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高考英语必修1导学案:(Unit2 English around the world the 7th period)
The Seventh Period ●从容说课 This is the latest period of this unit.In this part,I advise taking summing up,learning tip and project as the targets.This is a period of summary and consolidation of words and phrases,a summary of English around the world,and a summary of grammar will all be dealt with.Students are the key role of a class.So I think it is better to let students summarize by themselves.After that,if there is something missing,they will be helped by teachers.Besides the summary part,project will also be considered.This part offers students a chance to do many things by themselves,which can of course improve students’ ability.Now that it is not a course of teaching knowledge but an ability-training one,it is better to let students think more to solve the questions.Maybe group work will be good in effect.Then students report the result of their group work. ●三维目标 1.Knowledge: Review all the knowledge of words,phrases,expressions,grammar,and the language. 2.Ability: Deal with the part of project to know something about code. 3.Emotion: Create some codes. ●教学重点 The consolidation of the knowledge learnt before. ●教学难点 How to help students sum up and master the knowledge. ●教具准备 slides ●教学过程 Step 1 Greetings Greet the whole class as usual Step 2 Summing up the knowledge of English T:Today we are here having the last period of this unit.After reading this unit,what have you learnt?First what have you learnt about different kinds of English.Would you work in groups of four to discuss it?And then report it in the form of a table. (discuss for 5 minutes) Now exchange ideas with other group freely. Possible table: Different kinds of English Canadian;British;American,Australian;Indian English Reasons Cultural communication Main differences between Am.English and Br.English Pronunciation Spelling Words Step 3 Summing up words and expressions T:We have got much information about the language.Then what words and expressions have we learnt?Discuss with your partner and make a list. S:Noun:role,native,culture,vocabulary,usage,identity,government,phrase,command,request,standard,accent Verb:include,rule,command,request,retell,recognize Other expressions:play a role (in);because of;come up;be present at;such as;be polite to Then please use the right forms of the words or phrases to fill in the blanks: 1.The famous actor said he looked forward to ____________ in the movies directed by talented Zhang Yimou. 2.The sports meet was put off ____________ the bad weather. 3.After reading the text,we were told to ____________ the passage using our own words. 4.He changed so much that I didn’t ____________ him at first. 5.More than half of the people who were invited ____________ the meeting. 6.In this vacation,I plan to do many things ____________ traveling to Hong Kong. 7.Nobody dared to go against his ____________ that everyone (should)leave until 8 o’clock. 8.The problem ____________ at the meeting has been solved. Suggested answers: 1.playing a role 2.because of 3.retell 4.recognize 5.were present at 6.including 7.command 8.coming up T:A good summary.Then would you please fill in the blanks with correct forms of words. Step 4 Summing up grammar In this unit,we met across a new grammar item:request and command.Now recall the sentence patterns with your partner. Command:Do/Do not do... Request:Do/Do not do...please. Can you do...? Could you do...? Will you do...? Would you do...? Step 5 Learning tips T:We know interest in the mother of success.If you find that the thing that you are doing is not so interesting,it’s not so likely that you will succeed.It is the same case with the study of English.So when you learn English,you’d better try to find fun in the study.For example,try to make jokes using words which have different meanings. For example: ①Don’t rock that baby on the rock while playing that rock music. ②I wish to wish the wish you wish to wish,but if you wish the wish the witch wishes,I won’t wish the wish you wish to wish. ③If white chalk chalks white on a black blackboard,will black chalk chalks black on a white whiteboard then? Will you find out more funny things in studying English? Some slang in America: Beats Me 林先生刚到美国时,经常不经意间听到“Beats me”这句话,心想总不会叫人揍自己吧!