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高考写作中常用经典句型 考生要想取得高分作文,除了使用必要的高级词汇以外,经典句型的合理使用,也成为获得高分作文的法宝,下面是作者在高考阅卷中,从高分试卷中摘录下来的经典句型。 经典一: prefer to do A rather than do B 喜欢做 A 事而不愿做 B 事 [例 1 ] After hard study, I prefer to listen to music to relax myself rather than play mobile games. 苦学之后,我宁愿听音乐放松自己而不是玩手机游戏。 经典二: There was a time when… 曾经有段时间 …… (用于讲经历) [例2] There was a time when I was ill at home, and my classmates came to my home every day to help me with my study, which moved me a lot.曾经有段时间我生病在家,我的同学每天到我家来帮助我学习,这让我非常感动。 经典三:It is not unusual for sb. to do sth. 对某人来说做某事很常见 [例3] It is not unusual for students to have endless assignment to do every day.对学生来说每天有大量的作业要做是很正常的。 经典四: The reason why…is that… …… 的原因是因为 …… [例4] The reason why I woke up late this morning is that my alarm clock didn’t work at that time.我起晚的原因是因为那时我的闹钟没有响铃。 经典五: was/were about to do when… 正要做 …… 突然 …… [例5] Tom was about to leave for work when the phone rang.汤姆正要离开去上班突然电话铃声响了。 [例6] The movie was about to be shown when it began to rain.电影即将放之时映突然天下起了雨。 经典六: Only in this way can we… 只有用这种方法我们才能 …… [ 例7] Only in this way can we cope with the problems we are faced with.只有用这种方法我们才能解决我们所面临的问题。 经典七: A discussion on…be carried out… ( 在某时某地 ) 开展关于 …… 的讨论 [例8] A discussion on how to reduce the students’ burden will be carried out among the teachers in the school lecture hall this Friday.本周五老师们在校阶梯教室要进行关于如何减轻学生负担的讨论。 仿写练习 1. 我喜欢晚上看书而不是看电视。 I prefer to reading in the evening rather than watch TV. 2. 我曾经很害羞,但那时我却交了很多朋友。 There was a time when I was very shy, but then I made many friends. 3. 老师每周工作很多小时属于正常现象。 It is not unusual for teachers to work many hours every weekend. 4. 我想看电视是因为它让人很放松。 The reason why I like watching TV is that it is very relaxing. 5. 学生正准备考试,突然火灾警报响了。 The students were about to begin the test when the fire alarm sounded. 6. 只有用这种方式我们才能达到我们的目标。 Only in this way can we succeed in achieving our goal. 7. 今天下午将要讨论关于学校校服的问题。 A discussion on school uniforms will be carried out this afternoon. 8. 曾有一段时间我对自己的英语感到很失望,然而在老师的帮助下,我的英语很快取得了进步。 There was a time when I was disappointed with my English. However, with my teacher’s help, I made rapid progress in my English. 9. 上周在学生中间开展了关于是否允许学生带手机进校的辩论。 A debate on whether students are allowed to bring their phones to school was carried out among the students last week. 10. 只有这种方法你才能够解决你和你父母的分歧。 Only in this way can you resolve the differences between you and your parents. 11. 他没有参加你的生日聚会是因为他生病在床。 The reason why he was absent from your birthday party is that he was ill in bed. 12. 老师说学生在课间玩手机游戏再正常不过了。 Teachers claim that it is not unusual for students to play games on their mobile phones during the break. Thank you!

