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Unit1 Festivals Around the World ‎ ‎ 词汇讲义 ‎1. take place 发生;举行 ‎ In the meantime, an economic crisis took place.‎ ‎ The Olympic Games take place every four years.‎ 联想拓展 ‎ take one’s place = take the place of ... 代替…‎ in place of 代替 take the first place 获得第一名 易混辨析 take place / happen / break out / occur take place 通常表示计划、安排之内的“发生”。‎ happen 指事情偶然的发生,常带有未能预见 ‎ 的含义;另外,还有“碰巧”之意。‎ break out 指火灾、战争或瘟疫的突然爆发。‎ occur 指按计划发生,常指(某想法、某事)出现在某人的头脑中。常见结构:It occurs/occurred to sb. that表示“某人想起某事”。It occurred to me that I had forgotten my keys. ‎ ‎①It was in the church that their wedding _____‎ ‎ ____________ (举行).‎ ‎②Will you attend the meeting _____________ ‎ ‎ (代替) me?‎ ‎③ (就座), please! ‎ ‎ We are ready to start.‎ ‎④It’s hard to find a man to ‎ ‎ (代替) the present manager.‎ ‎⑤Liu Xiang (获得第一名)‎ ‎ in the 110m hurdle race. ‎ ‎2. religious adj ‎①宗教上的 ‎ religious beliefs / faith ‎ religious instruction ________ ___________‎ ‎ religious groups / leaders ‎②信奉宗教的 ‎ a deeply religious p erson ‎ His wife is very religious.‎ religion n. ‎ religiously adv. ‎ ‎ India has always been one of the most religiously diverse countries.‎ ‎3. in memory of=to the memory of ‎ ‎ 作为对某人的纪念;纪念某人(memory前不加任何冠词)‎ ‎ Many ceremonies are in memory of famous people.‎ ‎ They will build a monument in memory of the national hero.‎ 联想拓展:‎ in honour of 为了纪念……;向……表示敬意 in praise of 歌颂;称赞 in favour of 赞同, 支持 ‎ in charge of 负责 in need of 需要;缺少 in search of 寻找 in possession of 拥有 ‎(1)This monument was built the little hero.‎ ‎ A. in place of B. in search of ‎ ‎ C. in memory of D. in need of ‎(2)用由“in+n.+of”构成的短语填空。‎ ‎①A monument was set up ‎ ‎ (纪念) the dead soldiers.‎ ‎②He founded the charity (兴办那项慈善事业) ‎ ‎ ____________________ (怀念) his late wife.‎ ‎③If you are (需要) anything, ‎ ‎ don’t hesitate to let me know.‎ ‎④In the discussion, I was _____________ (支持) Mr. Li ‎4. belief n. [C/U] 信任;信仰,信心 ‎ believe vi.& vt. 相信 常用结构:‎ ‎ have belief in sth. / sb. ‎ ‎ 对某物/某人的真实性和正确性有信心 beyond belief 难以置信 in the belief that ... 相信……‎ It is my belief that ... 我相信……‎ It is beyond belief that…‎ ‎ He has great belief in his doctor. ‎ ‎ 他对他的医生无比信赖。‎ ‎ She has lost her belief in God.‎ ‎ 她已不相信上帝。‎ 用belief相关短语的适当形式填空。‎ ‎①He came to me I could help him.‎ ‎② that nuclear weapons ‎ ‎ are immoral.‎ ‎③The cruelty of the murders was .‎ ‎5. dress up 盛装,打扮 (常用于dress up as sb. / dress up in sth.结构)‎ ‎ We are supposed to _______________(打扮成) movie characters for the party. What a novel idea! ‎ ‎ She ______________ (穿着) Elizabethan costume for the fancy dress ball. ‎ 常用结构:‎ be dressed in 穿着……衣服 be dressed as 打扮成 be well dressed 衣着讲究 dress oneself 穿衣,打扮 dress sb. 给某人穿衣服 get dressed 指动作 ‎ in a white uniform, he looks more like a cook than a doctor. ‎ ‎ A. Dressed B. To dress ‎ ‎ C. Dressing D. Having dressed ‎6. trick ‎ n. ‎ ‎①[C]诡计;骗局;谋略;花招 ‎ One of the problems of old age is that your memory can start to play tricks on you. ‎ ‎②窍门,招数,手法 ‎ Daily practice is the trick in learning a foreign language. ‎ ‎ He used the old trick of attacking in order to defend himself.