例如,有人问:“When is this rain supposed to stop?” 对方可能回答“Beats me !” 若再问: “Where are your parents?”,对方回答也可能是 “Beats me!” 这句话如此管用,几乎适用于任何场合,那么到底是什么意思呢?林先生求教于人,得知其意是“I don’t know”——我不知道,我无法回答。 Now You Are Cooking 老吴与同事John聊天,他的女秘书敲门进来报告说,他此次开会所要的简报资料已制作完成,请John过目。John 接过资料审视后说:“Now you are cooking.”老吴听了一怔,不解地问他是怎么知道她此时正在煮东西。John笑说,他只是夸她这次干得不错而已,并不知道她在煮东西。原来,Now you are cooking此处系指“Well done”,与东西无关。 Food Free Zone 章先生又饥又渴地赶到了图书馆借书。一走进图书馆,看到展示区上挂了“Food Free Zone”的告示牌,心想美国公立图书馆真不错,还提供免费食物(free food),于是直奔该区寻找免费食物填肚,可怎么也找不着。此时一位好心的女馆员走过来问道:“May I help you?”章先生答说:“I am looking for the free food.”女馆员笑说:“You’ll never find it.Absolutely no food is allowed in this section.”经这一指点,章先生恍然大悟:原来 Food Free Zone是“禁食区”,不是“免费食物区”。 Powder Room 小段与先生一起去同事家做客。小段想上洗手间,先生指着一扇虚掩的门说:“就在那儿。”走近一看,门上挂着一块小木牌“Powder Room”,小段不知这是什么房间,又退了回去,先生肯定地说:“没错。”后来才知道Powder Room 是指带化妆室的洗手间。 Wildcat 给华人学生上英文课的美国老师对学生说,他家里有个wildcat。 学生听了很感兴趣,以为老师家庭生活一定很有意思,请求他什么时候带来给大家看看。老师连连摇头,知道学生没有明白他的意思,解释说,wildcat 是美国口语,指凶悍、脾气暴躁的女人,不是“野猫”。 Have the Ball at One’s Foot 一次聚会上,大家谈到李先生新从事的工作,吴先生说:“He has a ball at his feet.”小许脱口而出:“我没看见他脚边有球。”顿时大家都笑了 ,小许有点尴尬。 原来,这句话的意思是指对某人看好,机会就在面前,深信他会成功。 Out Cold 小张在纽约州立大学读书时,有次想选一门课,听说这门课不易对付,于是向一位修过这门课的美国学生打听情况,他说:“I remember that was an early class for me,and I always fell asleep during the class.I was out cold.” 小张以为“out cold”就是“catch cold”的意思,对他深表同情,说“你生病还坚持上课,真不容易!”可这位美国同学却一脸的迷惑。 后来小张才知道,out cold是“昏昏沉沉什么都不知道”的意思,cold是副词,作“完全地,彻底地”解。 Step 6 Project T:Making jokes with different meanings of the same word sometimes can bring about humorous effect.If we use codes instead of words,maybe it is also funny.Now let’s see the passage on P53.Read it aloud,and exchange answers with partners. T:In the war,codes were used to send secrets.Of course it has many other uses.For example,it can save time.Now work with your partner to create your own codes.And then share with your classmates.See if they can guess what each part of the code means. Step 7 Summary T:Today we have recalled what have been learnt in this unit including words,expressions and grammar.Review them after class and keep words and phrased in mind.That’s all for today.Good-bye. Step 8 Homework Recite words and phrases. Finish a paper to check yourself. Ⅰ.单项填空(15分) 1.—Can I ask if you agree to my plan? —____________. A.I’m afraid not B.No,please don’t C.Yes,you can D.Yes,please 2.She told Tom ____________ make the same mistake again. A.he can’t B.don’t to C.to not D.not to 3.You ____________ him if he had seen you there that morning. A.told B.said to C.asked D.asks 4.The number of the visitors,as we had expected,____________ well over two hundred. A.is B.were C.are D.was 5.Would you please ____________ talk during the class? A.not to B.don’t C.to not D.not 6.The officer commanded this man ____________. A.to cut the shoes open B.don’t cut the shoes open C.to not cut the shoes open D.to cut the shoes opened 7.Someone is ringing the doorbell.Go and see ____________. A.who is he B.who he is C.who is it D.who it is 8.The request made by her that ____________ was really ridiculous. A.everyone left in 5 minutes B.everyone leave in 5minutes C.everyone to leave in 5 minutes D.everyone leaving in 5 minutes 9.The bill adds up to 25 cents,____________. A.postage including B.postage included C.to include postage D.and including postage 10.The professor can speak ____________ five foreign languages. A.so much as B.as much as C.so many as D.as many as 11.Do you have any difficulty ____________ the passage? A.on reading B.in reading C.for reading D.to read 12.Housework is very tiring.____________ cleaning the house ____________.It takes you a lot of time to clean the house a week. A.Take;for an example B.Use;for example C.Take;for example D.Use;for an example 13.