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‎2020届二轮复习短文语法填空分类解题指导之二:冠词 ‎(一)考点练悟(用冠词填空)‎ When I walked down 1.________ Third Avenue, as 2.______ rule, I used to look into the windows of 3.______ old shop that sold old and beautiful things. Since I often took my walk after the closing time, I cupped my hands against 4.________ windows to get 5.________ small look at the treasures inside.‎ Some things looked as if they had not been noticed for 6.________ long time, but I knew their beauty was still there beneath their own surface. I even thought they were 7.________ most beautiful that I had ever seen. That was how I felt about old people, too. I knew their value, and it hurt me when others missed it. I was raised by my grandmother and given 8.________ deep sense of the value of experience. Taught to behave well, my sister and I respected other people, regardless of their age or color. My grandmother was loved by all 9.________ people around her. She was known to be 10.________ wise and kind woman, who was able to do things well even in her last years.‎ Old people should be treated as fine gold. They may be gradually tarnished (失去光泽) by age, but they can be polished with respect. You ‎ might be surprised by their bright and shining qualities.‎ 答案:1.the 2.a 3.an 4.the 5.a 6.a 7.the 8.a 9.the 10.a ‎(二)快捷技法 思考趋向——如何确定填冠词 如果空格后有名词(短语)而且二者搭配在一起表示泛指或特指含义,或者有序数词、最高级、表示特指意义的比较级等形式,那么空格处一般是填冠词。‎ 解题规则——如何确定填什么冠词 ‎1.不定冠词a/an的常考点 ‎(1)表示泛指,相当于“a certain”。(如题3,10)‎ ‎(2)表示类指,指某类中的“任何一个”。‎ ‎(3)表示量指,但数的概念没有one强烈。‎ ‎(4)表示“每”,相当于per,用于价格、速度、频率等表达中。‎ ‎(5)考查固定搭配中的不定冠词。(如题2,6)‎ ‎(6)和具有某些特征、状态或情感的抽象名词连用表示具体的概念。(如题5,8)‎ ‎2.定冠词the的常考点 ‎(1)特指某人或某物。(如题4,9)‎ ‎(2)用于最高级或序数词前或由only, very, same等修饰的名词前。(如题1,7)‎ ‎(3)和形容词、过去分词连用,表示一类人或事物。‎ ‎(4)用在“逢十”的年代前,表示“在某世纪几十年代”。‎ ‎(5)定冠词常用在一些固定搭配中。‎ ‎(一)考点练悟 下文中共有8处错误,每句中最多有两处。请找出并改正。‎ Zhou Yan is the Senior Three student. Last week, he went to see doctor because his arms and fingers hurt. The doctor told him a fact that he had an “mobile phone disease”. Zhou sent messages to his friends with his mobile phone all time, even in bed. Zhou started to do badly in all a exams because he spent so much time on his mobile phone. He didn't stop using a mobile phone until his arms hurt. Yang Ling, who is a expert from a health center, said students should try to use their mobile phones less, especially at school. ‎ 答案:第一句:the→a 第二句:doctor前加a 第三句:a→the; an→a 第四句:all后加the 第五句:a→the 第六句:a→the 第七句:第一个a→an ‎(二)快捷技法 思考趋向 ‎1.决定冠词对与错的关键在于它和后面的名词在意思上是否构成了一种正确的搭配关系,这种搭配在句中是否合情、合理、合“法”,这应该是思维的第一步。那么,是泛指还是特指就成为验证正确与否的重要标准。‎ ‎2.如果在句中出现含有名词的短语或固定搭配时,一定要警惕冠词的多余或缺失。在固定搭配中,有的用不定冠词a/an,有的用定冠词the,而有的则不带任何冠词,如:in a hurry, as a result; on the contrary, in (the) charge of; at first, in fact等等,这些都需要我们平时加强记忆和积累。‎ 解题规则 ‎1.冠词的错用 ‎(1)a和an的错用:元音音素前用an,辅音音素前用a。‎ 但是,有些单词开头的辅音字母并不发音,该单词实际上是以元音音素开头的,要使用an,如an hour, an honest man;有些单词以元音字母开头,但该单词实际上是以辅音音素开头,要使用a,如a university, a European country。‎ ‎(2)不定冠词和定冠词的错用:表示特指时用定冠词the;表示泛指时用不定冠词a(n)。注意固定搭配中冠词的使用情况。‎ ‎2.冠词的缺失与多余 ‎(1)单数可数名词前冠词的缺失。一般来说,单数可数名词前应有相应的冠词,表示泛指用a(n),表示特指用the。‎ ‎(2)冠词的多余。可数名词复数或不可数名词表示泛指意义时不用冠词。‎ 除此之外,还要注意常用固定搭配中冠词的缺失与多余。‎