‎ ‎ The trick is to keep your body still and your arms relaxed.‎ play a trick/tricks on sb. 搞恶作剧;诈骗;开玩笑 ‎ The children played a trick on their teacher on April Fool’s Day.‎ vt. 哄骗 ‎ trick someone into doing something ‎ trick someone out of something ‎ He ____________________ (骗我让我相信) that he was somebody famous. ‎ ‎ You’re not the first person _______________ (被骗取) your savings. ‎ 联想拓展:‎ play a joke on sb. 开某人的玩笑 ‎ make fun of sb. 取笑某人 laugh at sb. 嘲笑某人 ‎ smile at sb. 向某人微笑 make a fool of 愚弄;嘲笑 用适当的介词填空。 ‎ ‎①Tom liked making fun others in public.‎ ‎②It’s bad manners to laugh the disabled.‎ ‎③These boys like playing tricks their teacher.‎ ‎④He smiled me when he heard my funny answer.‎ ‎7. gain n. 获得;增加;获利,获得物;收益;利润 ‎ The baby _____________ half a pound. ‎ ‎ He served the public whole heartedly, ______‎ ‎___________ (不顾个人得失). ‎ vt. 得到;获得,赢得,增加,增添,到达;(钟、表等)快 ‎ to gain confidence / strength / experience ‎ For the first time in her life she gained a clear idea of how vast the world is.[来源:学科网]‎ ‎ My watch gains five minutes a day.‎ ‎ The country ________________(获得独立)ten years ago. ‎ ‎ Her unusual talent _______________ (为她赢得) worldwide recognition. ‎ vi. 获利,赚钱;得益 (+by/from) ,取得进展;得到改善;增进健康 ‎ We all gained from the experience. ‎ ‎ The singer is gaining in popularity.‎ 易混辨析:gain / win / get / earn / acquire gain指在斗争,竞争中做出很大努力而“获得……”,所得到的东西常具有一定价值。 ‎ win含有取胜的一方具有优越的特质或条件而能克服各种障碍的意思,意为“赢得”。 ‎ get为普通词,有时指不一定需要努力就能“得到”。‎ earn意为“赚得 ”,表示经过艰苦努力所得到的报酬。 ‎ acquire意为“获得,取得”,一般指通过漫长的过程而逐渐获得。 ‎ ‎①I’m new in the job but I have already _______ experience.‎ ‎②Please me a glass of water.‎ ‎③His perseverance him many friends and a gold medal.‎ ‎④He up to $50,000 a year by writing stories.‎ ‎⑤After six years’ study, he has a good knowledge of English.‎ ‎8. gather vt. ‎ ‎1)收集;召集;使聚集[(+together)]‎ ‎ He is gathering materials for a new book. ‎ ‎ The kids were gathered together in one room.‎ ‎2)积聚;积蓄 ‎ This cloth gathers dust. ‎ ‎ I sat down for a moment to ___________ (积蓄我的力量). ‎ ‎ She was still trying to _____________ (集中思想) when the door opened. ‎ ‎ Fortunately the short delay gave him time to _______________________ (准备好自己). ‎ ‎3)收拾;摘;采集;收割[(+in/up)]‎ ‎ The girl is gathering flowers. ‎ ‎ People slowly gathered their belongings and left the hall. ‎ ‎ I waited while he _____________(收拾好) his papers.‎ ‎ It was late August and the harvest _________‎ ‎__________________ (已经被安全收割).‎ ‎4)渐增 ‎ The sled gathered speed as it moved down the hill. ‎ ‎5)猜想,推测[+(that)]‎ ‎ I gather that he is the one in charge. ‎ ‎ I ______________________ (从你的信里推断) that you’re not enjoying your job ‎ _____________________ (据我推测), there’s been some kind of problem.‎ ‎6)使皱起 ‎ She gathered her brows into a frown. ‎ ‎9. award vt. 授予,奖给(后多接双宾语);判定 award sth (to sb.)‎ award sb. sth (for sth)‎ be awarded sth for sth ‎ The judges awarded both finalists equal points.‎ ‎ Medals __________________ (被授予)the best speakers on the debating team. ‎ n. 奖,奖品;奖金 ‎ 接受奖品 ___________________________‎ ‎ He got the highest award in the contest.