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江苏省泗洪中学2016届高三英语一轮复习体验单 主备人:韩成明 投放时间: 班级________ 姓名________‎ 课题: Module 3 Unit 1 The world of our senses 课型:复习课 课时数:2‎ 课前预习热身 ‎1. 在课本中查找下列单词短语,并熟记。‎ P1: hold your nose; fail; raised dots; make great achievements P5: run into; P6: walk; ‎ P9: breathe in; remain a puzzle P11: later on in life; more often; make my way back to…;warm up; recover some strength; sweat with fear; ring out P16: add…to…; point of view; make comments; work out; be grateful to; P17: from around the corner; tone of voice; facial expressions; look sb in the eye ; hand gestures ‎ ‎2.重点短语 step out (P2L4) 走出去 take one’s fare(P2L8) 收某人费用 ‎ that far(P2L11)那么远 nowhere to be seen(P2L17) 哪里都看不见 ‎ set off towards (P2L21) 朝…出发 wish for(P2L28) 希望 come along (P2L28)陪伴,一起来,出现 hold sb still (P2L29) 让某人静止不动 ‎ watch out for(P3L37)留意,密切注意 pay back (P22L54)回报,报答;偿还 ‎ have… in common(P3) 有…共同之处 contrary to(P18L11) 与…相反 mistake …for…(P18L17)把…误当成… over a long distance(L38) 远距离地 ‎ hit the shark on the nose with your fist (P18L52) 用拳头猛击鲨鱼的鼻子 watch for(P19L1) 密切注意,提防 rush towards(P19L3) 朝…冲去 ‎ roll up(P19L7) 把…卷起来 set…loose (P19L8) 释放,放掉… ‎ find their way home (L13) 找到回家的路 ‎ ‎3. 佳句赏析。‎ ‎1) Outside, wherever she looked the fog lay like a thick, grey cloud. (P2L19)‎ ‎2) One explanation is that women’s sense of smell is better developed than that of men.(P9)‎ ‎3) You are 30 times more likely to be hit by lightening than be attacked by a shark. (P18L56) ‎ 课堂难点解析 一、高考高频词汇 1. sign(n)① 符号,记号 ‎ Equations are generally written with a two-bar equals sign. 等式通常用两道横的等号来表示。 ‎ ②迹象 Your blood would have been checked for any sign of kidney failure. ‎ 应该要对你进行抽血检查的, 看是否有任何肾衰竭迹象。‎ ③ 指示牌 The sign here reads “No smoking”. ‎ ④(示意的)动作,手势 They gave Lavalle the thumbs-up sign.他们对拉瓦列竖起了大拇 sign (v) 签名 signature (n) 签名,签署 比较:mark (n) 1. 记号,标记 He made marks with a pencil. 问号question mark ‎ ‎2. 成绩,分数 get full marks 获得满分 ‎ 2. conductor (n) (公交车)售票员;(乐队)指挥; 导体 ‎ conduct (v) ①组织,实施,进行 conduct an experiment / a survey ‎ ② 传导 conduct electricity / heat 导电/导热 ③指挥(乐团) ‎ ④ 陪伴,陪同 He asked if he could conduct us to the ball. 他问是否可以带我们去舞会现场。⑤ 表现,举止 The way he conducts himself will increase criticism against him. ‎ 他个人的行事方式将给他招致更多的批评。‎ 备 注 ‎(教师复备栏及学生笔记)‎ conduct (n) 行为,举止 violent conduct 暴力行为 ‎3. observe (v) ① 观察,注意到 observe sth observe sb do/ doing … observe +从句…;‎ ② 评论 In his book he observes that the President was an able diplomat.‎ 在书中他评述说总统是个外交能手。‎ ③ 庆祝 observe New Year; ④ 遵守 observe the traffic regulations遵守交通规则 ‎ ‎4. nowhere (adv) 无处,到处都不 nowhere =not anywhere ‎ nowhere to be found / seen 哪里也找/ 看不到 not anywhere to live 没有地方住 nowhere near 远不及,离…很远 nowhere near enough 远不够 go / get nowhere …毫无结果,毫无进展 ‎ My mind won’t stop going round and round on the same subject and I seem to be getting nowhere. 我脑子一直在不停地围绕同一个问题转啊转,但一无所获。‎ ‎5. narrow (adj) ①狭窄的 ② 狭隘的 narrow-minded 思想狭隘的 ‎ ③ 勉强的,差距很小的 a narrow escape 死里逃生 a narrow victory 险胜 narrowly(adv)勉强地,很险地 The bullet narrowly missed him.子弹差一点击中了他。narrowly defeat/ beat sb 险胜某人 ‎ ‎6. approach (v)① 靠近;Approaching Science 走进科学 The winter holiday is approaching.‎ ②着手处理 The bank has approached the issue in a practical way. ‎ ③ (在水平,数量上)接近于 Oil prices have approached their highest level for almost 10 years. ‎ approach(n)1.靠近 With the approach of autumn, the plants and colors in the garden changed.‎ ‎2.方法 an approach to (doing) sth; 3. 路径 +to ‎ ‎7. reach out 伸出(手) reach: ① reach sth 够得着 reach for sth伸手去够…‎ ② reach to 延伸至… ③ within one’s reach 某人够得着的;某人能力范围之内 ‎ beyond/ out of one’s reach 某人够不着;能力范围之外 ④达成,实现 reach an agreement ‎ ⑤ 联系到(某人)I’ll leave you a number where I can be reached in an emergency. ‎ ⑥ (节目,消息)让人听到(或看到)The advertisement reached an audience of over 19 million. ⑦ 达到(一个特定的时间或阶段)You’ve reached a point where you can depend on yourself for a decision.‎ ‎8. anxious (adj) 焦虑,忧虑 anxiety (adj) 焦虑的,忧虑的 表心情一类的词有:hesitant 犹豫的; embarrassed尴尬的; puzzled困惑的; grateful感激的; depressed沮丧的,抑郁的; frustrated 挫败的,沮丧的; desperate绝望的;不顾一切的;极度渴望的; confused 困惑的;bitter痛苦的;怀恨在心的 ‎9. recognize (v) ①认识,辨认出 Do you recognize this tune? 你听出这支曲子了吗?‎ ②意识到 I now recognize the positive effect that this responsibility had on me.‎ ③(正式)承认,认可 The UK has refused to recognize the new regime. 英国已经拒绝承认这个新政权。 I recognize my own shortcomings. 我承认自己的缺点。‎ recognize …as/ to be…认为…‎ It is generally recognized that…人们公认… in recognition of… 表彰,赞誉 recognition (n) 认识;认出 out of / beyond recognition 认不出来 ‎10. attach (v) ①粘贴,把…附在…上;②认为…重要 attach importance to… ③附属于This hospital is attached to Tsing Hua University. ④ She found herself deeply attached to the quiet village. 热爱,依恋 ‎11.倍数表达方式 ①A is +倍数as + adj+ as B ②A is +倍数+ 比较级+than +B ‎ ③A is +倍数+ the +n + of B ④A is +倍数+ what it is of B

