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2020 届二轮复习英语书面表达高分写作指导 Beautify your Composition 书面表达在评阅时遵循三原则 语言第一位(语言高级) 内容第二位(要点齐全) 结构第三位(文章分段) 一、高级词汇和句式 二、修辞手法 三、有效的连词 四、名人名言或谚语 语言第一位(语言高级) 漂亮、地道 高考作文 的美 1. 高级词汇短语 词汇反映你知识贮存量的多少,也是衡量英语水平的一个重要标志。 词汇使用的原则 人靠衣装,文靠词装 1 、词组优先原则 2 、地道原则。 3 、避免重复原则   4 、后 、 高 、 长原则 — 后学到、较高级、较长词汇。 四项原则      1 、词组优先原则 [原文] A new railway is being built in my hometown. [修正] A new railway is under construction in my hometown.   2 、地道原则 [原文] Through traveling, I learned a lot of knowledge. [修正] Through traveling, I gained / obtained a lot of knowledge.   4 、后高长原则 — 后学到、较高级、较长词汇。   原 词 替换词    hard diligently    very rather extremely    pay attention to attach importance to    happy delighted enjoyable    more and more the increasing number of 3 、避免重复原则 [原文] I like reading while my brother likes watching television. [修正] I like reading while my brother enjoys watching television. Adj. 聪明的、脑筋好的 clever →smart →wise →bright →intelligent 电脑在我们生活中的作用是十分重要的。 1.Computers are very important in our life. 2.Computers play a very important role in our life. 3.computers are of great importance in our life. EX 、运用高级词汇: As a result, the plan failed. ( 一般 ) She went to Austria in order to study music. ( 一般 ) Suddenly I thought out a good idea . ( 一般 ) The plan turned out to be a failure. ( 高级 ) She went to Austria for the purpose of studying music. ( 高级 ) A good idea occurred to me. / A good idea suddenly struck me ( 高级 ) At the news of her death , he went…. ( 高级 ) She has trouble in pronouncing the word . ( 高级 ) When he heard she had died, he went pale with sorrow. ( 一般 ) She can ’ t correctly pronounce the word. ( 一般 ) 运用高级词汇: 2 ,句式多样,文章增 “靓” 使用较丰富的句式: 运用得当的句子结构可以给文章增色不少,从而使整篇文章因此而生辉 他昨天下午来的。 1.He came here yesterday afternoon. 2.He didn’t come here until yesterday afternoon. 3. Not until yesterday afternoon did he come here. 4. It was yesterday afternoon that he came here. 思考:什么样的作文会成为一篇好作文 无遗漏信息点(审题) 篇章条理清晰:分段和过渡词 句式多样 地道的高级词汇和恰当的词组 思考:你能想到的好句式有哪些? 强调句 倒装句 with 复合结构 advanced sentences 定语从句 名词性从句 非谓语动词 常用谚语 被动句 … 化腐朽为神奇 十 式 一、将两个简单句合并为并列句。 操作难度★★ 写作效果★★ 1. You can do it. I can do it. One of us must do it. you I must do it. Either or If you go through the gate, you ’ ll find the entrance to Bear Country. ( 一般 ) Go through the gate, and you’ll find…. ( 高级 ) I got up late this morning, otherwise I could have caught the early bus. ( 高级 ) I got up late this morning. I didn ’ t catch the early bus. ( 一般 ) The more he spoke, the more excited he felt. ( 高级 ) When he spoke, he felt more and more excited. ( 一般 ) 二、主动句与被动句的互换。 操作难度★★★ 写作效果★★★ The government should take immediate measures to deal with the present financial crisis. People suggest that the conference be put off. ( 一般 ) It is suggested that the conference be put off. ( 高级 ) Immediate measures should be taken to deal with the present financial crisis. 三、 将陈述句改为感叹句。 操作难度★★★ 写作效果★★★ 1. To prevent the pollution is very important . How ! 2. She is a clever girl . What ! How important it is to prevent the pollution! what a clever girl she is! 四、将陈述句改为倒装句。 操作难度★★★★ 写作效果★★★★ 1. I could hardly understand the importance of English at that time. Hardly could I understand the importance of English at that time. 2. We did not realize our mistakes until at that time. Not until at that time did we realize our mistakes. 