‎ 易混辨析:award / prize / reward award既可作动词也可作名词,指为鼓励在工作中达到或完成所提出的要求或条件的人而进行的奖励,往往强调荣誉而不在乎奖品的大小或奖金的多少。 ‎ prize 为名词,多指在各类竞赛、竞争或抽彩中所赢得的奖。这种奖赏有的凭能力获得,有的凭运气获得。 ‎ reward既可作动词也可作名词,指对某人的工作或服务等的报答。也指因帮助警察抓到罪犯或帮助失主找到东西而得到的赏金、酬金。 ‎ ‎ He won the award for the best student of the year.‎ ‎ A prize was given to the person who had the winning number.‎ ‎ He received a medal as a reward for his courage.‎ ‎ Three university departments have been _____ $600,000 to develop good practice in teaching and learning.‎ ‎ A. promoted B. included ‎ ‎ C. secured D. awarded ‎10. admire vt. 赞美;钦佩;羡慕。其后可接人或物作宾语,但不可以接宾语从句作宾语。‎ ‎ admire sb. for sth. 因某事钦佩或羡慕某人 ‎ They admired our garden.‎ ‎ I admire him for his success in business.‎ ‎ Aren’t you going to admire my new house?‎ admiration n.赞美,钦佩;令人赞美的人或物 ‎ express admiration for sb. 对某人表示钦佩 ‎ have great admiration for sb. 十分钦佩某人 ‎ ‎ in admiration of 表示钦佩 ‎ with/in admiration 心怀钦佩地 admirer n. 钦佩者;羡慕者 admiring adj 赞赏的,羡慕的 ‎①Stop looking in the mirror ___________ (自我欣赏)‎ ‎②Visitors to Beijing usually ____________ (钦佩那里的警察).‎ ‎③Our school is widely ________________ (羡慕) its excellent teaching .‎ ‎11. look forward to 期待某事/做某事(to为介词,后接名词或动名词)‎ ‎ We should look forward to the futurity.‎ ‎ I am familiar with his work and look forward to hearing his views on literary and artistic creation.‎ ‎ She must be looking forward as much to his return as he himself is to her. ‎ ‎ A. see B. have seen C. seeing D. be seeing 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。 ‎ ‎①The boy hurried forward (see) the world famous oil painting because he had been looking forward to ____ (see) it for a long time.‎ ‎②The day I had been looking forward to _________ (come). ‎ ‎③I used to _________ (get) up late, but now I’m used to _______________ (get) up early.‎ ‎12. as though as though / as if引导方式状语从句和表语从句:‎ ‎①引导方式状语从句 ‎ She acted as though nothing had happened. ‎ ‎ 她装得好像什么事也没发生过似的。‎ 注意:当从句主语和主句主语一致,且从句谓语中含有动词be时,可把主语和be一起省略。‎ ‎ He looked about as though (he was) in search of something. 他四下张望, 好像在寻找什么。‎ ‎②引导表语从句 ‎ It looks as if it’s going to rain. ‎ ‎ 看样子要下雨了。‎ ‎③as though和as if从句是用虚拟语气,还是用陈述语气,完全根据具体情况而定。如果从句表示的意思与事实完全相反,或者纯粹是一种假设,通常用虚拟语气;反之,则用陈述语气。‎ ‎ The child talks as if she were an adult. ‎ ‎ 那孩子说话的样子好像她是个大人。‎ 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。‎ ‎①The pencil looks as if it (break) with half of it in the glass of water.‎ ‎②Li Ming speaks English very well as though he __________ (be) an Englishman. ‎ ‎③It seems as if our team (be) going to win. ‎ ‎④He talks about pyramids as though he ___________ (see) them himself.‎ ‎13. permission n. [U]许可,允许 常用结构 with/without (one’s) permission 得到允许/未经允许 ask sb. for permission 征求某人的许可 give sb. permission to do sth. 允许某人做某事 have one’s permission 得到某人的同意 permit vt. 准许,许可,允许 ‎ permit sb to do sth 允许某人干某事 ‎ permit doing sth 允许做某事 ‎ With your permission, I’d like to say a few words.‎ ‎ Mary’s father ___________________ (不会允许她) to stay up late. ‎ 完成句子。‎ ‎①They entered the area _________(未经允许).‎ ‎②You will need to obtain planning __________‎ ‎ (许可证) if you want to extend your house.