高中英语人教版必修5练习:Unit 3 Section Ⅰ

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高中英语人教版必修5练习:Unit 3 Section Ⅰ

www.ks5u.com Unit 3Life in the future Section Ⅰ Warming Up,Pre-reading,‎ Reading & Comprehending 课后篇巩固提升 一、用方框内所给单词或短语的适当形式填空 take up fasten flash sweep up previous impression switch remind ‎1.He never      the top button of his shirt. ‎ 答案:fastens ‎2.Every day he          the fallen leaves in the yard. ‎ 答案:sweeps up ‎3.The film         me of what I had seen in the United States. ‎ 答案:reminded ‎4.His performance made a deep         on me. ‎ 答案:impression ‎5.The light on the top of the police car was      . ‎ 答案:flashing ‎6.He took out his flashlight from his jacket and       it on. ‎ 答案:switched ‎7.My father tells me to buy some gifts some day        to Christmas. ‎ 答案:previous ‎8.He said the work          all his time. ‎ 答案:took up 二、用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空 ‎1.     (offer) an important role in a new movie,Andy has got a chance to become famous. ‎ 答案:Offered ‎2.When we were talking about something,the boy       (slide) into the room. ‎ 答案:slid ‎3.The         (open) of the cave is so small that an adult can barely pass through it. ‎ 答案:opening ‎4.An          (adjust) was made to improve work efficiency. ‎ 答案:adjustment ‎5.You can discover many types of wildlife in the        (surround)of a traditional farm. ‎ 答案:surroundings ‎6.What’s your first       (impress) of Hangzhou? ‎ 答案:impression ‎7.Faced with too much         (press),he found it hard to fall asleep. ‎ 答案:pressure ‎8.What is      (lack) today is the conflict between adolescents’ desire for autonomy and their understanding of an unsafe world. ‎ 答案:lacking ‎9.No one in the carriage had      (previous) spoken to the ticket-owner before. ‎ 答案:previously ‎10.The direction of the wind is      (constant) changing. ‎ 答案:constantly 三、用适当的介词或者副词填空 ‎1.Only students skillful at swimming can take      this activity. ‎ 答案:up ‎2.He is always ready to take     heavy responsibilities. ‎ 答案:on ‎3.      the sight of the snake,the girl drew back. ‎ 答案:At ‎4.After a long silence,one freshman rose      his feet. ‎ 答案:to ‎5.My wheelchair experiment made a deep impression      me. ‎ 答案:on ‎6.They came to take      a challenge. ‎ 答案:up ‎7.He has got a bad headache      lack of sleep. ‎ 答案:for ‎8.We lost sight      him in the crowd. ‎ 答案:of 四、翻译句子 ‎1.他给他的老板留下了一个很好的印象。(impression)‎ 答案:He has made a good impression on his boss.‎ ‎2.你爸爸从什么时候开始画画的?(take up)‎ 答案:When did your father take up drawing?‎ ‎3.经过细心的照料,他完全复原了。(be back on one’s feet)‎ 答案:After being taken good care of,he is back on his feet.‎ ‎4.那个小偷溜进了房间。(slide into)‎ 答案:The thief slid into the room.‎ ‎5.我发现学英语是很容易的。(find)‎ 答案:I find it very easy to learn English.‎ 五、阅读理解 A Join us for the opening of the schools of the ‎ future exhibition event The year is 2035.A group of schoolchildren heads over to a garden for lunch and,after the break,teachers send lessons into headsets(头戴式耳机) worn by students.The wearable tech is able to read body signals to make sure the child is concentrating(全神贯注) and can differentiate the lessons according to how their young charge is getting along.It can also send a full progress assessment(评估) to the teacher.‎ This is one picture of the future of school life,but how likely is it?Over the past five months,the Guardian Teacher Network has been exploring how schools might develop over the next twenty years and beyond.Our journalists have explored a series of topics from whether computers could replace teachers and how some libraries are breaking with tradition,to the rise of outdoor learning and the forest school revolution.One area that provides much food for thought is the future of school dinners.Journalist Matthew Jenkin has looked back at Jamie Oliver’s campaign against Turkey Twizzlers,deciding that the next hot topics include mealtimes and foods.‎ We’re now bringing these ideas to life in an exciting exhibition,supported by Zurich Municipal,held at our offices in London.It is free to attend.We’ll be hearing from Liz Sproat,the head of education for Google across Europe,Middle East and Africa.‎ We’d love for you to join us for a spot of future drinks and food.‎ Date:Sunday 17 June 2018‎ Time:6:30 pm to 8:30 pm Location:The Guardian,90 York Way,London,NI 9GU Cost:Free Speakers:Charles Leadbeater,author and education advisor Margaret Cox OBE,professor of information technology in education,King’s College London Tom Sherrington,headteacher,Highbury Grove School Liz Sproat,head of education,EMEA,Google ‎1.What does the first paragraph describe?‎ A.An exhibition program.‎ B.A picture on the school wall.‎ C.A possible future scene at school.‎ D.A newly invented high-tech headset.‎ 答案:C 解析细节理解题。根据第二段中的“This is one picture of the future of school life...”可知,第一段展望了未来学校生活中的一个场景。