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‎1.核心单词 ‎(1)compete (vi.) 比赛;竞争→competition (n.) 竞争→competitive (adj.) 竞争的;有竞争性的→competitor (n.) 竞争者 ‎(2)admit (vt. &vi.) 容许;承认;接纳→admission (n.) 准入;准许→admitted (过去式/过去分词)‎ ‎(3)host (vt.) 做东;主办;招待 (n.) 主人 ‎(4)responsibility (n.) 责任;职责→responsible (adj.) 有责任心的 ‎(5)replace (vt.) 取代;替换;代替→replacement (n.) 替换;更换 ‎(6)charge (vt. &vi.) 收费;控诉 (n.) 费用;主管 ‎(7)advertise (vt. &vi.) 做广告;登广告→advertiser (n.)广告商→advertisement (n.) 广告 ‎(8)bargain (vi.) 讨价还价;讲条件 (n.) 便宜货 ‎(9)deserve (vi. &vt.) 应受(报答或惩罚);值得 ‎2.阅读单词 ‎(1)ancient (adj.) 古代的;古老的 ‎(2)magical (adj.) 巫术的;魔术的;有魔力的 ‎(3)volunteer (n.) 志愿者;志愿兵 (adj.) 志愿的;义务的 (vt. &vi.) 自愿 ‎(4)regular (adj.) 规则的;定期的;常规的 ‎(5)athlete (n.) 运动员;运动选手 ‎(6)motto (n.) 座右铭;格言;警句 ‎(7)swift (adj.) 快的;迅速的 ‎(8)physical (adj.) 物理的;身体的 ‎(9)foolish (adj.) 愚蠢的;傻的 ‎(10)pain (n.) 疼痛;痛苦 ‎【即景活用】‎ 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空 ‎1.We meet ________ (regular) to discuss business.‎ 答案:regularly ‎2.It was ________ (fool) of you to refer to your notes in such an important test.‎ 答案:foolish ‎3.It has helped me become stronger, both mentally and ________ (physical).‎ 答案:physically ‎4.My sister bought this Tshirt at such a low price. She was really good at ________ (bargain).‎ 答案:bargaining ‎5.You have grown up and you need to take ________(responsible) for your actions.‎ 答案:responsibility ‎6.She has the qualifications for _______(admit) to the college.‎ 答案:being admitted ‎7.He is unfit for his job and must ________(replace).‎ 答案:be replaced ‎8.The little girl tried her best to win the ________(compete).‎ 答案:competition ‎9.He ________(fine) for parking his car in the wrong place.‎ 答案:was fined ‎10.She's in a ________(hope) situation, which we will keep a very close eye on.‎ 答案:hopeless 联想积累 ‎1.与“运动员”相关的常见名词 ‎①athlete 运动员 ‎②competitor 竞争者 ‎③champion 冠军 ‎④coach 教练员 ‎⑤captain 队长 ‎⑥referee 裁判员 ‎⑦amateur 业余选手 ‎⑧professional 职业选手 ‎2.动词+sion后缀变名词 ‎①admit→admission 容许;承认 ‎②permit→permission 允许 ‎③impress→impression 印象 ‎④express→expression 表情;表达 ‎⑤revise→revision 复习 ‎3.含有否定后缀less的形容词 ‎①aimless 无目的的 ‎②avoidless 无法避免的 ‎③breathless 上气不接下气的 ‎④careless 粗心的 ‎⑤childless 无子女的 ‎⑥endless 没完没了的 ‎⑦faithless 不忠实的 ‎⑧fearless 无畏的 ‎⑨homeless 无家可归的 ‎⑩countless 无数的;不计其数的 ‎1.take_part_in参加;参与 ‎2.stand_for代表;象征;表示 ‎3.as_well也;又;还 ‎4.in_charge主管;看管 ‎5.on_purpose故意地;蓄意地 ‎6.make a bargain with sb. 与某人达成协议 ‎7.pick up 拾起;接收;搭车;(偶然)学会 ‎8.work out 计算出;理解;解决;锻炼;‎ 制订出……‎ ‎9.one after another 一个接一个地 ‎10.on a regular basis 定期地;经常地 ‎【即景活用】‎ 用所给短语的适当形式填空 stand for, pick up, as well, one after another, take part in, work out ‎1.We are very happy to have the chance to ________ the competition on behalf of our school.‎ 答案:take part in ‎2.It wasn't too long before we had ________ a plan acceptable to all.‎ 答案:worked out ‎3.We should stick to the principles and be flexible ________ .‎ 答案:as well ‎4.It was time for break and students came out of the classroom ________ .‎ 答案:one after another ‎5.I'll ________you ________at your home at 8 o'clock in the morning.‎ 答案:pick; up ‎6.As we all know, our national flag ________our country.