‎ ‎14. turn up出席(某活动)(常用于口语);出现;找到;把(收音机等的)音量调大一些;到场 ‎ I’m sure your watch will turn up one of these days.‎ ‎ We invited her to dinner but she didn’t even bother to turn up.‎ ‎ I can’t hear the radio very well; could you turn it up a bit?‎ 联想拓展:‎ turn against 反对;背叛 turn down (音量等)调小;拒绝 turn off 关掉 turn on 打开;发动 turn out 结果是……;证明是……‎ turn to sb. for help 向某人求助 turn away 走开;转过脸去;把……打发走 turn in 进入;交出;上交 turn over 打翻;移交;反复考虑 turn into把……变成……‎ He promised to come yesterday, but he hasn’t _____ yet. ‎ A. turned in B. turned up C. turned on D. turned out 用turn相关短语的适当形式填空。‎ ‎①Don’t worry. The file is sure to .‎ ‎②Please _________ the television ________ a bit, I can’t hear it clearly.‎ ‎③It that it was Tim who broke the vase.‎ ‎④The sad child his mother for comfort.‎ ‎①It’s half past ten, but he hasn’t yet.‎ ‎②It’s wrong to our motherland.‎ ‎③Please the radio a bit; I’m doing my homework.‎ ‎15. keep one’s word 守信用;履行诺言 word意为“诺言”时,是不可数名词,不可以用复数形式,其前面不可以用冠词修饰。‎ ‎ You should ________________________ (信守你许下的承诺). ‎ ‎ You promised you would take the children to camp so you must keep your word.‎ 联想拓展:‎ break one’s word 食言 ‎ get in a word 插嘴 ‎ in a/one word=in short总而言之 ‎ in other words 换句话说 ‎ word for word 逐词 h ave a word with sb.与某人谈话 have words with sb. 与某人争吵 Word came that ...有消息传来 ‎16. hold one’s breath 屏住呼吸 ‎ The race was so close that everyone _______‎ ‎___________(屏住呼吸)at the finish. ‎ ‎ take a deep breath=breathe deeply 深呼吸 ‎ lose one’s breath 喘不过气来[来源:学§科§网]‎ ‎ out of breath 上气不接下气,喘不过气来 ‎ After arriving at the top of the mountain, we were all _________________ (上气不接下气).‎ ‎17. apologize vi. 道歉,认错 ‎ apologize to sb for (doing) sth ‎ ‎ 因(做)某事向某人道歉 ‎ apologize to sb that +从句 向某人道歉 ‎ You ____________________ (必须向你的老师道歉)for being so rude. ‎ ‎ I apologized to my mother that I went home late.‎ apology n. 道歉,谢罪 ‎ make/offer an apology to sb for (doing) sth ‎ ‎ 因某事向某人道歉 ‎ accept/refuse an apology 接受/拒绝道歉 ‎ I must __________________________ (向她道歉) for not going to her party. ‎ ‎18. obvious ‎ It is / was obvious/clear that ...= obviously / clearly, ...表示“很明显……,显而易见……”,属于It is / was + adj. / n. /p.p. + that clause 结构。‎ ‎ It is necessary / important / natural / strange + that + sb. should do sth. 做某事是有必要的/重要的/自然的、竟然怎样。‎ ‎ It is a pity / a shame / no wonder + that + sb. should do 遗憾的是/羞愧的是/难怪某人竟然/应该……‎ ‎ It is said / reported / announced / expected / ... + that ...据说/报道/宣布/预计……‎ ‎ It’s suggested / ordered that sb. (should) do建议/要求某人(做)某事 ‎ It’s no harm drinking running water in that area. ‎ ‎ It was quite clear that they had no desire for peace. ‎ ‎ ______ used to be thought that the earth was square. ‎ ‎ A. He B. What C. It D. That ‎19. set off 出发;动身;使爆炸 ‎ What time are you planning to set off tomorrow?‎ ‎ The terrorist set off a bomb in the city centre and killed six people.‎ 联想拓展:‎ set off for a place 出发到某地 set about doing sth.开始(某工作);着手做某事 set out 从某地出发上路 set out to do sth.开始做某事 set sth. up 摆放或竖起某物;创立,建立 set sth. aside 将某事物放在一边;(为某目的)节省或保留金钱或时间 set down记下、写下 用set相关短语的适当形式填空。