‎ ‎2.What can we learn about the exhibition?‎ A.It is being held by King’s College London.‎ B.It centres on the future of school life.‎ C.It will be on show worldwide.‎ D.It is hosted by Liz Sproat.‎ 答案:B 解析细节理解题。根据第二段中的“Our journalists have explored a series of topics...the forest school revolution.”及第三段中的“We’re now bringing these ideas to life in an exciting exhibition...”可知,本展览聚焦未来学校生活。‎ ‎3.What type of writing is this text?‎ A.A travel guide.‎ B.An announcement.‎ C.A school year plan.‎ D.An educational report.‎ 答案:B 解析推理判断题。根据文章的内容以及形式可知,本文是一则邀请读者参观主题为未来学校生活的展览的通知。‎ B Some people are so rude!‎ Who sends an e-mail or a text message that just says “Thank you”?Who leaves a voice mail message rather than texts you?Who asks for a fact easily found on Google?Don’t these people realize that they’re wasting your time?‎ Maybe I’m the rude one for not appreciating life’s little politeness.But many social agreed standards just don’t make sense to people drowning in digital communication.‎ In texts,you don’t have to declare who you are or even say hello.E-mail,too,is slower than a text.Voice mail is now an impolite way of trying to connect.‎ My father learned this lesson after leaving me a dozen voice mail messages,none of which I listened to.Exasperated,he called my sister to express his dissatisfaction that I never returned his phone calls.“Why are you leaving him voice mail?” my sister asked.“Just text him.”‎ In the age of the smartphone,there is no reason to ask once-acceptable questions about:the weather forecast,a business’s phone number,or directions to a house,a restaurant,which can be easily found on Google Maps.But people still ask these things.And when you answer,they respond with a thank-you e-mail.‎ How to handle these differing standards?Easy.Consider your audience.Some people,especially older ones,appreciate a thank-you message.Others,like me,want no reply.‎ The anthropologist(人类学家) Margaret Mead once said that in traditional societies,the young learn from the old.But in modern societies,the old can also learn from the young.Here’s hoping that politeness never goes out of fashion but that time-wasting forms of communication do.‎ ‎4.What does the underlined word “Exasperated” mean in the fifth paragraph?‎ ‎           ‎ A.Worried. B.Surprised.‎ C.Annoyed. D.Tired.‎ 答案:C 解析词义猜测题。根据第五段第二句中的“he called my sister to express his dissatisfaction that I never returned his phone calls”可知,作者的父亲对作者不给自己回电话很不满,由此可推知exasperated意思是“恼怒的,生气的”,故选C项。‎ ‎5.Why didn’t the writer reply to his father?‎ A.He liked text messages better.‎ B.He enjoyed checking his voice mail.‎ C.He didn’t receive any voice mail messages.‎ D.He didn’t want to talk with his father.‎ 答案:A 解析推理判断题。根据第五段中的“‘Why are you leaving him voice mail?’ my sister asked.‘Just text him.’”可推知,作者不喜欢用语音信箱,更偏爱发短信,故选A项。‎ ‎6.Which of the following does the writer agree to?‎ A.People needn’t learn from one another in traditional societies.‎ B.Dealing with voice mail should vary with each individual.‎ C.People needn’t turn to Google for help when in trouble.‎ D.Declaring who you are or saying hello in texts is necessary.‎ 答案:B 解析推理判断题。根据第七段的内容可推知,标准是变化的,处理方式应该因人而异,而不是一刀切,语音信箱的使用亦是如此,故选B项。‎ ‎7.What’s the best title of this passage?‎ A.Nowadays:what should we do with text messages?‎ B.Nowadays:do you like leaving others a voice message?‎ C.Nowadays:what means should we use in communication?‎ D.Nowadays:do you need a thank-you message?‎ 答案:C 解析主旨大意题。根据对文章内容的整体理解可知,第三段引入本文话题,最后两段点题总结,本文主要讨论的是如今(在智能手机时代)我们应该用何种方式沟通,故选C项。‎ 六、语篇填空 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。‎ In December 2018,I had to spend Christmas in 1. countryside of Nigeria with my husband’s family,who never had the tradition 2.      (celebrate)this holiday. ‎ It was my first Christmas away from America in many years,and there was a feeling of 3.      (lose) in this rural village,4.      there wasn’t even an atmosphere of the holiday.But in the end,I made a decision—if they could not bring Christmas to me,I would bring it to them. ‎ My in-laws helped me look through their storage to find my old Christmas tree,which I 5.      (buy)years before in Africa.I 6.      (delight)to see the ornaments(装饰物)were still there and the string of lights even worked. ‎ I took out my classic chocolate cake recipe,and 7. (make) a wonderful dessert for the family—a little creamy,but still satisfying.On Christmas Day,I shared the spirit of giving 8.      presenting relatives in the village with 9.     (import) chocolates wrapped in festive gold paper. ‎ Everyone in the family responded with such warm smiles,glowing with a Christmas joy all their own.It wasn’t Christmas like I remembered,yet it left a 10.(last) impression on me.‎ 答案:1.the 2.to celebrate 3.loss 4.where 5.had bought 6.was delighted 7.made 8.by 9.imported 10.lasting