3.Though I ’ m weak, I will make the effort. ( 一般 ) Weak as I am, I’ll make the effort. ( 高级 ) 五、将简单句改为强调句。 操作难度★★★ 写作效果★★★★ 1. Smoking did great harm to his health. 2. Our money is earned through hard work by our parents. It was smoking that did great harm to his health. It is through hard work that our money is earned by our parents. 六、将两个简单句合并为复合句。 操作难度★★★★★写作效果★★★★★ 1. 同位语和同位语从句(常用于描述人物、地点等介绍性文段) 1) Liu Xiang is an excellent athlete. He won the first prize in Men ’ s 110 Hurdle Race in the 2004 Olympic Games. ( 用同位语改写 ) , , won the first prize in Men ’ s 110 Hurdle Race in the 2004 Olympic Games. 2) The word is true. The president will give our school a speech. is true the president will give our school a speech. 2. 定语从句 (限制性 / 非限制性) 1) The 2008 Olympic Games will be held in Beijing, and its slogan is One World, One Dream, The 2008 Olympic Games, . 2) In my opinion, the Great Wall and the Summer Palace are well worth visiting. In my opinion, the Great Wall and the Summer Palace . 3) Yesterday, we went to the East Gate, and we bought a lot of clothes. Yesterday, we went to the East Gate, . Whose slogan is One World, One Dream ,will be held in BJ are the two places which are well worth visiting. Where we bought a lot of clothes. 3. 主语从句 1) His wonderful performance on the stage impressed me. most was his wonderful performance on the stage. 2) It satisfied me. Our school dining hall provides us with a large variety of kinds of dishes. our school dining hall provides us with a large variety of kinds of dishes. 3) I learned from the story that as long as we have patience, confidence and perseverance, we can realize our dreams. as long as we have patience, confidence and perseverance, we can realize our dreams. What impressed me What satisfied me is that What I have learnt from the story is that 【 推荐句型 】 : What surprisesastonishedsatisfiedimpressed me is that … What I would like to suggest advise put forward is that … What matters most is that … What I learnconclude from the story is that … 4. 表语从句 【 推荐句型 】 : … is no longer what it used to be. 我的家乡不再像以前那样了。 My hometown is no longer what it used to be. 5. 状语从句 【 推荐句型 】 结果、程度 so … that … ; such … that … 让步 no matter how what when where … .=whatever, however, whenever, wherever 时间 … was doing … when … 1) 不管前面有多少困难,我们都要学会独立的克服他们。 ,we should learn to overcome them independently. 2) 我正沿着马路走,突然我听到有人叫我。 I along the road suddenly I heard my name called. No matter how many difficulties there are ahead of us, was walking when 七、将两个简单句合并为一个由 which 引导的非限制性定语从句 操作难度★★★★★写作效果★★★★★ 1. Recently many middle school students spend their money on unnecessary things. Different people have different opinions about it. Recently many middle school students spend their money on unnecessary things, which arouses people to think differently 2. Many boys learn to smoke. It does harm to their health. Many boys learn to smoke, . which Which does harm to their health. 八、 It 作形式主语或形式宾语句型 操作难度★★★写作效果★★★ 1. You pretend to know what you don ’ t know. It ’ s no good. 2. It is easy to get on with Pam. I find . It ’ s no good pretending to know what you don ’ t know. I find it easy to get on with Pam. 