‎ ‎①The new government must finding solutions to the country’s economic problems. ‎ ‎②The children the fireworks in the yard. ‎ ‎③She a bit of money every month.‎ ‎④They a statue in honour of the national hero.‎ ‎⑤They’ve on a journey round the world.‎ ‎20. remind vt. 提醒;使想起 常用结构:‎ remind sb. of/about sth. 提醒某人记住/想起某事 ‎ remind sb. to do sth. 提醒某人做某事 remind sb. that ...提醒某人/使某人想起……‎ ‎ I reminded Gerald of his promise.‎ ‎ Please remind me to write to my mother tomorrow.‎ 翻译句子:‎ ‎ ①这些照片使我想起我的童年。‎ ‎______________________________________‎ ‎②请提醒我每天服三次药。‎ ‎______________________________________‎ ‎21. harvest ‎ n. ‎ ‎1) [c] 收割,收获 ‎ the corn/potato/grape harvest ‎ It was harvest time.‎ ‎ There will be an abundant harvest this year.‎ ‎ They were busy getting the harvest in.‎ ‎2) [singular] (知识等的)收获 ‎ 收获丰富的知识 _____________________‎ ‎ We are now reaping the harvest of our hard work last year.‎ v. 收割,收获(庄稼、动物、知识成就等)‎ ‎ Winter wheat is planted in the fall and harvested in early summer.‎ ‎ Timber is still harvested and milled locally.‎ ‎22. celebration n.‎ ‎1) [C, often pl.] 庆祝会,庆典 ‎ ‎ birthday / wedding celebrations ‎ ‎ The town’s centennial celebrations will begin with a parade.‎ ‎ I hope you’ll join in the Christmas celebrations.‎ ‎2) [U, C] 庆祝,庆典 ‎ Her triumph was a cause for celebration. ‎ ‎ He’s having a party _______________(庆祝)‎ his 84th birthday.‎ ‎23. starve ‎ ‎1) vi. 饿死;挨饿;渴望,急需要(die / long)‎ ‎ The plants _________________ (急需要水).‎ ‎ They got lost in the desert and starved to death.‎ ‎2) vt. 使挨饿,使饿死 ‎ She’s starving herself trying to lose weight.‎ starvation n. 挨饿;饿死 常用结构:‎ starve for sth. 渴望得到……‎ starve to do sth. 渴望去做某事 starve to death 饿死 be starved to death 饿死 be starved of极需,缺乏 starve sb. into sth./ doing sth.使某人挨饿以迫使其做某事[来源:学.科.网Z.X.X.K]‎ ‎ The engine __________________________ (缺油) and wouldn’t start. ‎ ‎ Many people ______ death in the earthquake as a result of the delay of the supplies.‎ ‎ A. were starved of B. starved to ‎ ‎ C. were starved D. starved for 用starve相关短语的适当形式填空。‎ ‎①Thousands of people in Africa.‎ ‎②These children are love.‎ ‎③The people on the island _______fresh water since it hadn’t rained for nearly half a year.‎ ‎[来源:Zxxk.Com]‎ ‎24. feast ‎ n. 盛会,宴会 ‎ a wedding feast ‎ ‎ a feast of colours ‎ ‎ a feast for the eyes 大饱眼福 ‎ the feast of Christmas ‎ ‎ The evening was a real feast for music lovers.‎ v. (on / upon sth) ‎ ‎ We sat in the yard feasting on barbecued chicken and beer.‎ ‎ feast one’s eyes on尽情欣赏(艺术品景色等)‎ ‎25. arrival n ‎1)到达 ‎ We apologize for the late arrival of the train. ‎ ‎ There are 120 arrivals and departures every day.‎ ‎2)到达者 ‎ The first arrivals at the concert got the best seats.‎ ‎ early / late / new arrivals ‎ ‎ We’re expecting a new arrival in the family soon. ‎ ‎ With the arrival of John’s friends, the party became really enjoyable.‎ ‎26. independence n.[U]独立,自主(from sb/sth)‎ ‎ Cuba ___________(独立于)Spain in 1898.‎ ‎ The army is committed to ensuring the independence of the country ‎ He values his financial independence. ‎ ‎ She doesn’t want to lose her hard-won independence ‎ independent adj.