‎ 答案:stands for 联想积累 ‎1.“动词+for”短语小结 ‎①run for竞选 ‎②ask for要求得到 ‎③wait for等候 ‎④long for渴望 ‎⑤stand for代表;象征;表示 ‎⑥hope/wish for希望得到 ‎⑦care for照看;照料;喜欢 ‎⑧beg for恳求 ‎⑨apply for 申请 ‎2.有无定冠词意义不同的短语 ‎①in charge of 主管;负责 in the charge of 被……掌管 ‎②in control of 控制;管理 in the control of 被……控制 ‎③in possession of 占有;拥有 in the possession of 被……占有;为……所有 ‎1.Women are not only allowed, but play a very important role in gymnastics, athletics, team sports and ... ‎ 妇女不仅允许参加比赛,而且她们还在体操、田径和团体等比赛项目中起着非常重要的作用……‎ ‎2.This is important because the more you speak English, the better your English will become.‎ 这很重要,因为你说英语越多,你的英语就会变得越好。‎ ‎【句式仿写】‎ ‎1.For one thing, it ____________builds up our body ____________ helps us learn more efficiently in turn.‎ 一方面,这不仅有助于我们强身健体,而且相应地有助于我们更高效地学习。‎ 答案:not only; but also ‎2.In our daily life, we believe in an old saying: ________ , ________ .‎ 在日常生活中,我们相信一句古话:越多越好。‎ 答案:The more; the better 联想积累 not only ... but also ... 用法大会 ‎①not only ... but also ... 是并列连词,连接两个相对称的并列成分(如:主语、谓语、表语、宾语、状语),也可以用来连接两个句子,强调后者。also有时可以省略。‎ ‎②not only ... but also ... 连接两个句子,not only在句首时,其后的句子用部分倒装,but also后的句子不用倒装。‎ ‎③当连接两个主语时,谓语动词单复数的确定遵循“就近一致”原则。‎ ‎[单词点津]‎ compete vi. 比赛;竞争 ‎[教材原句]How many countries competed in the ancient Olympic Games?‎ 多少国家参加古代奥林匹克运动会?‎ ‎(1)compete in 参加……比赛;在……方面竞争 compete for 为……而竞争 compete with/against ... for ... 为争取……而与……对抗/竞争 ‎(2)competition n. 比赛 competitor n. 竞争者;对手 competitive adj. 有竞争力的 ‎【特别提醒】‎ compete 多用作不及物动词,必须跟适当的介词才能跟宾语。表示“与某人比赛”用with或against;表示比赛的目的用for;表示比赛参与的项目时用in。‎ ‎【即景活用】‎ 单句语法填空 ‎①Online voting becomes increasingly popular, and many ________ (compete) get people involved in it.‎ ‎②________ (compete) is fierce and the chief prize is a gold medal.‎ ‎③Nobody can entirely keep away from this ________ (compete) world.‎ ‎④You cannot compete ________ others in the job market if you don't have a special skill.‎ ‎⑤Runners from many countries are competing ________ the international prize.‎ 答案:①competitors ②Competition ③competitive ‎④with/against ⑤for admit vt. 容许;承认;接纳 ‎[教材原句]Only athletes who have reached the agreed standard for their event will be admitted as competitors.‎ 只有达到该比赛项目规定水平的运动员才被允许参加比赛。‎ ‎(1)admit (doing/having done) sth. 承认(做)某事 admit+n.+to be ... 承认……是……‎ admit sb./sth. into/to 允许某人/某物进入/加入 be admitted as ... 作为……被接受 ‎(2)admission n. 进入;入场费;承认 ‎【即景活用】‎ 单句语法填空 ‎①All of my classmates are working hard in order to be admitted ________ a key university.‎ ‎②When the police questioned him, George admitted ________ (steal) the car.‎ ‎③Up till now ________ (admit) to college is gained by exam only.‎ 答案:①to/into ②stealing/having stolen ③admission replace vt. 取代;替换;代替;把……放回原处 ‎[教材原句]So even the olive wreath has been replaced!‎ 就连橄榄枝花环也被取代了!‎ ‎(1)replace sb./sth. 取代某人/某物 replace A with B 用B替换A ‎(2)in place of 代替 take one's place=take the place of sb. 代替某人 take place 发生 in place在正确的位置;准备妥当 out of place 不在适当的位置;不恰当 ‎【即景活用】‎ ‎(1)单句语法填空 It is generally believed that teachers will never ________ (replace) with computers in class.‎ 答案:be replaced ‎(2)完成句子 ‎①She can't attend the meeting, so her assistant will __________________ .