九、分词结构代替状语 / 定语从句 操作难度★★★★★写作效果★★★★★ 1. If you work harder, you will do better in the exam next time. , you will do better in the exam next time. 2. Because my friend was frightened of losing his job, he said nothing to the police. , my friend said nothing to the police. Working hard Frightened of losing his job 2. The moon travels round the earth once every month. The moon is a natural satellite of the earth. The moon , traveling round the earth once every month , is a natural satellite of the earth. 十、 with 引导的短语或者复合结构 操作难度★★★★ 写作效果★★★★★ With + 宾语 + adj./ adv./ 介词短语 /to dodoingdone 常用句型 with a population of … . with a total area of … with a long history of … years 1) 这个地区占地 2000 平方千米,人口 10 万。 This area covers an area of 2000 square kilometers, . 2) 我们学校周围种了很多花和树,吸引了大量的学生来参观。 , it attracts a large number of people. 3 )没有做完作业,这个小孩不敢去上学。 , the boy dared not go to school. 4) 这两个男人早早就睡了,蜡烛烧了一个晚上。 The two men went to bed early, . with a population of 100,000 . With so many trees and flowers surrounding our school . with candles burning a night long With homework not finished 一、 肯定不如双否好 二、 陈述不如倒装妙 三、 主动不如被动巧 四、从句不如分词傲 高级句式使用的原则:抓住高考阅卷老师的心理的秘诀 四“不如” 誊写规范不要少 修辞的使用在书面表达中算作很大的亮点,在高中阶段很少有学生会注重修辞的应用。双重否定也是种修辞,而且对于考生来说,只要稍加注意,可以在文章中设计双重否定的句子。就变成了亮点句,起到强调作用。 一、肯定不如双否好 I couldn’t have made so much progress in English without his help. I have made great progress in English with his help. The postman comes on time every day. . The postman never fails to come on time   倒装是一种最简单易行的使句子呈现亮点的方法。在高中阶段只需掌握倒装的四种形式,足以应对书面表达,如何应用倒装,有很多方法和技巧。 1. Only when we realize the importance of environmental protection can we solve the problem of pollution. 2. So precious is time that we can’t afford to waste it. 3. Diligent as he was, he failed in passing the exam. 4. By no means should teenagers get into the habit of smoking. 二、陈述不如倒装妙 1. 否定词开头: 2. Not until/till 5 pm. did he come here yesterday. 3. It was not until/till 5 pm. that he came here yesterday. 1. He didn’t come here until 5 pm. yesterday. 把地点状语放在句首后面主谓倒装。这样做的好处之一是 倒装本身就是高级结构 ,第二是 倒装后把真正的主语放到了句子的末尾,后面还可以继续加从句 , 使整个句子再呈现更多的亮点 。 2. 地点状语开头 Our library is in the center of our school. In the center of our school lies our library. On the bank stand some flowers. In the sky hang little stars. Our library lies in the center of our school. It is between the garden and the teaching building. In the center of our school lies our library , which is between the garden and the teaching building. Only in this way can we achieve our goal. 3.Only 的倒装句: Only in this way can I improve my English Only by taking exercises can we keep healthy 4.as : 1. Young as I am, I can manage it 2. Rich as our country is, we have a lot of problems 3. Badly injured as he was, he managed to take down the car’s number. Try as you will, you won’t manage it 三、主动不如被动巧 英语中经常用被动语态,汉语经常用主动语态;英语中经常用是事物或形式主语开头,强调一件事发生在什么人身上,而汉语经常用人称开头强调一个人发生了什么事。所以使用被动语态符合英语的习惯,如果能将整个文章中 两个句子 变成被动语态,就会呈现句型的变化,使整篇文章句型丰富。 每次可以借五本书最多借十天 (2006NMET) We can borrow five books at most, and we can keep them for ten days. At most five books can be borrowed at a time and they can be kept for ten days. 哪种表达法分数会更高? 几乎所有的状语从句都可以变成独立主格或分词结构,时间状语从句,原因状语,条件状语等。例如条件状语从句: If such is the case, you should apologize to her. 如何变成独立主格或分词结构呢?学会下面的口诀,如果你的作文中有状语从句,马上可改成独立主格或分词结构这个最大的亮点。 四、从句不如分词傲 口诀:一去,二看,三改。 一去:去连词;二看:看主语;三改:改分词。 第一步,去掉连词 if ; If such is the case, you should apologize to her. 第二步,看前后两句话的主语,前后主语不一致, 所以要改成独立主格; 第三步,改分词, is 变成分词是 being 最后变成 Such being the case, you should apologize to her 如果前后两句话主语一致,就变成分词结构。 [ 原文 ] The young man couldn’t help crying when he heard the bad news. [ 修正 ] Hearing the bad news, the young man couldn’t help crying. [ 原文 ] If everything is taken into consideration, we ought to have another chance. [ 修正 ] Everything taken into consideration, we ought to have another chance. 1 When he arrives, please give me an e-mail. (使用 V-ing 形式) . 2. To his surprise, the little girl knows so many things. (使用名词性从句) 3. He did not know what had happened until he had read the news in the newspaper .( 使用强调句型 ) 4. I passed the physics exam because of your help.( 用虚拟语气) On his arriving , please give me an e-mail. What surprises him is that the little girl knows so many things. Practice 改写句子 It was not until he had read the news in the newspaper that he knew what had happened. I couldn’t have passed the physics exam but for your help. 5. They sang and laughed as they went back to school.( 使用 V-ing 形式 ) 6 . If you study hard, you will make rapid progress. (用并列句) 7 . He had no sooner come back from Beijing than he was sent abroad. ( 使用倒装句 ) No sooner had he come back from Beijing than he was sent abroad. Singing and laughing , they went back to school. Study hard and you’ll make rapid progress. 1. 通过使用网络与家人联系是很方便的 ( 2010 南通模拟) It is convenient to keep in touch with your family by using the Internet. 2. 我们所需要做的 是冷静下来 , 反思我们的学习方法。 ( 2010 扬州模拟) What we need to do is to calm down and reflect on our learning method. 3. 只有以这种方式, 我们才能进步。 ( 2010 潍坊模拟) Only in this way, can we make progress. 熟能生巧 Translate the sentences 4. 我们对自己的态度才是最关键的 。 ( 2010 苏州模拟) It is our attitude to ourselves that matters(counts). 5 . 坐在一盘子粽子前,这个男孩不知道如何打开他们。( unwrap) ( 2010 淄博模拟) Sitting before a plate of zongzi, the boy didn’t know how to unwrap them . 6. 正如图中所示,爱就像黑暗中的一盏灯。 ( 2008 北京模拟) As is shown in the picture, love is like a lamp in the dark. 但是值得提醒的是,同学们在使用复杂的句型和结构时,要有把握能正确地表达;也要注意分寸,应根据书面表达的内容和篇章结构而定,做到地道得体,千万不能生搬硬套,画蛇添足。 多看 多背 多模仿 多翻译 1. To his surprise, the little girl knows so many things. (使用名词性从句) 3. He did not know what had happened until he had read the news in the newspaper .( 使用强调句型 ) 4. I passed the physics exam because of your help.( 用虚拟语气) What surprises him is that the little girl knows so many things. Practice 怎样使用较丰富的句式和高级词汇 It was not until he had read the news in the newspaper that he knew what had happened. I couldn’t have passed the physics exam but for your help. 5. She walked out of the lab and many students followed her. ( 使用过去分词 ) 6. They sang and laughed as they went back to school.( 使用 V-ing 形式 ) 7.I won’t believe what he says. ( no matter what 状语从句) 8 . If you study hard, you will make rapid progress. (祈使句 +and… ) Followed by many students , she walked out of the lab. Singing and laughing , they went back to school. No matter what he says , I won’t believe. Study hard and you’ll make rapid progress. 9 . He had no sooner come back from Beijing than he was sent abroad. ( 使用倒装句 ) 10.We all think he is a great man. (think highly of) 11.As a result the plan was a failure. (turn out) 12. When he spoke, he felt more and more excited. (the more…the more) No sooner had he come back from Beijing than he was sent abroad. We all think highly of him . The plan turned out to be a failure. The more he spoke, the more excited he felt. 书写潦草、字数不够 或未能传达读者任何信息,得 分 0 卷面不整洁 ; 涂改较多 ; 语言 错误多 ; 层次不清 ; 得 分 5 Not good! Worse! Neat! Thank you