独立的(of sb/sth)、自主的(of sb/sth)‎ ‎ The police force should be independent of direct government control. ‎ ‎ Two independent research bodies reached the same conclusions.‎ ‎ Going away to college has made me much more independent. ‎ ‎ She’s a very independent-minded young woman.‎ ‎ Students should aim to become ___________ ‎ ‎(更加独立于) their teachers.‎ ‎ It was important to me to be financially independent of my parents. ‎ ‎ a man of independent means with a private income)‎ ‎27. clothing n. (总称)衣服,服装[U]‎ ‎ Check your belongings and make sure you don’t leave your articles of clothing behind.‎ ‎ Food, clothing and shelter are everyone’s priorities.‎ 易混辨析:clothing / clothes / cloth clothing是衣服、被褥的总称,为不可数名词;‎ clothes指包括上衣、裤子、内衣、外衣等在内的具体的衣服,它没有单数形式,只能说many/some/a few clothes; cloth则指做衣服所用的布料,为不可数名词。‎ ‎①The industry in this area has been going from strength to strength.‎ ‎②It’s cold outside. You’d better put on more .‎ ‎③How much does it take to make a blouse for a girl?‎ ‎28. custom n. 风俗、习俗 ‎ It is the custom (for sb) to do sth做……是一种习俗/惯例 ‎ Social customs are different from country to country.‎ ‎ _____________________ (是日本人的习惯) to take off their shoes when they get into a hall. ‎ ‎ It is the custom for an Arab to stand close to his friend when talking.‎ 易混辨析:custom / habit ‎ custom“风俗习惯”,即社会或团体许多人长期形成的习惯。‎ habit指一个人的习惯、习性。‎ ‎29. drown vt.‎ ‎ drown sth with / in 把某物浸泡在液体中 ‎ be drowned in 沉浸在……‎ ‎ a drowning man 快要淹死的人 ‎ like a drowned rat (湿的)像落汤鸡 ‎ He would drown his sadness in coffee.‎ ‎ He was_________________________ (在酣睡中) so he did not feel it was raining. ‎ ‎ She turned up the radio to drown the noise of the traffic.‎ ‎30. forgive vi. & vt. 原谅;饶恕 forgive sb for (doing) sth. 原谅某人(做)某事 forgive sb/sth. 原谅某人/某事 forgive sb sth. 原谅某人某事 forgive doing sth. 原谅做某事 ‎ Please forgive him for ________________(他的鲁莽)‎ Reading:‎ 长句难句: ‎ ‎1 . At that time people would starve if food was difficult to find,especially during the cold winter months .在那个时代,如果食物难以找到,特别是在寒冷的冬月,人们就会挨饿。‎ Starve (v.)‎ ‎1) to cause a person or an animal to suffer severely or die from hunger ‎ 挨饿;饿死 ‎ Millions of people starved to death during the war. 战争中数百万人挨饿至死。‎ ‎2) starve for sth ; starve sb of sth: ( cause sb to) suffer or long for sth greatly needed or wanted (使某人)得不到某事物而受苦或渴望获得某事物;缺乏 ‎ The homeless children were starved for love . 这些无家可归的孩子渴望得到爱。‎ ‎3) to feel very hungry 感觉很饿。仅用于进行时态 ‎ When will dinner be ready ? I’m starving.‎ ‎ 晚饭什么时候做好?我快饿死了。‎ starvation (n.) :‎ ‎(U) suffering or death caused by lack of food 挨饿;饿死 ‎ die of starvation 饿死 ‎ starvation wages 不够维持基本生活的工资 ‎2. …or satisfy the ancestors , who could return either to help or to do harm. ……或使祖先得到满足,因为祖先们有可能回到世上(给人们)提供帮助,也可能带来危害。‎ harm ‎ ‎(1) (n.): damage, injury 损害; 伤害 ‎ do harm to sb = harm sb 伤害某人 do more harm than good: have an effect which is more damaging than helpful 弊大于利 ‎ If we solve the problem in this way, it may do more harm than good. 如果我们以这种方式处理问题,那可能是弊大于利。 ‎ ‎(2) (v.): cause harm to (sb / sth) 损害或伤害某人/某事物 ‎ This event didn’t harm his reputation. ‎ ‎ 这个事件没有损害他的名誉。