‎ 她无法出席会议,所以她的助手将代替她出席。‎ ‎②With everything ________ , she started the slide show.‎ 一切就绪,她开始放幻灯片。‎ 答案:①take the place of her/take her place ②in place charge vt. & vi. 收费;控诉 n. 费用;主管 ‎[教材原句]duty to be in charge and get in trouble if things go wrong 有管理的责任,如果事情出现问题,将会陷入麻烦 ‎(1)charge sb. for sth. 为某物向某人收取费用 charge sb. with (doing) sth. 控告某人(做)某事 ‎(2)take charge of 掌管/负责……‎ in charge of 控制/管理/负责……‎ in the charge of 受……的管理/由……负责 free of charge 免费 ‎【即景活用】‎ 完成句子 ‎①These patients were ________________ Dr Wilson.‎ 这些病人由威尔逊医生治疗。‎ ‎②The boss asked him to ________________ the office for a few days while she was away.‎ 老板让他在她离开时掌管办公室几天。‎ ‎③He ____________ murder, which surprised us all.‎ 他被指控犯有谋杀罪,这使我们都非常吃惊。‎ ‎④We can deliver goods to your door ____________ .‎ 我们可以免费送货上门。‎ 答案:①in the charge of ②take charge of ③was charged with ④free of charge bargain n. 便宜货 vi. 讨价还价;讲条件 ‎[教材原句]Her father said that she must marry, so Atlanta made a bargain with him.‎ 她的父亲说她必须嫁人,于是亚特兰大就和她的父亲达成了一个协议。‎ bargain with sb. about/over ... (=make a bargain with sb. about/over sth.)就某事和某人讨价还价 a good/bad bargain买得合算/不合算 It's a real bargain.这可真是个便宜货。‎ ‎【即景活用】‎ 完成句子 ‎①Dealers __________________growers________the price of ‎ coffee.‎ 商人正在与种植者就咖啡的价格进行商洽。‎ ‎②In my opinion, the car was ____________at that price.‎ 在我看来,以那个价格买了这辆车真是合算。‎ 答案:①are bargaining with; about/over ②a good bargain ‎[短语点拨]‎ take part in参加;参与 ‎[教材原句]Who could not take part in the ancient Olympic Games?‎ 谁不能参加古代奥运会?‎ ‎【特别提醒】‎ ‎(1)take part in是固定短语,part前一般不用冠词,但是当part前有形容词修饰时,形容词前要用不定冠词。‎ ‎(2)在使用take part in时,若其后无宾语,则不加介词in。‎ ‎【即景活用】‎ ‎(1)单句改错 He will take a part in an important race across the Atlantic.‎ ‎________________________________________________________‎ 答案:去掉take后的a ‎(2)完成句子 ‎①It goes without saying that __________________________can broaden our horizons.‎ 不言而喻,积极参加社会活动能开阔我们的视野。‎ ‎②China is____________________________the international affairs.‎ 中国在国际事务中正起着越来越重要的作用。‎ 答案:①taking an active part in social activities ‎②playing a more and more important part in stand for 代表;象征;表示;主张;支持;容忍 ‎[教材原句]What do the five rings on the Olympic flag stand for?‎ 奥运会会旗上的五环代表什么?‎ ‎【即景活用】‎ 完成句子 ‎①“FOMO” is an acronym that ____________the “fear of missing out.”‎ ‎“FOMO”是fear of missing out的首字母缩略词,表示“害怕错过什么”。‎ ‎②Zhou Dongyu, the socalled “Mou girl”, ________ ________ when she starred in the film soulmate (《七月与安生》).‎ ‎“谋女郎”周冬雨在自己主演的电影《七月与安生》中表现出色。‎ ‎③Don't just ________ . Can't you lend a hand?‎ 别只是袖手旁观,你不能帮一下忙吗?‎ 答案:①stands for ②stood out ③stand by as well 也;又;还(常放在句子末尾,作为副词短语使用)‎ ‎[教材原句]For each Olympics, a special village is built for them to live in, a main reception building, several stadiums for competitions,and a gymnasium as well.‎ 每届奥运会都要建一个特殊的村庄(奥运村)让参赛的人住,一个主接待楼、几个比赛用的体育场及一个体育馆。‎ as well 也(置于肯定句句末)‎ as well as 也;和(用来连接两个并列成分)‎ as well as ... 同……一样好 may/might (just) as well do sth.倒不如做某事;不妨做某事 ‎【特别提醒】‎ as well as 常用来连接两个并列成分,如名词、形容词、动词等,通常不位于句首。它强调的是前一项,后一项只是顺便提及。因此连接并列主语时,谓语动词与前一项一致;翻译时要先译后面,再译前面。‎ ‎【即景活用】‎ ‎(1)单句改错 Tom, as well as his friends, are going to visit the exhibition.