—That would mean ____________ a lot of time. —Really?I don’t mean ____________ any time. A.wasting;wasting B.wasting;to waste C.to waste;wasting D.to waste;to waste 14.Who can you imagine ____________ to his wedding party? A.inviting B.being invited C.was invited D.to be invited 15.Mary asked me ____________ the mirror. A.if had I broken B.had I broken C.if I had broken D.did I break Ⅱ.完形填空(30分) Do you know how many languages there are in the world?There are about 1500,but many of them are not considered very 16 .English is considered one of the most important languages because many people 17 it,not only in England and America, 18 in other countries of the world.About 200000000 speak it 19 their own language,and another 230000000 use it as 20 language.It is 21 to say how many people are learning it. 22 boys and girls in schools are trying to do so. Many 23 children study French.French is also a very important language. 24 children study German,Russian,Japanese and Chinese. Which is the best 25 to learn a language?We know that we all learnt 26 language well when we were 27 .If we learn a second language in the 28 way,it may not seem so difficult.What does a small child do?It 29 what people say,and it tries to guess what it hears.When it wants something,it has to 30 it.It is using the language, 31 and talking in it all of the time.If people use a second language 32 ,they will learn it 33 . In school,you learn to read,to write,to hear and to 34 .It is best to learn all new words through the 35 .You can read them,spell them and speak them later. 16.A.spoken B.happy C.important D.ideal 17.A.like B.use C.operate D.play 18.A.but B.and C.too D.so 19.A.like B.with C.for D.as 20.A.distant B.a second C.the second D.a special 21.A.easy B.again C.difficult D.best 22.A.Millions of B.Hundreds of C.Tens of D.Thousands of 23.A.Chinese B.Japanese C.English D.Asian 24.A.Some B.Thousands C.All D.Much 25.A.time B.way C.thing D.place 26.A.a foreign B.our mothers’ C.other’s D.our own 27.A.born B.children C.grown D.boys 28.A.same B.different C.useful D.good 29.A.talks B.wants C.cries D.follows 30.A.ask B.want C.get D.ask for 31.A.speaking B.writing C.thinking D.doing 32.A.some time B.sometimes C.all the time D.for the time 33.A.fluent B.confident C.freely D.easily 34.A.fight B.sing C.speak D.play 35.A.mouth B.hands C.ears D.eyes Ⅲ.阅读理解(20分) A One day Archie,the clown(小丑) went into a shop to buy a new pair of shoes. “Good morning,sir,” said the salesman.“What can I do for you?” Archie told him,“A new pair of shoes,please.” “Brown,” he added. “Of course,sir,” said the salesman.“Right away.” And he went off to find some suitable shoes,which were piled so high that he could hardly see where to take. “Try these,sir,” said the salesman. Archie tried four pairs of shoes,but he said they were too big or too small,or like boats or like pincers(钳子).None of them satisfied him. “On dear,” said the salesman.“I can’t find a pair to fit you at all.” “Let me have a look,” said Archie,hunting among the shoes scattered on the floor. “Here we are,” he said.“Look,these fit me properly.” “But you can’t have those,sir!” cried the salesman excitedly. “Why not?” said Archie loudly. “Because they happen to be the boxes I keep the shoes in.” 36.As a clown,he needed to buy ____________. A.a common pair of shoes B.a special pair of shoes C.a big pair of shoes D.a small pair of shoes 37.From the story we can see ____________. A.the salesman was a warmhearted man and good at business B.the salesman was a man busy all the time C.the clown was a man fond of troubling others D.the clown was a man playing jokes on others 38.What do you think of the salesman after the clown tried four pairs of shoes and was dissatisfied with them? A.He became angry. B.He became cold. C.He refused to show other shoes. D.He had to say he had no others to fit him. 39.The clown said “Look,these fit me perfectly” which means the ones ____________. A.looked the most beautiful of all B.were the most expensive of all C.were the most suitable of all for performing D.were the most suitable to his feet 40.Why did the clown pick out