‎ ‎3. Halloween also had its origin in old beliefs about the return of the spirits of dead people. ‎ 万圣节也源自人们古老的信念,认为亡者的灵魂会返回人间。 ‎ origin (n.) : the place or situation in which something begins to exist 起源;由来,可用做可数名词或不可数名词,通常用作复数形式 ‎ The tradition has its origins in the Middle Ages . 这个传统发源于中世纪。‎ ‎ He told me it was a word of unknown origin. 他告诉我这是个词源不详的词。‎ belief (n.): an idea that you believe to be true, especially one that forms part of a system of ideas 信任;信心;信仰。‎ 注意: ‎ belief 通常用作不可数名词,当作可数名词时,词义略不同于用作不可数名词时 ‎ religious beliefs 宗教信仰 ‎ ‎ Several members hold very strong political beliefs. 有些成员有着强烈的政治理念。‎ ‎4. It is now a children’s festival, when they can dress up and go to their neighbours’ homes to ask for sweets. 万圣节如今成了孩子们的节目,这天他们可以乔装打扮上邻居家要糖吃。 [来源:学科网ZXXK]‎ dress ‎ ‎(1)(v.): to put clothes on yourself or someone else 穿衣服。可作及物或不及物动词。‎ dress up 是动词词组, 意思使是 to wear special clothes for fun, or to put special clothes on someo ne ‎ ‎(2)(n.) ‎ ‎1) [C] garment for a woman or girl , consisting of a bodice and skirt in one piece ; frock 连衣裙,(上下连身的)女装 She makes all the dresses for her daughter. ‎ 她女儿的连衣裙都是她做的。‎ ‎2) [U] clothes, esp. outer garments, for either men or women 衣服(男女均可)‎ ‎ casual dress 便服 ‎ ‎ 答案:‎ Unit 1词汇讲义:‎ ‎1.①took place ②in place of ③Take your place/seat ④take the place of ⑤took the first place ‎2. 宗教信条 ‎3. (1) 选C。 ‎ ‎ (2) ①in memory/honour of ‎ ‎ ②in memory of ③in need of ‎ ‎ ④ in favour of ‎4. ① in the belief that ②It is my belief ‎ ‎ ③ beyond belief ‎5. dress up as; dress up in; 选A。 ‎ ‎6. tricked me into believing; to be tricked out of ‎ ‎ ①of ②at ③on ④at ‎7. had a gain of; regardless of his personal gain or loss; gained its independence; gained her; ‎ ‎ ①gained②get③has won④earns⑤acquired ‎8. gather my strength ‎ ‎ gather her thoughts together ‎ ‎ gather himself ‎ ‎ gathered up ‎ ‎ had been safely gathered in ‎ ‎ gather from your letter ‎ ‎ From what I can gather ‎ ‎9. were awarded to; receive an award; 选D。‎ ‎10. ①admiring yourself② admire the policemen there ③ admired for ‎11. (1) 选C。 ‎ ‎(2) ①to see; seeing ②came ③get; getting ‎12.①were broken ②were ③is ④had seen ‎13. will not permit her ‎ ‎ ①without permission ②permission ‎14. (1) 选B。‎ ‎(2)①turn up②turn;up③turned out④turned to ‎ ‎ ⑤turn up ⑥ turn against ⑦turn down ‎15. keep your word once you make it ‎16. was holding his breath out of breath ‎17. must apologize to your teacher ‎ offer my apology to her ‎18. C ‎19. ①set about②set off③sets aside④set up ‎ ‎ ⑤set off/out ‎20.①These photos reminded me of my childhood.‎ ‎②Please remind me to take my medicine three times a day. / Please remind me that I should take my medicine three times a day.‎ ‎21. a rich harvest of knowledge ‎ ‎22. in celebration of ‎23. are staving for water; was star ved of petrol ‎(1) 选B。‎ ‎(2) ① starved to death/died of starvation ‎ ‎ ② starving for ③ were starved of ‎24. gained independence from; ‎ ‎ more independent of ‎27. ① clothing ② clothes ③ cloth ‎28. It is the custom for the Japanese ‎29. drowned in sleep ‎30. for his being rude/rudeness

