getting up so early to do morning exercise. not not not 7. no 与 not no (=not any, not a) 是形容词,修饰名词 ( 不可数、可数名词单复数 ) 。 not 是副词,与情态动词、助动词、 be 构成否定式;与非谓语动词构成否定式;用于 believe, hope, except, trust 等后替代 that 引导的否定从句。 (26) He pretended ______ to know the facts. (27) There is _____ access to the street through that door. no not 8. use to 与 be used to used to do sth 过去常常做某事; be used to (doing) sth 习惯 ( 做 ) 某事; be used to do sth 被用来做某事 (28) We used to ______(live) in Shanghai but now we live in Beijing. (29) He’s not used to ________ (make) speeches in public; it’s so embarrassing. (30) So the power of the atom can be used to________ (produce) electricity. produce live making 9. good 与 well( 好的 ) good 是形容词,作表语或修饰名词作定语; well 是副词,修饰动词。但 well 作形容词用,表示“身体健康的”。 (31) This beach is ______ for swimming but bad for surfing. (32) Tammy has a ______ job at the post office. (33) The kids all behaved ______. (34) I’m not feeling very ______ today; I can’t go there. well good good well 10. both 与 all ( 都 ) both( 两者 ) 都, all( 三者或三者以上 ) 都; neither( 两者 ) 都不, none( 三者或三者以上 ) 都不 (35)There are many trees on ______ sides of the street. ( 比较: on either side of the street) (36)They were _____ very tired, but none of them would stop to take a rest. all both 11. either 与 neither either ( 两者中 ) 任何一个,任一; either…or… 或者 …… 或者 …… neither (not either)( 两者中 ) 一个也不; neither…nor… 既不 …… 也不 …… (37)There were two witnesses but I wouldn’t trust ________ of them. (38) ________ you come with us, or you stay at home with your mother. (39)They produced two reports, ________ of which contained any useful suggestions. (40) _________ the father nor the son is interested in the film. Neither either Either neither 12. too 与 either ( 也 ) too 用于肯定句或疑问句; either 用于否定句。 (41)Helen’s got a beautiful voice; she’s a pretty good dancer _____. (42)I haven’t seen this film, and my brother hasn’t ________. either too 13. late, lately, later 与 latest late adv . 迟,晚 adj . 迟的,晚的 lately adv . 最近 later adv . 后来,“时间段 +later” 多久后, later on 后来 , sooner or later 迟早; latest adj . 最近的 , 最新的。 (43)This morning I was ______ for school because I got up______ . (44)What have you been doing _______? (45)He was slightly injured in the accident and three days ______ , he was dismissed from the hospital. late late lately later 13. late, lately, later 与 latest late adv . 迟,晚; adj . 迟的,晚的; lately adv . 最近; later adv . 后来,“时间段 +later” 多久后, later on 后来 , sooner or later 迟早; latest adj . 最近的 , 最新的。 (46)At first things went well, but _______on we ran into trouble. (47)Sooner or _____ he would be caught by the police. (48)Have you read his _______ novel? latest later later 14. here 与 there here 指说话者所在的地方; there 指离说话者较远处,或前面已经提到过的地方。 (49) We’ve lived _______ for over 20 years. (50) If John sits _______, Mary can sit there. (51) They’re going to Hawaii, and they plan to stay _______ until the end of March. there here here 15. it 与 one it 指代“ the+ 单数可数名词或不可数名词”,特指前面提到的那个事物; one 替代“ a/an+ 单数可数名词”,泛指该类事物中的一个。 (52) My uncle bought me a bike last year and I like ____ very much. (53) I like that kind of bike very much and I want to buy ______ next month. one it 16. after 与 in (…… 后 ) “after+ 时间段”用于过去时; “ in+ 时间段”用于将来时。 (54) He came back ______a few days. (=a few days later) (55) He will come back ____ a few days. in after 17. whether 与 if ( 是否 ) 表示“是否”,引导主语从句、表语从句、同位语从句、 discuss 或介词后的宾语从句,或与不定式或直接与 or not 连用,只能用 whether ; if 与 whether 都可与 or 连用,即 if…or not whether…or not ;引导一个否定的宾语从句或一个条件状语从句时,只用 if 。 (56) _________ we’ll go camping this Sunday depends on the weather. (57)The question is _________ he is free. (58)We should discuss _________we shall have a meeting. (59)I have doubts about _________ he is the best man for the job. Whether whether whether whether 17. whether 与 if ( 是否 ) 表示“是否”,引导主语从句、表语从句、同位语从句、 discuss 或介词后的宾语从句,或与不定式或直接与 or not 连用,只能用 whether ; if 与 whether 都可与 or 连用,即 if…or not whether…or not ;引导一个否定的宾语从句时,或一个条件状语从句时,只用 if 。 (60) Mike can’t make up his mind __________ to go to college or get a job. (61) Can you tell me __________ or not the train has left? (62) I don’t care ____ he won’t come. (63) ____ he is free tomorrow, he will come. If whether whether if 18. beside 与 besides beside prep . 在 …… 旁边 ; besides adv . 除此之外,还 ,此外。 (64) He did not hesitate to ask her to sit ________ him. (65) _________ a singer, he is also an actor. (66) The hurricane damaged many houses. __________, it caused six deaths. Besides beside Besides 19. as 与 with ( 随着 ) as 是连词,其后接从句; with 是介词,其后接“宾语 (+ 宾补 )” 。 (67) ____ time goes by, I love you more and more each day. (68) ______ time going by, I love you more and more each day. 20. wide 与 widely wide adv . 宽地 ( 具体 ) ; widely adv . 广泛地 ( 抽象 ) (69)Rose opened the door ________. (70)English is ________used in the world. widely As With wide 21. close 与 closely close adv . 近 ( 具体 ) ; closely adv . 仔细地,密切地 ( 抽象 ) (71) He is standing ________ to me. (72) Watch the thief ________in case he should escape. 22. high 与 highly high adv . 高地 ( 具体 ) ; highly adv . 高度地,非常,极为赞许地 ( 抽象 ) (73) The kite is flying _______. (74) The method proved to be ________effective. (75) The teacher thought ________of your deeds. highly close closely high highly 23. hard 与 hardly hard adv . 努力地, ( 雨、雪 ) 猛烈地; adj . 困难的 hardly adv . 几乎不 (76)He worked _______even though it rained _______ outside. (77) My nose is all blocked up and I can _______ breathe. 24. do wrong 与 go wrong do wrong 做错事,干坏事; go wrong 出错 , 出故障 , 遇到麻烦 (78)He promised not to _____ wrong again after he was caught by the policemen. (79)Follow these instructions and you can’t ______ wrong. go hard hard hardly do 25. rise 与 raise rise vi . 上升 , ( 日、月、星辰 ) 升起 , 起身 ; raise vt . 举起 , 提起 , 扶起 ; 养育 , 饲养 , 筹集 (80)The sun ______in the east. (81)The water level ______ by 1.5 metres yesterday. (82)He ______ from his seat to welcome me when he saw me. (83)If you have any question, please ______ your hands. (84)For most young parents, ________ a family is a challenge. (85)We managed to ______ 40,000 yuan through sponsored events. raise rises rose rose raise raising 26. cost, spend 与 take cost sb sth 主语是事物; spend…in doing sth or on sth 主语是人; take 的主语可以是人、事物或 it 。 (86) The shirt ________me 200 yuan . (87) I _____ 200 yuan on this shirt. (88) It ______ me fifteen minutes to go to school every day. spent takes cost Thank you!