not shoes but boxes which the salesman kept the shoes in? A.He didn’t want to buy shoes. B.He had not enough money to buy shoes. C.The boxes seemed more useful than the shoes for him. D.He could keep himself in the boxes. B Maxie Anderson and his 23-year-old son Kris flew from California to Quebec.It was a 3100-mile trip,and it took 100 hours.But this was no ordinary flight.There was not even a plane.The pilot(飞行员) and copilot were in a balloon. Maxie and Kris wanted to make the first nonstop balloon trip across North America.They started in San Francisco,California and hoped to land in Kitty Hank,North Carolina.But the Adersons had some bad luck.Strong winds blew them 1100 miles north,and they landed near the forest of Quebec.There were other problems on the trip too.While they were flying over the Rock Mountains it was cold.There was also little air,so they needed to take oxygen. After the trip,Kris said he did not want any more adventures.“Man always has a dream.I’m sure I’ll think of something else to try.” 41.Maxie and Kris ____________. A.wanted to know how to be a pilot of a balloon B.wanted to know how far their balloon could fly C.had a flight adventure in their balloon D.wanted to go sight seeing across North America 42.____________ changed their direction during their flight. A.Cold weather B.Litter air C.The Rocky Mountains D.Strong winds 43.It was ____________ that they wanted to fly to. A.the forests of Quebec B.Kitty Hank,North Carolina C.Quebec D.North America 44.After this flight,____________. A.Maxie and Kris wanted to have another adventure B.Kris thought he would not try the balloon adventure again C.Maxie didn’t dare to have such a balloon adventure D.The father was still interested in adventures 45.The best title of the passage would be ____________. A.Flying Father and Son B.Dream Have Something to Try C.Dream that came true D.Plane That Succeeded in Flying across North America C Switzerland(瑞士) is famous for its watches.However,this country didn’t invent the watch.It was the British.Here is a story of how the watch was brought to Switzerland. Many years ago,an Englishman was traveling to Italy.On his way,he stopped in a small town in South Switzerland.This Englishman traveled in a carriage(四轮马车) inside of which there was a carriage watch.This was the earliest kind of watch.A native shop assistant happened to see the watch.He wondered what it was and asked the Englishman about it.“It is a carriage watch,” said the man.“This machine tells the time but now it isn’t working.” At once the shop assistant offered to try to repair it.So the traveler handed him the watch.The assistant was a very wise man.So it was not surprising that he managed to repair it.He even remembered how it was made.As soon as the traveler had gone on his journey,he made a watch of exactly the same type. Thus the watch-making was started in Switzerland.Today,Swiss watches are sold in stores all over the world. 46.Switzerland is famous for ____________. A.making watches B.selling watches C.inventing watches D.the carriage watches 47.It was ____________ who first brought a watch to Switzerland. A.a Swiss B.an Italian C.an Englishman D.a shop assistant 48.The first Swiss watch was made by ____________. A.an Italian shop assistant B.an English shop assistant C.a man who was traveling to Italy D.a man who came from Switzerland 49.The carriage watch was a machine which ____________. A.was put in the carriage B.wasn’t working C.told people the time D.had to be repaired 50.The earliest watches were made in ____________. A.Switzerland B.England C.Italy D.a small town Ⅳ.短文改错(10分) Scientists around the world have been studying the warm of waters in the Pacific Ocean 51.____________ being known as EL Nino.The appearance 52.____________ of EL Nino is knowing to affect 53.____________ weather around world.Now scientists 54.____________ still do not completely understand them.Yet they find 55.____________ they can use it to tell the Future in different area in the 56.