‎ ‎________________________________________________________‎ 答案:are→is ‎(2)完成句子 ‎①Air is necessary for people. It is necessary for plants ____________ .‎ 对人而言,空气是必不可少的,对植物来说也是一样。‎ ‎②Since you will know the matter sooner or later, I ____________ tell you now.‎ 既然你迟早都会知道这件事,我现在告诉你也无妨。‎ 答案:①as well ②may/might as well ‎[句型与语法]‎ ‎[教材原句]No other countries could join in, nor could slaves or women!‎ 别的国家不能参加,奴隶和妇女也不能参加!‎ ‎(1)“nor/neither+助动词/系动词be/情态动词+主语”构成倒装句型,意为“……也不这样”,表示某人或某物也有前面说过的情况(否定情况)。‎ ‎(2)“so+助动词/系动词be/情态动词+主语”,意为“……也是如此”,表示某人或某物也有前面说过的情况(肯定情况)。‎ ‎(3)“so+主语+助动词/系动词be/情态动词”,表示说话人同意对方的观点或对前文内容加以强调或肯定,意为“……的确如此”。‎ ‎(4)如果前面句子的谓语既有肯定又有否定,或者形式不同,就用句型So it is/was with ... 或It is/was the same with ...。‎ ‎【即景活用】‎ 完成句子 ‎①He didn't know what would happen, and ______________ .‎ 他不知道会发生什么,我也不知道。‎ ‎②If you go to the cinema tonight, ______________ .‎ 如果你今晚去看电影,我也去。‎ ‎③Mary was born in Australia and she lived in the United States. ________________________ .‎ 玛丽在澳大利亚出生,在美国居住。简也是。‎ ‎④—Putin has been named the world's most powerful person by Forbes magazine for the fourth year in a row.‎ ‎—____________________ .‎ ‎——普京连续四年被《福布斯》杂志评为全球最具影响力人物。‎ ‎——确实是。‎ 答案:①neither/nor did I ②so will I ③It is the same with Jane/So it is with Jane ④So he has ‎[教材原句]A new village for the athletes and all the stadiums will be built to the east of London.‎ 在伦敦东部将要建一个能够容纳运动员和所有运动场馆的村子。‎ 一般将来时的被动语态由“will/shall+be+及物动词的过去分词”构成,单纯地表示将来的事实,常与表示将来的时间状语,如tomorrow, next week, in a few years等连用。‎ 其否定式及疑问式:‎ ‎(1)否定式:won't/shan't+be+及物动词的过去分词 ‎(2)一般疑问式:will/shall+主语+be+及物动词的过去分词 ‎(3)特殊疑问式:疑问词+will/shall+主语+be+及物动词的过去分词 ‎(4)①be going to be done ‎②be to be done ‎③be about to be done 也可用来表达相同意思。‎ ‎【即景活用】‎ 单句语法填空 ‎①It is reported that a space station ________ (build) on the Moon in years to come.‎ ‎②The 2022 Winter Olympic Games ________ (hold) in Beijing.‎ ‎③If you are caught smoking at school, you ________ (punish).‎ ‎④They are going ________ (send) to work in Tibet for two years.‎ 答案:①will be built ②will be held ③shall be punished ④to be sent There are certain similarities and many significant differences between the modern __1__ancient Olympics. The similarities are: both __2__(hold) every four years; they have __3__(run) races; also there is no prize money for winners.‎ However, there are differences between them. In ancient Olympics, there was only one set of Games and no women and no slaves could take part. The__4__(compete) only came from Greece. __5__modern Olympics, there __6__(be) two main sets of Games—the Winter and the Summer Olympics. Only__7__(that)who have reached the __8__ (agree)standard for their event will be admitted as competitors. They may come from anywhere in the world. There are over 250 sports and each one has its own standard. Women are not only allowed, but also play__9__very important role in almost all the events.‎ Hosting the Olympic Games is a great honour. The Olympic motto is “__10_ (swift), Higher and Stronger.”‎ ‎1.________  2.________  3.________  4.________  5.________  6.________  7.________  8.________  9.________  10.________ ‎ 答案:1.and  2.are held 3.running 4.competitors ‎5.In 6.are 7.those 8.agreed 9.a 10.Swifter