____________ world.The scientists write about their recent work In the magazine Nature.Their computer 57.____________ program can hardly tell when an EL Nino 58.____________ will appear.They suggest this could provide for effective early 59.____________ warning system and could prevent much of the disasters 60.____________ from happening. Ⅴ.书面表达(25分) 山东济宁育才中学的迟正打算去英国学习,但他不知道英国中学的情况及入学条件。因此他想给英国一所中学去信咨询。请以他的名义用英语写一封咨询信。英国中学的地址:South High School,66 Cambridge Street,London w38 England咨询内容:能否得到在英入学的指导;像他这样的17岁中学生能否赴英就读;若能去,选哪种学校最合适;在英中学毕业后能否继续上学。 1.书信格式规范,语句流畅,语法正确,不要逐字翻译 2.80词左右,写信日期:2005年9月10日 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The answers: 1.A 委婉地拒绝。 2.D tell sb. to do;tell sb. not to do。 3.C if引导的是一般疑问句,所以用ask,根据后面的had seen,所以用asked。 4.D the number of 作主语,谓语动词用单数;又根据had expected,所以用was。 5.D would do;would not do。 6.A command sb. to do;command sb. not to do。 7.D 此句为see的宾语从句,从句中用陈述句语序;指代不可知的人,用it。 8.B 此that引导的从句为request的同位语从句,此从句中须用虚拟语气。 9.B including 为介词including sth.;included 为形容词sth. included;and 引导并列句。 10.D 修饰language,所以用many,as...as...用于肯定或否定;so...as...只能用于否定句。 11.B have difficulty in doing sth. 为固定词组。 12.C take ...for example为固定词组。 13.B mean to do打算做,故意做; mean doing 有意做。 14.B imagine doing,谁被邀请,所以用being invited。 15.C 此题考查宾语从句,由ask推断,此从句为疑问句,所以用if引导,另外,从句中应用陈述句语序,所以选择C。 16.C 17.B 18.A 这里but相当于but also。 19.D as “当作”,like没有此含义。 20.B 前面讲了多少人把英语作为母语,这里显然指“第二语言”。 21.C 具体说有多少人使用英语,的确困难(容易则会说出具体的数字来)。 22.A 根据逻辑推断,只有A项表示正确。 23.C 从后一句的study German,Russian,Japanese and Chinese可知,这里指的是英语国家的学生。 24.A 与前一句的“many”相呼应。 25.B way指方法。 26.D 自己的语言当然比外语学得好,而且从小孩开始就如此(见27)。 27.B 28.A 从后面的“it won’t seem so difficult”可知,这里指的是用“相同的方法”。 29.D 这里follow指“模仿”。 30.D ask for sth.索要某物。 31.C 根据逻辑推断,可知小孩还不能写作,“讲话”的内容后面有。 32.C 只有常用才能较容易地学好。 33.D 34.C 文章最后一句已经提到。 35.C 36~40 BADCC 41~45 CDBBA 46~50 ACDCB 51.warm→warmth 动词后应用名词作宾语。 52.去掉being 过去分词短语作后置定语形式。know是静态动词,无进行时,也就无被动语态的进行时,所以就无being known as ...作后置定语形式。 53.knowing→known 被动语态中用过去分词形式。 54.在world 前加the 世界上独一无二的东西,如太阳、月亮、地球、世界、陆地、海洋等前,都用定冠词the。 55.them→it 这里指代的是EL Nino,应该用it。 56.area→areas 这里表示复数。 57.√ 58.去掉hardly 根据上下文这里是逻辑错误。 59.for→with provide with sth.是固定结构,意为“提供某物”。 60.much→many much不能修饰可数名词。 书面表达 The Yu Cai Middle School Jining Shandong,China Sept 4th,2003 Dear sir, I’d like to study in Britain,but I know very little about the opportunity and conditions there.I’d be very grateful if you would be so kind as to give me advice about that.In particular,what are the chances of my being admitted to a school there at the age of 17?What sort of schools are suitable?And would I be able to go on to study in a university there after finishing middle school?Thank you very much for your kind consideration. Yours sincerely, Chi Zheng ●板书设计 Unit 2 English around the world The Seventh Period Words phrase grammar codes ●活动与探究 Watch closely in your life,and find as many as codes as possible.List them in a form and share it with your classmates. ●备课资料 New Zealand study Finds New Origin of English Language 新西兰研究发现英语语言的新起源 By Angela Gregory In this article:Is it possible that the roots of English can be found in Turkey 9000 years ago?本文简介:英语的根源可以追溯到9000年以前的土耳其,可能吗? Researchers at New Zealand’s largest university,Auckland University,have stunned academics worldwide by tracing the origins of the English language to Turkish farmers.Using a novel approach to develop an Indo-European language tree,the researchers say they have evidence that the roots of the English language go back about 9000 years to Turkey.Associate Professor Russell Gray and PhD students Quentin Atkinson published their research in the British journal Nature.Their findings on the long-debated origins of the language have quickly spread. The origin of the Indo-European language family has been the most intensively studied problem of historical linguistics,but numerous genetic studies have produced inconclusive results.For almost two centuries linguists and archaeologists debated two theories on the origins of the language family,whose members ranged from Greek and Hindi to German and English. It was thought the language was spread either by rampaging Kurgan horsemen who swept down into Europe and the Near East from the steppes of Russia 6000 years ago,or by farmers from Anatolia (modern Turkey)who had tilled their way westwards several millenniums earlier.Professor Gray,an evolutionary biologist in the university’s psychology department,says that his results showed only the latter theory could be correct. He had used methods derived from evolutionary biology to study the problem for the past five years.He accepted his approach to build an evolutionary tree if the Indo-European languages was controversial and subject to criticism.But Professor Gray said he thought it was a valid technique that had clearly shown the origins of the English language went back further than had been thought,excluding the Kurgan horsemen theory.It appeared that Indo-European languages had expanded with the spread of agriculture from Anatolia 7800 to 9800 years ago. Professor Gray and Mr Atkinson had analyzed thousands of words from 87 languages to find out when the various branches of the Indo-European family tree started diverging. “We looked at words from different languages that were clearly related and grouped them in sets,” Professor Gray said a simple example was that five was cinq in French and cinque in Italian.“We built matrices of all our information,gleaned from the Internet and every obscure etymological dictionary we could find.” The researchers then used sophisticated computer programs to do the analysis and build language trees.The length of he resulting branches and their various offshoots showed when each language diverged from its predecessors and developed a separate identity. Professor Gray said Hittite (an extinct Anatolian language) was the first major language group to branch from the Indo-European trunk.Over subsequent millennia,the same trunk sprouted Tocharian,Armenian,Greek,Albanian,Iranian,Indic,Slavic,Baltic,Germanic,French/Iberian,Italic and Celtic language groups. A Marsden Fund grant from the Government and a James Cook Fellowship from the Royal Society of New Zealand helped to pay for the research,which included the equivalent of three solid years of computer time. 新西兰最大的学府奥克兰大学的研究人员将英语溯源到土耳其的农民那里,令全球的学术界瞠目结舌。研究人员使用了新奇的方法研发出印欧语言树形图,说他们有证据表明,英语的根源可以追溯到9000年以前的土耳其。罗素·格雷副教授和博士生昆廷·阿特金森在英国《自然》杂志发表了他们的研究成果。他们关于长期争论的英语起源的研究成果很快地传布开来。 印欧语言的起源一直是历史语言学研究的重点课题,但是,许多关于起源的研究都没有产生确切的结果。近两个世纪以来,语言学家和考古学家对于该语族的起源有两种相持不下的理论,该语族的分枝范围可以从希腊语和北印地语一直到德语和英语。 据认为,这种语言要么是由6000年以前从俄国西伯利亚大草原扫荡到欧洲和近东的野蛮的库尔干游牧民传播的,要么是由比那还早几千年向西部垦荒的安那托利亚(现代的土耳其)的农民传播的。该大学的心理学系进化生物学者格雷教授说,他的研究结果表明,只有后者的理论才可能是正确的。 在过去五年中,他采用了从进化生物学衍生出的一些方法研究该问题。他承认,他绘制印欧语言进化树形图的方法会引起争论和批评。但是,格雷教授说,他认为这是一个有效的方法,它清楚地表明,除了库尔干游牧民族理论以外,英语起源可以追溯到远远早于人们现有的认识。看起来,在7800年到9800年以前,随着农业的发展,印欧语言就从安那托利亚那里扩散开来。 格雷教授和阿特金森先生对87种语言的数千词汇进行了分析,发现了印欧语族树形图的各种不同分枝何时开始分离开来。 “我们研究来自不同语言而明显相关联的字词并将他们按类分组。” 格雷教授说一个简单的例子就是“五”在法语中是cinq,而在意大利语中是cinque。“我们将所有的信息都列成矩阵,这些信息是从因特网和每本可以搞到的不起眼的词源词典里收集来的。” 然后,研究员们用精密的计算机程序进行分析并建立语言树形图。图中产生的各个分叉的长度及其各种不同的支条表明了每种语言何时从它的上级语支分离并发展成单独的语体。 格雷教授说,赫梯语(一种消亡的安那托利亚语言)是从印欧语系的主干上分支出来的第一种主要语群。在以后的几千年中,同一个主干产生出了吐火罗语、亚美尼亚语、希腊语、阿尔巴尼亚语、伊朗语、印度语、斯拉夫语、波罗的语、日耳曼语、法语/伊比利亚语、意大利语和凯尔特语语群。 来自政府的马斯登基金的拨款和新西兰皇家学会的詹姆士·库克研究基金支付这个研究的费用,该研究花费了整整三年的计算时间。 Some suggested answers to the exercises on the workbook: The answer to Listing Words and Expressions on page 49. 1.(1)imagine (2)government (3)dessert (4)northwestern (5)rapidly (6)eastern (7)actually (8)entertain (9)recognize (10)boss (11)standard (12)usage (13)elevator 2.(1)played an important part (2)blocks (3)expects (4)such as (5)culture (6)vocabulary (7)Modern (8)native 3.(1)He worked abroad for half year last year and came back without finishing the work because of his illness. (2)They have made a request for international help. (3)Victoria went into the house and closed the door with a polite smile. (4)Tim likes giving commands.However,none of us will listen to him. (5)Betty had said that she would come up to my home this morning.But just now he called and said that she couldn’t because she had to take her kid to hospital who happened to have an accident.查看更多